China beidaihe sightseeing tour. What excursions are worth visiting in Beidaihe? About excursions and attractions in Beidaihe

The shore of the Bohai Bay (渤海湾, Bóhăiwān), protected by the Yanshan Mountains (燕山, Yānshān), turned out to be a great place to host a resort. No wonder it has become extremely popular among both local residents and numerous tourists from different countries.

"Dragon's Head" - the beginning of the Great Wall

After seeing the sights of Beidaihe, you should definitely go to the town of Shanhaiguan, which is also part of the city of Qinhuangdao, where the beginning of the Great Wall of China, built in the 16th century, is located. This segment, protruding 17 meters into the sea, resembles a dragon that has lowered its head into the sea. Further, the wall rises to the mountains. Near it are such architectural sights as the temple of Nereus, the stone city of the sea arm, built on coastal boulders and reefs, the watchtower and the Jinlu lighthouse, the Chenghai pavilion, the restored ancient city of Ninghai.

Nandaihe Amusement Park

The beautiful Nandaihe amusement park with its own beach and a small water park covers an area of ​​more than 5 km². It is half an hour's drive from Beidaihe and offers 30 different attractions, including a Ferris wheel, various roller coasters, carousels, a monorail, and amazing sand, grass and water slides. In the park, you can ride a junk along the picturesque lotus lake and see a bird show.

Dove Nest Park

Pigeon's Nest is a natural park that got its name from its main attraction - a 20-meter cliff protruding from the sea near the coast, which was chosen by numerous pigeons. The park is located in the northeast of Beidaihe. Early in the morning, locals and tourists come here to meet the sun rising from the water. The park has a statue of Mao Zedong, who wrote a poem about him, the Pavilion of the Book with illustrations of Chinese poems, a lake with an elegant pavilion for relaxation.

Temple of the girl Meng Jiang (Meng-Jiang Nu Temple)

The Meng Jiang Maiden Temple in the Ming style was erected in honor of a young Chinese woman whose husband died during the construction of the Great Wall of China. Faithful to him, she threw herself into the sea. There is a statue of Meng Jiang in the temple, and a garden nearby, in which sculptural groups depict scenes from the legend about her.

Sinao Aquarium (Xin-ao Aquarium Underwater World)

Between Beidaihe and Shanhaiguan is the huge Sinao Aquarium, which presents the underwater world of Singapore and Australia. The aquarium has pavilions of dolphins, penguins, a museum, a 100-meter cross-harbor tunnel made of acrylic glass and a large aquarium.

Lianfeng Hill Park

The largest natural attraction in Beidaihe is Lianfengshan Park. It is so large that tourists are offered to explore it on an electric car, since even a thorough inspection of all the beauties of the park on foot will take about 5 hours. There are three Buddhist temples, several viewing platforms, the highest of which rises to a height of 153 m.

Lantern Park (Beidaihe Strange House and Park Scenic Area)

In the evening in Beidaihe, it is best to go for a walk in Lantern Park. Here, in the center of the Magic Garden, stands the "Strange House", which has secret passages, spiral staircases, mirrored walls and much more. And in the park, the paths come to life, the benches vibrate, and the sculpture of a pissing boy can be doused with water.

Information taken from websites.

Vacation in Beidaihe- this is primarily a rich excursion program: if you wish, you can plan every day of your vacation, even if you are going to relax in the resort for more than a month.

When it comes to Beidaihe, first of all they point to a visit to the First Celestial Fortress. And not in vain. This ancient monument in the east of the city of Shanghaiguan is one of the most important historical monuments of the country, a living symbol of the power and impregnability of the borders of Ancient China. You can visit the monument daily, from 6.30 to 18.00, by bus number 33.

The great Wall of China. A place that every tourist dreams of visiting China for the first time. In the Beidaihe area, the Great Wall of China rises directly from the waves, captivating with the beauty of the view.

If you want to combine sightseeing of historical monuments with a walk in the park, we recommend heading to the northeast of Beidaihe, to a seaside park with a very poetic name - "Dove's Nest". It was this place that inspired Mao Zedong to write poetry; a monument to him was erected here withabout the stele. The park is a favorite place for ornithologists and in general for everyone who loves birds, studies them or just loves these light, beautiful creatures. Over 410 species of birds now live in the park, including very rare ones.e, which cannot be seen in any other park in the world. Steamto is open to visitors from 3.00 to 22.00, you can get here on the 21st bus.

Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Prayer Park. As you know, the largest city in Beidaihe, Qinhuangdao, was named after the emperor. In the third century BC, an imperial residence was built here - at the time when the great ruler sent an expedition to these lands in order to find a cure for old age. In honor of this event, in our time, a park was founded here. It is open for visiting from 7.30 to 18.00. You can get to the park by buses number 7 and 8.

