Local population of Alaska. Alaska in literature

  • Alaska - the northernmost and largest in the territory of the United States; Located in the north-west of North America. In the Bering Strait has a naval border with Russia. Includes the pool of the Peninsula with the surrounding islands, the Aleuta Islands, the narrow strip of the Pacific coast together with the Isles of the Alexander Archipelago along the Western Border of Canada.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe land - 1717 854 km², of which 236,507 km² are to the water surface.
  • Population - 736 732 people. (2014).
  • Capital state - City of Juno.


The word "Alaska" comes from Aleutian Alah'sah 'or Ala'sh'a, that is, a whale place, or a whale abundance. Another interpretation of the name Alaska comes from the Aleutian word with the meaning of a large land, continent, peninsula.

Poetic nickname Alaska - "The Last Frontier" The Last Frontier). So Alaska is called because it was the last territories in the North American continent, who received January 3, 1959 the status of the 49th state of the United States, and also because of its remoteness from the main territory of the United States. Another nickname - "The Midnight Sun" Country (The Land of the Midnight Sun).


Alaska is located in the subarctic climate zone.

It is divided into 5 climatic zones:

  1. Sea zonecomprising southeast of Alaska, southern coast, and southwestern islands
  2. Sea continental zone, covering the West of the Bristol Gulf, as well as the Western Tip of the Central Zone. Summer temperatures here are subject to the effects of the open waters of the Bering Sea, in winter - temperatures are more continental, because the sea completely freezes in the coldest months of the year
  3. Transition zone Between the marine and continental areas covers the southern part of the basin of the Copper River, the bay of Cook, and the northern limits of the southern coastal zone
  4. Continental zone Includes the driers of the Copper River and its pool, as well as the internal areas of Alaska
  5. Arctic zone occupies the territory located north of the polar circle

An annual amount of precipitation in the sea zone of the southeastern part of Alaska, due to high humidity on the slopes of the mountain ranges, reaches 5080 mm, and up to 3810 mm along the northern coast of Alaska Bay. The amount of precipitation decreases almost to 1752 mm on the southern slopes of the Alaskan ridge on the Alaska Peninsula and the Aleutian Islands. Another north of precipitation is reduced to 305 mm in the continental zone, and up to 152 mm in the Arctic zone. A significant level of annual precipitation changes from snow loss.

The average annual temperature of Alaska varies from + 4 ° C in the south to -12 ° C on the northern sputs of the Brooks Ridge in the Arctic zone. Temperature differences at different times of the year are most characteristic of the central and eastern parts of continental internal regions.

  • In the summer months, the temperature here on average rises to + 21 ° C and even up to + 32 ° C.
  • In winter, in the absence of sunlight, the temperature is reduced to -10 ° C.
  • The average annual winter temperature from 1.1 ° C to -6.6 ° C.
  • In the marine zone, the average temperatures of summer and winter are changed from + 15 ° C to -6.6 ° C.

Administrative division

Unlike most other US states, where the main lower administrative unit of local governments is the district, the name of administrative units in Alaska - Boro. Another difference is another difference - 15 Boro and the municipality of Anchorage covers only part of the territory of Alaska. The rest of the territory does not have enough population for the formation of local self-government and forms the so-called unorganized boro, which for the purpose of the census and for the convenience of management was divided into the so-called census zones. There are 11 such zones on Alaska.


Prehistoric Alaska

The first traces of human habitat in Alaska are referring to the Paleolithic period, when the first people moved to the north-western part of North America through the Bering Streets, connecting Eurasia and America to one continent. According to different estimates, this happened somewhere 40-15 thousand years ago. Most likely is a period of 20 thousand years.

Further promotion of settlers deep into the depths of a significant ice cover that existed to the end of the Wisconsin glaciation (the last ice age on the mainland). The people then moved to the territory of modern Canada and settled in the future throughout America. Thus, Alaska became a house for Eskimos and other peoples.

Today, indigenous Alaskan nationalities are divided into several groups: southeastern coastal Americans (Trucites, Heyda, Cimshiana), Aleutov and two branches of Eskimos (Jupics and Inpiats). Through the territory of Alaska, the population of America was going on, which was held in three stages: Amerindes, on-den (Tvlinkites) and Eskimos. Eskimos and the relatives of them Aleuts are archeologically fixed with the III milk. BC (Paleooea), their ancestors created an archaeological ancient-Beringomorsor culture and culture of Tula.

Opening Alaska

It is assumed that the first Europeans who saw the shores of Alaska were participants in the Expedition of Dejnev's expedition in 1648, which were the first to break through the Bering Strait from the Sea to Wipe. In addition, there are excerct information about the visit of the Russian people of America in the XVII century.

The first Europeans who visited Alaska on August 21, 1732 were members of the Bota team "St. Gabriel "under the start of the geodesist M. S. Gvozdeva and Substurman I. Fedorova during the expedition A. F. Shestakova and D. I. Pavlutsky 1729-1735. The expedition of the novel recorded the territory of Cape Prince Wales.

  • In 1745, the Russian industrialists of Nodeskikov on the ship "St. Evdokim "stepped onto the shore of the Aleutian Island Attu, where there was a skirmish with Aleuts (the next Russian vessel" St. John Forerun "visited in 1760).
  • In 1753, the foot of the Russian Industrialist set foot on Adak Island, in 1756 - to the island of Tanaga.
  • In 1758, Bot "St. Iulian, "under the superior of Moralehode and the conveyor Stepan Glotov reached the Umnak from the Lisa group of Aleutian ridges. Three years spent the industrialists on smart and a neighboring big island - Unlasha, engaged in fishing and trafficking with locals.
  • Since 1774, the Spaniards started swimming for the North-West shores of America.
  • And in 1778, the expedition to the shores of Alaska took James Cook.

Russian America

In 1763-1765, the Aleutian Islands occurred the uprising of the natives, severely repressed by Russian industrialists. In 1772, the first commercial Russian settlement was founded on Aleuta Unlasha. In the summer of 1784, the expedition under the command of G. I. Shelekhova (1747-1795) landed on the Aleutian Islands and on August 14, he founded the Russian settlement of Kadiak. In 1791, the Fort Sv was founded on American mainland. Nicholas. In 1792/1793, the expedition of the industrialist Vasily Ivanov reached the banks of the Yukon River.

