Where better to rest fun Goa. Where is it better to rest on Goa? Distance between the Northern and South Goa

Rather small, it is geographically divided into two parts - Northern and South Goa. The resorts of Northern Goa are very different from the southern pricing policy, infrastructure level, tourists who prefer this or another coast of India, and other criteria that should be told in more detail.

The best resorts of South Goa

South Goa beaches are very exotic, possess snow-white sand, beautiful nature In the surrounding area, and also differ from their north fellow by more expensive hotels, high prices and vacationers who are not accustomed to the account of spent money. The hotel complexes of the southern coast are as close as possible in terms of service to European expensive network hotels, which often says numerous tourist reviews. Vacationers in this part of India are significantly less than in the north, therefore the beaches are few, differ in calm and measured atmosphere.
Consider the most famous and popular resorts South Goa, which can be heard only positive feedback.
The resort, whose beach line spread over 30 kilometers away, is considered one of the best in India. Despite the fact that the sand of these places leaves much to be desired and does not have a pleasant yellow shade (it is rather gray), nature here is beautiful, and framing the beach palm thickets and fruit groves, descending occasionally to the water itself, and are forced to forget about small Disadvantages of the resort area. The Majord resort consists of 11 small villages with a single beach area. A car message is well established between settlements, as well as a public bus daily.

Goa is the smallest of 28 Indian states. Its area is 3702 km 2, the length of the south to the north is slightly more than 100 kilometers, and the width is only 65 kilometers. Goa is located in the center of the west coast of India and is one of the most incomplete areas of the country. In the North Goa, it is adjacent to the state of Maharashtra, in the south and east - with Carnataka, the West state is a solid coastline 101 kilometer long, washed by the Arabian Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean. The Eastern Border of Goa is at the same time the beginning of a mountain plateau, turning into a chain of the mountains called Western gates (Sakhyadri). Actually, the state of Goa is a narrow strip of sushi, separating the sea and mountains, the entire coast of which is riveted with the estates of rivers and rivers carrying their waters in the ocean from the red revolts of Western Gat. The largest rivers Goa, real artery, is Mandodi, Zuari and Chapora. We bring to your attention a guide to Goa.

The few residents of Goa speak in the language of Concani, recognized as official language in 1975 and distributed in Western India (in the states of Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Kerala). Connie has common roots with Gujarati, Marathi and Hindi. However, due to the fact that several centuries over Goa carried out the Protectorate of Portugal, a part of the population and today is freely expressing in Portuguese. There is nothing about English and say: Hippie, who chose the state in the middle of the last century, except marijuana and guitars, brought with me more English. The world's centuries-old power did not pass for Goa for the state: the state population is more educated, has large incomes and the best standard of living than residents of other areas of India.

The capital of the state of Goa is the city of Panji (penny), located 30 kilometers from Dabolim Airport, Vasco da Gama is considered the largest city in the state.

Thanks to its multi-kilometer beaches, Goa became worldwide famous resort. In our guide to Goa we will tell you a little about why he became such.

Geographically divided into North Goa and South Goa.

In terms of state, which is called North Goa, a higher population density and fewer hotels, mainly having a level of 2-3 stars. Since the beaches in these places consist of a gray, far from a snow-white sand, and the sea water near the shore is opaque, rest on Goa (as many people say) in the northern part of it is inexpensive, there are low-income Hindes and foreign students here, as well as supporters of the budget recreation And lovers of the so-called trans-party. It is no secret that it is at the resort of North Goa, the world-famous music style "GOA-Trance". So if you are an amateur of this style of music, then consider that the "Goa visa" is provided to you and you easily join the local atmosphere. therefore northern part Goa is famous for its democratic views, a variety of vacationing public and incended trans parties on the beaches. Of particular popularity among the Fans of electronic music "Goa-Trans" won with Titos and MaMBO discos, as well as, known for its named "" - a real paradise for lovers of Indian exotic.

South Goa, where sand on the beaches acquires from gold to snow-white shades, has more expensive hotels and a few other philosophy of recreation. Hotels located in the South Goa resort are quite expensive - 4-5-stars, drowning in the emerald gardens. Tropical thickets in the South Goa region begin immediately behind the sandy border. The beaches here are often deserted, here you will not meet a cow - an inviolable Indian animal standing on the knee in water among swimming tourists like in the north of the state. Rest in South Goa is respectable, relatively roads, especially on Indian standards. From the permanent guests of local hotels - wealthy Hindus and foreign bourgeois, at all do not consider prices in this paradise corner of India.

However, the sake of fairness should be said that what is the area of \u200b\u200bsuch a fabulous place as a resort of Goa you would not have chosen as a place to relax, you are always guaranteed to find a house in accordance with your own requests and the amount of money in the wallet - from a private house for rent for $ 200 a month before the hut made of palm leaves for 80 rupees per day. Yes, and travel time you can choose anyone - such a thing as the tourist season on Goa does not exist, high and low seasons are important for spoiled customers a travel agencies that rest on Goa is unlikely to have to taste. So be it a part of the North Goa, or the measured South Goa, the pleasure of rest you will receive and probably spend time on Goa great.

