Fahrenheit electronic hand warmer. Catalytic hand and body warmer

And winter rest, it is known how, being on the street, you want to get warm. The Pocket Hand Warmer works by oxidizing fuel and is a flameless heater. The flameless oxidation of gasoline or alcohol, used as fuel for a pocket heater, saved many soldiers from hypothermia during World War II.

Taking an idea from a Japanese inventor of the last century, a new hand warmer was created. In our online store, you can buy a gasoline hand warmer at a fairly affordable price.

When fully charged, the catalytic heating pad will heat its owner for 6-10 hours. Thanks to its compact size, you can place it in the inner pocket of your jacket. It works even in high humidity conditions.

The principle of a catalytic hand warmer has been known since the 20th century. Fuel is poured into a tank filled with cotton wool, which serves as a catalyst, and closed with a lid. Then the catalyst must be heated, for example, over a fire or a lighter. Gasoline slowly evaporates, reacts with the hot catalyst, and gives off heat.

The holes in the gasoline hand warmer supply air to the catalyst inside the unit. Also, holes on the upper part of the body serve to drain combustion products.

When buying a catalytic heating pad, you get not only a useful and convenient little thing, but also a stylish accessory. Made of durable steel and available in silver color. Has a compact size and light weight. Manufacturers have thought over everything to the smallest detail, even the holes for the vapor escape are made in the form of a beautiful butterfly.

It can be perfectly cleaned with wet wipes or detergent. The heating pad is packaged in a nice soft bag to keep you warm even longer. The device works great on lighter fluid. The kit includes a plastic watering can, which allows you to gently pour fuel into the tank.

To mechanically stop the operation of the device, you just need to remove the reservoir and let it cool completely. Cooling agents must not be used for these purposes; the tank must cool naturally.

If you are fond of winter hunting or fishing, then you just need to buy a catalytic gasoline heating pad. Being for hours in the cold, you risk getting hypothermia or frostbite.

If you put a heating pad under your jacket, you will not be afraid of any cold. Manufacturers claim that it heats even at -40 ° C. The jacket will additionally keep the heat radiated by the accessory, and you will feel comfortable even in severe frost.

Evgeny Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


There are several different devices that are used for heating small spaces and for personal heating of a person. One of them is a catalytic heating pad, available on the market in a wide range. A prerequisite for the creation of this compact device was the inconvenience experienced by soldiers during the First World War in the winter. Find out everything about this device: how it works, models and prices.

What is a catalytic heating pad

This device is a chemical heating pad, the purpose of which is to individually warm a person with the help of flameless oxidation of high-purity gasoline vapors. During the four years of the First World War, the inventors of England, Japan and the United States created several versions of pocket-type liquid heating pads. To start the device, the reservoir was filled with alcohol, which was absorbed into the cotton wool, after which the device was heated by the flame of a match - as a result of this, a catalytic reaction occurred.

Today, a catalytic hand warmer and warmer for other parts of the body has found wide application among fans of hiking, fishing, hunting, winter sports. She gained great demand in conditions associated with working on the street. In the Soviet Union, manufacturers produced a gasoline heating pad GK-1, which, when fully charged, was capable of generating heat for 8-14 hours with a temperature indicator of up to 60 degrees.

The principle of operation of a catalytic heating pad

The catalytic heater device is relatively simple, because the device consists of a body made of metal, without additional external parts. In terms of size, most models are about the size of an adult man's palm. A reservoir is located inside the housing, and a catalyst is attached to the neck. The latter contains cotton wool, which is soaked in gasoline. The neck is closed with a tight lid, but there are holes in it through which air enters the catalyst.

The principle of operation of the device is based on the release of heat, which is accompanied by flameless oxidation of gasoline vapors in the presence of a catalyst. Gasoline vapors pass through a special catalytic cartridge. They are oxidized by oxygen on the surface of an already heated catalyst, i.e. these vapors burn out without a flame. Oxidation products escape from the instrument through the ventilation holes in the cover. At the same time, air containing oxygen begins to flow through them to the catalyst surface.

