Is there in Vietnam. Features of the trip to Vietnam: Personal experience

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Is Vietnam's cuisine and that categorically impossible not?

Collecting in Vietnam, you probably read a lot of useful information and naturally paid great attention to the Vietnamese cuisine, which, according to many, more exotic. Is it really? Here I will tell you how Vietnamese families are truly feeding, what food in Vietnam Popular

and whether Vietnam's kitchen is really so diverse, as it seems to future travelers.

Let's start with the fact that the Vietnamese do not think their food without rice! Food in Vietnam is first of all rice, and only then everything else. Without rice, neither a Vietnamese breakfast, nor lunch, nor dinner. Rice is always on the table! In the cafe, an additional portion of rice is often brought free of charge, because rice they have, like our bread. No dish, with the exception of soups, Vietnam kitchen, is not without rice.

Figure in Vietnam is preparing exclusively in riceokerswhich Vietnamese acquire, as a rule, for a long time. One rice cooker can serve as a family for several years, exploited at the same time three times a day.

Rice varieties in Vietnam a lot, but each family chooses which rice variety she is more like an eye and this rice is purchased by huge, twenty kilogram bags. The usual Vietnamese family, consisting of four or five people, eat twenty kilograms of rice about a month and a half.

One of the most delicious rice varieties, in our opinion, is sticky rice. It is really sticky, just not blossoming like porridge, and rice solid grains are blinded with a glue. In Russia, this rice variety, unfortunately, is not for sale. They say it can be bought in Moscow, but we haven't found it yet.

Vietnamese friends who have visited, discovered us the secret that they buy Thai rice, as it is tastier! Having drove all Vietnam, we do not doubt this, as you can do something simple, the Vietnamese can not. Even the Vietnamese themselves admitted that Thai rice is tastier. Yes, more expensive, but preferred it.

Introducing meat, a variety of herbs, fish, broths, sauces, omelets, mushrooms, and so on. Meat - chicken, pork, beef, snake, dog, cat, rat, pigeons, sparrows, ducks, geese, partridges (everything that moves!). Yes, yes, all this eaten in Vietnam! However, often (even almost always), Vietnamese families are still served on the table with pork or beef, stewed and fresh herbs and vegetables, as well as broth. Just so, without a special reason, at home will not prepare a snake or rat. Dogs and cats Vietnamese families, we have driven to visit, did not eat too.

The Vietnamese table looks like this:

The center is put plates with meat, fish and vegetables, as well as a big bowl with a broth, everyone is put in the pile. In the fig, it is possible to pour broth, put pieces of meat and vegetables on top, and you can immediately send them into your mouth, picking up with chopsticks from a common plate. Pals of a small size, because in Vietnam is considered indecent to impose a lot of themselves, as if you are greedy. So we explained our Vietnamese friend. Additives of rice can be asked how much, but the meat ends very quickly, as it is served a little (apparently because the Vietnamese eat little).

This is what the usual Vietnamese table looks like. These dishes for the whole family, which consists of six people! For two weeks after arriving in Vietnam, I cried every day that I wanted to eat, because I could not understand how the Vietnamese could have so little.

Vietnamese cuisine on the streets of cities.

Now about what Vietnam kitchen will be found during a self-journey that you can eat, and from what it is worth refuse.

Previously, I want to note that the food in Vietnam is always fresh! None of the cafes will not leave food cooked in the morning to sell it at lunch or in the evening. Because of the heat of the food, the food is quickly cleaned, and the cafe in which the stupid food is served, people bypass.

Cafes are divided into morning and evening. The first work from 5-6 am to lunch, the second from 13-14 hours to 20-21 hours. There are those who work until 22-23 hours and even to the o'clock at night (this is mainly in large cities). Food is preparing immediately, nothing that can spoil, not stored! For all our two-month stay in Vietnam, we have never tormented food in a cafe! If possible, add pepper into the food, which stands on the tables, it disinfects.

Traveling on your own, bus, plane or motorcycle, and without having a big budget to walk every day in a restaurant, you will eat in small private cafes, which in Vietnam at every step. Food in such cafes is no different. There are, of course, the originals whose soup is not like everyone else, snails to rice and unusual to taste vegetables, but a little such cafe.

Basically you will see Signs with COM inscriptions (Fig) or Pho (soup). It happens that the soup and rice are served in one cafe, then you can seem to the dump! And the first and second, and they will give tea!

COM (Figure)

Rice is applied, as a rule, with a piece of meat (mostly pork or chicken), in some places there are still a fried egg (or boiled brown color, prepares according to a special Vietnamese technology), and it is necessary to make a small brow with a broth. We often watered with this broth rice so that there was not so dry. But the broth is not everywhere! Meat in such cafes is often fat, so if your body does not tolerate oily, roasted in food oil, it is better before, ordering food, see how it is preparing. This will not be difficult, as the kitchens are located right indoors where visitors eat.

Also in some cafes you can offer you to choose from various vegetables, and all sorts of intricate Vietnamese crashes. You can safely experiment!

Very tasty fried rice, in Vietnamese it is called Com.rang, But it is rare, where you can meet. Ask, perhaps you will be lucky.

Almost everywhere additional servings of rice are served free (or asked to pay about 5 thousand dongs).

Pho (soup)

Soup. Soups are a separate song! I loved them very much in Vietnam, another thing is that they are not at all satisfied and after such a soup after half an hour want to eat again, as they are based on rice noodles, which is quickly absorbed by the body.

Soups, mainly on chicken broth with long rice noodles. Soup put finely sliced \u200b\u200bchicken pieces, beef or pork. You will definitely ask what you want! Do not waste, where the soup is served, BO - beef, GA - chicken, or Lon - pork. Just show your finger, and you bring the desired dish in 5 minutes.

To the soup everywhere serve greens or the seedlings of the beans. Please note that some Vietnamese prevent greens right in the soup and eat such a kind of vinaigrette. I loved to chew green separately from soup, it seemed to me that the greens in the soup interrupts the taste of the main dish.

Soups are eaten as follows: you take sticks in the right hand, in the left - a spoon. Hands to learn noodles, lay it on a spoon and send yourself in your mouth. The spoon, which in your left hand, you bubble broth, and fish in the right hand catch a piece of meat in soup. I understand, it is not very convenient, but after several workouts you will even like such a soup feeding technique! No other way. The noodle is longer, and eat it using only a spoon, it is impossible, it will slip.

