Stone wave. Australia

Means "entrance to the lake" - in this place an extensive network of rivers and lakes in the ocean, creating ideal conditions for fisheries.

And indeed, on the pier in Laykes-Anntrans stood a lot of fishing trawlers, who immediately sold fresh fish and shrimp. Almost all of all holidaymakers in this place of Victoria could see the boat, many hotels have corners with tables for cutting fish.

Well, where there is a fish, there are pelicans.

And fishermen, respectively ...

In general, except for fish and pairs of beaches, there is nothing to view in Lake-Anntrans, except for private marine Museum Griffiths Sea Shell Museum, where it was possible to find simply tons of various types of shells, hurried and dried fish and other sea shoes.

Not far from Lake Anntrans Located a Banca Caves (Buchan Caves).

Well, after visiting the caves it was nice to skip the mug of local beer in Bullant Brewery brewer.

25 Aug 2012 12:12

In Canberra, we were already in 2008, stopping for a couple of days along the way in Sydney. Then we saw that there were many places in the city that could be visited in a few days.

Before departure from Canberra, the building of the Australia Parliament was visited. At the entrance stood a few policemen who missed visitors through the frame, as at airports. Walking through the halls and cabinets, visiting the green roof, we went further ...

15 AUG 2012 02:10

The Economist Intelligence Unit consulting group has published its best cities in the world and the second year in a row headed Melbourne.

The first ten cities looks like this:

Great Ocean Road

20 Jul 2012 03:02

In December last year we rolled the Great Ocean Road and only yesterday they added all from that trip.

All the way can be driving in one day, if you leave early in the morning, stop not everywhere, but to return directly on the highway. In order not to rush with sightseeing, we stayed for a couple of nights right in the center of the road, in the town of Port Campbell (Summer "S REST UNITS).

On the first day it was overcast, so I had to put the jackets, but the sun came out on the second day and it became much more fun.

Several attractions that we visited:

Despite S18 (1) of the Spam ACT 2003 (CTH), I Agree and Acknowledge That aNY MESSAGE VODAFONE SENDS ME WILL NOT CONTAIN AN UMSUBSCRIBE FACILITY. I UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN, AT Any Time, Opt Out of Receiving Marketing Material by Contacting Vodafone Customer Care.

In general, Australian laws can not be fulfilled, the main thing to report this small font.

23 Feb 2012 05:13

The name "MacPherson" (Macpherson) was received from his stepfather Nale Macmpson.

Due to its ideal proportions of the body (90-61-89), at 18 years old, El signs the first contract with the well-known model agency Click Model Management.

In 1985, El decides to marry the photographer and creative director of Elle Gilles Bensimon (Gilles Bensimon), which was over 20 years old. Thanks to her marriage, El has appeared in each issue of ELLE magazine for six years.

In 1986, El got on the cover of Time magazine. By that time, she was already on the covers of such magazines such as Cosmopolitan, GQ, Harper "s Bazaar, Vogue and Playboy. Also for his career, El appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine six times.

In 1989, MacPherson and Bensimon divorced, and together with her husband El lost and his largest employer - ELL magazine. This period in the career and life of the girl is not easy, but El takes himself in hand and decides to go further.

El Macpherson in the movie "On the Edge"

In 1990, the first film was released on the screens with the participation of the famous model - "Alice", director Woody Allen. Next she plays in several paintings: "Sirens" (with Hugh Grant), "Batman and Robin" (with George Clooney), "on the verge" (with Anthony Hopkins) and others.

Also in 1990, MacPherson launched its Lower Lingerie Elle Macpherson Intimates, which is sold exclusively in Australia.

In 1995, together with girlfriends super-models, El discovered a network of restaurants Fashion Café, which did not profitably and was closed in 1998.

In 1999, El Macherson starred in five episodes of the popular series "Friends).

In 2003, El was engaged with the French financier Arpad Busson (Arpad Busson), from which she gave birth to two sons - Flynn (Flynn) in 1998 and Saya (CY) in 2003.

In 2005, the couple broke up, and today El and children live in London.


22 Feb 2012 02:08

I read today in the local newspaper about what should be done on travels, and see such advice:

Smile. Always smile.

IT "LL GET YOU PLACES You Wouldn" T Believe. From Persuading Parisian Waiters to Speak English to Figuring Out Where The Hell You "Re Supposed to Be Sitting On That Train, a Little Smile and a Good Attitude Will Get You Help in No Time. NB: THERE" S An Exception to This Rule - IT "S Called Russia. (They" Ll Think You "Re Mad.)