Finally, all romantics should not miss the opportunity to stroll along Lantern park. Certainly, this is the best offer of the evening excursions. The park is beautifully and brightly lit, there are many original statues, "singing chairs" and "living paths" and, of course, a variety of amazing lanterns. This fabulous place was recreated according to one magical old legend, which tells of a strange house among the lanterns. This park is open from 8.00 to 22.00, but we remind you that it is better to come here in the evening. It is located on Lianfon Street, the easiest way to get here is not by public transport, but by taxi.

Lovers of nature and long walks surrounded by tropical greenery will surely appreciate the expanses of the local Botanical garden "Difa" located on Haibei Road,

park "Olympic prospect" with a singing fountain (Binhai tract);

be amazed by the beauty of centuries old trees and ancient caves Lianfengshan park and a huge number of different animals in the local safari park. If you love animals and have enough time for excursions, you can visit the Beidaihe Aquarium and Dolphinarium.

"Dragon's Head" - the beginning of the Great Wall

After seeing the sights of Beidaihe, you should definitely go to the town of Shanhaiguan, which is also part of the city of Qinhuangdao, where the beginning of the Great Wall of China, built in the 16th century, is located. This segment, protruding 17 meters into the sea, resembles a dragon that has lowered its head into the sea. Further, the wall rises to the mountains. Near it are such architectural sights as the temple of Nereus, the stone city of the sea arm, built on coastal boulders and reefs, the watchtower and the Jinlu lighthouse, the Chenghai pavilion, the restored ancient city of Ninghai.

Nandaihe amusement park Nandaihe)

The beautiful Nandaihe amusement park with its own beach and a small water park covers an area of ​​more than 5 km². It is half an hour's drive from Beidaihe and offers 30 different attractions, including a Ferris wheel, various roller coasters, carousels, a monorail, and amazing sand, grass and water slides. In the park, you can ride a junk along the picturesque lotus lake and see a bird show.

Pigeon's Nest Park DoveNestPark)

"Pigeon's Nest" is a natural park that got its name from its main attraction - a 20-meter cliff protruding from the sea near the coast, which was chosen by numerous pigeons. The park is located in the northeast of Beidaihe. Early in the morning, locals and tourists come here to meet the sun rising from the water. The park has a statue of Mao Zedong, who wrote a poem about him, the Pavilion of the Book with illustrations of Chinese poems, a lake with an elegant pavilion for relaxation.

Meng Jiang Maiden Temple Meng- JiangNuTemple)

The Meng Jiang Maiden Temple in the Ming style was erected in honor of a young Chinese woman whose husband died during the construction of the Great Wall of China. Faithful to him, she threw herself into the sea. There is a statue of Meng Jiang in the temple, and a garden nearby, in which sculptural groups depict scenes from the legend about her.

Sinao Aquarium (Xin-ao Aquarium Underwater World)

Between Beidaihe and Shanhaiguan is the huge Sinao Aquarium, which presents the underwater world of Singapore and Australia. The aquarium has pavilions of dolphins, penguins, a museum, a 100-meter cross-harbor tunnel made of acrylic glass and a large aquarium.

Lianfeng Hill Park

The largest natural attraction in Beidaihe is Lianfengshan Park. It is so large that tourists are offered to explore it on an electric car, since even a casual inspection of all the beauties of the park on foot will take about 5 hours. There are three Buddhist temples, several viewing platforms, the highest of which rises to a height of 153 m.

Lantern Park (Beidaihe Strange House and Park Scenic Area)

In the evening in Beidaihe, it is best to go for a walk in Lantern Park. Here, in the center of the Magic Garden, stands the "Strange House", which has secret passages, spiral staircases, mirrored walls and much more. And in the park, the paths come to life, the benches vibrate, and the sculpture of a pissing boy can be doused with water.

Things to Do in Beidaihe

At the resort, the most popular amusement parks and attractions have long been elevated to the rank of attractions for tourists.

If you're visiting Beidaihe with kids or just want to get active, be sure to check out the outdoor water park, which is located on the seafront in Shanghaiguan. This huge marine park - the largest in China, covers 27 hectares. Visitors to the park are waiting for a wide variety of water activities and spectacular shows. The water park is open from 8.00 to 22.00, you can get to it on the 25th bus.

For those who prefer to combine outdoor activities with a beach holiday, it is better to go to the marine park Naidaihe. There are also many attractions here, there is a Ferris wheel, scooters, bird shows are held, and you can always lie on the beach, where sun loungers and deck chairs are already prepared for you.The park is available from 6.00 to 19.00, the 23rd bus runs to it.

Whichever route you choose, a stay in Beidaihe will give you strength and will be remembered for a lifetime.

