The most small countries of the world in the population. The smallest country in the world

There are more than 200 countries in the world, and we are sure that you have heard about each of them at least once. But on our planet there are states that we never knew. They occupy a very small territory, and some of them are inhabited by only a few families.

Fullpiccha I decided to make a list of the ten of the smallest countries with a population less than the population of the middle city or even a small village.

10 photos

1. Palau. Population: 21 291.

The Republic of Palau is an island country, which consists of more than 300 islands of different sizes. Palau is one of the most amazing places on Earth: his tropical forests are full of unique plants and birds, and in its territorial waters there are 130 species of animals under threat of disappearance. But the most remarkable in the country is the lake in which 2 million jellyfish lives.

2. Niue. Population: 1 612.

Niue is a tiny island state in Oceania. Despite the truly amazing nature, tourism there is not popular. Therefore, the country strongly depends on foreign aid, especially from New Zealand. The capital is a small village with a population of less than 600 people. But on the island there is a private airport and a real supermarket - one only.

3. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Population: 55 572.

The state consists of two islands: Saint Kitts and Nevis. One of the main sources of income is the program of economic citizenship, which allows anyone who has at least 250,000 US dollars, to invest in the local sugar industry and thus get the status of a Saint Kitts citizen. Another way to obtain citizenship is the acquisition of real estate in the amount of at least $ 400,000 on any of the two islands.

4. Principality Hatt River. Population: 30.

Principality Hatt River is a country located in the province with the same name in Australia. It was founded by Leonard Castley, who announced his farm with a new and independent state. Although the country is not recognized by any state, it still has its own currency, printing and passports. In different parts of the principality, tourists can see the busts of his Royal Highness Prince Leonard I Hatta.

5. Tuvalu. Population: 9 916.

Tuvalu is one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world.

6. Nauru. Population: 10 084.

Nauru is the smallest independent republic and the most small island state on our planet. Nauru has no official capital, nor public transport system, and 40 km of its roads are used by local residents who manage their private vehicles. Environmental problems make the republic very unpopular among tourists. Another record Nauru is the number of people with obesity: the level of obesity in the country is more than 70%.

7. Principality of Seborg. Population: 312.

This virtual state in Italy is managed by its superiority Marcello I. The Principality of Seborg is the village of the same name near the French border. In an unrecognized state there is an army, consisting of 3 people: Minister of Defense and two border guards.

8. MOLOSSION. Population: 7.

The self-proclaimed Republic of Molosia is a virtual state founded by Kevin Bowgom located in Nevada, USA. His population consists of Mr. Bog, his family, 3 dogs, 1 cats and 1 rabbit. Molosia has its own national anthem, the National Coat of Arms and the National Flag. They even have a death penalty for especially grave crimes. The Republic issues its own passports and even has a space program. In May 2017, the republic turned 40 years old.

9. Maltese Order. Population: 113500.

In addition to the Vatican, there is another tiny state in Rome, which is called the sovereign Military Order of Malta. Its area is 0.012 square meters. km. It takes three buildings, two of which are located in Rome, and the third - on the island of Malta. The country has its own currency, brand, site, car numbers and passports. His citizens have the right to visa-free entry into several countries around the world. The sovereign military Order Malta is the only country in the world where Latin is the official language.

10. Principality of Siland. Population: 27.

Unrecognized state of Siland is a maritime platform, located 9 km from the coast of Great Britain. Siland is managed by self-proclaimed prince regent, and anyone can become a graph, a baron or even duke: on a public website you can buy a noble title for several hundred British pounds.

From school times, everything is perfectly remembered how the political map of the world looks like. This is a lot of states, some of which can be called real "giants", while others are so small that their name is below, in footnotes. And if large countries, such as Russia, USA, Canada, China, each of us will find without a mistake on a globe or a map, then to find small things will have to work. In this article we will talk about which of all is the smallest country in the world, as well as make a peculiar rating of small states in the territory (area) and in the public so that you can answer with confidence to the most interested in the most tiny of them.

