Mountains are the most beautiful colored. The most unusual mountains of the planet

The widespread word "mountain" can relate to any large elevation, and some of the mountains listed in this article are not natural elevations located on the surface of the Earth. However, they are huge, and are either striking or mysterious. Before you - ten mountains surrounded by mystery!

10. Brown Mountain (Brown Mountain)

To unsuccessfully spending a few years in the hope of seeing mysterious lights, which, according to rumors, appear in the Brown Mountain area in North Carolina, Professor of the Physics of the Appalachsky state University (APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITY), Dr. Daniel Caton (Daniel Caton) was ready to put in this fat point. If it were not for July 17, 2016, when he noticed a ball, rapidly moving over the mountain range. The ball disappeared, again appeared, again disappeared and again appeared again.

The professor checked both cameras that recorded this phenomenon to make sure that each of them captured this strange ball behavior. If there were only one chamber, he would surely considered that it was a glare in the lens, but both cameras removed the same thing.

By excluding the glare in the lens, he, however, could not find any explanation for the appearance of this mysterious ball, and the lights over Brown Mountain still remain a mystery to the scientific world.

9. "Mountain in the Republic of Rail"

Scientists NASA are puzzled with a feature, recently observed on the surface of Charon, the largest pluto satellite. Described as "Mountain in the Republic", the hill in the nizin was captured by specialists of the Geology group, geophysics and visualization of the NASA Mission "New Horizons" (NASA's New Horizons Geology, Geophysics, And Imaging Team), when the spacecraft took place satellite on July 4, 2015 by 9 -The year of his interplanetary journey.

Scientists hope that a clearer image of the "Mountains in the Republic" will be able to help clarify the mystery of "urgent data", which will be extracted from the uniform equipment of the spacecraft.

8. Rainbow Mountains

Nature took 24 million years to create a laid-named rainbow mountains, which are part of the National Geochia Zhange Danxia (Zhangye Danxia Landform GEOLOGICAL PARK) in China. Mountains towering under steep, thick, uneven angles, consist of colored sandstone. Over the centuries, the rock climbed up due to the shear of tectonic plates formed sharp, towering vertices.

As a result, bright orange, yellow, blue, green, red, brown and other flowers, giving them a festive, and sometimes magical appearance. Part of the mountains looks like multi-colored candies, the other part is reminiscent of color scattered through the prism on the surface of steep peaks. Many seem painted with giant brushes.

7. Moving Mountain

In fact, the mountains, as expected, do not move, but the towering mountain of the sand makes exactly this, moving every year by 20 meters. And this is not just a huge dune, which, as we know, can move. According to the former president of Tanzania Jakaye Kikwete, the handful of sand from this mountain "continued to move" even after he moved it into his car.

Building 10 meters and having a width of 100 meters, a sandy mountain in the shape of a crescent every decade changes its shape and direction. Once she even divided into two parts and began to move in different directions.

It is believed that it is a product volcanic eruption. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area: Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Ngorongoro Conservation Area) uses beacons for tracking and predicting the movement of this mysterious mountain.

6. Underwater mountains

Two devices equipped with deep-water devices, known as "Fish IV" (Pisces V) and "Pisces V), allowed scientists to immerse themselves to a depth of several kilometers, where they saw the underwater mountains, which are an isolated raising the seabed with a vertex and slopes. Some of them are towering over the seabed for 3000 meters. Underwater mountains stretch on most of the world's ocean.

Most of them not studied by scientists, the underwater mountains are the habitat of rare and unusual creatures, including the Dalati (straight sharks), dynomier-drying acne and, possibly, new types of corals.

The chambers captured the ampage of the brightness, changing their color, sailing past the Batiskaph "Fish V", obviously staying in the process of dropping the skin. On another video, a formidable view of a Pacific Polar shark, her dark shadow, following her by the seabed, while she swims next to Batiscopes.

5. Sharpe Mountain (Mount Sharp)

After 5 years of studying the hundred probable places, in July 2011, NASA has chosen the Gale Crater on the landing site for the Curiosity Marshode, as the hill inside the depression showed signs of the presence of water necessary for life.

The origin of the mountain inside the crater, called the Mount Aeolis Mons or Mount Sharp, remains unknown, and the crater itself is on the "diverse terrain." The mission of the Marshode Curiosity included the search for organic compounds based on carbon, similar to those that exist on Earth.

According to scientists, these compounds can be detected in the foothills of the Sharpe Mountains. While astrobiologists agree that there are no signs of life, they believe that the crater Gaila and his mountain can be the best place On Mars, where you need to start searching for extraterrestrial life.

