Presentation on the theme "South America Sights". South America Presentation on South America

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South America

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The mainland is almost completely isolated from other continents. Communication with North America through Panaman's experiencing was formed only in the middle of the Cenozoic era. The main part of South America is located between the equator and the southern tropical.

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Extreme points: North-Malinas, South -m. FROUERD, EASTERN - M. Kabu Branka (translated from Portuguese - "White Cape"), Western - m. Parinas. The coastline of the mainland is cut weakly. The shores are mostly smooth, straight. Only the south-west participation of the mainland is raised by fjords (narrow, long bays), there are many small bays, islands, straits.

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Settlement by Indians

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The opening of America H. Columbum refers to the greatest events of the era of the great geographical discoveries. However, there are a number of hypotheses, legends and downtime documents to the shores of America in Africa and Europe long before Columbus. The great event of 1492, when the Spanish ships under the command of H. Kolumba reached the shores of the new light, was prepared by all course of history - the development of science (Columbus believed that the earth had the shape of the ball), the navigation, the interests of trade, the search for new entries From Europe to Asia countries. H. Columbus made four travels to the shores of America (1492-1504), but did not understand that he opened a new light. He was not interested in the scientific side of his discoveries, but pursued the drawing goals of the discovery and seizure of new territories, strive to turn outdoor lands in the colony of Spain. The idea that open lands are not Western shores of India, as he believed until the end of the life of H.Columb, and the new part of the world was first expressed by the Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci, in honor of which the mainland was named (1507).

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In 1519, the ships of the Portuguese round-the-world expedition F. Magellan sailed off the coast of South America, which rightly assumed that, having encouraged South America, you can go to the Pacific Ocean. F. Magellan opened the Atlantic coast of South America and the strait between the two oceans, called afterwards him. Following the navigators, Spanish and Portuguese conquerors rushed to America, which turned the mainland into their colonial possessions. Many opening and research of the continent are associated with a period of co-latonial seizures. They were attracted by legends about the fabulous wealth of new lands. So the Italian navigator, who was in the Spanish service, S. Kabot in search of the "Ceing Kingdom" in 1527 opened the mouth of the Parrea River, flew away away from the river. Spanish Conquistor F. Orelyan with his squad in 1542. The first of Europeans crossed the continent, looked at the Amazon from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean.

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During the colonization, the nature and population of the continent was studied uninterrupted. Spanish and Portuguese authorities tried to prevent scientists in their own ownership. Only at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The study of the nature of the Nativity is a wonderful German scientist A.Gamboldt. A.Gamboldt's journey together with French nerd E. Bonplen became the greatest on scientific results. During his travels, A.Gamboldt visited the Orinoco River, climbing some tops of the Andes. He described the nature and population of countries in the territory of which he passed his way, established many connections between geographic phenomena, substantiated the idea of \u200b\u200bhigh-altitude on the example of the Andes, also explained the role of a cold peruvian flow for climate of coastal areas.

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The famous natural scientist hrddanvin during the circular swimming on the Beagle ship visited the Galapagos Islands in the 30s of the XIX century. Observations of the non-natural nature of the archipelago, where representatives of the organic world of the South and the North are found (Liana and Mossi, Pin-Guvina and Parrots, the sea lizards of iguana and seals), and on every island their subspecies and types of both of them and the same Birds, according to a scientist justify the theory of origin of species.

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Russian researchers studied the nature and peoples of South America. In the first half of the XIX century. Russian Expedition G.I. Langsdorf and N.G.rubtsova worked in the inner areas of Brazil. The materials collected by the expedition stored in Museums of Brazil, scientists are still studying. The climate of South America studied the Russian climatologist A.I.Vaikov. Biologist N.I.Vavilov in the 30s of the XX century. In the time of expeditions on the mainland, the geographical centers of the ancient foci of agriculture and the origin of a number of cultivated plants, including potatoes, was established.

