Description of the castle in the medieval appearance. Medieval locks: Device and siege

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Still, medieval architects in Europe were geniuses - they built castles, luxury structures that were also extremely practical. Castles, unlike modern mansions, not only demonstrated the wealth of their owners, but also served as powerful fortresses, which could hold defense for several years, and at the same time lives in them did not stop.

Medieval castles

Even the fact that many castles, surviving wars, the blows of the elements and the carelessness of the owners, still stand entire, says that the housing is not invented. And they are insanely beautiful and as if appeared in our world from pages of fairy tales and legends. Their high spiers are reminded of times when the beauties were fighting for the hearts, and the air was impregnated with knight and courage.

So that you are imbued with a romantic attitude, gathered the 20 most famous castles in this material, which still remained on Earth. They will certainly want to visit and, perhaps, stay to live.

Castle Rayhsburg, Germany

The thousand-year castle was originally a residence of King Germany Conrad III, and then King France Louis XIV. The fortress was burned by the French in 1689 and would have sunk in the fly, but the German businessman acquired her remains in 1868 and spent most of his wealth to restore the castle.

Mont-Saint-Michel, France

The impregnable castle of Mont-Saint-Michel, surrounded by the sea on all sides, is one of the most popular attractions of France after Paris. Built in 709, he still looks stunning.

Castle Gorostervitz, Austria

The medieval castle of Gorostervitz was built in the distant IX century. His towers and now have a frequently monitoring the surrounding terrain, proudly tightened over it at an altitude of 160 m. And in sunny weather they can be admired even at a distance of 30 km

Bled Castle, Slovenia

The castle is located on the Statercar Rock, Grozny Bled Over Lake. In addition to the luxurious view, which opens from the windows of the castle, this place has a rich history - the residence of the Serbian queen of the dynasty was located here, and later Marshal Josep Broz Tito

Castle Gogenzollerne, Germany

This castle is located on the top of the mountain of Hohenzollern with a height of 2800 meters above sea level. During his heyday, the castle in this fortress was considered a residence of Prussian emperors.

Castle Barquense, Spain

Barlya Castle in the Spanish province Toledo was built in the XV century by the local graph. For 100 years, the castle served as a powerful artillery fortress, and today these empty walls attract except photographers and tourists.

Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

The romantic castle of the Bavarian king Ludwig II was built in the middle of the XIX century, and at the time, his architecture was considered very extravagant. Be that as it may, it is his walls inspired the creators of the Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland

Metoni Castle, Greece

The Venice Castle-Fortress of the Metoni from the XIV century was the center of battles and the last in these edges of the Forpate of Europeans in battles against the Turks, which was dreaming to capture the pelopones. Today, only ruins remain from the fortress.

Castle Hohenschwangau, Germany

This castle-fortress was built by Knights Schwangau in the XII century and was the residence of many rulers, including the famous King Ludwig II, who took the composer of Richard Wagner on these walls.

Shilon Castle, Switzerland

This medieval Bastille from a bird's eye view resembles a warship. The rich history and the characteristic appearance of the castle served as inspiration for many well-known writers. In the XVI century, the castle was used as a state prison, which George Byron described in his poem "Shilon Prisoner".

Castle Eilen-Donan, Scotland

The castle, located on the rocky island in Fjord, Loch Duh, is one of the most romantic castles of Scotland, famous for its heather honey and legends. There were many films, but most importantly - the lock is open to visitors and everyone may touch the stones of his history.

Castle Bodiam, England

From the moment of its foundation in the XIV century, the castle of Body has experienced many owners, each of which liked to fight. Therefore, when in 1917 he acquired Lord Kerzzon, only ruins remained from the castle. Fortunately, his walls quickly restored, and now the castle stands like a new one.

Guaita Castle, San Marino

Castle from the XI century is located on top inaccessible mountain Monte Titano and together with two other towers protect the oldest state in the world of San Marino.

the swallow nest, Crimea

At first, a small wooden house was located on the cliff of Cape Ai-Todor. And the current appearance of the "swallow nest" received thanks to the oil industry by Baron Steingeel, who loved to relax in the Crimea. He decided to build a romantic castle, which resembles medieval structures on the banks of the Rhine River

Castle Stalker, Scotland

Castle Stalker, that in translation means "falcon hunter", was built in 1320 and belonged to the McDugal clan. From this time, his walls experienced a huge number of strip and wars, which affected the condition of the castle. In 1965, the owner of the castle was the Colonel D. R. Stewart from Allvard, who is posted together with his wife, family members and friends restored the structure

Castle Bran, Romania

Bran Castle is the pearl of Transylvania, the Mysterious Fort Museum, where the famous legend about the column Dracula - Vampire, a murderer and the governor Vladzhesh was born. According to legend, he spent the night here during the periods of his campaigns, and the forest surrounding the castle Bran was a favorite place to hunt the chain.

Vyborg Castle, Russia

The Vyborg Castle was founded by the Swedes in 1293, during one of the Crusades to Karelian Earth. He remained Scandinavian until 1710, when Peter I's troops dropped the Swedes far and for a long time. From this time, the castle managed to both be a warehouse, and a barracks, and even a prison for the Decembrists. And nowadays the museum is located here.

Castle Cachel, Ireland

Cashel Castle was the residence of the Kings of Ireland a few hundred years to the Norman invasion. Here in the V century n. e. He lived and preached Holy Patrick. The walls of the castle witnessed the blood suppression of the revolution by the troops of Oliver Cromwell, who burned soldiers alive here. Since then, the castle has turned into a symbol of the cruelty of the British, the present courage and the resistance of the spirit of the Irish.

Cylkurne Castle, Scotland

Very beautiful and even a little terrible ruins of Kilhurn castle are located on the shore of the picturesque lake Eyv. The story of this castle, unlike most castles of Scotland, proceeds quite calmly - there were numerous graphs here, which replaced each other. In 1769, the building suffered from the impact of lightning, and soon it was finally left, which remains to this day.

