History of remuneration with. Krasny Yar

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haslo Red Yar is located on the left bank of the Routes of Buzan of the Volga Delta.


  • Fortress Red Yar began to be built in 1650.
  • The county city of Red Yar in 1925 lost city status, becoming a village.

Ancient history

Red Yar was laid in 1667 on the high cape of Buzan's left shore in the fall of the Akhtuba river, was based on the same purpose as Black Yar. The main role of the Red Yar was to "the inhabitants of the robber enterprises of the Don Cossacks, who came out of the Volga in Buzan, and from there were held in the Caspian Sea ... diligently looked to go to the sea did not give them."

According to the type of Chernoyarskaya, the wooden-earth far fortress of the Red Yar was built. From Chernoyarskaya she was distinguished only by the fact that he originally had five towers.

The base of the town is directly related to those stormy events that have captured all the lower voltages in their cycle. As is known, in the summer of 1667 after the Black Yar, the Razinktsy went unradulted on the Volga on their vessels towards Astrakhan. However, it did not intend to pass to the city of Razin, as it was well aware of the weakness of his forces for the storming of a powerful fortress. That is why his stops and turned into Buzan. And yet somewhere at the beginning of Buzansk ducts, the Cossacks had to face a detachment of S. Beklemishev, sent to them from Astrakhan. Cossacks, however, the headlong was smoothed and in early June 1667 passed by the Red Yar. This was brought about it later from the Red Yar Astrahanets Matvey Kireev: "July on the second day ... On the first hour, the days passed by the city on the other side, according to the district buckan of the river in 30 Cossacks, on the line of 30 in the Cheremshansky tract I will become from the city of the vests with three to fish catches. " Cheremshansky Stan is a cherry village, located a few kilometers below the Red Yar. Here the ruins were detained. The literature is sometimes referred to the battle of the Cossacks with the Krasnoyarsk Sagittarius. But he was not, otherwise he would inform the same Kireev. It could not take place for the reason that the city in the summer of 1667, in fact, was not yet. He was only built on the orders of the progenitor of the progenic as the Astrakhan governor Prince Ivan Khilkova. And for some strong garrison in the Red Yar, there was simply absent. It is known that the new, more than a semi-trial army under the command of I. Ruzhinsky walked after the zero, but it was late for the Red Yar. And therefore, calmly bypassing, by a semi-affected town, the Razinkic Courts went to the Caspian Sea.

XIX century

Numerous fires and redevelopment of the city, which began in 1843, did not leave anything from the fortress facilities. Time did not save and standing in the center of the town Vladimir Cathedral - one of the best buildings "Naryshkinsky" Baroque in the Lower Volga region. But this land has retained monuments of more ancient eras. Red Yar is built on one of the major gold town towns. There is an assumption that the Krasnoyarsk settlement is the ruins of the first capital of the Golden Horde - the city of Saraj. Local residents still find samples of the Goldenopa household and architectural ceramics. Something from the finds can be viewed in a small local history museum. Judging by the stories of old-timers, the builders who did not reach the Vladimir Cathedral who did not use the decorative material of the Goldenopa city. When disassembly of the cathedral, the inhabitants found many decorated colored tiles cathedral, very similar to the Goldenordinian samples, which are now stored at the local museum.

Krasnoyarsk Stitzya

  • Cossack population of the city was the Krasnoyarsk village of Astrakhan troops.


Old town architecture is modest and unpretentious. From the time of classicism, several houses came, but almost all of them are so rebuilt that the initial forms are almost impossible to guess. The two-story building of former present places has been preserved from the Lategoriest Epoch. For those who visited in Black Yar and Enotayevka, it will be doubly interesting, since, despite the later restructuring distorting his appearance, it clearly resembles the pretrial places of Black Yar and Enotaevsk. And only a rectangular frame added at the end of the top of the top windows, distinguishes the construction of red yar from similar buildings in more northern towns. Having become acquainted with all three structures, we can confidently say that the Chernoyarsk project was used in all TRX.

Interesting and wooden buildings of Red Yar. A wooden house standing next to the building in the present seats has a classically simple composition of the main facade. Pillars Pilaster, Multi-Flounce Cabinnis, Maison In three windows - everything seems to relate the structure with the widespread type of a small wooden manor house, which established himself in the cities of Russia by the end of the classical period. But in the scenery of the windows, this composition is already strongly littered with a false-Russian stylization of the second half of the XIX century.

The thread of many residential buildings of Red Yar is simple and unpretentious. But this unpretentiousness is sometimes replenished by the "work" of the design of any element of construction. And here the plasticly expressive can be a completely simple platband of the window, far from the wall of the wall, or the usual porch of the house. Such completely simple inventions, which, may not be in the inventions, are not at all reporting, nevertheless, the uniqueness of the residential buildings of this quiet old town, lost among countless humeses of a huge delta.

Famous natives

  • Aristov, Averky Borisovich (1903-1973) - Soviet party and public figure
  • (1904-1976) - Soviet commander, Colonel-General
  • Aldamjarov, Gaziz Kamashevich (born 1947) - Kazakhstan politician



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Lovers Nikita.

This paper reflects the main milestones of the occurrence and development of this settlement. With Red Yar is an old settlement that have arisen more than 200 years ago.