In September 1794, an Orthodox mission of 8 monks from Valaam and Konevsky Monasteries and Alexander Nevsky Lavra, headed by Archimandrite Ioasaf, arrived at the island of Kodiak. Immediately on arrival, the missionaries immediately began to erect the temple and turn the pagans to the Orthodox faith. From 1816, married priests served on Alaska. Orthodox missionaries introduced a significant contribution to the development of Russian America.

From July 9, 1799 to October 18, 1867, Alaska with adjacent to her waslands was under the direction of the Russian-American company. A. A. Baranov became the first governor of Alaska. During the reign of Baranov, the boundaries of Russian possessions in Alaska significantly expanded, new Russian settlements arose. There were redoubts in the Kenay and Chugat bay. The construction of Novorossiysk in the Bay of Yakutat began. In 1796, moving to the south along the coast of America, the Russians reached the island of Sitka. The basis of the economy of Russian America was the fishery of the marine beast (Kalan, Sivuch), which was carried out with a support for Aleuts.

However, during the development of land, Alaska, the Russians came across the fierce resistance of the Turkite Indians. In 1802-1805, the Russian-Indian war broke out, which consolidated Alaska for Russia, but limited the further promotion of Russians deep into America. The capital of Russian America was postponed to Novo-Arkhangelsk.

Russia faced with the British company Hudson Bay. To avoid misunderstandings in 1825, the eastern border of Alaska was contacted in coordination between Russia and the United Kingdom (now the border between Alaska and British Columbia).

For sale Alaska

On April 17, 1824, in St. Petersburg, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire Karl Nesselrode and the Messenger of the United States Henry Middlton signed an agreement between Russia and the United States on determining the border of Russian territories in North America. This agreement delimited the territory between Russia and the United States. According to him, the border was set by parallels 54 degrees 40 minutes of northern latitude. Russians pledged not to settle to the south, and Americans are north of this line.

After the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War (1853-1856), the US government began to achieve the acquisition of Russian possessions in North America. In March 1867, an agreement was signed on the sale of Russia of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the United States for $ 7.2 million.

In March 1867, the Government of Emperor Alexander II decided to sell Alaska (1.5 million square meters. Km) for 11.362 million rubles (about $ 7.2 million). The money for Alaska was listed only in August 1867.

After signing the Treaty to the United States, the entire Peninsula of Alaska, the coastal strip of 10 miles south of Alaska along the western shore of British Columbia; Alexander Archipelago; Aleutian Islands with Ants Island; Middle Islands, Kracii, Fox, Andreyanovsky, Shumagina, Trinity, Mochnak, Umnac, Kodiak, Chirikova, Afognak and other smaller islands; Islands in the Bering Sea: St. Lawrence, St. Matthew, Nynivak and Promit Island - St. George and St. Paul.

What was the true reason for the sale of Alaska, still unknown.According to one of the versions, the emperor went to this deal to pay off the debts. In 1862, Alexander II was forced to take 15 million pounds from Rothschilds under 5% per annum. There was nothing to return, and then the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich - the younger brother of the sovereign - suggested selling "something unnecessary." An unnecessary thing in Russia was Alaska. In addition to the emperor Alexander II, only five people knew about the deal, his brother Grand Duke Konstantin, Minister of Finance Mikhail Reiterne, who manages the Maritime Ministry of Nikolai Krabbe, head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alexander Gorchakov and the Russian Messenger in the US, Eduard Glass. The latter had to take a bribe of the ex-head of the US Department of Finance Waller at 16 thousand dollars for lobbying the idea of \u200b\u200bpurchasing the territory of Alaska.

Among other versions of the sale is the approach of the crisis in the country. The general state of Russia's finance, despite the reforms held in the country, worsened, and the treasury needed foreign money. A year before the transfer of Alaska, Minister of Finance Mikhail Reiterne sent Alexander II a special note, in which he indicated the need for strictest savings. In his appeal, it was said that the normal functioning of the empire requires a three-year-old foreign loan of 15 million rubles. in year. Before that, the idea of \u200b\u200bselling Alaska was shelled by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia Muravyev-Amur. He spoke that in the interests of Russia would improve relations with the United States to enhance the positions in the Asian Coast of the Pacific Ocean, to be friends with America against the British.

As part of the United States

Since 1867, Alaska was under the jurisdiction of the US Military Ministry and was called "Alaska District". On October 18, 1867, in Novoarhangelsk, which, from now on, the USA flag began to be raised. The first American governor of Alaska became General Davis. On Alaska remained in 1869 about 200 Russians, more than 200 colonial citizens and more than one and a half thousand Creoles. All these people were carriers of Russian cultural traditions, Russian language was native for colonial citizens, and most Creoles were bilingual. In 1870, 483 Russians and 1421 Creoles lived in Alaska. In 1880, "White" was 430 people, Creoles 1756. The entire population of Ninilchik (Kenai Peninsula) retained Russian as native literally before the Second World War. In other villages of the Kenai Peninsula, after the sale of Alaska, the Russian language quite quickly came out of use. This is explained by the fact that the Creole population of these villages either moved to local languages, or studied English. After the sale of Alaska, Creoles and even some Russians were attributed to the category of "uncivilized tribes" and were in this status until 1915, when they were equated with the rights to the American Indians. Only in 1934, Creoles, together with the other US indigenous population, received the status of American citizens.

In 1880, the leader of one of the tribes of the Indians, by the name of Covi, led to the creek flowing into the Strait of Gastino, two prospectors. Joseph Juno and Richard Harris found gold there and declared the rights to the site - "Golden Creek", which turned out to be one of the richest gold mines. Near the village rose, and then the city of Juno, who in 1906 became the capital of Alaska. The history of Ketchikina began in 1887, when the first cannery was built. The region developed slowly until the start of the gold fever on Klondike in 1896. Over the years of gold fever, Alaska produced about one thousand tons of gold, which in prices for April 2005 corresponded to 13-14 billion dollars.