Departure time:
(charter flights)
From Moscow - 7 hours 30 minutes.
From St. Petersburg - 7 hours 50 minutes.
From Kazan - 6 hours 10 minutes.
from Yekaterinburg - 6 hours
From Novosibirsk - 5 hours 30 minutes.

Current time in Panaji:
(UTC +5: 30)

Goa is famous not only by its beaches. Nature foregorithm this amazing place Amuses diversity: lakes, waterfalls, islands, palm groves and mangrove thickets with a huge number of exotic living creatures, and, of course, unique spice plantations. All this is not the last reason for which the rest on Goa becomes the golden dream of tourists from different countries. And reading the goa guide, rest in this corner of India will be even more interesting for you. By the way, do not forget to translate the clock - time on Goa is different from many regions of Russia, time zone of the state +5: 30 to world time.

How to get

Flight to Goa

From the cities of Russia in the winter season (the most tourist time for the region) breaks the charters of various airlines. As a rule, it is almost all the cities of Russia with a population of Million and more residents. Flight Moscow - Goa is performed by various airlines, several carriers fly out of the regions. In most cases, a charter flight ticket is sold only with a tourist package (flight, hotel, shuttle service, insurance). In this case, tour operators for Goa will help you: Biblio Globus, South Cross, Megapole Tours, Pegasus Touristik, Russian Express, Sunrise Tour, South Cross.

As for regular, the Aeroflot airline carries out regular flights in Indian direction only in Delhi and Mumbai, Flights to Dabolim Airport are seasonal, and are executed, as already mentioned above, not only Aeroflot. In any case, independent tourists traveling without the help of tour operators can reach in large cities of Russia (if tickets for charter flights are being used), or through Delhi, as well as through the Habs of Middle Eastern States - Doh, Dubai and others.

Flight time to Goa

If you are interested in how much to fly from Moscow to Goa, then you can refer to a special material on this topic. If you click on the link lazily, then the average flight time from Moscow to Goa is 7 hours 30 minutes, from St. Petersburg - 7 hours 40 minutes, from Yekaterinburg - 6 hours 30 minutes. The average flight time is indicated for charters, connecting flights with regular flights will depend on the city of docking and its duration. But, using the material about the flight time and learning the docking time, you can calculate the approximate time of your flight and during the docking version.

Climate and weather in Goa

The climate on Goa is divided into three seasons: winter, summer and rainy season. Winter lasts from October to May, the average temperature day is order of +21 .. + 30 degrees, but nights can be cold enough.

This dry season is considered the most suitable time to travel to Goa. After the Holi holiday, which is celebrated in March, the climate on Goa can be described as summer, the temperature becomes consistently high - 26-35 degrees Celsius.

At the beginning of the season, the weather is very comfortable, the heat is getting closer to May in anticipation of the rainy season. Tourists from Europe, as a rule, visit Goa from October to March a month inclusive, Russians and Israelis - from September to April.

The rainy season, or the monsoon season, in Goa comes in June and continues until September. At this time, the humidity rises, tropical showers go daily, sometimes the rain does not stop several days in a row.

Due to the strong summer rains, the period is considered unfavorable, and a decline in tourist activity is observed, although the water temperature in Goa resorts is stable above +27 degrees.

Weather forecast







To "Weather. Toursinter.ru"

Weather in Goa for months

day, ° C
at night, ° C
water, ° C
precipitation, mm.
-3 -6 26 0
-1 -6 26 1
6 -2 27 5.1
28 15.2
28 73.3
26 20 29 1408
28 21 28 1492
28 21 27 1327
22 13 27 151.4
14 7 27 148.6
1 -3 27 29.2
-2 -6 28 0.2

Feedback by month

January 20. February 21. March 10. April 9. May 2. August 1. September 2. October 5. November 34. December 29.

Photos of Goa


Moving around Goa in several ways: the first is, of course, a taxi. The concepts of the meter of Goan taxi drivers do not have, so the price of the trip is made to negotiate in advance, having previously understood its approximate cost. Bargaining is not only appropriate, but also required. The second popular means of movement is Rickshaw. Rickshaw's wagon occurs on the old manner based on a bike or, more modern, based on a scooter or motorcycle. Veloiks have certain disadvantages: the wagon climbs into the mountain, and look at the suffering of a poor driver, many tourists consider both inhuman occupation. Motoriksha does not have problems with speed and slides, but, as a rule, working on old motorcycle engines, Motorikschi spew the huge black clouds of exhaust gases. In any case, ride on Rickshah in Goa must be worth it - it will help to feel a special Giana flavor.

