The most dangerous mountains to climb. The five most dangerous peaks in the world The most inaccessible mountains in the world

1. Annapurna (8091 meters, translated from Sanskrit "Goddess of Fertility")

One of the 14 eight-thousanders of the planet (tenth highest), is located in the central part of the Nepalese Himalayas. Despite the fact that Annapurna became the first eight-thousanders conquered by man (1950), this mountain is also the most dangerous to climb. For 130 successful ascents, there are 53 dead climber... This number includes our famous compatriot Anatoly Bukreev. After surviving the terrible tragedy on Everest in 1996, he died a year later while climbing Annapurna. This mountain could become his 12 conquered eight-thousanders.

2.K2 (8611 meters, aka Chogori, Dapsang or Godwin Austin)

The second highest peak in the world after Everest is located in the Pakistani part of Kashmir and belongs to the Karokorum mountain range. The first ascent was made in 1954 by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio, the first to climb the summit were climbers Lino Lacetelli and Achile Companioni. K2 is technically one of the most difficult mountains in the world, 249 people climbed to the top, 60 died during the ascent.


3. Nanga Parbat (8126 meters, Sanskrit "Naked Mountain", also Diamir "King of the Mountains")

Nanga Parbat is the ninth highest mountain in the world, located in the northwestern Himalayas on the territory of the Pakistani part of the state of Kashmir, closes the three most dangerous mountains for climbing. The first successful ascent was made in 1953 by Hermann Buhl, a member of the German-Austrian expedition. In terms of technical complexity, Nanga Parbat is quite comparable to K2, its southeastern side (Rupal wall) is the highest sheer wall in the world (4.5 kilometers) and is named among climbers "the eater of people". In the entire history of climbing on the mountain, 64 climbers died.

4. Kanchenjunga (8586 meters, the third highest mountain in the world)

Its name means "five treasures of the great snows". This easternmost of the eight-thousanders is located on the border of Nepal and the Indian state of Sikkim. According to local legend, Kanchenjunga is the embodiment of a female deity and tries to kill any woman trying to climb to the top. Indeed, only one woman until 1998 managed to safely climb to the top, it was a British climber Janet Harison, who, however, died four years later while climbing Dhaulagiri. Recently, despite the general tendency to reduce the risk of ascents, in the case of Kanchenjanga, this rule does not work, and if we take statistics recent years, then it is Kanchenjunga that today is the most dangerous mountain in the world. According to the statistics of ascents to Kanchenjunga, 22 percent of climbers die.

5. Eiger (Eiger) 3970 meters

Located in the Bernese Alps, the Eiger peak is not too high by Himalayan standards, however, it ranks fifth in the sad statistics of ascents. Its 1650 meters high northern wall has earned the name “the killer wall”. The first successful ascent of the northern face took place in 1966 and took a whole month!

6. Matterhorn (4478 meters)

The mountain in the Alps on the border of Switzerland and Italy, one of the most beautiful and impressive peaks in the world, ranks sixth in the sad climb statistics. This is due to a number of different factors, including the frequent avalanches and rockfalls, and the extreme popularity of the route during the peak season.


7. Mount Vinson (4892 meters)

The mountain is located in Antarctica, and its extreme isolation from any civilization can make any mistake in the ascent fatal.

8. Byta Brakk (Ogre (Ogre, English) 7285 meters)

Located in the north of the Biafo glacier in Karokorum, the mountain lives up to its name and is one of the most technically difficult mountains in the world to climb. The first ascent took place in 1977, the next time people ascended its summit only in 2001, that is, 24 years later!

9. Everest (Chomolungma, 8848 meters)

The highest peak in the world is located on the border of Nepal and Tibet. The first successful ascent was made in 1953 by Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Edmund Hillary. Since the first ascent, about 1500 people have climbed to the summit and about 200 have not returned. Recently, climbing Mount Everest has become safer and the climb stats are improving, despite the serious technical complexity of the mountain due to its unprecedented height. This is explained by the excellent infrastructure and the best Sherpa guides, who sometimes go to the top several times a season, throwing in the necessary equipment.

Everest from Tibet (Rongbuk Valley)

When attempts are made to conquer the highest and most dangerous peaks, the process resembles "hussar roulette". First of all, we are talking about climbing mountains "eight-thousanders". It is well known that at an altitude of 5000 m above sea level in the human body, which did not pass special training, there is a lack of oxygen, its adaptation and general performance decrease.

