How many national parks in France. National Parks France

Organized in 1963, July 6 and is the first French National Park. The guarded territory is south of the mountain range Mont Blanc And spreads along the chain of the mountains of the Alps in the area of \u200b\u200bSavoy.

This relatively small National Park includes two zones: central and peripheral With an area of \u200b\u200b528 km2 and 1450 km2, respectively. The peripheral zone was formed to protect and preserve the living nature in the central zone. For 14 kilometers park Vanoaz It borders with, located in Italy.

AT Vanoaz National Park There is a huge amount of wild colors. Local floral world is represented by more than 1000 alpine plants. Gentian and edelweiss became symbols of Vanuza, they are placed on the emblem of the park.

The following types of plants are belonging to the number of specialists: mining primrose, stone, alpine bells, various types of sources, Alpine Aquaille.

Vanuaz National Park and its plant world

AT park Vanoaz There are stone goats with a number of approximately two thousand individuals. This is the most numerous population on the territory of all France. These animals live high in the mountains. They can be seen descending from the snow-covered mountain cliffs.

Approximately five thousand individuals serne It is found in the protected area. As for small mammals, in the park you can see the hare, groundwork, wildflower. Plotovnaya animals are represented by cauldron, ermine, pine cunnits, badger and fox. In addition, in the park you can find a white earther and bats.

Rich and diverse ornithofauna Vanuaz National Park. It includes 125 species of birds, including: whiteflake thrush, cedigrovka, crested, three-pailed woodpecker, green woodpecker, desalted, Ryabchik and Tetra. The typical inhabitants of the Alpine zone are alpine curls, kekliki, alpine daws, snow reels, stone stocks. In the highlands you can see the tundra partridge, and in impregnable rocks nest berkuta. Also on the protected area are mukholovka, nuts, sparrow, black woodpecker, Owl, Filin, Golden Eagle.

To the number of representatives amphibians Painting herbal toad, reed toad, Triton and others. Among the reptiles are widespread the following types: Viper, Snake Eskulap and Viliable Lizard.

AT vanauz National Park There are many excellent places located at an altitude of 770-2796 meters above sea level. They offer surprisingly beautiful species: green valleys and snow-covered tops Alps.

In the spring, the northern slopes are covered with snow, while the Southern are already sleeping with the first colors. The slopes covered with edelweissions, sparkling snow, bright sun, ski-shins, centuries-old fir - here you are waiting for many wonderful moments.

Nowadays, an acute problem is the problem of environmental protection, and any country takes measures to preserve and rescue various types of animals. For this purpose, reserves, zoos, national parks are created. In France today exist nine national parkswhich are located both in the country itself and in it.


This is the first I. the most famous France National Park. It was founded in 1963 in order to preserve the population of stone goats, who threatened the extinction. Vanuaz National Park borders with the Italian National Parc Paradiso National Park, which was created somewhat earlier with the same purpose. Alive remains only about a hundred goats, who lived in the mountains of Grand Paradiso in Italy, where in 1823 the hunt for these animals was banned. Together, these parks form the largest environmental territory in Western Europe.

Vanuaz National Park is located south of the Mont Blanc Mountainside and extends along the Alps mountain range in the Savoy area. This is a relatively small park. The park is divided into a central and peripheral zone. The peripheral zone is an area that surrounds central. The peripheral zone allows you to more restrict the access of people in the central zone and, thus, promotes the preservation of the territory in the original form. No generation of people who visited these places was amazed by the beauty of the landscapes that dominates this park. In Vanuz Park, there are many beautiful places that are located at an altitude of 770-2796 meters from which the stunning views of the snow-covered tops of the Alps are located and the delightful green Vanuza Valleys! There you can see sparkling snow, the slopes, overgrown with edelweiss, the sun, descending directly into the valley, dizzying ski sloping, the forests of age-old fir, the eagle, soaring in the embroidery. Unforgettable two main peaks of Vanuza - Grand Kos and Mont-Puri, rising respectively by 3852 and 3778 meters above sea level.

Vanoaz National Park Surprises a variety of her flora. The floral world of the park includes more than a thousand species of various alpine plant species. Even the symbol of the National Park was two of these plants - Edelweiss and Gulch. They can be seen on the emblem of Vanuaz National Park. Among the specially protected species in the park you can select the following: Alpine Aquille, various types of sources, alpine bells, a stone, a beautiful mountain primrose, which can truly be called the Queen Alps.

The fauna of Vanuaz National Park is striking by its diversity of anyone who will visit the park at least once. Vanuaz contains the largest population of stone goats in France, which is about two thousand individuals, which makes it the third in the number of these animals in France. Live stone goats high in the mountains, and you can see them when they descend from mountain cliffs and snow. About five and a half thousand features of Suln lives in the park. Among the small mammals living in Vanuza, these rodents can be distinguished as a hare in a white winter fur coat, a brown, living in the Alpine meadows, several species of voles.

