Niagara Falls are one of the most beautiful wonders of nature. Niagara - River in America with unique waterfalls Niagara Falls

Having been on this virtual excursion (you liked?) Let me think I will tell you more about the waterfall. Especially . And maybe some kind of curious details about one of the most famous and did not know. Check yourself ... Niagara Falls (or Niagara) is the most famous Waterfall in the United States and one of America's most popular tourist attractions. It is located on the connecting Lake Erie and Ontario (and separating the American New York from Canada) the Niagara River approximately thirty kilometers from Buffalo. On both shores of the river, Canadian and American, small cities with the same names - Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls) rose. The name of the famous waterfall comes from the language of those living here Indians - Iroquois and means according to different versions, or "dividing in half" or, more poetic, "rattling water".
Niagara Falls appeared several thousand years ago, when the flowing glacier formed by the melting of the retreating glacier streams of water washed their rumble in soft sandstones. The Niagara River cut the deep gorge into them until the hard rock rocks were exposed. This turned out to be a break, from which thousands of tons of water are falling down. The characteristic greenish color of the Niagara is due to the high content of particles of rocks dissolved in the waters of the river.
Babbitt, Platt D., D. 1879. Many historians converge that in 1677 the Catholic priest Louis Enpensa (Louis Hennepin) was thereby the first European, who visited the waterfall. There is even a documentary confirmation - the records of the priest himself, which in all its glory described the miracle of nature. Already in the next few decades, most of the land in the waterfalls was redeemed by Europeans. It is believed that for ten thousand years, the waterfall rose about eleven kilometers upstream of the river, this movement continues today at a speed of about thirty centimeters per year. According to scientists estimates, about fifty thousand years, the opening will reach Lake Erie and Niagara Falls will cease to exist.
As clearly visible on the aerial photograph, the Niagara is a complex of waterfalls, the total width of which is more than a kilometer. The island of Goot (Goat) shares the river into two sleeves forming the "Canadian" and "American" parts of the waterfall. The Canadian part of the waterfall is called due to the characteristic form of "horseshoe", from the USA, a small island of the moon separates the narrow strip of the "Fata" waterfall from "American Waterfall".
Through the Waterfall, the Horseshoe proceeds the main volume of water Niagara (up to 90%). The width of the waterfall is about 670 meters, the depth in the central part is about 3 meters. Water streams crossed the crest of the waterfall at a speed of about 32 kilometers per hour and fall 53 meters down.
The width of the American waterfall is about 250 meters, the depth of the river on the crest of about 60 centimeters. Numerous stonepads formed a huge stone mound at the footfall, therefore the height of the water drop is significantly lower here than at the horseshoe - from 21 to 34 meters. Next to the American is the smallest of Niagara Falls - Fata. Its width is only 17 meters, and height is 24 meters.

