Hotel design. Hotel and hotel design: styles, decoration and photos of a modern hotel interior

The interior is the first thing that people pay attention to when choosing a hotel in a suitable location. We are ready to develop a design project for hotels, including a brand book for the future chain.

The design begins to work for you already at the stage of acquaintance of potential guests with the hotel on the Internet, making it stand out from a number of others. Some of your clients are willing to pay for a special atmosphere, and we are ready to create it.

We work with all types of modern hotel facilities: boutique hotels, spa hotels, business hotels, condominiums, apartments, guesthouses, B&B. We are familiar with the provisions of the state hotel classification system and the current regulatory framework.

B.Arch (hons), M.Arch (hons),
RIBA - part II / certified by the Royal Institute of British Architects.
The author of the "Lifestyle" column is Forbes Russia.

I sincerely congratulate you on the opportunity to be a hospitable host. The instability of economic conditions and exchange rates created excellent preconditions for the development of domestic tourism. The traffic of foreign tourists is also increasing.
Below are a few rules for creating a successful hotel design. We will be glad to be helpful!

Each stage is a complete cycle, based on which decisions are made and corrections are made.

At the preliminary stage (if necessary) we can help you choose a room, we are ready to assess the capital condition of real estate and engineering systems.

Part of our project will be a functional diagram that takes into account the specifics of your family's lifestyle in the future development for the next 5-7 years.

The project is carried out on the basis of the Design Assignment Program. We will help you compose it.

The result of our stage-by-stage work is a space set up for successful life activity.

Interior concept

Reflects zoning, which forms the most rational arrangement of the main functional areas and auxiliary premises, taking into account their interconnections. This stage is adjusted to fully meet your functional requirements. The architectural graphics reflect the arrangement of furniture and main technological equipment. The design takes into account the current requirements of building, fire and sanitary standards.

Based on the decisions made at this stage, you can roughly estimate the cost of work and materials. The architectural concept is the first task for related specialists in engineering fields (electrical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning) and is corrected and detailed at the next stages as a result of joint work.

In some cases, based on the results of our Concept, it is possible to start a number of construction works, for example, dismantling partitions and unusable equipment or installing a screed.

Interior Design Project

It is carried out on the basis of the experience and imagination of a team of architects and decorators in accordance with your personal wishes in terms of colors, specific interior elements.

At this stage, you need to select the Engineering team. The class of engineers and the cost of their services are highly dependent on the Architectural Concept. We are not tied to a specific sub-contractor - we select a team taking into account specific tasks. Often, the civil contractor prefers to produce some of the engineering sections in-house. Such organization of design work saves the Customer's resources and improves the quality of work.

Now the work is going in two directions: engineers and designers are developing sections of structures, heating, ventilation, electrical, etc.), and the architect creates presentation pads-collages, showing you samples of finishing materials (stone, wood, tiles, metal elements, etc. .), selection of color palette and decorative surfaces.

Design documentation at this stage includes: partition plan, furniture arrangement plan, floor plan, ceiling plan, wall sweeps, 3D visualization of the future interior. In addition, a tablet with samples of the main proposed finishing materials (carpet, glass, wood panels, stone, etc.) is provided.

Stage materials will be consistent with all engineering designs (performed by a licensed engineering company under a separate agreement).

Based on the materials of the Design Project stage, it is possible to estimate construction work and materials with an accuracy of 15%, hold a tender for the supply of materials and equipment and, if necessary, adjust the forthcoming costs.

Working Documentation

Based on the decisions made at the Design project stage, detailed drawings are created that represent the premises, drawings of assemblies and parts, specifications, etc. are prepared. These drawings are necessary for construction work. On the basis of such a complete document, it is possible to estimate with maximum accuracy and, if necessary, adjust the forthcoming costs, choose a contractor and boldly start construction work.

Decorating work

We offer decoration works as an additional service. This is a service for the selection of interior items, furniture, upholstery materials, textile drapery, sculpture, photography, paintings and decorative elements, conducting appropriate baguette and other decoration work.

Sometimes a single decorative accent is enough to transform a space.

The presentation material will include the following design documentation:

Refined floor plans with furniture placement at M1: 50; М1: 25

Adjusted Cuts and sweeps of the walls of the premises in М1: 50; М1: 25

Computer visualization of rooms with selected furniture, upholstery materials, textile drapery, sculpture, photographs, paintings and other decorative and design elements, in the amount necessary and sufficient for the Customer to understand the proposed aesthetics (types at the discretion of the Contractor).

The stage Decorating includes trips to art and furniture salons, galleries in Moscow, working with catalogs of manufacturers, etc.

Trips to international furniture and art exhibitions are possible.

Architectural supervision of construction guarantees the execution of works in strict accordance with the project documentation. The regular departure of specialists throughout the construction work allows you to control the quality of the work carried out, as well as finishing and general construction materials.