The catalyst (catalytic gauze) is a platinum part, which looks like a wick - this is the most important component of the heating pad. Inside it is a steel mesh cartridge. To start the grid in a catalytic cartridge, it must be heated for 10-15 seconds using a flame that does not give off soot, for example, a lighter. The fuel used for the heater is gasoline that has passed the highest degree of purification. The use of other types of fuel leads to rapid deterioration of the mesh - a phenomenon called "catalyst poisoning".

Method of using a catalytic heating pad

It is possible to increase the efficiency of a device that has been clogged by calcining the mesh cartridge together with the catalyst in a muffle furnace or on a gas (non-smoking) flame. Remember that the use of individual catalytic devices in closed rooms is hazardous to health, because Gasoline oxidation products are highly toxic. It is necessary to use a catalytic type heating pad in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Place the device on a flat surface. If the weather is cold, then warm up the device before starting - for example, you can for 10 minutes. place it under your clothes.
  2. Enter the required volume of gasoline for lighters or any other option that has passed the highest purification into the tank using a special watering can / funnel (included in the kit). Please note that you cannot refuel the heater with gasoline.
  3. Be sure to fix the watering can using a special clip. This approach will help avoid leaks.
  4. Remove the watering can and put the catalyst in its place.
  5. Make sure that there is no spilled fuel on the body of the device, after which you can heat it with a match or a lighter.
  6. The catalyst will heat up to the desired temperature in approximately 5-10 seconds.

For long-term use of this pocket device, it is very important to follow certain rules of care. The main thing is that before each refueling, be sure to shake out the remaining fuel from the tank. Over time, when the surface of the device becomes dirty, warm it up for 1-2 minutes. over the flame of a gas stove - this way you will restore the device to its previous state. This will bring the heating pad back to its maximum temperature.

During operation, the surface of the catalytic device can heat up to 60 degrees. This temperature is somewhat high for contact with the human body, therefore, in addition to the device, the kit also includes a special bag - in it you need to hold the device. This kind of cover is also necessary to protect the device from cooling. cold air may cause it to stop working due to insufficient fuel vaporization. Typical uses:

  • warm your hands by placing a heating pad in a mitten or keeping it in your pocket;
  • dry shoes by placing the device inside the shoe;
  • keep warm at night by placing the device in a sleeping bag.

Catalytic heating pad manufacturers

The final cost of a heating device depends on the country of origin and firm. On the market there are models of domestic production, Korean, Chinese, etc. High-quality models cost from 1.5-2 thousand rubles and more. Their difference from cheap counterparts is not only in the quality of manufacture, but also in fuel consumption - they are more economical and at the same time emit less gasoline odor during operation. Well-known manufacturers of heating pads that are widely used by fishermen, hunters and travel enthusiasts include:

  • ZIPPO;
  • KOVEA;
  • Pathfinder.


ZIPPO heating pads are capable of generating heat for 12 hours. They are used to warm the hands and body of a person. Heat is released without combustion due to the oxidation of gasoline vapors. The mesh (catalyst) is made of fiberglass. The Handwarmer High Polish Chrome model can be an excellent purchase. The device will be useful for fishing, walking, hiking and just in the cold season, for example, for car owners who sometimes have to repair their car in the cold:

  • name: Zippo Handwarmer 40365 High Polish Chrome;
  • price: 2295 rubles;
  • characteristics: dimensions - 66x13x99 mm, weight - 73.7 g, manufacturer - USA, there is a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer, original gift wrapping;
  • pluses: durability, gives soft, stable heat for 12 hours;
  • cons: expensive.

ZIPPO heating pads are a real lifesaver for sellers who have to stand idle in winter behind the counter. Another great option from this company:

  • name: Zippo 40363 Pink;
  • price: 2090 rubles;
  • characteristics: dimensions - 51x15x74 mm, weight - 51, steel with a pink matte finish, keeps heat for about 6 hours, warranty - 2 years;
  • pluses: compact size, reliability;
  • cons: high cost, keeps heat less than analogues;


The Korean manufacturer of catalytic heating devices is KOVEA. This company has been occupying one of the leading places in the market of such heating pads for several decades. The quality of its products is beyond doubt. A distinctive feature of KOVEA heating pads is their ergonomic design. In addition, the standard kit often includes a handy pouch for a heating pad. Model VKH-PW05M Pocket Warmer M is ideal for warming hands, feet and for drying boots and gloves:

  • name: VKH-PW05M;
  • price: 1740 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight - 100 g, full gas station - 24 g, fuel consumption - 1 g / h, temperature preservation time - up to 24 hours, there is a convenient soft case, a filling funnel.
  • pluses: keeps warm for a long time, acceptable cost;
  • cons: no.