Since Niagara is one of the most powerful waterfalls in the world - the cumulative amount of water passing through it is 5.720 m³ / s periods of the greatest activity. It is not surprising that such a strong stream of water of the Niagara River is constantly waving a ledge and brings to his foot a lot of sand and stones. Up to the present time, due to erosion, the waterfalls gradually retreated to the south at a rate of 0.6 to 3.0 meters annually. At first, this process was slowed down by increasing water outflow from the Niagara River to hydroelectric power plants in the United States and Canada located on the same ledge, but by the beginning of the twentieth century, the erosion rates have increased again. Therefore, on January 2, 1929, these two countries concluded an agreement, the purpose of which was to stop the destruction of the waterfall. However, it was finally signed only in 1950, after which work began to stop erosion.
In June 1969, the engineering corps of the US Army built a temporary dam and dried the American side of the Niagara. This was done with the aim of examining and strengthening the rapidly destroying waterfall. Already in November of the same year, the dam was blown up and the river returned to his bed. Interestingly, "Dry" Niagara Falls attracted even more tourists than usual.
For five years, the US Army Engineering Corps built a 180-meter dam across the Niagara River, which took water entering the American half, to the Canadian part. Interestingly, this dam laid 27,800 tons of stones - more than any facilities of the US time. As a result of this, on June 12, 1969, the American part of the waterfall was first stopped for the first time in 12 thousand years. Thousands of tourists rushed to the drained waterfall to admire this unusual spectacle, giving the opportunity to consider in detail the ledge, along which the Niagara water flowed for many thousands of years.
Apparently, it was precisely then that these historical pictures were made, which until recently were kept in kopkkki from under the shoes, in the garage of one American Cyppysecake pair until the husband of their Pacc Glaco's daughter accidentally discovered them. If you carefully consider these photos, you can see that the slope and the bottom of the waterfall look like a rocky desert. The piles of stones in the central part of the slope are especially striking - these are traces of collaborators of 1931 and 1954.
Actually, it was them that was planned to be removed first. However, by November 1969 it became clear that it was unlikely to succeed, because the means allocated to clean the slope from the stones were almost over. Therefore, it was decided to stop the "disassembly of the bumps", and see what can still be done to save the waterfall.
As a result, military engineers investigated the river bottom, after which they were pulled and secured with special bolts a row of faults in order to slow down the erosion process. After that, the temporary dam, which held the flow of water, blew up. On November 25, the water again rushed into a waterfall in the amount of 170 thousand cubic meters per minute. The US media reported that this process was observed with 2650 spectators.
Since then, the waterfall has no longer dried up. True, the threat to its disappearance, as it is sad, still persists. According to scientists, every year the waterfall moves upstream per meter. At the same time, they believe that the waterfall has existed for about 50,000 years and during this time he moved upstream by 7 miles, that is, almost 10 km, and after 20,000 years, the waterfall will come close to Lake Eri and disappear. Sadly also the fact that along with his disappearance will dry and the lake itself. Unique video - Niagara 1969
A more water flows through the Niagara Falls than through any other waterfall of North America (up to 5,700,000 liters per second). The energy of this flow is successfully used to produce electricity, so Niagara is not only the object of attention of numerous tourists, but also a very important factor for the New York state economy.
The first power plant in Niagare was built back in 1881. It was repeatedly modernized and was successfully used until 1951, when it was destroyed as a result of a landslide.
Already in 1957, the US Congress decided to build a new one, one of the largest in the world at that time, hydroelectric power plants on the Niagara River. In 1961, construction was completed, and the new hydroelectric station was named after Robert Moses, the famous New York architect of the middle of the 20th century. Water for the operation of the power plant is closed above the flow from the waterfall, and is reset below.
Annually Niagara Falls attend millions of tourists. It service the cable car, viewing platforms and towers, tracks and galleries for pedestrians, excursions on helicopters and even in a balloon. In the summer after the occurrence of darkness and until midnight, the waterfalls are illuminated by color spotlights. But the most popular tourist attraction for more than one hundred and fifty years is a trip under the waterfalls on the walking courts, which traditionally wear the name "Virgin Fog". Excursions are sent from both Canadian and the American side of the waterfall, and it is on them who hide from splashes and fog under capes may fully appreciate the strength and beauty of the Niagara. The Niagara Falls District has the status of the territory protected by the State - this is the oldest reserve in the state of New York, created in 1885.
Niagara Falls attracts a lot of Obelchkov - "Extremes". Back in 1829, the native of the Rhode Island Sam patch became famous after he jumped into the niagara at the foot of the waterfall. In 1859, the Frenchman Charles Blondden became the first person who came to the shore on a stretched at an altitude of about fifty meters above the Niagara Rope Gorge. On October 24, 1901, the school teacher from Michigan Annie Taylor became the first person descended from the Niagara Falls in a barrel and the remaining alive. In this original way, Annie Taylor celebrated its sixty-third birthday, and at the same time entered the story.
Trick Annie Taylor did not give rest to numerous followers. The first, who managed to repeat her original feat, became in 1911 Bobby Lich. If Annie "dived" into the waterfall in the oak barrel, the truth is specially reinforced with steel and a crumpled soft material, then a mine used steel. After falling from the waterfall, he received severe injuries and spent half a year in the hospital. Attempts to descend on Niagara Falls are illegal both in the United States and in Canada, nevertheless, more and more windows, who wish to become famous are periodically emerging.
Now the waterfall is a favorite facility for visiting tourists, not only American, but from other countries. In addition, since 1896 hydroelectric power plants function. At the end of the XIX century, giant underground pipelines connected to turbines, which could produce energy to 100,000 horsepower (75 megawatt) were built. Nowadays the power of these power plants is even higher.
It is believed that from 50% to 75% of the entire water passing through the niagar is given through four huge tunnels, which are much higher in the flow of the waterfall itself. Water then passes through hydroelectric turbines, which are supplied with energy nearby areas of the United States and Canada before returning back to the river below the waterfalls.

