Presentation on the theme "Crimea and Russia". Presentation on the topic "the geographical position of the Crimea" Message to the cinema in the Crimea download the presentation

The Crimean peninsula occupies a relatively small territory - in area it is 20 times smaller than the Iberian and Balkan peninsulas, 15 times smaller than Kamchatka and Asia Minor. But Crimea became famous, significant and attractive largely due to the peculiarities of its nature, and above all to its peculiar geographical position.

There are no wars without losses, and sometimes victory brings so many losses that it looks more like defeat. War is always unpredictable - your opponent can become your ally if you two have common interests. The most affected by the war are the innocent, who are drawn into the battle against their will. War is a way of deception. And sometimes you yourself are deceived.

At dawn on June 22, 1941, fascist aircraft bombed many Soviet cities, including the main base of the Black Sea Fleet, Sevastopol. Already on June 2223, rallies were held in all the cities and villages of the Crimea, in factories, factories, construction sites, in educational institutions, collective and state farms, at which the workers angrily branded the fascist aggressors and unanimously declared their determination to defend the socialist homeland. After the rallies, hundreds of workers were sent to recruiting centers with a request to send them to the front. In the first days of the war, over 8.1 thousand Crimean communists, more than 1/3 of the regional party organization joined the ranks of the Red Army and the Navy.

Nature will act on us with all its power only when we bring into the sensation of its humanity, when our state of mind, our love, our joy or sorrow will come in full accordance with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light of our loved ones the eye and the measured noise of the forest from reflections on the life lived.

The flora of the Crimean peninsula is extremely diverse: according to some sources, it has 2400 wild species of higher plants, according to others, you can find such plants as: Walnut, Poyarkova hawthorn, beech and others.

The connection between the uniqueness of the geographical position of Crimea and the originality of the fauna of the peninsula is no less obvious than for the flora, although animals are more dynamic. In addition to species typical for the nearby southern regions of Ukraine, we everywhere meet animals of the Mediterranean range on the peninsula. You can find such plants as: stingray, owl, dolphin, red deer and others.

Rest in Crimea has always been in demand, and recently it has become even more attractive. The cost of housing in the private sector of Crimea is cheaper than in many other resorts, but there are a lot of comfortable and expensive hotels. A variety of resorts in Crimea, a huge number of attractions in all corners of the peninsula make rest in Crimea interesting and varied. Eastern coast of Crimea Southern coast of Crimea Sevastopol

According to the 2001 census, the population of Crimea is 2.031 million people, of which the four largest cities of the autonomy - Sevastopol (365.8 thousand people), Simferopol (364 thousand people), Kerch (157.2 thousand people) .) and Evpatoria (122 thousand people) - 41% live. The share of the urban population of Crimea is 63%, living in rural areas - 37% (according to the previous 1989 census, this ratio was 70% to 30%).

1. The length of the longest trolleybus route in the world is 86 kilometers, and it runs in the Crimea between Simferopol and Yalta. 2. Another interesting animal of the Crimea can be considered the South Russian tarantula. Its bite can cause anaphylactic shock, and besides, the bite itself is very painful, despite the fact that the spider is only 3.5 cm in size. 3. The shallowest sea in the world is the Sea of ​​Azov. It washes the shores of the Crimea. The maximum depth of the Azov Sea is 15 meters.

As a result of the referendum that took place on March 16, 2014. the majority of Crimeans voted to join Russia. Currently, the Republic of Crimea is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and is part of the Crimean Federal District. March 18, 2014 an agreement was concluded on the admission to the Russian Federation of the independent sovereign Republic of Crimea (entry in notebooks), proclaimed within the administrative boundaries of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (received the status of a city of federal significance). March 21, 2014 Putin V.V. signed the federal constitutional law on the entry of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation (invite students to assess this historical event).