Pretty widespread in Goa and rental transport. Rent a good economical bike will cost a tourist in the amount of 60-100 dollars a month, which, according to our standards, is considered essential kopecks. With rental of automobile transport more difficult to rent a car, a tourist needs to make a rather large deposit that, most often, is not suitable for the public, resting in Goa.

With rental of plaques in Goa, on the contrary, there are no problems at all. Yachts, boats, water bikes and catamarans will be offered for a small amount on any beach of the Stokilometer Goan coast.

In Goa is available international Airport Dabolim, which raises many of the world's leading airlines. Also Dabolim is connected airways With all major airports in the country, for example, from Mumbai to Dabolima is only one hour.


The culture prevailing historically in Goa makes many of many calling him "unreal India" and "Goa Island". The latter concept means, of course, not geographical, namely the cultural feature of this state.

According to Indian legend, Goa created the God of Parashuram, who was the sixth embodiment of God Vishnu. Standing on a mountain peak, he put an arrow from Luke in the sea, after which she ordered the marine puchin to retreat before the place where the arrow fell. So the Goan coast was formed, on which Parashuram and settled about a hundred-brain families.

However, other gods also did not go around their attention, as evidenced by the Indian Epos. It was here that, in the Goan coast, the God of Shiva in the Pooh and the dust played in the bone of his wife Parvati, after which some time was in the link in Goa, sluggishly asking for forgiveness from a strict spouse. And, frankly, Shiva can be understood: who would refuse to be in the link in this paradise!

At the Portuguese, who chose Goa's coast in 1510, there is its own version of the origin of his name: Portuguese navigator Alfonso de Albuquerque, seeing golden beaches from the deck of his ship, exclaimed: "Wow!". However, from an excess of emotion, the brave commander choked in the porter, and everyone heard: "Goa!". Since then, this name has been fixed behind this area.

However, Vasco da Gama became the first European, the first European, which was preserved in the form of the name of one of the largest cities in the form of the name of one of the largest cities. Since 1510, the then Capital of Terrain The city of Old Goa becomes cultural Center and the main metropolis of Portuguese colonists. Under the rule of Portugal, then there was an extensive territory from Mombasa in Africa to Macau in China. The times of the heyday Goa fall precisely for the period of Portuguese colonization. Mixing customs, blood and religions and led to the further education of that special color, which still leads to Goa travelers from around the world.

Golden Age Goa ended in the seventeenth century, when Portuguese One Indian Ocean Stunned under the onslaught of the Dutch and the British. The capital of the Old Goa fell into decay, the magnificent buildings of the time of Portuguese colonization turned into ruins. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, Goa was under the English Protectorate, since 1964 he was part of the "Union Territory" of India, having received the status of an independent Indian state only in 1987.

Thus, the unique legacy of Goa was under the action of both the indigenous Hindu culture and under the influence of an external Portuguese culture, often an enforced way. However, such interpenetration of two cultures went to benefit the current Goa. Hispanic temples have found themselves on its territory (Mangesh in Mangashi, Mahals in Mardola, Shana Durga in Cavlem) and the Catholic Church of Portuguese Missionaries.

Goan music, songs and dancing, fine Arts And folk crafts - everything is the most incered mixture of two crops. Holidays are an integral part of the lifestyle of the Goaians. It seems that the locals daily find a reason to celebrate something. Hindu Jantra, Diwali, Ganesh Chatourrthi, Shirigao-Jantar, Fatailing Jatra, European Christmas, Honor of St. Francis Xavier, the day of all saints - holidays in Goa do not find it! And they all are noted magnificent, with the scope of local residents and guests of the state regardless of religious affiliation The latter.

What to see

Excluding South Relax and the Northern Drive, in Goa there are plenty of places worthy of attractions of attractions. These are monuments of Hindu and Portuguese architecture, temples and churches, natural parks and reserves.

First of all, you need to visit the Portuguese Forts of Aguada and Alorna, as well as the Christian temples, the oldest of which is the church of St. Francis of Assisi, and the most famous - Basilica of Jesus (Basilica of Bom Jesus), where the relics of St. Francis Xavier, the Baptist of Asia, are kept. The Cathedral of St. Catherine is the largest Christian temple in Asia - also deserves separate attention. Be sure to take an excursion to the cardiac, where you will definitely show the old town of Gokarnu and the beach OM - two undoubted pearls of the Indian south. With a guide or independently, visit the old and new capital Goa - the old Goa and Panji, pass the old streets, admire the magnificent cathedrals and monasteries created by European architects during the times of Portuguese colonization. Interesting tourists will also seem an excursion called "Pondors". The program of excursion includes a visit to the Hindu temples, the farms of tropical fruits and the plantation of the famous Indian spices, a walk on an elephant.