Global buildings hung threat over the natural beauty of these places. Many businessmen bought land took a fee from tourists for the right to look at the waterfalls.
All this could not continue for a long time, and the "Free Niagara" movement was created as a result of popular discontent. The purpose of the movement was to preserve the pristine appearance of the area from the waterfalls. The reverse process began: New York began to buy land around the waterfalls among the former owners.
But what a beautiful view from the windows of these buildings! a source

- One of the main attractions of North America, the place where millions of tourists seek. Here you will learn interesting facts about the waterfall, its location, height, power and the cost of visiting.

Where is Niagara Falls

- These are three powerful cascades, 48 \u200b\u200bmeters high, located on the border of Canada and the United States. Here are their names:
Horseshoe is the largest waterfall that is located on the Canadian side. The 90% of the total water mass is eructed through it. The width of this part of the waterfall reaches 800 meters.
American waterfall. This waterfall is somewhat already - only 330 meters.
The vest vest is the narrower of Niagara Cascades. It is through it that the Rainbow Bridge is shifted, connecting 2 states.

There are several islands between the cascades, among which the greatest glory has a goy of the island, located between the American waterfall and undercover.

Those who already remember with the lessons of geography, where is Niagara Falls, Let's say that it is located on the border of Canada and the United States on the Niagara River. The river follows from Lake Erie and flows into another major lake - Ontario.

Niagara Falls are not the highest in the world, but one of the most powerful (along with Victoria and Iguazu). The height of the Niagara Falls is 51 meters (in its American part) and 49 (in Canadian) and it is significantly inferior to the highest waterfall of the planet - Anhel. But in width and power, he surpasses everyone in North America - 5700 cubic meters of water passes through it through it. But earlier, when there were no power plants on the river, this figure was twice as much.

Niagara Falls: Video

Niagara Falls: Photos at different times of the year
Each season, the Niagara Falls waterfall appears in the new appearance. So, in spring and summer on photo Niagara Falls Shahny greens falls from the surrounding trees. In the autumn, it is covered with a crumb of paints of a leaf fall, which are especially effects in sunset clock.

And in winter, part of the waterfall turns into gigantic icicles. Their sizes reach tens of meters and look very spectacular, especially at night in the rays of neon lights: a light showed daily from the waterfall, the schedule of which offers the official website of Niagara -Illumination.html.

In winter, the winter festival of lights is held here. However, in winter only the edges of the waterfall typically freeze, and its central part continues to drive water from Lake Erie to Ontario.

During the ice, all blocks of ice fall in the formidable junior waterfall. In 1848, ice scored the source of the river, therefore Niagara Waterfall is dried. However, after 30 o'clock, the ice mass was broken and the water rushed along the channel with the force, reminiscent of the grot of earthquake and eruption of the volcano at the same time.

In 1911 it happened that Niagara Falls frozen Fully. The last time this happened in 2014.

Niagara Falls - Interesting Facts
The name of Niagara comes from "Onguiaahra", which in the language of Iroquozov means "Thunder of water". For the first time, Europeans learned about him in 1677 due to the monk father Louis Ennepin.

Nikola Tesla built a power plant on a waterfall that feeds the surrounding current.
On the waterfall you can see the rainbow. Moreover, even at night, when the rare lunar rainbow becomes visible.

Annually, Niagara Falls retreats up the river for about 2 meters. This is due to the fact that the power of the stream has and destroys the rock.

Excursions to Niagara Falls
You can admire the waterfall from sightseeing sites or go to it on a ship that run here since 1846. The cost of a trip is $ 13. The main thing is to capture the raincoat and replacement clothes.
There is an option to walk over it in a balloon or helicopter. Do not forget to try a walk in the "Wind cave" under the waterfall (from the American side). The cost of excursion is $ 8.

