From Goa to Kerala by train. Kerala is a real Indian fairy tale

What is the resort of India to choose: Goa or Kerala? Goa combines in himself, it would seem that inequate: on the one hand, this is the smallest and lumpy state of India, and on the other - its largest and popular resort. For the first time, Goa's beaches for recreation were discovered in the 60s of the last century hippies. Located Goa west coast Peninsula Hinstane and represents one solid beaches with a length of 101 km. Kerala is primarily famous for its nature and therapeutic Ayurvedic centers. It is one of "10 paradise corners Planets, according to Traveler Magazine magazine, the most environmentally friendly and well-maintained state of India. 1. What to do here? Goa Geographically, the state is divided into two parts: southern and north. The first is famous for its expensive hotels and a comfortable holiday, and the second - wild beaches and crazy dance parties on the ocean. For "cultural" attractions, it is not worth going here, it is better to concentrate on swimming in the sea, acceptance solar baths and occupations water species Sports: surfing, diving, snorkeling. Kerala. Clean beaches ( coastline is 509 km), violent forests, mountain waterfalls, Creek and canals of monsoon rivers - for the "tropical fairy tale" you need to go here. Also here there is something to see and lovers of "cultural" attractions: what is one worth historical Center port city Kochi or the temple of Sri Padmanabhasvami. 2. Climate Goa. The climate is typically subequatorial here: from July to the end of September - the rainy season, from mid-March to the end of June - a very hot summer, and in the fall and winter in Goa (from the end of November to the beginning of March) - the perfect time for a beach holiday. Kerala. Local climate - Tropical, soft and very smooth. Two monsoon periods are distinguished: in June-July and in October. Rains are possible throughout the year. The hottest period is March-April, the air temperature during the day is + 28..36 ° C, at night - + 24..30 ° C. Other time average temperature Air during the day + 20..28 ° C, at night - + 18..25 ° C. "High Tourist Season" - from December to April. 3. Pluses of Goa proven resort for years; Golden and sandy beaches; the ability to relax in an expensive hotel with maximum comfort; Famous night parties on the ocean; Excellent base for surfing, diving and snorkeling. Kerala more vegetation, rivers - in general, cleaner and more beautiful than in Goa; Many unexplored beaches; In the "Communist" Kerala, they love Russians; Many medical ayurvedic centers; many attractions. 4. Cons Goa There are a lot of tourists here - it will be difficult to find a place for privacy; Not much attractions; Less "green" resort than Kerala. Kerala is not such a comfortable resort as Goa; It will be difficult to find so many dance parties as in Goa. 5. Goa beaches. All Beaches in Goa - the property of the state. The entrance to them is free. Almost all the sun beds and umbrellas (with the exception of, of course, owned by hotels) are fixed behind beach restaurants, and therefore "Conditionally free". If the tourist makes the order in the institution - the sun bed on the beach is free for it, while the amount of the order has no importance. The north beaches of the resort consist of volcanic dark gray sand. The coast on the whole coast is quite high, so many hotels are small and located in Laguna. Beaches in the south - with small and clean sand, sea calm and warm. Kerala. People from all over the world come to soak on flawless sands, in the rays of the Southern Sun, - perhaps, because tourists do not walk around the beaches of Kerala. All beaches in Kerala public and free, usually small. In some sections, the sea is restless, and it is unsafe to swim there. But near many resorts there is a lagoon, on the far bank of which is a clean, beautiful and calm beach. Guests are carrying there by boats. 6. The features of Goa. In Goa are located best hotels and water entertainment centers on the territory of resort India. There are also excellent equipped beaches on which bright parties are often held. Goa is a very distinctive state, unlike any other in India. Kerala. The resorts of Kerala offer their guests a great beach and sightseeing holidays surrounded by picturesque nature. However, this is not the main highlight of the state. Kerala is the land of Ayurveda, it is here to this day that the ancient Indian art of the body of the body and souls are flourished by natural means and natural methods. The nature of this state amazes imagination - here you can see delicious waterfalls, vertices, exotic plants. Special attention deserves local gastronomy.

Eternal question: what to choose? Rest on the beach or excursion program. If resting on the beach, what, with or without benefit? It can be said that it is better to relax with benefit, that's just the concept of it for everyone. Someone wants a cheerful and carefree recreation, so that you can get out in the evening from the hotel and get to the Beach Party, and at a distance of five minutes walk you out a wide selection of shops, cafes and restaurants. If so, then feel free to go to Goa.

