Israel international airports. Airports of Israel for international flights: a list with a description, reviews of tourists Israeli planes at which airport they land

Due to the variety of possibilities offered, Israel is one of the most visited countries in the world. Tourists will be happy to visit the Red, Mediterranean, Dead Sea or Lake Kinneret (Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee) and bask in the sun, pilgrims from all over the world strive to visit the "Holy Land" in search of faith, other people want to turn to Israel's medicine, which is considered one of the most advanced in earth. And the only way to get to such a popular place, bypassing the danger zones, is by air.

And therefore, the country's international airports will be your first acquaintance with Israel. So what are they?

There are 17 operating civil airports in the country, 4 of which carry out international air transportation. It:

  1. Ben-Gurion;
  2. Ovda (Ovda);
  3. Eilat;

Ovda and Haifa are both military airports, along with 8 more operating in Israel.

Ben Gurion

Ben Gurion Airport is the largest airport in Israel, located 14 km from the city of Tel Aviv. It is the safest and most comfortable airport in the Middle East, ranking three times in the “passenger satisfaction” parameter.

Serves as a hub (hub airport) for the national Israeli carrier El Al and a number of other airlines. On average, at least 15 million people pass through it annually.

Aeroflot and Ural Airlines are accepted from Russian companies.

This video tells in detail about the airport security system, which today is considered to be one of the best in the world.


The airport was rebuilt in the 1930s by Britain. During the Second World War, it was a military base for British aircraft.

In 1948, after the declaration of Israel's independence, it was officially declared international and began to receive foreign flights. It soon became a hub.

Received his first jet airliner in 1959 and has not stopped since. 1973 he was named Ben-Gurion in honor of the first prime minister of Israel, who died at the same time.

From the 1990s to the 2000s, passenger traffic increased sharply, which led to the reconstruction of the airport, the construction of a second terminal, which ended in 2004.


Today, Tel Aviv Airport has two terminals: 1st and 3rd.

The third terminal has a multi-level structure, 8 telescopic ladders, 2 bus platforms and more than 100 check-in counters. Inside there is a 24-hour shopping center, a large number of shops (including Duty Free), restaurants, snack bars and a children's room. There is a VIP waiting room.


You can get from the airport to the city by almost all types of transport: by train, bus and taxi, which run almost constantly.


The international Israeli airport, located 60 km from the southernmost city in the country - Eilat. It works with both military and commercial flights, which Eilat airport cannot accept due to the short length of the GDP.

It accepts Russian air carriers such as Aeroflot, Ural Airlines, VIM-avia and Russia.


Built in 1980 to replace Etzion, one of three airfields given to Egypt along with the Sinai Peninsula under the Camp David Accords. Named as Operation "Ovda" of the Arab-Israeli war of the late 1940s, which became decisive in establishing control over the southern regions of the country and the place of modern Eilat.

Immediately after its construction, Ovda began to receive direct European flights, and a passenger terminal was erected.

The further fate of the airport is not fully known, since it is planned to transfer all civil flights from Ovda to the airport under construction near Timna.


Has only one working terminal, no ATMs. Two unprofitable currency exchange points. Small but comfortable waiting room.


The airport is equipped with a bus stop, and numerous taxis drive up to the building.


The southernmost airport in the country, located directly in the tourist city of Eilat, close to highways and hotels. From it you can quickly get to Haifa and Tel Aviv. It is a duty free zone.

Serves all types of flights for which a too short runway is not a hindrance.

Does not accept flights from Russia.


It was built at the end of the Arab-Israeli War in 1949 to connect with other cities in Israel (originally Tel Aviv and Haifa).

In 1960, a passenger terminal was built, and in 1975 the first flight abroad was made. 1980 marked the airport with the beginning of flights to Europe.

In the future, it is planned to end the airport and completely replace it with Ramon.


The small size of the airport (only two parking positions) and the short GDP of 1,900 km severely limit the amount of air transport and model that Eilat can accept.

Has only one terminal.


Due to the fact that it is located in the city, it has no problems with transport - it is possible to get out of Haifa by taxi, bus, minibus, etc.