You can order an excursion to the Niagara Falls on the System "All Inclusive" - \u200b\u200bwith delivery and accommodation:

Another way to look at the Niagara Falls - webcam, online showing all the power of the stream. The camera from the Canadian side works with sound and transmits all the power of the falling jets.

Inhaling wet fresh air, emanating from Niagara Falls, you understand how small and insignificant link is a person against the power of nature.

Niagara Falls is the second largest waterfall in the world after Victoria Falls in South Africa. The complex of Niagara Falls is located in the state of New York and the province of Ontario. Despite the fact that many have accustomed to the conversational speech to use Niagara Falls in the singular, in fact, in fact, Niagara Falls are meant by several waterfalls:

  • Canadian Waterfall or Waterfall "Horseshoe"
  • American waterfall
  • Waterfall "Fata"

The foot of the American waterfall is cluttered with stones, which is why the visible height of the water drop is just over 21 meters, the width of the American waterfall is 323 meters, and the volume of incident water is 567,811 liters per second.

Canadian waterfall in all indicators significantly surpasses its American relative, the width of the waterfall is 792 meters, the height is 53.6 meters, the volume of incident water - 2,271,247 liters per second.

Waterfall "Fata" - the smallest of the group of Niagara Falls. From the American waterfall "Fata" separates a small island, called the Moon (Luna Island). Width of the waterfall - 17 meters, height is 24 meters.

Most of the Niagara River does not fall into the waterfall zone, this is due to the fact that 50-75% of the water passes through 4 special tunnels built for several hydroelectric power plants. After passing through the hydroelectric station, the water returns to the river, only below the waterfalls. Thus, the use of water by hydroelectric power plants significantly affects the volume of water flowing to fall from the Niagara slope. If the hydroelectric power plants did not take water from the river, then the noise of falling water would be much louder. Also on the volume of falling water affects the time of year. The biggest stream takes place during the daytime, during the peak of the tourist season (June, July and August). It is noteworthy that in the event of an emergency, the flow of water can be reduced by increasing consumption by hydroelectric power plants.

History of Niagara Falls

18 thousand years ago, the province of Ontario was covered with ice 2-3 kilometer thick. When the glaciers move to the south, the great lakes and the Niagara River were formed in this place.

12.5 thousand years ago, glaciers moved to the north. Lakes Erie and Ontario, as well as the Rivers of St. Lawrence and Niagara, were formed from Malnia Water. At the same time, there were 5 waterfalls in Lake Ontario from Lake Erie, later the waterfalls were 3. It is noteworthy that the Niagara River is more than 12 thousand years old, however, Niagara slut, which was created as a result of erosion, much older than the river.

One fifth of the entire fresh water of the planet is located in five great lakes located in the United States and Canada. Four upper lakes: Michigan, Huron, top and ery fall into the niagar. After 24 kilometers, water reaches the fifth Great Lake - Ontario, forming a spectacular drop from about a height of a 20-storey building. This place is known as Niagara Sunshine.

Approximately 500 years ago, Niagara collided with the land of the Earth, seduced by two beds. After in the winter of 1780, a goat herd froze on this earth, this place began to call the "goat island".

The flow of water on the American side of the waterfall is much weaker, because It stops "Goat Island", while the Canadian Waterfall "Horseshoe" does not have obstacles.

Does Niagara Waterfall freeze in winter?

Niagara Falls never freezes completely, but incident water and fog create ice formations on the shores of the waterfall and river. This leads to ice mounds with a thickness of 15-17 meters. If winter cold and frosts hold for a long time, then the ice can go through the entire river, forming an "ice bridge", which extends a few miles down the river.

On March 29, 1848, the flow of water of Niagara Falls was completely stopped due to the resulting ice tube at the top of the river. In such an unusual condition, the waterfall stayed for several hours. This is the only known case when the water stopped with Niagara slopes.

On February 24, 1888, about 20 thousand people went down to the "Ice Bridge" to look at the waterfall from top to bottom. On February 4, 1912, the Ice Bridge cracked, as a result of which three people died.