The post-war confrontation of America and the Soviet Union, the years of the Cold War have further strengthened the role of Alaska as a shield against a possible transpolatic attack and contributed to the development of its deserted spaces. Alaska is declared by the staff on January 3, 1959. Since 1968, different mineral resources are being developed, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bPrudo-Bay Bay, in the south-east of Point-Barrow. In 1977, the oil pipeline was laid from the Bay of Prudo-Bay to the port of Valtez.

Nature Alaska

Alaska is washed by the waters of two oceans, from the north - the northern ice, from the south and west - quiet. The length of the coastline Alaska is more than in all other US states, combined. In the bay of Cook next to the largest city of Alaska Anchorage there are some of the highest tides in the world (up to twelve meters).

Along the Pacific coast of Alaska, the Alaskan ridge left. It is here that the highest mountain of the USA - Mac-Kinley (6 194 meters above sea level). The north of the Alaskan ridge, in the inner part of Alaska, spread a plateau with a height of 600 meters in the west to 1200 meters in the east. Another north, for the polar circle, is the Brooks Ridge, the length of which is over 950 kilometers, and the average height is 2000-2500 meters above sea level. In the very north of Alaska there is an arctic lowland.

Alaska ridges are included in "Pacific Fire Ring", volcanic mountain chain, susceptible to straws. Among the largest - Shishlin's volcano on the island of Uznak, the highest mountain on the Aleutian Islands.

In Alaska, over twelve thousand rivers, the largest of which are Yukon (the length of the river is more than 3,000 kilometers, the pool area is about 830,000 km2), Kusokvim. (about 1,300 km) Kolville (more than 600 km). On Alaska more than three million (!) Lakes, many wetlands. Huge territories on Alaska are covered with glaciers (more than forty thousand square kilometers). The largest of them, the Bering Glacier, takes 5 800 km 2. In the north of Alaska there are two largest sections of the wildlife. In the northeastern part of the state there is an Arctic national reserve, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is more than 78,000 km 2, in the north-west - the territory of the National Oil Reserve area of \u200b\u200babout 95,000 km 2.

Animal world Alaska

Pretty diverse and characterized by the animal world of tundra and forest areas of Alaska. There are only about 20 species of various fur beasts. Among them, they are mainly found representatives of the detachment of predatory (American Mink, Wolverine and other kuni, several varieties of foxes, wolves, bears), hares and rodents (Ondatra, Beaver, etc.). The number of major predators (wolves, coys, bears, wolves) during the Second World War, when they became a real beach of Alaska due to the fact that they have multiplied in a huge amount as a result of the fact that large herds of home reindeer were actually thrown on Arbitration of fate.

In a number of mountain and forest areas of Alaska, as well as in Feretundre, there are various types of wild units, such as Caribou (American Northern Deer), American Elk, Snow Goat and Snow Baran. Musky bulls, completely destroyed by Americans completely destroyed in Alaska, there are now in the amount of about 100 goals on the island of Nunivak, where they were delivered from Greenland. On the island of Afognak was acclimatized from Oregon (USA) American Maral - Wapiti, and in the Big Details (southeast of Ferbenx) there is a small herd of bison.

Essentially richly represented on Alaska birds, among which there are many species that are related to Siberian (three-pailed woodpecker, Ryabchik, White Partridge, Alaskan Goose, etc.), but there are also specific American species, such as fireproof hummingbirds.

It boils life not only on land, but also in the sea-oceans, the shores of Alaska. The coast of Alaska is widespread different types of marine beast. To them, first of all, it should be attributed to those who have the precious fur seals conducted on the rookery of the profits are the time from May to August; walruses common on the Arctic coast and the coast of the Bering Sea; Sea Lviv, seals and several types of whales. Very many types of animals, especially mammals living in Alaska, have an important commercial importance.

The fish consumerboard industry, as the main sector of the Alaska economy, is based on various rocks of salmon fish, which are of particular value. In the waters of Alaska, in addition to salmon fish, such valuable fish are found as a cod, herring, halibut, and along the Pacific coast in large quantities there are various types of crustaceans (crabs, shrimp), as well as cogolong and other mollusks. In the summer months, air in the inner regions of Alaska literally tends to moshkara, that even the tapping center does not save the person from them.

Alaska in literature

"White Fang" (English. White Fang) is an adventure story of Jack London, the main character of which is a wolf named white fang. The book tells about the fate of the tamed wolf during the gold fever in Alaska at the end of the XIX century. At the same time, quite large part of the product is shown by the eyes of animals and, in particular, the white fang itself. The novel describes the different behavior and attitude of people to animals, kind and evil.

"Sun Song" - Third Roman American writer Ken Kizi. The action of the novel occurs in the small town of Quinak on the village, inhabit which is predominantly fishermen. The townships of the town lead a measured, power life until Hollywood producers decide to arrange another Disneyland in the city.

At the extreme northwest of North America, there is a Peninsula Alaska, which is most of the territory of the northernmost and largest in the area of \u200b\u200bthe United States. From the rest of the United States, Alaska is separated by the territory of Canada. He also has a naval border with Russia, passing through a small cut of Bering Strait. Alaska Square is 1,717,854 km 2, which means no other state can compare with it according to this indicator. Such expanses open unprecedented opportunities for the development of the economy, because the geological structure of the territory is varied, and therefore diverse minerals that occur under it are diverse.

Population of Alaska

Southeast Alaska

The official division of Alaska to the regions does not exist, but geographers and environmentalists are inclined to allocate several large geographic regions, each of which has the peculiarities of both climatic and geological. However, the Geography of Alaska can be considered on the example of several large geographic regions. Each of these regions deserves a separate mention. Alaska Square is so great that geographical and climatic conditions can differ significantly in different ends.

The southeastern geographical region of the state is characterized by the greatest proximity to the main territory of the United States. In addition, Southeast Alaska is the northern tip of the so-called internal passage, which is an aquatic artery of a complex trajectory consisting of numerous ducts, lakes, canals.