The given work fully reflects the dynamics of development from the moment of the emergence of the village to date.



Prosper, my land is native!

We live with you by one destiny!

My village, I love you!

Thank you for everything!

Red Yar - village in the south of the Astrakhan region. Administrative center and the largest settlement of the Krasnoyarsk district. Located on the left bank Duke Buzan Volga Delta.

Red Yar was laid in 1667 on the high cape of Buzan's left shore in the fall of the Akhtuba river, was based on the same purpose as Black Yar. The main role of the Red Yar was to "the inhabitants of the robber enterprises of the Don Cossacks, who came out of the Volga in Buzan, and from there were held in the Caspian Sea ... diligently looked to go to the sea did not give them." The base of the town is directly related to the turbulent events that the Lower Volga region then captured at their cycle.

Information about the Red Yar of the XVII - early XVIII century. A little preserved, as, remaining away from the main Volga way, he did not attract the attention of travelers. Some information about it is given only by I. Kirilov and S.-G. Gmlin. They report that the city was located on the island, which from the South and Western parties was washed by one of the main ducts of Volga Buzanov, which connected here with Akhtuba and through a narrow curve of a rude stream - with a minor algarum duct. The island rose quite high above the water and was called the loasting hill. S.G. Gmlin reports that it was "how long, so much and both diameters have two versts". Information about the occurrence of the settlement on the Maya Bugre is among the XVII century. I. Savvinsky reports that the first residents appeared there "in the third summer of the board of Alexei Mikhailovich"; In 1667, a wooden fortress was built on the island, in which 500 people were settled.

Numerous fires and redevelopment of the city, which began in 1843, did not leave anything from the fortress facilities.

Red Yar is built on one of the major gold town towns. There is an assumption that the Krasnoyarsk settlement is the ruins of the first capital of the Golden Horde - the city of Saraj. Local residents still find samples of the Goldenopa household and architectural ceramics. Something from the finds can be viewed in a small local history museum. Judging by the stories of old-timers, the builders who did not reach the Vladimir Cathedral who did not use the decorative material of the Goldenopa city. When disassembly of the cathedral, the inhabitants found many decorated colored tiles cathedral, very similar to the Goldenordinian samples, which are now stored at the local museum.

Beautiful our homeland

Where we live

Our red bang

And this is a verse about him

The village is my native

You have passed a long way

Fields and rivers Razdat

Does not want to relax

All peoples began friends

Live in labor century

Go, pass years,

And Red Yar - always!

The nature of the Red Yar is unique, it causes delight and admiration, its inhabitants are hardworking, hospitable and responsive, and their national traditions have centuries-old roots. The population of the village is 10.9 thousand inhabitants (2002). More than 60 institutions and enterprises, 4389 farms, 401 entrepreneurs operate in Red Yar. Educational institutions are functioning, Central District Hospital, 6 libraries, MDOU Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" and others. The main sectors of the economy are small and secondary entrepreneurship, housing and communal services, construction, LPH and KFK. There are conditions for the development of pond fish farming. The territory of the settlement is a perspective housing area for apartment buildings and cottage houses. The appearance of the village decorate parks, squares that are a favorite holiday destination for Krasnoyarstsev. The consumer market in the village is represented by a wide range of services and offered goods. On the territory of the settlement registered 401 entrepreneurs, more than 100 stores are functioning.

We were lucky: we live in a unique place, in good climatic conditions. Our village has an interesting story, originating in the XVI century. This can be proud of, we have something to protect, protect, multiply. Guests who come to our village from different parts of Russia are jealous of us. We carefully treat the cultural traditions, customs of all peoples, compactly residing in our municipality. We love our small homeland!

Roots deep into centuries leaves

My mother-in-law ...

It is perfect at sunrise,

When just dawned,

Unique at sunset

In magenta dawn reflections;

It won't loss

Magnificities and beauticles ...

Astrakhan region.

In ancient times, trading pathways and Arabs were held on the territory of the modern Astrakhan region. In the VIII-X centuries, the territory was part of the Khazar Kaganat. There are assumptions that the capital of Khazar Kaganat ITIL, destroyed by Prince Svyatoslav in 965, was located on the territory of the modern Astrakhan region. Later, the Polovtsy was settled here, which in the first half of the XIII century changed Mongol-Tatars.

In 1558, Astrakhan Khanate was joined to the Russian state. Astrakhan Territory is the southeast military outpost of the Russian state. In particular, in 1569, the Turks unsuccessfully deposited by the Astrakhan fortress. In 1597, the construction of the Savior-Preobrazhensky male monastery was completed in Astrakhan in 1578.

In the XVII century, trade, fish and hydrochlorians went to the Astrakhan Territory. In the middle of the century on the territory of the Astrakhan Territory, Stepan Razin was held.

In 1705-06, local residents rebelled against Peter I. In 1722, a shipyard was built near the mouth of the Kutum River, called Astrakhan Admiralty. In 1730-1740, silk and cotton treatment begins in the Astrakhan province.

By decree of November 15, 1802, the Astrakhan province was divided into Astrakhan and Caucasian. Nevertheless, the Department of Astrakhan province from the Caucasus ended only on January 6, 1832, when the corresponding decree was signed.