Interesting facts about Niagara Falls

In 1969, the American waterfall was completely stopped for several months. The Niagar was allowed through another channel, building a temporary dam for this. Such a difficult work was done to remove the loose rock at the base of the waterfall, as well as remove the cropped stones from the bottom of the Niagara, thus make the appearance of the waterfall even more effectively. In November 1969, the Dumble was destroyed, and the flow of water returned to the previous direction.

The word "Niagara" comes from the Indian word of the tribe of the Iroquoise "Onguiaahra" means "strait."

In the dark, the waterfall covers powerful multicolored spotlights betraying him a unique look.

The first person who survived the last year from Niagara Falls was the 63rd Summer Annie Taylor. In 1901, she rushed from a waterfall in a closed barrel.

Twenty percent of global freshwater reels are located in the Great Lakes, most of which are held through Niagara Falls.

Niagara Falls became a popular place since the beginning of the XIX century. Tourists arrived at this miracle of nature not only from North America, as well as with Asia and Europe. To date, Niagara Falls attracts more than 12 million tourists annually.

Due to the erosion of the soil, the slopes of waterfalls slowly move upstream. Now the speed of such movement is 30 cm per year. Scientists and engineers are actively working on this problem, because If the waterfall retreats to the high thresholds of the Niagara, then its height will increase by 15 meters, which in turn will strengthen the pressure on the bottom and accelerate erosion.

Let's hope that scientists will cope with this problem, because I would like to keep this beauty for future generations.

(or Niagara) - The most famous Waterfall in the United States and one of America's most popular tourist attractions.

It is located on the connecting Lake Erie and Ontario (and separating the American New York from Canada) the Niagara River approximately thirty kilometers from Buffalo. On both shores of the river, Canadian and American, small cities with the same names - Niagara Falls (Niagara Falls) rose.

The name of the famous waterfall comes from the language of those living here Indians - Iroquois and means according to different versions, or "dividing in half" or, more poetic, "rattling water".

Niagara Falls appeared several thousand years ago, when the flowing glacier formed by the melting of the retreating glacier streams of water washed their rumble in soft sandstones. The Niagara River cut the deep gorge into them until the hard rock rocks were exposed. This turned out to be a break, from which thousands of tons of water are falling down. The characteristic greenish color of the Niagara is due to the high content of particles of rocks dissolved in the waters of the river.

It is believed that for ten thousand years, the waterfall rose about eleven kilometers upstream of the river, this movement continues today at a speed of about thirty centimeters per year. According to scientists estimates, about fifty thousand years, the opening will reach Lake Erie and Niagara Falls will cease to exist.

Niagara Falls from a bird's eye view

As clearly visible on the aerial photograph, the Niagara is a complex of waterfalls, the total width of which is more than a kilometer. Gaate Island (Koziy) shares the river into two sleeves forming "Canadian" and "American" parts of the waterfall. The Canadian part of the waterfall is called due to the characteristic form of "horseshoe", from the USA, a small island of the moon separates the narrow strip of the "Fata" waterfall from "American Waterfall".

Through the Waterfall, the Horseshoe proceeds the main volume of water Niagara (up to 90%). The width of the waterfall is about 670 meters, the depth in the central part is about 3 meters. Water streams crossed the crest of the waterfall at a speed of about 32 kilometers per hour and fall 53 meters down.

The width of the American waterfall is about 250 meters, the depth of the river on the crest of about 60 centimeters. Numerous stonepads formed a huge stone mound at the footfall, therefore the height of the water drop is significantly lower here than at the horseshoe - from 21 to 34 meters.

Next to the American is the smallest of Niagara Falls - Fata. Its width is only 17 meters, and height is 24 meters.

Canadian "Horseshoe" Niagara Falls

American part of Niagara Falls and Fata

In June 1969, the engineering corps of the US Army built a temporary dam and dried the American side of the Niagara. This was done with the aim of examining and strengthening the rapidly destroying waterfall. Already in November of the same year, the dam was blown up and the river returned to his bed. Interestingly, "Dry" Niagara Falls attracted even more tourists than usual.

"Dry" Niagara Falls

Sometimes, in particularly severe winters, the Niagara Falls partially or completely freezes. "Ice waterfall" is also a very unusual spectacle.