The amount of time required for field supervision depends on the qualifications of the contractor, as well as on the complexity of the design solutions and the selected work technologies.

Turnkey interior

Under our control, a highly qualified construction team (licenses for all types of work) will perform all work on a turnkey basis. This is a significant reduction in stressful situations and construction time with full quality control. Full repair time - up to 20 working days. This result is achieved by the well-coordinated work of ideologists, interior designers, engineers and builders.

    We prepare full-fledged architectural, structural and engineering projects.

    We select equipment and decorative elements

    We carry out general construction and repair work

    Installation and connection of engineering equipment

    Warranty, post-warranty and service maintenance of engineering equipment

Discounts for large volumes of design. Discount up to 30% - objects
with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 350 m 2

The first two consultations - is free

12 Advantages

Reasonable prices

Reasonable prices for a detailed European-class project, a clear organization of work and construction control.

Clear, memorable design

Powerful "WOW!" factor. An arsenal of innovations for successful business and personal space.

Short time

Unique experience and process automation. The ability to design in parallel with construction work.

Well-coordinated team

Our partners are time-tested. Engineers, builders, furniture production. Approvals. Turnkey works.

Discounts from suppliers and builders

Construction partners save time and effort by working with our detailed drawings and willingly provide discounts. Wholesale companies give the best terms for delivery.

British quality

High culture and design standard. We call on time, send letters when promised, issue documentation as agreed.

The time which is convenient for you

Pleasant and informative business communication, including evenings and weekends.

Financial responsibility

We are financially responsible for the quality of the project, timing and compliance with current legislation (SNiP, SanPiN ...)

Construction economics

The most effective strategies. Design solutions and style that significantly increase the value of the property.

Unique materials

Huge selection of unique materials - you can hold everything in your hands in our office and on the adjacent territory of ARTPLAY.

international experience

Adaptation of the best Western technologies in design and construction for the specifics of the Russian production of works.

Furniture design and manufacture

We make unique professional furniture. The best technologists, production in the Moscow region. Only certified materials and full compliance with the requirements of medical expertise.

We love to design and manufacture furniture and home furnishings ourselves, in collaboration with local artisan workshops, industries and technologists. This is the only effective way to create unique spaces that best reflect the ideology of your property. In addition to the patriotic motive, an alliance with a domestic manufacturer, with proper organization and control of work, is faster, cheaper and more flexible.

What is difficult to implement in Russia, we get from Europe and China. So, when designing interactive installations using the latest information and kinematic technologies, we cooperate with British technologists, it turns out to be more effective (easier to organize and cheaper).

How long does it take to competently carry out repair and finishing work?

If it is necessary to make repairs, then the minimum construction period is 20 working days.

Perhaps with a continuous organization of work in 2-3 shifts. But this may not work due to the neighborhood with residential apartments, since almost all construction work is related to the production of noise. The current legislation allows noisy work in strictly allotted hours (sanitary standards for noise). IN residential buildings it is prohibited to carry out work on Sundays and public holidays from 22.00 to 10.00 and on weekdays, earlier than 8.00 and later than 21.00. It is forbidden to use equipment and tools in the performance of work that cause an excess of the permissible level of noise and vibration. The time of work can significantly limit the charter of the HOA and house management decisions.

In this situation, the time for a complete repair will increase to 2 - 4 months.

In parallel with construction work, we are engaged in the production of built-in furniture. It is rational to form an order 1.5 - 2 months before the expected date of completion of all work.

Hotel interior design. 5 rules for a successful business

Every square centimeter works for you

We optimize the space: we minimize the corridors and transit zones. We calculate the optimal size of the rooms. In locations with a high cost of land, without sacrificing comfort, we reduce the size of rooms: by transforming rooms into bathrooms and dressing rooms, we develop techniques that visually increase the space. We create planning flexibility through the technologies of connected rooms and modules.

When designing the hotel's interior, we try to ensure that the service functionality works not only for the hotel's customers, but also for the potential of the city and local residents, bringing additional income to the hotel.

Design monetization

When developing a hotel interior project, we pursue three main goals: profitability, ergonomics, aesthetics.

A team of designers specializing in hotel design, through the use of modern hotel technologies, creates design projects that bring profit to the owner and comfort to the guests.

Rational use of each square meter of area helps to achieve the optimal size of the premises, which means that it reduces the cost of building a hotel, its equipment and maintenance.

Business technologies in design

To use space rationally, you need to know in detail how the hotel business works. Fantalis knows everything about hotels, because we not only develop design projects and build, but also invest ourselves.

What is the minimum bed height for easy cleaning? How to comfortably accommodate a large group of guests in the lobby? How to position the conference room in relation to the kitchen so that it can be used as a banquet room? Does the restaurant need a separate entrance from the street for the townspeople? How to economically adjust lighting? Such details determine the cost of building and maintaining a hotel, which directly affects its profitability.