Prices for food in Vietnam.

Pho (soup) in street cafes can not cost more than 50,000 dongs. It is already considered very expensive. As a rule, the price for the soup plate is 20 000 - 30,000 dong. But not more. It is more expensive only on the tracks where truckers stop, or in the center of the Big City. Although in Hanoi, and in Saigon Pho, we always ate no more than 25,000 dongs.

COM (Fig) will cost about the same. By the way, do not be surprised, but soups are often more expensive. Why, we did not understand. The price of a rice plate with meat and egg will be approximately 25,000 - 35,000 dongs.

More expensive food in street cafe cost simply! Sometimes when entering the cafe you need to look around, prices can already be written on the walls or in the menu on the tables.

As for prices for fruits and vegetables, they are as low. Dear oranges and apples. But if you go to the Vietnamese market, buy exotic fruits you can at prices from 10,000 to 30,000 dong. There are fruits, for example, lychee, for which they ask for 70,000. Do not be surprised, the Vietnamese pay the same. Basically, fruits are not more expensive in a cafe (price for 1 kg).

In some major cities there is a huge supermarket Big C. There you can buy food at fixed prices, without anyone without trading. On this site you can see, in which cities of Vietnam there are Big C and which range is presented there. In Big C you can buy ready-made food. We loved to go to this store in Hanoi, took the finished meal, a bottle of whiskey, and satisfied the peak nickname near the lake of the returned sword in the center of Hanoi.

Alcohol in Vietnam.

Alcohol in Vietnam is the same as we. You can run into a fake, buying a drink even in a normal store.

Beer for taste is the same as our. Normal beer Tiger and Heineken. Not bad beer Saigon.

Vietnamese Whiskey Wall Street deserves separate attention. Very good alcohol! And in taste, and the head does not hurt in the morning. The floor liter bottle costs about 100,000 dongs, which is not relatively expensive. However, somehow, by bought it in big store, in the morning we both woke up with a terrible headache. This is what I wrote above. You can run away everywhere. Better buy Wall Street in Big C.

Do not take some incomprehensible bottles in street shops!
There are 30 degree local alcohol, which drink Vietnamese alcoholics and our tourists. In our opinion, the zoom zoom is called (I know why it was so called). Below is a photo of half labels. The husband with the Ukrainians drank him in Danang, says it is quite normal, but the Vietnamese twists in one form. It is 30,000 dongs for a bottle of 0.5 liters. (Do you know what alcohol can cost $ 1.5?).

Traditional drinks Vietnam.

CHA DA. Delicious Vietnamese ice tea called Cha Da, pronounce as follows: "Chaada", serve almost every cafe for free. Somewhere for him will take a couple of thousand dong, somewhere five thousand, but chada, there is everywhere. Somewhere we must ask for, to bring, somewhere stands on the tables in the jars. This is Vietnamese green tea - very refreshes and quenching thirst. The taste is very light, with a weak shade of green tea.

It will be very tasty if you squeeze lime in Chaad. By the way, Lime in Vietnam is very popular and there is almost all cafes on the tables! If there is no lime somewhere, then it is rather an exception, and sad. Lime Vietnamese is added to the soup, watered them rice, and are also squeezed out in Chaad.

Cane juice. Delicious sweet drink! We always, when it was possible, stayed to drink a cup. The cost of one cup of cane juice from 5,000 to 15,000 thousand dong, depending on the location of the location. On the track, cane juice will cost no more than 10,000 dongs.

Somehow met in the Hanoi man who paid 40,000 dong for a glass of cane juice! It is unthinkable! He was deceived, calling the price three times higher than it really is. In the same place, we drank this juice for 12,000 dongs. Be careful.

Ice. About ice B. South-East Asia Go legends. And that they keep it in the ground, and cut on asphalt, etc. What do you think this is true possible in the 21st century?!

Answer yes! It is still so far! We ourselves were surprised, because they thought that these were just fairy tales, however, when we saw how ice adds to drinks, our fantasies about the civilization of Vietnamese, dispelled.

Try not to take drinks with ice! Ice for a cafe buy briquettes and saw it on Earth (in Cambodia as well).

Once we wanted to drink tea with ice, but when we saw how this tea would want to cook, quickly reached fishing rods.

Here is how it was. We approach the cafe and ask to make us tea with ice. A grandmother working in a cafe, walked over a bath-standing on the street, covered on top of a concrete slab (maybe not concrete, but very similar), pushed this stove. The ice lay there! It was covered with sand and some grains. She began to shake it all her palm, then he took a briquette, plunged him into a bucket with water (like, washed off the sand), put on the table, took a file in the hands and wanted to cut this piece of ice. Here we understood what it was, and retreed.

Also make coffee with ice. Some clutch ice in a special bags, but often a piece of ice is just taken in the hand and squeeze a stupid side of the knife. Then from the table gather the resulting ice fragments with their hands and fall asleep to you in a cup.

I hope you do not think that at the same time someone clothes gloves?

Where can I eat?

You can eat in Vietnam not in all places. So, several rules that will help you avoid troubles in public catering:

  1. Always before sit down at the table, ask how much food is! If you refuse to call the price, or something wrongful, or they say, they say, sit down, then we'll figure it out, in no case eat in such a cafe! Leave immediately, and do not react to further persons! You can fuck a lot of trouble !!!

Ask how much it costs, in Vietnamese will be "Bao New Tyn?". This phrase is understood everywhere, so if you refuse to answer or pretend that they do not understand, take off and go out of such an institution. Because in the end, there may be a count of ten times more, motivating the fact that you did not know the cost of food at once, and just today it costs as much as 100 bucks.

  1. Stay where people sit. If there are many people in a cafe, it means that the establishment is tested, is popular with the local population, because there is tasty and inexpensive. Take the same attention to the transport facing the cafe. If there are mopeds there, you can safely go. This means that food is inexpensive there and local residents Prefer this cafe. If there are mainly cars, then we explained to us a local resident, the food will cost expensive, as this is something like a restaurant.
  1. Pay attention to the overall setting. Pure, light and on the tables are a napkin and a saucer with lime? Locals are sitting, and the owner of the cafe is trying to explain to you, what does it cost? Then welcome! But this rule does not always work in street cafes in megalopolis. It is more suitable for cafes located in small towns or on the tracks. In large cities, such as Saigon or Hanoi, street cafes can impress not very pleasant, but there will be very tasty and for an acceptable price.
  1. If there is no one in the cafe, you call some exorbitant price and at the same time you also have the opportunity to see how food is preparing, it is better to refrain from such a meal. Most likely, it will be tasteless, expensive, and the food can not be quite fresh (although such a concept as "stumbling food", in Vietnam, in principle no).