In Soviet times, the territory of the modern Astrakhan region was included in the Astrakhan province, the Nizhne-Volga region, the Nizhne-Volzhsky region, the Stalingrad region and the Stalingrad region until December 27, 1943, when the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was created by the Astrakhan region (part of its composition was part of of the districts of the Kalmyk ASSR and the Astrakhansky district of the Stalingrad region)

The beginning of the XVIII century was marked for Astrakhan, as well as for the whole of Russia, the brave transformations of the Tsar reformer Peter I. Given the increased trade and political role of Astrakhan, connecting the wide military plans to strengthen the southern borders of Russia, Peter I signed on November 22, 1717, a decree on November 22, 1717 Education of an independent Astrakhan province: "... Astrakhan province should be especially, and to the Astrakhan city of Simbirsk, Samara, Syzran, Cashkar, Saratov, Petrovsky, Dmitrovskaya, Tsaritsyn, Black Yar, Red Yar, Guriev, Terek Rip ...". The highest position was assigned to the governor as "the first guardian of the inviolable rights of the supreme power."

In 1719, the first, appointed King Governor Artemy Petrovich Volynsky arrived in Astrakhan. In the instructions received from Peter I, Volyn's instructions were prescribed to build a fortress at sea, shops and barns, "the courts to do, straight, sea ...". He was assigned to the construction of the naval port, admiralty, the creation of the Caspian flotilla. The king was preparing for the Persian campaign and, for this purpose, in June 1722 he visited the sultry Astrakhan.

The task set by Peter, "To which other Power, whose did not have, did not affect the Caspian Sea," was performed: the Caspian Flotilla, created in 1722, brilliantly showed itself in the Persian campaign.

The joining of the North-Western provinces of Persia - Gilyana, Mazandaran, Astrabad gave a new impetus not only by Astrakhan trade, but also the economic development of the region as a whole. In the 40s of the XVIII century, the number of small producers increased in Astrakhan, silk and cloth manufactories were operating, the arrival of Astrakhan goods to the domestic market of the country was significantly increased. Began landscaping roads. The main path associated with Astrakhan with the capital was developed, - Moscow tract. On it in the 40s of the XVIII century, the fortress of the Enotaevskaya. At the turn of the XVIII - XIX centuries, Astrakhan turned out to be the official center of the huge territory of Caucasian governorship, where the Astrakhan province entered the name of the region. The head of this powerful administrative education was the Governor-General, who carried out the leadership of the Caspian flotilla and military units. Representing Russia's strategic interests in Caspian, Astrakhan was built and strengthened: there were hundreds of military vessels, thousands of sailors and ship workers. In 1792, Governor-General I.V. Gudovich ordered to postpone all the "loopholes" and beautifully in the city in order to clean and improve the center.

The XIX century - the era of wars, scientific and technical achievements and the economic heyday of Russia - became for the Astrakhan age of a new economic, political and cultural formation. In the second half of the XIX century, Astrakhan played an important role in the transportation of oil and petroleum products. In 1879, the "Oil Production Compension of the Nobel Brothers" was formed.

The natural wealth of the edge is salt, fish - they brought considerable income to Russian merchants. The Astrakhan province gave more than 1/3 of all fishing and 1/3 salts supplied to the country's markets. Therapeutic mud of the Tinak Lake attracted the attention of the provincial authorities who contributed to the creation of a well-known hospital.

Various holidays are held on the territory of the Astrakhan region. So, the day of the archaeologist in the Astrakhan region takes place not far from the village of Selitren. However, the day of the archaeologist 2011 was noted immediately in two places: at the village of Selitran and Saray-Batu, scenery to the film "Horde". A colorful festive program, with the participation of singers, folk and modern dance ensembles, as well as the demonstration of the Historical Reconstruction Club of the Historical Reconstruction of "AS-Tarkhan" took place at the site at the village of Selitren.

In addition, for guests of the event in 2011, attractions, souvenir shops and cafes of national cuisine worked. The site of the decorations of the ancient Goldenordinian city Saray-Batu conducted an equally memorable program: here were riding on camels and deltaplane, the eastern bazaar and tasting of national dishes in the cafe "Visiting Hana".

Those who wished could also visit the excursion on the excavation "Selitreal Gorodishche". The end of the evening of the Archaeology Day 2011 was bright fireworks and incendiary dances.

Another important event that is already international in nature is the summit of the heads of the three states - Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia - we have in Astrakhan. Of course, high-ranking faces from different countries have repeatedly arrived here, including the presidents of Russia and Turkmenistan, but it was this meeting that the Astrakhan region really becomes the center of attraction of interest not only in the Caspian, but also on the whole South-Eastern and Central Asian direction. The summit is important for us because it was not a discussion of the problems of the Caspian states, but the settlement of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. So, today Astrakhan is already seriously considered as a possible platform for the Caspian Five Summit. All this clearly demonstrates that the image of the region has changed radically, and the Astrakhan region has already reached a completely different level.

