South america geography presentation. South America

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Savior statue in Rio de Janeiro

Machu Picchu Cartagena Potosi Nazca Cusco Tiahuanaco San Luis Oliamtaitambo Urumamba Colca South America

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It is located at an altitude of 2,430 meters above sea level, on a mountain of extraordinary beauty, in the middle of a mountainous rainforest. Machu Picchu is perhaps the most amazing urban structure of the Inca empire. This city was discovered by archaeologists in the summer of 1911. Its area is approximately 5 square km. Inside it are warehouses, churches, an observatory and the residence of the legendary Inca ruler Pachacuti. It is estimated that at least a thousand people lived in the city.

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This settlement of Colombia is famous for the fact that in 1586 it was plundered by an English flotilla, which was ruled by a pirate who later became an English lord - Sir Francis Drake. Port fortifications were completely destroyed. Later, the inhabitants rebuilt them again, mixing bull's blood into the solution for the fortress. Today, the old quarters of Cartagena are a single historical monument of the times of the colonial conquest of the mainland by the Spaniards.

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In the center of the city there is a bastion, in the prison of which captured pirates languished. On the square of artillery there is a 17th century church, the tower of which is curved. There is also the Palace of the Inquisition, and the monument to Christopher Columbus. The Alley of Martyrs reminds of those townspeople who died in the war to liberate the country from colonialism.

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The city flourished in the first half of the 17th century, when more people lived in it than in London itself! During these half a century, the Spaniards exported 16 thousand tons of silver to Europe from this settlement! The phrase "Rich as Potosi" has become a proverb. When the reserves of the precious metal in the mines dried up, the city fell into decay.

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Today it has become an open-air museum. Tourists are attracted by a visit to the Mint, where shiny doubloons with portraits of Spanish kings were minted, and Mount Sierro Rico, from the top of which, according to legend, the great revolutionary of South America Simon Bolivar proclaimed the independence of these places from the Spanish crown.

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This grandiose stone sculpture, raised to almost a kilometer in height, stands in Rio de Janeiro on the steep Corcovado hill. It appeared as a result of an all-Brazilian open competition for the best monument that would express the idea of ​​the unity of the nation. It was won by the simple man Hector da Silva Costa, who proposed to sculpt the figure of Christ the Savior. On October 12, 1931, the grand opening of the monument took place, the author of which was the French sculptor Paul Landovsky

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It is located on the territory of Bolivia - on the lands that once belonged to the Incas. But it is believed that this settlement was founded long before them. The city walls are made of huge boulders, as if it were the handiwork of giants. This is also hinted at by the majestic statues of people made of stone, towering next to the fortress.

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This plateau in Peru is located between the valleys of the Nazca and Ingenio rivers, 450 km from the city of Lima. There is a majestic historical monument, the purpose of which has not yet been figured out. The territory of 500 square kilometers is covered with giant, up to 300 meters in length, images of people and animals, lines, spirals and geometric shapes. Some of them are several tens of meters in size. And to appreciate the work of an unknown artist is possible only from a bird's eye view.

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It is the oldest city in Brazil. It was founded on November 1, 1501 by the famous traveler Amerigo Vespucci. It is not only an important economic center of the country, but also the heart of Brazilian culture. The most famous temples are located on Praça de Se. In the 17th century, a large Catholic cathedral was erected here, the altar of which is decorated with gold leaf. Next to the temple is another church - San Francisco, the material for which was exported from Portugal. Especially in Salvador, the church of la Consei-san de Praia, dedicated to Our Lady, who is considered by the locals to be their patroness, is also revered.

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It is the third largest capital of the Brazilian state. The city was founded on April 1, 1960 on the Serrado plateau. It is considered an architectural wonder of Latin America. The author of the houses located in the central quarters of the capital was the most famous architect of the second half of the 20th century, Oscar Niemeyer.

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The general plan of the city was developed by another brilliant architect - Luisio Costa. From above, Brasilia resembles the figure of an airplane. The buildings of the Government, the National Congress and the Supreme Court were built on its "nose". The most impressive temple in this city is the Catholic Cathedral, which Niemeyer gave the unusual shape of a crown of thorns.

