Trinidad island: origin of the name, where it is located. School encyclopedia How to get to resorts from different CIS countries

- a state in the Caribbean, located on the islands of Trinidad, Tobago and several adjacent small islands.

The name comes from the Spanish "trinidad", which means "trinity", as Christopher Columbus discovered the island on the day of the feast of the Trinity, and the local word "tobago", which later entered languages \u200b\u200b†‹вЂ‹ as "tobacco".

Official name: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

Capital: Port of Spain

The area of \u200b\u200bthe land: 5.128 thousand sq. km

Total population: 1.2 million people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 9 counties.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: The president.

Population composition: 69% are Africans, mulattoes and males, 30% are Indo-Pakistanis, 1% are Chinese.

Official language: english, but the Indo-Aryan language Bhojpuri is quite widespread, Spanish is also used.

Religion: 32% are Catholics, 28% are Protestants (mostly Anglicans), 24% are Hindus, 6% are Muslims.

Internet domain: .tt

Mains voltage: ~ 115 V, 60 Hz

Country dialing code: +1-868


The climate of the islands is subequatorial, hot and humid, trade winds, with weak seasonal differences. The average temperature in February is 24 ° С, in September (the hottest month) - 27 ° С. The islands are located in the area of \u200b\u200btrade wind circulation of air masses, where northeasterly winds prevail.

The amount of precipitation to a large extent depends on the nature of the terrain. More than 3600 mm of precipitation falls annually on the windward eastern slopes of the Northern Ridge, on the slopes of the Sierra Tobago - up to 3800 mm, on the leeward western slopes - less than 1500 mm. A relatively dry season is in January - May, a relatively wet season in June - December.

Hurricanes occasionally hit the islands from June to December. Strong storm winds often blow, accompanied by destructive tropical downpours.


The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is located on the islands of the same name in the southern Caribbean, near the northeastern coast of Venezuela, opposite the Orinoco Delta (the southernmost part of the Lesser Antilles group). The southern coast of Trinidad lies just 10 km off the coast of Venezuela, and the island of Tobago is located 20 km northeast of Trinidad. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe islands is 5.128 thousand square meters. km (Trinidad - 4,828 sq. km, Tobago - 300 sq. km).

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The vegetation of Trinidad and Tobago is very diverse compared to neighboring islands, due to its continental origin. Evergreen forests prevail, in the center of Trinidad Island and on the leeward northwestern slopes - secondary savanna and woodlands. Plants are represented by both South American species and specific to the Antilles.

More than 50 species of valuable tree species grow in the forests, including zest, balsa (hare tree), sandalwood, cypress, vanilla pompon (V. pompona Schiede). Large areas are occupied by plantations of cocoa and other cultivated plants. Tobago is included in the habitat of Melocactus broadwayi, other types of melocactus are also common on the islands. There is also a rare butterfly orchid (Oncidium papilio Ldl.) Growing in Trinidad, which is declining due to commercial harvesting.

Animal world

The animals bear a resemblance to the fauna of South America. In Trinidad and Tobago, you can find the red ibis (Eudocimus ruber), which is the republic's national bird; caimans, ocelots (Leopardus pardalis), agouti, iguanas, possums, capuchins, as well as more than 40 species of hummingbirds (hummingbirds are also depicted on the coat of arms of Trinidad and Tobago).

Many bird species nest on Tobago, such as the Caribbean swallow and the white-tailed nightjar. A wide variety of bats, there are representatives of the families Furipteridae (smoky bats), Natalidae (Voronko-eared), Phyllostomidae (leaf-bearing), Mormoopidae (chin-leaved).

Endemic to Trinidad is the lizard Proctoporus shrevei, the only reptile with bioluminescence properties. Trinidad's northern mountain range is the only place in the world where this species is found.

Banks and currency

Trinidad and Tobago dollar (TTD or TT $) equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 20, 10, 5 and 1 dollars, as well as coins in denominations of 1 dollar, 50, 25, 10, 5 cents.

USD also has free circulation.

From Monday to Thursday, banks are usually open from 08.00-9.30 to 14.00-17.00, on Fridays from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 17.00. Some major banks are open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Most of the large bank offices on the central streets of the capital Trinidad open and close a little later than the rest (usually from 9.00 to 19.00) and are open without interruption.

Foreign currency can be exchanged at banks and some hotels, as well as at exchange offices cambios or bureaus de change (open daily from 9.00 to 18.00, except Sundays), on weekends, currency can be exchanged at the airport (exchange office is open from 6.00 to 22.00) and in some establishments in tourist areas (hotels, shops, restaurants, etc.). The exchange rate at exchange offices is usually slightly worse than at banks in Port of Spain, but conditions are different at all points. It is not recommended to change currency on the street.