The fifth part of the territory of Goa occupy natural parks. There are only six of them in the state, and they are created to protect the amazing natural wealth of Goa. For example, one of the pearls of Goan reserves - Dudhsagar waterfall, or the "dairy ocean" of 603 meters high, nicknamed so for the milk-white color of the water. It is also worth visiting the Mangrove Thickets of Chorao Island (Chorao) at the mouth of the Mandovi River (Mandovi), the famous unique colony of feathered. Bondla Reserve (Bondla) is the smallest of Natural Pakov Goa, is 50 kilometers north of Panja, at the foot of Western Gat. The reserve has a beautiful rosary, botanical and zoo with a variety of fauna: elephants, buffaloes, leopards, bears, deer, snakes, birds, etc. In Cotigao Reserve, you can see many types of monkeys, Gaurov - Indian buffaloes, Panther and gazelles.

Where to go to goa


Museums and galleries

Where to eat and drink


Parks and recreation areas



Shops and markets

Private guides in Goa

In more detail with Goa, Russian private guides will help you.
On the project, experts. Toursister.ru registered.

Things to do

Such a question in Goa simply cannot arise - there everyone will find a lesson in the soul. Lovers are not living on the beach - comfortable lounge chairs on Goa beaches in the shade of palm crowns, fans of active sports - an incredible choice of water entertainment from diving and windsurfing to parasowing and kiting - excursions in Goa Great many.

Ayurveda's centers are popular in South Goa - traditional Indian medicine, whose philosophy is a comprehensive approach to the body as a single system. Ayurvedic procedures include oil massages and treatment with natural preparations. By visiting such a center, do not refuse to undergo a course of cleansing the body of the Panchakarma, known to the masters of Ayurveda more than two thousand years.

Even if you are not a big fan of Music in the style of "Goa-Trans", being in Northern Goa, be sure to take time and visit one of the trans-party, where you will with pleasure "bring off", dancing until dawn in an international company. Strange musicians, hippies of all ages, transrase and fries from different countries of the world long ago settled in North Goa. The vagator is considered an indisputable capital of this unpropered republic. The villages scattered along the coast of Northern Goa remind of interests: Hippie live in Arabball, in calm Siolima - couples; Translas and other concerned characters - in Chapor.

It is also worth looking into one of the cult cafes located in the northern part of the state: "" in Cepor, cafe "", bars "" and "" in Andun, cafe "" in the Arambole.


Security in Goa

Russian Information Center in Goa gives the following recommendations regarding safe holiday In this state of India:

  • Compliance visa regime - Responsibility of each tourist. Exchange visa is a crime that punishable by the laws of India. Do not give in to the provocations of persons, lawyers who promise you to "solve the problem of the tide" and money. You risk being deceived.
  • In the event of a collision with the Police of the state of Goa, do not give in to the provocation of law enforcement officers.
  • The use and distribution of narcotic substances in Goa is punishable by law. Do not give yourself to provocations from persons associated with drug distribution. Not participating in this activity.
  • Falling from a scooter or a motorcycle does not fall under the definition of the insured event.
  • Respect local laws and traditions, including in clothes. Clothes should not be causing. Finding in swimsuits, short shorts and skirts (for girls), naked torso (for men) outside the beach in Goa is not welcome.
  • Language barrier often becomes the cause of unpleasant situations. They can be avoided, calling for the help of compatriots speaking english language, or by calling the hotline of the Russian Information Center in Goa.
  • Observe the elementary safety rules, be vigilant, especially if you are in a state of intoxication.
  • Beware of services of illegal companies. Companies, leading business in Goa illegally, do not bear any responsibility before the law neither before you.
  • Work and business management in Goa on a tourist visa is prohibited and punishable by law.

Honorary Consul of Russia in Goa: Victor Albuquerque (Victor M. Albuquerque)

  • Address: Alcon Chambers, 2nd Floor, D.Marg, Panaji, GOA - 403 001 (India),
  • Phone: +91 832 2223220,
  • Fax: +91 832 671556,
  • E-mail: [Email Protected]

Where to stay in Goa

Booking.com offers to book more than 5710 hotels in Goa. You can choose a hotel using a variety of filters: hotel star, hotel type (hotel, apartments, villa, hostel, etc.), cost, hotel location, assessments of people visiting the hotel, availability Wi-Fi and much more. .

The smallest Indian state of Goa is popular as one of the main tourist destinations among those who wish to spend vacation on the sea coast. He was first chosen by hippies and representatives of other subcultures, gradually he became known for the other categories of travelers. Where and how best to rest on Goa and what, in addition to the beach time, this item can offer travelers?

Having stopped at the Goan direction, the tourist will have to decide which of the administrative units to go. It is conditionally divided into north and south, the rest of each territory is endowed with its specificity. Rate what is better than Northern or South Goa, will help a detailed assessment of their features.

Tourist map of Goa. All pictures on this site can be increased by clicking on the image of the mouse.