This path was actively used by the Indians to move throughout the region in parallel the coast in relative security. Later, this passage was used by gold leaving during the gold fever for the development of coastal territories. Today, this route is very popular with tourists choosing organized travel on cruise ships and in independent travelers who prefer flight ferries carrying passengers, road transport and cargo.

Northern Alaska slope

In the Northern Alaskan slope there is a second administrative unit of all USA - Boro North Loop. This administrative unit is so much that surpasses in the size of Minnesota and thirty-eight American states. North-Ledoop has access to the sea Beaufort and the Chukchi sea.

The population of the district barely exceeds seven thousand people, but since 2000 there has been a stable steady growth due not only to natural growth, but also to the migration of the population from other US states.

The largest city in Nord-Slow is the settlement of Barrow, which is the name of the famous English policy and founder of the Royal Geographical Society. This small town, whose population barely crossed the frontier of four thousand people in 2005, is the most northern city of US, located 515 kilometers north of the polar circle and 2100 kilometers from the North Pole. The city surrounds the dry tundra, and the soil freezes to a depth of four hundred meters.

Aleutian Islands

Aleutian islands are completely special in all respects, which belong to the state of Alaska and serve as the natural southern border of the Bering Sea.

The archipelago, consisting of one hundred and ten islands and numerous rocks, stretched out the arc from the south-west coast of Alaska to the shores of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Aleutian islands are made to divide five large groups:

  • Middle Islands.
  • Wormy Islands.
  • Andreyan Islands.
  • Fox islands.
  • Four-way islands.

Since the islands are a product of volcanic activity, there is nothing surprising that there are twenty-five acting volcanoes. The largest of them are volcanoes segula, Canaga, burned, Big Sitkin, Tanaga and Vsevidov. But the highest and most famous is the vulcan of Shishlin, located on the island of Uznak. It is believed that the height of 2857 meters first conquered J. Petrson in 1932, however, given the features of the slope, it is possible that the Russians and indigenous people could be closed to the top of the volcano.

Despite the fact that in the XX on the volcano, numerous eruptions were registered, it is nevertheless popular among fans of extreme skiing. The length of the track is 1830 meters. The indigenous population of Alaska calls the Volcano Haginak.

Islands are few inhabited, and many of them are not uninhabited. The total number of inhabitants is about eight thousand people, and the largest city is unlasheka with a population of 4283 inhabitants.

Inner Alaska

Most of the peninsula refers to the region, which in the scientific literature is customary to call inner Alaska. The territory of the region is limited to the Mountains of Wrangel, Denali, Ray and the Alaskan ridge.

The largest city of the geographical area is Fairbank, who fulfills the role of the Boro Fairbanks-North Star administrative center. The population of the city exceeds 30 thousand people, which makes it the second largest in the population of Alaska.

The city occupies a special place on the state map also due to the fact that there is the Alaskan University there is the largest educational institution in the region founded in 1917.

The city appeared on the USA at the beginning of the twentieth century, the code in the state in the midst of the gold fever. And the place of its construction was not chosen by chance. The city that Vice-President of the United States Charles Warren Fairbanks is located in Central Alaska, in the fertile valley of the Tanaka River, in which, in spite of the harsh climate, there is an opportunity to engage in agriculture.

Valley of ten thousand smoke

Special mention deserves such a natural phenomenon as the valley of ten thousand smoke, which was formed as a result of the eruption of the Katmai volcano. The eruption was so strong that the volcano himself was completely destroyed, and in his place there was a new one, called Nomuorructure.

The eruption is taken to be the strongest in the 20th century, since it is estimated at six points on an eight-bullic scale. The whole valley in which there were thick forests, rivers and numerous springs, was covered with a thick layer of ash, reaching places of thickness in two hundred meters.

The valley received its name thanks to numerous steam sources that escaped from the frozen tuff's crust. To today, the ashes almost cooled and the water under it ceased to evaporate, so steam sources, also called fumarols, almost impossible to meet. But in spite of this, thousands of tourists arrive on excursion buses to the valley, so that with their own eyes to see the consequences of one of the greatest natural disasters of the twentieth century.

Economy Alaska

Discussed in detail the geographical features of the state, it is worth talking about its economic situation, which, of course, is closely connected with the natural wealth on the territory of the peninsula.

The state of the state is extremely rich in various natural resources, such as oil, gold and natural gas. By the number of explored gold reserves, the state is inferior only by Nevada. In addition, the staff mined up to eight percent of all American silver, and the "Red Dog" mine has the largest zinc reserves in all US and supplies more than ten percent of this metal to the international market.

However, the foundation of the entire Alaskan economy is the oil production, which is the basis of the budget and the Foundation of the welfare of future generations. The peninsula produces about twenty percent of the entire United States oil. On oil pipelines, built in the 70s, oil from deposits enters the large seaport of Valdis, whose population is involved not only in the transportation of oil, but also in fishing, which is carried out mainly by the method of deep-water trawling.

Alaska, the standard of living on which is considered rather high compared to many states, is considered one of the most socially oriented regions of the United States. As a result of the referendum held in 1976, it was decided to deduct 25% of the oil revenues received by the State Government, to a special foundation, from which all residents of Alaska are annually paid by the allowance. The maximum amount of such a premium was $ 3269 in 2018, while the minimum payment was made in 2010 and amounted to only $ 1281.

Anchorage. The largest city

In 2014, the city celebrated his century. It was founded during when on the peninsula in the midst of the midst of the Golden fever and the city in the very Northern state of the country rapidly grew and developed.

After a hundred years, 291 thousand people live in Anchorage, which makes it the most northern of US cities, the population of which exceeds one hundred thousand people. A separate mention deserves the fact that more than forty percent of the state of the state live in the city.

The history of the city began with a small tent camps, broken in the immediate vicinity of the mouth of the river Ship-Creek. However, a fairly rapidly small settlement turned into a strategically important city, which is of great importance, both for the economy and for the US security.

Starting from World War II, during which a large number of military facilities appeared in the city, the population of the city is steadily growing. The constant stable development of the city is associated not only with its strategic position, but also with the active development of minerals in close proximity to the city.