ATTRACTIONS OF CRIMEA There are a lot of attractions in Crimea. A month is not enough to carefully examine everything. GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC OF THE CRIMEA       The capital of Crimea is the city of Simferopol (about 400 thousand inhabitants). Crimea (25 thousand km2) is slightly smaller than Belgium, Albania or Haiti, but more than Israel, Cyprus, Lebanon, Jamaica. The population of Crimea, including Sevastopol, is about 2 million 700 thousand people. The peninsula is distinguished by a variety of natural conditions, a combination of mountains and plains, favorable for agriculture and has a convenient sea coast. The southern coast of Crimea is called the sub-Mediterranean because of the proximity of the main features of its climate, flora and fauna to the Mediterranean coast, the subtropics. The northern, flat part of Crimea has a continental climate of the temperate zone. The economy of the peninsula is known for mechanical engineering and the production of devices, gardens and vineyards, as well as essential oil crops, where Crimea simply has no equal. The food industry of the peninsula is of export importance. The honor of the Crimean brand is maintained by dozens of rural canning shops. Well, the finest Crimean muscats are the best in the world, wines of other brands also meet the most demanding taste. THE SOUTH COAST OF CRIMEA PALACE-CASTLE "LASTOCHKINO'S NEST" One of the world famous symbols of the Crimea was built in 1912 on a steep forty-meter Aurora rock on Cape Ai-Todor near Yalta. Currently, work is underway to strengthen the rock on which the castle stands, because under the weight of the structure, the rock gradually collapses. VORONTSOV PALACE The palace and the adjacent park constitute a single ensemble located in Alupka at the foot of the picturesque Mount Ai-Petri. The construction of the palace was completed in 1848, and Vorontsovsky Park was being developed over the course of 25 years to become an example of garden art. Today, the palace houses a museum, the interior interiors have almost completely retained their original appearance. MASSANDRA PALACE Massandra Palace of Emperor Alexander III. Now it is a palace museum - a branch of the Alupka palace and park museum-reserve LIVADIA PALACE Livadia Palace is the pearl of the southern coast of Crimea. the last structure erected in the Russian Empire for the Romanov family. DYULBER PALACE Dyulber Palace (beautiful), built in Koreiz for the Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich Romanov in 1895-1897. is an asymmetrical two-four-storey building with more than a hundred rooms. Architect Nikolai Krasnov YUSUPOV PALACE The Yusupov Palace in Koreiz, near Yalta, is a magnificent building in the neo-Romanesque style. It was built by the famous Yalta architect Nikolai Krasnov for Prince Felix Yusupov HORA AYU-DAG  (Bear Mountain). The shape of the mountain is typical for all laccoliths - the so-called "failed volcanoes". The formation time is about 150 million years ago. The mountain consists of solid igneous rocks "gabbro-diabase". The mountain is called the Natural Mineralogical Museum of the Southshore. The height of "Medvedgory" is small - 577 m above sea level, its area is 5.4 sq. km. The mountain protrudes into the sea for more than two kilometers and ends with capes "Monastyrsky", "Akustani" and "Mussert". MOUNTAIN AY-PETRI Mount Ai-Petri is a peak in the Crimean Mountains, part of the Ai-Petri plateau. Located above the city of Alupka and the village of Koreiz. The height of Mount Ai-Petri is 1234 m. POLYANA OF SKAZOK The glade of fairy tales is an unusual museum in Yalta. Founded "Glade of Fairy Tales" in 1960, folk craftsman - Pavel Pavlovich Bezrukov. More than 300 sculptures that make up the exposition of the museum were created by professional sculptors and craftsmen. WEST COAST OF CRIMEA Evpatoria is one of the oldest cities in Eastern Europe: many excursion objects, from antiquity to unique space objects and modern centers of children's and youth creativity. Aquapark KALOS LIMEN (BEAUTIFUL HARBOR) Ancient settlement. This is one of the most valuable monuments of ancient Greek and Scythian culture, which at one time were mentioned by many ancient and medieval authors: Herodotus, Strabo, Flavius ​​Arrian and others. KARA-TOBE The settlement of Karatobe is located in western Crimea , on the outskirts of the modern city of Saki. It once housed a thriving Greek settlement, probably founded in the 4th century. BC e. According to some scholars, it was called Evpatorion. UNDERWATER MUSEUM-ALLEY OF LEADERS Today, the underwater museum "Alley of Leaders" has more than 50 various exhibits. Vladimir Borumensky, an amateur diving from Donetsk, laid the foundations for this original museum. Through his efforts in 1992, the first "inhabitants" of the Tarkhankut underwater kingdom appeared - busts of Lenin, Karl Marx and Klim Voroshilov. Borumelsky said that his plans were to place Mao Zedong, Mussolini and Napoleon next to these comrades. Gradually, enthusiasts-divers from other cities began to supplement the collection of the museum. KERCHENSKY REGION OF CRIMEA 4 different sea areas: the Black Sea, the Kerch Strait, Azov, Sivash and a dozen healing lakes   the exposition of the Tsarskoye Kurgan;  excavations on Mount Mithridates, where the capital was earlier - Panticapaeum; the temple of John the Baptist (VIII century) - one of the most ancient in Eastern Europe;  Turkish fortress Yeni-Kale (New fortress) - 18th century MOUNTAIN MITRIDAT The height of Mount Mithridates is 92 meters. The mountain is named after the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator (132-63 BC), a descendant of Alexander the Great. Excavations have been conducted on this mountain for many years. Due to this, the remains of the buildings of Panticapaeum were discovered here - which was the capital of the famous Bosporus, the largest handicraft and trade center of the Northern Black Sea region in ancient times. THE ROYAL MURAL is the tomb of one of the Bosporan kings. Inside the hill there are stone crypts, silent witnesses of the former glory of the city of Panticapaeum. The Tsar's mound is a rare example of ancient architecture, which was supposedly built in the second half of the 4th century BC. CHURCH OF JOHN THE BAPTIST an architectural monument of early medieval Byzantine architecture of the VIII-X centuries. Almost the only building that has survived from the heyday of the Tmutarakan principality (X-XI centuries). It is considered one of the oldest churches in the CIS. YENI-KALE Yeni-Kale is a Turkish fortress, approximately built in 1699 - 1706. It occupied an important strategic position due to its location in the narrowest part of the Kerch Strait, where its width is only 4 km, and thus controlled the passage of ships between the Black and Azov Seas. In addition, the Yeni-Kale fortress served as the residence of the Turkish Pasha. At the moment, an operating railway passes through the territory of the fortress, leading from Kerch to the Kerch ferry crossing (Crimea Caucasus). EASTERN CRIMEA Pike perch;  Morskoe (V. Tsoi), Merry;  Novy Svet (champagne factory, Museum, tasting room);  Kopsel, Meganom, Sun Valley;  Feodosia, Golden Beach, Beregovoe, Primorsky;  Karadag, Koktebel and Ordzhonikidze.  