The world map marked about 250 countries officially recognized and independent. Among them are real "giants", occupying huge territories, as well as "tiny" in the area. Below we consider the smallest in the country area, making a kind of top 10 small lands, starting from the largest of them.

10th place - Grenada

The area of \u200b\u200bthis island state is 344 sq. Km, and the population is a little less than 90 thousand. Opened for the first time unsolicited Columbus, this country is famous for its cultivation on its territory of nutmegs, bananas and citrus. Significant income of the state, except for the export of fruit, falls on the provision of offshore services.

9th place - Maldives

For many people, this place is associated with paradise on earth. The area of \u200b\u200bthis "Paradise" is only 298 sq. Km, the population is about 390 thousand people. Consisting by more than 1000 islands, this archipelago is located in the Indian Ocean and is recognized as one of the best resort areas in the world. Soft climate, unusual beaches, purest water - all attracts tourists from around the world, and on the territory there are best places for a beach holiday.

8th place - Saint Kitts and Nevis

The total area is 261 sq. Km, the number is about 50 thousand people. The Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis is located in the Caribbean on the two islands wearing the name of the country. In the Western Hemisphere, this federation is considered the smallest and in the territory (area), and in the population. The main income is from tourism, since all other industries are not too developed.

By the way, to attract investment in the agricultural sector, a special program was developed, allowing to obtain citizenship, invested in the development of this area about 300 thousand dollars.

7th place - Marshall Islands

The area of \u200b\u200bthe islands located in the Pacific Ocean is 181 sq. Km, the population is a little more than 52 thousand people. This republic is known in the middle of the last century by nuclear tests of America, which have changed to a large extent Flor and Fauna Islands. That is why now the plants characteristic of this zone are quite rare, although others are planted instead. Tourism on the islands is just beginning to develop, but in the future this zone can be one of the most beloved tourists.

6th place - Liechtenstein

The Western European Principality covers an area of \u200b\u200b160 With a population of 37 thousand people. Beautiful and picturesque, this country borders with Austria and Switzerland, and the official language is German. Despite its tiny size, the principality is a developed state with a high level of people's standard. A country is known to the instruments of the accurate instrument making and the Rhine river.

If we consider from a tourist point of view, then guests will delight beautiful landscapes and clean air, and the journey will be remembered for a long time.

5th place - San Marino

Birding exclusively with Italy San Marino occupies 61 sq. Km, the population is 32 thousand people. This state is recognized as one of the oldest in Europe, the date of his education is the 3rd century. Picturesque landscapes, ancient buildings and a developed sector of services - all this will delight the guests of San Marino.

4th place - Tuvalu

It is in Tuvalu in the Pacific Ocean and takes only 26 sq. Km. With a population of about 11 thousand people. The climate in the country is tropical, pronounced in periods of rains and drought. This state refers to the poorest countries of the world due to the weakly developed economy.

3rd place - Nauru

There is Nauru in the Pacific Ocean. The area is 21.3 sq. Km, the population is about 10 thousand people. The most amazing thing in this country is that it has no capital.

The climate can be denoted by two words: hot and wet. Flora and fauna do not differ in variety.

2nd place - Monaco

It is difficult to submit a person who would never have heard a casino-monaco country. State Square - 2.02 sq. Km, the population is about 30 thousand people. Tourism can be called the main source of income of this country. Also developed construction and sale of real estate, since becoming the happy owner of the apartment in this area - or expensive, or very expensive.

1st place - Vatican

The smallest state in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.44 sq. Km, and the population is 836 people.

There is a Vatican inside the Eternal City of Rome and obeys Pope Roman. The income of it is donations and tourism (entrance to museums, souvenir sale). The most small state plays a big role in resolving military conflicts and is the center of Catholicism.

If you are interested in the most small state in the territory, now you know exactly what this country is the Vatican, from independent and recognized. Some still mention the Maltese Order, its territory occupy 0.012 sq. Km., But at least this country is recognized as independent, for our rating of states it lacks its own monetary unit and a citizen's passport. Therefore, the Vatican remains in the most small territory.