Beidaihe, until recently a popular resort among Russian tourists, is located 300 km from Beijing in the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea and stretches along the coast for 11 km. It is part of the port city of Qinhuangdao, named after Emperor Qinshi Huang, who came here before the birth of Christ in search of longevity pills. After the formation of the PRC in 1949, Beidaihe turned into a resort for high-ranking officials, then he lowered his status and opened his doors to the common public.

Tourists are attracted here by the mild maritime climate, sandy beaches, historical monuments and cultural relics. The resort is most suitable for families with children, since there are amusement parks, water parks, safaris, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, park areas, etc. nearby. minutes by car.

Popular places to visit:

The Shanhaiguan Pass is the first sea fortress of the Ming Dynasty, located between the mountains and the sea in the north of the Bohai Bay, which later turned into a city.

Dragon Head, 5 km south of Shanhaiguan, on the easternmost tip of the Great Wall of China. The wall in this place, as it were, emerges from the sea and rushes up the mountain peaks, wriggling like a dragon.

The picturesque area of ​​Beidaihe with beaches, parks, health resorts.

The beach for foreigners is located on the western side, opposite the International Club complex, equipped with sunbeds and umbrellas. "Middle Beach" was once popular among high-ranking officials. "East Beach" is located 500 meters from Beidaihe in the direction of Qinhuangdao. This is where the Chinese like to spend their holidays.

The restaurants serve a large number of fresh seafood: fish, crabs, shrimps, jellyfish, scallops, mussels. The largest Quanjude restaurant is located in Qinhuangdao, you can order Peking duck. Many restaurants take into account the tastes of Russian tourists and prepare less spicy dishes, the menu is in Russian. The Russian restaurant is located on the territory of the Druzhba hotel. Traditional cuisine - dumplings, pancakes, borscht, etc. Relatively cheap fruits are sold in abundance on the streets: mangoes, lychees, pineapples, etc.

The markets have a large selection of seafood, shells, pearls, corals, and ornamental stones. Local grapes, apples, peaches and pears are popular. The largest department store in Qinhuangdao is Hualien, 6 floors.

Beidaihe is a resort Qinhuangdao City District, named after Emperor Qinshi Huang. The resort is located 280 kilometers from Beijing.

Once a small village of fishermen, it turned into an elite resort for Chinese top officials, and later into a vacation spot for everyone. To date, the resort is one of the most beloved among Russian tourists, this is noticeable even by the fact that signs in the city have appeared in Russian, a TV show about the life of our compatriots on the coast of the Yellow Sea, guides in three languages ​​​​common in Qinhuangdao: Chinese, English and Russian.

The climate is temperate continental. It allows you to enjoy the warmth regardless of the season. Best place to stay on the coast May to October when it's bathing season. During the rest of the year, Beidaihe offers medical treatment and shopping.

What to see and where to have fun in Beidaihe

dragon head

Perhaps the most famous attraction is the Great Wall of China. 35 km from Beidaihe is the beginning of this historical monument. The beginning of the Great Wall of China is made in the form of a dragon's head. Since the wall has gone under water by 23 meters over the past years, it seems that this is not a creation of human hands, but a real stone dragon lay down to sleep and the wall itself is its backbone.

Nearby on the coast are the old fort and the customs house, which stood in the 16th century. Tourists are taken to the wall by funicular, then only easy walks, including a descent to the sea. On the seashore stands the Temple of the Sea God.

Yangsai Lake

Together with an excursion to the Dragon Head, a trip to Yansai Lake is often combined. You will have to go by bus, as the lake is not far from Yanshan mountains, near shanghaiguan. At the beginning of the tour, you can take a boat ride. The walk along the lake is small, only 15 minutes, but this is enough to enjoy the beauties of the mountains and the forest on the shore. After the walk, sightseers usually take the funicular down to the park, where they can take a walk, look at the birds and feed the squirrels. True, squirrels live in cages, but if you wish, you can also enjoy communicating with these animals through the cage.


Beidaihe Aquarium is a 20-minute drive towards Shanhaiguang. This spectacle will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults. The oceanarium itself is a transparent tunnel inside which visitors are located. Various fish swim around, including beautiful exotic species. Emotions will run high when, right in front of visitors, scuba divers begin to feed the fish.

Nandaihe amusement park

This amusement park is located a 30-minute drive from Beidaihe. It presents all kinds of attractions to the delight of children and adults. In the park there is an opportunity to try out water slides, sand slides, and even grass slides. Water attractions are considered to be the most favorite among children. Also among the entertainment for visitors are presented, which have already become necessary attributes of all seaside resorts, all kinds of carousels and roller coasters. If the children are independent enough or are very tired of riding, then you can go to the lakes and admire the lotuses in the same park.