From carnivorous animals in the park there are animals such as fox, badger, pine cunnic, ermine and caress. Also in the Vanoiz Park, you can see the volatile mice and such insectivores, like a white earther. The magnificence of the bird world includes 125 species, and among them - the aunt, a rod, a desire, green woodpecker, crested, cedridge, white frozard. In the Alpine zone, stoneware stoneware, snow reels, alpine daws, alpine curls. Also in the park there are such birds like a gold eagle, white, Filin, Owl, black woodpecker, sparrow, nuts, multicolored and motley flies. Amphibians in the park live such animals as Triton, reed toad, herbal toad and others. From reptile, you can meet a vivirable lizard, various types of snakes, such as the snake of the Eskulap and Viperu. Hundreds of insect species live in Vanuaz. Butterflies on the Savoy meadows, perhaps, no less than flowers in the spring, and among them such amazing views like Vanessa and Big Apollo.


Merkutur National ParkCreated in 1979, is located near Nice. This is a truly paradise, surrounded by the majestic mountains and filled with unique plants, birds and animals, the park attracts attention to 800 thousand visitors annually. Here you can relax from the noise of the Cote d'Azur, having riding a horse on a horse, or to engage in climbing, choosing for this rock in one of the mountain ranges of the park - Bego, Pelat, Monie and Muton, or to arrange a tour of the sights of the reserve marked by pedestrian routes. In the National Park Merkutur there is something to see - the Alpine peaks reflected in mountain lakes, picturesque canyons and waterfalls, a huge plant and animal world, monuments of history and primitive culture.

On the territory of the National Park, at the foot of Mount Bego, is the "Valley of Miracles", which is a historical monument of France. Here are the unique monuments of the culture of primitive people of the Bronze Age - more than 37 thousand unique rock paintings created in the second millennium BC. These primitive drawings are carved on a crystalline and granite slate and depict weapons, horned cattle and human faces. It is believed that the drawings on the stones were the sacrifice of ancient Ligurians who considered the valley of the sacred.

Legends describe evil spirits living here, which is reflected in the names of these locations - the Valley of the Witch and the Devil Mountain. Among the seven valleys of the reserve - Ruaia, Bevera, Vesubyby, Tina, Verodny Verdon and Yube - scenic lakes, sources and villages whose architecture has absorbed Italian and French traditions. Near the village of Saint-Martin-Vesubyby there is a reserve of the Italian wolves "Alpha", where visitors can admire these rare animals in their natural habitat.

The unique plant world is represented by two thousand species of flowering plants, among which 200 are disappearing. An elegant bowlight made from the rocks has become a symbol of the mercantura. Park trees are larches, oaks and Mediterranean masses, Rhododendrons, spruce and Swiss pines. Traveling in the park, you can hear a whistling whistle or to meet Serna on your way. In the undergrowth they live roars and deer, hares and wild boars. Cool summer day - the best time to look at the proud Capricorn or Kosul. Among the large number of birds inhabitants in the reserve, there are eagles and cannuki, Berkuts and partridges, falcons and vultures. The 33-kilometer border with the neighboring reserve - the National Park of Italy "Argenta," - allows animals and plants to freely migrate from one fleet to another, thereby making the flora and fauna more diverse and more interesting.

Por Cro National Park

Parc National de Port-Cros occupies part of the territory of the Yersk Islands Southeast Toulon. Together with the Botanic Island Nature Reserve Porkerol Park takes about 10 square kilometers of sushi and about 80 kilometers of water area. This is the first marine reserve of Europe (founded in 1963), specializing in the protection of unique ecosystems of the Mediterranean islands and the water adjacent to them. Access to the territory of the reserve is limited (5,000 visitors daily to Porkerol and 1500 - per pore-kro), especially in the summer, when high risk of fires. On the island there is one single network of pedestrian trail passing by destroyed forts and buildings, around the port of pore-kro, through groves of thick shrubs, lavender fields and heather, and on the shores of picturesque small beaches.

Also here you can swim in the sea or relax on the beaches framed by pine. The highest point of this area is located at an altitude of 195 meters above sea level. A significant part of the path is devoted to the natural features of the island. During the tour walk through the park there is time for inspecting the nesting places of sea birds, which is simply an unmeasured number. But not only the shores of the island are amazing, but also the whole island is entirely. Pore-Cro is almost completely covered with thick forest, within its limits there are very few places where traces of the person's stay can notice. This concerns islands pore-kro. The island of Porkerol is famous for no less picturesque landscapes.

Especially captures the spirit of the old lighthouse (open to visit from June to September) and the rocks surrounding it. Here are quite a variety of hiking routes, some of which goes along the coastal rocks, part - through the heather's empty and thickets McWis, part of the Mediterranean Botanical Garden of Le-AMO. Of course, on the island there are all possibilities for recreation outside the excursion. So, you can easily swim in the sea, soak on local beaches. Some of their most famous such beaches on the island - Notre Dame Beach (3 kilometers north-east from Porkerol village) and Argent (1 kilometer west of the port). Of course, every guest will be interested in falling under the water near the island, because there you can observe the indescribable beauty of the paintings: millions of living beings floating among coastal rocks. In addition, about 2000 hectares of the park area specifically assigned to relax and exercise sports in the fresh air. Toulon and Le Lavender's national park are delivered to the National Par-Cro Par Cro, as well as tourist boats from any port of the Cote d'Azur.

