Rest on the sea in January: where to go without a visa, cheap in warm countries. Holidays in January where to go in January beach vacation

Where to go to the sea in January 2018? Beach rest has long been the January tradition of Russians. But how to choose a resort and where to fly to stay only good memories? All details in this article.

What is the most dreamed of a girl among the chille and gray urban winter? That's right - about plunge into the warm wave of the ocean surf. It remains to choose the direction in the shower!

And the legendary brand of swimsuits and beach clothes Sharmante will help you to be beautiful and different anywhere in the planet.

Bangkok, Thailand

Many wish to celebrate the New Year under the palm trees, surrounding themselves by the aroma of orchids, - so colorful Bangkok is considered one of the popular winter directions. Cosmopolitan city is beautiful for those who want to combine relaxed beach rest With shopping, excursions and hikes on museums.

Phuket, Thailand

Phuket Island is another popular Thai route for the meeting of the New Year. Rains in this season almost never happening, the sea - transparent and calm, and exotic nature, rich underwater world And diverse entertainment will give a lot of impressions!

Goa, India

Winter is an ideal time to visit Colorful India and the most tourist staff, Goa. There are tourists with direct opposite intentions: some are going to contemplation, others are striving for hedonism on the shores of the Indian Ocean. On the democratic north night life With cheerful parties, musical festivals and the most beautiful sunsets. Luxury and amenities are recommended to go to the respectable southern part of the state with well-kept beaches, magnificent hotels and ideal services.

Sri Lanka

Here all year round +28 .. + 32 degrees, and water - +25 .. + 28С. Modern style Sri Lanka will penetrate the colonial charm and colorful design, and the wonderful view of the ocean and forever fragrant greens are completing the paradise picture. And the inhabitants of this state are famous for their hospitality for the whole world! Everyone is always smiling with a clean heart, and the local can invite rest to the tea cup, even if they see it for the first time.

Dubai, UAE

Another popular route for new Year holidays - Sunny Dubai. This city seems to be a mirage, as if beautiful flower, grown in the middle of the desert. Isn't it a miracle? Only here - the most high building peace, seven-star hotel, the largest artificial Island, and of course, the comfortable January temperature is plus +25 degrees.


Seychelles are 115 islands in Indian Ocean. In the reserves grow unique palm trees with coconut fruits. Here is the most photographed beach on the planet with delicious vegetation, white sand, palm trees, transparent turquoise water and vintage wooden houses.

Looked: 789.


Top 7 Beach holiday countries in January: Where to fly to the sea where you can swim and will be hot

In the middle of winter in Russia, cold and snow and even on southern resorts Countries can not swim in the sea and sunbathing. But in the world there are many places where you can fly in January to the sea, where it will be hot. Inexpensive to relax in the winter is unlikely to succeed, as you will have to fly far and possibly behind the ocean. But we tried to find countries and resorts that can be on the pocket to tourists from Russia.

Some numbers and information for reflection:

Beach rest in winter is much more expensive than in the summer. For example, in winter, the cost of the tour for ten days for two is more than one hundred thousand rubles, and in the summer there is a tour to Turkey for 35 thousand rubles for two.

SAMI popular country In winter, Russians: Thailand. Here annually in the winter about two hundred tourists from Russia.

More than twenty thousand Russians spend in Thailand all winter, but the most popular period of rest is 10 days.

About 90% of Russians fly in winter on holidays in Southeast Asia and only 10% over the ocean to countries in South America

Here after such dry numbers of statistics can be moved to our top. As you already understood, it almost completely consists of countries South-East Asia And this is not because we want so much. This is because such a modern trend. But still in the ranking will be other countries that can be called unexpected.


First place without surprises. Let it be trite and many tired of many, but Thailand will still have a number one among the Russians in winter time. Everything is simple: the cost of rest is one of the lowest on the market during this period of time, the climate in the resorts is beautiful, the weather is super, and in addition to the beach holiday there is a bunch of other options, how to entertain yourself.
If you fly to Thailand during the New Year holidays, then prepare wallets, since the cost of tours these days are high. To save, go to the islands after January 7th. Then you will save a minimum of 30% of the value of New Year's tours!
Of the minuses, you can highlight the language barrier. But currently in Thailand lives a lot of Russians, and almost all of them work in the field of tourism. So you will easily learn and you can ask any exciting question. National cuisine can also become a problem, so in the first days of arrival, try to eat in restaurants and cafes, where they are preparing Russian food. And when you get used to, then you taste something exotic.