Frozen Niagara Falls, 1913

Pleasure vessel "Virgo Tuman" at Niagara Falls

Annually Niagara Falls attend millions of tourists. It service the cable car, viewing platforms and towers, tracks and galleries for pedestrians, excursions on helicopters and even in a balloon. In the summer after the occurrence of darkness and until midnight, the waterfalls are illuminated by color spotlights.

But the most popular tourist attraction for more than one hundred and fifty years is a trip under the waterfalls on the walking courts, which traditionally wear the name "Virgin Fog". Excursions are sent from both Canadian and the American side of the waterfall, and it is on them who hide from splashes and fog under capes may fully appreciate the strength and beauty of the Niagara.

The Niagara Falls District has the status of the territory protected by the State - this is the oldest reserve in the state of New York, created in 1885.

A more water flows through the Niagara Falls than through any other waterfall of North America (up to 5,700,000 liters per second). The energy of this flow is successfully used to produce electricity, so Niagara is not only the object of attention of numerous tourists, but also a very important factor for the New York state economy.

The first power plant in Niagare was built back in 1881. It was repeatedly modernized and was successfully used until 1951, when it was destroyed as a result of a landslide. Already in 1957, the US Congress decided to build a new one, one of the largest in the world at that time, hydroelectric power plants on the Niagara River. In 1961, construction was completed, and the new hydroelectric station was named after the famous New York City Planner Robert Moses. Water for the operation of the power plant is closed above the flow from the waterfall, and is reset below.

Niagara Falls attracts a lot of Obelchkov - "Extremes". Back in 1829, the native of the Rhode Island Sam patch became famous after he jumped into the niagara at the foot of the waterfall. In 1859, the Frenchman Charles Blondden became the first person who came to the shore on a stretched at an altitude of about fifty meters above the Niagara Rope Gorge.

One of the most beautiful natural phenomena in the world is Niagara Falls. He fascinates with his majestic and power. Hundreds of travelers from all over the world come back daily, where this amazing and unique monument of nature is located.

General information about Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a complex consisting of three waterfalls. It is located on the border of two states: USA (New York) and Canada (Ontario Province) on the river with the same name. Coordinates of this place: 43.0834 degrees of northern latitude and 79.0663 degrees of Western longitude. The waterfall connects the lakes in the system of the Great North American lakes: Erie and Ontario. On the coast of the Niagara River next to the waterfall from both countries there are two cities with the same name Niagara Falls.

Going to the Niagara Falls, it is worth thinking in advance to your route, as you can get here in two ways: flying to New York, or to the Canadian city of Toronto. From both cities organize excursions, but it is not necessary to take them at all, as it is possible to get there and independently on the flight buses.

Each of the three Cascades of Niagara has its own name. Waterfalls located in the United States are called "American" and "Fata". In Canada, there is a waterfall "Horseshoe".

Cascades of water rush down from the height of just over 50 meters, but the visible part is only 21 meters due to the races of the stones at the foot. Niagara is not among the highest waterfalls of the world, but due to the huge volumes of water passing through it, it is considered one of the most powerful on Earth. In one second, he misses more than 5.5 thousand cubic meters of water. Width of the Waterfall "Horseshoe" is 792 meters, "American" - 323 meters.

Climate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfall is moderately continental. In the summer there is enough heat, and sometimes hot, in winter the temperature is minus, and the waterfall partially freezes. You can come here all year round, because in any season here is beautiful in my own way.

The water Niagara is actively used to provide the energy of the nearby regions of Canada and the USA. On the banks of the river built several hydroelectric power plants.

History of origin and name

The Niagara River and the Great North American lakes appeared about 6,000 years ago. Wisconsinic glaciation provoked their education. As a result of the movement of the glacier, swept away in its path, the relief of this area has completely changed. The riverbed flowed in those edges of rivers was covered, and some, on the contrary, were expanded. After the melting of glaciers began, water from the Great Lakes began to drain in the Niagar. The breeds forming it in the bottom, the places were soft, so the water blurred them, forming a steep cliff - and the famous natural attraction appeared in the form of a waterfall.