Likhtentein Castle, Germany

Built in the XII century, this castle was destroyed several times. He was finally restored in 1884 and from those castle became the place of filming for many films, including for the painting "Three Musketeers".

Still, medieval architects were geniuses - they built castles, luxurious structures that were also extremely practical. Castles, unlike modern mansions, not only demonstrated the wealth of their owners, but also served as powerful fortresses, which could hold defense for several years, and at the same time lives in them did not stop.

Even the fact that many castles, surviving wars, the blows of the elements and the carelessness of the owners, still stand entire, says that the housing is not invented. And they are insanely beautiful and as if appeared in our world from pages of fairy tales and legends. Their high spiers are reminded of times when the beauties were fighting for the hearts, and the air was impregnated with knight and courage.

Castle Rayhsburg, Germany

The thousand-year castle was originally a residence of King Germany Conrad III, and then King France Louis XIV. The fortress was burned by the French in 1689 and would have sunk in the fly, but the German businessman acquired her remains in 1868 and spent most of his wealth to restore the castle.

Mont-Saint-Michel, France

Swallow nest, Crimea

At first, a small wooden house was located on the cliff of Cape Ai-Todor. And the current appearance of the "swallow nest" received thanks to the oil industry by Baron Steingeel, who loved to relax in the Crimea. He decided to build a romantic castle, which resembles medieval structures on the banks of the Rhine River.

Castle Stalker, Scotland

Castle Stalker, that in translation means "falcon hunter", was built in 1320 and belonged to the McDugal clan. From this time, his walls experienced a huge number of strip and wars, which affected the condition of the castle. In 1965, the owner of the castle became Colonel D. R. Stewart from Allvard, who personally, together with his wife, family members and friends restored the structure.

Castle Bran, Romania

Bran Castle is the pearl of Transylvania, the Mysterious Fort Museum, where the famous legend about the column Dracula - Vampire, a murderer and the governor Vladzhesh was born. According to legend, he spent the night here during the periods of his campaigns, and the forest surrounding the castle Bran was a favorite place to hunt the chain.

Vyborg Castle, Russia

The Vyborg Castle was founded by the Swedes in 1293, during one of the Crusades to Karelian Earth. He remained Scandinavian until 1710, when the troops I threw the Swedes far and for a long time. From this time, the castle managed to both be a warehouse, and a barracks, and even a prison for the Decembrists. And nowadays the museum is located here.

Castle Cachel, Ireland

Cashel Castle was the residence of the Kings of Ireland a few hundred years to the Norman invasion. Here in the V century n. e. He lived and preached Holy Patrick. The walls of the castle witnessed the blood suppression of the revolution by the troops of Oliver Cromwell, who burned soldiers alive here. Since then, the castle has turned into a symbol of the cruelty of the British, the present courage and the resistance of the spirit of the Irish.

Cylkurne Castle, Scotland

Very beautiful and even a little terrible ruins of Kilhurn castle are located on the shore of the picturesque lake Eyv. The story of this castle, unlike most castles of Scotland, proceeds quite calmly - there were numerous graphs here, which replaced each other. In 1769, the building suffered from the impact of lightning and soon it was finally left, how remains to this day.

Likhtentein Castle, Germany

Built in the XII century, this castle was destroyed several times. He was finally restored in 1884 and from those castle became the place of filming for many films, including for the painting "Three Musketeers".

He led to the boom in the construction of locks, but the process of creating a fortress from scratch is far away.

Castle Bodias in East Sussex county, founded in 1385

1) carefully select a place for construction

It is imperative to build your castle on the elevation and in a strategically important point.

The locks were usually erected on natural elevations, and usually equipped with a link with an external environment, such as a brother, a bridge or passage.

Historians rarely managed to find evidence of contemporaries concerning the choice of space for the construction of the castle, but they still exist. September 30, 1223, the 15-year-old King of Heinrich III arrived in Montgomery with his army. The king, who has successfully spent a military campaign against the Wales Prince Lillilina AP of Iorvert, was going to build a new castle in this area to ensure security on the border of his possessions. English carpenters gave a task to prepare wood a month before, but the Counselors of the king only now determined the construction of the castle.

Montgomery Castle, when it began to be built in 1223, it was located on the elevation

After a careful area review, they chose a point at the very edge of the protrusion above the Valley of the norn river. According to the chronicler Roger Venderer, this position "looked impregnable for any". He also noted that the castle was created "for the safety of the region from frequent Wales attacks."

Council: Determine the places in which the topography towers over the transport routes: these are natural locations for locks. Keep in mind that the design of the lock is determined by the place of construction. For example, the castle on the protrusion of nude breeds will be dry ditch.

2) work out the plan

You will need a master bricklayer who can draw plans. Also use the engineer, knowledgeable of weapons.

Experienced soldiers can have their ideas about the design of the castle, in the sense of the forms of its buildings and their location. But they are unlikely to have knowledge of the level of specialists in design and building.

For the implementation of the idea, a master mason was required - an experienced builder, whose distinctive feature was the ability to draw a plan. Taking over in practical geometry, he used such simple tools such as a ruler, a square and a circulation to create architectural plans. Masters-bricklayers represented a drawing with a building plan for approval, and during construction it was controlled by its construction.

When Edward II ordered to build a tower in Narsboro, he personally argued the plans and demanded reports on construction

When Edward II in 1307 began to build a huge residential tower in the Narsboro Castle in Yorkshire for his favorite of Gavaston Pier, he not only personally argued the plan created by London Mastener Khu Tichmashevsky - probably made in the form of a picture - but also demanded regular reports on construction . From the mid-XVI century, a new group of professionals called engineers have increasingly begun to take on a role in developing plans and build fortifications. They had technical knowledge about the use and power of cannons, both to protect and attack the castles.

Council: Plan a loophole to ensure a wide angle of attack. Give them a form in accordance with the weapon used: archers with large onions are needed big slopes, crosses - smaller.