GENUEZ FORTRESS According to the legend recorded in the late source "Sudak Synaxar", the fortress was built in 212 by the Alans, but no archaeological evidence of this date has been found to this day. In this regard, many scientists date its construction to the end of the 7th century and associate it with the Khazars or Byzantines. The fortress, in addition to the Khazars, Byzantines and Genoese, was also owned by the Polovtsy (XI-XIII centuries), the Golden Horde (XIII-XIV centuries) and the Turks (XV-XVIII centuries). ASANDRA FORTRESS  The ruins of an antique fortress of the second half of the 1st century BC rise above the cliff of the Kutlak Bay. until the beginning of the 1st century AD. The fortress was built by the king of Asandra, and was the extreme western defensive point of the Bosporus kingdom. GOLITSINSKAYA TRAIL A mountain trail, cut on the slope of Koba-Kaya, is located to the south-west of the village of Novy Svet. Built in 1912 for the arrival of Tsar Nicholas II by order of Prince Lev Sergeevich Golitsyn. CAPE CHAMELEON Depending on the lighting, it changes its color. Throughout the day, the Chameleon is ocher-yellow, and purple, and greenish, and blue, and crimson, and pink. The explanation is that the Chameleon is almost entirely composed of clay shale. MUSEUM OF ALEXANDER GRIN An old sailing ship in the center of Feodosia keeps the secrets of the famous writer. FOOTLAND CRIMEA Cave towns and monasteries, ruins of ancient temples and active monasteries, modern places of worship, caves, waterfalls, natural monuments:  Bakhchisarai;  ancient source Tash-Air;  cave cities Bakla and Mangur; Red caves and caves of the Chatyrdag plateau: Marble, Emine-bair-khosar and others;  Karabi-yayla;  Old Crimea. KHAN'S PALACE IN BAKHCHISARAY The former residence of the Crimean khans has preserved a lot of evidence of the history of those times. Utensils, weapons, costumes, art objects from the times of the Crimean Khanate are presented in the Bakhchisarai Palace. On the territory of the complex there is the famous Bakhchisarai fountain, which inspired Pushkin to write the poem of the same name. TASH-AIR On the territory of the Kachinsky canyon, near Bakhchisarai, there is an amazing place - a rock shelter, or rather a grotto - Tash-Air, which literally means "the stone has separated" in Turkic. This place is remarkable for its ancient rock paintings. People have lived in this grotto since the third millennium BC and left behind a real art gallery - about ten square meters of rock drawings of various themes. WATERFALL SILVER JETS Located at an altitude of about 900 m above sea level. It is considered one of the deepest waterfalls on the Crimean peninsula. a large overhanging cap of moss, silver streams of water flowing from it and a grotto hiding in the darkness. WATERFALL ABOVE THE ENTRANCE TO THE RED CAVE MARBLE CAVE LOCATION: SIMFEROPOL IS ON THE PLATO OF THE CHATYR-DAG MOUNTAIN MASSIVE IN THE CRIMEA. THE MARBLE CAVE WAS OPENED IN 1987. THE ENTRANCE TO IT IS AT A HEIGHT OF 920 M ABOVE THE SEA LEVEL Emine-BAIR-KHOSHAR CAVE Located on Chatyr Dag, it was opened in the 70s and became one of the most beautiful caves in the USSR. in one of the halls of the cave there is a huge number of bones of animals of the Ice Age. Currently, a unique underground paleozoological museum is being prepared for the opening of the bones of a mammoth, a cave lion, a woolly rhinoceros, a cave bear, and others found in the cave. CAVE EMINE-BAIR-KHOSAR CAVE CITIES OF CRIMEA. BACLA (TRANSLATED AS BEANS, BEANS) THE CITY FOUNDED IN 4-5 CENTURIES LOCATED ON THE BORDER OF THE MOUNTAINS AND STEPPES, DIFFERENT FROM OTHER CAVE CITIES IN THE ABUNDANCE OF PITS FOR STORING GRAIN, CUT DOWN. Mangup Kale is the largest medieval city in this part of the peninsula. ESKI-KERMEN The fortress was founded at the beginning of the 6th century. The main function of the fortress is to protect the approaches to Chersonesos. It was a large trade and handicraft center, which at that time had very good defensive structures CHUFUT-KALE The emergence of the fortified settlement is attributed to the 6th century, and the Sarmatian tribe of Alans is considered its founders. Until the 13th century, the Alans lived in the fortress, in 1299 the city was captured by the Mongol-Tatars and received the name Kyrk-Or "forty fortresses", and later became known as Chufut-Kale "Jewish fortress". This is due to the fact that the Karaites, a special ethnic and religious group of followers of the Pentateuch of Moses, the Old Testament Bible, have become the predominant part of the city's population. In 1854, the last inhabitants left ChufutKale. TEPE - KERMEN IN TRANSLATION MEANS "FORTRESS AT THE TOP". One of the least explored "cave cities". Archaeological research carried out here in the late 60s and early 70s. XX century found out that the settlement existed from the 6th to the end of the 13th - the middle of the 14th centuries. However, the overwhelming majority of cultural strata date back to the time after the 10th century, and dense buildings appear only in the 12th – 13th centuries. KARABI YAYLA Karabi-yayla is a mountain range (yayla) as part of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, the easternmost of the large yaylas of Crimea. The average height of the massif is about 1000 m above sea level. The upper plateau of Karabi-Yayla is the Kara-Tau ridge, the highest point of which is Mount Tai-Koba (1262 m). Translated from the Crimean Tatar “spring-summer pasture, a place of unexpected disasters”, this is the description given to this plateau by shepherds grazing flocks of sheep due to abrupt changes in weather conditions TOURISM IN CRIMEA  Beach tourism;  Educational  Cycling tourism; and auto tourism;  Diving;  Extreme tourism; THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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Republic of Crimea In a scarlet Varangian shield, a silver griffin facing to the right, waving an open silver shell with a blue pearl in its right paw. The shield is crowned with a rising sun and is surrounded by two white columns connected by a blue-white-red ribbon with the motto: "Prosperity in Unity". The griffin, as one of the symbols of the ancient Chersonesos, on the site of which Sevastopol was erected, has been considered a symbol of a talisman since ancient times and in this capacity symbolizes a city, one of the main tasks of which is to protect the borders of the country.