Haifa Airport, also known as Uri Michael Airport (one of the first Israeli pilots), mostly receives domestic flights throughout the country (often to Eilat or Tel Aviv). Sometimes he makes military air transportation.

Located in the eastern part of the city of Haifa, next to Israeli shipyards and the local port of Kishon on the Mediterranean Sea.

It does not operate flights from Russia, in order to get to the city, one or several transfers will be required (for example, in Greece, Cyprus, and so on).


The airport was completed in 1936 by Britain and was used for international traffic until World War II. With the outbreak of hostilities, it was closed to civil air travel and began serving the British army.

After gaining independence by Israel, he again switched to civil aviation.

It received international status in 1994, but its serious development took place only at the beginning of the new millennium. The Haifa airport is planned to be expanded today.


One terminal, minimal service - a couple of eateries and souvenir shops. However, a duty-free zone is expected to open in the near future on the territory of the airport.


Standard - regular buses and taxis.

An airport under construction in the Timna valley in the southern part of the country, which is to replace Eilat and accept all civil air transportation at Ovda airport. Ramon should also become a backup for Ben Gurion Airport - the largest airport in Israel and act in case of an emergency. High hopes are pinned on it as a medical tourism and accompanying package deals.

Its location is 18 km from Eilat.


Ramon Airport is to replace Eilat, which over time has become a hindrance to the development of the city in the center of which it is located.

The idea to move the airport was expressed in the mid-1990s after the signing of the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty, but the real plans were approved only in 2003. A more detailed design was reviewed in 2010. Construction was approved in 2011 and began two years later.

In early September 2017, Ramon conducted his first test flight.


Ramon is planned to be a large airport capable of receiving all types of aircraft. Its GDP should be 3600 meters wide and 45 meters wide. For large airliners there will be 8 parking spaces, for turboprop - 9.

The preliminary area of \u200b\u200bRamona is 5.5 sq. km, terminal - 50 thousand sq. m.


Very soon, a 27-kilometer high-speed tram line will run near the airport and the hotel center to the border. In 2012, planning also began for a new Tel Aviv - Eilat railway line and therefore a railway station in Ramon.

All this, coupled with the fact that the airport was originally located next to the highway, makes it one of the most accessible transport points.

Seventeen climatic zones in one country - this is not given to every resort state. This incredible combination is celebrated in Israel. Here, the sun rarely hides behind clouds and clouds, and the beach season lasts all year round. Tourists rest near Lake Kinneret, on the beaches of the Red, Mediterranean and Dead Sea. The uniqueness of Israel does not end there, as it is a state in which three different religions coexist. This is the main base for pilgrims from all over the world to visit the “Holy Land”. Here you can add the fact that this country is one of the leaders in medicine.

Air terminal them. David Ben-Gurion

The majority of tourists prefer air travel. Thanks to this, many of them already know how many airports there are in Israel and where they are located. There are many international and local air terminals, as well as military air bases. For travelers, the airport is the hallmark of the country. This is where the acquaintance with the life of the Israeli people begins.

The following international airports are open for tourists:

  • Air terminal them. David Ben-Gurion. This air harbor is located in the central district of Tel Aviv. Equipped with three runways, with a maximum length of 3657 meters. Each of them is 45 meters wide.
  • "Ovda". Location - Negev Desert. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe terminal territory is 12,000 km².
  • Haifa. It is located in the third largest Israeli city of the same name.
  • Eilat. The airport and the city share the same name.
  • Timna. The object is under construction.

This is an incomplete list of Israel's airports, since there are still 7 local civil aviation airlines and 10 military air bases, many of which are often used to transport tourists.

There are also rarely used general aerodromes. Comfortable Boeing airliners operate on international flights, and courteous flight attendants support the comfortable flight. Summing up the preliminary result, we can conclude in which cities airports in Israel are more or less actively involved.

Ovda airport

Managing organizations

Many air terminals on international and domestic routes are fully subordinate to the Israel Airports Authority, created 40 years ago - in 1977. These are the airports: "Ben-Gurion", "Eilat", "Uvda", "Sde-Dov", "Herzliya". Full information about the routes, as well as the services provided by these air harbors, can be found on the official airport management portal. Other civilian terminals are owned by private individuals, therefore local and regional councils. In addition, officials of the department supervise the border terminals adjacent to Jordan, Palestine and Egypt.