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Here is the largest lowland plain area in the area - Amazon lowland and the longest mountain range of the Earth - Andes. In Andes, there is the most high-mountainous major lakes in the world - Titicaca. The highest waterfall of the world - Angel. Amazon has the biggest river system.

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South America's relief is characterized by a clear division into two parts: flat in the east and in the center and mountain in the West.

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Gwiank plateore. Waterfall.
The Eastern Relief was formed on an ancient platform. Extensive Brazilian and Gwiank Plateau formed in the field of shields (the output of the foundation of the platform on the surface). Flat Amazonian and La Platus lowland - in the deflection of the platform, where the crystal foundation of the platform is blocked by the thick sediment.

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Andes are one of the most magnificent mountain countries. They stretch two, and sometimes three parallel ridges along the entire western edge of the mainland. Mountain ridges are separated by intermountain depressions, defamations, dissected by deep gorges. The tops of the Andes are lifted above 6000 m, many of them are volcanic cones.

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The highest point - Akonkagua Mountain reaches 6960 m. The peaks of the mountains are covered with snow and glaciers. Seven glaciers are descended from Akonkagua. Often, an earthquakes occur in Andes, volcanic eruptions. The most catabographic happened in the Andes in 1960, 1970 and 1985. They took the lives of several tens of thousands of residents

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The ridges of the Andes.

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Savior Statue in Rio de Janeiro

Machu Picchu Cartagena Potosi Naska Cusco Tiauanako San Luis Olimtambo Urumamba Kolka South America

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Machu - Picchu

It is located at an altitude of 2430 meters above sea level, on a mountain of extraordinary beauty, in the middle of a mountain rainforest. Machu Picchu is perhaps the most amazing city building of the Empire Inca. This city archaeologists found in the summer of 1911. Its area is about 5 square km. Inside it there are warehouses, churches, observatory and the residence of the legendary ruler of the Inca Pachaci. It is assumed that at least thousands of people lived in the city.

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City of Cartagena

This village of Colombia is famous for the fact that in 1586 he looked through the English flotilla, which he managed the pirate, subsequently became English Lord - Sir Francis Drake. Port fortifications were completely destroyed. Later, the inhabitants rebuilt them anew, mixing for the fortress in a solution by bullish blood. Today, the old quarters of Cartagena are a single historical monument of the time of colonial conquest of the mainland by the Spaniards.

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In the center of the city there is a bastion, in which the pirates captured captured by captivated. On the artillery square is the temple of the XVII century, whose tower is twisted. There are the Palace of the Inquisition, and the monument to Christopher Columbus. The martyrs alley reminds of those citizens who died in the war for the liberation of the country from colonialism.

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The flowering of the city fell on the first half of the XVII century, when more people lived in it than in London itself! During these half a century, 16 thousand tons of silver were taken out of this settlement of the Spaniard! The phrase "rich as Potosi" became the saying. When the reserves of the noble metal in the mines are dried, the city fell into decay.

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Nowadays, he turned into an open-air museum. Tourists are attracted to a visit to the mint, where shiny dangles were minted with portraits of the Spanish kings and Mount Edinro - Rico, from the top of which by legend the Grand Revolutionary South America Simon Bolivar proclaimed the independence of these places from the Spanish crown.

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Savior Statue in Rio de Janeiro

This grandiose stone sculpture, ascended by almost a kilometer height, is in Rio de Janeiro on a steep Hill Corcovad. She appeared as a result of a generallyrazil open competition for the best monument, which would express the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the nation. A simple man was defeated by Ector Yes Silva-Costa, who offered to log out the figure of Christ the Savior.12 of October 1931, the solemn discovery of the monument was held, the author of which was the French sculptor Paul Landovsky

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Tiaanaco City

It is located on the territory of Bolivia - on the lands that once belonged to Incans. But it is believed that this settlement was founded long before them. Urban walls are folded from huge stone blocks, as if this is the work of the giants. This hints and the majestic statues of people from stone, towering next to the fortress

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Desert Nask

This plateau on the territory of Peru is located between the valleys of the Rivers of Nask and Inhenio, 450 km from Lima. There is a majestic historical monument, the purpose of which is not solved so far. The territory of 500 square kilometers is covered with gigantic, up to 300 meters in length, images of people and animals, lines, spirals and geometric shapes. Some of them are several tens of meters. And evaluate the work of an unknown artist is possible only from a bird's eye view.