As people who have left all Vietnam on a motorcycle, and who have seen a lot of "Vietnamese Miracles", we will give you our good advice - never, never eat a dog or a cat!

First, it is purely from an ethical point of view, in our opinion, it is dismissed even to imagine.

Secondly, see what dogs they eat!

(Poor dogs, sorry).

These dogs were caught on the streets of Vietnamese cities and villages, and now they are brought to the slaughterhouse. They may have different diseases, including blood diseases that are not killed during thermal processing. Do you need it?

I have no doubt that both cats are the same situation. We have not seen in the northern part of Vietnam homeless cats and dogs. What do you think, why?

In the south of Vietnam - from Fukuoka, Saigon to Dananga, dogs and cats, it is not customary to use food, but in the north of Vietnam, from Dananga to Sappa, and dogs go and cats and rats. In the south is considered a bad tone there is a dog. In the north you can eat everything!

Such food, of course, you will not find in ordinary street cafes, but only in restaurants.

When you donate all Vietnam, you, of course, will appear their favorite dishes. You may even think that the full nonsense is written here and share your discoveries in the field of Vietnamese cuisine. If so, then I will only be glad to additions and amendments!

Last thing. Always carry with you a disinfecting lotion for hands and wipe them sticks! Sometimes wands fall on the floor, cafe workers will raise them and put back to the shared basket on the table .... It happens. Same saw.

Oh, this Vietnamese cuisine! Pleasant appetite, so to speak!

see also

In the whole South Eastern region, this state is inferior in its attractiveness only Thailand. Sustainable economic growth, harmonious growth of all sectors of the economy, the development of tourism, agriculture and nuclear energy. This is the result of the unification of the Southern and Northern Vietnam, the combination of a socialist approach to capitalist commodity relations. The same progress can be observed in the emerging magnitude of China in the international arena. Vietnam, due to special reasons, does not claim world greatness, but his movement is impressive. Changing life in Vietnam touched not only local populationThe Republic becomes more attractive for tourists, and above all for Russians.

To understand why Vietnam is so attractive among other countries in this region, you need to make a small excursion to the story.

Vietnam occupies a special place among the peoples of Asia. If Thailand is a country of smiles and yellow Buddhist robes, China - Motherland Martial Arts and Tea, and indian Goa - The place, challenged by Downshifters, then Vietnam is the birthplace of inflexible forest people, surprisingly workable and a little naive.

Vietnam is the place of intersection of religions and cultures of this region. Taoism as it is impossible to better approached the naturalistic beliefs of local tribes, and Buddhism made Vietnamese nations more tolerant to the transformations of life.

Along with Buddhism, traditional Indian canons of art came, which in a mixture with a national flavor create beautiful temples. An example is the folk paintings "Dongho", formed under the Hindu influence, are unique in the culture of the peoples of Southeast Asia. The territory of the state along the coast of the South China Sea with extensive areas of fertile land and the sufficiency of fresh water in the rivers was repeatedly subjected to captures of aggressors. Vietnam fought with invaders, taking from each best cultural traditions, transformed them into his bright individuality and, at the same time, remained uncompaired.

True, Vietnam has never been divided into two states. South Vietnam, being under the French Protectorate, and then - by American influence, always remained part of the Unified Vietnam. Northern Vietnam, with the help of the USSR and Communist China, developed under the laws of the planned economy.

After the union in 1975, the country remained with a good capitalist inheritance, the breaking was not required. After a "restructuring" in Russia, the Communist Party slightly weakened control, and foreign investments were involved in the country. Of all post-communist states, South Wielnam, Vietnam, most naturally began to develop in a new direction.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam retains socialist principles in public policy and the capitalist market in the economy. The capital was preserved in Hanoi in the north of the republic, in the south the largest city of Saigon is renamed Ho Chi City with general consent.

The population is 92.5 million. On the density it takes the 30th place in the world - 273 people / km2. Time zone as in Krasnoyarsk and Bangkok. Local Monetary Unit Dong, attitude to the dollar today - 1 US dollar \u003d 22330 Dong (VDN). The nation consists of various ethnic groups of loved ones in their ethnos, the identity of cultures persists, partly and because of tourist interest, but years of wars ignited Vietnamese as a single nation.

Climate subtropical in mountain jungle and tropical on the coast. In agriculture, the main cultures of rice and manica, sugar cane and bananas. Universally used coconut palm trees. Contrary to the current stereotype of Europeans, the coconut is more technical culture than the food. A variety of tropical fruits and vegetables used in food are similar to all countries in the region, but the Vietnamese in their majority use a lot of seafood. The base of the whole - rice and fish. Coffee and tea plantations located in the north of the country have great importance for exports.

The attractiveness of Vietnam for us, Russians, lies in the similarity of the system in the device of the whole life. Many of the top-generation tourists, having been in this country, nostalgic about the left Soviet Union. But even young people who do not live in the USSR feel like state Devicewithout looking at the Russian restructuring and orientation of Vietnam to the European standards laid down by the French.

State medicine, pension system, universal and free education. Often can be seen on the streets of Vietnamese children in red ties - is it not the Soviet past? Pensions in Vietnam are small, elderly, as adopted in the East, children should help. On average in the country - $ 150. The minimum pension is set at $ 32, the retirement age for men is 60 years old, for women - 55 years old, a 20-year experience is required.

Mandatory and free only primary education, from 6 years to 11 years, then parents will take care of their child themselves. The full course of secondary education takes 12 years and makes it possible to enter the university or university.

An incomplete 9-year-old education, with a lack of funds, can be obtained during private sponsorship or state assistance, the last three years - only paid, but students surrendered exams with a high ball receive benefits upon admission to the university. By the way, all students who ended with the success of the upper three-year-old stage receive diplomas and are considered educated people, something like our average-seat.

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Life in Vietnam - Russians and Vietnamese

Since the distant Soviet times, Russians in Vietnam lived constantly. Traditionally, they helped in the military field and in industry. Many specialists visited business trips to this country. The new wave of immigrants comes to relax and work.