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Another feature of Brazil is the lack of sidewalks and the limited number of pedestrian crossings. Half a century ago, it was believed that this settlement is the prototype of the cities of the XXI century, strictly subordinate to one architectural idea. However, now this orderliness seems somewhat monotonous to modern people.

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The city center, which was built by the French in the 17th century, then was occupied by the Dutch, and was ruled by the Portuguese, was built according to the straight-perpendicular structure of the streets. Thanks to a period of economic stagnation at the beginning of the 20th century, most of the buildings of interest as historical monuments have survived to this day. They are a prime example of colonial architecture.

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It is the only Inca city that is still inhabited. Opposite the giant staircase in the rocks, you can see the face of the supreme creator god Viracochu carved by nature. According to one of the legends, it was here in the caves that the first Incas woke up (according to another, it happened on the island of the Sun of Lake Titicaca). At the top of the Olyamtaitambo pyramid is a huge array of 7 stone monoliths, carefully polished and fitted to each other. Judging by the stone processing technique, it can be assumed that craftsmen from another great empire, Tiahuanaco (present-day Bolivia), worked here. The side valley, extending from Ollantaytambo into the mountains, is very rich in various kinds of ruins and Inca objects. Later, the Spaniards turned the city into a fortification fort.

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At 28 km from Cusco, at the foot of the majestic snow-covered peak of Chikon, the Urubamba Valley stretches. It is protected from all sides by mountains and has a warm mild climate that has a beneficial effect on both human health and the yield of fruits and vegetables.

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This city of 7 million people is located at the foot of the Andes on the Pacific Ocean. It was founded by the Spaniards in 1535. The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armas (Plaza de Armas), the San Francisco monastery and its underground catacombs, the Acho bullring, the Descalsos monastery, the Rimac quarter, the Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Government Palace.

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The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armas (Plaza de Armas), the San Francisco monastery and its underground catacombs, the Acho bullring, the Descalsos monastery, the Rimac quarter, the Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Government Palace.

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In the north of Arequipa, in the upper reaches of the Kolca River, famous for its rapids, among the deep canyons is the Kolca Valley. The local population has been engaged in agriculture for many centuries and, thanks to the mild climate, reaps rich harvests. To preserve the harvest, unique ancient prototypes of refrigerators - "colcas" are used, which gave the name to this valley.

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Translated from the language of the Quechua Indians, Cuzco means "the navel of the earth." Until now, 500 years after the arrival of the Spaniards here, the city of Cuzco remains a crossroads of two cultures. Cusco has a rich colonial past, with many churches such as La Compagnia and La Merced Monastery. The area around San Vlas, which is home to many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. The foundations of the houses, skillfully finished by the famous Inca stonecutters, have survived to this day. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give this ancient city a unique flavor.

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Cusco has a rich colonial past, with many churches such as La Compagnia and La Merced Monastery. The area around San Vlas, which is home to many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. The foundations of some houses, skillfully finished by the famous Inca stonecutters, have survived to this day in the city itself and beyond, on the surrounding ruins. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give this ancient city a unique flavor.

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BRAZILIA Statue of the Savior in Rio de Janeiro Machu Picchu Cartagena Potosi Nazca Cusco Tiahuanaco San Luis Oliamtaitambo Urumamba Colca South America

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STATUE OF THE SAVIOR IN RIO DE JANEIRO This grandiose stone sculpture, raised to almost a kilometer in height, stands in Rio de Janeiro on the steep hill of Corcovado. It appeared as a result of an all-Brazilian open competition for the best monument that would express the idea of ​​the unity of the nation. It was won by the simple man Hector da Silva Costa, who proposed to sculpt the figure of Christ the Savior. On October 12, 1931, the grand opening of the monument took place, the author of which was the French sculptor Paul Landovsky

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THE CITY OF WILDING The city flourished in the first half of the 17th century, when more people lived in it than in London itself! During these half a century, the Spaniards exported 16 thousand tons of silver to Europe from this settlement! The phrase "Rich as Potosi" has become a proverb. When the reserves of the precious metal in the mines dried up, the city fell into decay.