The first mention of Niagara Falls dated to the beginning of the XVII century. In 1604, the mainland on which the waterfall is located, the expedition of Samuel de Champlane visited the expedition. Later he described this natural object in his magazine from the words of other participants in the trip. Personally, semped waterfall did not see. The six decades later a detailed description of Niagara Falls Catholic Monk Louis Ennepin, traveling in North America.

The word "Niagara" is literally translated from the Language of Iroquois Indians, like "Water Return". It is believed that the waterfall is named in honor of the indigenous peoples who lived nearby, the tribe of Onigar.

Extreme or madness

Since those times, when traveling has become fashionable, or rather from the beginning of the XIX century, tourists began to go to the shores of the Niagara Falls. Some of them wanted not to just see a unique miracle of nature, but also try to go through it.

The first thing that it happened was the American Cascadener Sam Patch. He jumped into the Niagara River at the foot of the waterfall in November 1929 and remained alive. Sam's jump was preparing for the jump, information about the upcoming stunt appeared long before its execution. The event, according to his plans, was to be present a lot of people. However, bad weather conditions were overshadowed by the "performance" of Cascaderal. People gathered a little, and the received fee did not suit Patcha. Therefore, exactly one week later he promised to repeat the jump. However, the second attempt to conquer the Niagar ended sadly. Sam did not come to the surface, and the body was found only after a few months.

In 1901, the 63-year-old extreme car from America Annie Taylor decided to pass the waterfall, sitting in a barrel. In such an unusual way, the lady wanted to celebrate his birthday. A woman managed to survive, and her name entered the story.

After this incident, Niagara Falls periodically tried to conquer the fans of acute sensations. The authorities even had to impose a ban on the commission of such tricks. However, the bolts are that and then rushed from the waterfall. Many of them died, and on those who survived, the fine was injected.

An interesting fact is the wonderful salvation of a seven-year-old boy named Roger Woodward, who accidentally entered the Niagara Falls. It was only a life jacket, but nevertheless the child managed to survive.

Excursions and entertainment

Mainly tourists come to Niagar for the sake of visiting the waterfall itself. You can do this from both America and Canada. There are several viewing sites here, from which you can make stunning photos of falling down water flows. The most impressive pictures can be seen from the Table Rock viewing area.

Those who want to consider the landmark closer and even feel the spray of jets, it is worth a ride on pleasure ships. Tourists are brought in turn for each of the three cascades. Before landing for a pleasure ship, everyone gives a raincoat, but even he will not save from powerful jets of Niagara Falls. The most spectacular to observe the Waterfall "Horseshoe".

Another excursion, which will certainly be remembered, offers travelers to be for a waterfall. You can also fly over this unique natural object on a helicopter or balloon. The only minus of this entertainment is a fairly high price.

Be sure to stroll through the Rainbow Bridge, which is a few hundred meters from the main attraction of Niagara. In clear weather, the bridge can be seen from the viewing sites.

Museums, national monuments and park areas are located in the Niagara Falls area. Tourists have particularly popular with Queen Victoria Park. He is in Canada. Here you can walk among colors and trees, sit in a cafe and see the main attraction of this area from the observation deck.

Nearby museums are devoted to the main opening history and interesting facts associated with Niagara Falls. They can see a collection of objects on which desperate coupling tried to conquer the waterfall. As well as wax figures of people whose lives are somehow connected with the famous natural monument.

Niagara Falls are interested in seeing at night. In the dark, this light show takes place here. The jet is highlighted by different colors using spotlights. All this looks truly fabulously.

In winter, the waterfall is no less beautiful. Niagara is a partially freezing waterfall. Only its edges are covered with ice. In the middle of the cascade, water continues to overturn down all year round. For all the time the well-known history of the waterfall due to abnormally low temperatures, it is completely frozen completely. Ride to Niagare on a boat in winter, of course, it will not work, but at this time of the year you can watch the colorful festival of fireworks. The illumination of the waterfalls these days is included almost the round day, and the colorful lights of the salutes swept into the sky.

Niagara Falls is one of the most impressive and vibrant natural objects in the world. His beauty will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated tourists. Once at his foot, it is impossible not to feel the power and the power of this natural phenomenon. Developed infrastructure near the object will allow you to travel brightly and remember it for life.