However, they were in the history of the city and their catastrophes, to which it applies, first of all, the strongest earthquake, which happened in 1964 and destroyed a significant part of the city. The epicenter of the earthquake was located just a hundred and small kilometers from the city center, which resulted in an amplitude of oscillations at 9.2 points, and therefore this earthquake was the strongest of all that were registered in the United States.

However, immediately behind the tragedy followed an unprecedented economic growth caused by the detection of large oil fields that coincided with the increase in prices for this resource on the international commodity market. The city was very quickly restored, and its population increased. This period entered the history of the city and the whole state as an oil boom.

Capital state

The capital of the city of Juno does not belong to the major cities of Alaska, since the population is only a little more than thirty thousand people. The city received its name in honor of the gold killer when several large gold deposits were discovered on Alaska. However, initially the city was completely different.

Like many other cities in Alaska, Juno appeared as a tent camp in 1880. During the first year of its existence, the settlement was called Harrisburg, in honor of Richard Harris, but already in 1881 the miners themselves renamed it to Juno.

Talking about the geography of Alaska, it is impossible not to mention that the city of Juno is located between the shores of the Strait of Gastino and the slopes of the coastal ridge. The relative protectedness of the city from the harsh oriental winds makes its climate relatively comfortable for permanent residence, although the entire region is distinguished by a pronounced continental climate. The temperature of July on average is about eighteen degrees of heat, while in February, the coldest month, can descend to thirty degrees of frost.

Like the entire Alaska industry, the production sphere of the city of Juno is sharpened for fishing, transportation and processing of resources. However, as in the case of the rest of the states, the basis of the urban economy is the state administration sector.

In addition to the commodity and public sector, the tourist sector is also important for the economy of the city. Every year from May to September, numerous cruise liners come to the port of Juno, bringing tourists from a big land, and with them and money in the city budget. But despite the growth of urban revenues from tourism, many citizens believe that the tourist boum of the last decade harms the city, destroying the usual way of life. However, in general, the population of Alaska, the standard of living of which is raised due to tourism, favorably looks at the growing number of guests from other US states and even foreign states. But a larger number of travelers come from the United States themselves. As well as on all Alaska, the nationality of the population of Juno is very diverse: here Europeans, and Latin Americans, and indigenous people.

Alaska is called the land of the midnight sun, the last frontier, the Great Earth. And how much is the land cost for the USA? Who now lives in her territory?

Alaska on the world map

Alaska is located in the North-West USA and is the largest state of the country. Separates it from the Russian territory - the Chukotka Peninsula. In the east, the state borders with Canada.

This is the staff - an exclave. It is separated from the rest of the territory of the United States by Canadian lands. To get from Alaska to the nearest American state, you need to overcome 800 kilometers of Canadian territory.

The total area of \u200b\u200bstate - 1,717,854 square meters. km, and the coastline stretches for 10 639 km. The territory of Alaska is represented by the mainland and numerous islands. These include Alexander Archipelago, Kadiak Islands, Privisov and

Alaskan Cape Barrow is the northernmost point of the United States, and the ATTU island, which is part of the Aleutian Islands, is the most western.

Natural conditions

Alaska washed by the quiet and northern ice oceans, creating different climatic conditions. The internal regions of the state are characterized by a subarctic climate with cold winters and relatively warm in summer. In the northern part of the Arctic climate: harsh cold winters and cold summer. Temperature in summer rarely rises above zero. On the Pacific Coast (southeast of the state), the climate is mild sea, with a large amount of precipitation.

The North Alaska is covered with tundra, and south - dense forests. In this region there are many volcanoes and glaciers. The largest is the Bering Glacier, its area is 5800 square meters. m. Alaska volcanic mountain ranges are part of the Shishlidin volcano located on the island of Uznak and is considered one of the largest Alaskan volcanoes.

The largest rivers in the state - Yukon and Kusokvim. A total of 10 thousand rivers and over 3 million lakes are in Alaska. In the northeastern part of the state there is an Arctic national reserve, and in the North-West - the territory of the US oil reserve.

Opening Alaska

It is believed that for the first time Alaska found Semyon Dezhnev in the XVII century. But there is no official confirmation of this fact. Therefore, the opening of the Great Earth is attributed to the Saint Gabriel ship's team. The expeditionary group, whose members were M. S. Gvozdev, I. Fedorov, D. I. Pavlutsky and A. F. Shestakov, landed on the territory of Alaska in 1732.

After 9 years, the second expedition went here on the ships "Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul". Ships headed Alexey Chirikov and the famous explorer Vitus Bering.

The thick fog was a significant interference to research. At the beginning of the land of Alaska saw from the side of St. Paul, it was the island of Prince Wales. The researchers noticed that many Bobrov Kalanov live here, whose fur at that time was considered the most valuable. This has become the main impetus for the development of new lands.


In 1799, a Russian-American company opens, which is headed by an active hunt for a beaver fur (which subsequently led to a significant reduction in the number of animals).

New villages and ports are based, open schools and hospitals, the Orthodox Church conducts educational work, the object of which becomes the population of Alaska. True, lands development is limited to the production of fur and missionary activities.

In addition, relations with Britania have been gone, and the proximity of Russian Alaska with British Columbia made it an ulcer in the event of a military conflict between countries. So in 1857 the thoughts for the sale of her America originate.

In March 1867, an agreement was signed in Washington for the sale of an 7,200,000 dollars. In October, the official transfer of bought land in the city of Sitke (then he was called Novo Arkhangelsky).

American Alaska

For a long time, the newly acquired land were under the control of the US military forces and were not particularly mastered. In 1896, a real gold boom occurs when the River Klondike, in Canada, find gold deposits. It was easier for the Canadian territory to get through Alaska, which provoked the rapid growth of the villages.

In 1898, gold found near the city of Nom and the modern city of Fairbanks in Alaska. Golden fever contributed to the economic development of the region. The population of Alaska has grown significantly. Railways were built, minerals were actively mined.

Great depression in the 20th century affected Alaska. Here they move the inhabitants of the Nordic States to raise the economy of the region. During the Second World War through Alaska, the supply of military equipment to the Soviet Union.

