Where did the name Sparrow Hills come from? Vorobyovy Gory observation deck

Almost all the toponyms, to which the chapters of this multimedia manual are devoted, have a special Moscow flavor and are inseparable from the very concept of "Moscow": Arbat and Teply Stan, Sretenka and Sobachya Ploschad, Prechistenka and Sokol. It is impossible to imagine Moscow without Vorobyovy Gory.

It is no coincidence that this Moscow area was loved by many Russian writers, who mentioned it in the pages of their novels, stories, and poems. It is from the Sparrow Hills that the widest and most picturesque panorama of the capital opens!

Name Sparrow Hills we find on the pages of the works, letters and diaries of N. M. Karamzin, M. Yu. Lermontov, F. M. Dostoevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, A. M. Gorky, A. A. Blok and others. Thus, the panorama of the Sparrow Hills, according to Leo Tolstoy's plan, brings calmness into the soul of Pierre Bezukhov at a difficult hour: “On everything, both distant and near objects, lay that magical crystal shine that occurs only at this time of autumn. Sparrow Hills, with an ancient church and a large white house, could be seen in the distance. And the bare trees, and sand, and stones, and roofs of houses, and the green spire of the church, and the corners of a distant white house, all this was unnaturally distinct, with the thinnest lines carved in the transparent air.

And another classic of Russian literature, who had no less keen artistic perception of the world around him, poet Alexander Blok once remarked: "Paris from Montmartre is not like Moscow from Sparrow Hills."

To analyze the toponym more fully Sparrow Hills, let us turn again to the book by I. Ye. Zabelin "History of the City of Moscow".

“Moscow, indeed, lies“ on mountains and valleys, ”but these mountains and valleys were actually formed from the streams of its rivers and streams. In essence, in general, Moscow occupies for the most part a flat area, which was noticed by foreign travelers as early as the 16th century. Within its boundaries there are not even such passes as are, for example, in its immediate vicinity under the name of "Poklonnye Gory". The mountains and hills of Moscow are the high banks of its rivers; valleys and swamps - low-lying, meadow their shores; thus, these mountains are only mountains in a relative sense. The Kremlin is a mountain in relation to Zamoskvorechye in the same way that the Ilyinka or Varvarka area is a mountain in relation to the low-lying Zaryadye; Maroseyka - in relation to Solyanka (Kulizhki); but the Kremlin, and Ilyinka, and Maroseyka are equal places in relation to Sretenka, Myasnitskaya, etc. "..

What Sparrow Hills in fact - special the mountains, which have nothing to do with the most common meaning of this word in the Russian language (according to explanatory dictionaries, a mountain is "a significant hill rising above the surrounding area"), figuratively played in his poem, which is called "Vorobyovy Gory", by the poet Apollo Maikov :

Professor E.M. Murzaev, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, a well-known Russian specialist in toponymy and folk geographic terms, studying the toponymy of Moscow, described the terms popular in the geographical names of the capital settlement, field, shore, mud, garden, gate, shaft other. Analyzed E. M. Murzaev and the names in which the term entered mountain... The researcher was difficult (like many others) to answer the question: what is considered a mountain, what is a hill? “Kremlin Hill, the flat surface of the cliff of the Lenin Hills (this article by E. M. Murzaev was published in 1985. - M. G.). And where is the mountain in the Sokolinaya Gora microdistrict? In the toponymy of Moscow, the word "mountain" is often found, giving birth to names according to different models. It often appears in a diminutive form - a slide. Let's list some: Vladykina Gorka street; Krasnogorskie passages in the area of \u200b\u200bKrasnaya Gorka; Podgorskaya embankment and Khoroshevskaya Gorka street (formerly just Gorka); Upland streets; boulevard, lanes, Trekhgorny Val street and Trekhgorny lanes. There are many streets of Sokolinaya Gora marked with numbers. Finally, let us recall the well-known Lenin Hills, from where a wide panorama of the capital opens. This name appeared in 1935 and replaced Vorobyovy Gory ”.