National Park Reserve Pyrenees

It stretches at 100 kilometers along the French-Spanish border, is one of the last corners of the untouched wildlife remaining in the country. This park, together with the south of the Spanish State Reserve of Ordes and Monte Perdido (Parque Nacional de Ordesa y Monte Perdido) with an area of \u200b\u200b156 square kilometers, with which there is a cooperation agreement, is home to rare representatives of wild flora and fauna. The National Park is one of the few places that remain in the country where Berkuts, brown bears and Pyrenean sulfas are still inhabited. Locals who are also very proud of a rich cultural and historical heritage are engaged here, as a hundred years ago, agriculture and grazing cattle breeding, although not at such a scale, as before.

Pyrinia Park Reserve It can also boast crystal clear lakes, alpine meadows and the highest mountain in southwestern France - Winemal (3298 meters above sea level), which is part of the mountain chain of Pyrenees. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the park is a favorite holiday destination at fans of skiing and tourism. At the same time, even in the peak of the season, there are enough quiet paths and calm deserted places where you can safely spend time, away from noise and bustle, alone with nature. The park borders are quite clearly defined: they pass through the southern tip of the Western Vallee of the Pyrenees and crossed the border with Spain.

Seven National Park

Parc National Des Cevennes lies in the mountainous areas of the south of France. The mining system of Seven is part of the central massif and one of the oldest in Europe. At the same time, it is one of the most ancient areas of human habitat, so in 1970, the National Park, which occupies almost the entire southern part of the Department Lot and the North-West part of the department, was created in 1970 to protect landscapes, flora, fauna and architectural heritage heritage. In accordance with the French Nature Protection System, the park is divided into two areas - a reserved central zone in which all kinds of economic activities are prohibited, and a peripheral zone in which many historical settlements are concentrated and which is open to everyone.

About 2250 species of plants live here, with a large variety of climate (there are areas with oceanic, continental and Mediterranean types), the chemical composition of soils and a serious height difference (from 378 to 1699 meters) make it possible to exist near representatives of different natural zones. Alpine meadows of Mont-Lozer (the highest point of the park - 1702 meters above sea level) are replaced by peatlands and mountain wastelands, the western slopes stretch the steppes and meadows, while the rocky valleys of the southern slopes are covered with rich subtropical vegetation, huge beech, chestnut and oak forests (Approximately 58.047 Hectares of the forest - the largest forest area in the south of the country). Of the 400 species of flora protected in France, in the park presented 33, plus under guard are another 48 local species and more than a hundred species of rare plants, which is especially surprising, if we consider that almost all the slopes of the outer zone are freely used for grazing.

No less rich and fauna - 2420 varieties of animals were recorded here, including 45% of the vertebrates of the entire country, 89 varieties of mammals, 208 species of birds, 24 species of fish, 824 types of insects and so on. Moreover, there are no species that have long disappeared in other areas of Western Europe, including the otter, beaver, mouflon, skip and langust. As a result of carefully worked out measures, Seven's security over the past 30 years has become one of Europe with the largest variety of natural complexes, and in 1985 the park received the status of the UNESCO Reserve.

ECRAN National Park

PARC National Des ecrins lies on the border of the departments of the Isorea and the upper Alps, within the Downskie Alps, the massif of the Spepelv and the peak of Ecrena (4102 meters). This 918 square kilometers is founded in 1973 to protect the vast area of \u200b\u200bpine and oak forests, alpine meadows and wasteland. But the main decoration of the park is the abundance of ice molds - numerous glaciers, lakes, as well as narrow valleys of the rivers born in the glaciers dissect this mountain range. At the same time, Ecren is considered the most highly mountainous area of \u200b\u200bFrance, with the exception of Mont Blanc. In the northern part of the massif are the peaks of Ecre (4102 meters), Mont-Pelvu (3946 meters) and La Maiz (3983 meters).

In the territory ecare National Park There are six separate reserves guarding local natural complexes, but a combined overall management and control system. The nature of the park is interesting primarily by its pronounced high-altitude lower. At the foot of the peaks of the mountains, you can see the amazing variety of species of mixed forests and alpine meadows, beautiful mountain lakes and rivers, air over which tremble from millions of insects and birds. But as the picture rises, it changes rapidly, and already on passages you can find only mosses and lichens - and all this is just on a two-kilometer route. At the same time, the nature of highly is difficult to name the monotonous or poor - there are about fifty species of wild animals, about 300 species of plants and 56 types of insects, and the footing species variety is even higher.

Camera Regional Natural Park

Parc Naturel Regional Du Queyras was founded in 1977, it does not apply to the number of the country's largest reserves, but according to its natural climatic conditions and the wealth of nature is considered one of the best mountain reserves in Europe. Located in the spurs of the Cottian Alps, between the Briancon and the Italian border, it differs markedly from his more famous neighbors by the colorful combination of alpine nature with more explicit Mediterranean features. The thick forests are replaced by extensive thickets of severe shrubs, the green alpine meadows - mountain wastelands, and the steep slopes of peaks are relatively gentle limestone arrays, which makes this territory with one of the richest both in the abundance of living beings and in the variety of landscapes. At the same time, access to all fields of the park is completely free, and many small mountain villages provide good conditions for both accommodation and dating local culture.