A n at an altitude of more than 8000 meters, the amount of oxygen is significantly reduced and is only 30% of the norm necessary for the human body, such conditions are very dangerous for health.

So, below are the most dangerous mountains where the so-called physiological zone of the atmosphere ends.

Tibet, Western Nepal. 8091 meters above sea level. The Annapurna mountain range is part of the Main Himalayan Range. The summit of Annapurna is considered the most difficult to climb. In confirmation of this - the names of the mountain, given local residents: Durga - "Inaccessible", Kali - "Black", "Terrible". The death rate when trying to conquer it reaches 41%.

Annapurna gained fame as the first eight-thousanders conquered by man in history. For the first time it was overcome by the French Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal on June 3, 1950. They spent about 14 days on the descent from the mountain, the result of severe frostbite was the loss of all toes, and Maurice also had frostbite on his hands. It is also considered to be the most outstanding achievement in the history of world mountaineering.
Since the first ascent, another 130 people have tried to climb to the top. Annapurna is unmatched in the world in terms of the danger that climbers face. One of the biggest tragedies happened here in 2014, when 39 climbers were caught in snow storms and a series of avalanches. All died.

Chogori K2

The mountain peak in Karakorum, Chogori K2 - 8611 meters above the sea surface, occupies the second position among the highest points in the world. It rises up on the Pakistan-China border. Chogori is considered dangerous for human climbing from a technical point of view. Even the easiest of its routes involve overcoming steep cliffs, glaciers in the form of overhanging boulders and pillars. It is technical difficulties that explain the 25% mortality rate of extreme sportsmen trying to conquer K2.
Most climbers prefer to climb the route from the Pakistani side. But even here they are in danger - the narrowest part of the path, where avalanches can be caught at any moment. It is considered impossible to conquer K2 in winter.

Nanga Parbat

Mount Chogori, in terms of the technical complexity of the routes, is slightly inferior to Mount Nanga Parbat ("Naked Mountain"), reaching 8126 m. The peak is located in the northwestern part Himalayan mountains... To get to the top is possible only by walking along a very narrow ridge - the southern side (4600 meters high) is recognized as the largest mountain slope in the world.

For the first time, Nanga Parbat was overcome in 1953 by Hermann Buhl. The climber made a 40-hour ascent without the aid of an ice ax and oxygen. Since then, 263 people have climbed it, 62 climbers have died during the entire period. The mortality rate is 21%. The mountains received the well-deserved name "Killer Mountains" and "Human Absorbers". But, despite this, the mountain attracts extreme lovers, especially not the criminal ice wall of the southern slope, and daredevils challenge it.


In India there is another mountain dangerous for climbing - Kanchenjunga ("Mountain of Five Treasures"). It is the highest point in the Himalayas - 8586 meters above the sea surface and the third highest in the world.

For half a century, Kanchenjunga remained unconquered, and only in 1955 climbers managed to reach its summit. There are no paved routes or paths on the mountain. The frequent inclement weather and regular avalanches add to the difficulties. During all this time, only 187 athletes managed to reach its top. It is worth noting that the number of deaths only increases over time, and today it is 22%.

Mont Blanc

Mount Mont Blanc (" White mountain») - the most high mountain Western Europe - 4810 meters. Nearby, on the mountain range of the same name, there are popular ski resorts Chamonix and Courmayeur.

The technical characteristics of the Mont Blanc ascent are not particularly difficult, but accidents happen every year. Unfavorable weather and the regular convergence of avalanches. For the first time, the British - William Wyndham and Richard Pocock - climbed the neighboring Mont Blanc peak in 1741. And already in August 1786, Michel Paccard and Jacques Balma conquered Mont Blanc.


The Matterhorn (4478 meters) is renowned for its uniqueness. In shape, it very much resembles a horn, as if growing out of a valley. It is located in a picturesque alpine area, in the border zone between Italy and Switzerland. Despite its relatively low altitude, this peak has the highest mortality rate in the Alps. As complexity is called: avalanches, rockfalls, technical characteristics and load on the routes.


In Switzerland, there is another dangerous mountain - the Eiger ("Cannibal"), which is only 3.962 meters high. The most dangerous is the so-called "death wall", 2000 meters long, from which chunks of melted ice break off and slide down. Climbers climb the summit for safety in the poorest months of the year. The Eiger was first conquered in 1938. During this time, 64 athletes died on its slopes.