The name Simferopol means in translation from Greek "city of benefit" (literally Polzograd). The Crimean Tatar name Aqmescit is translated into Russian as "white mosque" (aq - white, mescit - mosque). The coat of arms tells about the strength and fearlessness of the Russian people, in Sevastopol, who built a formidable fortress in the Crimea, which was twice famous for its valiant defense.

A brief historical sketch of the 15th - 8th centuries. BC. - Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, was born on the shores of the Cimmerian Bosporus (Kerch Strait). 9th - 8th centuries BC e. - Crimea is inhabited by tribes under the general name "Taurus" of the 6th - 5th centuries. BC e. - the first ancient Greek colonies of the 6th - 12th centuries. AD - ancient cave cities; the most famous - Mangup 988 - the capture of Chersonesos by Prince Vladimir, his adoption of Christianity and the baptism of Rus 1475 - the seizure of the coast by Ottoman Turkey and raids on Moscow and the Zaporozhye Sich 1768 - 1774. - Russian-Turkish war, the proclamation of the Crimean Khanate, independent from Turkey in 1783 - the annexation of the Khanate to Russia in 1787 - 1791. Russian-Turkish war, recognition by Turkey of the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1853-1856. Crimean War. Russia is fighting against England, France and the Kingdom of Sardinia, who are saving Turkey's influence on the Black Sea in 1941-1944. - battles of the Great Patriotic War of 1944 - mass deportation of Crimean Tatars, Bulgarians, Greeks. 1954 - Crimea becomes a region of Ukraine; 1989 - return of deported peoples; 2014 - reunification of Crimea with Russia