I will say right away: about the exact date, year of replacement of the toponym Vorobyovsmountains on name Lenin's mountains there are discrepancies in the scientific and reference literature. Professor E. M. Murzaev calls the year 1935; IA Erofeev, the author of articles and books on "toponymic Leninianism," believes that the renaming was made in 1924; the same date is indicated in a respectable reference publication - the encyclopedia "Moscow", and well-versed Moscow archivists, compilers of the "Index of the streets of Moscow 1917-1982". in their publication show that the toponym Lenin's mountains officially appeared on the map of Moscow in 1936. One thing is indisputable - the name of the Lenin Hills was part of the vast Moscow "toponymic Leniniana", where the Zastava Ilyich and Tulinskaya Street, Ulyanovskaya Street and Leninsky Prospect, Leninskaya Square and Leninskaya Sloboda Street, the Electromechanical Plant named after I. VI Lenin, dozens of others, including even the Tea-packing factory. V.I. Lenin (it got its name in 1936).

And what do experts in proper names know about the history of the pseudonym itself? Lenin, which actually became his main surname? Any secret and clandestine activity (including revolutionary and terrorist) pursued by the authorities often makes people involved in this activity need to live, work, publish under fictitious, false names, patronymics and surnames. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov had over a hundred of them; he often signed his articles with pseudo-initials, as well as the surnames K. Tulin, Petrov, Karpov, K. Ivanov, R. Silin and others. First time signature Leninwas used by a thirty-year-old revolutionary in 1901 in a letter to G.V. Plekhanov. In December of the same year, the signature Lenin appeared in print. After October 1917, the head of the Bolshevik Party and the new state signed all documents, articles, books with his real name, but added his main pseudonym in brackets - V. Ulyanov (Lenin). By the way, until 1918, he did not sign V. Lenin, a N. Lenin - obviously in connection with the conspiratorial nickname Nikolai.

Until now, it remains unclear why V.I.Lenin chose this pseudonym for himself. What is its basis: an ordinary common noun, any other name or title? A similar question was asked to Lenin's wife, N.K.Krupskaya. She answered it in 1924 in the party press as follows: “Dear comrades! I do not know why Vladimir Ilyich took the pseudonym "Lenin" for himself, I never asked him about it. His mother was called Maria Alexandrovna, his deceased sister was called Olga. The Lena events took place after he took this pseudonym for himself. He was not in exile on Lena. The pseudonym was probably chosen by chance. "

And yet, modern researchers have a reasoned assumption. Signature Lenin in a letter to G.V. Plekhanov, Ulyanov could have chosen by analogy with one of Plekhanov's pseudonyms - Volgin (which was based on the name of the great Russian Volga River). Plekhanov's pseudonym Volgin appeared in 1896. If the hypothesis is correct, then the alias Lenin associated with the name of the great Siberian river Lena.

However, there is another version. Its authors also believe that the pseudonym Lenin originated from the name of the river in Siberia, but it is admitted that the influence of the surname of the well-known agronomist and public figure SN Lenin could have affected this. Vladimir Ulyanov quoted his articles more than once in his works, and could borrow the scientist's real name for his pseudonym. In any case, it is worth recalling that neither the names of the largest political figures, nor the fact of their existence and activities can be erased from the history of the country by anyone: such an attitude is as senseless as it is dangerous. This can also be reminded to people who would like to remove Lenin from the history of Russia altogether. The tragedy to which the experiment of Lenin and his party over Russia and her peoples led is a topic for another conversation.

Now let's return to the history of the Moscow area of \u200b\u200binterest to us and its name, returned from oblivion - Sparrow Hills... More than a hundred years ago, in 1887, "Guide to Moscow and its environs" wrote: " Sparrow Hills. Directions. Steamer runs 8 times a day there and back from Kanava, 20 kopecks each. per person; the second way from the Kaluga outpost, and from there 3 versts; the road to Mamonov's dacha is a highway, and then it is clay, unpaved. Trinity Day, during the temple holiday, festivities. The restaurant is downstairs near the river, the second one is up on the mountain, where you can get a telescope. "

The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, mentioned in the guidebook (Pierre Bezukhov also saw it in the above excerpt from the novel "War and Peace"), like most Moscow Orthodox churches, had and continues to have a second - specifying location - part of the name: the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovs mountains. It has survived to this day, happily escaping the bitter fate of many other closed, destroyed or rebuilt churches in Moscow. The temple was built here in the village of Vorobyov, which gave the name to this high bank of the Moskva River in 1811 and therefore can serve as one of the examples of classicism in Moscow temple architecture. On the eve of the famous council in Fili, which has already been described in our manual in connection with the history of the toponym Fili, MI Kutuzov prayed here, on Vorobyovy Gory, in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity. Before him, here, in Vorobyov, there was an older Trinity Church - from 1644, and the Vorobyevsky temple was known even earlier, that's why the settlement of Vorobyovo was officially considered village.