Goa This is the smallest of the area and population population, but the most popular area of \u200b\u200btourists from around the world is a resort. Golden beaches, mild climate and rich nature of the tropics, ancient architectural monuments, raising races of races and languages, beautiful Goan cuisine and diverse night life - All these features made Goa in a distinctive and fascinating place suitable for any type of rest.

North or south? Depending on what your preferences do. The beaches in the north goa enjoy the greatest popularity of young people and lovers of a democratic rest. It is here that focused the greatest number Cheap hotels from 2-5 stars. It is here that the most famous beach parties and a trans-party are held. Nature and exotics are not so much like in the south. Basically, most hotels are worth either in small cities or in villages. Once in the north, you will fall on a cosmopolitan, bright, cheerful and noisy resort, where life boils all the time, even at night.
Beaches are more suitable for fans of quiet and calm holiday and families with children. In addition, it is here that the largest number of hotels category 5 * and 5 * DLX are attracted, which attracts a respectable and discerning public. Goa is famous for its picturesque nature, and the beaches are much wider than in the north. It is not so crowded and noisy here, hotels are not in the towns, but nearby. There are several popular parties, but this is not a trance party, but rather just a pleasant vacation spot with an evening disco. There is no such scope and choosing entertainment as in the north, in the south there is no.
If you would like to relax with health benefits and go to yourself, then we advise you to stop your choice on Kerala and rest in an Ayurvedic hotel. Silent and secluded atmosphere, yoga classes with Indian teachers, healthy diet and special mode will help you not only relax with soul and body, but also to charge the energy for the entire coming year.

Kerala - Unique in beauty. This state is also called the "earth of the Gods" or "Indian Venice". Numerous creek, filling in the Arabian Sea and forming lagows, drowning in greenery resorts, snow-white sand and clean sea - distinctive features of this state. In addition, the birthplace of the Ancient Indian healing system "Ayurveda". To all those who dream of relaxing from the ocean and gain strength, we advise you to visit this amazing place.

AYURVEDA. As you know, Kerala is the birthplace of the ancient medical system in the world - "Ayurveda" (Sanskr. Ayur - "Life;" Veda "-NUKA). It is currently becoming increasingly popular and recognized worldwide. You can also call it to science about healthy and perfect life. Ayurveda explains those principles to whom everyone should follow to become absolutely healthy and approach the ideal.
Ayurveda procedures can be useful to both people who dream just relax and improve health and people with serious diagnoses. In Ayurvedic hotels and clinics treat such diseases as:
bronchial asthma
Gastritis and colts
heart diseases
Neurological and neuromuscular disorders
Vascular disorders
Liver diseases, kidneys, urinary tract
Skin diseases
Gynecological diseases.
All treatment programs are selected by the doctor individually, after meeting with the patient and detailed diagnostics of its condition. From the most popular programs, both soiling and therapeutic programs can be distinguished by Panchakarma. Also in Ayurvedic hotels, you will be offered a weight loss program, rejuvenation and purification courses, face and body care. During treatment, only natural drugs are applied.

Resorts: Unlike Goa, quiet and calm, with a less developed infrastructure and lack of entertainment. Rest in Kerala is, first of all, treatment and recovery on the Ayurveda system. The most famous hotels and resorts are concentrated in the Kowal area (Samutra Beaches, Havakh, Lighthouse, Ashok, Mullur, Chowar). Those who prefer a secluded rest, beaches of Marari and Varkala beaches. In addition, it is worth noting the popular mountain resorts: the famous "Ayurveda Palace" - Kalari Kovilakom 5 * DLX in Calangode, as well as resorts on Lake Kumarakom: Taj Garden Retrtreat 5 * DLX and Kumarakom Lake Resort 5 * DLX.


Goa combines, it would seem that, on the one hand, it is the smallest and lumpy state of India, and on the other - its largest and most popular resort. For the first time, Goa's beaches for recreation were discovered in the 60s of the last century hippies. Located Goa on the west coast of the Industan Peninsula and is one solid beaches of 101 km long.

Geographically, the state is divided into two parts: southern and north. The first is famous for its expensive hotels and a comfortable holiday, and the second - wild beaches and crazy dance parties on the ocean. For the "cultural" attractions, it is not worth going here, it is better to concentrate on swimming in the sea, having sunbathing and occupation of water sports: surfing, diving, snorkeling.