Yeni-Kale fortress in Kerch Chufut-Kale Genoese fortress in Sudak

Chersonesos - the place where the Kiev prince Vladimir was adopted

Inkerman Cave Monastery Assumption Cave Monastery near Bakhchisarai

Khan's palace in Bakhchisarai and the fountain of tears “Fountain of love, fountain alive! I brought you two roses as a gift. I love your incessant talk And poetic tears. " A.S. Pushkin

By the decree of Catherine II of February 10, 1784, the new city was named Sevastopol. By the same Decree, Prince G.A. Potemkin was ordered to build in the Akhtiar harbor a large fortress with an admiralty for ships of the first rank, as well as a port and a military settlement. At this time, there were already 26 ships in the bay with 4 thousand sailors and officers.

Crimean War. First defense of Sevastopol. Monument to the Scuttled Ships

Vorontsov Palace in Alupka The palace in Livadia is the possession of the imperial family of the Romanovs 3. The courtyard in the Livadia Palace Crimea has become a favorite resting place for the imperial family

Palace of Alexander III in Massandra 2. Palace of Kichkine of Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich 3. Swallow's nest on Cape Ai-Todor

Sapun mountain, Sevastopol Adzhimushkay quarries Monument in Feodosia Great Patriotic War Second defense of Sevastopol

Forest middle mountains Forest-shiblyak Mediterranean forest-steppe foothills Kerch steppe hills Plain-steppe Crimea Crimean nature

Ai-Petrinskaya yayla 2. Ai-Petri, 1234 m 3. Roman-Kosh, 1545 m

Ayu-Dag (Bear-mountains) Kara-Dag - extinct volcano Demerdzhi (Valley of Ghosts)

Chatyr-Dag massif In the Marble Cave Entrance to the Red Cave

Big Crimean Canyon Dolgorukovskaya Yayla in spring Uchan -su Waterfall

Economy of Crimea Cultivation of essential oil crops 2. Production of grapes 3. Cultivation of peaches

Energy Wind, solar and thermal power plants Extractive industry Oil, gas Chemical industry (Krasnoperekopsk, Armyansk, Saki) Based on salt reserves in large salt lakes Ferrous metallurgy (Kamysh-Burun, Kerch) Shipbuilding (Kerch, Feodopoliya, Sevastopol), Instrumentation Sevastopol) Winemaking (Massandra, Koktebel, Novyi Svet, Yalta, Balaklava, Inkerman, Solnechnaya Dolina)

Recreational economy

Museum of I. Aivazovsky in Feodosia Museum of A. Green in Feodosia Knights' tournament in the Sudak fortress

For little tourists Glade of fairy tales

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History of Crimea Compiled by: history teacher MBOU OOSH № 26, Krasnoyarsk Besedina E.V.