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This is the most ancient city of Brazil. It was founded on November 1, 1501 by the famous traveler Amerigo Vespucci. This is not only an important economics center of the country, but also the heart of Brazilian culture. The most famous temples are on Prasra de CE. In the XVII century, a large Catholic Cathedral was erected here, the altar of which is decorated with sheet gold. Next to the temple is another church - San Francisco, the material for which was exported from Portugal. Especially in Salvador, the Church of La Consay-San De Prai, dedicated to the Mother of God, which local residents consider their patroness is also honored.

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This is the third base of the foundation of the capital of Brazil. The city was laid on April 1, 1960 at Sererado Plateau. He is considered to be an architectural miracle of Latin America. The author of the houses located in the central quarters of the capital was the most famous architect the second half of the XX century Oscar Nimeier.

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The general plan of the city has developed another brilliant architect - Louisio Costa. From above, Brazilia reminds the figure of the aircraft. The buildings of the Government, the National Congress and the Supreme Court were built on his "nose". The most impressive temple in this city is a cathedral Catholic Cathedral, which Nimeier gave an unusual shape of a thunder crown.

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Another feature of Brazil is the lack of sidewalks and a limited number of pedestrian crossings. Half a century ago it was believed that this settlement is a prototype of the cities of the XXI century, strictly subordinate to one architectural thought. However, now this ordering seems to be modern people somewhat monotonous.

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Historic center of San Louis

The city center, which was built by the French in the XVII century, was then busy with the Dutch, and was under the control of Portuguese, it was built according to the direct-perpendicular structure of the streets. Thanks to the period of economic stagnation at the beginning of the 20th century, most of the buildings, preventing interest as historical monuments, has been preserved to the present day. He is a vivid example of colonial architecture

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This is the only city of the Inca, which is still in the population. Opposite the giant staircase in the rocks, you can see the face of the Supreme God-Creator Viatrochu carved by nature. According to one of the legends, the first inks (on the other, it happened on the island of Lake Titicaca was awakened here in the caves. At the top of the Pyramid Olimtambo, there is a huge array of 7 stone monoliths, carefully polished and fitted to each other. Judging by the technique of stone processing, it can be assumed that the masters from another great empire - Tiaanac (the current Bolivia) worked here. The side valley, departing from Olitantambo in the mountains, is very rich in different kind of ruins and ink-objects. Later, the Spaniard turned the city into the fort fortifications.

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28 km from Cuzco, at the foot of the majestic snow-covered Pica Chicon, the Valley of Urubamba spread. It has been protected by mountains from all sides and is distinguished by a warm soft climate, which has a beneficial effect on both the health of people and fruits and vegetables.

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Lima city

This city with a population of 7 million people is located at the foot of the Andes on the shore of the Pacific Ocean. He was founded by the Spaniards in 1535. The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armaas (arms area), San Francisco Monastery and its underground catacombs, Arena for the battle of Bulls Acho, Deccalsos Monastery, Quarter Riemak, Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Palace of Government.

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The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armaas (arms area), San Francisco Monastery and its underground catacombs, Arena for the battle of Bulls Acho, Deccalsos Monastery, Quarter Riemak, Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Palace of Government.

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In the north of Arequipa in the upper flow of the river of the ring, known for its thresholds, among the deep canyons is the Valley of the Rock. Over the centuries, the local population is engaged in agriculture and, thanks to a soft climate, collects rich yields. To preserve the crop, unique ancient prototypes of refrigerators are used - "Colcas", which and gave the name of this valley.