Zoo - safari

Many tourists with children enjoyed visiting this park. Moreover, local animals do not live there in cages, as is usually the case in a zoo, but live in natural conditions. Visitors travel in small trailers by rail or buses. Photo and video shooting is allowed in the park. There are a lot of animals of various species: from monkeys familiar to tourists, which can be hand-fed, to the most exotic ones.

lantern park

In the evening, when dusk has already set in, it's time to go for a walk in the Lantern Park, which is literally a ten-minute walk from the bus station. Entrance fee, approx. 10 yuan for a person. But the ticket is worth it. If the heat and stuffiness has not subsided yet, then a walk through the cool shady forest will benefit anyone. There are many interesting statues in the park and even a few playful objects that can make laugh and even frighten an unknowing passer-by. Among them there is a frightening shop that emits a terrible creak from the wind and a statue of a pissing boy who can really unexpectedly pour water on a passerby. In the depths of the park there is an amazing building in which the furnishings and objects in the rooms can surprise you greatly. The interior of each room is strikingly different from each other.


Shopping in China has become a classic. There is a market in Beidaihe and several shopping centers in the center of the city of Qinhuangdao. There is a daytime market where you can buy anything, and at dusk, small shops open on the beaches selling beach goods and souvenirs. It is better to pay in RMB. Shopping centers located in the city center can be reached by taxi, costing about 10-50 yuan or by minibus 34.

Hua Lian Department Store

In the center of Qinhuangdao, Hua Lian Department Store is a modern 6-storey building with more than 40,000 different products. This is a real expanse for those who like to shop. True, in the shopping center you will not be able to bargain.

pearl market

First of all, you can visit a favorite place for shopping among our tourists - the Shitan Lu Pearl Market. It is located near the Sea Breeze Hotel or two blocks seaward from the bus station. To many, this market resembles old favorite Russian flea markets. In the center of the market there is a walking alley about 300-400 meters long. Along it are small shops with all sorts of things. But as usual, in the most passable place, merchants make a discount of no more than 5-10%. If you want to buy more, but cheaper, you should take a walk to more distant shops. Justifying the name, in the shopping center in the middle of the market they sell pearl products, an entire floor was taken for them. It is worth being wary of a fake and checking the product you are buying, for this, try to scratch the pearl a little, if it works, then this is not a product of the sea, but coated plastic. Bargaining is worth it, but not aggressively and calmly. The further away the outlet is located, the more accommodating the sellers. It is worth buying dried delicacies in the form of squid, dried fish, shrimp, only if you have tried it before, since the taste and spices are not for everyone. But you can get good tea by bargaining so that it will last for a whole year.


In hotels, which are usually offered by tour operators, only breakfast is provided. They can get bored on the third day, but it’s easy to diversify your diet with fruits, which are sold everywhere in great abundance. For lunch and dinner, go to local cafes. In the resort area there are many small catering establishments, the so-called "chifanki", which serve fresh steamed seafood. Tender juicy crab meat, cooked in a special “healthy” way, turns into a dietary dish.

If you do not like the local cuisine, then your path lies on Baoerlu- the street where the most popular among Russian tourists restaurants of European and Russian cuisine are located. The local restaurants have long been meeting tourists, trying to please their tastes. The menu of restaurants such as Gloria and Marina you can easily find dumplings, borscht, pancakes and many other familiar names. Our tourists leave a lot of good reviews about the food in the restaurant. "Friendship". Another place to visit is the restaurant. "Open". The borscht served at this place is especially good.

Specialty of the house in Beidaihe is fried shrimps in oil with sauce. In the process of frying, they acquire a golden color, and the meat remains tender and juicy.

In establishments like "samovar" the visitor can cook his own food. “Samovar” is when a small saucepan is brought for each guest and the dish is prepared and modified as new ingredients are added.

At the restaurant at "Alyosha" You should try Peking Duck. But it is better to come to eat with a company of 3-4 people, otherwise the bird may not be mastered.

Average check not big. The most expensive thing for a company can amount to 1000 rubles. In small cafes for a salad for lunch, you can give from 7 to 20 yuan.

Beidaihe is a modern resort ideal for families. For tourists with children, all kinds of attractions, a dolphinarium, an oceanarium and other interesting attractions are suitable, which will bring a lot of joyful experiences and positive impressions.