Currently, scientists believe that the mysterious 5.5-kilometer mountain was not created by water, as they hoped. It was formed mainly by the flooded layers of the lake, caused by the wind. However, they also believe that the foothills of the Sharpe Mountains "have long been exposed to water" and that the mysterious mountain may have once been large enough to completely cover the 154-kilometer crater.

4. Mountain "Sugar Head"

Building over Rio de Janeiro, the Sugar Head mountain rises to a height of 396 meters, being a world-famous geological feature. However, strange signs, symbols and texts, which once appeared on the slopes of the granite vertex, are really mysterious.

In October 2013, green laser rays created "encrypted characters", leading to a mysterious message. A supernatural hologram, which resembles a twist of four feathers, framed by intersecting curved lines, remained on the mountainside for two hours, before gradually disappeared and changed with the text "# The winner gets the Earth" ("#winner Takes Earth").

Some believe that mysterious messages can be associated with the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, but the meaning of strange messages remains a mystery.

3. "Instant Mountain"

In a matter of minutes, the same asteroid, which destroyed the dinosaurs of 65 million years ago, created a mountain superior to Everest height. Located on the Yucatan Peninsula (Yucatan Peninsula), not far from Chicxulub (Chicxulub), Mexico, Mountain took the center of a huge shock crater with a diameter of 180 kilometers. Instead of growing in one vertex, "Instant Mountain" formed a peak ring - almost a round mountain chain inside the crater.

There are two theories regarding the origin of the mountain. According to one, the annular vertex was formed when, under the influence of impact from the asteroid, the peak vertex melted, formed into the ring of unrelated vertices. Another theory claims that the asteroid penetrates so deep into the ground that it caused a crater explosion.

Scientists exploring the ring vertex of the crater believed that it was formed as a result of the destruction of the vertex, which then formed a ring, a view known as a model of dynamic destruction.

2. Great dune saw

The Great Dune Pila is located on the shore of the Arcachon Bay (Arcachon Bay) in France. A huge sand dune 500 meters wide, a length of 3 kilometers and a height of 107 meters is moving at a speed of 10 meters per year, and over the past 57 years has already moved to 280 meters (or, on average, 4.9 meters per year).

On his way, the dune swallowed or buried under him 20 units of private property, 8000 m² pine forest And the road.

The movement of the massive sand dune occurs due to the wind, which blows from the ocean. The mountainous dune became a tourist attraction that attracts the attention of climbers, paragliders and travelers.

1. Ahuna Mons (Ahuna Mons)

Ahun Mons (also known as the "Pyramid") is located "in the center of non-existence" on the dwarf planet Ceres, which puzzles the Paul Schenk, a member of the team of scientists working on the mission of the DAWN spacecraft, the geologist of the Institute of the Moon and Planets (LUNAR AND PLANETARY Institute) in Houston, Texas. As a rule, such formations are associated with crater.

The pyramid-like vertex is almost 6.5 kilometers high and 16 kilometers wide is also mysterious and for another reason: the inexplicable "bright bands" descend down its slopes, resembling the same mysterious bright stains that appear inside the cerer inside the crater.

Initially puzzled by the origin of the Mount Ahun Mons, scientists now believe that it can be a "giant ice volcano". The eruption of salty water from the bowels of the planet for millions of years gradually formed a "pyramid". David A. Williams (David A. Williams) from the School of Earth and Space Exploration (School of Earth and Space Exploration) at Arizona State University (Arizona State University) says that scientists hope to see a "some air emission" while approaching the Ceres to the Sun .

Mountains occupy around the fourth part of the surface of the planet Earth and even have their own holiday, which is celebrated on December 11th. They have different heights and form of relief, but some of them affect the imagination of bizarre forms or spectacular appearance. We offer a selection of the most amazing mountains of the world. Each of them is unique in their own, sometimes it is even difficult to believe that they are the creation of the hands of nature.

Stone wave

In the west of Australia, in the National Park, Koote Batts is an amazing mining education, which has the shape of a beautiful frozen wave. Despite the rather modest dimensions (the height of the mountain is 15 m, the length is 110 m), this place has always attracted the attention of people from around the world. Scientists believe that a mountain of 27 million years ago was formed from a compressed multicolored sandstone, and the winds and precipitates gave it an unusual wavy form with color transitions.

Incredible similarity Stone wave With real tsunami, Australian aborigines noticed and believed that the forces of the spirits were combined with the forces of nature.

Landscape Dancia

In the province of Hansu (China) there are amazing colored mountains, admire the tourists from all over the world. A unique local attraction, which is also known as a pink cloud, began to form millions of years ago, when large sandstone arrays and other minerals have accumulated. Over time, the effect of water and air led to their slow oxidation, as a result of which today you can observe the riot of paints created by nature itself. Mountain slopes are poured with lemon, burgundy, terracotta, blue and green shades.