All expatons can be divided into two large groups - industrial specialists who came to the invitation of government and large private companies to work at industrial facilities and in science and, enterprising youth with a fairly high intellectual potential, which decided to temporarily work in the warmth climate. The scope of the application forces for them is mostly tourist. Russian business is only developing here. Difficulties in business are due to a number of reasons, they will be told later.

Relying on the history of ancient Vietnam and a recent history people's Republic, It can be noted that Belolitic in Vietnam is not very complaining. In the north they do not like Americans, in the south are wary of the former Soviet citizens. But rather, it is due to the distrust of the European race at all. No one will argue that they are not glad to tourists here, no one will dare to say that Russian experts are Gonyami. But the general attitude towards foreigners is radically different from Buddhist Thailand or Laos.

I arrive until it goes into the habit, it is necessary to be extremely attentive. Pockets, small scammers and just lovers to get used at the expense of an alien Rotosa in Vietnam at every step. Calculate on the market, fool when renting a motorbike, take an overestimated fee for any services is not considered to be acknowledged. The robberies here do not have a Hanoi one of the safest cities in the world, but it is better to leave at home. And do not forget that historically, the South China Sea was one of the overtones of piracy and the Vietnamese played here not the latter role.

Russian specialists are in demand and respected here. Russian people who live on the coast for more than half a year perceived by local already like relatives, due to the features of our character, but freedom-loving Vietnamese will not tolerate familiarities or a dismissive relationship. A weighted balance between respect for another and self-consistency is not easy to find.

Recreation and entertainment

Contrary to all confidence of travel agencies, the basis for tourism in Vietnam is clear sea and beaches, geographical objects and nature. But these natural objects are so beautiful and unique that everything else is overlapping. The hotel base is slightly better in the south, where the French and European influence on the service is still preserved. But mainly the service resembles Russian good Soviet resorts of the Black Sea coast. Conditionally, tourist Vietnam can be divided into three zones - north, southern and central.

The central tourist area for Europeans, and the most special for the Russian is most favorable by climate. The subtropical climate of this part of the sea coast is the main zone of beach tourism. Comfortable temperature and almost complete lack of rains from February to August. The air temperature at this time is almost always 30s °, and water - 28c °. Musson comes only in October-November, and torrential rains in December.

The main city of this region is Danang, major famous resort Nha Trang - center of a party life. From him to Hyue, all the coast is interspersed with hotels, beaches, bars, discos and palm groves. In the high season, the entire coast glows to lights until the dawn. In the same region there is a famous Hang Dong Dong, a cave with an underground river. This is one of the main natural attractions, but far from the only one. In the Danang itself and in the ancient capital Hue there are temples and palaces. Ancient cult buildings differ from Hindu, Chinese and Thai something elusive. Perhaps this is the abundance of fantastic ritual animals. Dragon, Phoenix, Unicorn and Turtle occupy an equal position with the statues of saints.

Northern Vietnam - place of pilgrimage in such original Vietnamese temple complexes. From here and from southern China takes its beginning to the Vietnamese nation. The main architectural attractions are in Hanoi. This region feeds the whole country - tea and coffee plantations, rice fields and farms. Here are serpentine and crocodile farms.

The foothills retain the coolness and abundance of moisture, north is not suitable for beach tourism, but environmental tourism finds more and more adherents. National natural parks And the reserves here are the best in Asia. Halong Bay National Park has been submitted to UNESCO World Heritage. This is the attraction number 1 of the northern part. Translated as "where the dragon went down to the sea", the place is majestic, amazing and mystical. A variety of islets, rocks of rocking tropical vegetation resemble their outlines of mythological animals and celers. According to legend, this is the rulers underwater world And the Dragon airspace thus amused with a variety of figures.

Diving and extreme water tourism types attracts the southern region. This is partly due to a more developed infrastructure, partly - the warm sea and coral reefs. The coast of this tourist zone begins with Nha Trang and continues throughout the southern coast.

Wealth of water fauna at the level best places In the world and is not inferior even to the Red Sea, and marine green turtles and sea cows - endemics of these places. The best time for dives is winter. This is I. best season Without rains and gently temperatures. In April-May in the south there is a terrifying heat, and the most rainy time July-August. Best hotels And diving centers are located in the southern region.

It affects the time spent under the French Protectorate, Europeans built a resort paradise for themselves. Americans do not like to remember here, they did not make their own. In the southern region there is a special economic zone of Fukuchok Island. This is I. national Park, and one of the popular places for divers.

On the island near the coast, pearls are grown, and the jungle is zealously preserved in pristine. After starting to put the international airport, the island it became possible to visit the citizen of any state without registration of a visa for 30 days. True, the departure for the mainland in this case is not permitted.

Work and accommodation

The period when Vietnam prices were low, passed. Even travel voucher In the high season, no cheaper trips to Thailand. To date, real estate prices in large cities and resort centers are comparable to the prices of the nearest neighbors. For example, the price of condo in Nianchang ranges from $ 30,000 to $ 100,000, and rent from $ 250 to $ 1000.

In the distance from the sea, in industrial areas, of course, the prices are lower, and the invitation specialist can count on renting housing and compensation from the company. Otherwise, it is common with unpretentious employees of travel firms and freelancers.

Find accommodation $ 200 and below. It will not have all the amenities for the Eurostandard, but the necessary - electricity, hot water and communication will be. Products in Vietnam are not expensive, in the cost of food can be met at $ 300 and lower in the province, from $ 600 in the capitals. All of these extended myths about the cheapness of Vietnam with more than compensate for the demand of Russians, the presence of jobs and an average salary from $ 500. With sufficient diligence in good firms, people earn $ 1000.

Works for Russians in Vietnam a lot. Traditional focus on Russian specialists in industry moved to the tourist business. And the increasing flow of Russian tourists only strengthens this position.

There are no prohibitions for certain professions for foreigners here, and the hardworking and the intelligence of Russian expatons is the best recommendation. Workers and business visas are made up without difficulty according to the petition of the company, the duration of the GWOR-Perm is varies from three months to three years. During the three-month trip, the Russian will be able to see and decide whether to live here and longer.