3) hire a large group of experienced workers

You will need thousands of people. And it is not necessary to all come by goodwill.

For the construction of the castle, tremendous efforts were required. We have no documentary certificates for the construction of the first locks of England since 1066, but from the scale of many locks of that period it becomes clear why in some chronicles it is argued that the British were under the courtyard of the construction of castles for their Norman conquerors. But from a later time of the Middle Ages, some estimates with detailed information reached us.

During the invasion of Wales in 1277, the King Edward I began building a castle in Flint, the northeastern part of Wales. It was raised quickly thanks to the rich resources of the crown. One month after the start of work, in August, 2300 people were attracted to the construction, including 1270 landcraft, 320 woodcutters, 330 carpenters, 200 masonry, 12 kuznetsov and 10 coals. All of them were driven from the surrounding lands under armed escort, we looked so that they would not delete from construction.

Periodically, foreign specialists could be attributed to construction. For example, millions of bricks to restructure the Tatterscholl Castle in the county of Lincolnshire in the 1440 sides, there was someone Bvlin "Docheman", or Dutchman, that is, "Netherlands" is obviously a foreigner.

Council: Depending on the size of the workforce and the distance she had to overcome, it may be necessary to ensure their accommodation in place of construction.

4) Ensure the safety of the construction site

An unfinished castle on the territory of the enemy is very vulnerable to attacks.

To build a castle on enemy territory, it is necessary to protect the construction site from attacks. For example, you can escalate with wooden fortifications or a low stone wall. Such medieval protection systems sometimes remained after building a building as an additional wall - as, for example, in the Castle of Bolomaris, the construction of which was started in 1295.

Bolomaris (English. Beaumaris, Vall. Biwmares) - city on the island of English, Wales.

A safe connection with the outside world is also important for the delivery of building materials and a provisional. In 1277, Eduard I stopped the canal to the Polau River directly from the sea and to the location of his new castle in Rudlan. The outer wall, built to protect the construction site, reached the berths on the banks of the river.

Ryudlan castle

Safety problems may occur when a cardinal restructuring of an existing lock. When Heinrich II rebuilt the Dudrock Castle in the 1180s, all the work was carefully planned so that the fortifications ensure protection for the entire repair. According to the preserved decions, working with the inner wall of the castle began only when the tower was already quite repaired in order for the guard could be on duty.

Council: Building materials for the construction of the castle are large and voluminous. If possible, it is better to carry them on the water, even if you have to build a dock or channel for this.

5) Prepare the landscape

When building the castle, it may have to move the impressive amount of land, which costs weekly.

Often they forget that the strengthening of the castle was built not only at the expense of architectural techniques, but also due to the design of the landscape. Huge resources were highlighted for the movement of the Earth. The scale of land works by Normanov can be recognized outstanding. For example, according to some calculations, the mound, erected in 1100 around the castle of the Shles in Essex demanded 24,000 people-days.

Some aspects of working with the landscape required serious skills, especially the creation of pivons with water. When Edward I rebuilt the London Tower in the 1270s, he hired a foreign specialist, Walter Flander, to create a huge tidal RVA. Drank drank under his leadership cost £ 4,000, a stalking sum, almost a quarter of the value of the entire project.

XVIII century engraving with plan london Tower 1597 shows how much land it was necessary to move to the construction of pvv and trees.

With an increase in the role of guns in siege art, the Earth began to play an even more important role as the excorpor of cannon shots. What is interesting, the experience in moving the large volumes of the Earth allowed some engineers, experts on strengthening, to find a job as a designer of the gardens.

Council: Reduce time and cost, digging a stone masonry for the walls of the castle from the pvv around it.

6) laid the foundation

Thoroughly embody a bricklayer to life.

Using the ropes of the desired length and the pegs could be designated the foundation of the building on the ground in full size. After duplicate docks for the foundation, work on a stone masonry began. To save, the responsibility for the construction was pinned on the senior bricklayer instead of the Masteur Mason. Masonry in the Middle Ages were usually measured in childbirth, one English genus \u003d 5.03 m. In Warcuerte, in County Nameberland, one of the complex Bashers stands on the lattice from childbirth, perhaps in order to calculate construction costs.

Castle Warquert.

Often the construction of medieval castles was accompanied by detailed documentation. In 1441-42, Tatbury Castle Tower in Staffordshire was destroyed, and the plan of her successor was drawn up on Earth. But the prince of Stafford for some reason remained dissatisfied. Master Bricklayer King, Robert from Westerley, was sent to Tatbury, where he held a meeting with two senior bricklayers for development new Tower in a new place. Then Westerley left, and in the next eight years a small group of workers, including four younger mason, built a new tower.

Senior Masonicians could involve to confirm the quality of work, as was in the Cooling Castle in Kent, when the Royal Bricklayer Heinrich Yevel estimated the work carried out from 1381 to 1384. He criticized deviations from the initial plan and rounded the estimate down.

Council: Do not let Master Bricklayer to cheat yourself. Make it to make such a plan so that it is easy to make a estimate.

7) strengthen your castle

Finish the construction of complex fortifications and specialized wooden structures.

Until the XII century, the strengthening of most castles consisted of land and bric. And although later the advantage was given to stone buildings, the tree remained a very important material in medieval wars and fortifications.

Stone castles prepared for attacks, adding special combat galleries along the walls, as well as the shutters that could be closed between the gaps between the teeth to protect the castle defenders. All this was done from the tree. Heavy weapons used to protect the castle, catapults and heavy crossbows, Springldi, were also built of wood. Artillery was usually developed a highly paid carpenter-professional, sometimes called the title of engineer, from Latin Ingeniator.

Storming the castle, drawing of the XV century

Such experts were non-herds, but could result in gold with gold. Such, for example, happened in 1266, when Keniluert Castle (Kenilworth) in County Warikshire resisted Heinrich III for almost six months with the help of a catapult and water protection.