Broad Peak

Broad Peak is located in Pakistan, climbers climb its two highest peaks - 8028 and 8051 m above sea level. The laurels of the discoverer of the Peak ascents belong to the legendary Herman Buhl. For the first time he conquered the summit himself, and in 1957 he undertook an ascent, leading a team of Austrian climbers. The lethal outcome when trying to climb Broad Peak is 5%.


Pakistani Mount Gasherbrum I (" Beautiful mountain"), 8068 meters high, has 9% of deaths during ascents. It was first climbed in 1958 by climbers from America. They embarked on a successful expedition of eight, led by the most famous and experienced climbers of the time, Pete Schenning and Andy Kaufman. The ascent to the top of Gasherbrum is recognized by experts as not difficult, but 8% of those wishing to climb to the top die on its slopes.


Nepal gave the world - Makalau ("Black Giant"). Its height is 8481 meters above the sea surface and resembles a very steep four-sided pyramid. Desperate daredevils (9%) die here every year when descending from the mountain. Ice blocks are regularly displaced here and there is a high probability of storm winds (up to 120 km per hour), in winter the air temperature reaches minus 40 degrees.


Nepal is also home to the "Mountain of the Spirit" - Manaslu (8156 meters). It was first conquered by Japanese climbers in 1956. The mortality rate among climbers is 10%, the consequences of avalanches, landslides, monsoon winds affect. One of the most famous and terrible incidents: the camp, set up at an altitude of 6500 meters, was literally wiped off the cliff. The entire expedition, consisting of 15 people, was killed.


Nepalese man-eating mountain - Dhaulagiri I ("White Mountain"), the height reaches 8167 m. The mortality rate during ascents is 16%, the main reason is frequent and strong avalanches. Its southern side is considered completely inaccessible for climbing. But these characteristics thrill the desperate climbers even more.


Slightly less dangerous is climbing the highest and most famous mountain point in the world - Everest or Chomolungma ("Mother of the Universe", "Divine Mother of Snows"), which rises at 8848 m. It is located on the border area between Nepal and China. Everest is also a whole mountain range, which includes Lhotse peak - 8516 m, Nuptse - 7861 m and Changse - 7543 m.
Climbing Mount Everest is very popular with experienced climbers. The standard ascent route is not difficult technical characteristics, but climbers are annoyed by strong winds, changeable weather conditions, lack of oxygen.
Original taken from rama909 The most difficult and dangerous mountains to climb.

The mountains have always challenged man, beckoned and teased him with their inaccessibility. And, tragically, not all of those who accept this challenge and leave to conquer the peaks come back later. Some remain captives of the mountains forever, warning those who will follow in their footsteps. In honor of the release of the film "Everest" in Russian distribution, we present you with a dozen deadly peaks, the conquest of which turns into a real Russian roulette.

Location: Nepal. Himalayas
Height: 8,091 m
Annapurna is best described by the words of the American climber Ed Vitus: “Annapurna is one continuous danger, completely covered with ice. One large piece of ice with ice build-up on it. And the question is in which direction the next growth will turn, forward or backward. " Annapurna is considered to be one of the most dangerous mountains. About 40% of climbers who tried to conquer it remain lying on its slopes.

Location: Nepal, China Himalayas
Height: 8 848 m
Everest is the modern day Calvary. Everyone who takes courage and decides to climb the mountain breathing in the cold of the grave knows that the chance to return may not fall.
Of the more than 7 thousand who climbed Everest, about 250 people are officially considered dead. In percentage terms, this figure is not so great, but the statistics ceases to soothe and turns into a nightmare in reality when you rise and see the bodies of those who also believed in their invulnerability.

Nanga Parbat
Location: Pakistan Himalayas
Height: 8 126 m
Before Everest gained its popularity among climbers, it was Nanga Parbat who took the lead in the number of climbers killed on its slopes. For which she received the nickname Mount Killer. In 1953, trying to get to its top, 62 people died at once. Since then, apparently, the mountain has quenched its thirst for blood. To date, the mortality rate has dropped significantly - to 5.5%.

Location: Pakistan, China. Himalayas
Height: 8 614 m
Mount K2 or Chogori provides the most extreme conditions for climbing. This mountain knows no mercy and does not forgive mistakes - every fourth climber trying to reach its top dies. In winter, climbing is not at all possible. Our compatriots made their contribution to the history of climbing K2. On August 21, 2007, Russian climbers managed to walk along the most difficult route, along the western slope of the summit that was considered impassable until that time.