Danksy is listed World Heritage UNESCO and visit it unusual place Maybe everyone.

Weathered pillars (Manpupuner)

Amazing mountains can be seen in Russia. In the Republic of Komi, there is so unusual education, which is included in the list of seven wonders of Russia. In its place more than 200 million years ago, high mountain peaks stretched, which gradually collapsed by the winds and sediments, leaving only a few vertical columns of bizarre outlines to our days. Especially affecting the imagination fact that, despite the narrower compared to the tops, they have been worth several millennia and do not fall apart. It is not surprising that Mansi in the past worshiped the grand stone sculptures, but to rise to them was considered a great sin.

To get today to this miracle of nature, tourists must first issue a pass to the Pechoro-Ilych Reserve, and then overcome a rather complex route.

Qinggi de Bemaraha

Unique mountains resembling a stone forest are located on the territory of the same name national Park on about. Madagascar. They are stone needles with a height of 30-50 m, of which impassable labyrinths are formed. Most of them are formed from limestone: Millions of years ago, narrow and deep karst caves appeared deeply underground, and later the water and erosion were blocked by chalk and limestone layers, creating amazing mountains whose analogues are not all over the world.

Underground waters continue to change them appearance And today: periodically breeds are blurred and new spiers and deep gorges arise.


Kailas - one of the vertices in the western part of Tibetan Highlands, rose sometime from the bottom of the ocean, and then the wind with water was covered with her face, forming a unique shape of the pyramid.

It is one of the most amazing and mystical mountains of the world. And that's why:

  • hindus consider this place by the house of the Supreme God of Shiva;
  • followers of Eastern Cosmology perceive it as a center where the axis of the universe passes;
  • there are cracks on its surface, which, if viewed from above, form a swastika;
  • its faces almost accurately indicate 4 sides of the world;
  • it is believed that the height of the mountain is 6,666 km. (But this indicator changes annually, since Kailas "breathes") and at the same distance from it are located Stonehenge and the North Pole.


Conder is another amazing mountain, which is located on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory of Russia. Its uniqueness is that this is the only mining education with a practically perfect round form, the appearance of which is not related to the results of volcanic activities.

Conder is considered a sacred place in Yakuts and Evenkov. But, unfortunately, for tourists it remains inaccessible. First, due to the complex surrounding landscape, secondly, due to the platinum deposit here, which is strictly protected by the state.


The famous mountain peak Matterhorn is one of the most commonly photographed attractions of Switzerland. This symbol of the country also became a logo known worldwide brand chocolate triangular form "Toblerone". The mountain of the pyramidal form has steep slopes, which together with unpredictable weather conditions Much makes it difficult to conquer. But despite this, the well-known Swiss mountaineer Ulrich Inerterbiden managed to rise to her vertex 371 times, with the last rise he committed at 90 years.

Interesting! On July 14, 1865, people first set foot on the top of Matterhorn. But annually on this day the mountain closed for everyone in memory of the climbers who died towards her conquest.

Bryce Canyon

This is not just amazing mountains, but national Parkwhich is located in the US state of Utah. The first look at the canyon causes associations with alien landscapes: vertical formations with pointed peaks adjacent next to the stone pyramids of cosmic forms. According to the ancient Indian legends, people who have committed any bad deeds turned in this place in the rocks.

Tourists from all over the world prefer to admire this stone beauty at sunset when his rays create an unusual game of reflections and shadows. The rocks themselves have formed about 15 million years ago, and then erosion erased a thick layer of sedimentary rocks, leaving fantastic stone poles. Thanks to the content large number Microelements that are gradually oxidized, they are painted in orange, red and white colors.

Khoja Mumin.

Despite an unsuccessful appearance, huzha-mumin, located in the south of Tajikistan, rightfully refers to the number of the most amazing mountains of the world. It almost fully consists of salt, the reserves of which, according to the estimates of the geologists, is enough to ensure the needs of all mankind for several centuries. A pale pink, gray and green-blue stone salt appear on her slopes. Only individual sections of the surface are covered with a thin layer of soil, which appeared here thanks to the dust particles brought by the winds. In deep antiquity, the salty sea was located, which gradually drowned, salt layers were squeezed at its day, and then as a result of tectonic processes were raised upwards by forming a hodge-mumin.

Amazing fact! Numerous and a variety of plants grow on the top of the salt mountain, freshwater sources are beaten, and in the spring time you can see a whole carpet of red tulips.