In 1959, Alaska receives the status of the 49th state of the United States. Later, there are significant oil reserves here, which again raises its development.

Population of Alaska

The number of state inhabitants is about 700,000 people. This indicator puts the state for the 47th place in the country. The density of the population of Alaska is the lowest and is 0.4 people per square kilometer.

The greatest increase in the population in the state was observed after oil deposits were found. Then the population of Alaska increased by 36%. The largest in the state is Anchorage, more than 300,000 people live here.

About 60% of the population is white, the indigenous population has about 15%, Asians make up about 5.5%, the rest falls on other races. The most numerous national group residing in Alaska is the Germans. Irish and the British are 10%, followed by Norwegians, French and Scots.

The missionary of the Russian Orthodox Church did not pass without a trace - now in Alaska about 70% of the inhabitants are Christians. Protestantism is considered the second largest religion, although in general Alaska is the least religious state of America.

The indigenous population of Alaska

Russian, of course, are considered to be the discoverers, but to settle the region, people began long before the arrival of researchers. According to scientists, the first residents of Alaska came here from Siberia about 30 thousand years ago, during the freezing of Bering Strait.

The first peoples, which were on the "Midnight Sun" land, were Tvlinkites, Cimsians, Heil and Atapacks. They are the ancestors of modern American Indians. The tribes had their own language and beliefs, they were engaged in the main fishing.

Much later (almost 8 thousand years ago), peoples relating to Eskios or Inuit were saved on the land of Alaska. These were the tribes of Aleutov, Altuyakov and Inpiators.

With the discovery of Alaska, Russian researchers brought their faith and tradition to the world of indigenous people. Many locals worked on Russians. Now Alaska is the largest percentage of the indigenous population in Alaska, but this indicator gradually decreases. Therefore, there are recently special programs for the preservation of indigenous culture.


Alaska (America) is a rich region with a unique, but harsh nature. There are many volcanoes, glaciers, rivers and lakes. This is the largest American state separated from the territory of the United States Canada. The population of Alaska is represented by numerous ethnic groups and nationalities. Here, the descendants of the Indians and Eskimos still live here, continuing their traditions and culture.

The Russian Orthodox Church declared his rights to one of the islands of Alaska. According to the ROC, when signing the Treaty between Russia and the United States, this island has not transferred to the US property, but remained owned by the ROC and is considered a holy place.

Mayor Yakutska Icesen Nikolaev sent the corresponding appeal to Vladimir Putin, heads of both chambers of parliament and mid

It is necessary to return the Russian Orthodox Church Olovy Island (Spruse Island) off the coast of Alaska, who is indisputable by the ROCs that the ROC has, according to the Treaty on the sale of the territories of Russian America, the United States of America, the mayor of Yakutska Aysen Nikolaev believes. He sent letters to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Speakers of the Federation Council and the State Duma Valentina Matvienko and Sergey Naryshkin, as well as the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov with a request to political and diplomatic means to promote the return of the O ROC.

Documents proving the right of the ROC on the island near the coast of Alaska were discovered by the Yakut scientific expedition in the archive emigrated from Russia after the 1917 Revolution of the Bibliographer Mikhail Vinokurova, which is stored in the historic library of the city of Juno (Alaska).

The length of the island is about 10 km, the width is 7 km, area 46.06 km². The population is 408 m. The population is 242 people (2000 g), most of which live in the only settlement on the south-west coast of the island.

Spruce island. Photo: DeathTotheworld.com

Among the discharge documents, the researchers discovered dated 1868 Certificate of Commissioner of the Russian Government on the concession of the North American territories of the US Russian Empire Captain of the second rank of Alexey Possev that the island of Spruce (New Valaam), on which he lived, preached and was buried by the Rev. Hermann Alaskinsky Use of the Russian Orthodox Church. It was Alexey Posverov in October 1867 signed a protocol on the transfer of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the United States.

"The island of spruce no sale, no leases is not subject to, this is the Holy Island, belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church," the document says. The testimony of the caves was found back in 2008, but the official authorities of Yakutia paid attention to them only now.

I have not been seriously interested in this story for this story, because Yakut scholars have been studying paper for several years and have already organized several expeditions in the United States. In 2014, there are 220 years of activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in North America, namely the Kodyak mission - when, how not to engage in Russian America? - explains Aisen Nikolaev. - I am speaking for the restoration of historical justice - the return of the island of firing to legal owners, that is, the Russian Orthodox Church.

Spruce island.

The first deputy chairman of the GD Committee on International Affairs Svetlana Zhurov (United Russia) is confident that it is necessary to relate to such initiatives with maximum caution.

Without seeing a document, it is very difficult to say whether there is an object for discussion or not. This will have to deal with the Foreign Ministry. But in any case, the main thing is not to open the Pandora drawer. If now everyone will start sharing every island, which was incorrectly decorated, the world will plunge into chaos, "parliamentarian believes.
In her opinion, the American authorities will perceive any actions of Russia against Alaska.

You can imagine how the Americans will strain when jokes about Alaska who flooded the Internet suddenly turn into reality, "said Zhurov.

Spruce island. Photo: DeathTotheworld.com

March 23, on the air BBC, the EU postprared with the EU, Vladimir Chizhov responded to the expressed American senator John McCain fear that Moldova and Transnistria could be the next goal of Russian expansion, ironically offering him to follow Alaska. Meanwhile, joking petition about the return of Alaska to Russia, posted on the site of the White House on March 21, has already collected more than 20 thousand signatures. It requires 100 thousand votes for its consideration.

Chairman of the Synodinal Department of the ROC on interaction with the society of Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin believes that the most important thing is to thoroughly examine the documents found.

You need to see what documents are we talking about. As far as they can be today recognized by the authorities of the United States, "he says.

However, he drew attention to the fact that the arrival of the ROC in the territories of Russian America, who was now part of the US autochetal Orthodox Church in America, although, according to the Agreement, should remain in the ROC structure.

Alaska and the Aleuta Islands were sold to the United States of America to the United States of America in 1867 for $ 7.2 million gold. The island of spruce area of \u200b\u200b44 square meters. km is part of the Kodiak archipelago. It is buried by the Holy Russian Orthodox Church Rev. German Alaskan, one of the first Orthodox preachers in America.