The north will have to make fans of parties, noisy events and discos. Young people come here, representatives of informal currents, admirers of trans parties. It is the last one that is known for this part. Life here boils day long. The volcanic origin of the sandy stock of the coastline gives them a slightly grayish tint. It is often associated with dirty sand, although it is not. There are no expensive hotels here, accommodation is characterized by low cost, so those who are not chasing social status, it will fit perfectly. Self high prices The placement is marked in January.

In the south, the pace of life is more relaxed, and the beach rest is preferable - the sand whiter, the people are much smaller. The age category of those who visit the Southern Territory, an order of older than fans of the previous paragraph. Hotel complexes are distinguished by respectability, and therefore increased prices for accommodation. However, this affects the level of service and comfort - both parameters are characterized by high quality. This is the best place to relax on Goa for family pairs with children. Pensioners give it preference.

Goa card with hotels located on it. Click to passion pictures.

Key distinctions of parts from each other can be formal as such a list:
Southern Territory is much cleaner. This applies not only to the beach area, but also to the streets. Less tourists - less garbage. Northerners will have to get used to the evening procession on the beaches of a cow's herd. Take animals here is forbidden.

South is distinguished by a less intense traffic. Northerners will not be able to ride continuously for a long time. We have to constantly slow down - in front of artificial irregularities, pedestrians, other traffic participants. By the way, the pareting in the state is much better than the Russian, however, the passing part is a little already.

Southerners have to have to find out the search for Russian products and Russian-speaking sellers. And the other is much less.

In the north more entertainment and entertainment events. And not only in parts of clubs and restaurants. There is even your water park, but you should not count on the grand impressions of his visiting. In addition, there is a night market in Arpori and the famous Flear Market in Andun. Southerners, in addition to the beach time and riding water attractions, almost nothing else remains.

India is a mysterious country in which today religious and cultural traditions rule, many centuries appeared back. Visit the resorts of India means to get into the world of unique adventures, feel the spirit of ancient wisdom, to be in a different reality, in which the human abilities of the limits do not have, and possibly everything. Hindu sects and the ancient Buddhist monasteries are preserved in this place, in which mysterious, mysterious rituals are practiced. There are opportunities for both for beach holidaysand for skiing.

Ski Resorts India: Auli

Explosures and species that open in this wonderful place are simply captured by the Spirit. In the summer, the slopes of the Auli are covered with grass and wild flowers, but as soon as snow starts to go, the picture is completely changed. The main snowy slope of the Auli stretched 5 kilometers, there are five hundred-meter ski lifts and eight-plate chairs. This place uses snow seals and snow machines supporting the condition of the cover. The resort of Auli is so luxurious that Austria specialists compared with the best slopes of Switzerland. In this place it is possible to organize a two-week or week training course for everyone who just starts to ride.


This tourist village is located in Kashmir. Looking at the best resorts India, it can be said that the place in this region for skiing is considered ideal. This is explained by his weather conditions - abundance of snow and a suitable relief.

The complete absence of the tracks and 2000 m vertical height difference is the real dream of all lovers of Frearyda and Beckqouti!

Due to the remoteness and lack of popularity of skiing at the local population, the resort pleases the untouched virulent and free slopes for a few days after the snowfall.


Evaluating the best resorts of India, you can separate Solang separately. This is one of the most picturesque ski settlements of the country. Solang offers slopes of various levels: starting with descents for beginners to extreme routes.

Solang is a resort in the traditional style of India. Two blue full-fledged tracks and 2 lifts, one of which is a government, therefore, tourists to use it forbidden. But if the second to pay the operator, then it may be launched for you in aptural time. In this area, the disadvantages are compensated by literacy of local workers - all coaches have been trained at the best slopes of Switzerland.

At this resort, many local families and couples conducted here honeymoon. Behind the resort has several cafes and eateries.

Ayurvedic resorts of India

Kerala (South State of India) is home to Ayurveda. Here is the largest concentration of Ayurvedic resorts and clinics. The resort of Kerala (India) offers opportunities for recreation on any wallet and taste - from inexpensive treatment in state hospitals before passing the recreation course in prestigious Ayurvedic clinics.

The climate of this Indian state is ideal for treatment, while the uninterrupted supply of raw materials was established a few centuries ago. Today, the floating villas are becoming more and more popular here. Traveling in this way on the swamps of Kerala, the client receives treatment combined with the pleasure of contemplating the picturesque species around.

In addition, several Ayurvedic office and clinics are located in the territory of Carnataka and Goa. In addition to the specialized clinics, such services provides every hotel category 5 * and beauty salon.


Goa is located in the south-east of the country. This small plot of land almost completely consists of beaches not spoiled by civilization. 40 of them stretched almost 100 km along the coast of the Arabian Sea. Although for swimming is not all equipped.