Another catalytic device from KOVEA is the VKH-PW04S Pocket Warmer. The device is capable of heating up to 70 degrees:

  • name: VKH-PW04S Pocket Warmer;
  • price: 1830 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight - 60 g, operating time - 10 hours, refueling capacity - 12 ml, there is a convenient dispenser funnel for refueling;
  • pluses: durable, comfortable;
  • cons: does not keep warm for long.


This type of catalytic device is a Russian-made product, ideal for people who work in difficult climatic conditions, are fond of winter sports, tourists, etc. It is necessary to buy highly refined gasoline for power supply. The average temperature of a working device is 42-50 degrees - adjustment is carried out by supplying air:

  • title: Pathfinder PF-GHP-P01;
  • price: 842 rubles;
  • characteristics: weight - 79 g, overall dimensions - 70x100x14 mm, tank volume - 30 ml, material - steel, operating time - up to 16 hours, liquid fuel consumption - 2 ml / h;
  • pluses: affordable cost, long term of work;
  • cons: no.

Such devices were known even under the communists and were sold in sports stores - the principle of their operation is simple and unpretentious: fuel vapors enter the "combustion chamber" filled with a catalyst, where they burn safely without a flame, at a moderate temperature, and almost completely.
Today, those Soviet samples can still be found at flea markets, but the object of our attention today is a gadget that arrived from the People's Republic of China, where the local Kuomintang people, it seems, also do not shy away from comfort and warmth.
The device is a metal disc, with a removable lid, covered on the outside with something like nickel or chrome - I don't understand this, but it's made with high quality. That diamond shines! And it's nice to take it in your paws - such a cultural figurine :)
Reviews of almost the same heating pad were here


But this one is a little different. On common thought - better surveyed, in the end you will understand why.
This is how this farm looks like

And here it is, disassembled into parts, plus a complete "canister" for refueling.

The canister, of course, is idiotic, and serves, first of all, to measure fuel, but in practice, it spills by both when pouring into it from a can, and from the meter itself when refueling our heating pad.

Therefore, this little thing, which looks more like a toilet bowl than something refueling, can and should be safely thrown into the trash - why keep the trash at home ... We just pour it by eye. We pour as much as we want to warm up: my personal experiments, I will say, running ahead, showed that a full refueling (this is when it is clearly wet under the filling grid and a little more - and the liquid will be visible) is enough for 16 hours of work (in summer, in winter will be longer, since the fuel evaporates more slowly and is consumed accordingly more slowly too), and in order for the device to work for three hours, a couple of cubes are enough - I measured it with a syringe.
The main and main element of the heating pad is a cap in which a piece of mineral wool is fixed, "impregnated" with a catalyst - I don't know how to put it better. Fuel vapors go from the reservoir there, come into contact with the catalyst particles distributed in space and react with atmospheric oxygen. To initialize the process, this head must be heated - then the process will go on and will self-support.

Well, we take the gasoline "Galosha" from the utility store, refuel our miracle, put the cap in place (tightly! The vapors should not penetrate by - otherwise they will not burn and will stink) we take the turbo-lighter already known to everyone with a non-smoking flame (soot - This is a terrible enemy of the catalyst. It cannot be contaminated. Soot spoils it, so it is stupid to set it on fire with a match and a candle) and bring it up for a second. Everything is ready, the lid can be closed, the process has started. The whole head heats up very quickly and transfers heat to the heating pad body. About 15 minutes - and it reaches a stable temperature, which no longer grows. Let's measure