Low salary with relatively high prices The accommodation is predetermined by Vietnam as a transshipment base for immigration to Asia, or temporary work in the fellow climate. Usually, these are young people with higher education, knowledge of English language and age of 30 years.

Transport of this asian country, as is unpredictable everywhere for the uninitiated. From modern airliners of international and domestic airlines to Beloriksh, everything works simply. Two extreme mistiff that Vietnamese moved on bicycles and that bicycles are universally replaced by motorbikes - not true. Until now, very many locals use these most eco-friendly and cheap transport, although the number of motorized steadily grows.

Message between cities and provinces organized bus transportation and railway. The bus ride is comfortable, the service level is close to air transportation - a built-in toilet and breakfast if the flight is long. But the organization road Such is that the duration of the trip often depends not on the distance, but from the workload of the route.

Faster and cheaper to use the railway. The rolling stock is old and explored, on trips mercilessly shakes, but the roads themselves are inspected and repaired, and fans admire the beauty of the beauty of the wheels such travels will add a lot of fresh impressions.

Another myth of the Asian style driving a car or motorcycle. Politeness on the road here is several times higher than in Russia, but the national flavor itself and small discrepancies in the rules of the road are introduced by a foreigner into a stupor. Russians, lived in Vietnam six months or more, easily water the motorbike without incidents.

If you decide to immigrate

Medicine in Vietnam State. If it comes to something serious, it is better to contact a private clinic, which are here too many. This applies to dentists, some simple operations, such as furunculas. Well, about the disorder of the stomach, sneezing and cough you can safely go to the State Medical Institution. In order for the patient's treatment to be unnecessarily overlaid, it is necessary to issue medical insurance in advance, in the future the employer, if such, will help get insurance in place.

Usually come across a tourist visa, they find work, draw up a working visa and work permit. If independent earnings are planned via the Internet, it is easier to place a business visa or to extend the tourist how long is possible.

It is easier to find work in Central Vietnam, and even live is more comfortable. Get a residence permit, not even by official work in any company is not difficult, as and get a visa. To do this, you need to regularly pay taxes, have proven income and place of residence, not violate laws and not have a criminal past.

Organize your business more difficult. There are no direct prohibitions, and the Government's investment is welcome, but do not forget that in Vietnam the socialist economy and planned economy. Initially, you need to find a niche and get the approval of local authorities.

Taxes in Vietnam - the system is quite confusing and a novice businessman better appeal for help to a lawyer. Briefly - all enterprises pay a single corporate tax of 25%, income tax from 10% to 20%.

Enterprises of the extractive industry and using natural resources Pay more, government priority projects can receive tax holidays and benefits. Standard VAT rate 10%. Export goods are exported, and on the necessary products of general consumption as it, water, medicines, children's things and toys, animal feed and agricultural products - VAT 5%. Imported goods are subject to a duty to 50%. Any legal entity pays a small tax on natural resources. Foreign workers pay income tax 25%, when working from 30 days to six months, then the tax is charged on a progressive scale from 10% to 50%.

Hello everyone! Why exactly in Nha Trang, you ask? But because Nha Trang is not only the most popular resort In Vietnam among Russian-speaking travelers, but also because this city has a very successful geographical location. Up to all major attractions can be reached by its own run within one day.

We were in Vietnam three times, first on the way, and then 2 times went to Vietnam yourself. We drove almost the whole country from the south and almost to the north. We were on Fukuchok, in Ho Chi Minh City, Muin, Nha Trang, Dalate, Hoyan, Danang and Hue. In this article we share all the necessary information that we managed to learn and check in practice.

Go to Nha Trang yourself

What is better to take a ticket or ride yourself in Nha Trang?

In the current situation, when travel agencies are bursting one after another, the most reliability to organize their holidays. In Vietnam, the first time we traveled on a trip for 7 days and paid about 25 thousand rubles per person. Now I understand that we didn't recognize the country at all for such a short term.

The second time we decided to go to Vietnam on our own and for a longer period. They saw and learned about Vietnam much more, while our expenses amounted to about $ 800 per month. But, in this amount, we do not enter the tickets, since we arrived from Cambodia, and left for Laos. It turns out that if you fly for a short time for 7-14 days, it will be more profitable to take a ticket, since the air tickets from Russia and back do not be cheap. But then the risk of bankruptcy of your travel agencies remains.

Rest in Vietnam DICER. All beaches social and free

In Vietnam without a trip? Easily!

So, if you decide to go to Nha Trang independently, then read more carefully, I will briefly tell all the basic details of the travel organization by a speaker. I will not spray about the benefits independent travel, I will write only the highlights to which you want to pay attention. All the following recommendations are based on our own experience and travel on Vietnam. We drove the country's field on buses, flew on planes by local airlines, traveled to Taxi, lived in Muin, in Nha Trang, in Hoihan, in Danang, looked Dalat, Ho Chi Minh City and Hue.

Standard Independent Travel Plan:

  • Find free time to travel
  • Flights
  • To book a hotel
  • Proceed by insurance
  • Exchange money
  • Go to enjoy rest

In principle, any of these items can be excluded. You can even all if there is a remote job, then free time to paint is not necessary, you can work via the Internet, which in Vietnam is available in each hotel. Flights can not be bought, but to travel by land types of transport or hitchhiking - option for spotted travelers, who have a lot of time. It is also not necessary to book hotels, you can always find something in place if it is a tourist city.

Does you need insurance on a journey, let everyone decide for himself, whether to risk it. But the presence of insurance is not a mandatory requirement for entry into this country. Money can be kept on the map, shoot in ATMs or pay in stores.

Something like this. See for yourself that you can exclude, and I will write more about all the nuances self-trip in Nha Trang.

An independent trip to Vietnam may be more interesting for a batch tour.

Where to buy air tickets

We buy on the Internet - it is more profitable and easier

Now the life of travelers has simplified significantly. No longer need to hammer the thresholds of some agencies or aircraft. Now it is enough just to go to the online search engines of tickets, for example, Avials.find the most convenient flights and buy e-ticketBy paying a bank card. This ticket is not necessary, at the rack at the airport, registration goes on a passport. Just in case, you can take a picture of the route receipt to the tablet.

Ticket search sites:


Search on these sites or use the following form to search for air tickets to the desired dates:

How to book a hotel in Nha Trang

Hotels and Guesthouses in Nha Trang are literally at every turn. From $ 10-15 per day you can find a small but more or less decent room. Spacious room in a good hotel 3-4 stars with a swimming pool and breakfast will cost at least $ 30-40 per day.