Goa is divided into 2 parts - South and North. At the same time, the state is the most popular resorts of India. The border is Fort Aguada. The beaches of the southern part are clean, sandy, designed for guests wealthy. The sea is calm here, warm. But in the north, poor tourists are stopped - hippies, students, musicians. Data Beach resorts of India have a lot of shops, noisy bazaars, snack bares, and there are also round-the-clock discos.

North Goa

This is the most suitable country area for tourists who choose leisureWhen come to such a country as India. Goa resorts offer their guests regular parties and incessant entertainment that are held around the clock. In hotel rooms, unpretentious accommodation conditions are compensated by their low cost. Tourists also popular accommodation in the private sector.


Over sandy beach The majestic building under the name "Fort Tiracol", today is Heritage Hotel. This is the northernmost beach of the region and the most untouched civilization, wild.


Also, the beach "Arambball" is called "Harmal". Here sand is white and soft, on the lateral red soil among the stones there are freshwater pond and cottages. The road leading to the beach is surrounded by the huts of the Aborigines selling clothing and souvenirs to tourists. Beach limited r. Thiracol.


Tour operators Vagator mastered a long time ago, so the tourists are "wild" here it is quite difficult to find a place at the hotel. In addition, the resort is experiencing quite serious difficulties with water supply, although India is different at all. Goa resorts have many shops with clean bottled water. There is no liquid from under the tap in no case.

A steep hill slope descending to the beach "Vagator" decorates "Fort Chapor". It was built by Portuguese in 1617 on the ruins of the ancient Islamic construction. From this place offers an amazing view of the surroundings. Impressive place in which the river flows into the sea. Juari. In this part of the beach there are high rocks that are popular with newlyweds who want to make memorable photos, as well as those who are in finding a privacy.


The beach is 8 kilometers from Mapus. City in the 10-12th centuries. He was the Arab trading port, for which he was called the "Chamber of Commerce". At the present moment, each Wednesday flea market is organized, the richest and well-known in the whole state. In this place, you can find everything that your soul - from various types of Tibet weales to porcelain cups of the period of British colonization.

If you want to know which resorts in India are the most popular with tourists, it is worth considering that this is the most photographed beach beach. Consequently, you can't find a privacy here. Fans of exotic are coming here from everywhere. In addition, nightly raves are in full moon in this place, which means that drug dealers and small thieves need to be afraid.


In this place there is a small picturesque beach with a small number of hotels. It is difficult to accurately determine where the kalangut begins and the bug ends. The territory is clean here, the sand of brown, many locals - fishermen and trampers. The main plus is the bug river, in which children are swimming with pleasure. At the point where the river flows into the sea is, there are black beautiful stones, water is constantly boiled around them. Here, not so long ago began to spend the evening (Saturday) market. He is quite good, going to the market in Anjun him far.


Calangute in the past was the main hippie place. At the present moment, the semi-meter crescent of the beach is choosing organized tourists. A huge number of beachheads affect recreation. It is not very good for those who want to privacy, although the infrastructure is well developed here. In this place you can always find where to spend the night and eat. Part of the nightclubs works until morning.

South Goa

This is a calm and quiet rest in hotels, which suits people who want to break out a week from winter, and so that no one bothered them. In the southern Goa entertainment find it difficult. From the beaches of attention only deserves "Palis" (the southernmost) is actually a cute place.

Don Paula

In a place where the two famous Indian rivers fall into the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Don Paula with a stunning view of Mormugao. This is a cozy nest, hidden on the south side of a plateau separating the river. In the west of the beach is the official residence of the state governor. Not far from it - the remains of the British little military cemetery.

This beach is a paradise for lovers. He received his name in honor of the daughter of the Vice-Governor Dona Paula de Menezes. The legend says that she rushed from the cliff after she was separated from the fisherman, whom she loved. And so far, its rebellious spirit wanders around the surrounding area. Local say that sometimes, in the lunar nights, they see her swinging on sea waves In the pearl necklace.


This beach is located in the Bay of Kollavangni. The name happened from the word "Wyngon". Local thus called rice, swaying them fields. Here, in the 16th century, Jesuites lived, turned the bay coast to the paradise, while putting it with exotic plants brought from everywhere. Today, tourists have the opportunity to admire the remains of that luxury.


This is a strip of beaches, which combined the segregates near the villages from Mobor to Versao (Acrossim, Wello, Majord, Roda, Benaulim, Bethul, Cavelosim, Mobor). Here the sands are not the most white. The groves of fruit trees and palm trees are descended to the sea everywhere, during the low tide among the sand here you can see various maritime people: sea heels and stars, crabs, trepalgov, snakes, and so on.


The flavor is the main tourist center of the southern part of the state, although tourists in this place are noticeably less than in the calangut. This part of the coast is a bit worse developed, therefore, the resort is avoided by people who are afraid to face various difficulties. At the same time, the lack of visitors is replenished with the estimated local residents attracted by many hotels and excellent restaurants. All these bright and numerous buildings are slightly spoiled by the splendor of the beach. But the fans of privacy on the shore can get to secluded corners of the resort.