Streams of guests and staff, food delivery, cleaning algorithms, safety and, of course, comfort - this and more are planned in the design project in order to avoid inconveniences in daily work in the future. Knowing all the intricacies of the hotel business and conducting a thorough marketing research, you can create a demanded and income-generating project.

Specializing in the hospitality business, we do not take the time to delve into it from scratch, instead, based on years of experience, we seek the perfect solution within the budget.

Every project requires total immersion. Not everything is measured in money. What remains after us is important.
Roman Fantalis,
company founder

Convenience and rationality

The well-designed complex is convenient for visitors and staff. Think over the logistics of visitors and employees, foresee what is really necessary in the room interiors, take care of durability, plan everything taking into account the minimum and peak load - and do this so that the guest feels comfortable and is not distracted from the purpose of his arrival - the guarantee of a comfortable hotel in demand.

Profitable aesthetics

The interior of the hotel should be attractive and understandable to its guest. The full disclosure of the species characteristics, the beauty of the things used and the appropriateness of the decor inspire and delight the one who uses these benefits, emphasizing the uniqueness of both independent and chain establishments. In the design project of the hotel, the aesthetic component serves the general goal of making a profit from the accommodation of guests. In order not to waste resources on decorative excesses, it is important to strike a balance between beauty and functionality.


Finishes and equipment should be selected that are appropriate for the load and safety standards. When developing a hotel interior design project, we select commercial grade materials designed for intensive use, anti-vandal, fire-resistant and quick to clean. Knowledge of the market helps us to choose what suits the budget, reducing the costs for the subsequent operation of the facility.

Phased development of the hotel design project

Both in the interior of a mini-hotel and in a large world-famous establishment there should be recognition, something that affects the emotions of the client. Modern technologies have made the reviews of visitors especially significant, causing increased attention to the design of the establishment among hoteliers of all sizes. Aesthetics and functionality are what attracts people and encourages them to share experiences.

The design of the hotel should make it comfortable for the target audience. Moderation and conciseness of the hotel interior, ease of use, as well as delicate emphasis on the project idea create harmony between aesthetics and functionality.

You can order design design for any enterprise: from mini-hotels to chain and boutique hotels. The cost and development stages of a project are slightly different for independent and networked enterprises.

Chain hotels

We know the standards and brand books of global chains and are able to work under strict regulations. The design project of the hotel is created taking into account all the requirements of the chain, the interior is complemented by elements of local color where it is permissible.


For existing hotels and hotels in old or historical buildings, we provide redesign services. This is not only a change in the appearance (or restoration according to a coloristic passport) and a design project of the hotel's interiors, but also the modernization of its functionality with full use of the existing base.

Independent hotels

The design development is carried out from scratch, in fact, both the design project of the hotel itself and its brand book are created.

Technical task

For third-party designers, TK is written by a hotel technologist; we can compose it ourselves after defining the concept and business planning. The advantage of contacting professionals: our technologists, architects and designers do not need to explain every little detail, they are able to predict many working moments.

It all starts with understanding the target audience.

We will prepare a business plan, it contains a description of the target audience, the purposes of its stay, desires and behavioral features; it is used to draw up technical specifications. The TOR describes in detail the requirements for the design of all zones: rooms, lobby, restaurant, conference hall, spa, pool, sports complex, children's room, buffet and others. The TOR defines the functionality of the hotel and describes all the requirements to ensure fast service of this functionality.

We define:

    Who is your client and who are you to him?

    What does he need and what can you give?

    How to give what he needs using a minimum of funds?

Planning solution

A detailed planning solution is based on the requirements of the technical task and takes into account all the nuances of the future hotel. At this stage of the project, the location and area of \u200b\u200bvarious zones, their content are determined, increased attention is paid to ergonomics. It is also planned to service all elements of the hotel, to distribute service flows.

The decisive role is played by the arrangement of furniture. If it is incorrectly selected, it takes up extra space, which directly affects the cost of the hotel. The design is focused not only on beauty, the basis for the development of any project is logic, a rational explanation of the forthcoming exploitation of the interior. So each item will be in its place, in demand and easy to access.

Are planning:

    Rooms and public areas.

    Efficient distribution of space.

    Ergonomics of interiors with the help of modern technologies and trends in the hotel business (automation equipment, transformable furniture, flexible layouts, etc.).

    Sophisticated logistics that make service invisible to guests.

Style search

While work is underway on the layouts, the search for a style solution for the hotel is underway. It is important to choose a style that demonstrates purpose and favorably emphasizes the merits. We select sketches and references (auxiliary photos), from which we make mood boards (moodboard - a board with images reflecting the general mood). After their demonstration and approval, we make preliminary sketches.

It includes three areas: interior (design of rooms and public spaces), exterior (design of facades), landscaping for urban and landscape design for out-of-town hotels (decoration of adjacent territories).