The name of the ancient Russian village gave a cool Yar, shore over the White River. Photo Sergey Sinno

Today, a little in the surroundings in the vicinity of Ufa, we will examine the village of Red Yar. It, along with the village of Bogorodsky, which entered the line of the city (known as the area of \u200b\u200bInans), is one of the first Russian settlements nearby from the Ufa Fortress. And the name of the village is old, it is not connected with the Soviet symbolism ("Red Pahar", red hammer ", etc.), but is explained by the location - on a steep high coast, covered with red-brown clay.

Like many villages and the city of Red Yar is located on the site of an ancient settlement. When excavations of 1956, an ancient parking of people belonging to the I-II millennium was discovered here.

Among the objects of historical interest is the Troitsk Church of the XIX century, the Museum of the 25th Chapaevsky Division and Obelisk Marsh. Next to the village is an abandoned airfield.

Residents of the village are pronounced by the "Krasnoyarsa" - it sounds a little strange. Recently, they celebrated 390 years since the founding of the village. In the royal diploma of 1635, it is indicated that on the spot where the Red Yar is worth it, in 1618 there was already an Orthodox settlement with his own temple, it became large enough.

Today the village is the administrative center of the Krasnoyarsk rural settlement. It is located 10 km from the federal highway M 7 in Belaya's emitting on the opposite left bank from the city.

Road to Red Yar.Photo Sergey Sinno

During the Pugachev uprising, when Ufa was in siege, and the city was surrounded by the detachments of Ataman Zarubin, named Chica, was one of the rebel centers. From November 30, 1773 to March 25, 1774, the detachments were located here, which headed the peasant of the Red Yar P. Vyazov, the Bakalinsky Cossack A. Erexkin, a running sergeant F. Ryabov and Kazan merchant P. Alekseev. Here is such a company ...

The detachments, spoke from Red Yar, participated in two attacks to Ufa on December 23, 1773 and January 25, 1774. During the second assault, several horse warriors burst into the outskirts of the city, however, were repulsed.

After the victory of Lieutenant Colonel Michelson over the detachments of Zarubin y with. Calna, the team of Captain G. P. Kardashevsky was sent to the Red Yar. The soldiers joined the village on March 26, but Pugachevs did not catch - throwing three guns, those on the eve fled to the Annunciation plant (today the city of Blagoveshchensk is 40 km from Ufa).

By the end of the XIX century. In the village there were two hundred yards and about one and a half thousand inhabitants. There were three worshipers in the village, three dyeing establishments, thirteen windmills and one water mill.

Since 1880, the Zemskaya school acted in Red Yar. The surnames of the indigenous Krasnoyarstsev eloquently testify to the crafts that their ancestors were engaged in - Sukharev, Herrowkov, Stupins, Skipkin, Skyrovakov, Smallnikov, Viaty, Ponomarev, Strelnikov, Solodovnikov, Shangina (all these surnames are distributed today).

It was in the Red Yar his pier, but there were few roads to the village - in addition to the waterway from the village, one only country road to the Ufa-Birsco-Siberian tract was located. Residents of the village traded grain, flour, urine, lime ds, animal products. Apparently, successfully, because the village grew - the correspondence of 1902 has shown that 262 yard and 2222 residents have already been in the village.

In the village by this time there were four main streets - the cloudy, where they stood the richest houses, a big (now st. Chapayeva), officers (ul. Sovetskaya) and Lerinding (Frunze st.). There were two teachers among the residents of the village, two police officers, a priest, deacon and a psalmist.

Creek on the outskirts of the village Red Yar. Photo Sergey Sinno

In 1880, the Krasnoyarsk Church-parish guardianship was organized from among the rural gathering. Members of the guardianship were the respected residents of the village - Pavel Stupin, Martyri Sukharev, Dimitri Dulisov, Gabriel Berdinsky and the priest of Avksente Belsky. Peter Sukhareva was chosen by the chairman of the guardianship. The main care of the guardianship was the collection of funds for the construction of a new brick temple.

In 1893, the Bishop of Ufa Dionysius Heathrov, a lot of driving on the parishes of the diocese, recorded in a diary in his diary: "In Red Yar, two churches, one wooden single-pertolous, in the name of the Holy Trinity. Another church is a stone, the exterior is coming to graduation, the bell tower is not only finished, however, bricks and other materials for the construction of the bell tower harvested quite enough, for the inside finish, a lot of money will be required, and they have nowhere to take them. We will try in the future summer somehow prohibit, if the Lord does not leave your help. To the early end, the fact that the wooden church becomes very dying. " From his funds, Bishop Dionysius allocated a hundred rubles.

The church in the name of the Holy Library Trinity was based on donations during the twelve years, was consecrated in 1896

It is known that at the temple there was a rich library brought to Red Yar from the village of Bogorodskoye (now Inerence). It consisted, besides the liturgical books, from the collections of the compositions of Russian foreign classics and the selection of natural science literature. At the temple, the church parish school acted. Shortly after the construction of the stone church, the wooden transported to one of their nearest villages on the shore of the White (which it was not possible to establish which it was). The shore on which the temple was standing, the river was blurred with time, and with him the old temple himself disappeared.

The description of the village was preserved, made in 1895. Red Yar is located "along the sublime plain on the left bank of the White River with a non-margin key on which there is a mill; In the fields, several swamps and one lake. She put on two sites, the village on the outskirts of the North Territory was put on the outskirts.