Location: Switzerland, Alps
Height: 3970 m
Eigar is considered one of the deadliest peaks in the world, despite its insignificant height. He is often also called the "Cannibal". Big challenges for climbers are the incredibly large elevation differences and ever-changing weather. For a century and a half of ascents, the summit claimed the lives of 65 people.

Location: Argentina, Chile. Patagonia
Height: 3 359 m
This majestic granite peak is both the most unvisited and one of the most dangerous mountain peaks. On average, only one successful ascent occurs here per year. The climber faces two problems at once: firstly, in order to climb to the top, you need to overcome a steep section of a rock with a height of 600 meters, and secondly, inclement weather, which can last for weeks, can generally discourage any desire to climb the rocks. In addition, it is possible to climb Fitzroy only during the period from December to February - the summer months in the southern hemisphere.

The majestic mountains captivate with their truly mystical beauty and beckon to conquer inaccessible peaks. Often, ascents on them do not end with a triumph, because deceit is hidden behind the enchanting attractiveness. Capturing their beauty, many peaks forever take daring climbers and rock climbers.

Below are the most dangerous mountains in the world, climbing which is associated with an increased risk to life. But from year to year, they continue to attract those daredevils who are ready to take risks and challenge their inaccessibility.


This majestic and dangerous mountain in Switzerland rises 3970 meters above sea level. The first successful ascent took place in 1858, but the pioneers were able to conquer only the western slope. The northern face of Mount Eiger still attracts climbers with its special inaccessibility.

The first attempt to climb the summit from this side was made in 1935, but ended tragically.

Both climbers were held hostage to the treacherous weather and died in an avalanche while trying to conquer the northern face of this dangerous mountain in Switzerland.

In 1937, two more daredevils also tried unsuccessfully to conquer the impregnable slope. They could not climb to the top, but at least they returned alive. A group of four climbers finally conquered the impregnable North Face in 1938.


This dangerous mountain of the world is located in Nepal. With an altitude of 8091 m, it is one of the most high peaks world, especially attracting many climbers.

The first successful ascent was made in 1951. Since then, only 191 climbers have conquered the top of Annapurna. But when trying to climb this dangerous mountain in the world, 72 people died (mainly due to avalanches).

Located on the border between China and Pakistan, the mountain with such a short name is the second largest in the world. Its height is 8614 m above sea level.

About 300 people were able to successfully reach the summit of K2. But statistics show that every fourth climber who wants to conquer Chogori dies while climbing it.

Since 1939, 83 deaths have been recorded. Among the main reasons for the death of climbers trying to climb one of the most dangerous mountains in the world are avalanches, falls, snow storms, etc.

The second expedition to K2 in 1909 was unsuccessful, although the climbers were able to reach the mark of 6150 m. Almost 30 years passed until in 1938 another attempt was made to conquer the impregnable peak. But the first successful ascent of Chogori was possible only on July 31, 1954.

Mont Blanc

It is the most dangerous mountain in the Alps. The statistics of her conquest are replete with a huge number of unsuccessful attempts, often with a fatal outcome. On average, climbing Mont Blanc leads to hundreds of deaths annually. For the entire time of the conquest of the most dangerous mountain in Europe, more than 6,000 dead were recorded.

Against this background, it is especially surprising that the first successful ascent of Mont Blanc was made in 1786, long before the advent of modern mountaineering technology. The first woman climbed to the top of the Alps in 1808. The next time the mountain was conquered by another brave climber only 30 years later.

US President Theodore Roosevelt was also one of the participants in the expedition to Mont Blanc in 1886. Another curious case of climbing the dangerous mountain of the Alps was recorded in September 2007, when a group of 20 climbers were able to take a hot bath at the summit.

Nanga Parbat

This peak, included in the TOP of the most dangerous mountains, is located on the western outskirts of the Himalayas, near the Indus River, in Pakistan. This is one of the most famous and attractive for the brave climbers of eight-thousanders. The height of the most dangerous peak in the world, nicknamed the "killer mountain", is 8125 m.

Nanga Parbat became especially popular with German climbers in the 1930s, as K2 was too difficult to access and only the British had access to Everest.