In parallel, the materials and technologies used in the project are outlined.

Hotel room interior design

If the lobby is the face of the hotel that sets the first impression, then the room is the key to the overall experience. They stay there longer, actively use furnishings, therefore, the flaws in the room's interior are more noticeable.

We think over the interiors so that a person feels comfortable, quickly navigates and easily uses everything that he needs, and the staff can quietly and promptly serve the premises. At the same time, the uniqueness of each interior is emphasized by the decor with minimal financial losses.

Local flavor

It is reasonable to emphasize in the hotel interior design project the area in which it is located, the elements of its culture. This can be a noticeable influence in cases where the region is a tool for attracting visitors, or restrained motives (ornaments in the interior and on textiles, finishing colors, typical dishes for regional dishes in the menu).

    Aesthetic and comfortable design of the hotel territory.

    Exterior design that harmonizes the building and environment.

    Hotel interior design that makes the client's life more comfortable.

3D rendering

When the general style is determined and the layouts are agreed, the elaboration of the details of the project begins. Our specialists create 3D visualization of the territory, facade and interiors of the hotel.

Selected finishes, FF&E (furniture, utensils, equipment) and decor items. The result is a detailed design project for the hotel's interiors and exteriors.

    All rooms and areas.

    Their equipment.

Design presentation

We conduct a presentation of the design project, describe in detail the solutions found, and explain. The project is being coordinated with the customer.


After the approval of the project, the documents required in the future are prepared. We provide detailed specifications, where the finishing materials and equipment of the hotel are listed, indicating the manufacturer up to the article number. After that, for new hotels, the design phase and preparation of working documentation begins. Redesign projects based on an existing building are immediately provided with working documentation for the design project.

From planning to opening, Fantalis handles all the work of building the hotel. Only a design project can be ordered.

According to the material, they are:

  • from SIP panels
  • frame
  • wooden from a bar
  • from all kinds of building blocks

By the number of rooms, they are subdivided:

  • mini-hotel projects for 10 rooms
  • projects for 6 rooms
  • mini-hotels for 20 rooms
  • for 8 rooms
  • projects for 15 rooms

Features in the design of mini-hotels

Quality and adequate price are important for your future guests.

  1. First, the project must stand out for its appearance.
  2. Secondly, you need a terrace with a good view, and your guests will be delighted.
  3. Thirdly, these are rooms that should be spacious enough. Mini-hotel projects can have rooms of different levels of comfort, but the most important thing is that everything should be clean and tidy, even if simple.

Choose a ready-made project or an individual one?

Designing mini-hotels is a voluminous task, while you need to determine what the future object will do, where it will be located, how many guests to serve. Mini hotels made of vulture panels and motels need to be designed so that they are constantly filled by at least 70-80%, which will make it possible to quickly recoup the money invested in their construction.

Opening a small mini-hotel with 10 rooms for tourists will require much lower costs than, for example. However, neither in the first nor in the second case you should not rush - first you need a project. There are two ways for further work - either choose a ready-made project, or order an individual one. Let's consider both options.

Finished mini-hotel projects

The option with ready-made projects is convenient because you just select the one you need and order the project documentation. The main advantage in this case is speed, there is no need to wait several months to work out from scratch. Also, the finished project is usually cheaper, and those who save on design are happy with it. If the soil is normal and the construction area is not reserved - why not? The price for finished projects of mini-hotels for 10 or 6 rooms starts from dozens, and goes for hundreds of thousands of rubles, depending on the complexity and number of rooms.

There is only one drawback - the finished projects do not take into account the regional, soil, financial characteristics of the client. For example, multi-storey projects are not always suitable - in the case of weak soils, groundwater, etc.

Individual design

Discussion of the client's wishes - the beginning of work on an individual project of a mini-hotel from vulture panels or from a bar. Experienced specialists will listen to the owner of the future object, and in case of difficult terrain, they will go to the site.

Experts, together with the owner, will take into account the features of the site, the presence of groundwater, climatic features and choose the type of foundation, building material, number of storeys, and a number of other parameters that affect the cost of construction.

  • Simple accommodation for guests?
  • Do you need another restaurant or cafe?
  • Add a bath or sauna?
  • Do you need a pool and spa area?
  • Gym?
  • If the project will be located in a conservation area or near healing springs, whether to include a spa stay?

After considering and approving the characteristics, engineering systems of the future mini-hotel, specialists will develop appearance and the style of the building based on the wishes of the customer. At this stage, the object will be rendered in 3D, you can evaluate its appearance and make comments. After agreeing on the draft design, layouts, diagrams, drawings, engineering communications are gradually worked out and agreed upon.

The individual design will take into account all the characteristics of the site and the external environment. And of course, such a project will be completely unique, which will help in attracting tourists. Terms of individual design - from 3-4 weeks to several months.