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CITY OF WATERING Nowadays it has turned into an open-air museum. Tourists are attracted by a visit to the Mint, where shiny doubloons with portraits of Spanish kings were minted, and Mount Sierro Rico, from the top of which, according to legend, the great revolutionary of South America Simon Bolivar proclaimed the independence of these places from the Spanish crown.

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CITY OF CARTAGENA This settlement of Colombia is famous for the fact that in 1586 it was plundered by the English flotilla, which was ruled by a pirate who later became an English lord - Sir Francis Drake. Port fortifications were completely destroyed. Later, the inhabitants rebuilt them again, mixing bull's blood into the solution for the fortress. Today, the old quarters of Cartagena are a single historical monument of the times of the colonial conquest of the mainland by the Spaniards.

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TIAHUANACO CITY It is located on the territory of Bolivia - on the lands that once belonged to the Incas. But it is believed that this settlement was founded long before them. The city walls are made of huge boulders, as if it were the handiwork of giants. This is also hinted at by the majestic statues of people made of stone, towering next to the fortress.

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CITY OF POTOSI This is the highest city in the world. It is located at 4000 meters above sea level. Potosi is also famous for its silver mines, where at one time thousands of Indian slaves worked.

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DESERT NAZCA Modern scientists have several versions of the purpose of the mysterious drawings. Perhaps the ancient people used them as objects of religious worship. There is a possibility that this is a huge calendar or even a spaceport for aliens from space. The Nazca mystery is still waiting for its discoverers

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DESERT NAZCA This plateau in Peru is located between the valleys of the Nazca and Ingenio rivers, 450 km from the city of Lima. There is a majestic historical monument, the purpose of which has not yet been figured out. The territory of 500 square kilometers is covered with giant, up to 300 meters in length, images of people and animals, lines, spirals and geometric shapes. Some of them are several tens of meters in size. And to appreciate the work of an unknown artist is possible only from a bird's eye view.

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The general plan of the city was developed by another brilliant architect - Luisio Costa. From above, Brasilia resembles the figure of an airplane. The buildings of the Government, the National Congress and the Supreme Court were built on its "nose". The most impressive temple in this city is the Catholic Cathedral, which Niemeyer gave the unusual shape of a crown of thorns. CITY BRAZILIA

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Another feature of Brazil is the lack of sidewalks and the limited number of pedestrian crossings. Half a century ago, it was believed that this settlement is the prototype of the cities of the XXI century, strictly subordinate to one architectural idea. However, now this orderliness seems somewhat monotonous to modern people. CITY BRAZILIA

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CITY OF LIMA This city of 7 million is located at the foot of the Andes on the Pacific Ocean. It was founded by the Spaniards in 1535. The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armas (Plaza de Armas), the San Francisco monastery and its underground catacombs, the Acho bullring, the Descalsos monastery, the Rimac quarter, the Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Government Palace.

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CITY OF CUSCO Translated from the language of the Quechua Indians, Cusco means "the navel of the earth". Until now, 500 years after the arrival of the Spaniards here, the city of Cuzco remains a crossroads of two cultures. Cusco has a rich colonial past, with many churches such as La Compagnia and La Merced Monastery. The area around San Vlas, which is home to many artists and artisans, has not changed for hundreds of years. The foundations of the houses, skillfully finished by the famous Inca stonecutters, have survived to this day. Red tiled roofs and cobbled streets give this ancient city a unique flavor.

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CITY OF LIMA The main historical sights of Lima are associated with the colonial period. Tourists are invited to visit the main square - Plaza de Armas (Plaza de Armas), the San Francisco monastery and its underground catacombs, the Acho bullring, the Descalsos monastery, the Rimac quarter, the Cathedral with the tomb of the conqueror of Peru Francisco Pizarro and the Government Palace.