There are records about hiking locks that are fully made of wood - they could be transported with them and arreed as needed. One such was built for the French invasion of England in 1386, but the garrison captured him together with the ship. According to the description, it consisted of a wall of a 20 feet height and 3,000 steps long. Every 12 steps were a 30-foot tower capable of shelter to 10 soldiers, as well as in the castle there was unspecified protection for the shooters.

Council: Oak wood becomes stronger over the years, and it is easier to work with her when it is green. The top branches of trees are easy to transport and give them the form.

8) Provide water and sewer

Do not forget about "amenities". You will appreciate them in dignity in the case of siege.

The most important aspect for the castle was effective access to water. It could be wells supplying certain buildings, such as a kitchen or a stable. Without a detailed acquaintance with medieval mines, it is difficult to give them due. For example, in the Castle of Biston in County Cheshire there is a well depth of 100 m, the upper 60 m of which are lined with trees.

There are some evidence of the existence of complex water pipes that delivered water in the apartment. In the Tower of the Duffe castle there is a lead pipe that delivers water around the rooms. It was fed from the well using a winch, and possibly from the rainwater collection system.

Effective elimination of waste of human life was another problem of castle developers. Restrooms gathered in one place of buildings so that their mines would be emptied in one place. They were placed in short corridors, delayed unpleasant odors, and were often equipped with wooden seats and removable covers.

Room for pondering in the castle of Chipchiz

Today is the opinion that the restrooms were previously called "wardrobes". In fact, the lexicon for the designation of the toilets was extensive and colorful. They were called gongs or gangami (from the Anglo-Saxon Word, which denoted "place where to go"), secluded corners and jacks (French version of John).

Council: Ask the Mason Masters to plan comfortable and secluded sites outside the bedroom, following the example of Heinrich II and the Dover's Castle.

9) decorate as needed

The lock not only should be well protected - its inhabitants, possessing high status, demanded a certain chic.

During the war, the castle must be defending - but he also serves luxurious home. The noble Lords Middle Ages expected their dwelling, both comfortable and richly furnished. In the Middle Ages, these citizens traveled together with the service, things and furniture from one residence to another. But home interiors often had fixed decorative features, for example, stained glass windows.

Henry III tastes in the setting are written very carefully, with interesting and attractive details. In 1235-36, for example, he ordered his hall in the lock Winchester was decorated with images of the world map and the Wheel of Fortune. Since then, these decorations have not been preserved, but in the interior there remained a well-known round table of King Arthur, created, possibly between 1250 and 1280.

Castle Winchester with hanging on the wall round table King Arthur

A large castle area played an important role in a luxury life. Parks were created to exercise hunt - jealously protected by the privileges of aristocrats; Gardens were also in demand. The description of the construction of Kirby Makslo castle in Lestershire said that his owner, Lord Hastings, began to break the gardens at the very beginning of the castle building in 1480.

In the Middle Ages also loved rooms with beautiful species. One of the rooms of the XIII century room in the castles of Leeds in Kent, Corf in Dorset and Cheprestou in Monmotshire was named with gloritets (from Fr. Gloriette is a diminutive from the Word of Glory) for their magnificence.

Council: The interior of the castle should be quite luxurious in order to attract visitors and friends. Entertainment can win battles without having to expose themselves to the dangers of combat.

For some reason, at the mention of the word "fairy tale", medieval castles and fortresses arise in front of the mental look. It may be because they were built in those long-standing times when the wizards were fluent in the fields and meadows, and fire dragons flew over the mountain peaks.

Be that as it may, and now, looking at the surviving beds and fortresses, the princesses and evil fairies, sings over the magic drugs, are university. Let's look at once a luxurious housing for the power of it.

(It. Schloß Neuschwanstein, literally "New Swan Stone") is located in Germany, near the town of Füssen (Fussen). The castle was laid in 1869 by King Ludwig II, Bavarian. Construction completed in 1891, 5 years after the unexpected death of the king. The castle is gorgeous and attracts with its beauty architectural forms of curious tourists from around the world.

This is the "Dream Palace" of the young king, who was never able to see her embodiment in his full magnitude. Ludwig II, Bavarian, the founder of the castle, ascended to the throne too young man. And being a dreamy nature that represented itself with a fabulous character Loangrin, he conceived to build his castle to hide him from the harsh reality of Bavaria's defeat in Union with Austria in 1866 in the war with Prussia.

Understanding from state concerns, the young king demanded too much from the army of architects, artists and master people. Sometimes he put a completely unreal period, to comply with the 24-hour Masonic and Stolyarov. During the construction, Ludwig II was increasingly delved to his invented world, for which he was later recognized as crazy. The architectural project of the castle was constantly changing. Thus were excluded for guests and added a small grotto. A small audience hall was transformed into a majestic throne room.

A century ago, Ludwig II, Bavarian tried to hide from people behind the walls of the medieval castle - today they come with millions to admire his fabulous refuge.

(It. Burg Hohenzollern) - an ancient castle-fortress in Baden-Württemberg at 50 km south of Stuttgart. The castle is built at an altitude of 855 m above sea level on the top of the Mount Hohenzollerne. Until our days, only the third castle has been preserved. The medieval castle fortress was first built in the XI century and completely destroyed after taking, at the end of the exhausting siege by the troops of the cities of Schwabia in 1423.

At its ruins in 1454-1461, a new fortress was built, which served as a refuge house of Hohenzollers for the thirty-year-old war. In connection with the complete loss of the fortress of strategic importance, by the end of the XVIII century, the castle could noticeably doused, and some parts of the building were completely dismantled.

The modern version of the castle was erected in 1850-1867 for the personal indication of the King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, who decided to fully restore the generic castle of the Prussian royal house. The construction of the castle was led by the famous Berlin architect Friedrich Augustus Stüler. He managed to unite new, large-scale castle buildings in the neo-neo-style and a few preserved buildings of previous destroyed locks.