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Cusco city

Translated from the Language of Indian Kechua Cusco means "Earth PUP". So far, 500 years after the appearance of the Spaniards here, the city of Cusco remains the crossroads of two cultures. The Cusco is a rich colonial past - there are many churches, for example, the Church of La Company and Monastery La Merced. The area around San Vlas, who is the place of residence of many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. Masterfully decorated foundations of houses are still preserved. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give a unique flavor to this ancient city.

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The Cusco is a rich colonial past - there are many churches, for example, the Church of La Company and Monastery La Merced. The area around San Vlas, who is the place of residence of many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. The foundations of some houses have been preserved in the city and beyond the surrounding ruins of the famous Incanic Cameras. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give a unique flavor to this ancient city.

This is a massive mainland, extended to the north and tapering to the south. It is the most humid place on Earth. Diverse the nature of this mainland. And the mountain chains are drawn throughout the Western coast. On their slopes, rain pour so much water for a year that, not stacking, she could cover the ground to a layer to 15 meters. This is the rainy mainland. But near the mountains is the desert of Atakama. This is one of the most dry places on the ground: there are no rain drops for years there. On the territory of South America proceeds the largest river Earth Amazon. POSTATINGED ADDRESSIBILITY

The main wealth of the mainland floral world. He gave humanity such valuable cultures like potatoes, chocolate wood, rubberos gevent. The main home decoration is wet tropical forests, where different types of palm trees grow, a melon tree, a saba. Crowns of trees, herbs, shrubs are located in 12 floors, tiers, and the highest of them rise sometimes above the ground up to 100 m. For naturalist forests of South America - a real storehouse, which can only be dreaming, a fabulous country! Collective Eastern Runs Home

This is one of the largest trees of South America. It reaches 3045 m in height, the diameter of the trunk is 12 m. Brazilian walnut lives up to 500 years or more. Its large spherical fruits of magnitude with a small melon is used to obtain food and technical varieties of oils. The outer juice is used in food, and another of it gets wax going to the candle. Growthing hosts

These are low trees with shiny and thick leaves with inedible fruits. Locals consume juice of this plant as milk. But it follows from the tree quite slowly: 1 liter of juice flows from one end in 1 hour. In addition, it is necessary to drink this drink at once, as it will quickly deteriorate. When boiling juice on its surface, wax highlighted on the manufacture of candles and chewing gum. Among the whole, wood from these trees is perfectly suitable as a building material .. Platezhivatives

It is rather large, up to m in height, and a rapidly growing tree, the appearance of which resembles ordinary oak. Sea bark, smooth. Bread tree brings up to 200 fruits per season. These fruits are the main food for residents of tropical islands. They are eaten and fried, and baked, and boiled. This food taste is something average between potatoes and bread. And the fried fruit fruit is similar to - Fresh bread. Hence the name. Growthing hosts

Cocoa - a large tree. Reaches a height of 12 m. The fruit of the tree with a length of cm, resembles a large cucumber or an elongated melon; Fully matures in four months. The fruit contains almond-shaped seeds (cocoa beans), immersed in a sticky fluid, which is frozen into the white flesh. Cocoa beans are essential raw materials for the production of chocolate and cocoa powder. Mexican Indians purified roasted seeds from the shell, cooked in water, rubbed, and corn flour were added, flavored vanilla and shot down in a foam. The frozen mass ate was cold and called "Chocolatl". Growthing hosts

In South America, rarely meet a large beast. The sloths, armor, amusements, exotic birds, snakes, unpretentious hordes of insects are the basis of the animal world of this mainland. Dangerous Amazon Rivers, they are replete with crocodiles and predatory fishes with Piranhas. PLASTINGED PUBLICATIONS Home

Its growth is small, the whole body is covered with a shell, or armor. This armor consists of separate, between sobrachi's thickened shields. She covers his head, back and tail, leaving only the belly open. The armadiosets lives in Norah, feeds on worms, insects, fruits and leaves. And in their absence, there is a bird's nest, eagerly eats mice and snakes. Growthing hosts