Not much is known about the village of Vorobyov. It is important that it was one of the oldest settlements in the vicinity of Moscow: Vorobyevo was bought by Princess Sofia Vitovtovna - this happened no later than 1453, because in 1453 Sofia, daughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt and wife (in 1390-1425) of the great Prince of Moscow Vasily I, died. She was an unusual woman: in the early childhood of her son, Vasily II, Sofya Vitovtovna successfully ruled the principality, actively participated in the struggle against appanage princes, and in 1451 she led the defense of Moscow from the Tatars. From the moment of acquisition by Princess Sophia, the village of Vorobyevo became a palace - a grand ducal, and then a royal summer residence. According to P.V. Sytin, the Grand Duchess bought the village for herself from a certain priest, nicknamed Sparrow. Hence, the origin of the toponym becomes clear: the village, like many others, received its name from its owner. Nickname Sparrowmost likely it was associated with the appearance of the former owner of the village (this could be called a medium-sized, short person) or some noticeable traits of his character and behavior.

It is worth eliminating a common mistake in relation to a common word along the way. sparrow, bird names. For some reason, the version that this nondescript bird, constantly looking for food for itself, was considered a thief was widely spread (but where can a sparrow be compared with crows and magpies in this?). Therefore, the exclamation phrase "Thief - hit!" allegedly turned into a word over time sparrow... In fact, this is a typical example of "folk etymology", which has nothing to do with the true history of the word sparrow. In the Slavic languages, its analogues are known, associated with the same root: in Ukrainian - gorobets, Belarusian - verabey, Bulgarian - a loser, Serbo-Croatian - goalkeeper, Czech - vrabec, Polish - wr ó beletc. Academician N. M. Shansky, one of the authors of the "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language", believes that the word sparrow - primordially Russian, that is, arising directly in the Russian language with the help of a suffix -ii (>-to her) from the same basis as the Slavic names of this bird such as Polish wrabel.The scientist believes that the Slavs from ancient times called the bird this way by its chirping: onomatopoeic basis in words sparrow, sparrow, sparrow the same as in the word coo. Recall that the basis of this verb, like the verb grumble, the word that has not been preserved today work. In Russian dialects the word is known grumbling with suffix -from, formed by the type of common and no less ancient noun bolt... The very word work - this is old Russian vkrfrom onomatopoeic root vr- and suffix -k.

Not only in the name of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity "on the Sparrow Hills" and the Vorobyovy Hills themselves, the old toponym has survived to this day the village of Vorobyevo... In this part of the capital, there is Vorobyevskaya embankment, Vorobyovskoe highway, two Vorobyevsky passages.

Connoisseurs of the literary places of the capital, K. Starodub, V. Emelyanov and I. Krausov, are right, who draw the readers' attention to the fact that the writers of different schools and directions, appealing to the image of Moscow, were united in one thing: Vorobyovy Gory invariably tuned them into a poetic mood, and significant, vivid events that determine the fate of the heroes were sometimes associated with this particular place in Moscow.

Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Lermontov, Gorky and Blok loved to visit Vorobyovy Gory. The park is beautiful at any time of the year. To this day, it is considered a favorite resting place for residents and guests of the capital on warm summer days. And in winter, Vorobyovy Gory becomes the venue for skiing and snowboarding competitions. Perfectly equipped lifts and 3 downhill slopes, up to 230 meters long, create ideal conditions for training professional athletes and amateurs.

The first settlement on Vorobyovy Gory already existed in the 1st millennium BC. Excavations carried out in the 19th century made it possible to discover the most ancient settlement, attributed by archaeologists to the Dyakovo period.