Haifa airport

Flight safety

Every tourist knows that today the airports of Israel for international flights and local flights are characterized by a high level of security. Here, a thorough examination of passengers is carried out, sometimes repeated, which causes discontent among some people. However, the bulk of tourists understands that it is better to protect themselves on the ground than to take risks in the air.

For the first time traveling through Israeli territory, you need to know that you should not joke with airport guards, using weapons, explosives, terrorists and other warning words in conversations. Such humor arouses suspicion and prompts the guards to think about a more thorough search.

Eilat airport

History and features of airports

As you know, the Ben-Gurion air terminal is recognized as Israel's "air gate". Since 2014, its traffic capacity has grown to 15 million people a year. The airport was built by the British in 1936. It was originally called "Lidda", then - "Lod". Now the terminal is named after the famous leader of the Jewish labor movement. This happened in 1973, when the independent state of Israel was created.

Today, this very terminal is on the list of the safest airports in the world. As for tourists from the Middle East, they only give positive feedback. This applies to all tourists and especially people in wheelchairs with reduced mobility. They are provided with ramps and all the necessary devices for convenient movement through the airport. Employees are always on duty in the terminal, ready to provide any assistance to disabled people.

Timna airport

Which cities are airports in Israel, you can quickly find out at a travel agency.

By the way, many people think that the Uvda and Eilat air terminals are one object. In fact, the first of them accepts only large aircraft on international flights and is often used by the military.

This is due to the fact that Ovda airport acquired an additional passenger terminal 35 years ago. It was he who later began to be used as an air terminal. The building is relatively small and does not differ in architectural excesses. It is rectangular in shape and has one entrance.

The main part of the terminal is used as a waiting room. You can get here after customs control, however, chairs are placed everywhere and before the entrance to the waiting room too. It is one for all passengers. Despite this, the hall is equipped with everything necessary for a pleasant pastime. Comfortable soft chairs, cafeterias and duty-free shops await their customers.

Despite its small size, the Ovda airport is international. Safety is given special attention here. Passengers usually arrive here 3 hours before the departure of the plane.

Thanks to such a reserve of time, tourists have the opportunity to leisurely go through all the required procedures. Since there is no domestic bus here, passengers get to the aircraft on foot.

As for Eilat, this airport was built in the resort town. Receives and dispatches international airlines and small private jets on local routes. Despite the fact that the air harbor has only one runway, it is the third most important terminal in Israel.

The international air terminals of this country are recognized as the safest in the world. Over the past four decades, not a single incident has occurred here.

A huge number of tourists visit the Promised Land every year. Russian travelers who arrive in the country, mainly by air, also show considerable interest in the historical and cultural heritage and holy places. Some of them also prefer a beach holiday in, and therefore you can always meet compatriots at the airports.
You can get to Eilat on the planes of the Russian Transaero and Israeli El Al at any time of the year, and Aeroflot will take tourists to Eilat in just 4 hours.

Israel International Airports

Two local airports have the right to receive international flights:

  • Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv is famous for its special security measures. It is best to arrive at check-in for the flight 3-4 hours before the scheduled departure time. Personal inspection of passengers and luggage and frank questions are more common than out of the ordinary here. More information on the website -
  • Israel's international airport in Eilat receives tourists who have decided to relax on the Red Sea. It is called Ovda and is located 60 km from the resort. Transfer to Eilat is carried out by bus route 282 and a taxi, the parking of which is located at the exit from the passenger terminal. Ovda Airport accepts flights from, Peter, and. Schedule details are available on the website -

Everything for your safety

Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv does not like to joke. It is famous for its special pre-flight control procedure, in which any passenger can be screened. Do not try to hinder secret service workers or resent the established order - this will not save time. It is best to plan your arrival at Israel airport well in advance.
The city center and the airfield are separated by 14 km and the transfer to Tel Aviv is possible in several ways:

  • By train. The station is located on the lower level of Terminal 3. From here you can go to Tel Aviv any day and around the clock, except for Shabbat time.
  • By bus. The stops are located at Terminal 3.
  • On a rented car, which is provided by several offices in the arrivals halls.