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HISTORICAL CENTER OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS The city center, which was built by the French in the 17th century, then was occupied by the Dutch, and was ruled by the Portuguese, was built according to the straight-perpendicular structure of the streets. Thanks to a period of economic stagnation at the beginning of the 20th century, most of the buildings of interest as historical monuments have survived to this day. They are a prime example of colonial architecture.

It is a massive continent, widened to the north and tapering to the south. It contains the wettest place on Earth. The nature of this continent is diverse. The Andes mountain ranges stretch along the entire western coast. On their slopes, rains pour out so much water in a year that, without flowing, it could cover the ground with a layer of up to 15 meters. This is the rainiest continent. But not far from the mountains is the Atacama Desert. This is one of the driest places on Earth: not a single drop of rain falls there for years. On the territory of South America flows the largest river on the Earth, the Amazon. Vegetation AttractionsAnimals

The main wealth of the continent is flora. He gave humanity such valuable crops as potatoes, chocolate tree, rubber plant hevea. The main decoration of the mainland is tropical rainforest, where various types of palm trees, melon tree, ceiba grow. Crowns of trees, grasses, shrubs are arranged in 12 tier floors, and the highest of them sometimes rise up to 100 m above the ground. For a naturalist, the forests of South America are a real pantry that you can only dream of, a fabulous country! Animals Attractions Home

It is one of the largest trees in South America. It reaches 3,045 m in height, with a trunk diameter of 12 m. The Brazil nut lives up to 500 years or more. Its large spherical fruits, the size of a small melon, are used to obtain edible and industrial oils. The nut juice is used for food, and wax is also obtained from it, which goes to the candles. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

They are short trees with shiny and thick leaves with inedible fruits. Locals consume the juice of this plant as milk. But it flows out of the tree rather slowly: 1 liter of juice flows out of one incision in 1 hour. In addition, you need to use this drink immediately, as it quickly deteriorates. When the juice is boiled, wax is released on its surface, which is used to make candles and chewing gum. In addition, the wood from these trees is excellent as a building material .. Vegetation Animals Attractions Home

It is quite large, up to m in height, and fast growing tree, the appearance of which is somewhat reminiscent of an ordinary oak. The bark is gray, smooth. The breadfruit produces up to 200 fruits per season. These fruits are the staple food for the inhabitants of the tropical islands. They are eaten both fried and baked and boiled. This food tastes like a cross between potatoes and bread. Moreover, the fried breadfruit is similar to - fresh bread. Hence the name. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

Cocoa is a large tree. Reaches a height of 12 m. The fruit of a tree is cm long, resembles a large cucumber or an elongated melon; fully matures in four months. The fruit contains almond seeds (cocoa beans) immersed in a sticky liquid that solidifies in the air into a whitish pulp. Cocoa beans are the main raw material for the production of chocolate and cocoa powder. Mexican Indians peeled the toasted seeds from the shell, boiled in water, ground, added cornmeal, flavored with vanilla and churned into a lather. The frozen mass was eaten cold and called "chocolatl". VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

In South America, you rarely see a large animal. Sloths, armadillos, anteaters, exotic birds, snakes, countless hordes of insects are the basis of the animal world of this continent. The Amazon rivers are dangerous, they abound in crocodiles and predatory fish piranhas. Vegetation Attractions Home

His growth is small, his whole body is covered with a shell, or armor. This armor consists of separate shields fused together. It covers the head, back and tail, leaving only the belly open. The armadillo lives in burrows, feeds on worms, insects, fruits and leaves. And in their absence, it ruins bird nests, willingly eats mice and snakes. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

The sloth lives high in the crowns of tropical trees. During the day, he usually hangs on a branch with his back down, clinging to it with his fingers. A harmless beast. His way of protecting himself goes unnoticed. At night, he slowly moves along the tree, barely touching his paws, and with hard keratinized lips breaks off leaves, flowers, fruits are his food. Drinks dew. The mother’s cub is born alone and at first hangs on her back, clinging tightly to the fur with its paws. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