Caera Reserve It covers about 2,300 hectares at altitudes from 1800 to 3300 meters, extending along the valley of the Gil River to the visa located already on the Italian territory of the Mountain (3841 meters) - the highest as part of the Cottian Alps. Almost the alpine flora (alone plants 800 varieties) and fauna (about 120 species of animals) are extremely diverse, and numerous villas of the Valley in winter are popular, albeit small, ski resorts, in the summer, providing excellent opportunities for hiking and horse excursions in the mountains.

Reunion National Park

The Creole Island Reunion lies in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean about 400 miles from the Eastern Madagascar coast and towers over two volcanic peaks. Park area - 1054.47 square kilometers to it adjoins the security area of \u200b\u200b878 square kilometers. The park was formed on February 27, 2007. August 1, 2010 Part of the Park is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Reunion National Park has become the thirty-fifth French object in the UNESCO World Heritage List, and, interestingly, the world's second overseas territory after the barrier reef of New Caledonia, awarded this honor in 2008. According to the representative of UNESCO, the Reunion National Park includes "subtropical forests, wet tropical forests and sandy plains, together constituting the whole mosaic of ecosystems and picturesque landscapes."

Himself, called the "Island of Spectacle", covers an area of \u200b\u200b2500 square kilometers. It is known mainly by its beautiful scenery: two volcanic array and three huge crater, one of which, Python de la Fursive (2632 meters), today is one of the most active planet volcanoes. The main feature of the island is crossed relief and dizzying species opening with numerous cliffs whose height reaches several hundred meters. As a result of the volcanic activity of the soil, erosion gradually underwent, and whole areas of rocks were collapsed, creating amazing landscapes like mountain valleys Mafat, Silazo and Salazi, located around the extinct volcano Python de Gentle with a height of 3071 meters.

Gwiang Amazonia National Park

He is recognized as the largest National Park of France, its total area is 33.9 thousand square kilometers. Gwiang Amazonia Park is in the border with Brazil zone. The park was formed on February 27, 2007. It is noteworthy that in the National Park, Guiang Amazonia cannot be reached any other ways, except with the help of air or water vehicles. Under the special protection there is most of the park - 20,300 square kilometers of its territory, in this zone there is a ban on the extraction of any minerals. And this ban was not just like that, because the rivers of the park rivers are quite easy and easy to find gold. The rest of the National Park is given to the local Indian peoples: Viyana, Tekoms and Maripasul.

The entire territory of the park is in the rainforest area, they perform a very important feature of "climate control" for the entire region. In total, the vegetable world of the Gwiang Amazonia has about 5,800 species of plants, including more than 1,200 species of trees (several hundred different types of hectares), 85 varieties of palm trees, more than 300 species of ferns, as well as several hundred species of orchids. The animal world of the park is rather rich and representative, in total there are about 480 species of freshwater fish, a little more than 180 species of mammals, almost 300 species of reptiles and amphibians, about 720 species of birds, and insects are more than hundreds of thousands of species.

It is worth telling about inhabiting park Gwiang Amazonia animals. Thus, tapirs are among the mammalian representatives of the mammal, these are large herbivores related to the detachment of non-parunxious, the appearance of tapirov something like ordinary pigs, but tapirov has a short trunk. Especially diverse in a monkey park. Of great interest are one of the largest and most powerful representatives of the Feline - Jaguars family. A special originality of the fauna of the park gives an abundance of various turtles, snakes, frogs, on their background, local alligators are especially distinguished. A significant part of the insect fauna consists of very beautiful butterflies.

In view of the residence in the park of a number of people (about 7,000 people) in the zone of insignificant control and protection of natural territories, the tourist infrastructure is more established to a greater extent. Here you can engage in hunting, fishing, collecting the fruits of the forest, but all this is also under the strict regulator of the park administration. Of course, local tribes live in insulation and economic retardation, there is a social deterrent factor. Locals are strongly tied to their traditions, most of whom are expressed in close cooperation with the world of nature. For these reasons, as well as due to the circumstances, the Park Administration tries to involve the local population in the management of protected areas, also on the tribes assigned a mission to preserve and develop material and intangible cultural heritage.

The administration of the park itself provides assistance in economic activity, agricultural and craft. A special role is played by the development of local crafts, which is not only like the local population, but also come to tourists. In Guiangian Amazonia, they are primarily weaving baskets, sculpture, ceramics, beadwork, archery. Even in the charter of the National Park, there is a mandatory assistance in the development and extension of the livelihoods of local cultures.

Green zones of France, its regional natural parks

They give a magnificent opportunity to go on a big campaign on foot, riding a horse or on a bicycle, spend the weekend on the lap of nature.

Gasconi Earth - Natural Regional Park Landes de GascoGne, \u200b\u200bAquitaine

Scenic natural park south of Bordeaux. Here, fresh water of the River Leur merges with sea water from the Arcachon Pool (Atlantic Ocean), and produces swamps over which unusually large dragonflies fly. In the lagoons surrounded by giant dumbers and groves of alder, acne floors, otters, turtles-terrapine. The park has a huge pine forest and works the eco-museum.