5 of the smallest countries (population)

So it happened, but in the largest states in China and India, there is a third of the entire population of our planet. Against the background of these "giants", small countries seem even less. Below we will look at the smallest of them in the population and answer the question of which country is the smallest in size.

5th place - Niue

In the fifth place is the island and the same state education - NIU with a population of 1611 people. It is in the Pacific Ocean, east of the island of Tonga.

4th place - Tokelau

Tokelau is part of New Zealand, but after the 2006 and 2007 referendums, the state has ceased to be associated with New Zealand. The population is 1383 people.

3rd place - Vatican

836 people live in the center of Catholicism. Manages the Pope Pope in Rome.

2nd place - Coconut Islands

The second of the smallest countries is the coconut islands or kiling, with a number of 550 people.

1st place Pitcairn Island

The smallest country in the population is the island of Pitcairn, located in the Pacific Ocean. The number is 56 people.

Knowing data from this article, you can say with confidence about which state is the most small and in the territory, and in the population.


  • Area: 181 km 2.
  • Population: 53 158 people
  • Density: 293.7 people / km 2
  • Motto: "Achievement through a common effort, Marshall"
  • Form of government: Republic
  • Capital: Majuro.

The Micronesian State of Marshall Islands is a cluster from the atolls and islands located in the Pacific A little north of the equator.

Marshall Islands are named after the British captain John Marshall (also known under the name William Marshall), who, together with another captain, Thomas Gilbert, in honor of which the neighboring Gilbert Islands were named, explored the archipelago in 1788 during the transport of prisoners to the new South Wales.

The Sushi area of \u200b\u200bMarshall Islands is only 181.3 km 2, while the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory occupied by the lagoons is 11,673 km 2. The country is located on 29 atolls and 5 remote islands, which are divided into two groups: 18 islands in the Roller chain (translated from the Marshall Language "Sunset") and 16 islands in the Ratak chain (or radar; translated from the Marshall language "Sunrise") . Both chains are approximately 250 km from each other and stretch from the North-West to the southeast of about 1200 km. The most important islands are the atolls of Quagealein and Majuro. The largest island of the Republic of Marshall Islands, Kwajalein, at the same time is the atoll with the largest lagoon in the world.


  • Area: 3900 km 2.
  • Population: 51 547 people
  • Density: 13,73 people / km 2
  • Form of government: presidential republic
  • Capital: Tskhinval

Partially recognized state in Transcaucasia. It does not have access to the sea. The question of the international legal status of South Ossetia is controversial: the independence of the republic is recognized as four UN member states (Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru), partly recognized by Abkhazia and unrecognized PMR, NKR, DPR and LPR.

More than 89.3% of the territory of South Ossetia is at an altitude of 1000 or more meters above sea level. Relief mountain.

The highest point of the republic - Mount Khalats, 3938 m.

In the republic, the status of the city has only two settlements - Tskhinval and Quex. Three settlements have the status of urban-type settlements - DzAU, Zaur and Leningor. All other settlements have the status of villages.


  • Area: 261 km 2.
  • Population: 51 538 people
  • Density: 164 people / km 2
  • Motto: "The state is above personal interests"
  • Form of government: Parliamentary monarchy
  • Capital: Baster

Island state in the Caribbean. Includes 2 Islands - Saint Christopher, he is Saint Kitts (Saint Kitts, St. Kitts), and Nevis (Nevis), from the ridge of small Antille Islands. The islands have volcanic origins, mountains. The overall length of the coastline is 135 km.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest state of the Western Hemisphere, both in the area and population.

He is a member of the British Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain.

Two traditional industries of Saint Kits and Nevis economy - agriculture and tourism. The main agricultural culture is a sugar cane (a third of the land processed). The island of Nevis is grown cotton, coconut palm tree, pineapples. Coffee tree, bananas, peanuts, yams, rice are cultivated. Livestock development is developed - diluted goats and sheep. Fisheries also refers to the number of traditional fishery. However, agricultural production provides no more than half of the domestic food needs.