“Designing is about creating impressive, multi-functional spaces that will help create a better social and behavioral environment. This is when the lighting is perfect, when the menu is easy to read, when even the acoustics of the room are taken into account, the materials of the highest quality are used, the surfaces are functional, and the furniture is extremely comfortable and modern, ”says famous industrial designer Karim Rashid about the design of hotels and restaurants.

The expert knows what he is talking about: he has designed Nhow hotels in Berlin and Milan, Dubai Hotel Show (Dubai), Pegasus Hotel (Malaysia), Jean-Georges Market (Atlanta), Ven Hotel (Netherlands), ERA Hotel Room (Croatia), etc.

So, the flight of design ideas in the hotel business is limited (or must meet) the requirements of functionality, comfort, environmental friendliness; the design will depend on the direction of the hotel, its location and "stardom". In addition, there are also network standards, which in the project documentation stipulate even such "trifles" as the shade of the floor and the distance between the lamps in the hall. Alternatively (and this is typical for Russian hotel chains), you can adhere to a single style in the design of hotel facades, but allow the interior of each hotel to be unique and inimitable. The argument “in favor” of such a solution is following the architectural concepts of the existing building.

Let's analyze the features of hotel design in more detail.

Business technologies in design

The design of the hotel is, first of all, functionality and competent use of space. A “hotel designer” should understand how a hotel works, he should keep in mind a lot of specific nuances:

  • How to separate the flows of guests and staff?
  • How is grocery delivery carried out?
  • What security requirements does the hotel have to comply with?
  • How to make lighting not only beautiful, but also economical?
  • What is the minimum bed height for fast, quality cleaning?
  • How to comfortably accommodate a large group of guests in the lobby?
  • What design elements to use for multifunctional spaces? For example, if the conference room is supposed to be used as a banquet hall? What is the best way to position this room in relation to the kitchen?

Based on the specific "hotel" tasks, the following basic design principles in this area can be distinguished:

1. Convenience and rationality

This includes, in particular:

  • Logistics of visitors and employees;
  • Completion of rooms with necessary, comfortable and functional furniture;
  • Wear resistance of furniture and equipment;
  • Reception of guests (including waiting at check-in) at minimum and peak load, etc.

For example, furniture for hotels should be comfortable not only for guests, but also for service personnel during cleaning and assembly (disassembly). In this regard, hoteliers prefer furniture with the following qualities:

  • Popular material - laminated chipboard (laminated particle board). She is loved for its durability and anti-vandalism;
  • Details should be connected with strong metal ties, since hotel furniture can be repeatedly assembled-disassembled-rearranged;
  • Upholstery should be made of wear-resistant, non-combustible fabric that is easy to clean;
  • It is better to fix the head of the bed to the wall, and make the box-spring (base under the mattress) on casters. This will make it easier to pull out the bed during cleaning;
  • Cabinet shelves are better than drawers, etc.

2. Profitable aesthetics

Guests choose a hotel with their eyes. At the same time, the design of the hotel does not serve for the designer's self-expression (or serves, but only within the strict hotel framework), but has the goal of becoming another "bait" for visitors. Ultimately, the goal of the design (in collaboration with the service, the correct promotion strategy, etc.) is the profit of the hotel company.

For example, luxury is inappropriate in business-class hotels; comfortable minimalism is more likely to suit them. The most suitable styles are classic or high-tech. However, even here you can find a "loophole" for creativity and imagination. For example, the ART Hotel (Moscow), which positions itself as a business hotel, provides its guests with the opportunity to purchase the works of modern art they like that decorate the hotel and rooms.

3. Durability

Finishing and furniture should be made from commercial grade materials, i.e. to be durable, fire-resistant, quick to clean, anti-vandal.

For example, the Schnipper Group, which supplies carpets for hotels, highlights the following important qualities of this piece of furniture:

  1. Depending on the requirements of the hotel's star category, a carpet of woven or tufted production technology can be used.
  2. The density of the carpet pile must correspond to the purpose of the room and the design class of the operational load: living rooms (carpet of lower density), corridors, lobby (carpets with high density).
  3. The pile material must meet the requirements of the operator's brand book or the hotel's class: nylon (100% polyamide), wool (most often 80% wool and 20% polyamide), silk.
  4. Some floor coverings require a soft backing.
  5. Class 33 wear resistance preferred
  6. Fire safety certificate - КМ2.

A single style is the harmony of three components among themselves: the adjacent territory of the hotel, the exterior (facade of the building) and the interior, as well as the stylistic correspondence of the design of the rooms and public premises of the hotel (rooms, restaurant, lobby, etc.) to each other.