In translation:

Smile! Always smile.

It will open so much new opportunities for you that you did not dream about. For example, a waiter from Paris suddenly speaks English, or you will finally find it eb @ #% of the place in the train, - just smile and behave a little and behave accordingly.

One exception to this rule is Russia. They will think that you are crazy.

Wave Rock is an amazing beauty of a rock education in Western Australia. Just 340 km from Perth is a place that hundreds of thousands of tourists visit every year. Granite wave, stone tsunami - describe this place with words rather difficult, not enough epithets in the world! The most convenient for the rock is to get from the small town of Khaiden, 15 minutes by car - and you are in place. You can come here yourself or purchase vouchers and go on a group excursion with an experienced guide.

The visible part of the cliff rises above the ground for a height of about 15 meters, and its length is 110 meters. According to the hypothesis of scientists, the rock wave appeared more than 27 million years ago. Over the centuries, Wave Rock has occupied the most important place in culture local population. The aborigines noted the similarity of a stone wave with real water and believed that it was in this place that the forces of the spirits and the forces of nature were hung.

Today, Australians with special honor are related to such places and make tremendous efforts in order to preserve the beauty of such natural attractions for descendants. In 1951, a dam was built to protect the stone wave from natural destruction and the possible negative effects of rainwater.

Recently, annual rock festivals are held in the area, which are not only simple admirers of serious music, but performers with world name, such as Sugar Army, Day of The Dead and Jamie T. Usually this event takes place in the second half of September.

Have you been in this place and wrote about it in a blog?


Hyden, Wave Rock

Wave Rock (Rock "Wave") - Natural mountain formation, located 350 km east of Perth, near the small town of Hyden (Hyden) in Western Australia. This cliff is one of the attractions that we wanted to see during our travel in Western Australia in August 2014.

ThenomadiceXplorers, 3 Apr 2015, 11:00

Hyden & Wave Rock

Hyden was founded in the 1920s, when the government allowed the use of land for agriculture and became these land to distribute farmers. In the 1930s spent railwaywhich tied the municipality with Perth. In addition to local attractions - a couple of unbelievous caves with a certain similarity of Aboriginal Art, the main force attracting the tourist in the region is natural monument called Wave Rock - rock wave.

Kaihopara, 16 Jul 2013, 04:19

Western Australia - Southern Ring

This time decided to drive on Cepers in the southern part of Western Australia. Unfortunately, for such a trip you need quite a few vacation time, which is never enough, so it was decided to break the trip into two parts.

Anzhiv, 30 Mar 2012, 10:01

Perhaps everyone knows that Australia is famous for its magnificent waves, thanks to which it attracts thousands of divers from all over the world. However, there is another unusual wave in Australia, to conquer, which is possible without a board for surfing and skimming. We are talking about the Australian Stone Wave - the rock of an unusual form.

This natural phenomenon It is called the "stone wave" or "rock wave", and he received its name because the rock looks as if someone frozen the rock or turned into stone sculpture. Located this famous landmark in Western Australia, not far from little City Hayden. Every year, more than 140 thousand tourists arrive at this miracle of the world.

The overall length of the cliff is 110 meters, and the height is 15 meters. Scientists argue about the age of this rock, and the most courageous forecasts argue that a stone wave is more than two and a half billion years. A distinctive feature of this natural phenomenon is that the rock does not have sharp corners, a smooth surface and a homogeneous structure in it. Legends go to the emergence of a stone wave in Australia. Aborigines believe that this trace left a rainbow snake. In distant times, this mythical character drank all the water on the nearby territory and the propolz on the ground, leaving behind such an incredible trace. That is why legends are made about a stone wave, and the indigenous Australians consider these territories to the sacred place. For example, the cliff is located in the rock, called so in honor of the cannibal boy. On the walls of this cave there are prints of human palms, however, they are located so high that the usual person does not get to them. Similar legends are very frightened by indigenous people, so Australians bypass a stone wave side.

Scientists belong to these stories with distrust and are looking for a scientific explanation. So, according to one of the versions, the rock was formed due to the flushing and weathering of rocks, but why it happened so beautiful and smoothly - it is not clear. According to another version, on the contrary, no cliff was washing out, but the grounds in contact with the rock, which led to the emergence of smooth transitions on the rock. The reliable response is currently unknown, but the beauty of this phenomenon affects everyone. Depending on the lighting change, the color of the cliff changes - it overflows, changing shades to more red and brown, then, on the contrary, becomes gray. Thus, from afar, it seems that it seems that this is a real wave, which emerged from the ground and suddenly froze. By the way, a similar phenomenon can be observed in another part of the planet - an Arizona wave is located in the USA. However, if the sandstone is at the heart of Arizona wave, the stone wave in Australia consists of granite.