The sloth lives high in the crowns of tropical trees. In the afternoon, he usually hangs on a back of his back down, clinging to her with his fingers. Bridal beast. His way of protection remain unnoticed. At night, he slowly moves around the tree, barely sorting out his paws, and with rigid eraser lips breaks down the leaves, flowers, fruits is its food. Drink dew. The mother of the mother is born alone and first hangs on her back, tightly clutching into the wool with his paws. Growthing hosts

These are the smallest birds of the world. On the ground, the hummingbirds almost do not go: they have very weak legs, but very quickly mashed with wings: only a light cloud can be seen and a weak noise is visible. Hummingbird's heart is three times more stomach and occupies half apthet from the inside. During the day, these crumbs eat three times more feed than weigh themselves. Mass of their body 2-3 grams. Hummingbirds can instantly change the direction of flight, blame in the air as bumblebees. Growthing hosts

Spider-poulflower predator. Lives alone. It suits her hole in the creams between the stones, among the branches, in the dupelch, in the ground and soaring her cobweb. At night sits at the edge of the hole, hawking, and wakes prey. The poultryists weigh up to 100 g, and their length reaches 10 cm. These are terrible, shaggy spiders. Their brittle hairs are wounded stronger than bite. They catch small snakes, lizards, frogs, birds. Growthing hosts

According to the painting of the palm of championship belongs to Waterfall Iguazu. In the language of Paraguayan Indians, Iguazu means "big water". The river descends two gigantic jumps. The first jump from a 30-meter height for a gentle threshold is overflowing through it and, by performing a second leap of 50 meters high, collapsed into the abyss. Growthing hosts

Picchu Machu is the secret city of the ancient Incans, is in Peru. Translated from the language of Kechua means the "Great Top". He is also called the "city in heaven" or "City among the clouds". Pickchu Machu is located on the top of the mountain range at an altitude of 2057 meters above the Valley of the Urubamba River. According to Indian legends, the Supreme Governors of the Inca Empire lived in Machu Picchu. Today, only walls isolated from volcanic stone remained from the ancient palaces. Growthing hosts

This completely white valley for the first time seen her seems to be a snowy desert. But this is not so: sometimes the air temperature here rises to + 45c. The soil of this desert is almost lifeless. Someone can meet the low dunes on which rare trees and shrubs grow. Looking around the white desert, thoughts about the seabed involuntarily come to mind. But geologists are quite skeptical about this kind of assumptions: too dry climate reigns in the desert, too little precipitation is falling here. Growthing hosts

Sculpture Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is one of the seven wonders of the modern world. The length of the statue is 38 meters and it is located at the peak of the Corsovado Mountain at an altitude of 710 m in the Tisuok Forest - the National Park, towering over the city. Being a powerful symbol of Christianity, the statue also became a symbol of the city. Growthing hosts

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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South America Geographical location History of opening relief Minerals Climate Internal Waters Natural zones Uniqueness of the Organic World Change of nature by man The population of the country's population

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Geographical location together by North America South forms a single part of the world. Two mainland are connected by a long and non-screens of Panaman. The outlines of the mainland are simple and elegant. Geographers compare southern America with a bunch of grapes hanging on a stalk of the Panama is the cowy among the waters of its oceans and seas. The area of \u200b\u200bthe mainland is about 18 million km2. South America is washed by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Caribbean Sea, Panama Canal, Magellan Strait, Baya Grande Bay and the Strait of Drake. In the northern part of South America crosses the equator. Almost in the middle it cuts the southern tropic. South America is divided by the Atlantic Ocean with Eurasia.