(Karlštejn), built by the decree of the Czech king and Emperor Charles IV (named after his honor) on a high limestone rock over the river Berounka, like a summer residence and place of storage of the sacred relics of the royal family. The first stone in the foundation of the castle Karlstein was laid close to the Emperor by Archbishop Arnoght in 1348, and already in 1357 the construction of the castle was completed. Two years before the end of the construction of Karl IV settled in the castle.

The step architecture of the Karlstein castle, the tower of the Capella Large Cross, is found quite often in the Czech Republic. The ensemble includes directly the castle itself, the Church of the Virgin Mary, Ekaterininskaya Chapel, the large tower, the Mariana and the well tower.

Majestic Student Tower and imperial palaceIn which the king was located, tolerate tourists in the Middle Ages, when the Czech Republic rules mighty monarch.

Royal Palace and Fortress in spanish city Segovia, in the province of Castile and Leon. The fortress is built on a high rock, over the fusion of Eremma rivers and clammeres. Such a good location made it almost impregnable. Now it is one of the most recognizable and beautiful palaces of Spain. Built initially as a fortress, Alcazar was in due time and royal Palace, and the prison, and the Artillery Royal Academy.

Alcazar, former in the XII century a small wooden fortress, was later rebuilt into the stone castle and became the most impregnable defensive structure. This palace became famous for the great historically significant events: Coronation of Isabella Catholic, her first marriage with King Aragon Ferdinand, the wedding of Anna Austrian with Philip II.

(Castelul Peleş) was built by King Romania Carolem I near the city of Sinah in Romanian Carpathians. The king was fascinated by local beauty, which bought the surrounding lands and built a castle for hunting and summer holidays. The name of the castle gave a small mountain river, which took place nearby.

In 1873, the construction of a grandiose structure was launched, under the leadership of the architect Johann Schulz. Together with the castle, other necessary for a comfortable life of the structure were built: the royal stables, houses for guarding, a hunting house and a power plant.

Thanks to the power plant, Peles became the first electrified castle in the world. Officially, the castle opened in 1883. At the same time, central heating and lifting elevator were installed in it. Fully construction was completed in 1914.

It is a symbol of a small city-state San Marino on the territory of modern Italy. The beginning of the construction of the fortress is considered to be ... N.E. Guaita is the first of the three fortresses of San Marino, built on the peaks of Mount Monte Titano.

The structure is two rings of fortifications, the internal retained all signs of the Forts of the era of feudalism. The main entrance gates were located at an altitude of several meters, and it was possible to go through them only on the lifting bridge, currently destroyed. The fortress was restored many times in the XV - XVII centuries.

Well, here we looked at some medieval castles and the fortress of Europe, of course, not all. The next time we will admire the fasteners on the tops of impregnable rocks. There are still so many interesting discoveries ahead!

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Select the topic "Medieval castle: fortification secrets" It was non-random.

The Middle Ages is a majestic mystery, in many respects not solidified by medieval scientists. One of the components of the secrets is medieval castles: great monuments of architecture and fortification art.

These citadels arising as a shelter of feudal, his family and at the same time indicators of the wealth and power of the owner who received the spread from the first half of the epoch, gradually turned into a fortress and during numerous wars mostly were destroyed.

We really wanted to learn more about these impregnable facilities than what was written in the textbooks, and answer the question: what allowed the defenders of the locks to withstand a long siege and what secrets of the castle architecture helped them in it.

Relevance: S.gentle of medieval castles and their fortification architecture become objects of close attention not only scientists and tourists, but also authors of computer games, strategies, books and films in the style of "Fantasy", where events are developing in ancient fortified fortress palaces. This is developing our interest and curiosity, the desire to learn more than what is written in the educational literature about the Middle Ages surrounded by the secret castles.

At the same time, the castle becomes for us not only the place of exciting adventures and battles along with the heroes of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warmachine, Kings of War, Confrontation, "Games of Thrones", Robin Hood, "The Lord of the Rings" and other fantasy novels, films and Wargimov, but also the business card of the Middle Ages, which helps to comprehend its content, opening one of the most interesting pages of history.

This judgment is justified, since the Middle Ages entered the story as a period of endless wars not only interstate, but also internecine, feudal. Under these conditions, the knightly (feudal) castle became a reliable strength, and the features of its fortification structure helped the owner and garrison to withstand the long siege of the enemy.

As we see, from the point of view of relevance, the study acquires a special meaning. And if the researchers and authors of the projects argued mainly about the castle - a masterpiece of medieval architecture, today - about the secrets of the architecture of a special, military destination, which turns the dwelling, the center of civilization of a separate feudal possession in the citadel.

Object of study

Medieval castle as a dwelling, shelter and Palace of Feodala.

Subject of study

Elements of castle fortification architecture and secrets embedded in them.

Purpose of the study

Find out the device of the most important parts of the medieval castle-fortress and their special purpose in defense from the enemy.

To achieve the goal, the following were delivered tasks:

Examine literature containing information about medieval castles, the stories of their structure, appointment.

Find out the features of the fortification of the elements of the knightly castle.

Educational (problem) question

1. What fortification secrets allowed the defenders of locks to withstand a long siege?

Research methods:collecting and studying information; Generalization and description of the fortification features of the medieval castle.

Research products

1. Mock of medieval castle.

2. Book - allowance "Medieval castle: Fortification secrets".

3. Medieval castle (crossword "on the contrary").

The work consists of an introduction, three sections, conclusions, a list of references and applications.

In the introduction, the relevance of the study is justified, the goal, tasks, object and subject matter are defined.

In 1 section "The Knight's Castle of the Middle Ages: a little history" is considered a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe time and need for the appearance knight's castles In Europe, the general principles of location on the ground and arrangement.

In 2, "The most important elements of the castle and" traps "for the enemy" are considered fortifications, tricks and their purpose.

In the 3rd section "Approbation of research materials and conclusions" presented diagrams illustrating the indicators of students' knowledge before and after exploring the research materials prepared by us (the Book-allowance "Medieval Castle: Fortification Secrets").

In "CONCLUSION", the general results of the work were summed up, the conclusions are suggested. practical use and significance of work.