To independently book a hotel in Nha Trang via the Internet, you do not need to look for sites of hotels. Here, too, everything is very simple. We go to the search engine of hotels (for example, Booking) and book with a bank card.

Payment will take place directly at the hotel, and your card acts as a guarantee that you booked a room and come to it on a designated day. Reservation can be canceled or changed the dates if you booked in advance. 1-2 days before arrival, it is impossible to cancel the reservation.

Looking for hotels on these sites: → → →

In Vietnam, prices for hotels are lower than an average of Asia. For $ 10-12 a day, you will have a small clean room with air conditioning, a TV and a fridge, perhaps even with a balcony and sea views. See our selection -. When renting for a long period, you can try to negotiate with the owners and get a discount. But even without discount in Nha Trang, you can rent a hotel room for a month for 300-350 dollars.

In Nha Trang, you can rent an apartment for rent. To find housing take advantage search engine Booking..

Rental housing in Nha Trang is worth $ 300-400 per month

Insurance in Vietnam

The insurance policy is now easily drawn up via the Internet. Cost from 500 rubles per week. To arrange insurance - go to cherehapa insurance site. There simply enter the dates of travel and country, click Calculate. The system will show the cost of insurance in various insurance companies. Choose the best for the price and then click "Buy". Also, insurance can be ordered on services and TripInsurance.

If you are going to manage the mopder, ride a water bike, fly with parachute and TP - choose the type of recreation - active. Note also that no insurance is valid if you are able to intoxicate!

Do insurance or not - to solve you. But it is better to do, it will be calmer. In our last article, we have already discussed with readers, whether insurance need, read.

Visa in Vietnam

Russians 15 days without a visa. That is, they just flew, passed passport control and got a stamp for 15 days. Even no immigration cards are not necessary.

Ukrainians, Belarusians and residents of other CIS countries need to be visa. Read on the Internet on this topic.

IMPORTANT! If you leave on your own from Vietnam to another country (in Malaysia, Cambodia, in Thailand, etc.), then you can not go back without visa. You will not be allowed to the plane! All because a new stamp for 15 days can only put in a month.

What to do? Order an invitation or to issue a visa at the Vietnam Consulate in another country. Read more.

What money to take in Vietnam and how much?

Dollars, Euro, Asian currencies (Hong Kong and Singapore dollars, ringgits, Thai Bati, Yuan, Rupee). There are no rugs or hryvnia, it will be difficult to change and not profitable. Unless on the map.

Vietnam - Dong (VND) currency. All calculations are conducted only in Dongs. In rare cases in hotels, travel agencies or tourist stores can take dollars. But according to the law it is impossible to do so.

In Nha Trang, you can change dollars to dongs in any bank or in a street exchanger. Never change money from random people on the street, on the beach, on the market (divorce).

The course to the ruble now write in the article will not, he is constantly changing. Current course, see the currency converter on the right. Dong Course to the dollar $ 1 \u003d 23.000 dong. For the convenience of counting, consider that the dollar is equal to 20 thousand dongs.

Nha Trang prices are rather low. Basic articles of expenses - flight, accommodation and excursions. On average, it can go on average from 15-20 dollars per person, depending on where and what to eat, in simple cafes or in restaurants for tourists.

Money in Vietnam

Movement around the country, buses, trains, taxi

Public transport in Nha Trang, and in all Vietnam, is well developed. There are no problems with movement in Nha Trang. For the city, small buses run, the fare of 7000 dongs. There are several routes, so you can easily get to anywhere in the city in Nha Trang.

Also in Nya Chang, Taxi drivers on modern air-conditioned cars are on duty. There are Grab Taxi and Uber applications. Can order a taxi via the Internet. There is no familiar Asian Tuk-Tukov in Vietnam, but you can use the services of Motobike Taxists.

Taxi in Nha Trang
City bus in Nha Trang
Vietnamese intercity bass sly

Excursions in Nha Trang are sold at every step

Also, almost all excursions can be traveled independently. On the central streets of Nyachng, many travel agencies with Russian-speaking staff. The most famous is the Russian Information Center. There you can order any excursions, buy a SIM card, change money or just consult.

I will not describe in detail what to see in Nha Trang. The main attraction of Nha Trang, perhaps the island of entertainment - Vinpearl (WinPearl). Excursions are sold on it, but you can easily go and yourself. Also in the city itself there are several interesting places that can be viewed without any problems:

Also from Nha Tourists traveling on excursions to neighboring cities - Dalat, Hoyan, Hue. If you are planning to inspect everything in Nha Trang independently without guides and excursions, then there, too, you can easily get to your move. For example, in Dalat from Nlyachung, you can independently get by bus in just 2-3 hours, it is twice as cheaper than paying for a tour. Can be ordered individual transfer Nha Trang - Dalat. In Hoyan and Hue, go a little longer, you will have to spend the night in the slyman-bass. If you eat in this area, be sure to pay 1-2 days to inspection, which is just between Hoyan and Hue.

Famous Tree Tree in Dalat
Temples in Hoyan can also see the most without an excursion
Self-excursion in Hue
Pagoda Lin Ung in Danang. We arrived and looked

The language of communication

In the tourist cities - English. In the wilderness - gesture language.

In Nha Trang, in all tourist areas we did not have any problems with communication. In places of mass accumulation of foreigners - Nha Trang, Hoyan, Hue, Sap, all local speak English fluently. If you know ingle, then there will be no language barrier. On souvenir markets, in massage salons, travel agencies and tourist stores can even communicate in Russian. The farther from tourist places, the more difficult with the language. Nobody understands in the wilderness. Yes, and not only in the wilderness, for example, we had difficulties with communication even in and in, had to be expressed by gestures.

In the markets for local communication occurs most often only gestures

What to eat

In the Nha Trang Suma Cafesk and restaurants for every taste and wallet. All tourists in Vietnam are laid on cheap seafood (lobsters, shrimps, mussels, fish) and on exotic - snakes, lizards, frogs. Directly in Nha Trang there are several Russian restaurants, where you can eat familiar dishes - borsch, potatoes with cutlets and dumplings.

If you want to save, then do not hesitate to eat in a cafe for local. They look not very presentable, but at prices there everything is 3-4 times cheaper. Many travelers feed on such eaters with small plastic stools.