Dominican Republic

On the second place we set a distant, but beautiful Dominican Republic. Many dream of a relax on the paradise beaches of the country, but carry out their dream one. Holidays in Dominican Dear, and the cost of tours starts from one hundred thousand rubles in seven days. Add to this long flight across the ocean, and plus prices in the country are high absolutely to all. For example, a tour of a few hours can do you $ 250! Very expensive.

But the pros also exist. First, hotels here work on the system everything is included. So paying for rest, you can no longer spend on anything if you do not want to take excursions and other entertainment. Secondly, all the beaches here are sandy, and nature is so beautiful that you can admire it for hours. In Dominican, a huge amount national Parksand in this big plus. Everywhere clean and order, everything is beautiful and not touched by a person.


Since Egypt is still closed for Russians, then his place was to take someone and this was Vietnam and his popular resorts. Beach holidays in the country develops rapidly. Right on the coast of the sea hundreds of chic hotels, sandy beaches, and entertainment for every taste and wallet.
Pluses of rest in Vietnam are obvious: cleanliness on the streets and on the coast, many fruits and they are cheap, chic warm weather And warm sea, interesting exclusive excursions and much more.
Of the minuses, we highlight the fact that the Vietnamese prefer not to hang price tags for their products, and each time the same product can cost differently. So it has to be like to buy something cheaper. And do not rest in big cities. There is car trafficthat there is an unimaginable noise and the city is moving as if a huge anthill. To rest choose small villages and away from noisy roads.

Thought, we forgot about Goa? Of course not! In the afternoon on Goa, the sun is flattered so that you want to break into the sand or run away into the impassable jungle. But at the same time the sea is warm and calm. There are days when there is no waves on the sea at all and it is amazing.
Resting on Goa is easier, because here english Very common. Local beaches are very wide and completely sandy. Attractions in India are enough, so besides the beach, you can go on excursions.

Not all tourists like Goa. Someone says that on the beaches dirty. It is so, but it concerns free beaches. Which can remove once a day. And if the beaches belong to hotels, then they are clean and beautiful. Also, tourists celebrate a kind of local cuisine, which is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is better not to risk and not try it. But the cost of tours is not high and can really buy a ticket for 60-70 thousand rubles for two, but such luck is rare.


Another country in which you need to fly through the ocean. Beach holiday in Mexico is chic, but the prices are "biting". Tourists to choose from a large selection of resorts, but all prices in dollars, like most of the goods in the resorts. This is due to the fact that 80% of holidays are inhabitants of the United States, as the neighbors countries. Therefore, rest in Mexico is expensive.
Pluses of rest at local resorts are obvious: it is unforgettable, rest on the ocean, incredible interesting excursions, new impressions and new kitchen.
Cons There are, and among them the fact that beautiful life in Mexico is mainly in the resorts, and mostly the country is poor and, leaving outside the resorts, it immediately strides. Language problem may also be, but knowledge of English can improve this problem.

Sri Lanka

The country is located in the ocean, so the entire coast is an open ocean. In January, the island is warm and almost dry. In addition to the beach holiday you can visit local temples. To admire with huge tea plantations, see the natural wealth and most importantly - here you can see real whales in the open ocean! For this, it is worth flying so far.

Emirates have long become one of the best countries for recreation. But we put it at the last place in our rating it is not by chance. First, in the winter there is a huge number of tourists. Secondly, the country is rich and the prices here are all high. What to say, if the usual local ice cream costs about three dollars. Keep in mind that the Arab country and there are its laws that should be respected and observed. So you will adapt to country, not a country under you.
But the city of the United Arab Emirates is very beautiful and there is where to go and what to see. That is why there are such in the Emirates a large number of Russians every year.