These are the smallest birds in the world. Hummingbirds almost never walk on the ground: they have very weak legs, but they flap their wings very quickly: near their body you can see only a light cloud and a faint noise is heard. The heart of a hummingbird is three times the size of the stomach and takes up half a bird from the inside. During the day, these crumbs eat three times more feed than they themselves weigh. Their body weight is 2-3 grams. Hummingbirds can instantly change direction of flight, hang in the air like bumblebees. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

The tarantula spider is a formidable predator. Lives alone. He makes a hole for himself in the cracks between stones, among the branches, in hollows, in the ground and braids it with cobwebs. At night, it sits at the edge of the hole, hiding, and guards prey. Tarantulas weigh up to 100 g, and their length reaches 10 cm. These are terrible, shaggy spiders. Their brittle hairs hurt more than a bite. They catch small snakes, lizards, frogs, birds. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

In terms of scenic beauty, the palm belongs to the Iguazu Falls. In the language of the Paraguayan Indians "Iguazu" means "big water". The river descends in two giant leaps. The first jump from a 30-meter height to a gentle threshold, overflows over it and, making the second jump 50 meters high, collapses into the abyss. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

Machu Picchu is the secret city of the ancient Incas, located in Peru. Translated from the Quechua language, it means “great peak”. It is also called "the city in the sky" or "the city among the clouds." Machu Picchu is located at the top of a mountain range at an altitude of 2,057 meters above the valley of the Urubamba River. According to Indian legends, the supreme rulers of the Inca empire lived in Machu Picchu. Today only walls made of volcanic stone remain from the ancient palaces. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

This completely white valley seems to be a snowy desert for the first time who sees it. But this is not so: sometimes the air temperature here rises to + 45C. The soil of this desert is practically lifeless. In some places you can find low dunes, where rare trees and shrubs grow. Looking around the white desert, thoughts of the seabed involuntarily come to mind. But geologists are rather skeptical about such assumptions: the climate is too dry in the desert, too little precipitation falls here. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

The sculpture Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) is one of the seven wonders of the modern world. The statue is 38 meters long and is located at the peak of Mount Corsovado at an altitude of 710 meters in the Tijuca Forest - National Park, towering over the city. A powerful symbol of Christianity, the statue has also become a symbol of the city. VegetationAnimalsAttractions Home

"Exploring South America" ​​- Africa. The extent of South America. South America. Pacific Ocean. Features of the nature of the continent. America. M. Galinas. Equator. Atlantic Ocean. Christopher Columbus.

"Discovery of South America" ​​- Compile and design a crossword puzzle on the topic: "Geographical location and history of the study of the continent." What interesting things did you learn in the lesson? Christopher Columbus 1492 Fernand Magellan. 1519 year. Geographical position and history of exploration of the mainland South America. The highest waterfall in the world is Angel.

"South America" ​​Grade 7 "- This is how America was discovered" by mistake ". Equator. Collected and summarized together with the French. Until his death, Columbus was sure that he had visited India. Position in relation to: Opening by "mistake". The uniqueness of the continent Geographical position The history of the discovery and exploration of the continent. Caribbean Sea. The extreme points have only western longitude, because ...

"Population of South America" ​​- Indian - Kofan: a story about the Indians living on the San Miguel River. Atahualpa is the ruler of the Incas during the capture. How did we learn? Rules: the game is played in two rounds. Europeans. The mainland, from where the Europeans brought slaves. 24. 2. Replace the questions with the names of the major races. Curare poison is obtained from ...? 17. Resettlement.

"South American Exploration" - Outline of the topic. Alexander Humboldt. A. Humboldt. Jean Durst, contemporary explorer of South America. The area of ​​South America with islands is 18.28 million km. sq. F. Pizarro. R. Rozhdestvensky. E. Bonplan. Domeyko's tomb in Santiago de Chile. Contribution of immigrants from Belarus to the study of the nature of the continent (I. Domeyko, K. Yelsky).

"Geographical location of South America" ​​- The Southern Tropic crosses the mainland almost in the middle. South America is a continent of many records. Geographical position. Equipment. Geographical location of South America. Educational: education of curiosity; the formation of independence, the ability to cooperate with others. Aims and objectives of the lesson: Forms of the lesson.