Credit cards of the main payment systems (Visa, Eurocard, MasterCard, American Express, etc.) are accepted for payment in almost all hotels, large restaurants and in most stores. Many retail outlets charge an additional 5% of the amount when servicing credit cards. ATMs (usually marked with a TIDCO banner) that accept debit and credit cards can be found all over the place (in Tobago, only in Scarborough).

Travel checks can be cashed almost everywhere - in bank offices, in hotels and large stores (in many banks a certain percentage is charged for servicing checks, each institution is different). To avoid additional conversion costs, it is recommended to use US dollar or GBP traveller's checks.

Useful information for tourists

Active tourism is well developed on the islands - on any of the magnificent beaches of the coast, windsurfing, water skiing and sailing, paragliding, snorkeling and "serious" diving, golf and tennis are offered at numerous hotel and small private boarding houses.

It is forbidden to export from the islands items of historical value, rare animals and tropical birds.

If you believe the statistics, then half of the island's population is from India, but in fact, when you find yourself here, you can meet only blacks in Africa, at least this is the case in the city of Port of Spain, which cannot boast of special cultural or architectural landmarks.

Standard of living

In reality, life in Trinidad and Tobago is no different from life in South America, of course the standard of living is slightly higher than, for example, in Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, this can be traced by cars, if in the above-named countries the average market value of a car on the streets about $ 2,000, then in Trinidad and Tobago it is about $ 15,000, cars are only slightly poorer than in Moscow or Kiev. The reason lies in the high GDP, the developed industrial sector, Trinidad and Tobago sits on the gas and oil pipe as firmly as Russia.

In Port of Spain you are unlikely to see whites, even all foreign tourists from the USA, Canada and the UK are rich blacks who came here to see how their ancestors or relatives live, who did not want or could not move to the developed countries of the West. Walking through the city streets, you will find unpleasant garbage dumps, heaps of garbage, among which are tents selling bananas and women's clothing. Immediately, for example, about shopping, tourists from Russia will not be able to buy clothes for themselves, since the style takes into account the physique of local residents, however, it is difficult to find just small sizes of clothes.

Job and salary in Trinidad and Tobago

You can get a job if you graduate from one of the local universities, you will be gladly hired in industrial enterprises, an office in the port, you can work as an agronomist or at a whiskey distillery. The lion's share of BBB comes from gas and oil, but less than 5% of the population is employed in this sector, as you know, the rest are employed in trade, the tourism business or are on welfare, although the official unemployment in the country is very low, at the level of the United States, in other words, 5%. The average salary in Trinidad and Tobago is about 600 US dollars, this is the level of Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador or Venezuela, by the way Venezuela, with its cosmic prices for goods and food, has recently very negatively affected Trinidad and Tobago, which is starting to reorient in the import of goods from other countries, since the Venezuelans themselves have nothing to eat.

The tiny state in the Caribbean has long been considered one of the main tourist destinations in the region. Trinidad and Tobago attracts travelers with gorgeous beaches, warm sea, virgin and rich nature, a variety of water activities and colorful festivals.

General understanding of the country

The small country of Trinidad and Tobago is located on the border of the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, on an insignificant archipelago. The entire population of the state lives on the two largest islands - Trinidad and Tobago. Only in 1962 the exotic country gained independence from Great Britain.

Now the country lives mainly due to the extraction of minerals, of which there are enough in the region. The main ones are considered to be oil and gas, which form the country's budget. The state authorities are diversifying their income, so they began to develop tourism infrastructure, gastronomy and sports tourism.

Local weather is shaped by a humid subequatorial climate. The wet season is from June to December. The islands are located in the south of the area of \u200b\u200btropical cyclones, strong hurricanes do not reach the coast of the archipelago. Better to come to resorts in February and March.

How to get to resorts from different CIS countries

The islands of Trinidad and Tobago are not connected with Russia, Ukraine and Belarus by direct flights. Post-Soviet tourists will have to fly to Port of Spain via London, Frankfurt and Amsterdam.

If you do not take into account the transfer, the average journey time is about 17 hours. Russian citizens can stay in the archipelago without a visa for up to 90 days, but it is advisable to get medical insurance before the trip.

Another solution would be to go on a cruise tour. In this area, ships do not stay long, although the very fact of being in an unusual exotic country is estimated dearly.

Seaside resorts of Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad is the largest island in the republic. This piece of paradise was discovered at the end of the 15th century by Christopher Columbus. Three centuries later, the colony became British. Modern Trinidad is popular with beach lovers. The northern coast is best suited for these purposes. The island attracts tourists with free white beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea and an amazing underwater world. The place is famous for the tranquil Tyrico Bay and Las Cuelvas beaches, the long Maracas Bay beach with good entertainment centers, bars and beach discos.