There are even less tourists than in the collea. At the same time, the local color is to eliminate. People who prefer noisy bars with a cozy little cafe are rising in Benaulim, and the burning sun is cozy shadowcase. In the evening and local residents come to the beach on weekends.

The wave height here in September reaches half a meter. Dolphins groups are frequent local waters, swimming almost to the coast itself. Benaulim village is famous for its products and rosewood furniture, which are sold everywhere.


Sand long braid, which was formed at the place of failure p. Sal in lagoon, surrounded with 3 sides with water. A huge number of charming islets, white lilies, sand dunes - This is all Mobor makes unlike the rest of India. White luxury sands are a municipal property, so you do not need to pay attention to hotel announcements that a certain part of the coast is intended exclusively for their guests.


Palwolm in the sphere of interests, travel agency was not entered until recently. Because of this, the atmosphere of naturalness and tranquility has been preserved here, than not all the resorts of India can boast. Here is the blue sea, white sands, green palm trees. Sea landscape diverse several wooded tiny islets. They can be saved, paying fishermen. Here trays with souvenirs are still a little. In addition, in the northern part of the beach beats a source with fresh water. The most popular entertainment here is trips to the place of collecting dolphins and fishing.

There are currency exchange points here, but there are no banks. Nearest railroad station It is 3 kilometers away between the settlements and the beach all the time run a taxi and buses.

Goa has long established itself as a fertile land for recreation, with warm sea, beautiful scenery and smiling people. Despite the fact that he is the smallest staff in India, millions of tourists come here every year to enjoy unforgettable holiday and developed infrastructure. Is there a paradise on earth? Yes, and it is here exactly here, attracting already experienced travelers and surprising novice-discovers. Where is it better to relax on Goa, what are the beaches, kitchen and climate, they will find out in travel companies, from friends and friends. It is difficult to make a mistake, since any selected place will strike with its comfort and an unforgettable atmosphere.

Features of Goa

This staff differs from other Indian territories. First, it is fully granted to visit tourists, respectively, everything is done here for their comfort and pleasant rest. A variety of hotels, restaurants, pleasure institutions will not make you bored, and wide beaches with golden sand and turquoise bumps are captured in memory for a long time, as one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Where it is better to relax on Goa and how to diversify your vacation, you will tell you smiling local residents, kinds of service personnel and the same as you, visit people who are there such many things that they overshadow the aborigines, creating the impression of a completely European country.

Secondly, the state is divided into two parts. The southern zone is considered an elite, here dear hotels And small private beaches. North is more suitable for budget recreation. Along the entire 100-kilometer coastline, small islands are located, where you can hide from society and enjoy a solitude.

Resort's development history

It is rich quite rich, since the active development of the lands began in the XV century. Then the famous navocator Vasco da Gama moored to this Indian shore. Being Portuguese submitted, he proclaimed Goa's property of his country. As a colony, the land existed as much as 1962, adopting many European features in the development of culture and economics. For a long time Goa and its residents survived through trade. But with the liberation from the rule of Portugal and the accession to India, the territory became a famous resort and a tourist center.

Today, travelers who visited here will not be bought on positive and enthusiastic reviews. "Oh, rest on Goa, India and the Arabian Peninsula is just a portion of fiction, first-class pastime," they say. And believe it is not difficult, looking at the photos made on the background of palm trees and the blue stroit of the sea. And coming here, once again you are convinced that Goa is that the land of sushi, where you truly feel like a happy person free from hassle.


If you do not know where it is better to relax on Goa, then visit this cute town. It is the main administrative unit of the state. The city is not similar to other Indian settlements. His narrow streets, bell tower, verandas in the colors and tables of cafeterias right outside the street resemble the province of the European country. In Panja, there is a synthesis of different world cultures and denominations.

Be sure to visit the islands along the river. On one of them, Chorao, there is a famous and popular bird reserve among tourists. Here they live feathered all kinds of species, sizes and colors. Another attraction is a statue of Faria, Abbot. It is also called the symbol of the city and its national heritage. The Holy Father, which has hypnotic capabilities, became famous thanks to his novel "Count Monte Cristo."

Specifying the local question about where you can relax well on Goa, you will hear the name of their city in response. They are in Panja and will definitely recommend you to visit the beautiful and old chapel of St. Sebastian. Look also at the church and architectural complex Largo-da-ogrery, they will only leave positive impressions. And having visited the Cala Academy, you will become part of all cultural events in Goa, who will certainly pass in this building.