This is at an ambient temperature of +24 degrees. In the cold, of course, there will be less.
The heating pad is equipped with a cute case on a string: the device can not only be carried in a pocket, thrown from hand to hand, but also worn under a down jacket, even on the chest, even on the back. The device is light, so you can feel it with a stone around your neck. She put it under the robe - hot. In summer it is clearly out of place :)

Well, okay, what else? You can refuel both with gasoline (a galosh or zippo-like lighter cans are suitable) and with alcohol - it works the same way. The exhaust is still there and you can feel it in the room. Not strong, but felt, and this is in conditions of airing. In winter, indoors, I think it will stink bless you!
Instructions for the device exist in this form: a photo of the back of the box. As you want, understand. Fortunately, there is nothing special to understand - pour and drink :)

In general, the box is not bad, and even came uncrumpled, the gadget can be gifted.
What's the bottom line? Good heating pad. Cons: no built-in lighter. You need to either carry it with you or set it on fire at home. (Do you remember the disclosure of "those" devices promised at the beginning? It ignites poorly in the cold and until it warms up, the catalyst deteriorates.
How to "pay off"? Remove hot cap. After that, it immediately cools down and can be put on again. But! He lets vapors pass through him, and they stink. And they will stink until everything evaporates. So what? That's right, you might have guessed to include a lid for the tank in the kit: removed the heating head, closed the tank with a plug - and the fuel does not stink. A trifle, but it is not enough. You have to work on the collective farm yourself.
Another disadvantage: there is no built-in flashlight :) Well, just by tradition: the Chinese build them everywhere, but why not? :) And there is no knife, and a laser!
Thank you for your attention, my dears!

I plan to buy +71 Add to favourites I liked the review +62 +128

Today I want to tell you about one of my very old purchases.
A catalytic heating pad that I bought on ebay two years ago.
Now it is getting cool here, and I again began to use this useful thing. At the same time I decided to talk about her.
I'll start with a definition. Suddenly someone does not know exactly how catalytic heating pads work:

What is a catalytic heating pad:
This device is a chemical heating pad, the purpose of which is to individually warm a person with the help of flameless oxidation of high-purity gasoline vapors. During the four years of the First World War, the inventors of England, Japan and the United States created several versions of pocket-type liquid heating pads. To start the device, the reservoir was filled with alcohol, which was absorbed into the cotton wool, after which the device was heated by the flame of a match - as a result of this, a catalytic reaction occurred. Today, a catalytic hand warmer and warmer for other parts of the body has found wide application among fans of hiking, fishing, hunting, winter sports. She gained great demand in conditions associated with working on the street. In the Soviet Union, manufacturers produced a gasoline heating pad GK-1, which, when fully charged, was capable of generating heat for 8-14 hours with a temperature indicator of up to 60 degrees.
The principle of the catalytic heating pad:
The catalytic heater device is relatively simple, because the device consists of a body made of metal, without additional external parts. In terms of size, most models are about the size of an adult man's palm. A reservoir is located inside the housing, and a catalyst is attached to the neck. The latter contains cotton wool, which is soaked in gasoline. The neck is closed with a tight lid, but there are holes in it through which air enters the catalyst.
The principle of operation of the device is based on the release of heat, which is accompanied by flameless oxidation of gasoline vapors in the presence of a catalyst. Gasoline vapors pass through a special catalytic cartridge. They are oxidized by oxygen on the surface of an already heated catalyst, i.e. these vapors burn out without a flame. Oxidation products escape from the instrument through the ventilation holes in the cover. At the same time, air containing oxygen begins to flow through them to the catalyst surface. The catalyst (catalytic gauze) is a platinum part, which looks like a wick - this is the most important component of the heating pad. Inside it is a steel mesh cartridge. To start the grid in a catalytic cartridge, it must be heated for 10-15 seconds using a flame that does not give off soot, for example, a lighter. The fuel used for the heater is gasoline that has passed the highest degree of purification. The use of other types of fuel leads to rapid deterioration of the mesh - a phenomenon called "catalyst poisoning".
Ntthm after a short introduction, you can move on to the subject of the review.
I bought a heating pad on ebay. I bought on the basis of the “cheapest offer” principle. The link where I took it is no longer there, so in the header there is a link to the cheapest option that I found. Although it may be cheaper.
I, then, as I remember, took two heating pads. One for myself, one for my father. Both heating pads work perfectly, they warm.
At the time of arrival in the parcel, the heating pad was in the box, but it is clear that the box had not survived for two years. At normal times, the heating pad is kept in my felt bag, which was included in the kit. Here he is:

The heating pad itself is a metal remnant that slides very strongly in the hands. For two years of wearing in a case, the heating pad did not fade in any way, did not get scratched and nothing happened to it. See for yourself:

And what will happen to her if she is always in a case?
For those who are interested, I will show the sizes:

The body of the heating pad is made entirely of metal. I can assume that this is stainless steel, but I could be wrong. The body itself is collapsible and consists of several parts: a lid, a nozzle with a catalyst, and a tank with cotton wool. In the photo you can see that the heating pad has been used many times, so the catalyst nozzle has traces of carbon deposits. But this has not yet affected the heating properties of the heating pad:

If you remove the catalyst, you can see cotton wool, which needs to be impregnated with gasoline or other flammable liquid:

For fun, I tried to remove the lid to look at the insides, and it took off. Before that, I had never looked inside. And inside there is ordinary cotton wool, laid in layers:

In the photo, the condition of the heating pad is everywhere after two years of not very frequent use in the cold season.
Now I'll tell you about how I use the heating pad.
As a flammable liquid, I use gasoline for lighters, which I buy offline at a price of 400 tenge (about $ 1.1) offline:

A special filling funnel was also included with the heating pad:

With its help, I pour gasoline into the heating pad. I usually fill in the first division of the funnel. Sometimes more.
Then I put the catalyst in place and light it with ordinary matches:

In the description of the product, and in the instructions above, it is written that you need to heat the catalyst for 15-20 seconds. But in my case it takes 2-3 matches to heat the catalyst. The faster the catalyst does not ignite.
By the way, in this photo you can see that the center of the catalyst is no longer heating up:

Most likely, due to the constant touching of matches in this place, it is already spoiled.
After the catalyst has lit, the heating pad takes a few minutes to heat up. If you do not put it in a cover, then literally in 2-3 minutes the heating pad in your hands feels hot enough:

But the promised 60 degrees like the Soviet KT-1, this heating pad is clearly not typed.
One filling of a heating pad is enough for me on average for 4-7 hours. Depends on how much gasoline I filled.
I use this heating pad in several versions. In the fall, at work, heating has not yet been provided, and the rooms are already cool. I light the heating pad, put it in the cover and put it in the back pocket of my jeans. The ass is warmed up, the heat goes to the lower back, and as a result, the whole body is warm.
Of course there is another option:
Heaters "Dobroe teplo"!
Our couriers will deliver them directly to your apartment in containers 0.5, 0.7 and
1 liter…
But not everyone at work has it.
Also, I always take this heating pad with me on winter fishing. No matter how good and warm clothes I stock up, a heating pad, lying in an inner pocket behind the bosom, gives a pleasant warmth, which is very pleasantly warm. Moreover, I am against the adoption of liquids for sugrevu fishing.
Based on the results of two years of use, I can safely say that this is a very good purchase.
But now I would probably have better added money and bought an original Zippo heating pad. Here in this color:

According to reviews, the quality of these heating pads is much higher than that of Chinese ones. They contain catalysts made from a real titanium alloy, which is more reliable and durable. Well, plus the appearance is more interesting.
That's all. I wish you all warmth, in these already cool autumn days. Take care of yourself and your health. I plan to buy +60 Add to favourites I liked the review +92 +148

The catalytic heating pad is interesting in that it can be used many, many times... With active use the heating pad is enough for several years... They come in different shapes and colors, but the principle is the same for all catalytic heaters. For those who have never used a catalytic heating pad - this article will be very useful, and those who already have it will be able to find useful advice on prolonging the "life" of a heating pad.