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The opening history Scientists believe that residents of Europe, Africa, Oceania could swim to the shores of America. At the end of the XV - early XVI century. The development of science and navigation led to great geographical discoveries. The huge continent grew up on the way of ships H. Columbus, when the brave navigators in 1492 rushed to the west to the shores of India. It became clear that new, unknown by Europeans, are open. But the idea of \u200b\u200btheir existence was the first to express Amerigo Vesprichi, who took part in two expeditions to new lands. Following travelers, Spanish and Portuguese conquerors rushed to America. Among the first scientists - researchers of South America were the German geographer and traveler Alexander Humboldt. At the beginning of the XIX century. In Brazil, a Russian comprehensive expedition was worked under the direction of G.I. Langsdorf and N.G. Rubtsova. Then the Russian botany N.I. worked here. Vavilov in 1923-1933

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The relief in the relief of South America is distinguished by two parts. The East is busy with the plains, and the mountain chains of the Andes stretched in the West. The flat-polar East is located on the platform. The western part of the mainland is the result of the interaction of two lithospheric plates. The formation of Andes continues, frequent earthquakes occur, volcanic eruptions. With earthquakes related to the seabed and formation of tsunami. In the mountains of the earthquakes are accompanied by stonepads, collaps, snowy avalanches. East mainland does not have sharp height oscillations in the relief. There are rare earthquakes, there are no existing volcanoes. Long destruction of the platform and vertical movements led to the formation of the Brazilian and Guiangic Plane. Andes form the longest mountain chains on sushi.

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Minerals South America is rich in mineral deposits. There are deposits of iron, manganese ores, nickel, the deposits of bauxites containing aluminum. In the depressions and deflection of the platform, oil, natural gas, coal were found. Andes are especially rich in colored and rare metals. The introduction of magma in sedimentary rocks led to the formation of the world's largest fields of copper ores, as well as molybdenum, tin, silver, etc.

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Climate South America is the most wet mainland of the Earth and not so hot as Africa. Part of South America is located in a temperate climatic belt. The average monthly temperatures on most of the mainland are from +20 to +28 0c. Sids on the mainland are unevenly distributed. In the center of the mainland, drought is not uncommon, and sometimes unexpected cold comes.

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Inner waters As South America is the most wet mainland of the Earth, it is not surprising that nature has created here the largest river basin of the world with a grand amazon. The river basin area is almost equal to the whole of Australia. Amazon is full of the whole year. When climbing the water, the river floods extensive spaces, forming impassable swamps. On rivers flowing from the Andes, Guiang and Brazilian plane, many thresholds and waterfalls. Large lakes on the mainland a little - Maracaibo and Titicaca. Rivers of South America play a big role in the life of the population. On lowlands, they are shipping. Power plants were built on rivers with a rapid flow. In dry places, water is used for field irrigation.

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Natural zones The characteristic feature of the mainland is the presence of difficult wet evergative equatorial forests growing on red and yellow ferallic soils. They call them the Selva here that translated from Portuguese means "Forest". In the savannas of the southern hemisphere tree vegetation poorer. Subtropical steppes were spread to the south of Savannnes, which in South America are called Pamp. In the south of the mainland in conditions of temperate climate with a small amount of precipitation, a semi-desert zone was formed. This harsh land is called Patagonia.