Beach holiday in January 2020: where to relax abroad and cheap

When you look out the window in January, what do you see there? Sun, sea, sand and vacationers on the beach of people! Do not believe? And this is so, because these people look at the window of their room in hotels, and rest in the midst of winter on the warm coast. Do you want the same? Then let's see where to relax in January 2020 abroad inexpensively, and arrange a beach holiday in the first winter month. We selected best countries With a beach holiday and now tell you about them. And so, let's get acquainted with our top.

And so, January month for beach lovers is not the most best month. There are not many countries with a warm climate, the choice is limited and therefore prices can be very high. But you do not need to immediately refuse rest, look at the top, and you will definitely find the mills where everything will be satisfied: the weather and prices, and hotels.

Thailand - the peak of the tourist season.
In the first month of the year, Thailand resorts are experiencing a real peak season. All hotels and beaches of the countries are busy tourists who enjoy warmth and sea.

As we said. In January, water off the coast of Thailand is warm, even hot! It warms up to +29 degrees, and at times everything is +31!
At this time of the year there is no wind, low humidity and stabilizes the temperature. Therefore, tourists feel calm and do not suffer from anything.

"I rested in January last year in Thailand. What can I say: Super weather, super beaches and just - everything is super! Of course, a little is not familiar that new YearYes, and winter without snow. But this is forgotten on the first day. I especially liked the sunsets on the beach. They are some kind of special, and no matter what. And I visited many countries. And I have something to compare! "

In addition to the beach holiday there are many excursions. After all, Thailand is an interesting and rich culture. Tourists inspect the sights and attend natural reserves. Here often come for visiting temples, and to calm down spiritually.

Dubai - Alternative to Egypt.
Yes, Egypt is still closed for our tourists and it cannot but peel. But if you are looking for him an alternative, then Dubai is she who is.

Of course, there is a bit more expensive than in an African country, but the difference in money is compensated by beauty and service.
The weather in January is here beautiful - sunny and dry. True often windbore so there are a lot of surf lovers here. But tourists do not scare the waves, they are still big far from the shore. And tourists enter the ocean and enjoy warm water.

"When I first came to Dubai, I was amazed by his beauty. Everything is so unusual and everything is so natural. When we were told on the excursions that literally a couple of dozen years had a desert here - I did not believe. As for rest, he is all gorgeous here. The hotels are the best service that I have met. The beaches are clean, and the city itself without garbage. And I also visited the Festival of Aerial Snakes - this is a spectacle forever! "

Also in January in Dubai, sales are held. So do not be surprised if you see people running there and here with huge bags - they just want to have to buy more, but pay less.
What else does Dubai manitize our tourists? Flight time! To fly here is only a few hours, 3-5, depending on the city where you live. Plus, in the UAE, the same time as in Moscow. So for most tourists there will be no entire acclimatization and transition to another time.

Sri Lanka - holiday all year round.
All tourists know that holidays on Sri Lanka are possible all year round. But in January it is best to relax.

Of the advantages of resting on Sri Lanka in January, the warm ocean should be allocated and dry weather on the south side of the state. The air temperature rises to +33 degrees. And the nights are such that you can sleep without a blanket and with an open window +25 degrees.

"I was always maniling whales. I just go crazy about them. These big fish. They are so beautiful! Arriving on Sri Lanka in January I just got in the period when you can see whales very close. During this period of time, they migrate and swim close to the shores and often float on the surface of the ocean.
Do not be afraid of whales, they are completely harmless. We took a small yacht for rent and swam together with them. This is the impression of life! "

Another advantage of recreation on Sri Lanka is that a visa can be made directly at airports when arrival or houses online. You do not need to visit the embassy and collect a lot of documents.

Sri Lanka is rich in their natural landscapes. Here are beautiful reserves, beautiful mountains and many parks that wear state status. Nature lovers arrive here more often than beach lovers. Plus, there are many temples on Sri Lanka, they can be visited and even live there for some time.

Where else?
There are other places where in January heat, dry and you can swim in the sea. For example, Goa - Indian state. In January here are above +30 degrees and all days dry weather.
We also recommend looking at Vietnam and its resorts. Rest in Vietnam is inexpensive, but very high quality. On average, the tour for two for 10 days will cost you 60,000 thousand rubles.
If you do not bother a long flight, then go to Cuba or Mexico. Maldives are popular among Russian tourists, and they arrive here to meet the New Year and spend time in the sun and in the warm ocean.