South Goa

Of course, when you are traveling in a distant warm country, then the main goal is to wear on the beaches, listen to surf and plunge into the salt sea. All of this you can do in the southern part, where it is best to relax on Goa to people with good prosperous, loving privacy and comfort. Palisle - a picturesque beach, distant from the fuss, will surprise pure sea Even the most demanding traveler. And the flavor will bunch calmness and a slow rhythm of life. This beach is famous for small sand and wide coastline. The flavor is the heart of the southern state and its main tourist center.

Fish gourmets are very easy to choose where to relax on Goa. The famous marine delicacies, this is definitely Benalium. It is located next to the fishing settlement, so on the table you will serve the freshest and sophisticated dishes. The silence and cleanliness of the local waters are manitis not only tourists, but also dolphins who love to frolic in the crystal waves of Benalym.

North Goa

A vacation conducted here will cost much cheaper than in the south. This is an excellent budget place where it is better to rest on Goa to people with average. Arabol is one of the local beaches. Sometime he was very loved by hippies for stunning sunsets, virgin sands and natural beauty. Nearby is another beach, Mandrem. It is suitable for family holidaySince there is a german descent, perfectly suitable for children, a sandy bottom and a small number of street traders.

Aschwem also pleases with solitude. On this wide and clean beach will not meet the hordes of obsessive sellers. There are also many restaurants that are rich and expensive menu. The beach Mordezhima will suit people who love to relax in the company of compatriots. Most of the population here is Russian-speaking, who came from the CIS countries to permanent residence. And Kandolim can advise people of older who do not know where it is better to relax on Goa. They will have to taste a good infrastructure, comfort and purity of these places.

Attractions and entertainment

Of course, marine water and golden sands are the main thing for what tourists come. But the resort idleness does not prevent them from attending excursions, as well as interesting local events. After all, Goa - interesting object For long cognitive walks. Especially manitis of tourists Old Goa, in which there are many unique monuments and temples. Their design, exterior decoration, beauty admire and attract. And the atmosphere of the weave of Indian and European cultures is magically acting on any traveler.

In addition to man-made art, they will enchant you and natural miracles that harmoniously fit into the landscape. For example, Pandava caves, mysterious and mystical. A lot of legends are written about them that local aborigines will be happy with pleasure.

If you are not a lover of architectural and natural values, then go to search for entertainment. On Goa, excellent conditions for diving and sports are created. The city of Bogmalo is the best place for underwater excursions. There is a wide variety of marine flora and fauna, as well as very romantic and colorful sunsets.


Its main ingredients - fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits, coconut oil and spices. When you ask yourself a question about where it is better to rest on Goa, in India, you will certainly want to learn and features dishes of this region. After all, delicious food is a very important part of any vacation. Do not be afraid to go to Goa, there is an acceptable menu everywhere, because Portuguese culture has greatly affected the kitchen. The mixing of the European and Indian spawned an interesting taste combination that would like any tourist.

Main food - rice and curry sauce. In restaurants there are many fish dishes, mostly from Tuna, Sardin, Macrelie. You can also put karakatits, shrimps and mussels, which in Goa are catching tons. Among meat dishes are popular shakuchi, its foundation includes chicken, roasted with pepper, coconut and anis.

Where is the best way to rest on Goa? Of course, everywhere, which is served by Fenia - a popular local alcoholic drink. He is unique, as they make it from coconut palm trees and the cache tree only on Goa. Citrus and mangoes are dominated among the fruits in this region.


This is one of the ways of pleasant pastime in Goa. The people who arrived here, want to stock exotic souvenirs and interesting things that symbolize the local culture. Where is it better to relax on Goa, if you are a shopping amateur? Of course, in Andun. Here is a big flea market. It works on Wednesdays. All day you can spend, wandering between endless trading rows, trying on hats, scarves and necklaces.

Breaks Trade and Mapus. On Fridays, there is a huge market, where you can buy everything that the soul wants. These are musical instruments, and rare spices, and different amulets. At your service is also granted a tent for divination, where tourists will learn their future. Optionally, you can make a tattoo, quickly and efficiently. In any case, it is necessary to bargain, as prices are always too high.

In addition to markets, there are many shops in Goa shopping centers and souvenir shops that work every day. The only minus is - they close very early, so shopping is better to do in the morning.


If it is India, it is already clear that summer pleases the locals almost all year round. In this Indian state, the climate is a subequatorial, pronounced. The air temperature is practically stable, it ranges from 25 to 35 degrees depending on the time of year. The rainy season is kept from June to August, when it is possible to cool up to 20 degrees. During this period, Europeans do not come here, as rest in Goa is ideal in winter. Since December, dry hot weather is restored here, which reigns in the end of February.

The gentle sun and the salt sea will give you a magnificent tan, which will last for a very long time. And luxurious restaurants and hotels will make you a lover of comfort and a calm atmosphere.

Now you know where, when it is better to rest on Goa, how to make a vacation diverse and interesting how to get a maximum of pleasure from the selected pastime. In any case, the impressions of home you will bring many, and they will all be positive and complete admiration.