Morning Beach in Nha Trang

Security in Vietnam

During the stay in Vietnam, we noted that the country is quite safe for life. Vietnamese are non-aggressive. The main thing is to comply with standard precautions:

  • On the Internet, there are cases where motorcyclists break bags from tourists, so do not wear any values \u200b\u200band money with you to the beach. It will be calmer to take a small backpack and put on both shoulders.
  • Theft in hotels, as in any country in the world, maybe. To minimize risks, just do not leave money, values, telephone, tablet and everything will be fine.
  • Do not demonstrate the hotel staff or housing owners large amounts of money, decorations and other values. Just in case. Applicable to any country.
  • In case of conflict situations, you should not raise the voice to Vietnamese or to engage in handcript, since the police will always be on the side of the local.
  • Do not walk alone at night in dark deserted alleys, illuminating the way like an iPhone. Most likely nothing happens to you, but it is better not to risk.
  • Insects, spiders, snakes, predators are found in Nha Trang? Currently, there are no dangerous insects in the cities, snakes and even more predators. Of course, no one is insured against mosquitoes and cockroaches, including large flying, but they are not dangerous and found rarely.

Bike rental in Vietnam

Take a scooter for self-movement in Vietnam costs about $ 5-10 a day. International rights in Vietnam do not work, but tourists are secretly you can drive a moped without right. The main thing is to have a helmet and the rules were respected. Do not leave the passport, look for rental offices, which will agree to a photocopy. Do not drink alcohol, otherwise, in the case of an accident, insurance will not act.

Storm in Nha Trang

Useful references to the organization of self-trip

Reference for more information:

  • Flights to Vietnam - Search and purchase tickets
  • Rent hotels in Nha Trang from $ 8 or in any other city
  • Find an apartment or room for rent For a long time
  • Registration of tourist insurance - In this section, you can find out the cost and order the insurance policy
  • - Useful article about visas, our experience.
  • Transfers and taxi - Online taxi order in Nha Trang

Vietnam is infinite sand beaches, the amazing picturesque South China Sea, mysterious tropical jungle, as well as a high level of service and sincere smiles of local residents.

And also, Vietnam is convenience and comfort. Starting with the coziness of modern hotels ending visa-free regime For rest up to 15 days.

That is why there are so many newlyweds, couples with children and fans of water sports.

However, about everything in order. Today I will tell you about that ...

When and why it is worth going to Vietnam

In Vietnam, you can relax all year round, the main thing is to compare the time of year and the desired place of rest. The thing is that climatic conditions in the south, north and in the central part of the country differ markedly.

For instance…

Climate in the south of Vietnam (,) It is customary to divide on dry and wet. And if you are planning rest in the interval from December to May, south is what you need! This is the most favorable dry season.

The most "lackmark" velvet seasonHere they are considered January and February, with air temperature within + 33c.

"Wet" rainy season here lasts from May to November. And winter and spring are the perfect months to relax in the south of the country.

In the central part of Vietnam (And this is Hue,) From February to August, the temperature here holds in the area + 30s + 35s. At this time, in the center of Vietnam, solar clear days are standing, and short-term rain is a rare phenomenon.

In the fall here are torrential rains. But in winter, in spring and summer in the center of Vietnam - always warm and sunny!

Shopping in Vietnam- This is a real paradise for lovers to wander around the markets and supermarkets.

Do you know why? Shopping Here, according to Russian standards, rather cheap.

Judge for yourself: in this country you can buy a decent shirt or, for example, a T-shirt for only $ 5-6. And for $ 50 even to change the wardrobe!

15 useful advice on what the tourist needs to know before the trip to Vietnam. What are the dangers wait. What to be ready.

What you need to know the tourist before riding in Vietnam

Vietnam - very beautiful country. Rice fields, Tuk-Tuki, waterfalls and delicious foods - this is what this country is associated with me. Vietnam can come both independently and via a ticket. When I first came here, I practically didn't know anything about Vietnam, but quickly crashed up. And in this article I want to tell you about the 15 peculiarities of Vietnam, which you need to know every tourist before the trip.

Beware of fake tourist firms

In Vietnam, many wonderful and kind people, but it does not interfere with him sometimes deceive tourists. From all countries of Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the best teacher of diligence. Small thieves and fake travel agencies here everywhere. You can sell a non-existent or not appropriate excursion. Also in Vietnam, full of small firms that lead their activities, hiding behind the brand of well-known companies with a positive reputation, and in fact it is nothing other as Rog and hooves LLC. As far as I know, there are no special damage from such fake firms, they just try to get out of someone else's name.

Think twice before buying a tour or a ticket to one of these firms, based on your sign on their sign. It is better to ask the google of the necessary offices in advance.

Watch your things

In Vietnam, small thefts are practiced everywhere and breaking the wallet. There are many scams that are looking for naive and inattentive tourists who instead of watching their things consider raven.

During his stay in Vietnam, I encountered 4 cases of theft among travelers. On the night of my arrival in the country, I sat in the Internet cafe and suddenly heard the shouts of a tourist on the street, he pulled out from his hands a wallet. Then the owner of the cafe warned me ...

Always keep the bag and camera in front of yourself, tightly pressing them to the body. Street thieves are smart, they deliberately choose their sacrifice, so do not turn themselves into a light target, eyely eye on the sides.

With Vietnamese not so easy to bargain

Everything is traded in Vietnam. This ritual dance around the price is common everywhere.

Ask the seller the price of the goods, and you will literally see how he mentally picks up how much you can handle you. Experienced sellers see inexperienced buyers for the mile.

Keep in mind that in Vietnam the default is meant that you will bargain with the seller, and as a tourist you will always overestimate the price. The most banal council in such a situation - try not to look rich. When I go to the Vietnam Market, then I get all major banknotes from the wallet and flatter things. After heating the loud ringing of my wallet, the sellers think that the budget traveler is in front of them. Usually I add that this day is everything that I have.

If you want to learn more about how to trade in Vietnam, read.

In Vietnam there is a curfew

Even big citiesAs Hanoi and Saigon fall asleep about 23 hours (and also before). Bars and clubs work at night, but restaurants, shops and organizations are closed. This means that hostels and guesthouses are also closed early. In some there is a night worker who imparts toured guests or a call to which you can call to let you fit. But it happens that the light is repaid everywhere, the night administrator sees the fifth sleep, the Internet is turned off.