The climate is typically subequatorial here: from July to the end of September - the rainy season, from mid-March to the end of June - a very hot summer, and in the fall and winter in Goa (from the end of November to the beginning of March) - the perfect time for a beach holiday.


  • verified by the years resort;
  • golden and sandy beaches;
  • the ability to relax in an expensive hotel with maximum comfort;
  • famous night parties on the ocean;
  • excellent base for surfing, diving and snorkeling.


  • there are a lot of tourists here - it will be difficult to find a place for privacy;
  • not much attractions;
  • less "green" resort than Kerala.


Kerala is quite another thing than Goa. First of all, it is famous for its nature and therapeutic Ayurvedic centers. By the way, this is one of the "10 paradan corners of the planet", according to Traveler Magazine magazine, the most environmentally friendly and well-maintained state of India.

The purest beaches (the coastline is 509 km), violent forests, mountain waterfalls, creek and canals of monsoon rivers - you need to go on a tropical fairy tale. Also here there is something to see and lovers of "cultural" attractions: what is one historic center of the port city of Kochi or the temple.

It is worth noting that until the 1980s, Kerala, "Country, Spices and Magic", which intended to surrender Columbus, was almost unknown among tourists, it should please those who love unrespectful places.


  • more vegetation, rivers - in general, cleaner and more beautiful than in Goa;
  • many unexplored beaches;
  • in the "Communist" Kerala, they love Russians;
  • many medical ayurvedic centers;
  • many attractions.


  • not such a comfortable resort as Goa;
  • it will be difficult to find so many dance parties as in Goa.

One of the main things - in addition to the beautiful ocean and the hot sun - for which I wanted to return to India, it was possible to ride the bike again. In Russia, I can not do this yet, although the category rights are already there. Therefore, I took a bike on the second day after arrival on January 21, 2014 in Varkal - a small resort village in Kerala, which is located in the very south of India.

Home Trade and Tourist street Varkala - Cliff (literally - Rock). Below - the main beach:

The sunset always shows nature in new paints:

Why was Kerala chosen? In Goa, I have already been, I wanted to master new territories. And, I must say that I did not regret Kerala a really very kind of state and go there at least once standing. In the colors of Kerala you can imagine so - green mosques, red stars and women in black. Although, according to statistics, Muslims there is hardly a quarter, they are very noticeable. Well, the Red Stars are tribute to the Communists who still rule the ball in this state.

Nature in the south of India it seemed to me richer than in Goa:

The spirit captures when you understand what the coast is reached several thousand kilometers to the north:

Favorite occupation of Indian buffaloes - cool at the hottest daytime:

I took a classic Bajaj Pulsar classic for India, two-shoe. Enfield, of course, everyone is good, but I still began learning from sports and there is more to them. Therefore, after summer pokatushek at the Himalayas, I wanted to keep the legs slightly more bent when driving)) It turned out that I took off my personal bike of one Indian boy, who first wanted 500 rupees for him (300 rubles) per day, subject to payment immediately for the month, however Then he agreed at 400 that, as I learned later, it was also expensive for such a simple technology.

With a week, I hung in Varkal, traveled her along and across, visited all local beaches. And gradually it became boring. Still, this is a place for a quiet and relaxing holiday, not that in Goa. And I decided to go to the "nest of debauchery" on this very bike. This is a little more than a thousand kilometers. I was initially planned to go calmly, so the road, by the estimates, was supposed to take three days.

I am going to get together - just ribbon. I bought a helmet, also red, in the color of the bike, helmet for 600 rupees (okay I went to Varkal without him, but in the highway it is needed by law). Behind the back of the backpack, the laptop on the side of the hook (heats up of the muffler, but yes nothing), the jacket on the tank - and go ahead! In the seventh o'clock in the morning on January 29, 2014, I went to the road. No navigators, only a map and an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich cities lie between me and Goa. Everything seemed very simple - the road is coming along the coast. It is necessary to just keep the ocean on the left hand and move north, nothing complicated.

However, small difficulties arose already when leaving Varkala, the road to Highway had to search. But when I got on her, I immediately saw an elephant who quietly went on the side of the road, as a full participant of the road.

I wonder what kind of reserve does he have?