  • Area: 160 km 2.
  • Population: 37 313 people
  • Density: person / km 2
  • Motto: "For God, Prince and Fatherland"
  • Form of government: Nominally constitutional monarchy
  • Capital: Vaduz

Principality Liechtenstein is a dwarf state in Central Europe. Liechtenstein borders with Austria in the East and Switzerland in the West, its territory is completely surrounded by the territories of these states.

The principality is in the spurs of the Alps, the highest point is the mountain of gracepits (2,599 m). On the western part of the country, one of the largest rivers of Western Europe - Rhine flows.

Principality Liechtenstein is a constitutional monarchy. Head of State - Prince. The legislative power belongs to the prince and Landtagu (Parliament), the executive authority is endowed with the government, which is elected by Landtag for its term of office and is approved by the prince. Most of the population speaks at the Alean Dialect of German.

This beautiful fabulous country, despite its very small sizes, is famous for its ancient history and rich cultural heritage. Picturesque natural landscapes, magnificent medieval architecture and, of course, a fashionable ski resort is famous all over the world.

The heart of Liechtenstein and his "pearl" is the capital of Vaduz. It is here that most of the attractions of the country focuses. A business card is not only a city, but also the whole state is the magnificent princely castle of Vaduz. Beautiful architectural construction towers on a hill and can be seen from anywhere in the city.


  • Area: 61 km 2.
  • Population: 32,742 people
  • Density: 520 people / km 2
  • Motto: "Freedom"
  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • Capital:

San Marino is located in Southern Europe, from all sides is surrounded by the territory of Italy. In his current borders of San Marino - the oldest state of Europe. The country is located on the south-western slope of the Tritano Three-headed Mountainside (738 m above sea level), towering over the hilly plain of the prevention of Apennine.

The legendary base of San Marino refers to the beginning of the IV century. According to the legend, in 301, a member of one of the first Christian communities from the island of the slave in the Adriatic Sea (the territory of modern Croatia), Marino's kamenotes and friends found a refuge on Apennines, on the top of Mount Monte Titano. He opened a quarry in the mountain, and then, looking for a privacy, built a small cell on her vertex and retired from the world. The glory of his holy life was attracted to him the crowds of the Bogomoltsev, and soon near his Celly formed a small monastery. This monastery, named after its founder, St. Marina, has undoubtedly existed already at the end of the 6th century and lived an independent life, no politically dependent on any of the neighbors.

In San Marino there is a republican form of government. The heads of state are the two Captain Regent, appointed by the Great General Council.

Inbound tourism plays a significant role in the country's economy, up to 2 million people are involved in the tourism industry annually, and more than 3 million tourists visit the country every year.


  • Area: 2.02 km 2.
  • Population: 30 508 people
  • Density: 18,679 people / km 2
  • Motto: "With God's help"
  • Form of government: Dualistic constitutional monarchy
  • Capital:

A dwarf state associated with France, located in the south of Europe on the Ligurian Sea coast near the French Cote d'Azur, 20 km north-east of Nice; On land borders with France. It is one of the smallest and most populous countries of the world. The principality is widely known due to the casino in Monte Carlo and the stage of the Formula 1 championship - "Gran-Monaco" held here. The length of the coastline is 4.1 km, the length of the land borders is 4.4 km. Over the past 20 years, the country's territory increased by almost 40 hectares due to the drainage of marine areas.

The first people built their settlements on the territory of Monaco in the 10th century BC. E., It was the Phoenicians. Many later joined the Greeks and Monoyes.

The history of modern Monaco begins in 1215 with the basis of the Principality of the Colony of the Genoese Republic and the construction of the fortress.

According to the data for 2014, the population of Monaco is 37,800 people, but it is worth noting that most of the full citizens of the state are Megakov. They are freed from taxes, have the right to settle in the region of the Old Town.

The monaco economy develops mainly at the expense of tourism, gambling business, the construction of new residences, as well as at the expense of media media covering the life of the princely family.