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The most ancient history The most ancient inhabitants of the Crimea are Cimmerians (XII century BC). In the middle of the VII century. BC e. part of the Cimmerians was pushed aside by the Scythians. Here, in the foothill and mountainous Crimea, the Taurus lived. (Tavria) the remains of the fortified shelters and residential buildings of the Taurus, their cromlechs - ring-shaped fences made of vertically placed stones

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Greek past In the 6th - 5th centuries. BC e., on the coast of Crimea, immigrants from Hellas founded their trading colonies. In the first half of the 5th century. BC e. two independent Greek states emerged on the shores of the Black Sea. Republic of Chersonesos (peninsula) Tauride, which included the lands of the western Crimea. Another is the Bosporus autocratic state, the capital of which was Panticapaeum ("the path of the fish").

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Change of tribes The Scythian state in the Crimea existed until the second half of the 3rd century. n. e. and was destroyed by the Goths. Under the powerful onslaught of the Huns in the IV century. AD they were forced to leave for the mountainous places of the Crimea, where they gradually mixed with the descendants of the Tauro-Scythians. Historical monuments of that period include the so-called cave cities located in the Bakhchisarai region and in the Sevastopol zone. In the second half of the 4th century, the invasion of the Asian barbarians - the Huns - began.

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Byzantium and Crimea After the collapse of the Roman Empire (6th century), Crimea fell into the sphere of influence of Byzantium. Byzantine emperor Justinian I (527-565), trying to strengthen his position in Taurida and to protect the Byzantine possessions on the coast from nomadic steppe inhabitants, builds fortresses

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Kiev princes in the Crimea At the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th centuries, after the emergence of the state of Kievan Rus, the Kiev princes, pursuing political goals that were associated with trade, organized campaigns to the Crimea, to the southern coast. In 988 (according to other sources - in 989), the prince of Kievan Rus Vladimir, having occupied Korsun, was officially baptized here.

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Mongol-Tatars in the XII century. most of the peninsula became Polovtsian. For the first time, the Mongol-Tatars penetrated the Crimea in 1223. Tavria was conquered by the Mongols in the first half of the 13th century. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, the remnants of the Tatar-Mongols in the Crimea were influenced by the Türkic speech and were Türkized.

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Ottoman Empire Since 1475 the Ottoman Turks conquered Crimea. The main occupation of the Crimean Tatars (as they were called much later) in the south was gardening and viticulture. In the Middle Ages, located at the crossroads of the most important trade routes, Crimea played a prominent role in international trade. The goods went to Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Constantinople, Syria, Iran, the Caucasus, and Khorezm.

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Struggle for going out to sea From 1575 to 1637 Zaporozhye and Don Cossacks made about 20 campaigns in the Black and Azov seas. In 1628, a 4,000-strong Cossack army led by Hetman Doroshenko broke through to the Crimea. In 1637, the Don Cossacks, with the participation of the Cossacks, captured the Turkish fortress of Azov. (temporarily)

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The campaigns of Sophia and Peter I The Crimeans raided the lands north of the Black Sea coast, captured prisoners and sold them to Turkey. Princess Sophia organizes trips - unsuccessfully. Peter I decided instead of going to the Crimea to strike at the Turkish fortress of Azov. And he made the Azov campaigns in 1695-1696 However, Peter did not manage to get access to the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait: he remained under the control of the Ottoman Empire.

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Catherine II The Russo-Turkish War of 1768-74 put an end to the Ottoman domination and, according to the peace treaty of 1774, the Ottomans abandoned their claims to the Crimea. But the raids continued. The second war with Turkey in 1791. In 1792, the Yass peace was signed, which consolidated the influence of Russia in Bessarabia and Transcaucasia, as well as the annexation of the Crimea.

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Crimean War In June 1854, the Anglo-French flotilla began shelling the Russian coastal fortifications in the Crimea, and already in September the landing of the allies (Great Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire) began in Evpatoria. The siege of Sevastopol began in October. On September 11, 1855, Sevastopol fell, but was returned to Russia at the end of the war in exchange for certain concessions.

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1917 Pro-Soviet forces from among the soldiers and workers proclaimed at the beginning of 1918 the Tavrida SSR as part of the RSFSR, April-June 1919 - the Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the RSFSR; The Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic is a state entity on the territory of Crimea formed from a part of the former Taurida province of the Russian Empire, which occupied the area of ​​the Crimean peninsula. It existed in 1921-1946. as part of the RSFSR

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Crimea during the war In November 1941, the Red Army was forced to leave Crimea on April 11, 1944, the Soviet Army launched an operation to liberate Crimea.The war sharply aggravated interethnic contradictions in Crimea, and in May-June 1944 Crimean Tatars (183 thousand people, Armenians, Greeks and Bulgarians.