My husband and I traveled in late May - early June 2015. In total, along with the road to rest, we spent about 100,000 rubles, most of them went to the road. We took off from Moscow. We stayed in Beidaihe for 10 days, including the days of arrival and departure. Directly in Beidaihe, we spent about 3,000 yuan, at a rate of 8 rubles per yuan. Separately, we bought vouchers that paid for the train journey from Manchuria to Beidaihe, the hotel, as well as the services of meeting and seeing off in Manchuria and Beidaihe. Each voucher cost 20,000 rubles, despite the fact that we took a good hotel, we could have taken a simpler hotel, then the voucher would have cost 2,000 rubles. cheaper. To travel to China, it is better to buy a ticket, otherwise there may be problems at the border. In addition to the voucher, the travel agency will arrange for you an invitation and insurance, without which you will not be allowed into China. Separately at the border you need to buy a visa. It cost about 1800 rubles, we had one for two. We stayed at Xuan He Hotel. This hotel has four stars. Great hotel, nice environment, helpful staff. It is small, there were few people, the windows overlooked the courtyard, so it was quiet. We changed towels and toiletries every day. True, a complete cleaning was done only once and then at the very beginning, this is of course a minus, but insignificant. We really liked the hotel, if you have the opportunity to overpay a little, then check into it, you will not regret it. Moreover, it takes about 10 minutes to walk from it to the beach or to the bus station. Our breakfasts were included in the price. The hotel had a buffet, the food is purely Chinese. But overall it was delicious.

And this is our hotel

And here is the courtyard in the hotel

And this is what we ate in the morning at the hotel

Twice they brought us breakfast in the room, it looked like this

We traveled to Beidaihe by train from Manchuria. Separately, you need to dwell on the description of the Chinese train. I must say right away that the train leaves much to be desired. The essential difference between Chinese second-class carriages and ours is that in Chinese there are no side shelves. Instead, there are small saddles on the sides. But at the same time, in the inner compartment in the trains, there are not 4, but 6 shelves. Therefore, if you buy a ticket, then ask for the bottom seat, or at least the middle one. The Chinese have a gradation of places, for example, place 9 is lower, middle or upper. The windows in the carriages do not open; instead, air conditioners operate, which at the same time blew very cold air. It is not forbidden to smoke on trains in China, while smoking is allowed in the toilet and in a small vestibule between the cars. There was a strong smell from the smoke in the car. We are non-smokers and this made us very uncomfortable. Another very important clarification, here, when boarding, you will not be given clean linen, as in our trains. In China, it's just not accepted. We once read about this on the forum and did not believe it, but now we confirm it. In China, they simply fill the shelves at the departure station and subsequently, no matter how many people occupy this shelf along the train route, the linen is not changed. They also don't have mattresses. This makes it very hard to sleep. This will have to be dealt with. The rest is standard: there is a toilet and a washbasin - at one end of the car, while they are separate, hot water - at the other. The conductors will not make tea for you, so take it with you, but they sell food on the train. 1 portion costs 20 yuan, it is small, but it was enough.

Now let's move on to Beidaihe. Our vacation began with the fact that immediately after the train, our guide took us to free medical procedures. It seems that the doctor should have listened to our pulse and told us about all our illnesses. We became interested and off we went. True, we were not even given the opportunity to eat, saying that we had to go there hungry. It turned out to be a complete scam. The doctor listened to our pulse, pressed different points on the neck, stomach, back. Then we were told that we have a lot of diseases with the kidneys, with the cervical vertebrae, and about many other things. At the same time, not a word was said about our real problems, for example, frequent migraines, allergies. Then they started telling us that we had to go through 5 sessions of acupuncture for only 800 yuan. We refused, left the office, wanted to leave, but it turned out that our driver had left somewhere, we had to wait 20 minutes for him. All this time, we were offered 10 times again and again to go through a trial procedure. They also gave us hungry tea with a very sharp taste. I ate an apple on the way, so I didn’t feel anything, and my husband was completely hungry, and he says that the tea was a little dizzy and somehow felt worse. Maybe it was just hunger, I don't know. But I advise you all the same not to fall for this and not to go to any medical procedures. We were very disappointed that the holiday began with this.

Let's continue talking about the pleasant. We managed to save a lot, largely because we traveled everywhere on our own buses, and did not buy excursions from a guide, with the exception of one - to the Nandaihe Amusement Park. The bus fare is 1 yuan if you travel around the city, and 2 yuan if you travel between cities. As we were later told, during the high season, the fare may increase: 2 yuan will cost travel around the city, 3 - between cities. I will present a list of places that you can and should visit in Beidaihe and neighboring cities. I want to warn you right away that in the summer, at the height of the season, entrance prices to the parks can increase by about 10 yuan. At the very end of the review there are several maps where all these places are marked.