But then, all the way to Goa, I almost didn't experience problems with navigation - only a couple of times for a short time I turned off the roads. And so everything is clear, a lot of signs in English. If you know, you know what cities in front - it is not necessary to stop, just slow down to read the inscriptions, and that's it.

Already at the very beginning, such wonderful landscapes began to come across - then I still had the strength to stop and take pictures:

There was a thought to swim, but for the sake of speed, I threw it off:

Here it is necessary to make the reservation about the speed of this particular pulsar and yes about the Indian bikes at all. The reality is such that 200 cubes of my pulsar completely lost 125 cubes of a standard Thai scooter. Only under the hill - if you are very lucky - I just could squeeze out of my bike more than 100 km / h, while the usual scooter in Thailand easily makes 120 km / h in a straight line. Such is the entire Indian motorcycles - to gain a hundred was problematic and on 350-cubic enfield. Apparently, the Hindus simply do not need more powerful bikes. But because of this, the country boasts a lower death of people's death on the roads than in Russia - despite the fact that the pofigism and the divorce of Indian drivers (and this is true) well-known.

One of the numerous bridges that allow you to flash the beautiful Kerala through:

So what am I what? Yes, that my cruising speed was in an area of \u200b\u200b70 km / h, which is not at all the same as the same thing that I could stay at the Honda CB400 for quite a long time when I went to the visaran in Thailand. Therefore, this very thousand kilometers, most likely, could be driving and per day - on a decent bike.

According to such beautiful road It was possible to go and tired:

Keralene Highway I did not really like it - loaded, often subject to repair. Large cities on the way I tried to avoid - for obvious reasons, it is a slowdown in speed and vain plugs on traffic jams. But in some cases it was impossible - Highway went straight through the city.

On the streets of the Indian city:

The sunset caught me near the Mahe town, which is 400 km. from Varkala. True, I must say that I drove almost without stopping. At first I honestly wanted to find some hotel, but no one wanted to settle me in them. These were small local hotels, Hindus - to settle a foreigner, they had to have a special license.

Another piece of incredible, beautiful, crazy India:

Probably, with proper perseverance, I could find a place at night, but I took the idea to swell in the fresh air. Run from the road, found some kind of unfinished area and sat down for dinner. Here three Indian gopniks came up, they began to rub, that this is a foreign plot and that they will now cause the police, then they began to ask "to see" my phone. "The case smells like Kerosene," I decided, I sat down on the bike and left them.

Suddenly felt Jedi and decided - why not go all night? So I'll be in Goa tomorrow! Well, in fact, I went. When it was dark, navigate and go, of course, it became more difficult - given that almost all the Hindus in the dark ride with distant light. Well, nothing, fine, flew kilometers.

For two hours, closer to midnight, lingered in one Kharchevna, whose owner was chairman of the local club "Enfieldists". He proudly showed me his bike, and when I told him how in the summer I rode the mountains in the mountains in the Enfield - there was no end to the issues. Moreover, I began to show it a photo and video from there on the laptop. In the end, he asked me how much Gorupero stands and as it is called)) a good man, but even he, who owns a small gesto at the hotel, could not find the opportunity to settle me overnight, although I can't ask him about it \u003d) but I spoke about it Further road, although I knew the route and so.

Joint photo with Enfieldist:

At night, even in southern India - very and very cold. I very much praised myself for the fact that I did not leave the jacket in Varkal - I not only dressed her, but also fastened, wrapped in the same scarf. And anyway - blurred through.

Closer to the dawn began glitches. I began to seem that the rear wheel went down - the bike was so unstable. A couple of times I really stopped and sucking the wheel with which, of course, everything was in order. Then some shadows began to run on the road. Realizing that it was already just dangerous to go further on a blank track, I discarded the roadside ditch, attempting for myself a newspaper.

Hasik slept, woke up already in a much more cheerful state. Well, flew further - so far only lights and while there is almost no one on the roads.

I remember this day, I still rode quite exhausted. I remember only the excellent quality of Highway NH17 - it was much more pleasant to go on it. Having entered the South Goa, I made an attempt to contact one of my friends - she rested in Agonda - but unsuccessfully. Therefore, I decided to go on to the north, to the native Vagator and Anjuna.

Does not reach Margao-railway "Capital" Goa - came to a certain number of mountain serpentines, which delivered pleasure even despite fatigue. After Panja - the real capital of the state - the road has already gone, which I knew more on two-year-old trips. And when I saw on a plate near the maps of the name "Anjuna" and "Vagator" - I felt that I was returned home.