Native of Yakutia Bibliographer Mikhail Vinokurov dedicated her life to collecting books and documents on the history of Russian America, the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church and St. Herman Alaskan among the Aleutian tribes. In 1919, he left Russia forever and left for Alaska, so his archive was in the historic library Juno.

Alaska (eng. Alaska [əlæskə], ESSKA. Alaskaq, Aqłuq) - the northernmost and largest in the territory of the state; Located in the northwest. In the Bering Strait has a naval border with.

Includes the territory of North America, west of 141 Meridian Western longitude, including the eponymous Peninsula with the surrounding islands, the Aleutian Islands and the territory of North America to the north of the peninsula, as well as the narrow strip of the Pacific coast along with the Isles of the Alexander Archipelago along the Western Border.

Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 1 717 854 km², of which 236 507 km² accounted for a water surface. Population - 736,732 people. (2014). State capital is a city.


The name comes from Aleutian alasҳa - "Whale place", "Whale abundance". Initially, Alaska was called only the southwest part of the territory of the current state (Bay of Alaska, the Alaska Peninsula). The name is fixed from the XVIII century.


The flag of Alaska came up with thirteen-year-old Benni Benson from Chignic. On the blue background of the flag, eight five-pointed stars are depicted: seven of them symbolize the constellation of a large bear, and the eighth - a polar star.


Typical for Alaska Landscape (Lake Wander, Denali National Park)

The state is located on the extreme north-west of the continent, separated from the Chukotka Peninsula () with a Bering Strait, in the east borders C, in the West in a small section of Bering Strait - with Russia. It consists of a mainland and a large number of islands: Alexander Archipelago, Aleutian Islands, Promit Island, Kodiak Island, Saint Lawrene Island. Washed by the Northern Arctic and Pacific Oceans. On the Pacific Coast - Alaskan Ridge; The inside is a plateau with a height of 1200 m in the East and up to 600 m in the West; goes into lowlands. In the north - Brooks Ridge, followed by the Arctic lowland.

Mount Denali (6190 m, earlier - Mac-Kinley) - the highest in. Denali is the core of the famous Denali National Park. In total, Alaska has 61 vertex over 3000 meters high.

There are existing volcanoes.

In 1912, the valley of ten thousand smoke and the new volcano novuorruh appeared as a result of the volcanic eruption of the volcano. The northern part of the state covers the tundra. South arranged forests. The state includes the island of Kruzenshtern (Small Diomid) in the Bering Strait, located at a distance of 4 km from Ratmanov Island owned by Russia.

On the Pacific Coast, the climate is moderate, marine, relatively soft; In other areas - arctic and subarctic continental, with severe winters.

Largest cities

Administrative division

Unlike most other US states, where the main lower administrative unit of local governments is the district, the name of administrative units in Alaska - Boro. Another difference is another difference - 15 Boro and the municipality of Anchorage covers only part of the territory of Alaska. The rest of the territory does not have enough population (at least interested) for the formation of local self-government and forms the so-called inorganized boro, which for the purpose of the census and for the convenience of management was divided into the so-called population census zones. There are 11 such zones on Alaska.

Administrative and territorial division of Alaska

List of all administrative-territorial units of Alaska (In alphabet order):

  • Bristol Bay
  • Eastern Aleutian Islands
  • Denali
  • Kodyak Island
  • Kenai.
  • Ketchikan-Gateway.
  • Lake end Peninsula
  • Matanuska-Susititna
  • North SLP
  • Northaust Arctic
  • Fairbanks North Star
  • Haynes.
  • Yakutat
  • Unorganized Boro:
    • BETEL
    • Valdis Cordova
    • Dillingham.
    • Western Aleutian Islands
    • Petersberg.
    • Prince-of-Wales - Hayder
    • Waid Hampton
    • Huna - Angun
    • Southerist Fairbanks.
    • Yukon-Koyukuk
  • Independent cities:


Slut "Neva" in the Harbor of St. Paul on the island of Kadiak

The Siberian tribes groups moved over (now Bering Strait) 16-10 thousand years ago. Eskimos began to settle on the Arctic coast, Aleuts settled the Aleuta archipelago.


The first Europeans who visited Alaska on August 21, 1732 were members of the Bota team "St. Gabriel "under the start of the geodesist M. S. Gvozdeva and Substurman I. Fedorova during the expedition A. F. Shestakova and D. I. Pavlutsky 1729-1735. In addition, there are excerct information about the visit of the Russian people of America in the XVII century.


From July 9, 1799 to October 18, 1867, Alaska with adjacent to her waslands was under the direction of the Russian-American company. The fighting in the Far East during the Crimean War showed the absolute vulnerability of the Eastern Land of the Russian Empire and especially Alaska. In order not to lose a gift to the territory that it was impossible to protect and master in the foreseeable future, it was decided to sell it.

Gold killers and miners rose along the trail through the tickt pass during the time of Klondike Golden Fever

On December 16, 1866, a special meeting was held, which was attended by Alexander II, the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich, Ministers of Finance and the Maritime Ministries, as well as the Russian Messenger in Baron Edward Andreevich Glass. All participants approved the idea of \u200b\u200bsale. At the suggestion of the Ministry of Finance, the threshold of the amount was defined - at least $ 5 million gold. On December 22, 1866, Alexander II approved the border of the territory. In March 1867, the glass arrived in Washington and officially appealed to Secretary William Seward.

The signing of Alaska's sales contract was held on March 30, 1867 in Washington. Territory of 1 million 519 thousand km² was sold for $ 7.2 million, that is, 4.74 dollars per km² (much more fertile and sunny French Louisiana, bought from France in 1803, cost the US budget somewhat more expensive - approximately 7 dollars per km²). Finally, Alaska was transferred to the United States on October 18 of the same year, when Russian commissions headed by Admiral Alexei Pskarev arrived at the Fort. Over the fort, the Russian flag was solemn up and raised American. On the part of Americans in this ceremony, 250 soldiers were attended under the command under the command of General Lovella Rousseau, who provided the Secretary of State William Seward a detailed report about this event. From 1917, the day of October 18 is celebrated as Alaska Day.