Before the successful conquest of this eight-thousander, a number of unsuccessful attempts and several deaths were recorded. Bad weather and avalanches made Nanga Parbat an especially impregnable peak.

In 1953, Austrian Herman Buhl was able to climb this majestic peak of Pakistan. He set off with a group of other climbers who gave up before reaching the summit. But the descent back to the camp was not easy for the first conqueror of Nanga Parbat. By the year of its conquest, this dangerous peak of the world had already killed 31 climbers.


Located on the border between Nepal and India, the mountain is the third highest in the world (8586 m). One of the first attempts to climb this eight-thousander was made in 1853. A group of climbers made an ascent in the Kanchenjunga area, reaching a mark of 5790 m on the neighboring mountain.

They tried to climb directly to the top in 1905, but the group was stopped by an avalanche, and during the descent, one of the participants in the ascent died.

Half a century later, after 1 month and 10 days of grueling ascent, the first team was able to conquer Kanchenjunga. Over the years, the dangerous mountain claimed the lives of 53 climbers, most of whom died as a result of falls or went missing.


In the TOP of the most dangerous mountains, Fitzroy is the only peak located in South America... It is located in Patagonia, on the border between Argentina and Chile. It is not the impressive height that makes Fitzroy dangerous for climbing, but the granite surface and the harsh climate of the region.

The history of its conquest is not as varied as that of other tops of this list. The first successful ascent took place in February 1952. On average, only 1 team of climbers successfully reaches the peak of Fitzroy per year. Many photographers died here as a result of falling from sheer cliffs.


The highest peak in Antarctica is also the most dangerous to climb. But restless climbers are ready to go even to a hard-to-reach continent to conquer this mountain. Since the first successful ascent of Vinson Peak in 1966, more than 1400 people have tried to conquer the peak.

Of particular difficulty is the journey to Antarctica itself and the return from there, as well as the difficult weather conditions for climbing this mountain. But there are no fatalities registered here.


The height of the peak located in the Alps on the border between Switzerland and Italy is 4478 m. In shape, it resembles a four-sided pyramid, which makes the photos look especially picturesque. But, despite its enchanting beauty, this peak has the glory of a dangerous killer mountain.

The first successful ascent was made back in 1865, but since then this dangerous mountain of the world has claimed more than 500 lives. The main reasons for the death of climbers on the Matterhorn are sudden avalanches and rock falls.


The most famous peak, located in the Himalayas of Nepal, leads the TOP of the most dangerous mountains in the world due to its special popularity. Its height is 8848 m above sea level.

It was first carried out in 1953. More details about this event can be found in the American James Ullman, according to the words of the pioneer of the mountain.

The first mass death of climbers occurred here in 1970, when a Japanese team tried to find new route for the descent. As a result, 8 people died. Over the years, Everest claimed about 280 lives - as a result of avalanches or sudden snow storms.

Despite all the danger, the mountains continue to beckon with their splendor. Having visited them once, you fall in love forever. If the mountain peaks have not yet captured your heart, be sure to look at these, which show the greatness of the mountains and the fearlessness of those who dare to conquer them. These films are a vivid reminder that even the most dangerous peaks of the world will always attract those for whom climbing has become the meaning of life.

The mountains have attracted people with their grandeur and inaccessibility for centuries. A huge number of climbers and fans of extreme sensations tried to conquer the peaks of the steepest peaks in the world. Unfortunately, not all of them returned home. Someone remained there, in the steep, dangerous mountains, as if giving a sign to others that climbing the peaks could be dangerous. Dozens of people die each year while climbing some of the world's most challenging mountain peaks.

Avalanches, avalanches, snowstorms, strong winds, steep mountain slopes and unfavorable weather add significantly to a person's difficulties when overcoming mountain peaks. The human body, which has not undergone the necessary training, begins to experience difficulties at an altitude of 5,000 meters. Such difficulties appear as:

  • lack of oxygen;
  • decreased adaptation;
  • general malaise;

An even greater test is the height of 8,000 meters above sea level, while the amount of oxygen in humans significantly decreases, about 30% of the required norm remains in the body, which is extremely dangerous for health. The most dangerous mountains are those where the physiological atmospheric zone ends.

One might think from the outside that nature creates obstacles to man on purpose, as if it does not want to be disturbed. But, surprisingly, the number of people willing is not decreasing. People gather expeditions from experienced and not so climbers, go to mountain peaks with the best equipment. The steep peaks of the most dangerous mountains in the world want to be conquered by the biggest fans of extreme sports. Such an ascent is dangerous and unpredictable, you never know how everything can end, whether you will be able to return home.