The name of the mountains, which were previously called Vorobyovy Kruchy, was given by the village of Vorobyovo, which was once located here, which existed until the XIV century. It, according to archaeologists and historians, grew out of the ancient settlement that was discovered in the 19th century. The village is repeatedly mentioned in the chronicle of the Great Moscow principality and other historical sources. Since the XIV century, wooden churches have been erected in the village, periodically suffering from the calamity common at that time - fires. Later, the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity was erected.

The observation deck in the mountains was the most famous point from where Khan Kazy-Girey, Hetman Khodkevich from Lithuania, and Napoleon in 1812 looked at the city. Ivan the Terrible, and later Boris Godunov and Alexei Mikhailovich, loved to rest here.

Today the park is famous for the building of the Moscow State University, the construction of which was carried out from 1949 to 1956. Demolition of the remains of the village is connected with the need to expand the territory of the university. Only a temple remained in his memory.

Vorobyovy Gory observation deck

A platform was erected at the intersection of Kosygin Street and University Square. This is the top point of the park, from where you can appreciate the stunning views of the surroundings. Through telescopes, you can gaze at the surrounding beauty at an altitude of 80 meters above the Moskva River for free.

The first visitors were able to climb the site back in 1848, when its construction was completed under the direction of the architect V.I. Dolganov. Today this place is very popular among the city residents. There is everything you need for a cultural holiday. Therefore, the observation deck is often chosen as a venue for wedding photo shoots, excursions and public events. Traditionally, guests of the city take memorable photos here.

To get down from the platform, you can walk up the stairs or use the cable car, which is on the right and operates all year round. The descent has three stops: intermediate, embankment and pier. There are always liners on duty at the pier, on which it will be possible to make a river trip in good weather. If you wish, you can supplement your walk in the park with a river cruise on a motor ship accompanied by live music.

What can be seen from the observation deck

From a bird's eye view, a beautiful panorama opens on:

  • Luzhniki Stadium is a landmark in the central part of the park.
  • Novodevichy Convent, which rises to the left of the stadium.
  • Skyscrapers Moscow City, located behind the Moscow River.
  • Shukhov Tower, located to the right of the park.

In 2018, on the territory of Vorobyovy Gory, it was equipped with a fan zone for watching the World Cup. Equipped with a 27-meter stage and a screen, it is located next to Moscow State University and can simultaneously accommodate up to 25 thousand fans.

Ropeway on Vorobyovy Gory

The funicular on Vorobyovy Gory opened in 1953. At the same time, the local springboard was completed. For over 60 years, the complex has been very popular with athletes and visitors. And from the chairs of the cable car a dizzying view opens up.

The lower landing point is located near the Vorobyovy Gory metro station. The uppermost starting point is located at the observation deck of Moscow State University. There you will also find ticket offices where you can buy tickets for 150 rubles on weekdays and 200 rubles on weekends.

If you use the services of a local photographer on the funicular, the price of this service will be 200 rubles. To save money, you can immediately buy a ticket for the ascent and descent, then you can take advantage of a discount, as in the case of a travel group. Please note that only cash payments are accepted.

The main attractions of the park

The choice of interesting places for walking in the park is quite large. Among the local attractions you can see the following:

  • The main building of Moscow State University. Its foundation was laid on the initiative of M.V. Lomonosov in 1755. There is a separate observation deck located on the 24th floor. An extraordinary panorama opens from a height of 200 meters, for which you will have to buy a ticket for a tour.
  • Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. Its territory covers 30 hectares. Over 5 thousand various plants have been planted on the alleys and paths. There is a rock garden, an arboretum and a separate area with exotic plants.
  • Boring Garden. Its territory is covered with scenic walking paths, special trails for cyclists, as well as well-equipped training grounds and children's playgrounds.
  • Luzhniki Stadium. To get here, you need to cross the Moskva River via the Luzhnetsky metro bridge. It is there that the Vorobyovy Gory metro station is located.
  • Central park them. M. Gorky. The easiest way to get into it is from the two nearest metro stations "Park Kultury" or "Oktyabrskaya". In terms of popularity, the park is not inferior to the largest recreation areas of the capital.
  • Springboard. Built specifically for skiers in 1953, it is 72 meters long.
  • Trinity Church. The ancient temple is known for the fact that in 1812 M.I. Kutuzov, before going to the famous council in Fili.
  • Borodinskaya alley. 20 personalized oaks were planted in the alley in honor of the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.
  • Commemorative sign. It was also installed to commemorate the victory in the war of 1812. To find the composition, you need to walk 200 meters away from the lower cable car station.
  • Stele dedicated to A.I. Herzen and N.P. Ogarev. It is known that it was in Vorobyovy Gory in 1827 that future thinkers swore an oath that they would fight for the people's freedom to the end. The stele was erected next to the Ski Jump.