By the way, Panaji saw the most real Maseratti, which with its special sound of the engine and with chic abrises, apparently, felt the queen on the road, truncating everyone and performing very risky overtaking. For some time, from the principle was held nearby - overtook-I missed, then threw it - it's all the same with this style of driving the dude will find his trouble.

So in Goa, I arrived before sunset the second day of the way, overcoming for these 36 hours a thousand kilometers. I managed to quickly settle in the Om Guest House, where I lived two years ago. Yes, expensive - 800 rupees per day, but - excellent, large, European furnished room with internet. The next couple of days I almost did not leave it, just to go to the beach. The whole body was sought - legs, back, hands, etc.

The following couple of months I behaved like this:

Following the trip, I would not agree with the opinion of those who consider Indian technique not very reliable. Yes, she is simple - how were our tanks in the second world compared to more technically advanced Nemtsy - however, "36 hours of Le Man" (after all, I drove almost without a break), the bike stood with honor, overcoming almost half of India from the south to north.

Travel route:

Well, or on the Google maps themselves -. I must say that subsequently I had to learn this route well, even too good. But that is another story.

I conceived to relax in the upcoming school holidays, go somewhere. No matter how comfortable in Bangalore, on our territory residential complex, and you still want to change the situation.

Since we are already five and the husband has a tight schedule, I suggested to visit, finally, at least in Goa or visit Kerala. Both states are with us in the neighborhood, on the coasts, so it remains to find out, calculate and choose the best for us.

By the way, among my neighbors, there are just people from these places, which I have already started to "interrogate" what they have there, where, why and why))

Personally, goa makes me in the fact that there are many Slavs for which I already missed. I want my lovers, votes and words, familiar, and maybe even Russian food, in general .. I want to see and feel that Goa, that it is already considered to be almost a Russian colony)) Girlfriend Gooman, by the way, even offered to stay in her parent House, but we are better themselves. Indians, of course, do not get used to the guests to the guests, but I will better look at cheap hotels in Goa, compare all prices on trivago.What I will strain others.

As for Keraly, there I am interested in special boats, which are called Houseboat (English - "House-boat"). I am sure that my children will be delighted with the real house on the water, overnight in it and fishing, followed by the preparation of the dinner actually! But what is there still, except for such boats and the masses of Ayurvedic hospitals (which is not suitable for us), I don't know yet ..

In general, we think, choose hotels, we believe, so i will be glad to any stories and tips of "experienced", not everyone about India to tell

Approx. In the photo ne. Goa Stat Kerala, Kowal Beach.


    Hello, dear site owner! My name is Emilia. I see that we have common interests. I have a question for you. Would we communicate with you in Skype? My Skype: Emily_691

    Oksana, good afternoon. I was both Goa and in Kerala, I now plan to go again in November in Goa. You advise you correctly .... The hotel is calm, peace, Ayurveda ... ..a goa .... All in one ... you want silence, choose South Goa ... you want a part to take the north.

    Kerala is a quiet place, peaceful, and the air is pure and the same. We recently visited there. I really liked it. And on the houseboat they floated, with an excellent lunch at the uncle of her husband there are own houseboat, pleasure was free

    We, too, with your husband, we plan to go to Goa alone. Children attach to grandmother. That's just left only to choose where exactly in Goa. Our friends recommended choosing one of the hotels in Taj Hotel. Most likely we choose this)))

    Well, as they say, Goa on an amateur is once, and Slavs, more precisely, their category that comes to an amateur too - these are two. I understand that you missed Russians, but judging by the stories, these most Russians on Goa, and in general, in other places of recreation it is better to go around the party. It is unlikely to impress you drunk and sobbed by Slavs, talking in Russian Matnial. Although it is only from my acquaintances. I myself was not knowing.
    As for houseboat, everything, of course, advise! But only, as Rohit said to me (he is from Kerala), this pleasure is not cheap in fact. A day to 10,000 rupees or something for the boat. Something like this. Well, and who visited ever Kerala everything converged that she was beautiful and want to return there. If you want the sea, then, of course, the path on the coast. And personally, I was simply conquered me in the photo. This is an entrance hall .vythiriresort. May you heard about him. But this spa hotel is located in the jungle.

    good afternoon, Oksana.
    And when do vacations in children?
    We are now in Kerala. Here the rainy season, local people say that there were no more than 20 years old. We have not seen the sun for a month! Rain, no shower, day goes. We already have all the furniture, bed, clothes mold smelled of weather forecasters prophesy that such an anomaly will last for another 2 months. Halesbots, according to my information, do not work. Well, at the beach, you can hardly like it.