Top 10 most dangerous mountains in the world

  1. Kanchenjunga is the most difficult peak.
  2. Mont Blanc is a mountain of avalanches.
  3. Everest is a dangerous peak in the world.
  4. Vinson is the tallest in Antarctica.
  5. Eiger is the north wall.
  6. Dhaulagiri is a man-eating mountain.
  7. Nanga Parbat - climbing to the test.
  8. Chogori is the ultimate extreme.
  9. Annapurna is an ice-covered danger.
  10. The Matterhorn is unique and dangerous.

Kanchenjunga - cool and dangerous

The mountain range is located in India and partly in Nepal, is part of national park with the same name. It takes the third place in the world in height; climbers are afraid of it and want to conquer it at the same time. The weather here is constantly bad, unsuitable for ascents, and avalanches constantly occur. Only 190 people were able to climb to the top, the mortality rate here is 22% and, unfortunately, it is only increasing. Kanchejanga is also called the mountain of five treasures, its height is 8 586 meters above sea level.

It was unsubdued until 1955, there are still no laid routes and paths here. In Nepal, there is even a legend that Kanchenjunga is a mountain woman who kills all women who tried to conquer its peaks. The only woman who was able to climb to the top and back down was a British climber named Jeanette Harrison. Such a peculiar feat was accomplished by her in 1998. But after 1.5 years she died while climbing Mount Dhaulagiri.

Mont Blanc is one of the most popular peaks

Mont Blanc is located on the territory of the Western Alps, it is also called the White Mountain. It is part of the Alps system, its height is about 5,000 meters. The first ascent dates back to 1786. There were 2 disasters on Mont Blanc, during which 48 and 117 people were killed, all of them were aircraft passengers. There is a tunnel under the mountain that connects Italy with France; its length is more than 11 kilometers. In 1999, a truck caught fire here, a fire started, and passengers of other cars in the tunnel were killed. The fire burned for about 53 hours, killing 39 people.

Climbers do not consider the top very dangerous, but all the same, this place breaks records in terms of mortality. Climbing here was carried out for about two centuries, as a result of accidents during this period several thousand died. All because of the systematic descent of avalanches, weather conditions that are not intended for humans. Even Everest is far from such an indicator. There are ski slopes near Mont Blanc. famous resorts:

  • Courmayeur
  • Chamonix

Everest - high and dangerous

The shape of the mountain is similar to a pyramid with three sides, the steepest is the southern slope. Firn and snow do not hold on him and his ribs, so they are constantly exposed. Everest is a very attractive site for climbers from all over the world who try to climb there all year round. It will take about 2 months to conquer it, this period includes the acclimatization stage, the installation of the camp. On average, a person loses weight by 10-15 kg during an expedition to Everest. In the spring, due to the absence of monsoons, it is most favorable to climb; you can try in the fall.

Another name for the summit is Chomolungma, Shengmufen, Sagarmatha. It is recognized as the highest mountain in the world and the most dangerous to climb. The height above sea level is 8,848 meters. The most difficult mountain to climb in the Himalayas, the Mangalur-Himal ridge, is located. The territory of Nepal, the Tibetan Autonomous District is occupied by the southern peak of Everest, the northern one is in China.

Gradually, the number of those who climbed to the top is growing, so in 2012, 234 people climbed Mount Everest. Preparation and equipment are very important, Chomolungma is a very serious test for a person, even the most experienced climber. The section of the last 300 meters is the most difficult; to overcome it, you need to climb a smooth, very steep stone, constantly covered with dry, loose snow. Most of the dead remain lying in the snow of the mountain, because it is very difficult to evacuate them.

Vinson is a seemingly uncomplicated but dangerous peak

A mountain with a height of 4,892 meters is located in the territories of Antarctica. Among climbers, in general, it is not considered the most difficult in the world, but it is extremely difficult to climb the Vinson Massif itself. You can easily disappear in a blizzard, freeze to death.

Located in the west of the South Pole, it is the highest point of the Ellsworth Mountains. One of the most difficult mountains stretches for 20 km, all approaches to it are solid glaciers, in some places their thickness is 4000 m.