1. Safari park. You can get there by bus 34. Entrance costs 100 yuan for an adult. For children from 1.2 to 1.4 meters and people from 60 to 69 years old, the entrance costs 50 yuan. The park consists of two parts. On the first one you can walk freely, monkeys, elephants, various birds live here. The second part is much longer, this is actually a safari, tigers, lions, wolves, bears, antelopes, zebras, giraffes, and many others live here. It is impossible to walk freely along it, because the animals here are no longer in cages, but simply walk in the wild. Here you can travel either by your own car or by bus, in both cases you will have to buy an additional ticket and pay an additional 50 to 100 yuan. But there is also a free train. He travels through all the compartments in the park, each type of animal lives in its own compartment, and stops for a short time so that people can look and take pictures. The train also stops at some stations where you can get off and walk around. Non-dangerous animals also live here, such as giraffes, zebras, monkeys, peacocks, etc. But you will have to travel from station to station by train. They run frequently, don't worry. It took us about 6 hours to the park and all the forces available for that day, but we really liked it. It is worth a visit without fail.

Entrance to the Safari Park


And of course, peacocks, how would China be without them!

2. Dove's Nest Park. You can get there by bus 37. Entrance is 25 yuan per adult. Children and seniors, within the above parameters, are admitted free of charge. The park is small, has access to the beach. There is also a gazebo on a small hill, from where tourists are advised to watch the sunrise in the early morning. The park is small but very picturesque. On the way to the park there is a Bird Museum. The building is very beautiful. We were not inside, as we saw enough birds in the Safari, but you can also visit it.

This is the Bird Museum

3. Olympic Park. You can get there by bus 15. Entrance is free for everyone. The park is big enough. There are many sports-themed sculptures here, a wall that tells the story of the Olympic Games. There is also a huge, light and music fountain. He starts working daily at 20:00, the performance lasts about 15 minutes.

Olympic flame - the central sculpture of the Olympic Park

And this is the wall that tells the story of the Olympics.

4. Lantern Park. You can get there by bus 15. Entrance costs 20 yuan. I find it difficult to say what privileges for children and the elderly, since everything was written in Chinese at the checkout. It is advised to go to the park at night, it is at this time that all the lights are lit there. But with us, it closed in the evening, since, apparently, it was not yet a season, so we went during the day. It seems to me that we have lost little, the park is already very beautiful. This park is, so to speak, for adventure. There are various bridges, stone passages, an unusual slide, a sculpture of a pissing boy who blows a stream at the moment when someone passes by and other surprises. In the center of the park stands a Castle called Strange Building. The castle also consists of different rooms, secret passages, stairs, mirrors and everything else. It was interesting to walk on it. Additional performances are also held in the park, tickets for them can be bought separately already in the park itself.

This is a weird building.

And a statue of a pissing boy

5. Difa Botanical Garden. You can get there by bus 5. Entrance costs 40 yuan. Children under 1.2 meters and seniors over 70 years old enter for free. It will take about half an hour to drive. Listen carefully to the names of the stops, the announcer says "Difa" clearly several times, so don't miss it. There are greenhouses in which various plants grow: exotic: bananas, mangoes, dates, figs, papaya; and ordinary: pumpkins, grapes, strawberries, etc. In season, all fruits can be bought. You walk right among the trees, and do not observe them through a net or a fence. Some greenhouses are decorated with gazebos, small ponds with carps. There is also the famous arch, with long hanging cucumbers. We didn't get to see it because it was out of season. The garden also has many different attractions, carousels. The garden didn't really impress us much, it's not worth 40 yuan. I advise you to go there only if you have time. But this is up to you.

6. Lianfengshan Park. You can get there by bus 5, the entrance costs about 15 yuan. Located on the way to the Botanical Garden. We tried to get into it 2 times, but both times it was closed for some reason. In general, it works, we were just unlucky. We simply did not have enough time for subsequent attempts. The park is very large, there are ponds, bridges, stones, everything you need for beautiful photos.

7. Ecological park. You can get there by bus 34. Entrance seems to be free, but this is inaccurate. It is located in front of the Safari Park. We did not have time to visit it, but we drove by many times, we did not see the ticket office and barriers, so the entrance is most likely free. There is a standard set: ponds, bridges, trees, stones.

8. Bilota Park. You can get there by bus 15, but from its stop you will have to walk a little more to the park itself. I can’t say how much the entrance costs, since we didn’t go into it. Although we walked and saw what it was like. This is an amusement park, as we understand it. It has a shell-shaped tower in the center where performances are shown.

9. Rose garden park. You can get there by bus 15, admission is free. The park is small compared to other parks in Beidaihe. It, in fact, consists of 4 mini-parks located across the road from each other. The park is beautiful, all planted with roses: white, red, pink, orange, etc. I read many times that people cannot find it. We walked to it directly from our hotel, you can also go down to it from the Olympic Park. It is close to the Open Hotel and the Kangaroo Night Club.