Golden fever

Map of Alaska and British Columbia 1897 with the designation of gold deposits

At about this time, gold was found on Alaska. The region developed slowly until the start of the gold fever on Klondike in 1896. Over the years of gold fever, Alaska produced about one thousand tons of gold, which in prices for April 2005 corresponded to 13-14 billion dollars.

New story

Since 1867, Alaska was under the jurisdiction of the US Military Ministry and was called the "District of Alaska", in 1884-1912 the "district", then the "territory" (1912-1959), from January 3, 1959 - the United States.

The newest story

Alaska is declared a state in 1959. Since 1968, different mineral resources are developed there, especially in the Pradho Bay area, in the south-east of Cape Barrow.

In 1977, the Pradhos Bay oil pipeline was laid to the port of Valtez.

In 1989, the spill of oil from the tanker "Ekson Valtez" caused serious pollution of the environment.


In the north, the extraction of raw oil (in the area of \u200b\u200bPradho Bay and the Kenai Peninsula; Aliceka oil pipeline is 1250 km long to Port Valdis), natural gas, coal, copper, iron, gold, zinc; fisheries; growing reindeer; Forestry and hunting case; air transport; Military airbases. Tourism.

Oil mining began to play a huge role since the 1970s. After the opening of the deposits and laying of the Transisaleskin pipeline. The Alaskan oil field is compared with the importance of oil deposits in Western Siberia and in the Arabian Peninsula.

In March 2017, the Spanish oil company reported his find: 1.2 billion barrels of oil in Alaska. The company reports that over the past 30 years, this is the largest find in the land territory in the United States. Oil extraction work in this region is planned for 2021. According to estimates of experts, production volumes will be up to 120,000 barrels of oil per day.

According to the results of the referendum among the state inhabitants, in 1976 a special oil fund was created, in which 25% of the funds received by the Government of Alaska from oil companies and from which all permanent residents (except prisoners) receive an annual subsidy (maximum in 2008 - $ 3269 In 2010 - $ 1281).



Orthodox church on Unalyask

Although the staff is one of the least populated in the country, in the 1970s, many new residents involved in the oil industry and transport were moved here, and in the 1980s population growth amounted to more than 36 percent.

The population of Alaska in recent decades:

  • 1990 - 560,718 residents;
  • 2004 - 648,818 inhabitants;
  • 2005 - 663,661 residents;
  • 2006 - 677,466 inhabitants;
  • 2007 - 690,955 inhabitants.

In 2005, the population of Alaska increased by 5906 people compared to the previous year, or 0.9%. Compared to 2000, the population increased by 36,730 people (5.9%). This number includes the natural population growth of 36,590 people ($ 53,11,11,112 minus 16,542 death) since the last census, as well as an increase due to migration by 1181 people. Immigration from outside the United States increased the population of Alaska by 5,800 people, while internal migration reduced it at 4619 people. The closeness of the population in Alaska is the lowest of all US states.

About 75 percent of the population are white, US natives. In the state of about 88 thousand indigenous inhabitants - Indians (Atapa, Hyde, Truckites, Tsimshiana), Eskimos and Aleuts. The staff also lives a small number of Russian descendants. Among the main religious groups - Catholics, Orthodox, Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists. The share of Orthodox, component according to different estimates of 8-10%, is the highest in the country.

The last 20 years, the state residents traditionally vote for Republicans. The former state governor - Republican Sarah Palein was a candidate for US Vice-Presidents at the 2008 election in John McCain. Currently, the Governor of Alaska is Mike Dunlii.


According to the 2011 study, 83.4% of people over the age of five at home speak English only. "Very good" in English says 69.2%, "good" 20.9%, "not very good" 8.6%, "do not speak at all" 1.3%.

Language Center Alaska University of Alaska Fairbanks It claims that there are at least 20 Alaskan aboriginal languages \u200b\u200band their dialects. Most languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the Eskimo-Aleutian and Athast-Eyac-Tvlinkite macros, but there are also isolated (Heyda and Tsimshinsky).

Some places have preserved the dialects of the Russian language: the Ninilician dialect of the Russian language in Ninilchik (Boro Kenai), as well as a dialect on the island of Kodiak, and, presumably, in the village of the Russian mission (Rashen-Mice).

In October 2014, the Alaska Governor signed the HB 216 bill, announcing 20 indigenous languages \u200b\u200bas official state languages. Languages \u200b\u200bthat were included in the list of official: Inupaik, Siberian Jupik, Central Alaskan Jupik, Alutica, Aleutsky, Dena'in (Tanina), Money-Chitan, Holikachuk, Kuycon, Verkhnekuskvimsky, Guichn, Nizhny Tanana, Upper Tanana, Tanacross, Khan , Atna, Eyak, Tlingitsky, Heyda and Tzimshinsky.


Alaskan Route

Since Alaska is located in the zone of the Far North, it has limited transport links to the outside world. Main types of transport Alaska:

  • Alaskan route - binds Dedon Creek in the Canadian province and Duty-Junction on Alaska. Functions since 1942, length - 2232 kilometers. The unofficial part of the Pan American highway.
  • Alaskan Railway - binds to the city of Seward and. Functions since 1909 (official opening date - 1914), length - 760 kilometers. One of the few railways of the world, which take place through national parks (Denali), and one of the few, where some trains can be stopped and putting on them, having failed with a white scarf, that is, the hitchhiking.
  • The ferry system that provide the connection of seaside cities with a road network.
  • Due to the inaccessibility of most states of the state, the Alaska is very developed by air traffic: in fact, each settlement in which at least two or three dozen inhabitants lives, has its own airfield - see List of Alaska airports. Airlines provide the connection between settlements with major cities (such as Anchorage) and further with the continental part of the United States. Also in the summer there are several charter flights from the city of Nom to the Russian city; Their number is limited to two reasons: the need to draw up a Russian visa and pass to the territory of Chukotka, which is a border area.

Neighboring territories


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  • alaska.gov (English) - Alaska official website