    Oksana, Hello!
    I always read your comments with interest that on the forum that here) may randomly, and maybe so coincided, but we are also going to Goa in October. Please write when you drive and where exactly) can meet, if you're lucky)

    For me, so goa is not India at all. Or let's say, Goa, this is such India for Europeans. So if you choose, then Kerala. Still somehow more recently.

    Oksana, thanks for your truthful and useful essays. I live in Bombay with an Indian husband. Before that, they lived in Goa for two years. I can suggest good restaurants and recreation sites. Unfortunately, tourists from Russian charters are not always the best company. If you go to rest in Goa with knowledge of the case, then you can relaxably. To begin with, you will advise you to stay at the hotel away from the beaches. For example, the hotel Suria Sangold is an apartment option in the village of Sangold and rent a car. Beaches of Bug, Calangute, Kandolim for 10 minutes by car. You can cook at the hotel, there is a kitchen with all the utensils, pure and beautiful. Pool. Products to buy in the store in Porvorim "Farrems Chois". There all kinds of meat, tongues of 50 rupees per piece. At the corner, a few meters from the hotel, a wonderful vegetable shop. We lived in a neighboring complex from the hotel, and at the beginning of the month and the hotel for the hotel. There Spipino, no charter tourists and only 6 or 8 rooms. Products you can buy at normal prices in Porvorim and prepare partially at the hotel. There is also a refrigerator, a washing machine, iron. It costs about 2 thousand per day. There are two rooms and two bathrooms. Machine can rent Hyundai 500 rupees day. Then you can travel to the directions and dinner in one of the international restaurants. As a rule, charter tourists in these places are not and live in coastal establishments far from better quality. If you are interested, then I will poison where it is worth going to eat and what to see in Goa.

    Nelli, I will be very grateful if you can tell me where you can go and what to see. I'm going for the second time on Goa ... .. and I would like to see the places where the minimum of tourists ... I am grateful ....

    Yeh, Goa, Goa ... Sounds so romantic. But I would not go there, where a lot of "blood brothers", no matter how ashamed to confess to this (((((I am waiting for your story on the results of the rest!

    I will issue information with parts. Unfortunately, wild places in Goa practically left. And the beaches are loudly crowded Russian pops. Nevertheless, the beach of Agonda was performed on me south Goa. Even if you stop in the north, you should go for one night. What is good this beach? In addition to the picturesque nature, loud music is prohibited here, because Here are the eggs of sea turtles. AND local residents This place is protected. On the shore can be spent the night in numerous beach bungalows right on the beach. We stopped in H2O. They have a house with air conditioning and open-air shower. We have not been lazy to go out on the beach of an hour in three nights. wildlife, Stars and Ocean! I love the evenings to walk on the beach Vagator. There we must go clock at five in the evening and before sunset. There, almost absent beach loud cafes. But there are huge volcanic stones. They are warm and spicy for them to sit and watch the sunsets. And if you climb on the way up, then there viewpoint and picturesque views of the coast. There is still such a cunning moment - you can advantage the hotel 5 * and say that in a restaurant. This is the hotel Taj in Kandolim. There you can sit in the bar overlooking the ocean and drink tea or alcohol. And on the upper terrace, comfortable chairs and can be enjoyed with a sunset.
    I do not recommend spending a day on the beach of Calangute. Awful place! Wild Indians from the province with bus tours. Drunk, will stare, ask the photo and take pictures. Something similar to this place and the beach of Bug. If you want to calmly sunbathe, relax on the beach Kandolim closer to Taju. European retirees live there and everything is calm.
    Feeding in beach eaters do not advise. Cheat, dirty and tasteless. As a rule, they belong to the boards, which are free of charge !!! Calculated on the fact that you have a bunch of them and you will order water, alcohol. I would limit yourself to a sealing bottle of water or beer. But if you eat well on the beach in Calangut, then it is Calamari.