Facade architecture and hotel design

Often the building itself prompts the style decision. For example, during the restoration of the Metropol Hotel (took place in 1986-1991), on the appearance of which famous architects (Valkot, Kekushev, Shekhtel, etc.) and artists (Korovin, Vrubel, Vasnetsov) of the last century worked, the main task was not to add something new, but to restore many elements of decorative design, to restore wall paintings. As a result, today "Metropol" is the most famous architectural monument of Moscow in the Art Nouveau style.

Here we will pay attention only to some points. And let's start by denying what was said at the beginning of the article, namely, about a single style of rooms, which should emphasize the style of the entire hotel. As in the Russian language, where there are, relatively speaking, ten exceptions to any rule, so the design has its own rules and their refutations.

For example, even such a "trifle" as sockets in the bathroom requires compliance with technical regulations. Here's how O.D.F.Paris comments on it:


  • The zero zone is the internal volume of the bath or shower. Electrical devices must not be installed in the zero zone
  • Zone 1 - the vertical interior of the bath or shower. Only water heaters can be installed here.
  • Zone 2: 60 cm perimeter from the bath or shower. In this volume, you can install electrical appliances with a voltage below 12 volts or a hidden protected motor.
  • Zone 3: the volume of the room outside zones 0, 1 and 2. Here you can already install any electrical appliances equipped with an RCD.

Detailed specifications

These documents are developed after approval of the design project by the customer. For example, finishing materials are prescribed in them with an indication of the manufacturer (up to the article number)

3D visualization

When the style of the hotel becomes clear and the documents for the layout of the premises are agreed, you can make virtual tour through the hotel using a relatively new computer program. Such visualization, offering a three-dimensional image, will help to better feel the future interior and correct any shortcomings in advance.

To do this, the specialist first sets in the program all the real dimensions of the building and each room separately. After that, the parameters approved by the design project are selected (type of finish, color of walls, ceiling, etc.). Further, furniture and important accents are “placed”.

The advantage of the program is the ability to experiment with design (within the framework of strict hotel standards), to “see” the project at any time of the year, with day and night lighting. It is also important for architects and designers to clearly see how harmoniously the project will fit into the environment; for this, adjacent objects are added to the 3D visualization plan.

All photos In the photo: Design of the first floor of the hotel

It's no secret that the design of a hotel is largely determined by its location. So, for a large business center, it is more typical modern hotels with a minimalistic design. These hotels are designed for business travelers, they are usually equipped with conference rooms and small meeting rooms.

But hotels in resort areas, as a rule, are more authentic. These hospitality establishments draw inspiration from local culture and traditions. Think of bungalows in the Maldives or ice hotels in Sweden.

All photos In the photo: Design of a SPA hotel in oriental style

Choosing a settlement for a hotel, any hotelier will be guided by the indicators of payback and occupancy of the hotel room stock in this region, as well as the level of competition. And here it is important to understand that the profitability of a hotel room will depend not only on the number of tourists in this area, but also on the interior design. And the higher the competition between hotels in the region, the greater the importance of the design project. Comparing offers of a similar price range, the traveler will in any case opt for the hotel, whose interior photos attract him more.

1. Hotel in a resort town

All photos In the photo: Art Deco hotel design in resort town

The design of a hotel in a resort town should ideally take into account the focus of the resort. So, chalets are relevant for hotels in ski regions. Many hotels here offer ski storage luggage services. But hotels located in sea resort areas can often offer their guests a swimming pool and a huge selection of cafes and restaurants. Much also depends on the level of the resort. So, in Cannes, where every year world stars gather for the film festival, you will find many fashionable hotels, the design of which is sustained in the best traditions of art deco or classics.

2. Five star hotel

The greatest financial costs will be required for the design of a five-star hotel or a boutique hotel. Hospitality establishments of this level require exclusive design solutions. Decor and finishing materials will require considerable investment.

All photos In the photo: Design of the hall of a five-star hotel

In contrast to the lower level of "stardom", where it is enough to develop a couple of projects for the number of rooms, in elite hotels, each room often has a unique design or, at least, some detail that distinguishes it from the rest of the apartments.

3. Facade architecture and hotel design

All photos In the photo: The design of the facade of the hotel in the art deco style in the resort town

The unity of exteriors and interiors in the design of the hotel is the guarantee of its harmony. It is clear that the number of rooms equipped at the level of a five-star hotel is difficult to imagine in a typical Brezhnev high-rise building. But the old mansion, once belonging to the representatives of the famous noble family, is ideal for a boutique hotel. The art deco facade of the hotel in the photo is designed in such a way that the hotel's interior design makes a significant contribution to the exterior. Through the panoramic windows, decorated with columns on the outside, richly decorated staircase galleries with massive multi-tiered chandeliers and openwork balustrades are visible.

Hotel design with photos. Development of planning solutions

If you do not know where to start your hotel design, then think about planning solutions. It is important to understand that when developing the layout of any hospitality establishment, certain security restrictions must be taken into account. To be eligible for Official Star Status, a hotel must meet certain criteria. A five-star hotel will require a whole complex of infrastructure institutions: cafes, restaurants, spa, conference rooms. All these institutions should be included in the design project of the hotel.