There is also the famous Bird Park "Le Teich" with an area of \u200b\u200b110 hectares, in which there are more than 320 species of birds (including Greils, Geese, Goddess and bandages) - they move back and forward from Africa.
The coast of Landez de Gascon is part of the seaside resorts of Côte d'Argent (Silver Coast).
Landes de Gascoogne Regional Natural Park in the south-west of France, Atlantic South, was created on October 16, 1970.

Normandy - Natural Regional Park Le-Finche

Two hours from Paris have extensive forests, wetlands and meadows Le-Persh (county of North-West France). They are perfect for daily walks. Parc Naturel Régional Du Perche - here the most beautiful oak forests in France and many blue bays; Windmills, abbey and estates of the 15th century - they are open to the public (2 euros entrance ticket). The park occupies a large territory, 194,000 hectares, to explore which is possible due to the bicycle paths.

La Ferté-Vidame and Nogent-Le-Rotrou Chateaux castles look as if they went straight from the fairy tale. Black storks, herons and geese splash in numerous lakes of the park. LE PERCHE REGIONAL PARK is known for its horses: more than 30 riding schools and stables offer hinders.
Stay Country Garden B & B is a former village, located in the park: Here are offered cupcakes with jam, afternoon tea; Rooms can be removed from € 99.

Brittany - Territorial Natural Park Armorique

The only regional natural park in Brittany. Daytime turmoil from travelers and from builders of crabs and seaweed. The park includes maurs, swamps, granite rocks and three tiny islands, where mud and cane layers provide an excellent database of birds. Parc Régional Armorique islands are part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, but they can only be reached by ferry with the intriguing name Baie du Stiff.

Clerozon's Peninsula, Like the Head of the Dragon, goes far away in the sea - is ideal for a windy walk - it has an impressive 87 megalithic mengiro labby. Carnivorous plants and insects in the swamps Armorican, dark forests, caves and a flocking fog add mysteriousness to this place.
The incredible wealth of the natural habitat is: salmon, dolphins, deadlocks, hawks, otters and beavers.
Stay Hotel Vaubanv Kamaret-sur-Mer takes the cost of cost from € 45.
The Arborik Regional Park was created in 1969, it takes more than 170,000 hectares (of which almost a third are marine zones).
The nearest cities: Brest, Landerno, Khahai, Shatonf du Fou, Le Kon.

Overhead - Natural Regional Park of Volcanoes

Auvergne de Volcan (Auvergne des Volcans) is a dramatic landscape from craters of extinct volcanoes and tapered peaks covered with green cloth vegetation. Natural Regional Park Auvergne Des Volcans - Paradise for Photographers. Trains puff, delivering visitors up to the top of Puy-de-Dom (Puy-de-Dôme), the highest top of 80 volcanoes in the park.

This is an excellent hike for you, if you are in a fairly good physical form. The regional park is based on the 30-kilometer chain of volcanoes. It has four separate reserves, in which there are streams, lakes, glaciers, cool Kantalsky array and Massius du Sansui. Rare species of butterflies and dragonflies, more than 1000 species of animals inhabit in the park. And for acute sensations, the theme park of volcania has been created, which has slides vertically.
Stay Le Chastel Montaigu, a renovated castle of 17th century castle, rent numbers at a price of € 145 (minimum two nights of stay).

In addition to regional natural parks, in France there are parks that have received national status.

National Parks of France occupy almost 9% of its area (about 48,720 square meters. Km), and these are only large protected areas. A characteristic feature of the organization of the French environmental system is complementary to large reserves network from almost fifty regional parks and hundreds of small protected areas, which are a total of 7 more than 7% of the country's territory, which forms one of the largest ecological zones in Western Europe. At the same time, French reserves are mostly not purely natural zones in the usual understanding - active tourism is actively developing on their territory, there are many historical monuments and cultural heritage sites, agricultural areas and forestry. Therefore, it is not surprising that the share of protected areas accounts for up to 10% of foreign guests. By the way, the French themselves are much more active in this regard - up to 23% of internal tourism to one degree or another falls on the reserves.


Merkantour National Park (Parc National Du Mercantour) occupies a mountain range of about 685 square meters. KM in the northern part of the Department of Seaside Alps, on the border with Italy. Founded in 1979 around the highest point of the region - Mountain (Mont Gelas, Cime Du Gelas, 3143 m) and Valley of Meriere (Vallee des Merveilles - "Valley of Miracles", included in the list of historical monuments of France), in a short time turned into one From the largest reserves of Europe, which attracts the attention of tourists with a whole set of natural and historical objects. Park's floral world is unique - more than 2 thousand species of plants are found here (including 54% of the types of France flowering plants), 25 endemics and about two hundred endangered species. The animal world is also diverse - about 70 species of mammals and 76 species of birds, and near the town of Saint-Martin-Vesubyby (Saint-Martin-Vesubie) there is an only nature reserve of Alpha Wolves. Since 1987, Merkurtur has been united with the Italian National Park of Argenther, which is even more expanding the ranges of many unique plants and animals. At the same time in the seven central valleys - Ruaia (Roya, Roya), Bevera (Bevera), Vesubyby (vesubie), Tine (Tinee), Upper Var (Haut Var, this is the Department of Seaside Alps), Verdon (Verdon) and Ubya (Ubaye For some reason, the Russian maps are referred to as IBI) - almost three dozen picturesque mountain villages with a unique architecture that has enjoyed both French and Italian traditions are hidden. But the hallmark of the park is lying at the foot of the Mount of Bego (Mt. Bego, 2872 m) of the Mervey Valley (the upper part of the Ruaia Valley), which discovered more than 37 thousand rock images dating from the II millennium BC. e. (A good Museum of Mervey in the town of Tende is devoted to the same monument).