Most of the sights of Vorobyovy Gory, as well as the observation deck, can be visited during one of the sightseeing tours. You can order a guided walk from the Sputnik portal.

Ecological trail

It is a local ecological zone with an unusual natural landscape with springs. The ecological trail in Vorobyovy Gory was opened in 2005. Information boards and signs provide useful information about the history of its creation, as well as about all types of plants and animals that live here.

Basically, the local fauna is represented by moles, squirrels and voles. There are also many different birds here. These are woodpeckers, tits, falcons, warblers, blackbirds and nightingales. Walking to the ponds, you can look into any of the gazebos. And do not forget to take grains and nuts with you, because the squirrels in the forest park are tame, and there are feeders for the birds.

Working hours

The cable car on Vorobyovy Gory is not closed all year round. Its working hours pleases visitors with its duration. The first passenger leaves at 10:00, and last flight takes place at 22:00. The journey takes only 8 minutes, and the route crosses most of the park. Please note that on Mondays the cable car only opens at 15:00.

How to get by metro to Vorobyovy Gory

Vorobyovy Gory are located at Kosygina Street, 28. There may be several options for how to get here. First of all, you should use the subway. The following stations are suitable: "Frunzenskaya", "University" and "Vorobyovy Gory".

On the map of the capital, you can also easily outline the route how to get to the park by car. Parking is located near the site. The actual price of seats is indicated on the signs and indicators.

You can find useful information about the recreation area and the poster of events on the official website. There is also a detailed diagram of the Vorobyovy Gory park, according to which you can navigate how to get to this or that object in the shortest way.

The observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory is perhaps the most famous observation deck from where you can look at the panorama of the capital. This is exactly what numerous guests of the city do and the residents of Moscow are not far behind - the views from here are really worthy of attention. Especially when you know where and what to look at, all the most iconic points of the city appear in a whole exciting story.

The site is part of a sightseeing tour of the city, a favorite place for wedding photographers, a promenade for Moscow University students (whose main building is very close), mothers with strollers, romantic couples and even a long-standing meeting place for bikers.

Sparrow Hills (in Soviet times they were called Lenin for a long time, and only in 1999 the historical name returned) is the right side of the Moskva River in the south-west of the city. Geographically, this area is located quite high (it is considered one of the seven hills on which, as you know, Moscow stands). The winding river washes away the high hilly coast, feeds the beautiful forest around, which makes this place one of the most picturesque areas of the city.

The observation deck was designed during the construction of the university complex and was built with it from 1949 to 1953. The project was supervised by Vitaly Ivanovich Dolganov, a famous Soviet architect, who took an active part in landscaping Moscow and creating a landscape-park culture of the city.

Muscovites adore this place during the big holidays, when fireworks are thundering over the city. On Vorobyovy Gory there is a "mission control center" - the main headquarters, from where they command all the city's salutes. Here you can clearly see not only the "local" fireworks, but also a multidimensional picture, when you simultaneously observe fireworks throughout the city. For this opportunity, photographers and video operators come here.

In recent years, the observation deck has become even more comfortable than before. Coffee shops on wheels and snack machines appeared. The site is beautifully illuminated at night. The territory is patrolled by a police squad, however, do not turn off your vigilance - the multimillion city attracts a variety of "characters".


It makes sense to go to Vorobyovy Gory for at least two reasons: to look at the sights of Moscow from a flight height and to relax in nature.

Ropeway on Vorobyovy Gory

From the observation deck, several embankments are clearly visible - Novodevichy and Berezhkovskaya, Vorobyevskaya and Luzhnetskaya, connecting them with bridges.