Alternate aerodromes

Domestic flights to Eilat from Tel Aviv are served by Israel Airport, located a few hundred meters from the Eilat beaches. The air harbor has a not too long "take-off", and therefore international flights in its schedule include only those that are performed by medium-sized aircraft. For sunbathers on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba, planes landing over their heads are additional entertainment and a reason to uncover their cameras.
Israel's Sde Dov Airport near Tel Aviv serves domestic flights from Eilat and is not very popular with tourists.

Airports in Israel provide an opportunity for tourists to visit different cities of the country. Israel is an amazing country in which modern life is closely intertwined with centuries-old history. The shrines of three world religions attract pilgrims here from all over the world. Favorable conditions for doing business, excellent medicine, well-organized tourism, and an extraordinary climate make Israel one of the most visited countries in the world at any time of the year.

Airports are the first to welcome visitors to the Promised Land. The small country has three international and a number of regional and local air harbors.

The following have the status of airports of international importance: Ben Gurion (Tel Aviv); Ovda (Ovda); Eilat airport; Haifa airport.

Ben Gurion airport

Israel's main air gateway is David Gurion International Airport. The airport is considered one of the best in the Middle East. It is located near the city of Lod, 14 km from Tel Aviv on the highway to Jerusalem. In 1973 it was renamed in honor of David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel, who first proclaimed the independence of the state. The airport was designed and built by the British in 1936. Since then, the main airport has undergone numerous rebuilds and expansions.

So, when creating the runways were concrete, 100 m wide and 800 m long. Today "Main" runway (12/30) with a length of 3112 m has an asphalt surface. The taxiway accompanies it along its entire length. Aircraft are landing from the Mediterranean Sea. Terminals 1 and 3 are located near the strip.

Lane 03/21 - "Short", its length is 2780, the surface is asphalt. It was first used for Israeli Air Force cargo planes, later as a taxiway for civilian ships. After the reconstruction in 2014, the runway accepts Boeing 747 aircraft. The aircraft are landing to the north of the airport. Thus, it became possible to reduce flights over Tel Aviv by 40%.

The longest runway (08/26) is called "Quiet", as planes land over fields rather than city blocks, and the noise of a liner landing is less of a concern for local residents. This circumstance was taken into account when the construction of the strip began in the early 70s, because due to a complaint to the Ministry of the Environment, the airport was threatened with closure.

After the last large-scale reconstruction of the airfield, the "Quiet" runway was extended to 4280 m. Like the other two, the runway also has an asphalt surface. New taxiways have allowed controllers to significantly reduce the intervals between takeoffs and landings. Most westbound takeoffs are now made from the Quiet runway, with the Short runway being used for landings.

Airport terminals

Terminal 1 has been expanded and rebuilt with an increase in passenger traffic. Until 2004, he was the main one and served mainly international transport. After Terminal 3 was built, it was used for government flights, and various exhibitions were held in the building itself. After renovation and reconstruction, Terminal 1 again received passengers for domestic flights. Its new design was developed by the architect Yosef Osa, so that those arriving could immediately get acquainted with different parts of Israel, since it is planned to fully use the terminal for charter flights and low-cost flights.

Terminal 3 opened in 2004 and is considered the main terminal today. This is a modern multi-level structure, where everything is thought out for the convenience of passengers. The train station and arrivals lounge are located on the lower level.

There are more than 100 registration counters on the top. Those flying away go through passport control, and X-ray equipment shines through the luggage. Through the sloping glass wall, you can see what is happening on the airfield.

Three comfortable waiting rooms, a treadmill for passengers with heavy luggage, 8 telescopic arms, natural sunlight in the sections, many restaurants and shops, the availability of necessary information, special attention to passengers with disabilities - everything speaks of respect for the guests of the country. And more than 10 million of them pass a year. And after the construction of 2 new halls and a hotel complex, an increase is expected to reach 16 million.

Sde Dov


Ovda or Ovda - Israel's second largest international airport is a reserve airport for Ben Gurion. It is located in the south of the country on a desert plateau in the Negev. An hour's drive (60 km) is the famous resort town of Eilat.