About 240 km of carefully thought-out and marked pedestrian routes are laid through the park, and climbers will find a lot of interesting rocks in the Mountains of Bego, Monier, Pelat and Muton.

By car to the National Park, you can get from any city of the Cote d'Azur through Monaco and Nice.


POR-CRO National Park (Parc National De Port-Cros) occupies part of the territory of the Yershi Islands (Iles D "Hyeres) Southeast Toulon. Together with the Botanical Island Reserve, Porcurol Park takes about 10 square meters. Km Sushi and about 80 km of water area. This is The first marine reserve of Europe (founded in 1963), specializing in the protection of unique ecosystems of dry Mediterranean islands and adjacent to them. Access to the territory of the reserve is limited (5,000 visitors daily on Porkerol and 1500 - per pore-kro), especially in the summer when high risk of fires, but a whole network of pedestrian trail passing by destroyed forts and handful of buildings around the port of pore-kro, through groves of thick tough shrubs, lavender fields and heather, who serve as a place of nesting of seabirds, and on the shores of picturesque small beaches, allow In a short time, to get acquainted with the amazing nature of these places.

Porkerol Island can offer picturesque landscapes opening from the old lighthouse (open to visit from June to September, from 11.00 to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 16.30) and the rocks surrounding it, quite exotic hiking routes across coastal rocks, through the herase of empty and thickets of dry McWis As well as visiting the Mediterranean Botanical Garden Le Hameau. Also, you can swim in the sea or relax on the beaches of Notre Dam (the longest on the island, is located 3 km north-east of the village of Porkerol, just before the fence occupying the entire northernmost section of the military base) or Argent (1 km west Port), as well as swim from the mask among the coastal rocks inhabited by the myriads of living beings both under water and above its level.

You can get to the reserve with ferries from Toulon and Le Lavender, as well as tourist boats from any port of the Cote d'Azur.


Parc National De La Vanoise (Parc National De La Vanoise) was founded on July 6, 1963, which was the very first reserve of this level in France. It covers about 1250 square meters. The km of the same name of the mountain range, located in the southeastern part of the Savoy Department, between the River iszero in the north, the Italian border in the East, the Mont-Seni pass in the south-east and the Ark River Long in the south-west. The central area of \u200b\u200bthe park, which occupies the most high-mountainous areas of Vanuza 5 small local parks, is protected very strictly - almost 80% of its territory is not available for visiting, which, however, does not greatly upset the usual tourist, because there is enough serious climbing for movement along these mountains. This is the "core" of the park served to the formation of the reserve, because the largest population of stone goats in France lives here (Capra Ibex). And the same reason served to combine the territory with the Italian Reserve of Grand Paradiso (founded in 1922), lying in the sorts of the mountain of the same name. As a result, it was possible not only to stabilize the number of this rare animal (currently more than 2,000 individuals, i.e. a third of all living in the country), but also support the preservation of many other rare mountain plants and animals that turned Vanuz and Grand Paradise To one of the most authentic regions of Europe. A specially highlighted peripheral area of \u200b\u200bthe park is open to visiting and combines 28 colorful mountain towns. On this territory not only the scrupulous environmental activity is carried out (it suffices to say that the number of protected plant species here is three times higher than in the central area of \u200b\u200bthe park, and there are more than a thousand species of flowers), but all possible active types of recreation are developing here. In addition to observing 125 types of feathets, 70 animal species and 340 varieties of insects, here can be engaged in skiing (almost along the border of the park are such famous resorts like Urva-Valle, La Plan, Val-D "Isorea and Tin), Rafting, Kayaking and mountaineering, visit numerous waterfalls and caves, see the marble cliffs of Lac Blanc Polset and Parceliness Roc de La Peche, Pierre Aux Pieds Megaliths and Petroglyphs of Vanuza or make hiking in the most picturesque places of the region.

By car to the National Park, you can get from any city of Savoy through the envelope Park from the south of Morienne Valley (Maurienne, highway A43) and ARC (ARC, D902) and through Moutiers, Vanoise Valley and isaper from the north (highway N90 and 902). You can also get there by train to Modana (Modane, Dolina Ark) and Bourg-Saint-Maurice (Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Valley of Izers) and then climb the bus to the mountains. Nearest Major Airports to Chambery (Chambery), Grenoble-Saint-Geoire (Grenoble), Lyon Satolas (Lyon) and Geneve (Geneva).