Changes in grounds: part of the pashnya moved to the pasture and the entire hayfather of the rapberry ... fields at a level place are located near the village. In one field there is a pit with an area of \u200b\u200bup to three with a terns. Soil - chernozem. In the village of ten embosses. The forest in the southwest put on the eight sites. "

By the beginning of the 20th century, in the village existed, except for the Church Library, a reading library at the sneous school. There were three grocery shops and one winery, as well as a large shop of household goods.

A strong fire that broke out in the summer of 1906, destroyed almost the whole village. Residents restored him quickly and even built a new school building - a new school year, 1907, began in a new one-story building. According to the 1417 census, 280 yards in which 1750 people lived in Red Yar.

White river in the Red Yar area. Photo Sergey Sinno

During the civil war, the village became one of the key centers for the so-called Ufa operation, which was conducted by the southern group of the Eastern Front of the Red Army.

Kolchak gave Ufa a special meaning of Ufa. The Western Army of General Hangina was strengthened by the 1st Volzhsky Corps of General Kappel and was reorganized into three well-armed groups - Ufa, Ural and Volzhskaya. They were tasked with the White River and, using this water barrier, stop the advance of the Red Army, and then achieve a fracture in its favor.

The counteroffensiveness of the Red Army in 1919 included the liberation of the District of Ufa from Kolchak's troops. The Ufa Operation plan was developed by M. V. Frunze, and the Operation itself continued from May 25 to June 19.

For the entourage of the enemy, it was decided to strike the south and north of Ufa. At the south flank there were drum forces of the Red Army, on the left flank there was a 25th rifle division under the command of Chapaev.

The main direction was chosen by the right flank, but the attempt of the shock group of the right flank on June 4-7 to force the White River was failed. At the same time, on the left flank parts of the 25th Chapayev division on the night of June 7, it was possible to force the river and seized on the opposite shore of the bridgehead on the peninsula opposite the village of Red Yar. In this situation, on June 8, M. V. Frunze translated the reserve 31st division on the left flank and June 9, Chapaevtsy, after fierce fighting, took Ufa.

Troitskaya church village Red Yar Ufa district. In the building, agricultural skid. Photo of the 1980s.

After the revolution, the Trinity Temple was used as a grain, then it was abandoned and partially destroyed. In the center of the village, the second half of the XIX century was preserved in the center of the village. Architecturally, they represent the street of a specific village. One of the buildings occupies a museum named after the 25th Chapaevsky Rifle Division. The museum building is a witness of the events of the Civil War, it was built in 1880. It was located in it. With exhibitions "Logue Items" and "History of the village of Red Yar", but also to spend a tour of a specific topic - about V. I. Chapaev, M. V. Frunze. Recently, an excursion about the head of the White Movement - A. V. Kolchak was added to the usual revolutionary local history topics.

According to the events of the military operation of 1919. In 1968, the documentary film "Thunderstorm over White" was removed. Every year in the village and its surroundings, the reconstruction of the Ufa military operation is carried out.

Next to the Chapaev Museum, two single-storey wooden houses of the XIX century buildings are preserved., Which are large peasant huts.

Nearby is the Trinity Church, posted from the Red Brick (st. Soviet, 80). Restore the temple has become recently. Yuri Alekseevich Sukharev, the ancestors of which have lived on this land for several centuries. His great-grandfather participated in the construction of the church. Locals returned to the temple of the image. The altar was decorated with a new large trinity icon, written by Alexander Yakovlevich Prilukov.

Trinity church, the temple acting. Photo Sergey Sinno

Currently, the temple is almost completely restored. In 2010, five bells were installed on the feast of the Trinity on the bell tower of the Holy Trinity Church. This year, another large bell weighing 164 kg was added to them. He was delivered by the old-fashioned church by Yuri Sukharev from the Kamensk-Ural Sverdlovsk region - places where the traditions of casting bells are preserved.

The prevailing population of the village is Russian, therefore, the opening of the Russian historical and cultural center "Krasny Yar" was naturally natural (st. Soviet, 82). A corner of Russian culture "Russian Gorniori" was created in the village of the village of the village, which presents the objects of ancient life and needleful Russian towels, embroidery, national costumes. The historical and cultural center is held by traditional Russian holidays "Maslenitsa", "Easter", "Ivan Kupala's Day", a stylized "Russian Wedding", the Festival of the Russian Song.

2017-10-21T13: 13: 04 + 05: 00 Sergey SinnoBlog Sergey Sinnekohistory, regional studies, village, churchThe village of Red Yar. The name of the ancient Russian village gave a steep Yar, shore over the river white. Photo Sergey Sinno today is a little in the surroundings in the vicinity of Ufa, we will examine the village of Red Yar. It, along with the village of Bogorodsky, which entered the line of the city (known as the area of \u200b\u200bInans), is one of the first Russian settlements that have arisen near the Ufa ...Sergey Sininko Sergey Sinno [Email Protected] Author in the middle of Russia

To date, the village of Red Yar spread out almost 2500 square kilometers in the Samara region. It includes 10 volosts, and the distance to the railway from the village of Red Yar - 13 km.