10. Pearl market. Located near the bus station. You can get there by 5 or 15 buses, depending on where you are coming from. Here you can buy pearls of different sizes and qualities, they are sold in strands - from 50 yuan per strand, there are also various souvenirs, shells, spices, dried seafood.

11. Fountain across the road from the bus station. This is a very large fountain, you must go and see it. With us, he worked only once, but again, it was not quite the season yet, the fountains in the city did not work at all. According to other tourists, it works only in the morning and in the afternoon, it is turned off in the evening.

12. Mermaid Island or Shell Island. It is located near Beidaihe, again on the way to the Botanical Garden, you can get to it by bus 5, then you can transfer to bus 22, or you can walk a little. The island itself can be reached by bridge or by funicular. We were not there, but as far as we understood, the island has a park area and attractions. How much is the entrance, I can not say.

13. Tiger Stone Island, part-time beach. This is a beach with a lot of different big and small rocks in the sea. Entrance costs 8 yuan. You can get there by bus 15, then you have to walk a little more.

This is where the sights of Beidaihe end, the next and most interesting ones are in neighboring cities. But don't let that scare you, you can easily get to them by bus.

14. Oceanarium and Dolphinarium. Located in Qinhuangdao. We get to Qinhuangdao by bus 34, at the Tanghe park stop we change to bus 19 and go to the Grand Hotel Qinhuang stop. Oceanarium and Dolphinarium are 2 different neighboring buildings. But the Oceanarium also has a dolphinarium and for a fee you can visit the dolphin show. Entrance to the Oceanarium cost 75 yuan for adults, 45 for children (1.2-1.5 meters). For the dolphin show, you need to pay an additional 50 yuan for an adult and 30 for a child. The shows are scheduled, so I'll attach a photo of the hours. There are many different types of fish in the Oceanarium, there is also a tunnel where fish swim from all sides, there are also seals and seals. We did not go to the dolphins and separately to the Dolphinarium, too, so I can’t say anything about it.

Oceanarium building


15. Park of Emperor Qin. Entrance costs 60 yuan. Buses do not go directly to the park. From the Oceanarium you can take bus 19, then you have to take a taxi or walk. It's a long walk, and don't be scared, you'll have to go through the bridge and, so to speak, unpresentable areas. While walking, we didn’t believe that there could be a park here, but the park lived up to all our hopes and the efforts spent. This is a park in honor of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the creator of China and, separately, the Terracotta Army. For the uninformed, I advise you to read more about him. Real Terracotta Wars are located in the park, this is the main reason why it is definitely worth a visit.

This is the Emperor himself.

And a staircase with terracotta wars on the sides

16. Amusement park. Located in Nandaihe. Entrance costs 120 yuan and 96 for children and the elderly. As we were told later, you can get to it by bus 603, which goes from the bus station. We didn't know about this bus. Moreover, our guide told us that neither buses nor taxis go to the park. Well, more precisely, we can take a taxi, but we won’t go back, because we won’t be able to catch a taxi there. I refute it. The park stands directly in the city, there is also a taxi rank here, you can get anywhere. In extreme cases, you can try to drive with local or with the same tourists. Our guide not only deceived us about transport, but also about the entrance, saying that it cost 130 yuan. As a result, he took 40 yuan from each for the road, saying that he takes the minimum. Let me tell you right now, it's expensive. But this is China, be prepared that everyone and everywhere will breed you. But actually, in order to avoid this, this review was written. Now about the pleasant. This is an amusement park, there are many of them, different ones, including large and small go-karts, roller coasters, various carousels. On each you can ride like 10 times, on roller coasters - 1 time. Large karting - for a fee. The queues here are long, so it's better not to go on weekends. There are also grass and sand slides, a lotus park, beaches and, in theory, a water park, but it did not work with us. This excursion is all day long. Take food and water with you. We have a lot of emotions left from the park! I advise you not to go to other attractions located, for example, in Difa, Safari, etc. and do not waste money, but immediately go to this one. Here are the coolest rides, all the rest will not impress you after this park.

The famous Grass Hills

17. Water park. Located in Shanghaiguan. You need to go to Qinhuangdao by bus 34, then transfer to 25. It will take a long time to go. The whole road from Beidaihe will take about an hour and a half there and the same time back. The stop will be right at the water park. He also did not work with us, but we learned from other tourists that the entrance fee is 110 yuan ..

18. Now the most delicious. Laolongtou Park or Dragon's Head. Located one or two stops, I don't remember exactly, after the water park. You also need to get there by bus 25. The bus stops just above the park, so don't be afraid to pass by. Here again, listen to the name of the stop, the announcer will call "Laolongtou". Entrance costs 60 yuan. And be careful here. To get to the ticket office, you need to climb the stairs and turn a little, you can’t see them right away. But right away there is a Chinese who lures you to other ticket offices where they sell excursions and the entrance will be correspondingly more expensive. So look for the inscription "Ticket". The park is a must visit. It includes the Shanhaiguan Pass, a small town that shows how the soldiers guarding the wall used to live, and most importantly, the beginning of the Great Wall of China, also referred to as the dragon's head. In addition, this is the only section of the wall that is in contact with the sea.