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Post-war Crimea Since 1946, instead of autonomy, the Crimean region existed. In 1948, Sevastopol received the status of a city of republican subordination of the RSFSR, which was equal to the status of the Crimean region.

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Transfer of Crimea In 1954, due to the difficult economic situation on the peninsula, the Soviet leadership decided to transfer Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR with the following wording: "Given the common economy, territorial proximity and close economic and cultural ties between the Crimean region and the Ukrainian SSR." On February 19, 1954, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On the transfer of the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR."

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1990s On August 24, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR adopted the Act of Independence of Ukraine. On September 4, 1991, the session of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea adopted the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Republic, which states the desire to create a legal democratic state within Ukraine. On May 5, 1992, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea adopted the declaration “The Act on the Proclamation of State Independence of the Republic of Crimea”, but then, under pressure from Ukraine, he canceled this decision. At the same time, the Russian parliament also voted to annul the 1954 decision to transfer Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR. On May 6, 1992, by a decision of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the post of President of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was introduced.In May 1994, the situation escalated when the Crimean parliament voted to restore the 1992 constitution, effectively making Crimea independent from Ukraine. However, the leaders of Russia and Ukraine prevented the outbreak of violence. In March 1995, by the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the President of Ukraine, the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea of ​​1992 was abolished, the presidency in Crimea was abolished. Crimea at home On March 16, a referendum was held, more than 90% voted "For the reunification of Crimea with Russia as a subject of the Russian Federation" On March 17, 2014, the independent Republic of Crimea was proclaimed, in which the city of Sevastopol has a special status. On March 18, 2014, an agreement was signed on the entry of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation as constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

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The capital of Crimea is the city of Simferopol (about 400 thousand inhabitants). Crimea (25 thousand km 2) is slightly smaller than Belgium, Albania or Haiti, but more than Israel, Cyprus, Lebanon, Jamaica. The population of Crimea, including Sevastopol, is about 2 million 700 thousand people. The peninsula is distinguished by a variety of natural conditions, a combination of mountains and plains, favorable for agriculture and has a convenient sea coast. The southern coast of Crimea is called the sub-Mediterranean because of the proximity of the main features of its climate, flora and fauna to the Mediterranean coast, the subtropics. The northern, flat part of Crimea has a continental climate of the temperate zone. The economy of the peninsula is known for mechanical engineering and the production of devices, gardens and vineyards, as well as essential oil crops, where Crimea simply has no equal. The food industry of the peninsula is of export importance. The honor of the Crimean brand is maintained by dozens of rural canning shops. Well, the finest Crimean muscats are the best in the world, wines of other brands also meet the most demanding taste.

PALACE-CASTLE "LASTOCHKINO'S NEST" One of the world famous symbols of the Crimea was built in 1912 on a steep forty-meter Aurora rock on Cape Ai-Todor near Yalta. Currently, work is underway to strengthen the rock on which the castle stands, because under the weight of the structure, the rock gradually collapses.

The palace and the adjacent park form a single ensemble located in Alupka at the foot of the picturesque Mount Ai-Petri. The construction of the palace was completed in 1848, and Vorontsovsky Park was being developed over the course of 25 years to become an example of garden art. Today, the palace houses a museum, the interior interiors have almost completely retained their original appearance.

(Bear Mountain). The shape of the mountain is characteristic of all the so-called "failed volcanoes" laccoliths. The time of formation is about 150 million years ago. The mountain consists of solid igneous rocks "gabbro-diabase". The mountain is called the Natural Mineralogical Museum of the Southshore. The height of the "Bear Mountain" is not high, 577 m above sea level, its area is 5.4 sq. km. The mountain juts out into the sea for more than two kilometers and ends with the Monastyrsky, Akustani and Mussert capes.

The settlement Kara-Tobe is located in the western Crimea, on the outskirts of the modern city of Saki. It once housed a thriving Greek settlement, probably founded in the 4th century. BC e. According to some scholars, it was called Evpatorion. western Crimea Saki

Today the underwater museum "Leader's Alley" has more than 50 various exhibits. The foundations of this original museum were laid by a diving fan from Donetsk, Vladimir Borumensky. Through his efforts in 1992, the first "inhabitants" of the Tarkhankut underwater kingdom appeared - busts of Lenin, Karl Marx and Klim Voroshilov. Borumelsky said that his plans were to place Mao Zedong, Mussolini and Napoleon next to these comrades. Gradually, enthusiasts-divers from other cities began to supplement the collection of the museum.