    Another favorite place - Bar of Cantari in the village of Saligao. The hosts are two brothers Gaña, lived for a long time in America. Returned and bought ancient Predugal colonial house, filled with stylish vintage furniture, pleasant music. They make Sangriya gorgeous. There I have never seen charter tourists! Mostly wealthy local public. Bar for his own.

    I advise you to take a car or bike for hire. There is such an excursion - the study of local species of birds. In Goa, full of kingfishers. Such an exotic blue bird bird with a huge beak. So you yourself can arrange it yourself, together with the exxoux in the old Goa. You need to get to the cathedrals of the Old Goa, to see the sights, the power of Saint Francis Xavier. Leave the territory to the river. There you will find the doping pores on the island on the opposite side. 15 rupees from the car, 5 per person. We will go to the island and ride on it in pleasure. There are a lot of different birds and hundreds of kingfishers! And the chic panorama on the old Goa with all the cathedrals opens. Climb the top to the local church. There are many colonial houses in excellent condition. For me, this is the open-air museum and in just 15 rupees. And we met only European pensioners with binoculars and cameras.

    Where to eat well in Goa? Choose a place with a multi-year reputation. As a rule, they are hidden from the crowd of tourists, but always there is crowded and qualitatively. You can dine and breakfast in the Lilla Cafe cafe on the river, which flows into the ocean in the bug. They work until 18 pm. Mistress German. She has a European menu and a lot of delicious baking. Delicious apple pie in sand dough, black German bread. She has an Austrian baker and they all bake themselves. Plus cleanliness and order.
    For romantic evening Suitable restaurant Thalasso in Vagator. Mistress Greek. Place awesome on a mountain with a panoramic view of the sunset and the ocean. She reminded her place greek islands Santorini and Mykonos. The Greek menu is unscrewed and a lot of meat on coals. There must be a clock at 5-6 pm. But often the tables of the first line are ordered in advance.
    There is still a restaurant Ernestos (I do not know where we moved, like spurious). Goyan holder. There are baked snails and prepare chic steaks. Again the continental menu. Previously, they were in Panji. There are local lunch.
    The calangut has a Myanmar Restaurant Bomoras. The owner and he also chef Japanese, he lives in London half a year. There's all deliciously incredible!
    European cuisine in the Cavala Bar in Bag. Everything is tasty and high quality. But besides, this is a favorite place as wealthy Goaans, Bombayans and Delhi, and foreigners. There are live music on Wednesdays and Fridays. Stunning atmosphere. This is a place for people for 30. Come watches at 9-10 pm.

    Another pleasant place is a restaurant-cafe "Villa Blanche" in the village of Asagao. The hosts are Swiss. Husband every year on a school bus rides from his Switzerland to India. Along the path of different countries Purchases ingredients and then use them in their Gohan restaurant. The French opened the cafe Baba Au Rhum in Arpore. There, for breakfast, you will meet many French living in Goa. The atmosphere and the fucked cafe menu. A lot of coffee, eggs in all kinds, croissants and chocolate buns. They have delicious eclairs and all sorts of cakes with custard. Sell \u200b\u200bto remove. But the best fish restaurant is in my opinion - this is on South Goa Martins Corner. Seafood is well prepared, especially fish, grilled shrimp at good prices.

    i very often go to Goa and changed the usual hotels in the guest house - my MCH - Hindus is simply not allowed to hotels .... (((and I can say about the Geste. What is very pleased with them - especially likes from palm leaves built on the shore in Yu .Hae (Pull Palis and Cola)
    S.HOA attracts its unrestrained fun and parties - very love Beach Anjuna with his necks - especially I love Lilliput and Elephant)

    Nelli, many places are controversial and amateur. I live in Goa 8 years old. It would not recommend anyone to live in Sangold, and I'm going to buy in the Porvorim supermarket, if people go on vacation.
    At the same time, write, as perfectly on the beach in Kandolim. So you specify even that there are also good supermarkets and restaurants, and no need to ride already in Porvorim. Yes, Kandolim a good place. And you can live there too. In Sangde to live? Where do I need to go by car or bike? And the meaning ???
    Tibetan restaurant in Calanguta, in my opinion, sucks. Although, the taste, on the color ... -))
    Good beaches: Ashwem, Mandrem. There quietly, purely, little tourists.
    I agree that it is not necessary to go to the Calangut and on the Buga.
    And I recommend everyone to visit the spice plantation! :-)