Directly behind the stadium, the multi-colored domes of the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed stand out, part of the bell towers of the Kremlin, the might of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior are visible. Here you can also see another landmark of modern Moscow - the huge figure of Peter I, installed on the arrow of "Red October", a very odious work of Zurab Tsereteli. Immediately into the skylight - the third "Stalinist skyscraper" - near the Red Gate, and the famous Sechenov Medical University.

If you move from the central part of the panorama to the right, you can immediately see the fourth "skyscraper" - a house on Kotelnicheskaya, the oldest residential complex on the embankment, in which in the middle of the last century it was a sign of special elite. The house is familiar to many - it played an important role in the popular Soviet film Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears.

If you look further, it is difficult to miss the Shukhov TV Tower - an incredible engineering project in its courage and implementation, created in the 20s of the last century. At the moment, the tower is practically not used for its intended purpose and is left as a historical monument.

Even more to the right can be found on the panorama of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences - a 22-storey high-rise, built in the 1990s.

In a word, it is difficult even to name another place besides the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory, from where you can see so many of the capital's sights at once and understand how they relate to each other.

Panoramic view of Moscow from the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory - Google Maps

Attractions Sparrow Hills

If you get to the observation deck, be sure to take a look interesting places around. First of all, of course, the territory of Moscow State University is still the main stronghold of science and classical education in Russia. The main building of Moscow State University (it is difficult to miss it, it dominates the entire space around it) has its own observation deck. The site is located at an altitude of 200 meters (24th floor). True, it will no longer be possible to get there for free - access is allowed only as part of an excursion group.

For connoisseurs of nature, the territory of the Sparrow Hills is almost ideal: there is a botanical garden of the Moscow University, the Moskva River embankment, the Andreevsky Pond, many pleasant paths and routes: no matter where you go, there is great walking everywhere.

How to get to the observation deck

Kosygin Street can be considered a reference point for getting to the observation deck of Vorobyovy Gory. The entrance to the site is absolutely free from anywhere on the street - free of charge and around the clock. Even binoculars here, giving 15x magnification, are available completely free of charge, which is a rarity nowadays.

View of the observation deck from Kosygin street - Yandex Maps panorama

How to get there

The main landmark for the observation deck is the main building of Moscow State University (this is University Square). There is very little public transport in the immediate vicinity of the University. A trolley bus (route number T7), which follows Kosygin Street, can take you straight to the place. You can get off at the stops "Observation Deck" or "University Square". Also on the square near the main building of Moscow State University bus number 111 stops. From here you will need to walk about 500 meters to the observation deck. For more details, see the Mosgortrans website.

A funicular will soon open on Vorobyovy Gory, where you can climb from the embankment. It will start from the Luzhniki arena and will include 3 stations (one on the left bank, one on the right, and one above).

Trolleybus stop near the observation deck - Yandex Maps panorama

Metro to Sparrow Hills

The most guaranteed way to get around Moscow (in terms of travel time) is by metro. The observation deck of Vorobyovy Gory is located not far from the Sokolnicheskaya metro station of the same name. Leaving the metro, follow the signs - you need an exit towards the embankment.

It is about 1.5 kilometers from the metro to the observation deck - you can easily walk them. It is more convenient to do this not along the main road, but to "cut" the path by going along the eco-trail. It is difficult to get lost here - there are signs along the way.

The coordinates of the observation deck for the navigator: 55.709315, 37.542163.

You can also get to the observation deck on Vorobyovy Gory by taxi. There are many opportunities for this in the capital. There are mobile applications for calling a taxi, such as Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim, Rutaxi. Also, if you drive, you can use the car sharing system (car rental service) - Delimobil, Anytime, YouDrive and others.

Video: Vorobyovy Gory from a height (drone shooting), overview

How to get to Vorobyovy Gory: Art. metro University.

Vorobyovy Gory (in the period from 1924 to 1991 - Lenin Hills) is the name of the area located in the southwestern part of Moscow, opposite the Luzhniki Stadium. Like all the mountains of Moscow, Vorobyovy Gory does not correspond to this status - it is just the high bank of the Moskva River, part of the Teplostan Upland, washed away by the river current. Vorobyovy Gory is considered one of the seven hills on which Moscow was built. The mountains stretch from the mouth of the Setun River to the Andreevsky Bridge. Their southern border adjoins Neskuchny Sad. We can say that Vorobyovy Gory is located in the center of Moscow, 5.5 km from the Kremlin and 13 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

The name of the area comes from the village of Vorobyevo, which existed here in ancient times. It is known that at the end of the 15th century, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I, Princess Sophia, acquired from an Orthodox priest nicknamed Sparrow his village, which was called Vorobyovo. It is impossible to say for sure, but there is a possibility that this is one of the oldest settlements on the territory of present-day Moscow. This village became the summer residence of the Grand Duke, and then the Tsar.