In the "listed literature" reflects those sources with which we used when conducting their research.

"Appendix" contains testing materials, separately - a book "Medieval castle: fortification secrets", diagrams reflecting the level of students' knowledge before and after acquaintance with our work, as well as the "crossword on the contrary" as material for reflection.

Section 1. Medieval Knight Castle: Fortification Secrets

Medieval castle: a little history

Our history teacher often repeats that the causes of phenomena and events should be searched not only in the era, a modern event, but that preceded her, even if such a connection is hidden under the curtain of long years ...

Indeed, slavery and antiquity were born out of the primitiveness, and distant Middle Ages - from the Greco-Roman civilization, when she exhausted its capabilities ...

But it would seem to find similar features between Roman times and European medieval in particulars, items or impossible, or very difficult. And if you look at it?

And if you look at the topic of our work "Medieval castle and its fortification features" in the main part - "The appointment of the castle" - returns us to the device of the Roman camp, the direct appointment of which is to protect its inhabitants.

Judge for yourself, the parking lot of the Legionnaires - a fenced territory, inside of which - camping. A medieval fortification is a complicated version of such a shelter.

Based on the experience of defensive structures of the past, conscious of the danger of the Norman invasion, the man of the beginning of the XII century begins to build asylum capable of protecting it from an external invasion. At first, he cuts the house-fortress on a pokalokol hill, digs around him around him and brings water to him, and then, realizing that tree and limestone - the materials are unreliable, it starts to build a fortress from the stone and bring it not just a fence - a wall, height and thickness of which Measured now meters.

With each new castle on the map of Europe, a new design of its structure appears, the main purpose of which is not only preventing the enemy's ideas, but also to stop the enemy, defeat if not on the approaches to the citadel, then inside it, using the tricks of fortification architecture.

Today, we, playing computer games, competing the heroes of fantasy films, collecting puzzles, partly in the meaning of the construction of huge protective structures, analyze the internal structure and system of fortifications, often asking themselves: what is there, behind the stone barrier, standing on the conquerors, Why did the knights build not just beautiful and kinder houses, but shelters, fortresses?

The conclusion suggests itself: they were encouraged by the war! With whom? With everyone! In particular, and among themselves for land, peasants, wealth, prestige, honor ...

The XII century came to Europe of disaster times and big blood and made you think about whether the overall rival would not get the rival, who would like your home, forest, river, fields?

And then appear as mushrooms after good warm rain, such locks that today inspire tremies, respect, and sometimes a serious fear: will the ghost of the ghost in the armor with a rusty sword in his hands? ..

The owner of the citadel clearly knew what he wants: the castle should be inflicted for the enemy, to ensure the observation of the terrain (including the nearest villages belonging to the castle owner), have its own source of water (in case of siege) and show the power, the wealth of feudal.

The place was chosen on the basis of these requirements: a mountain, a high rock, in the extreme case of the hillock, it would be nice from the water. The construction of the main dwelling - donzhon began. The case is troublesome, unprecedented, carefully planned. As long as the builders erected the walls and dug well (the water source, and therefore life!), Local people (from master's artisans, warriors, peasants) struck the approaches to the future strengthening and laid the road to him. The road necessarily contained numerous obstacles, to overcome which only a knowledgeable person could (disguised pits, false crossings through rivers and large streams, ambushes with cleared sectors for the shelling of the enemy ...). Mandatory condition - the road should be tightened so that the rider or a hiking warrior certainly turned out to be the right, unprotected, sideways to the citadel.

After completing the construction of donzhone, proceeded to the construction of defensive walls. The owners of the cooler built several obstacles to the obstacles, they got one, but necessarily powerful, high, with towers and braces, durable gates, protruding a barbacan, lifting bridge through water filled with water.

The opposite happened and on the contrary: they started and walls and walls, but ended the donzhon. But, most importantly, the outcome was always one: another fortress appeared, an impregnable citadel, striking by power, beauty or architectural fiction. Take a look at these European locks.

Amazing, isn't it?

Section 2. "The most important elements of the castle and" traps "for the enemy"

Loafers, their types and appointment

The castle of the Middle Ages with its fortifications that have a certain defensive purpose is not today's rich house "Under the Starina". The medieval castle is a formidable, often a gloomy fortress with towers and clocks, wary of the surroundings of the eye.

The towers were built with hollow, inside them were divided into floors overlap with wooden boards with a hole in the center or side. The rope was held through them to raise the upper platform of the projectile in the event of a lock protection.

The stairs were hiding behind partitions in the wall. Take a look: every floor is a separate room in which the soldiers were located. For heating in the thickness of the wall, a fireplace was often satisfied, in which, by the way, it was possible to cook to the skewer ...

The only holes in the tower, binding to the outside world, are loopholes for archery. Long and narrow openings, they expanded inside the room. Usually the height of such boys 1 meter, and the width is 30 cm outside and 1 meter and 30 centimeters inside. Such a design prevented from the ingress of enemy arrows inside, and the defenders had the opportunity to shoot in different directions.

For the archers of the loopholes were long narrow slots in the wall, and short loopholes expanded on the parties were intended for the Crosscher. They were often called short wells.

There were also the fools of a special form - ball. These were fastened in the wall, freely rotating wooden balls with a slot. They provided the maximum protection arrow.

The number of boyscinites had to scare the enemy, who understood that, the more the boys, the more defenders, the, of course, is stronger than defense.

As the contemporaries of the events of the Middle Ages, historians and even tourists write, the presence of boys became especially relevant during the war or siege, since it was not visible in a narrow vertical hole, it is behind him arrows or not. The height of some boys even was calculated with this circumstance.

It is also interesting for us that the slaughterhouses in the walls were not common in Europe until the XIII century, as it was believed that they could weaken their strength. But, regardless of his appointment, the braces became the mandatory attribute of medieval castles since the XIII century.

Secrets of a spiral staircase. Knight's swords *.

Secrets of a spiral staircase.