  • Area: 458 km 2.
  • Population: 21 186 people
  • Density: 43 people / km 2
  • Form of government: presidential republic
  • Capital: NERULMUDYA

The island state associated with the United States, in the Philippine Sea of \u200b\u200bPacific Ocean, located 800 km east of the Philippines and north of Indonesia.

Consists of 328 islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b458 km 2, refers to Micronesia. The Palau Archipelago is the western part of the Caroline Islands. It consists of a plurality of small atolls formed on the vertices of underwater volcanoes. Tropical climate, rainy season from May to November.

Palau - Republic. The head of state and the government is the president elected by the population for a 4-year term (permissible re-election for the second term in a row).

Parliament - a two-bearet State Congress consists of a Senate (9 members elected by the population for 4 years) and the House of Delegates (16 members elected by the population for 4 years).

Political parties, as well as armed forces, no.

The basis of the economy of Palau - Tourism (85 thousand tourists in 2007), fisheries, artistic handicrafts. In agriculture, coconut palm trees and tapioca are cultivated. Export goods - mollusks, fish, copra. The monetary unit is the US dollar.


  • Area: 26 km 2.
  • Population: 10 782 people
  • Density: 431.00 people / km 2
  • Motto: "Tuvalu - for the Almighty God"
  • Form of government: monarchy
  • Capital: Funafuti

Tuvalu is a tiny state in Oceania with a population of about 11,000 people. Two times a week, airplanes with Fiji arrive 2 times a week and almost certainly, in 50 years, this state will be under water, and now the targeted relocation of local residents in other states, such as Fiji, New Zealand and Australia.

This Pacific State is in Polynesia and until 1975 was called the Islands of Ellis. The current name of the translation from Tuvalu language means "eight standing together" (meaning eight traditionally populated Tuvalu islands; ninth - Niuluckite - was settled relatively recently). The European islands recorder, Alvaro Mendagnia de Neira, called the Lagoon Islands archipelago, and in 1819 he received the name "Islands of Ellis", which was used almost the entire colonial era

Tuvalu is a cluster from the atolls and islands located in the Pacific A little south of the equator. Sushi Tuvalu Square is only 26 km 2, while the area is occupied by the lagoons, more than 494 km 2. The country is located on 5 atolls (Nanuma, Nui, Nukulaelae, Nukuftau, Funafuta), 3 low-albertic coral islands (Nanumland, Niuluckite, Nutoo) and one atoll / reef island (Vaitupe), stretched from the North-West to southeast for 595 km .

A significant part of the population of Tuvalu lives in the capital and the only city of the country, Funafuti, - 47%.


  • Area: 21 km 2.
  • Population: 9 488 people
  • Density: 473,43 people / km 2
  • Motto: "God's will - above all"
  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • Capital: The official capital is not; Unofficial - the city of Yaren.

The Republic of Nauru is a dwarf state on the coral island monopho in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The origin of the word "Nauru" is definitely unknown. Like now, the Naoero island called Naoero in the distant past.

The official capital and cities on the island are not. The president's residence is located in the Meneng district, and government agencies and parliament - in the County of Yaren. The whole population of the island lives along the coast, as well as around Lake Badad.


  • Area: 0.44 km 2.
  • Population: 842 people
  • Density: 1900 people / km 2
  • Form of government: Absolute theocratic monarchy
  • Capital:

And, undoubtedly, the title of the smallest state in the world is presented by the Vatican. Vatican is a dwarf ambulance state (the most small officially recognized state in the world) within the territory of Rome associated with Italy. Vatican status in international law is auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the residence of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

Diplomatic missions of foreign states are accredited with the Holy Throne, and not under the city of the Vatican State. Foreign embassies and representative offices accredited with the Holy Throne, in view of the small territory of the Vatican, are located in Rome (including the Italian Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich is thus in its own capital.

In antiquity, the territory of the Vatican (lat. Ager Vaticanus) was not populated, since in ancient Rome this place was considered holy. Emperor Claudius spent circus games on this place. In 326, after the arrival of Christianity, the Basilica of Constantine was erected over the alleged tomb of St. Peter, and since then this place began to settle.