For many years, the Vorobyovs served as a viewing platform for the conquerors - from here the Crimean Khan Kazy-Girey and the Polish hetman Khotkevich looked at Moscow. From the middle of the 17th to the 18th century, the St.Andrew Monastery existed at the northern foot of the Sparrow Hills, and in the second half of the 19th century, this corner of Moscow gained popularity as a summer cottage.

When Vorobyovy Gory was renamed Leninskie Gory, oddly enough, it is impossible to answer for sure, despite the fact that this happened relatively recently. Three dates are named: 1924, 1935 and 1936, as the time of the probable renaming of Vorobyovy Gory. According to some historians, they were renamed in the year of V.I. Lenin in his memory, according to others, the renaming was the result of the implementation of the project to create a large sports center on Vorobyovy Gory. Lenin. Until the 90s of the 20th century, the mountains remained Lenin, and only in 1999 the historical name was officially returned to them, and at the same time the metro station was renamed.

In 1949-1953, a complex of buildings for the Moscow State University was built on Vorobyovy Gory. The famous university skyscraper was built on the initiative of I.V. Stalin and with the participation of architects B.M. Iofana, L.V. Rudnev, S.E. Chernyshev, P.V. Abrosimov, A.F. Khryakov and V.N. Nasonov. In 1953, when the building was completed, it was the tallest in Moscow - its height together with the spire reaches 240 meters.

The university observation deck, located opposite the main high-rise building of Moscow State University, has long been a popular recreation place for both Muscovites and guests of the capital. The site is located about 80 meters above the level of the Moskva River, and a breathtaking panorama of Moscow opens up from here.

Next to the observation deck is the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills, which miraculously survived the years of anti-religious struggle. This church is mentioned by L.N. Tolstoy in the novel War and Peace. It is not known when the first church was built on the Vorodiev Hills. We have heard only about the Trinity Church built in 1644, and the current church was built in 1811 in the style of classicism. It is known that M.I. Kutuzov before the council in Fili. This old church is still in operation.

In 1953, a ski jump was built on Vorobyovy Gory, as well as a ski slope with lighting and a chair lift. This park often hosts motor racing or mountain biking competitions. The Luzhnetsky metro bridge, on which the Vorobyovy Gory (Leninskie Gory) station is located, was built in 1958. It connected Komsomolsky Prospekt with the buildings of Moscow State University, and an escalator was installed next to the exit from the metro with an exit to Kosygin Street, from where one could climb to the observation deck.

In 1987, the then still Lenin Hills were declared a natural monument, and in 1988 the State Nature Reserve Vorobyovy Gory was created. Today, the reserve is engaged in projects aimed at protecting the natural and historical heritage of Moscow. Within the framework of the projects, ecological tourist routes have been developed, excursions are conducted along them, as well as work on environmental education among schoolchildren is underway, scientific research is being conducted.

The green spaces of Vorobyovy Gory stretch in the form of a curved narrow strip (0.5 - 3.5 km wide) along the right bank of the Moskva River. In the south-west, the forest-park area borders on Vorobyevskoye Highway, and above it there is a motorway between Vernadsky Avenue and Komsomolsky Avenue. The river bed is enclosed in concrete banks, various sports facilities have been built along the embankments, asphalt roads and footpaths have been laid. Part of the park is occupied by a natural forest with very old trees and small bogs, and in some areas flower beds are laid out, alleys are arranged along which bushes and trees have been planted.

Construction has never been carried out on Vorobyovy Gory, and the land has not been used for agricultural needs, because in this place, there is a large difference in the level of the relief, and in addition, there are intense landslide processes.