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The originality of the organic world organic world of South America, like Australia, is very diverse. Along with the plants that grow in Africa and in Australia, such as palm trees, acacia, bottle trees, in South America there are its own species - Kauchonos GEVEY, Cocoa tree, a frying tree, from the cortex of which receive medicines. Almost destroyed the most valuable forests from araucaria - coniferous trees growing in the east of Brazilian plateau. Selva wetger than African forests, richer species of plants and animals. Here trees are growing like saba, reaching the height of 80 m, a melon tree. There are many beautiful blooming orchids in the forest. Many rarery plants give not only valuable wood, but also fruit, juice, boron for use in technique and medicine. In the savannas, Kebracho grow, the bark of which contains the tannins necessary for the selection of the skin. The vegetation of steppes - herbs, among which they prevail, wild millet, and others. In quiet rates and ducts, a water lily of Victoria-region is growing with floating leaves with a diameter of up to 2 m. Different and animal world. Some animals (musicals, armadors, pumas) are found in almost all natural areas of the mainland. Many animals are adapted to life on trees: chained monkeys, sloths. Even frogs and lizards live on trees, a lot of snakes, including the biggest snake on earth - Anaconda. Water inhabited hoofs - Tapir Single rodent on Earth - Wolf Cabina Weight up to 50 kg. There are few predators, among them the most famous Jaguar. The world of birds is both: tiny hummingbirds that feed on the nectar of flowers, parrots, tucanis, and others. Many diverse butterflies, beetles and other insects. In the lower yarus of the forest and in the soil dwells the mass of ants, many of which lead a predatory lifestyle. In comparison with African savanses, the animal world of South American savannah poorer. Small deer lives here, wild pigs, battleships, having a shelter from horny flaps, amusing, from birds - Ostrich Nanda. For open spaces, Pamppa were once characterized by fast-moving animals: Pampas deer, Pampas Cat, Lama. In the deserts are rodents. Among them, Viskysch is rodent, the length of the body of which is 60 to 70 cm. Nutria (swamp beequen) lives along the shores of the reservoirs). Among the fish are the most famous predatory Piranhas, electric acne, sharks, fishery piraarok long 4 m. The river live Cayman (crocodile type), as well as mammals - freshwater dolphins. Among the animals living in Andes, there are very ancient species, such as speaking bear. From rodents is wonderful with her valuable fur chinchil. On the occasions of the mountains nest the largest birds of predatory birds - Condors, having wings span to 3 m.

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The change in nature by man The impact of a person on nature in South America began when the indigenous population, engaged in agriculture, leaned out for this site of forests, laid the swamps. From the XVI century The predatory use of natural wealth has begun. Significant part of the pampane or is used for grazing. Pastures threw weeds. Pampa lost its primary appearance. It turned into endless fields of corn and wheat, bones for grazing. Amazon forests are very quickly destroyed. The construction of the Transaman Automobile Road (5000 km) opened the way to Sello. The problems of the nature of nature of South America arose at the beginning of the XX century. But only recently began to be implemented. About hundred species of mammals and birds is now added to the Red Book. The area of \u200b\u200bprotected territories on all the mainland is only about 1 0/0. Many countries of South America create reserves and national parks, which simultaneously serve as centers of tourism.

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The population composition of the population is of great complexity. The first people appeared here almost 15 - 17 thousand years ago. These were the ancient Indians. From the XVI century The colonization of South America Europeans began. The conquest of the mainland of Spain and Portugal brought innumerable misfortune to its indigenous population. The Indians were driving on the reservation, others turned into slaves. Began to import blacks to work on plantations from Africa. Now in South America, representatives of all three issues of humanity live. The descendants from the marriages of Europeans with Indians are called marks. The descendants from the marriages of Europeans and blacks are called mulatts, and Indians and Negroes - Sambo. The majority of the population of South America speak Spanish, in Brazil - in Portuguese. Indians speak hundreds of different languages. The most common languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Kechua, Aimar, etc. The mainland is weakly populated. About 280 million people live here. The population is distributed unevenly

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The economic activity of the population is part of the population in mines, mines and quarries, oil fishery. At the factories located near the coast, metal is paid, make cars, tractors, airplanes, river and sea vessels. A significant part of the mainland's population is busy with agriculture. On plantations, they grow coffee, cocoa culture, cotton, sugar cane, rice, soy. In dry savanna and steppe areas in the south of the country are breeding cattle and sheep. In the forests of Amazonia, the juice of wild rubber kouchers, wax, nuts are assembled. The city of Manaus became the center of the electronic industry.

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Countries in South America are not so many countries as in Africa. The boundaries of modern states have developed at the beginning of the XIX century. As a result of the struggle of peoples for independence against the Spanish and Portuguese colonizers. Almost all countries of South America, apart from two, has access to the oceans. The largest areas of the country are located within the plain east of the mainland - Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela. Andean countries are Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile. The smallest country of continent - Suriname.

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