4. Hall design in a five-star hotel

All photos In the photo: Interior design of a five-star hotel

The lobby for a five-star hotel is perhaps even more important than the lobby for the theater. After all, this place serves as both a reception and a workplace for a whole team of administrators, security guards and a porter. Hotel foyers almost always have lounge areas with armchairs, tables and sofas where guests can wait for a taxi or make appointments. It is important to understand that the higher the "star rating" of the hotel, the larger it should have a lobby. Indeed, in the same five-star hotels, several check-in counters are equipped. It is believed that guests in hotels of this level should not stand in line for a minute.

5. Elevator hall

All photos In the photo: Design of the elevator hall in the hotel in the art deco style

The elevator lobby is where guests inevitably end up after checking into the lobby. The design of this area should be consistent with the overall interior concept of the hotel. The above photo uses the columns and ceiling lights that can be found in other public areas of this hotel. Artistic panels with green palm trees serve as a reminder that the hotel is located in a warm resort area.

6. Lounge areas in hotels

All photos In the photo: Design of the lounge area in the hotel

Lounge areas in hotels are places for meetings, and a waiting area, and even a personal mini-office where you can get a laptop in order to check mail or agree on a couple of business issues. When creating a hotel design, it is important to consider the location of these zones. As a rule, sofa groups are located on the ground floor of the hotel, in the lobby with reception desks. But if we are talking about a large hotel, then the lounge areas can be placed on the upper floors. In the design of the hotel in the photo, sofa groups are equipped on the staircase galleries.

7. Interior design of the hotel restaurant

All photos In the photo: Restaurant design at a resort hotel

Today, even very budget hotels have their own cafes, where guests are offered continental breakfasts, and hot dinners are served in the evenings. Not to mention large five-star hotels, whose restaurants are in demand not only among travelers, but also among city dwellers. If you want the cafe to become an additional source of income, then it is important, in addition to the menu, to come up with an original interior design for it. The area of \u200b\u200bthe restaurant is determined by the number of rooms in the hotel. Number of places in the institution catering should be in proportion to the capacity of the hotel's room stock.

8. Gallery on the second floor

All photos In the photo: Design of the gallery in the hotel in the art deco style

The upper floors of hotels can be built according to the classic corridor principle. However, if the architecture of the building allows you to organize round galleries in the room, then this opportunity must certainly be used. And the areas of such gallery spaces can be used as lounge areas. In five-star hotels, galleries often host small concerts of classical music.

9. Design of a bedroom in a hotel room

All photos In the photo: Design of a hotel room in art deco style

When working on the design of a hotel room, it is important to understand that for the convenience of guests, the space here should be as functional as possible. In addition to the sleeping area, which, of course, is the main one, it is also important to find a place for a table here, because most travelers on vacation devote several hours a day to working at the computer. Even in a very tiny hotel room, a TV is always equipped. And you can visually make the space seem more spacious with the help of mirrors.

10. Interior of a living room in a hotel room

All photos In the photo: Design of a living room in a hotel room

Rooms of the category of suites, apartments of an increased area provide for the arrangement of a full-fledged living room in the room. Today, rooms with separate rooms for receiving guests and resting can be found even in budget hotels, not to mention expensive hotels... On the one hand, the design of such a living room should amaze with an original approach and unusual decoration. But, at the same time, it is important to understand that no matter how exclusive the design project is, the guest in the room should be as comfortable and cozy as at home.

11. Bathroom in the hotel room

All photos In the photo: Bathroom design in a hotel room

The design of a bathroom in a hotel room is an example of comfort. As a rule, showers are equipped here. However, suites usually have bathtubs. The interior of the bathroom should adhere to the concept chosen for the room as a whole.

Choosing a style for hotel design

The choice of style for the design of the hotel is largely determined by the level of "star" of the institution. For budget hotels, pompous classics or art deco is an unprofitable solution. Such style directions require considerable investment. They are most often chosen for five-star hotels. Four star hotels can also be designed in a classic or contemporary style.

12. Hotel design in oriental style. A photo

The oriental style for the design of the hotel in the photo above allowed the author of the project, Angelica Prudnikova, to use a lot of gold in the room, thanks to which the interior began to remind of the fabulous gardens of sheikhs. A fountain in the center of the hall, classic sofas covered with red velvet, richly decorated columns, a cascade chandelier, massive golden candlesticks - all this creates an atmosphere of luxury and bliss.

13. Hotel design in art deco style. A photo

All photos In the photo: Hotel design in art deco style

The design of the hotel in the art deco style in the photo can surprise guests with the richness and grace of decoration. Lush golden chandeliers with pendants, flowers in vases, columns decorated with snow-white "necklaces" - thanks to all these decorative elements, the hotel looks like the salon of a mansion of the richest American nouveau riche.