Erena National Park (Parc National Des ecrins) lies on the border of the departments of the Experience and the Upper Alps, within the Dauphinsky Alps (Dauphine Alps, Alpes Du Dauphine), the massif of S. Alpes Duphin (4102 m). This 918 square metering reserve. The KM was founded in 1973 to protect the extensive area of \u200b\u200bpine and oak forests, alpine meadows and a wastewhere. But the main decoration of the park is the abundance of ice molds of the relief - numerous glaciers, circus, lakes, triggers and karas, as well as the narrow valleys of the rivers born in the glaciers dissect this mountain array. At the same time, Ecren is considered the most high-mountainous region of France, with the exception of Mont Blanc, naturally. In the northern part of the array, Barre Des ecrins, 4102 m (Barre Des ecrins, 4102 m), Mont Pelva (Mont Pelvoux, 3946 m) and La Maeiz (LA Meije, 3983 m), and the total number of "three-tales" here exceeds a hundred.

On the territory of the park there are six separate reserves guarding local natural complexes, but a combined overall management and control system. The nature of the park is interesting primarily by its pronounced high-altitude lower. At the foot of the majestic peaks you can see the amazing variety of species of mixed forests and alpine meadows, beautiful mountain lakes and rivers, air over which literally trembles from the Miriad insects and birds. But as the picture rises, it changes rapidly, and already on the passes it can be found only mossi da lichens - and all this is literally on a one and a half-two-kilometer route. At the same time, the nature of the highly is difficult to name the meager - here there are about fifty species of wild animals, about 300 species of plants and 56 types of insects, and at the foot of the species diversity even higher.

The surrounding reserved zone of Romanez Valley (Romanche), Gizan (Guisane), Durance (Durance) and Drac (DRAC) provide excellent opportunities for acquaintance with colorful local culture, as well as for outdoor activities. The highlands leaves about hundreds of climbing routes, and around the network (total length of about 1000 km) relative to ordinary hiking trails passing from the pass to the pass.

Park Information Offices are located in the towns of Le Bourg-d Oisans) and Valloiz (Vallouise), through which the best way to travel to the mountains pass and the most optimal routes for traveling to Mountains.


The Caera Regional Natural Park (Parc Naturel Regional Du Queyras, was founded in 1977) does not apply to the number of the largest reserves of the country, but in their natural climatic conditions and the wealth of nature is considered one of the best mountain reserves in Europe. Located in the spurs of the Cottian Alps, between Briancon (BRIANCON) and the Italian border, it is noticeably different from his more famous neighbors by the colorful combination of alpine nature with more explicit Mediterranean features. The thick forests are replaced by extensive thickets of severe shrubs, the green alpine meadows - mountain wastelands, and the steep slopes of peaks are relatively gentle limestone arrays, which makes this territory with one of the richest both in the abundance of living beings and in the variety of landscapes. At the same time, access to all areas of the park is completely free, and the abundance of small mountain villages provides good conditions for both accommodation and dating from the local culture.

The reserve covers about 2,300 hectares at altitudes from 1800 to 3300 meters, extending along the valley of the Gil River to the already located in the Italian territory of the Mountain Viso (Monte Viso, Monviso, 3841 m) is the highest as part of the Cottian Alps. Almost the alpine flora (one plants 800 varieties!) And the fauna (about 120 species of animals) are extremely diverse, and the numerous villages of the Valley in the winter are popular, albeit small, ski resorts, in the summer, providing excellent opportunities for hiking and horse excursions in the mountains.

Getting to the Reserve is the easiest all over the A51 motorway from Marseille (a distance of 238 km) through Giolestre (Guillestre) or through Briancon on the A43 highway from Grenoble (Grenoble). However, it should be borne in mind that many of the passes from October to May are either closed with snow, or difficult for ordinary machines (especially this refers to the COL IZOrD section - COL AGNEL).


Parc National Des Pyrenees (Parc National Des Pyrenees, founded in 1967) stretched almost 100 km along the Spanish border. It covers almost 460 square meters. KM Departments Upper Pyrenees and Pyrenees Atlantic, and together with the Parc National Des Pyrenees Occidentale (Parc National Des Pirenees Occidentales) and the Spanish National Parks of Ordes and Monte Potido (enter the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List) forms a huge protected area that occupies almost half Central pyrenees. Moreover, these edges are interesting not only by their unique natural conditions and animals of the world, but also the easier-reach of the territory and the abundance of historical monuments.

The foot of the pyrenees are covered with thick beech and poplar forests, the zone of mixed forests begins, inhabited by a large number of animals (about 70 species of only mammals!), The string of dry mountain waste and deserted plots stretches further. 400 km of pedestrian, equestrian and ecological trail of all categories of complexity are laid through the reserves, alpine plots are attractive for climbers - it is here that the highest point of the region is Mount Vinmal (3298 m) and 14 "two thousandths", famous Garcakes Gavarini (Sulfuri) and Trumum , about 200 lakes, as well as one of the highest waterfalls in Europe - a large cascade of the gavarini (height 422 m). But no less interest among tourists usually cause the historical sights of the region, first of all, located almost in the center of the park Ancient Lourdes (Lourdes) - one of the most important centers of religious pilgrimage in Western Europe, as well as numerous fortresses and colorful mountainous villages.