The history of the village of Red Yar began in 1732, when after the decree of the Empress Anna Ivanovna began the construction of the Krasnoyarsk fortress on the right bank of the juice river, the remains of which are still located in the center of this village. It must be said that this fortress at that time was a very important object of Tsarist Russia, since the extracted sulfur reserves were fermented across the river Juice, which was very necessary for the manufacture of ammunition, as Russia then participated in the Northern War against Sweden. In addition, there were good agricultural and livestock prospects for good existence in peacetime near this fortress.

In the 19th century, the trade level has increased significantly due to increased demand for agricultural products, which Red Yar was mined in the village. It attracted even more residents there and strengthened the position of the settlement. And in 1861 the first school opens in Red Yar.
At the beginning of the 20th century, postal and telegraph branches were opened. Gradually, the settlement turned into a major shopping center. Throughout the 20th century, the number of industrial and cultural objects has increased.

And today, Red Yar is one of the most significant administrative centers of the Samara region, in which the remains of the Krasnoyarsk Fortress are located - the monument of the federal significance of the Russian Federation.

KRASNY YAR(Krasnojar, Krasnoyar, Red, German Krasnoyar, Walter, Red Columns, Caesament), now with. Red Yar Engelsky District of the Saratov region, German colony in the left bank of the Volga, at the place of failure in the Volga River Berezovka (the German name of the river - groin, from "Bach" - Creek). It was located in 410 versts from the city of Samara, 30 versts from Saratov, in 180 versts from Novouzensk, according to the trading path from Nikolaev in Saratov. From 1871 to October 1918, he was a parish village of the Krasnoyarsk volost of the Novosen County of the Samara Province. After the formation of the Labor Commune of the Germans, the Volga region of Red Yar was the administrative center of the Krasnoyarsk rural Council of Marxstadt Canton. Since 1922, after the formation of the Krasnoyarsk Canton, until 1927 was the Canton Center of the Republic of Germans of the Volga region (on January 1, 1922 32 settlements with a population of 19.8 thousand people, in 1926 - 36 settlements with a population of 22,099 people, from them Germans - 21,902 people, Russians - 63, Ukrainians - 3, other nationalities - 131 people). In 1926, the Krasnoyarsk Rural Council included with. Red Yar, high. Mosquet-1 and mosquet-2. At the end of 1927, during the administrative and territorial reform, the canton was eliminated, and the village of Red Yar was transferred to MarxShadt Canton. In 1935, the Krasnoyarsk Canton was restored.

The colony was created on July 20, 1767 as a corona colony. According to one of the versions, the name was given taking into account the peculiarities of the picturesque hilly and vegetable terrain. In Russian, Yar called a border on the banks of the rivers, the steep sublime coast, and the adjective "red" meant beautiful. According to another version, the Russian name Red Yar has a German etymology: supposedly the first colonists, surprised by the abundance of meadow grass in the fields, gave the colonies the name "Grasjahr" - herbal year (from the German words "GRAS" - Grass and Jahr - year). By decree of February 26, 1768, the name of the German colonies over the settlement was preserved the name Red Yar. The remaining applications were given to the colonies in honor of the Colonist Commissioner Caesar - "Caesament" and in honor of the first Forstegher - "Walter", but was rarely used.

The first Forstegher Christoph Walter, 37-year-old bumps, arrived by the colony from Darmstadt (Redesel) along with his wife Anna Maria and two daughters. Until 1804, Kram was crap. The founders of the Red Yar were 353 colonists (112 families), immigrants predominantly from Darmstadt, Kurplefalk, Isenburg, Franconia and other German lands. Of the 112 families, the majority were Lutherans. 16 families professed reformatization.

Each householder received from the office of guardianship in Saratov for 25 rubles, two horses, one cow, four wheels, a rope, an arc, 11 seeding ropes, two belt bridles and five sages of a hemp rope on the entrance. Bad conditions for the content of livestock and the inability of colonists with it to contact him in the first years of settlements led to a massive pedema of livestock. In the Red Yar in 1766, half of the entire cattle, allocated to the colonies.

Among the first 74 householders there were four shop artisans, a shoemaker, a chill, as well as representatives of such rare professions as a Sitz and Greasher. The rest of the first settlers were bias and, by the nature of their classes in the former homeland, quite consisted of the main goal of attracting colonists - the development of the agricultural zone in the desert steppe outskirts of Russia.

According to the revision of 1834, the colonists were endowed with the land of 15 tents per soul. For several years, the litigation of colonists with state peasants of the Pokrovskaya Sloboda, who captured the land of the colonists. Under the 10th revision of 1857, 1500 male colonists owned the land in the amount of about 5.7 tents per soul. The colonists were mainly engaged in the bias and flour production. The first mill was built in the colony back in the 1770s. The colonists were grown wheat, rye, oats, barley, potatoes, specialized in the cultivation of the most promising at the time of the grade of wheat "Beloturka". To a much lesser extent than agriculture, the inhabitants of the Red Yar were engaged in crafts and fisheries. A considerable place in the agriculture of the colonists was held by tobacco.

According to the Samara Provincial Statistical Committee, in 1910 there were 1081 yard in the village, there was a volost board, a post office, a forensic institution, a pharmacy. At a sufficiently high level there was health care, in Red Yar not only there was a Zemsky reception room, two physicians worked, three paramedics, but also an eye-eye hospital was opened. A brick plant was built in the village, a steam mill of Shardt was worked, built in 1907, as well as water and 10 windmills. By 1910, a library appeared in the village.