Vatican is a theocratic state managed by the Holy Throne. The sovereignt of the Holy See, in the hands of which the absolute legislative, executive and judiciary is concentrated, is Pope, elected by cardinals for a life sentence. After the death or renunciation of the Pope and during the conclusion, up to the intronuration of the new dad's duties (with significant restrictions) performs Camerelo.

The Vatican has a non-profit planned economy. The sources of income are primarily donations to the Catholics of the whole world. Part of the funds is tourism (selling postage stamps, vatican coins euros, souvenirs, fee for visiting museums). Most of the labor force (service personnel of museums, gardeners, wipers and so on) make up citizens of Italy.

The Vatican budget is 310 million US dollars.

The Vatican has its own bank, a better known entitled "Institute of Religious Affairs".

Some countries in the world are quite small in size and occupy less square than megalopolises. But it does not prevent them from playing a weighty role in the world. For example, the Vatican is considered a religious center, Monaco is recognized as a place of luxury, and Liechtenstein won the fame of the prosperous country. Further presented the smallest countries in the world Square - Rating Top 10.

10. Grenada (334 km²)

The list of the smallest countries in the world opens the Grenada, with an area of \u200b\u200b334 sq. Cm and with a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants. This island of volcanic origin in the Caribbean Sea was opened by Columbus. First, the territory was examined by French colonists, then it was handed over to the UK according to the Versailles peace treaty. The Spirit of France is felt in the country and today - in architecture, art and even sport. Local residents adore to play cricket. Tropical evergreen forests, hills, mountains, beaches - this place could be called paradise, if not hurricane. Cocoa, bananas, citrus, carnation and vanilla are grown on fertile volcanic soils. Grenada is also called the "island of spices" for the production of nutmeg.

9. Malta (316 km²)

One of the smallest countries in the area of \u200b\u200bEurope is Malta (316 square meters. Km). It is located in the Mediterranean Sea and is famous for its slow life. The state combines six islands. Of the 360 \u200b\u200bthousand people, 80% live in Malta, and at the Gozo, local residents acquire cottages. Despite the modest sizes, Malta visits more than a million tourists a year. Ancient temples, nature, stony and sandy beaches, crystal clear water and a rich underwater world are attracted. Maltese - the people are cheerful. Holidays, festivals, theatrical performances and fireworks - entertainment a lot. Crime on the island is almost zero.

8. Maldives (300 km²)

Maldives - 300 sq. Maldives - 300 square meters kilometers. This is the smallest country in Asia - both in the territory, and by the population (about 393 thousand). The state is one of the most dispersed in the world, because it consists of thousands of coral islands. Of these, only 200 are inhabited, and hundreds gave tourists. Move between the islands on the boats and local boat-doni. The city is one - the capital of Male, less than three square meters. kilometers. Even there is no place for the airport - airplanes arrive at the next island. More recently, the inhabitants of Maldives were mainly fishing, and today the source of income is the maintenance of tourists. Island economy aims at him. Guests like here, because 80% of the territory are golden beaches. From entertainment - scuba diving and attractions. There is almost no nightlife, because the Maldives refers to Muslim countries.

7. Saint Kitts and Nevis (269 km²)

Saint Kitts and Nevis - Little Gthe essence in the east of the Caribbean Sea, an area of \u200b\u200b269 square meters. kilometers. As part - two islands, Nevis and Saint Kitts. They were opened by Columbus, and two centuries in the territory were settled by the British. Colonies developed rapidly thanks to the export of sugar. Since the 90s, the Federation received independence. Today, Saint Kitts and Nevis are consider 50 thousand people with their home, about 86% of African origin. Tropical thickets, mountains and meadows, butterflies and exotic birds, coral reefs and lagoon band - Local nature fascinates. It gives a large influx of tourists, on which the country's economy is built. Another direction of earnings is agriculture. Residents breed goats and sheep, grow pineapples and coffee tree. Islands are adapted for life: there is a narrow-skinned road along the coast, road, ports and two airports.