The time of appearance, and then the heyday of the equipment of the cooker of the screw staircase is considered the Middle Ages. Trying to fully complicate the life of your enemies, the knights adapted the screw stairs to all structures, and the screw always twisted clockwise.

Attacking when promoting to the top of the tower on such a staircase waited a large number of Eleaches: Turning around their stage of the stage, narrow passage, lack of space for a sword with a sword, an open space for an attack from above, repeated on each bend. In such conditions, even a very modest garrison is able to keep its position without losses that it would be impossible on the usual staircase. From the crossbow, Luka will not shoot, a spear, a sword of the stairs not try, and the holes in the steps allowed to evaluate the situation, observe the precipitating enemies that make up the top, and beat their legs finally.

However, there is a castle in Europe, in which the staircase is spinning counterclockwise. This is a generic nest of Graph Vallenstein in Bohemia. The fact is that this ancient and militant genus became famous not only with loud victories and commander, but also with their own left-handers ...

In the Middle Ages, only preferred guilds of craftsmen had the right to build a screw staircase. Drawings, sketches of stairs and even indirect guidelines on the one who built the "hit" design was kept by artisans in the strictest mystery.

* Knight's swords (for the most inquisitive).From the XII century. Winning with a sword and the blessing of this weapon became a mandatory part of the rite of dedication in the knights. Like a king, the duty of the protection of the world from foreign conquerors, the protection of the church from the pagans and the enemies of the Christian faith was imposed on the knight. It is not by chance on the blades of medieval swords, sacred inscriptions and religious symbols appeared, recalling the High ministry of the Christian warrior, his debt before God and civilians, and the handle of the sword often became an ark for relics and relics. For almost the entire Middle Ages general form The sword changed little: she invariably resembled one of the basic symbols of Christianity - a cross. Very important in its essence was the question of geometry, a blade profile and its balancing: swords are adapted for a stitching or chopping technique of combat. The form of the secting of the blade also depended on the use of this sword in battle.

DONZHON. Secrets and cameras in medieval castles

DONZHON. Despite the external manifold, all the locks are built on the same plan. Most often, their sturdy wall with massive square towers on each corner. Well, inside is the tower - donzhon. Initially, these towers had a quadrangular form, but with time polygonal or round structures began to appear in order to increase their stability. After all, one of the few ways to take an impregnable fortress was a subcople with the subsequent undermining of the foundation at the corner of the building. Some towers had a dividing wall in the middle.

Additional levels of protection were lattices, powerful doors and strong locks. Donzhons were very thoughtful.

Such towers were erected from stone. Wooden fortresses could no longer provide proper protection from fire, throwing and siege guns. In addition, the stone structure was much better approached: it became possible to make large and safe rooms that were well protected from bad weather and enemy.

Architects have always taken into account the relief of the locality during construction and chose the most favorable places for defense for future castles. Dontsons, in turn, highly rose even over the level of the fortress, which not only allowed to improve the review and gave the advantage to archers, but made them practically unattainable for siege stairs.

The entrance to the tower was only one. He was raised above the ground and arranged a staircase or even ditch with a lifting bridge so that the attackers could not use a ram. The room immediately after the entrance was sometimes used to disarm visitors. Here was the guard. In the basement of the tower stored products, and it was also one of the safest places to store treasures for nobility.

On the second floor there was a room for meetings and peters.

Floors could be more, but it always depended on the default of the owner of the castle and from the possibility of separating one floor from the other, to make long and by no meansafe promotion of unwanted guests. In addition, some owners of the citadel ordered to build entire underground moveswhich are far beyond the lock ... And then the formidable and impregnable structures turned out new creepy stories with blood ...

Secret moves in medieval castles. Medieval castles ingeniously developed fortifications, which used many witty and creative ways to protect the inhabitants of the castle from attacking enemies. Literally everything - from the outer walls to the shape and location of the stairs - it was very carefully planned to ensure maximum protection of the inhabitants of the castle.

In almost every castle there were secret moves, about which only the owners knew. Some of them were made so that the inhabitants of the castle could escape in the event of a defeat, and some so that during the siege defending were not cut off from food supplies. Secret passages were also led to secret cameras, where people could hide or stored food and an extra warmer was died.

One of the bright examples of the castle with a set of secret rooms and moves is the Benit Castle in Germany. In the walls of the building, the whole seven invisible moves are hidden!

Yes, medieval castle It was much more than just a big glamorous palace with massive stone walls around him. It was a structure developed up to the smallest details in order to protect the inhabitants. And in every castle was full of their little secrets.

Ditch and zwinger

Ditch. The first barrier guarding the castle - deep ditch. It was often connected to the river to fill with water. Ditch made it difficult to access the fortress walls, siege tools. He could be transverse (separating the wall of the castle from the plateau) or the sickle (curved forward). Could walk the whole castle in a circle. Very rarely, the Riva dug out inside the castle to make it difficult to move the enemy along its territory. If the soil under the castle was rocky, then did not do at all. You could only go through the ditch on the lifting bridge hanging on iron chains.

Zwinger. Often the castle surrounded the double walls - high outdoor and small inner. Between them there was an empty space that received the German name Zwinger. The attackers, overcoming the outer wall, could not take additional assault fixtures with them. And, being in Zwinger, became a light target for shooters (for archers in the walls of Zwinger there were small loopholes). In the walls of Zwinger, who was simultaneously an inner wall of the RVA, a semicircular towers or bastions were often built, facilitating observation of the moat.

Home Defense Wall Castle

... in previous blessed times, when the neighbors at one table peacefully drank wine, hunted and competed in strength and dexterity, everything was easier: a small house, discharged by palico. Then the house is more and a wall of clay and lime blocks. And then, when the war knocked for us against everyone, the house turned into fortresses, and fences in the walls of the stone!

And the castle, and the wall now constructed so to withstand a long siege, save from captivity and shame, stop the enemy! And each element played its important role. It concerned the main wall of the fortress.