During the years of Soviet power, the House of Culture was opened in Red Yar, a typography was opened, a telephone station had. In the 1930s. The collective farms of Kraft and Rotfront collective farms were created, a machine-tractor station was organized, tobacco growing was revived. In September 1941, the Germans were deported from the village.

School and teaching children. In a church school, which appeared in the village since the foundation, children aged 7 to 15 years old were trained. Before the construction of the first church in 1815, worship and school classes were held in a school-prayer house. By the middle of the nineteenth century, a school was opened in the colony, and in the 1870s - Zemskaya school. By the beginning of the twentieth century, two Zemsto schools worked in the village, where Russian language was studied.

In 1900, an inspector of people's schools addressed the Lugovoi side probent I. Erbesu, which indicating that in Red Yar, 600 children account for only one Russian teacher, recommended to increase the allocations for teaching Russian language and introduce the post of Secret Teachers of Russian. According to statistical information on the state of schools in the German colonies, collected by the pilot of the left bank I. Erbes, in 1906 out of 7502 residents of the village about 1000 were children aged 7 to 15 years, which is obliged to get primary education. Attendance to school children was not one hundred percent, 85 children could not learn because of the poverty of their parents or daily employment in fishery and crafts. In 1906, 120 boys studied in the first Zemstvo school of the village, 23 girls and two teachers worked, 191 boy and 112 girls visited the second G and 112 Girls, five teachers worked here. 112 boys were studied in the church school, 325 girls and two teachers worked. All three schools were kept on the tools of the church community. During the years of Soviet power, both schools were combined and renewed in primary school. In 1923, Proftekhkol was opened in Red Yar, and in 1924 - the school of peasant youth. As of 1937 - 143 residents of the village were illiterate, and illiteracy courses were created for them.

Religion of residents and church. The colonists belonged to the Evangelical-Lutheran confession. Since 1767, the Red Yar community was part of the arrival of Rosenheim (acid). The arrival of Rosenheim (VIS) was founded in 1767. The colonies of Rosenheim were treated to him, Swede, Stall (Zutrev Kut), Enders (Ust-Karaman), Red Yar, Fisher (Caleuzeus), Schulz (meadow dirty), Reinwald (Staritsky). In 1820, Reinwald and Schultz were part of the Ringardt arrival (Osinovka), and the Fisher community was attached to the arrival of South Ekaterinenstadt. Since 1880, the village of Red Yar formed an independent arrival, the creation of which was approved by the Decree of November 20, 1880. The arrival included one church community of Red Yar.

In the first years after the establishment of the settlement, the colonists of the Red Yar carried out services in a prayer house, which had the status of the branch. The exact date of its construction is not known. He was erected to public funds in the first one or two years after the resettlement of the colonists. The tools spent the colonists were supposed to pay the state for the next ten years.

Wooden Kirch was built in Red Yar in 1815. She had branch status and was consecrated as the Church of the Holy Trinity. Over time, the old Kirk became small and could not accommodate all the parishioners, whom about 5.2 thousand people numbered by the middle of the nineteenth century. The project of the New Krasnoyarsk Church was approved by government agencies in 1857. The laying of the first stone in the foundation of the church was produced in 1859. By 1861, a new wooden church was built on the site of the old little church, she had a bench for 1500 praying. The church was consecrated on July 9, 1861.

In the appearance of the building they felt the imitation of the architecture of classicism. The church's parade attached a portico to a portico with a triangular fronton in the center of the main facade, which were brick gates, crowned with three turrets. Four massive portico columns were arranged symmetrically and were crowned with sufficiently modest doric capitals. Behind the columns in the center was the input opening and the window above it. The four-stage, the talked tower had three semicircular windows and was crowned with a three-meter cross. On the lateral facades of the building, columns were also located crowned with massive triangular frontones, the side inputs in Kirch were located behind the columns. The temple had spacious balconies of the second floor and a lush interior decoration. Near the church there was a wooden pastorate with a fligember of 1883. Construction.

Pages of the history of the church community and arrival. By 1880, the village of Red Yar consisted of more than four thousand people. The Lutheran arrival community needed his own pastore and therefore the parishioners decided to apply for the creation of a separate arrival, the foundation of which was approved in 1880. The first pastor of the parish was Karl Wilhelm Theodore Blum (1841-1906), which served until 1881 in the arrival of the clip. In 1901-1905 Karl Blum was a trump side of the Volga. The last pastor of the arrival of Wilhelm Friedrich Feldbach (1884-1970) was ordinanced in the Church of Red Yar on December 26, 1919. And until 1924 he served at the same time in the arrival of the Red Yar and the berry cannon. In 1924-1928 He was a pastor in the Lutheran community Baku, and in 1928 emigrated to Germany.

In 1929, when a campaign for removing the bells and their smelter "on the tractor column" began in the country, the bells from the church in Red Yar were removed and commissioned at the Renaissance plant, which issued the first Soviet tractor "Dwarf". In 1931, the Presidium of the CEC ASSR of the Germans Volga region received secret information from the Regional Commission for the Review of Religious Questions, according to which the church was not yet closed in the village at that time, there were 2351 believers in the church community, of which 33 were attributed to the category of dishes.