6. Liechtenstein (160 km²)

Liechtenstein is a European dwarf state, with an area of \u200b\u200bonly 160 square meters. km. At the same time, the mountains occupy a majority of the country area. Minerals are very small - only limestone, white clay and alabaster. The country earns on the manufacturing industry, produces canned and wines. Liechtenstein flourishes and is characterized by a high standard of living. Lucky residents and with nature: Alpine meadows, mountain peaks, forests. The climate is soft and pleasant, because mountain ranges are protected from evil winds. Liechtenstein is known for the rejection of the armed forces - from the XIX century, the state has no army. Yes, and the police are small - 120 employees.

5. San Marino (61 km²)

San Marino is the oldest state of Europe. A dwarf country is called "Earth Freedom". San Marino surrounds Italy. Maybe therefore, in the summer months, the country is overflowing with tourists. Moreover, thanks to reduced taxes, the goods are much cheaper than in Italy. Some residents live in Italian towns, and to work in San Marino get on cars. The number of residents in the country is about 30 thousand people, and a residence permit is difficult. We need to live on the territory or 15 years in marriage with the locals. Rules in San Marino is not one person, but at once two - the captains-rents. Almost all the territory of the country (80%) are occupied by mountains.

4. Tuvalu (26 km²)

The tiny state of Tuvalu in Polynesia for the "colleagues" could not be sophisticated. The country is considered one of the poorest. Even the nature here is scarce, consists mainly of brought plants and animals. From plants there are palm trees, bananas, breadwinner. The weather here is an amateur: long droughts are replaced by the rainy season. Sometimes destructive cyclones pass through Tuval. Due to one of them, 90% of trees were completely plucked. Many of the benefits of civilization are still not available to local residents - their estimation has not changed over long century.

3. Nauru (21 km²)

The island dwarf state Nauru is located in the Pacific Ocean. With its outlines resembles a rectangle. The unique difference between Nauru - there is no official capital in it. No on the island and rivers, in connection with which one of the main problems of local residents is a shortage of water. This is reflected in the flora and fauna - it is scanty, as in Tuvalu. The treasury Nauru was replenished quickly when phosphorites were mined. The country was attributed to the richest in the world, but in the 90s, the reserves began to decline. The well-being of the population fell. Freeding phosphorites caused damage to the island. Due to severe pollution, Nauru tourism is not developed.

2. Monaco (2.02 km²)

Monaco is one of the smallety countries in Europe, an area of \u200b\u200bonly 2.02 sq. Km. All the principality can be held on foot per hour. In some tourists, there is even a photo where the country fits in the same image. Despite the miniature size, the state managed to declare the world. About the city of Monte Carlo and his legendary casino is heard in many countries. In Monaco, Competitions of Formula 1 are held. Principality is adjacent to France. The country earns on tourists, and therefore carefully monitors its image. Monaco is called the "European Reserve for the rich." Flowering azaleas and rhododendrons, princely courtyard and temples, narrow streets and Mediterranean architecture, modern luxury real estate - walks around the country we are pleasure. In the main bay of Monaco Park the most luxurious yachts of the world.

1. Vatican (0.44 km²)

The smallest state of the world is recognized by the Vatican. A country area of \u200b\u200bonly 0.44 km.kv., is located inside Rome and is associated with Italy. In the ancient time, the terrain was not settled - she was considered holy. In 326, they created basilica, and the territory began to master. The Vatican rules the Holy See. The main thing is the Pope, who is elected for life. There is a state for donations to the Catholics of the whole world and revenues from tourism (souvenirs, fees for entry into museums, sale of brands and coins). Almost all Vatican citizens are servants of the Catholic Church.

The smallest countries of the world 🗺

We live in huge countries. But there are also small countries on Earth. And they, though small size, but individual of them are rather significant and authoritative.

Of the 10 smallest countries, two are located in the Caribbean, four in Europe, one in Asia and three in Oceania. On the continent there are four more countries, and 3 of them do not even have access to the sea, and six tiny countries are located on the islands. For such countries, there is vital for existence.