Initially, Ovda was built as an air force base. Two asphalt runways with a length of 3000 m and 2600 m allow to receive large Boeing aircraft. Israeli military aircraft also continue to use the airfield. In 1982, a civilian terminal was built and services for international flights began.

The airport is in need of reconstruction, for which there is still not enough money. For an international port, it is very small, with poorly developed infrastructure. The architecture of the building is the simplest. This is one rectangular hall for both arriving and departing passengers. Nevertheless, it has all the necessary qualities to serve tourists.


Eilat Airport today is located in the very center of the popular resort and is often not divided and confused with the port of Ovda. It was built in 1949 when the city of Eilat was a small village. With the development of the resort, the air port was sandwiched between hotels and began to pose a threat to vacationers.

The asphalt runway, 1900 m long, accommodates small regional planes and international charter flights.


Haifa Airport was built in 1934 as Israel's first international port. Located in the north-east of the city and adjacent to the seaport. Received the name Uri Mikaeli in honor of one of the founders of the Israeli aviation. In 1998 a new modern terminal was opened.

There is only one short asphalt runway with a length of 1318 m and serves short flights to Cyprus, Turkey and Jordan. The main transportation is local, in the cities of Israel. Sde Dov is the municipal airport of Tel Aviv, located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. It was designed for domestic traffic, but today it was decided to close it. Urban development is planned at this place.

It is important to note that all Israel's air harbors are reliably protected from the terrorist threat, and Ben Gurion has been repeatedly recognized as the safest airport in the world.

The Promised Land has long been a place that you want to visit at least once in your life. Israel so quickly turned into a rich, civilized, prosperous country that I want to plunge into its history and lifestyle with my head.

It was not easy for the State of Israel on its way to modern development. Constant wars and invasions did not allow Israel to show all its beauty to the world. And there is more than enough of it in Israel. These are both historical and religious sites. And parks, and architectural monuments. Any city, any part of Israel is truly breathtaking.

In addition, Israel has the most experienced and qualified doctors. And nature itself is a continuous resort, contributing not only to the strengthening of the general physical condition, but to the cure of many diseases.

And do not forget that Israel has 4 seas (more precisely - 3 seas and one huge lake), where you can relax at any time of the year.

How to get to Israel

Despite all the prejudices about the huge prices, the number of tourists is constantly increasing. And not only at the expense of the pilgrims arriving at Christmas and Epiphany, but also at the expense of ordinary people who begin to love themselves and want to give themselves an unforgettable experience. A trip to Israel is actually a gift to yourself and your family.

Israel has a very developed air connection with most countries in the world. As many as 4 international airports operate in Israel to receive passengers: Ovda, Haifa and Eilat. True, flights of major airlines are accepted only by two of them - Ben-Gurion and. But to increase airports in Israel for international flights, the authorities are serious about opening at least two more airports with international standards for receiving passengers.

Ben Gurion airport

The main influx of tourists is received by the airport in the city of Lod - Ben Gurion. It is located in close proximity to the capital of Israel -.

The airport itself is a gallery of security features. Separate metal detectors, X-ray machines, bulletproof glass - all this has brought Ben Gurion Airport to the highest standard for security.

The level of comfort for passengers should be noted separately. Ben Gurion is equipped with ultra-modern halls with areas of increased comfort, a huge chain of stores with goods without extra charges, and many cafes and restaurants.

There are 2 terminals out of 4 built on the territory of the airport. This is enough to receive passengers arriving at Ben Gurion Airport. There is a railway station near one of the terminals, which greatly facilitates the movement of passengers. The network of bus routes and taxis is well developed.

The main thing is that when Shabbat comes - from Friday evening to Saturday evening - the airport does not freeze, like the rest of Israel.

Ovda airport in Israel

Not so big, but very colorful Ovda airport. It was built in 1982. Its original goal was to take over military aircraft. But, life has made adjustments, and Ovda has long become a civilian airport.

It is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Eilat, just 60 kilometers away. This means that there are beautiful beaches and a warm sea nearby.

Ovda is a very colorful airport. Despite the large Russian-speaking population, the airport retains the history and spirit of Israel. The only problem is that there are no ATM machines on its territory.

In general, all airports in Israel for international flights are quite modern and comfortable. They have all the conditions that are needed to receive both passengers and aircraft.