Tower of Devil

Mountain with a mystical title, located in the northeastern part of Wyoming (USA), is located at least mystical legends and stories. According to Indian legends, she created an evil demon who beat on her top in the drum, hesitating lightning and thunder, and in the XX century. She was called the landing destination UFO.

The amazing mountain looks like a beam of folded together narrow vertical pillars, which have formed more than 60 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity, and then treated erosion. The cliffs make the devil tower almost an impregnable target for climbers. To conquer her vertex to people while only 2 times managed.

When do you think about inspirational landscapes, what is the first coming to mind? Each person has different preferences, but most people will immediately appear mountain peaks.

For a person, thrust to height is a natural desire. Majestic mountains remind us how small we are in this world. At the same time, when we look at the tops of the mountains, many of us represent how they stand there, look at the world from the height, which gives us a feeling of power. The climbers who accept the challenge of the mountain peaks, reaching them to acquire a very important life experience changing the worldview.

It is possible to view photos of these beautiful mountain peaks of the planet, will help you find courage to conquer the mountains in real life and admire beautiful view from high.

Here are the 10 most beautiful mountains in the world:

1. Mount Matterhorn in Switzerland

This mountain peak is deserved in this list. While the beauty of the mountains is a subjective indicator, there is no doubt that Matterhorn has all the necessary qualities to hit your imagination. Mount Matterhorn is easy to recognizable, even if you have seen it only in the photo. It is a sign for the Swiss Alps, and is also very interesting and dangerous for climbing. Weather at Matterhorn are very unpredictable, which creates difficulties of climbers. Changeable weather, definitely adds charm Mount.

2. Mount Denali, Alaska, USA

If you want to see a truly huge mountain that rises above the horizon, like any other mountain, you have to go on a journey to Mount Denali in Alaska. Many tours in Denali include an overview of the amazing view of the mountain, towering 6190 meters above the surface. Although this is not the highest mountain peak in the world, a sharp difference in altitude from the foot to the top gives Denali majestic species. Even just looking at Denali's photos, you can feel dwarf. Just imagine how would you feel if they stood at the foot and turned their eyes to the sky?

3. Mountain Kirkufethle, Iceland

Kirkufethle is not particularly huge or high mountain, but it really doesn't matter much. Mountain is famous for the type of its slopes that give it the form of a manual sculpture. The slopes are very cool, smooth, smooth and symmetrical. Thus, despite the fact that Kirkufethle is not a big mountain, it has its own unique almost architectural beauty. It is one of the most recognizable sights of Iceland and attracts thousands of tourists every year.

4. Dining room Mountain, South Africa

This mountain, like Kirkufethle, has a horizontal profile that does not achieve a special height. Despite this, the dining room is very nice to admire it, especially since she repeats the ocean shore. Its unique form, differs from any other in the world, and you will definitely learn this mountain as soon as you look at her.

5. Mount Ama Dablam, Nepal

Mount Ama Dublam is amazing, and has a unique appearance. Looking at her, you will notice that there are a number of sharply contrasting, unique corners in the rock. When the snow settles on the peak, you can better see these unusual corners. Ama Dablam is one of the most beautiful mountains in the world, there is no doubt about it. It rises 6856 meters above sea level.

6. Mount Eiger, Switzerland

Mount Eiger simply calls her to admire. The conquest of her vertices is a rather difficult task, many climbers died trying to do it.

7. Mount Machapuchar, Himalayas

This unusual mountain, located in the Himalayas, is towering 7000 meters above sea level and has a name that is translated as "Black Fish". Its peaks are easily recognizable and pronounced, and the slope is cool enough. Snow-covered mountain, creates a pretty bright sight.

8. Mount Mauna Loa, Hawaii

By land area, this is the biggest volcano on the planet, takes 5271 square kilometers and covers half Big Islands. While smoothly inclined peaks do not have a large height measured in terms of the sea level, measurements from the seabed show that Mount Mauna Loa has a height of 9168 meters - placing it in the top 10 most high mountains Solar system!

9. Mount Alpamayo, Peru

This amazing mountain rises sharply, and its slopes are covered with vertical ice lines. There is no other such mountain on the planet, which is characterized by a unique species and features. In the polling of the German magazine "1966 Alpinismus," she was recognized as the most beautiful mountain on the planet.

Beauty is a notion of subjective, and there is no doubt that each of the peaks of a certain mountain is the most beautiful in the world. On every continent, there are applicants for the first place, even in Antarctica. If you need inspiration, highlight a few minutes of your time to look at the photos of these stunning mountain peaks. Let them raise you and inspire to conquer the vertices in your own life!