Shanghaiguan Pass

In the center of the town there is a labyrinth, it is easy only at first glance, we wandered through it for about thirty minutes.

Well, in fact, at the end, the dragon's head itself awaits you

By the way, this park and a section of the wall were restored somewhere in the second half of the 20th century, since at the beginning of the same century they were completely destroyed by European invaders. That is why the park is so new and completely preserved.

19. Finally, the most important thing is the Great Wall of China. It is located beyond the Dragon Head. You need to go to the final 25 bus, drive 15 minutes from Laolongtou. Then there is the 5th bus, which seems to go straight to the wall. We were not able to verify this, since we did not immediately find its stop. But found later. To get on it, you will have to walk from the final 25 bus further along its route. But again, it is not clear whether the 5th bus will still take you to the wall or not. We did not see him there and there were no stops near the wall either. Therefore, I explain how to get there. When you reach the final stop and get off the bus, you will see a wall, it is located right in the city near the sidewalk. The pass is immediately visible in the wall, and a shopping street with various Chinese-style buildings stretches from it. You need to go through it to the end and go out onto the road. This road already leads to the wall. There are signs there. Walk about 3 kilometers to the wall. We were lucky we got a ride from one local resident for 10 yuan. Entrance to the wall costs 30 yuan, children and the elderly seem to get in for free. A ticket for the funicular, so that you do not stomp up the wall in the heat, costs 15 yuan one way and 20 if there and back. I advise you to get there by funicular, and back down the wall. It is better not to climb the wall, it is very steep, you will constantly have to go up it, there are practically no straight sections. We were tired when we went down it, I'm afraid to think how hard it is to go up. And besides, the funicular offers a gorgeous view. When you reach the top, you will have to walk a little more to reach the Buddhist monastery, if you still go after it, you can reach the observation deck, from where you can see Yangsai Lake. Once upon a time, it was possible to take the funicular down to the lake from here, but it did not work with us and it seems that it has not been working for a long time. After looking at all these charms, you will have to go back, because the path directly along the wall also starts from the funicular.

If you don't want to get lost in the winding streets of the Beidaihe resort, which gradually turns into a rather big Qinhuangdao, you will need a map, and it is better that it is with all the sights. For example, you can visit the Safari Zoo. The easiest way to get there is from the center of Beidaihe, from the Olympic Park, by bus number 34. The zoo's attractions include animal feeding.


Here you can see many unique representatives of the fauna, both Chinese and collected from around the world. You will definitely want to take some photos of the sights of Beidaihe and the surrounding area. For example, go to Yangsai Lake, next to it there is a bird park and a squirrel park. Here you can ride a pleasure boat. Any description of the sights of Beidaihe will definitely mention the main asset of these places.

Of course, we are talking about the Great Wall of China. In the vicinity of the resort there are two sites open to the public. This is the famous Dragon's Head, the beginning of the wall, which is located in the sea. The second part is located in the mountains, about 30 kilometers from Beidaihe. You have to take the funicular to get there. The guidebooks of Beidaihe sights in Russian also mention the Olympic Park.


Here you will find singing fountains, many sculptures, a detailed history of the Chinese Olympic Games and many beautiful views. On the map of Beidaihe, one of the main attractions remains the Lantern Park and the Magic Palace in it. There are many attractions for children, secluded corners and mysterious paths that adults will also like.

It is better to visit this place at dusk, then it reveals all its secrets, strikes with magic and even scares a little. Among the sights of Beidaihe you can find such a name as Shi-tan-Lu. This is an iconic place for shoppers. Nearby is the Pearl Market. The shopping street is somewhat more expensive than other shops in Beidaihe, but there is more choice.


Do not forget to visit the Dolphinarium and the Oceanarium, you can enter here with one ticket. It is worth clarifying in advance when the performance in the dolphinarium is, so as not to miss it. Resort guests are advised to visit Rybachy Island, where you need to get by ferry. There are swimming pools, including for bathing small children, the opportunity to go fishing and good beaches. In addition, the resort has three treatment centers known throughout the world.

These are the Hebei Qigong sanatorium, the Eastern Energy medical and diagnostic center and the sanatorium of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in the city of Beidaihe. Ecotourism is developed in this area, because about 70% of the territory is covered with forest. Festivals are held along the Beidaihe coast during the summer. These are the Great Wall Cultural Festival, the Sea Carnival and the Sea Bird Festival.