4 different sea areas: the Black Sea, the Kerch Strait, Azov, Sivash and a dozen of healing lakes, exposition of the Tsarskoe Kurgan; excavations on Mount Mithridates, where the capital was earlier - Panticapaeum; the temple of John the Baptist (VIII century) - one of the most ancient in Eastern Europe; Turkish fortress Yeni-Kale (New fortress) - 18th century

The height of Mount Mithridates is 92 meters. The mountain is named after the Pontic king Mithridates VI Eupator (years BC), a descendant of Alexander the Great. Excavations have been underway on this mountain for many years. Due to this, the remains of the buildings of Panticapaeum were discovered here - which was the capital of the famous Bosporus, the largest handicraft and trade center of the Northern Black Sea region in ancient times.

Yeni-Kale is a Turkish fortress, approximately built in the year. It occupied an important strategic position due to its location in the narrowest part of the Kerch Strait, where its width is only 4 km, and thus controlled the passage of ships between the Black and Azov Seas. In addition, the Yeni-Kale fortress served as the residence of the Turkish Pasha. At the moment, an operating railway passes through the territory of the fortress, leading from Kerch to the Kerch ferry crossing (Crimea - Caucasus).

According to the legend recorded in the late source "Sudak Synaxar", the fortress was built in 212 by the Alans, but no archaeological evidence of this date has been found to this day. In this regard, many scientists date its construction to the end of the 7th century and associate it with the Khazars or Byzantines. The fortress, in addition to the Khazars, Byzantines and Genoese, was also owned by the Polovtsy (XIXIII centuries), the Golden Horde (XIIXIV centuries) and Turks (XVXVIII centuries).

Cave cities and monasteries, ruins of ancient temples and active monasteries, modern places of worship, caves, waterfalls, natural monuments: Bakhchisarai; ancient source Tash-Air; the cave cities of Bakla and Mangur; Red caves and caves of the Chatyrdag plateau: Marble, Emine-bair-khosar and others; Karabi-Yayla; Old Crimea.

The former residence of the Crimean khans has preserved a lot of evidence of the history of those times. Utensils, weapons, costumes, art objects from the times of the Crimean Khanate are presented in the Bakhchisarai Palace. On the territory of the complex there is the famous Bakhchisarai fountain, which inspired Pushkin to write the poem of the same name.

On the territory of the Kachinsky canyon, near Bakhchisarai, there is an amazing place - a rock shelter, or rather a grotto - Tash-Air, which literally means "the stone has separated" in Turkic. This place is remarkable for its ancient rock paintings. People have lived in this grotto since the third millennium BC and left behind a real art gallery - about ten square meters of rock drawings of various themes.

The great interest of scientists was aroused by the sensational discovery in 1996 in one of the halls of the cave of a huge number of bones of Ice Age animals. Currently, a unique underground paleozoological museum is being prepared for the opening to display the bones of a mammoth, cave lion, woolly rhinoceros, cave bear and others found in the cave. Located on Chatyr-Dag, opened in the 70s and became one of the most beautiful caves in the USSR

The emergence of the fortified settlement is attributed to the 6th century, and the Sarmatian tribe of Alans is considered its founders. Until the 13th century, the Alans lived in the fortress, in 1299 the city was captured by the Mongol-Tatars and received the name Kyrk-Or - "forty fortresses", and later began to be called Chufut-Kale - "Jewish fortress". This is due to the fact that the Karaites, a special ethnic and religious group of followers of the Pentateuch of Moses, the Old Testament Bible, have become the predominant part of the city's population. In 1854, the last inhabitants left Chufut-Kale.

One of the least explored "cave cities". Archaeological research carried out here in the late 60s and early 70s. XX century found out that the settlement existed from the 6th to the end of the 13th - the middle of the 14th centuries. However, the overwhelming majority of cultural strata date back to the time after the 10th century, and dense buildings appear only in the 12th – 13th centuries.

Karabi-Yayla is a mountain range (Yayla) as part of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, the easternmost of the large Yailas of Crimea. The average height of the massif is about 1000 m above sea level. The upper Karabi-Yayly plateau is the Kara-Tau ridge, the highest point of which is Mount Tai-Koba (1262 m). flocks of sheep due to sudden changes in weather conditions