Park Information Centers are located in Tarbes (Tarbes), ETSAUT (ETSAUT), Coter (Cauterets), Luis-Saint-Saint-Sauveur, Gavarnie (Gavarnie), Larnene (Laruns) and Arrenz (Arrens). You can get to the park through air through Airports Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrenees Airport and Pau-Pyrenees Airport or by rail (SNCF Line Bayonna - Toulouse) through Tarbes. You can also use road vehicles (highway N 85, 234 and 70), which is especially convenient for transit trips to Spain and to remote mountainous areas.


Semen National Park (Parc National Des Cevennes) lies in the mountainous areas of the country's south. The mining system of Seven is part of the central massif and one of the oldest in Europe. Therefore, these ancient landscapes with an amazing network of strongly weathered mountains possess one of the most unusual natural complexes of the continent, famous for many relic forms of life. At the same time, it is one of the most ancient areas of human habitat, so in 1970, the National Park, which occupies almost the entire southern part of the Department Lot and the North-West part of the department, was created in 1970 to protect landscapes, flora, fauna and architectural heritage heritage. In accordance with the French Nature Protection System, the park is divided into two areas - a reserved central zone (Zone Centrale), which prohibits all economic activities, and the peripheral zone in which many historical settlements are focused and which is open to everyone.

About 2250 varieties of plants live here, with a large variety of climate (there are areas with oceanic, continental and Mediterranean types), the chemical composition of soils and a serious height difference (from 378 to 1699 m) make it possible to exist near representatives of different natural zones. Alpine Mont-Lozer Meadows (the highest point of the park, 1702 m) is replaced by peatlands and lifeless mountain wastelands, the western slopes stretch the steppes and meadows, while the rocky protected valleys of the southern slopes are covered with rich subtropical vegetation, scenic beech, chestnut and oak forests ( Approximately 58,047 hectares of the forest - the largest forest area in the south of the country). Of the 400 species of flora protected in France, in the park presented 33, plus under guard are another 48 local species and more than a hundred species of rare plants, which is especially surprising, if we consider that almost all the slopes of the outer zone are freely used for grazing.

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Are you going to France and do not know what places to visit, except for all famous Paris and Provence? We will help you! If you want to find yourself among the extraordinary nature, admire the magnificent landscapes and enjoy the fresh and clean air, then definitely the choice falls on national parks and reserves of France. And this is not at all surprising, as they make up about 10% of the country and form one of the largest ecological zones. In this article we will talk about the most famous of them, why are they worth a visit and what you can see and find out. All their nine, but the most beautiful and large are Vanuz, Kamarg, Seven, Skandol and Ecre. Now introduce the VVAS in detail with each of them.

Vanuaz is located in the Alps to the south of Mont Blanc Mountain, right on the border with Italy and founded back in 1963. This is the first and main National Park of France.

In the park you can find stone goats, which caused the base of the park, along with sulfas. Also, here you will find Edelweiss - the most beautiful mountain flower of the world.

The nature and air of the park is difficult to describe with words, these are not only snow-covered tops of the mountains and endless forests, but also beautiful waterfalls, and landscapes of amazing beauty.

Around the park there are several ski resorts, which allows fun and with benefit to spend time.

On the territory of the park there are different types of accommodation with different prices, with details you can find on the official website of the park. Also, you can stay in hotels. The average cost of accommodation per day will be about $ 100.

This reserve guards one of the most amazing places of France, in particular sea lagoons, river ducts, lakes, swamps and landscape forests. Here you can meet more than 30 species of different animals. Most of all in the park of boars, hedgehogs, hares and rabbits, protein, lasoms, ferrets and beavers.

But the main treasure and pride of the reserve is the bird world, which has more than 300 species. This is the only place in the whole of Europe where the nests are pink flamingos.

By the way, the signs and signs on which the rules and prohibitions are described in the park everywhere. Not execution of them leads to a fine - about 1,500 euros.

The main motto of the park and what the leadership asks and the local population is enjoying the nature of the park, breathe full of breasts, but do not destroy the park, because it is created for you and to keep the beautiful on our planet. This is an amazing combination of natural and man-made, this is how a person should treat nature, supplement it, and not destroy.

It is located on the island Corsicathat gives him a special charm. Also, he is part of UNESCO World Heritage Site. To get to its territory, you need a special pass, to arrange which is possible through the official website of the park. Otherwise, you can admire its beauty from water.

Accordingly, the animal world is mostly represented by sea mammals, in particular seals and marine turtles. Another pride is rare birds, about 10 species, namely skops, mouings, blue rods, haircuts, seagulls, sea eagles and cormorants.

The majestic glaciers are undoubtedly the pride of the park, they are replaced by plains and lakes, in whose territory you can meet the most famous locals, such as, Sulna, Alpine Summer and Berkut.

In this park you can stay in the shelters, which are about 30 and enjoy hiking. The length of the trope is about 750 kilometers. On the official website of the park you can familiarize yourself with all the details and book a visit.

Near all parks, tourist complexes and hotels are located in which you can easily stay. For example, the cost of living near Vanuaz National Park will be about $ 100 per day.

All these national parks are designed and created in order to save, protect and multiply rare animals, birds and plants. Having been in them, you will receive not only a lot of positive emotions, but get out, join the wilderness and get a unique opportunity to taste the real life of the rare animals of our world.