Vatican country

The smallest state is with an area of \u200b\u200b0.44 square kilometers, located within the territory of Rome. Vatican is a state associated with Italy. Population - 836 people. The strongest apparatus of the entire Roman Catholic Church with a large number of followers around the world worries on the Vatican. All finances he receives from the donation of Catholics on a voluntary basis. He also sells brands, books and part of the money from tourists. There is no tax in the Vatican.

Monaco Country

The second largest country is considered to be 1.96 km². And per square kilometer accounts for 23660 inhabitants. The country is one of the most populated countries of the world and has about 30 thousand inhabitants. Main income inhabitants brings tourism. Located Monaco on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Country Nauru

Nauru - The state located on the coral island in the western part of the Pacific Ocean of 21 km². Population - 9,322 people. Nauru is the smallest independent republic in the world, the smallest island state, the smallest state of Oceania, the smallest state outside Europe and the world's only republic without the official capital. There is no army in the state Nauru.

Country Tuvalu

Pacific state located on 5 atolls and 4 islands. Total area - 26 km². The population is 10,544 people. Due to the lack of natural resources, Tuvalu has to live at the expense of the help of other countries. This country refers to the number of the poorest countries and would be even poorer if the country's leadership had not guessed to put out the national domain and the buyer was quickly found, because - a tight piece for television companies and video sites. Now Tuvalu receives quarterly $ 1 million in exchange for the right to use a domain

San Marino Country

The state, from all sides, surrounded by Italy. Its area is 61 km², the population is 32,075 people. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture, growing grapes, fruits, corn and animal husbandry. But the main source of income is tourism. San Marino is one of the richest countries in the world, she has income exceeds costs.

Country Liechtenstein

State in Central Europe, associated with Switzerland. Area - 160.4 km², Population - 35,870 people. Does not have access to the sea. One of the richest states in the world, main income due to a large flow of tourists.

Pacific state associated with the United States. The Republic of Marshall Islands is located on 29 atolls and 5 islands, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 181 km², the population is 68,000 people.

- Archipelago consisting of 15 islands. The state of Cook Island is located in the Free Association with New Zealand in the southern part of the Pacific. Area - 236 km², population - 19,569 people, from which almost 80% - on Rarotong Island. The basis of the economy is tourism.

State in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea, between North and South America. It consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis, with a total area of \u200b\u200b261 square meters. km. These were the first islands populated by Europeans. The main source of income, of course, tourism, but agriculture and offshore banking are also developed here.

Country Maldiva

The island country is located in the Indian Ocean and in Square is the most small Asian country. Includes approximately 1190 coral islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b298 square meters. km, population of 396 thousand. In the capital of the country - Male lives two thirds of the inhabitants. Previously, the country developed thanks to the export of dried tuna, mollusks Kauri and coconut cables, now the main income brings tourism.

State Silent.

All these countries are recognized by the international community, however, there is a state that in the area and in the number of population can be considered the smallest in the world. This state is ( Sealand.), With an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters. It is a concrete platform with dimensions of 30 by 10 meters. The platform is located outside the three-mile zone in the North Sea, which means it is in neutral waters.

This took advantage of the swarm of Bates, in the 70s and officially took this zone. Roy proclaimed himself as a king, his wife's wife, and the state proclaimed the monarchy and with all his loyal relieved in his state. But he did not think to stop at this, in 1975 Roy issued a constitution, national currency.

Initially, the platform was created during the Second World War, as a base for the British army, but was subsequently brocked than and used Major British Army Roy Bates, to accommodate a pirate radio station and to avoid the court, officially announced Silend's independence.

Two years later, Britain tried to occupy a state, but Roy made several warning shots into the air. A judicial matter was initiated against Roy as a citizen of England. But justice enthusiasmned, the court issued a historically important verdict, he admitted that the case is outside the jurisdiction of the UK. In 2002, the population of Siland's state was 27 people. However, only a security guard constantly lives in Silend.

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