It should be such a height so that the attackers could not climb onto the stairs or with the help of siege towers, and, of course, very wide, Tolstoy. Then you can leave attempts to quickly punch in it shave - time will be spent not so that in vain, but very much without an obvious result. Powerful demands may, of course, enjoy the roof of towers or break the fortress teeth. Most likely, the enemy uses the soldiers with Kirk, but then the locks will help the defenders of the castle, in which the arrows and the machine are hidden, from which they stick and boiling water on the enemy, and a hot resin ...

On the top of the wall laid combat. All possible weapons will be used here by the defenders of the fortress, covering the cloths of the wall, so as not to give the enemy to put assault stairs, make a subpoint, punch a niche for an explosion.

Builders strongly recommended to fit protruding in the wall towers with braces and walkways. The towers served to strengthen the angles - the most weak point of the wall, since it was in the corners of the fortress to focus the most of all the enemy forces and least of the entire defense forces.

Barbakan and Wolf Pits

Barbican. Whatever durable castle is not the gate, they still remained a weak link. Therefore, the builders of the glorious Middle Ages came up with how to protect the entrance to the Citadel. And this building, guarding the gate, was Barbakan - the external strengthening of the city or fortress.

What is the mystery of Barbakan? In that it is impossible to be alleged, going to hack the gate of the Citadel, you must pass through it!

And here was the trick of Barbakan - a garbage tower: this is the most powerful stone structure had an at the top of the site on which throwing guns were placed. Moreover, Barbakan had two floors. On the first - through pass through the width of a little more than the size of the wagon. A small detachment, hitting here, turned out to be cut off from the main iron grid, falling from above, from the outside and a strong gate, locking on powerful goals - with the inner!

Guards, serving the service on the second floor, opening the hatches in the floor, could watered (and watered!) With hot-resin or boiling water of enemies, taking place to the main goal.

In fact, Barbakan was the only way in the castle and, of course, perfectly protected.

Wolf pits. Another terrible obstacle to the castle was wolf pits - cunning and cruel structures that have come up with ancient Romans. The pit was arranged so that, first of all, had oblique (inside) walls. Consequently, it was not so easy to get out of it. Secondly, in the bottom of it, short pointed stakes in several rows were driven. Having fallen into this disguised trap, a person almost always lost the opportunity to stay alive, and his soul flew to God after the serious torment torment.

The enemy infantry was doomed if I got into the location of the wolf pits. And they waited for a victim and approaches to the castle, and at his walls, and at the gate of Barbakan and the fortress itself, and even at the approaches to Donjon.

Medieval castle - Main Gate

The gate is the most vulnerable part of the castle, installed in the garment towers. Most often, the gate was bivalve, and the flaps were laid out of two layers of boards. In order for them, they were not fired on the outside, they were frown. In one of the goal sash, there was a small narrow door, where you could go through, only bent. An additional strengthening of the gate was a transverse beam, which was started in the hook-shaped slits on the walls.

Behind the gate was the descending grille. Most often it was wooden, with cable glands. But Iron lattices made from steel four-pointed rods met.

The grille hung on the ropes or circuits, which in case of danger might be cut down so that it quickly fell down, blocking the path to the invaders. From the point of view of defense and protection of the castle, the gate was of great importance. Therefore, the medieval castle was built for a long time, painstakingly, given all the features of the enemy's hostilities.


The lifting bridge, converted through the moat, in case of danger rose and as if the door covered the entrance, disconnecting the castle from the outside world. The bridge was driven by mechanisms hidden in the building. From the bridge to the lifting machines in the wall holes, ropes or chains wounded on the gate. The ropes are sometimes supplied with heavy counterweights that take part of the weight of this design on themselves. Another way to lift the bridge is a lever. Both structures facilitated the rapid rise of the bridge.

Especially skillfully masters, built a bridge, who worked on the principle of swing. One lay it on Earth at the goal, and the other stretched through ditch. When the inner part rose, closing the entrance to the castle, the external (on which sometimes had already had time to run the attackers) went down, in the ditch, in the "wolf pit", invisible from the side, while the bridge is omitted.

In the middle of the century, the defensive value of lifting bridges was very large, but in the future he lost their importance due to the advent of new siege guns.

In order to understand what role the assembled material, processed and prepared in the form of an illustrated book-benefit, the material on the study, we suggested all those who participated in our survey at the end of 2017, to meet him and solve the crossword of the Medieval Castle Crossword compiled with the need to know the terms and concepts on the topic. The obtained positive results are presented in diagrams (indicators are indicated as a percentage) in the application and give a visual understanding of the role and importance of our research in the learning process.

2.2. findings

As a result of the processing and analysis of the results obtained, we received proof of the efficiency of use in the educational process of materials of our research.

The level of knowledge and understanding of the educational material by students of 6B class "ANO" School "President", which participated in the testing of the research materials significantly increased, which is visible from the comparison of diagrams. (See also Appendix).


The work we did, turned out to be very interesting. We were able to answer all the questions interested us and tried to consider in detail not so much the history of knightly castles, how many fortification secrets laid by architects during their construction.

To touch the medieval era, the layout of the castle was made. It can be used in the lessons of the surrounding world, history. But the most important result of our work was, of course, the illustrated book "Medieval castle: the secrets of fortification", for writing which we collected and systematized the material for six months using the available literature and the ability of the Internet.

Salmoning the mystery of the fortification of medieval castles, we reasonably assumed that the research product can be used in the lessons of the history of the Middle Ages, MHC and in extracurricular activities. Consequently, the book written by us will contribute to the development of the cognitive activity of students, the formation of their life position, and the development of interest in history.

Thus, we believe that the goals and objectives that were in front of us in the study were implemented, the hypothesis was confirmed, the response to the educational (problem) issue was obtained.


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Materials of the Internet

Architecture of locks.

      How to build locks in the Middle Ages.
      The main elements of the medieval castle.

Knight's traditions. Who are the knights.

Medieval castle: device and siege. GOO.GL/5F57RS.

Medieval castle.