So, what is a catalytic heating pad and how does it work. This is a small device that disassembled into three parts: reservoir, cap with catalyst and lid. The heater generates heat during flameless oxidation of gasoline vapors in the presence of a catalyst. Gasoline vapors come from the reservoir and pass through the cap with the catalyst, where oxidation occurs on the surface of the already heated catalyst at a temperature slightly above 100 degrees, with heat transfer to the heating pad body.

How to refuel and what kind of gasoline to use for refueling.

When people hear about gasoline, everyone has a question: "How difficult is it to refuel a heating pad?" Actually heating padyou can refuelvery easy and neat... Any gasoline is suitable for her, but it is recommended to use only cleaned... First, it doesn't stink! Secondly, if you use regular gasoline, then you will significantly reduce the "life" of your heater. We use the cheapest refined gasoline for the heater - this is gasoline "Galosha"... You can buy it at any hardware store and it costs about 20 UAH.
The kit comes with a special watering can for convenient refueling. You can use a syringe to accurately fill the catalytic heater, then the chances of spilling gasoline or getting your hands dirty are minimal. Gasoline syringecan be poured into a watering can or directly into the reservoir of a heating pad, as you like. But if you get gasoline on your hands, then there is nothing terrible, just wash your hands with soap.

How to calculate how many hours to fill a catalytic heating pad

If you do not need the heating pad to keep warm all day, but only few hoursthen you should fill the heating pad at the rate of 1 ml for 1 hour of work... And add a few extra milliliters for stock.
If you want the heating pad to work all day, then fill it completely. How do you know if a heating pad is full? In the tank you will see a cotton wool, it is needed in order to retain gasoline. While dripping gasoline onto a cotton swab, turn the tank over from time to time. When the tank will be full, cotton wool will no longer be able to hold gasoline and you will see how gasoline is dripping from the tank... If, when you turn over the tank, gasoline flows out of it, then you have filled the heating pad completely. Wait for the gasoline to drain, close the heating pad.

If this is the first time you use a heating pad, the catalyst must be "started".

Before starting work absolutely a new heating pad, the catalyst must be "started" for a better job. This requires a lighter, preferably a turbo lighter. We carefully take the cap with the catalyst with pliers (in the absence of scissors) and heat well on both sides on fire. If you don't have a lighter, you can do this over the stove, but this must be done very carefully so as not to spoil the catalyst. It is not recommended to do this over a firesince you smoke the catalyst and shorten its life.
There is no need to calcine the catalyst before the next useIt is enough to hold the lighters over the fire for 10 seconds.

What to do next?

After the completed operation, we put on the cap with the catalyst on the tank, on top of the lid... For better work, let's warm up the tank in our hands and through for a couple of minutes we already feel warm... Then we can put the heating pad in a pocket or in a mitten, put it in a case and hang it around the neck.

What is the heating temperature of the heating pad?

Hot water bottle can heat up to 60 degrees, but in this case it is worth keep in a casewhich is included. The heating temperature of the catalytic heating pad depends on the environment. If there is a severe frost outside, then in your pocket the heating pad will be approximately 45 degrees. the main thing give the heating pad oxygen... If you put a heating pad in your mittens, then periodically pull it out, otherwise it will go out.
If you take a heating pad with you, grab a lighter to her. If the heating pad goes out, you turn it on again in less than a minute.

How to "turn off" a heating pad?

When oxygen supply stops, warmer stops working... You can close access to oxygen for a few minutes andthe heating pad will cool down... Or you can remove the cap with a catalyst and hewill go out instantly... Only careful, the cap is hot!

What if there is no longer a need to use a heating pad, but the gasoline remains in the tank?

It must always be borne in mind that gasoline evaporates... If gasoline remained in the tank, then in a few days (depending on how much of it is left) he evaporate... So he evaporated more slowly, put on food (or construction) film on the tankwhere gasoline is poured. In order not to breathe in vapors (although they are insignificant, for example, on the street from cars the vapors are much stronger), put the heating pad in a cover, or even better on the balcony.

If you decide to purchase catalytic heating pad in our store, then we will deliver it in a convenient way for you, as well as provide detailed advice on the application! Order from us right now! Enjoy winter with us!