Tobago Island is located 30 km from Trinidad. Unlike its large neighbor, Tobago is famous for its dense ancient forests, perfect for relaxing holidays and ecological tourism. The main resort is the city of Crown Point. This tourist center is interesting for its picturesque sandy beaches, diving centers, coral reefs.

The capital of the republic is Port of Spain. The settlement is famous for its historical and cultural sights, unique architecture, entertainment facilities and restaurants. Most of all, the capital is filled with tourists during carnivals and festivals. A variety of tropical birds live in the urban surroundings.

Ecotourism and spas in Trinidad and Tobago

The Karoni Nature Reserve is located near the capital, in a swampy area. Scarlet ibises and other representatives of the animal world live in mangroves. A former plantation in the vicinity of North Range is famous for the Asa Wright Nature Center. On the territory of the center there is a small hotel, a biological research station. Tourists walk along hiking trails, admire local birds and tropical plants. Dunston Caves are famous for the guajaro night birds.

In the east of Trinidad Island is the famous Nariva Swamp Nature Reserve. The national park consists of agricultural areas, reed bogs, mangroves and Bush Island. The swampy regions are interesting for rare animals, but they are dangerous because of the huge number of mosquitoes; it is not recommended to visit this area without repellents. The reserve is also home to manatees, caimans, freshwater turtles, anteaters and monkeys, porcupines and anacondas.

Trinidad and Tobago boasts modern medicine. The local health care system includes private and public clinics, medical centers. Most of the hospitals are located in the capital Port of Spain and the city of San Fernando. Tourists wishing to rejuvenate will be able to improve their skin condition in SPA-salons located at elite hotels. Before traveling to the archipelago, it is necessary to obtain international medical insurance.

Basic entertainment, how to spend time

The island nation is famous throughout the world for its stunning festive events. Most tourists come to have fun at the most popular Carnival in the Caribbean. The festival takes place every February. Tobago Island is famous for the Heritage Festival. Easter week is celebrated with boat races and fishing competitions.

Many foreign tourists visit the archipelago for an extreme vacation. Travelers go surfing, windsurfing, snorkelling, water skiing and sailing. The country is popular with divers due to its magnificent underwater world and beautiful coral reefs. Goat races are regularly held on the island of Tobago. This is a popular pastime for the locals during the Easter weekend.

Attractions where to go

First of all, Trinidad and Tobago is famous for its natural attractions: national parks and reserves, luxurious beaches, spectacular gorges and waterfalls of La Laja and Sombasson. Port of Spain is interesting for museums and art galleries.

The area around Chaguanas is famous for the legendary Waterloo Temple, considered the most visited Hindu temple in the Caribbean. Tobago Island attracts travelers with the huge King George Fort, towering over the administrative center of the region, Scarborough.

The fort was built by the British in the 18th century, and the old cannons still look threateningly towards the sea from the stone walls. On the island of Tobago, be sure to visit the popular fishing village of Charlotteville.

Trinidad and Tobago is known for safety, but some tips are best to take note of:

  • Public places, city transport are dangerous for pickpockets and fraudsters, it is necessary to closely monitor personal belongings, and large sums of money, documents and jewelry are better left in the hotel safe.
  • Sanitation in the archipelago is in order, and in large cities, street food is safe to eat.
  • Vegetables and fruits purchased on the market should be thoroughly rinsed with running water before eating.
  • Tap water is safe to drink, but it is best to boil it.
  • Trinidad and Tobago is famous for souvenirs such as turtle shells, scarlet ibis ceramics and Sombasson Falls.
  • Public transport is represented by comfortable buses and minibuses. The islands are linked by ferry connections.

Reviews of tourists about a trip to the country

Vladimir: We flew to Trinidad and Tobago with my wife in June 2015. The Paradise Islands met all expectations. A pleasant environment on city streets, friendly and friendly people, amazing nature, beautiful architecture in Port of Spain and delicious cuisine. These are not all the advantages of relaxation. It should be noted that there are dangerous areas, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

Elena: Family vacationing in Trinidad and Tobago at the end of spring 2016. The tiny country was a pleasant surprise. The locals were pleased with the friendliness, the hotels - with the friendly staff. I liked the beaches and the warm Caribbean Sea the most. Odes can be written about island nature.

Trinidad and Tobago is a popular tourist destination in the Caribbean. The island country is behind Mexico, Costa Rica and Barbados in terms of the number of visiting travelers, but every year the tourist inflow is growing steadily. The islands attract foreign visitors with luxurious beaches, warm sea with a rich underwater world, virgin nature and national parks.

Video review: resorts of Trinidad and Tobago