Vorobyovy Gory are mentioned in almost all the works where the story is about Moscow. Woland Bulgakova watched the ancient city from this wonderful observation point. You can see this place in films, but it's better to see it yourself. Vorobyovy Gory is filled with history and spirit of ancient times. They changed their name several times. In fact, these are not mountains, even on old maps they are Vorobyovy Kruchi, in Soviet times they became Lenin's, and now it is the Vorobyovy Gory park.

Not a single excursion around Moscow is complete without visiting them, there is an observation deck here, and from it an excellent view of the capital opens up.

History reference

There is no doubt that Sparrow Hills have been inhabited since ancient times. Since about the 2nd millennium, these lands have been mastered by man. This is evidenced by numerous archaeological finds, for example, stone tools were found under the building of Moscow State University. Also at different times, arrowheads, various decorations, traces of settlements were found.

The name Vorobyovy Gory was given from one of the first owners of local villages, Kirill Voroby. The sparrow is a nickname, possibly derived from a tool of labor, a board that walks around on a nail. The villages changed owners many times, at one time there were royal estates here, and the kings of different eras rested here, hid and made their plans.

Sparrow Hills in the 20th century and in our time

The village of Vorobyevo remained for quite a long time. Summer residents lived here, raised and kept tea houses for tourists. In 1924 the village consisted of 180 households and more than a thousand inhabitants.

Since 1917, local festivities with attractions, carousels, fairs, ice cream stands and waffles have been held on Vorobyovy Gory. After death, they began to call them Lenin's, and even the nearest metro station was called that. It is located on the lower tier of the bridge. The station, like the bridge itself, was rebuilt and altered, for many years it was closed for use. Now the park on Vorobyovy Gory has its usual name.

The birth of the green zone

For several centuries, the capital's university asked for the territory of Vorobyovy Gory for its buildings and was invariably refused. Only under the rule of the Soviets in 1948 was permission obtained, and the construction of the building of the Moscow State University began. The houses of summer residents were demolished, and a botanical garden was grown near the university, the slopes were strengthened, the rugged bank of the Moskva River was straightened, in general, the territory was ennobled. This is how the park appeared.

Why visit the park

If you happen to be in Moscow, then in the list of places worth visiting, be sure to include the Vorobyovy Gory park. How to get there? This question has multiple correct answers. You can do this by metro, there is a station of the same name, not far from Frunzenskaya. If you prefer by car, there are enough parking spaces in front of the Moscow State University building on Kosygin Street.

Vorobyovy Gory Park is a protected area as green There are no cars driving here, only cyclists and pedestrians walking. The green zone has a total length of 10 km and stretches along the embankment. There is both a forest area and shady ponds, in good weather you can see local animals, especially squirrels. Here you can disconnect from the non-stop traffic of the capital, relax, breathe in the fresh air, listen to birdsong, enjoy the scent of lilacs, the bushes of which are planted along the embankment.

There is a cafe near the observation deck where you can eat delicious food, and for lovers active rest bike rental is available during warmer months.

In addition to the observation deck and nature, there is a chairlift or funicular, where you can go down to the pier. A ski jump 72 meters long is open all year round. Near the observation deck is the Trinity Church, known for the fact that it was here that Kutuzov prayed before the Battle of Borodino. After enjoying the Sparrow Hills, you can take a pleasure boat at the pier and explore Moscow from the side of the river. And at the next opportunity, be sure to visit Vorobyovy Gory again.

Gorky Park

The famous nature reserve in Moscow is a desirable place for any developer, local residents resist this as much as they can. But not so long ago, the rights to it were transferred to the Park of Culture. M. Gorky. This greatly worried everyone, since the first actions on the part of the park's management were the construction of a fence around the perimeter of the nature reserve, and they also limited access for park regulars, athletes, coaches and others. They built a buffet, closed one of the trampolines and destroyed the informal parking lot, which had been used for a long time and to which they were accustomed. And after rumors about an increase in the building height and the construction of an underground parking lot under the observation deck, residents began to write letters and complaints to the city administration.

People do not want changes, because they are not often for the better. Many are in favor of preserving a piece of nature, and not covering everything with an artificial lawn, conducting communications, and making large-scale lighting. How this story will end and whether the Vorobyovy Gory park will become another shopping and entertainment complex is still unknown. Let us hope for the best.