The Commission on Cults with the CEC of the ASSR of the Germans of the Volga region requested the closure of the church on January 15, 1934. Of the 1373 members of the community members 1003 spoke for the closure of the Church. The Commission on Cults decided to "offer a team of believers under a prayer house from Kulatskaya houses", and the church to use the villages to cultural needs. The CEC Presidium made a decision on the closure of the Church on February 9, 1934. The cross was removed from the church, and the club was equipped in her building. After the Great Patriotic War in the former church, which no longer had a bell tower, a cinema worked. The church was destroyed in the late 1980s.

List of pastors.Rosenheim arrival pastors (plat including) who served in the community of Red Yar. 1767-1785 - Ludwig Helm (Ludwig Helm). 1786-1788 - Laurenty Albaum (Laurentius Ahlbaum). 1788-1791 - Klaus Peter Lundberg (Klaus Peter Lundberg). 1792-1815 - Christian Friedrich Jäger (Christian Friedrich Jäger). 1816-1820 - Franz Helz (Franz Hölz). 1820-1831, Johan Heinrich Buck (Johan Heinrich Buck). 1831-1866 - Alexander Karl Augustor August Allendorf) .1867-1879. - Friedrich Wilchelm Meyer. Pastors arrival Red Yar. 1881-1905, Karl Blum. 1905-1914 - Johannes Stenzel (Johannes Stenzel). 1914-1916 - Albert Arthur Schön (Albert Arthur Schön). 1916-1919. - Wilhelm Feldbach (Wilhelm Feldbach).

Population size. In 1767, 363 foreign colonists lived in Red Yar, in 1773 they had 460, in 1788 - 537, in 1798 - 684, in 1816 - 1036, in 1834 - 1792, in 1850 G. - 2552, in 1859 - 3131, in 1883 - 4343, in 1889 - 4484 people. In 1878, 156 people emigrated to America. According to the general census of the population of the Russian Empire of 1897, 4721 people lived in Red Yar, of which 4622 Germans. As of 1905, there were 7514 people in the village, in 1910 - 7345 people. In 1909, about 400 people left the village of Siberia and the Steppe region. The parish of Red Yar in 1906 numbered 7671 parishioners. According to the All-Russian Census of the 1920th population, 6569 people lived in Red Yar, they were all Germans. In 1921, 296 was born in the village, and 896 people died, only in March 1921, 50 people died in the village. According to the cladding of the autonomous region of the Germans of the Volga region, as of January 1, 1922, 4724 people lived in Red Yar, in 1923 - 4008 people. According to the All-Russian Census of the population of 1926, the village counted 847 households (of which 834 German) with a population of 4546 people (of which 2177 men and 2369 women), including 4464 Germans (of which are 2128 men and 2336 women). In 1931, 5145 people lived in Red Yar, from them 5129 Germans, in 1939 - 4631 people.

Village today.Now with. Red Yar Engels district of the Saratov region. When visiting the Red Yar still amazed his impressive sizes, it was not by chance that the village was the canton center. Before the revolution, Red Yar was even more: 3118 people lived in the village of the All-Russian Census 2002, which is more than twice as fewer than the number of residents of the village in 1910. In 1974, a new typical modern school was built in the village . As of 2010, in secondary schools with. Red Yar studied 326 students and 29 teachers worked.

In Red Yar, the former German layout and a lot of vintage buildings, brick and wooden German houses, both private and public buildings, a pharmacy, bread shop, a mill are preserved. Most old German houses have been preserved on Y. Gagarin Street. Opposite the modern building of the House of Culture, as a hundred years ago, is a pharmacy. The former house of culture, where the department of the internal affairs is located today, was built during the existence of the Republic of Germans of the Volga region. There was a rural area on the site of the modern building of the police, on which the locals gathered on holidays.

Every year in the Red Yar there are fewer objects of German architecture. The building of the Lutheran Church in the village has not survived. Until 2008, the inhabitants of the Red Yar proudly demonstrated the conviction of the corps of the former eye medicine, which was previously known far beyond the limits of the village. The wooden body has not been used for a long time, but a huge two-story building, connected to the brick-one-storey building arch, still reminded of German colonists and attracted to the village of lovers of German architecture. In 2009, the hospital building was destroyed before the foundation. Today, only a pile of bricks and garbage has been preserved from him, next to which there is a single-storey brick building of the former eye hospital.

The pride of the village is the old building of the four-year-old German mill, who has produced the flour to the revolution for several nearby villages. It was built in 1907 and got the name of the chartite mill named its owner. The date of construction of the building is posted under the roof on the side facade, and the letters with the name of the owner who were in the same place were not preserved. Today the mill building is still used. After the deportation of the German population, they produced animal feed and moisture grain for livestock. By the end of the twentieth century, the building was in depressing condition. In 1999, a private entrepreneur S. Shuvakin and his companion from Germany bought and repaired the building, renovated the stairs, brought new Italian equipment, installed a lifting lift. Today, the mill is functioning a threshing workshop, a scattering workshop, pasta shop and bakery. On a day, the mill grinds up to 30 tons of grain, 50 people work at the enterprise.