14. Hotel interior in a modern style. A photo

All photos In the photo: Design of a room in a modern style in the hotel

By opting for a modern style, you can save a little on decor. After all, the design of the hotel, which gravitates towards this style direction, adheres to minimalism at its core. Therefore, here you can get by with a minimal amount of decor. The modern style is also suitable for expensive five-star hotels. Even if the public areas of an elite hotel are designed in the spirit of classics or art deco, you can choose a modern style for the design of rooms, as in the photo above.

Hotel design. Selection of colors

As for the color palette, in the design of the hotel, combinations are now boldly used, which are usually avoided in the design of apartments and houses. If at home we prefer classic beige and chocolate shades and pastel tones, fearing that a more eccentric palette will become boring over time, then the hotel can allow a little experiment with colors. However, this does not preclude adherence to certain canons. So, in the design of a Mediterranean-style hotel, you will find a lot of blue and light blue. And the hotel in the style of Provence will charm you with the tenderness of lavender shades.

15. Gold and red in hotel design. A photo

All photos In the photo: Hotel design in oriental style

Gold and red is the best coloristic solution for the design of a hotel in an oriental style, as in the photo above. This color scheme is especially in demand in hotels located in the Arab regions. It is ideal for creating an atmosphere of luxury and luxury that knows no bounds. Therefore, owners of luxury hotels often turn to her.

16. Hotel design with turquoise accents. A photo

All photos In the photo: Design of the reception area in a five-star hotel

Turquoise accents bring the freshness of the ocean breeze to the hotel's design. This palette is often used in combination with white. In the interior of the hotel in the photo, the accents are turquoise lines of illumination of ceiling lamps.

17. Chocolate and milk range of the interior

All photos In the photo: Design of a hotel room in a hotel in art deco style

Milk and chocolate range in interior design has long been and deservedly been recognized as a classic. This palette lends restraint and dignity to the space. It can be used in almost any interior, regardless of the chosen style.

18. Dessert shades in the design of the hotel restaurant

All photos In the photo: Design of a restaurant in a hotel in the art deco style

Blurry shades of pink pastels perfectly complement the hotel's lounge area, rendered in shades of champagne.

Accessories, art and antiques in hotel design. A photo

One of the safest ways to create a unique hotel interior design is to use art in the interior. Paintings by famous artists, sculptures, porcelain collections, antique furniture will add value to the design project.

19. Golden stucco molding in the dome decoration

All photos In the photo: Decorating the ceiling vaults in the hotel

The domed vault of the hotel, decorated with gilded stucco, stained glass windows and chandeliers worthy of Venetian palaces with true royal generosity, will become one of the main decorations of the hotel atrium.

20. Cascade chandelier in the design of the hotel hall. A photo

All photos In the photo: Design of a hotel hall in oriental style

Another decoration that will add a little palace luxury to the design of the hotel hall. A long cascade chandelier that goes down almost to the middle of the room always looks expensive and impressive. This ceiling light is ideal for art deco or classic hotel design.

21. Columns with textured decoration in the staircase hall of the hotel

All photos In the photo: The interior of the hall in a five-star hotel

Columns of the Corinthian or Ionic orders are good in classic-style interiors. If the design of the hotel is decided in the art deco style, like the hotel in the photo, then some original decor should be provided for the colonnade. Columns can be decorated with, for example, stucco.

22. Golden crystal curtains in the hotel lobby

All photos In the photo: Interior of a hall in a five-star hotel

Golden crystal curtains are not just a very effective decoration that adds extra shine to the room, but also an excellent means of zoning the space.

23. Oriental motives in the design of a hotel room

All photos In the photo: The interior of the hotel room

Oriental motives in the hotel's design help to add a drop of noble luxury of Moroccan palaces to the modern space. A crystal chandelier, a pair of silver lamps reminiscent of aroma lamps, panels with ornate patterns that are repeated on the graphite-colored curtains - all this gives the design of the hotel room in the photo an exotic charm of Arabian fairy tales.

24. Illuminated onyx in the design of the reception area

All photos In the photo: Interior of the lounge area in the hotel

The illuminated onyx can be used to decorate the reception desk. The golden hues of this mineral add warmth to the space, which is why onyx inserts are often used in monochrome light spaces.

25. Flowers in a vase

All photos In the photo: Hotel design in the art deco style from the portfolio of Angelica Prudnikova

Flowers in vases that adorn the public areas of the hotel always add coziness and femininity to the space. However, their selection must be approached with special care. The palette and shape of flower bouquets should harmoniously fit into the overall space.

The design of the hotels in the above photos was developed taking into account all the regulatory requirements for premises of this type. When working on these projects, the designers of the Studio Anzhelika Prudnikova tried to do everything to ensure that the interiors help the sales of the room stock.