Find out in advance, whether there is a curfew in your hostel and a guesthouse, and is there an instruction in case you come late. Warning the administrator in advance that you find out, otherwise you can evict you.

Good if you are vegetarian

Vietnam is friendly to vegetarians, there are restaurants with a special menu.

Once in Hanoi, I went to the restaurant GECKO, ordered vegetarian shrimp and vegetable salad. I said that I am a vegetarian and shrimp that served me, I was very surprised. They looked differently, were the others taste and even chewed as usual. I asked the waiter in what a catch, he replied that these are vegetarian shrimp made from something that was not shrimp.

I can not say that I liked the dish, but it was nice to me that the Vietnamese carefully relate to my needs.

Buy sightseeing tours in Vietnam

Vietnam is the place where you have an inexpensive tour of the local travel agency are sometimes cheaper than to organize a trip on your own.

Before arriving in Vietnam, I chose interesting excursion tours, compared prices and hurried to have time to the end of numerous shares with a tick timer. But it was worth it to come to Vietnam and get acquainted with the prices for excursions in local tourist bears and in his hostel, the prices for all inclusive tours pleasantly surprised me.

Even those tours that they attracted me by their price, while I climbed on the sites, it was cheaper here and there was a transfer, an englishing guide, food, and accommodation. The hotel's room was at times better place in the hostel, which I chose yourself and also cheaper.

During the excursion it is very easy to get lost

In Vietnam, many travel agencies and many excursions that occur everywhere at the same time. Tourists here are also more than, besides, they are constantly spread as cattle. In such an environment, it is very easy to get lost, especially if you travel alone and some kind of look after you.

Because In one place there are several sightseeing groups, and excursions are held in parallel, I was late for a couple of minutes to the place of collection and lost my group. I was afraid. The tour operator did not give any instructions to do in such a situation, I did not know what hotel we stopped. It is likely that the tour operator did not know this until the last minute due to the constant teaching.

I was confused, because I did not remember any of our group. After 20 minutes of disembodied searches, I was already ready to praise, as one of the tourists from our group noticed me and called to the bus, where everyone was already sitting and waited for departure.

Single tourist is more difficult to remember than a pair or group. Therefore, if you travel one or alone, then try to notice you and remember, and also note that people with you in one group. Write down the number of travel agencies, calf or guide and try not to lag behind the majority. It will not be superfluous if you find yourself a friend on the excursion.

Vietnamese, like snails - everywhere tested your home

It's not a house, of course, but if such an opportunity appeared, the Vietnamese would be the first to try. From all Southeast Asia, only in Vietnam, residents are transporting a bunch of different things on their motorbikes, ranging from cells with chickens and ending with furniture. You will be surprised how they manage to fix on their two-wheeled horses a lot of things and at the same time lavish in a rapid flow of traffic.

Get ready for street noise (or buy hips for ears)

In Vietnam, all signals on the roads. When we returned to Hanoi from Halong Bay, the bus driver was angry every 45 seconds. I am not kidding. Avokrug Signalivators or someone else.

So, if you have a sensitive dream, and you decide to order a room with windows on the motorway - think twice.

The hotel's administrator will ask to leave your passport

Leave the passport of strangers - always unpleasant to most of us. But some hotels and guesthouses in Vietnam may ask you to say goodbye to your passport for the time of living in their walls. So do not be frightened, this is a normal practice.

Crossing the street

The banal necessity to move across the road in Vietnam may seem to be a real challenge with unusual. There are transitions here, but it does not mean anything. You will not stop the car from the motorbikes until you cross the street. We will have to go at your own risk. It is not hazardous if you are afraid, raise up your hand so that you probably notice and slowly start moving the road. Drivers are centered, the main thing, do not make sharp sudden movements, and then please under the wheels. Do not try to lavish, go always in a straight line. Do not go through the road in front of the bus, it is difficult for him to stop suddenly, better wait.

Vietnamese hands do not raise, they are Kamikaze. But tourists are practicing might and main.

Buy food on the streets

Some travelers are afraid and flatly refuse to buy food at the open markets of Vietnam, sin on antisanitia. Street food is a large part of the country's culture, the Vietnamese themselves are happy to buy and eat food on the streets. I can't say that street food is tastier restaurant, but everything I tried, I really liked it.

Always buy food only where it is prepared in place and served hot. Never eat raw meat and peeled fruit. Do not buy ready salads if you are not sure that all the ingredients are washed. Boldly buy on the street FD soup, if it is served hot. Always buy from those sellers around whom Vietnamese crowds. Please note how the sellers wash the dishes.

Do not drink water from under the crane

Drink only bottled water. In Vietnam, water from the tap is unsuitable for drinking and even the Vietnamese do not use it during cooking. In restaurants and cafes, ice is purchased separately, and do not frozen flowing water. Being in Vietnam, I even cleaned my teeth with exceptionally bottled water.

If you are going to live in Vietnam for a long time, buy a water filter. I use compact STERIPEN. I bought on Amazon, but you can buy in Russia.

Narrow buildings

In some regions of Vietnam, you will notice long narrow buildings. At first glance, they seem very strange architecture objects. The reason is that the cost of housing here does not depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, but from the width of the facade. The wider your building, the greater the place on the street it takes, the more you have to pay. Therefore, the overwhelming part of the dwelling in Vietnam is long and narrow.

Eat Fo

In Vietnam, it is very loved. So much that most dishes are made of rice. FD is a rice noodle soup, welded on a meat broth with the addition of various vegetables. Vegetables can be chosen on their taste, they need to be added to the ready-made hot soup, so they are considered ready. Vegetarians are diligently looking for FD soup, welded not on meat broth, but luck will smile only in some restaurants oriented by tourists.

How to move on Vietnam

At the end of the article, I decided to quickly spend on possible ways of movement in Vietnam.

And in the first place the favorite transport of the Vietnamese people. You can rent one of them, and if you are going to stay for a long time, then buy. So it will be cheaper, and in Vietnam among tourists, it is customary to resell motorcycles and mopeds to each other. Vietnamese on their bikes almost live: they eat, sleep, use them instead of sofas, etc. It is not surprising that they can be managed so well with them. Oddly enough, it means that one, if you are new, then Vietnam is not best country To master the bike, only if you are going to move outside the city.