In 1928, a small wall was erected on the crest of the wave. This is designed to draine water in a small reservoir, creating a water supply for the first European immigrants. Paradoxically, that on numerous photos from this place the wall is almost imperceptible.

Since 2005, since the Stone Wave, the Wave Rock Weekender Music Festival is held, which gathers thousands of Melomanian travelers. In general, about 140,000 tourists visits this attraction for the year. Each of them considers his duty to make a memorable photo in the Surfer Pose, the next wave. By the way, not far from the stone wave there is another unusual stone education - after 1 kilometer you can find the Hippos Yawn cave. Smooth walls of the cave make it similar to the mouth of the hypopotam.

Stone Waves (The Wave) - an amazing rock formation on the border of Arizona and Utah, on the slopes of Coyote Buttes in the desert cliffs of Canyon Vermilion (Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness), on the Colorado Plateau. Large red stone arrays resemble the waves frozen in time. The stone is actually a sand, which for 190 million years was lying and turned into a stone-like monolith and in the rains of the rains were polished with powerful streams of water. "Write" consists of intersecting U-shaped depressions, which were destroyed under the action of erosion in Navajojosandstone sandstone (Navajosandstone) in the Jurassic period.

The two main grooves that make up this rock formation are 19 meters wide by 36 meters long and 2 meters wide by 16 meters in length, respectively. At first, rare drains destroyed these gutters along the joints inside Sandstone sandstone (Navajo Sandstone). After the formation, the drainage pool, which provided with rain water with these gutters, decreased to such an extent that the drains ceased to contribute to the cutting of these depressions. As a result, the gutter is currently extremely deformed under the influence of wind. Near the waves are popular USA parks, such as Grand Canyon Park and American national Park ZION. To get to the wave, have to go 5 km on foot, and at the same time there are no more than 20 tourists per day in the wave zone, because Monoliths are very fragile and require a careful relationship.

Used photographic materials from sites:;

The coast of Australia is famous for its waves. Usually they are born in the ocean, they are constantly conquered by surfers. But there is another interesting wave, which you can "range", not possessing a surfboard, and not even having surfer skills. Moreover, even in the water do not have to climb.

In the southwestern part of the country in West Australia, there is a natural phenomenon, which is called a "stone wave" or "wave rock" (in the original Wave Rock). This natural education looks like someone enchanted and turned the usual wave into a stone.

Stone Wave on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (-32.443791, 118.897522)
  • Distance from the capital of Australia Canberra about 2800 km in a straight line
  • Before the nearest airport is Wave Rock (in the original Wave Rock Airport) of about 1.5 km to the north. But this is a very small airport for light aircraft.
  • Ravevstorp Airport 200 km south
  • PERT major airport 300 km to the west
  • Nearest locality - Hayden town of 3.5 kilometers to the west

The stone wave is located 300 meters from the road Wave Rock Road and is a semicircular protrusion of a granite rock, stretching from east to the west. Smooth, smooth structure, smooth transitions and absence of sharp edges are a distinctive feature of this ancient education.
The overall length of the cliff is about 110 meters. Its height reaches 15 meters. Looking at this grand monument, no other name besides the stone wave simply came to mind. Is that various variations on the topic "Frozen wave" or "stopped wave". Local residents And the whole world calls this sight just The Wave Rock (literally cliff wave).

Local tribes believed that the stone wave was made by a rainbow snake. Once upon a time, the serpent drank all the water on Earth and put in these places, leaving such an amazing trace. The aborigines naturally considered a stone wave of a sacred place where there are spirits of nature.

Scientists assume that a stone wave began to form more than 2.5 billion years ago by weathering and washing rocks. But this is why it happened so filigree and definitely not entirely understandable. According to some data, the millions of years washed without the granite rock itself, but a part of the surface layer of the Earth, exposing a more solid rock.
It is worth noting that the wave "plays" in the sun. That is, changes its color depending on the angle of falling sunlight. The vertical rocks of the cliffs are becoming reddish, then yellow, then gray, thereby even more reminding the most real wave.

Stone wave photo