Eiger - the dangerous north wall

Despite the height of only 3,962 m, this peak is recognized as one of the most dangerous and difficult in the world. The death wall, which stretches upwards for 2 km, is the most dangerous part. Chunks of ice are systematically torn off the Eiger and slide down. In 1938, Eiger was conquered for the first time.

The route is very difficult because of the strong difference in elevation, unstable weather. Eiger was nicknamed the cannibal; 64 people died here during all the years of climbing.

Dhaulagiri - the white peak of the world

The height of this multi-peaked giant is 8,167 meters, people called it a man-eating mountain, because 16% of all those who tried to conquer Dhaugalgiri died here. The reason for this is strong, frequent avalanches. The southern side of the mountain is generally inaccessible, not suitable for climbing. But this does not stop desperate extremals. Dhaulagiri is recognized as the seventh highest in the world, eight-thousanders.

Nanga Parbat - bare mountain

This is the highest mountain slope in the world, located in the northwest of the Himalayas, its height is 8,126 m. On the south side, with a height of 4,600 m, there is a very narrow ridge, to get to the top of the mountain, you need to overcome it. Nanga Parbat was conquered for the first time by the mountaineer Herman Buhl in 1953. He spent 40 hours climbing, and he did not need additional oxygen and an ice ax.

After him, another 263 people climbed one of the most difficult mountains in the world, of which 64 died. The mortality rate was 21%, but is gradually declining. It is not for nothing that this difficult peak was nicknamed the killer mountain, the absorber of man. Parbat was in first place in terms of the death toll before Everest.

Chogori - technically difficult

The second highest mountain peak in the world was also nicknamed K2. This world eight-thousander is the northernmost of all. Located on the border of Pakistan and China, in the Baltoro ridge, the Karakorum mountain system, northwest of the Himalayas. Technically, it is very difficult to climb here, even more difficult than climbing Everest. Until 2008, 284 people climbed to K2, 66 of them died, the mortality rate was 25%. Everyone who climbed Chogori in winter could not reach their goal.

Annapurna - the majestic goddess of the Himalayas

The name is translated from Sanskrit as "goddess of fertility". This difficult-to-climb steep mountain is located in Nepal. Annapurna is a part of the Main Himalayan Range from the southern spur. The entire mountain range has 13 peaks, whose height is more than 7000 m, 16 are more than 6000 m high. A climber from America described this peak as follows: a continuous danger, completely covered with ice.

The most dangerous of all eight-thousanders, the mortality rate of climbers was 32% here before 2012, today it has slightly decreased.

It was Annapurna that became the first mountain with a height of more than 8,000 meters, where a person climbed for the first time. An expedition from France in 1950, which consisted of two people, succeeded. To descend, they spent 14 days, while as a result of severe frostbite, they lost all their toes on their feet, one froze on his hands. Their ascent is recognized as one of the most outstanding achievements in the entire history of world mountaineering.

The Matterhorn is one of the most dangerous

Of all the peaks in the Alps, this one is the most difficult. The northern slope of the Matterhorn is recognized as inaccessible, the ascent is extremely difficult. It is very difficult and dangerous to climb because of the frequent snowfalls, avalanches, rockfalls. In 1865, two groups were lucky enough to conquer the summit at once, but one of them died due to a broken cable during the descent.

The mountain is popular for its unique shape, like a horn that grows straight out of the valley. The Matterhorn is located on the border of Italy with Switzerland, in an alpine scenic area, the Pennine Alps. The fear of the summit instilled in people, a very difficult climb technically did not allow to conquer the mountain for a long time. Among the main alpine peaks, it became one of the last that a person was able to conquer. Today it is a popular destination for climbers; every year thousands of people try to reach the summit. The most popular route is via the Hearnley Ridge from the Zermatt side. Another route is along the Lyon ridge. People rarely dare to conquer the rest of the walls and ridges because of the high complexity.

It is worth noting other dangerous mountain peaks of the continents of the world:

  • Punchak-Jaya, highest point Oceania and Australia, whose height is 4,884 m, is located in Indonesia. Climbing here is not easy, which especially attracts extreme climbers, because technically it is very difficult;
  • Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, altitude 5,895 m. About 40,000 people try to climb it every year;
  • Aconcagua peak in the Andes, with a height of 6,959 m. Not all climbers consider it difficult, but there is a very high risk of injury during the ascent;
  • Mount McKinley (Denali), come here to conquer the peaks preferably from May to July. Then the weather conditions are more or less normal. McKinley is located in North America.