Where is Capri in which country. Capri Island, Italy: photos, attractions, hotels, reviews

Capri Island is a cozy corner that has a relaxing holiday and gives any problems. Especially loved his representatives of the world of art and literature. The list of famous people resting and lived at different times on Capri looks impressive.

Capri, photo RUUD-Onos

About the island

Capri Isola (Isola di Capri) in the Tyrrhenian Sea is a surprisingly picturesque place fascinating with its beauty. Beautiful island snacks among turquoise waves. It is covered with a magnificent greens, its shores are bizarked with bugs, they are made of gross. There are numerous palaces and monasteries, castles and towers, the ancient ruins of the Grand Imperial Villas. Guests of the island are amazing landscapes, they will attack mysterious caves by their unknown.

Capri was a famous holiday destination since ancient Rome. The first resident and the owner is the emperor August. "Paradise of idleness" - so called Capri this Roman rulers. The emperor Tiberius arrested a few beautiful villas on the island.


Capri resort, photo paul-gy

Indeed, the cozy corner of sushi has a relaxing rest and gives any problems. The resort of world importance Capri has become from the middle of the XIX century. Especially loved his representatives of the world of art and literature. An impressive list of famous and great people, resting and lived at different times on Capri. The population of the island is only about 13 thousand people, but in the high season here comes to half a million tourists.

The highly served resort spread out on the territory of the two cities where there is approx. 60 hotels. They are different in price and class, but the staff in them is equally attentive, friendly and professional. Rooms in hotels can satisfy both Hollywood movie stars and middle-class representatives. The cost of living depends on the season and varies within € 100-700 per day. Budget special offers here are rare.


What is worth looking at Capri, where to visit? In addition to wonderful natural landscapes of tourists, historical sights of different eras are expected.

Azure grotto

Azure Grotto (Grotta Azzurra), Pietro photo

The most popular place of the island is a azure grotto (GROTTA AZZURRA). This is a cave filled with sea water. Water mirror inside the grotto seems bright blue; Stone walls and items lying on the bottom emit a mystical silver light. Sometime Grotta Azzurra served as a nymphum - a personal bathing of Tiberius. You can get into the grotto through the only low entrance from the sea. Tourists penetrate there on tribal boats; When passing through the stone "gate" with a height of 1.3 m, people have to go to the bottom of the vessel. The optical illusion of blue and glow can be observed only on a clear day, with sunlight.

Rocks Faralloni

Faraglioni cliffs, photos Pili_stage

Capri symbol - Faralloni cliffs (Faraglioni). Three stone colossal reefs protrude from the sea depths off the coast. The highest - Faralloni di Terra (Faraglione Di Terra) (111 m); Middle - Faralloni Di Fuori (Faraglione Di Fuori) with natural arch (104 m); The height of the Faraglione di Mezzo (Faraglione Di Mezzo) is 81 m. The best place to inspect the natural attractions is an overview site at Cape Punta Tragar. Tourists enjoy the boat under the arc of the middle cape. Divers find these cliffs are magnificent underwater landscapes and unique inhabitants of the sea. At the foot of the pharauloni di fuori dwells rare blue lizards.

Cave of the Great Mother

Great Mother Cave (Grotta Di Matermania), photo csi333

Grotta di Matermania, "The Cave of the Great Mother" is a natural attraction located in Mount Toro. This legendary cult place was served to worship the mother of all the gods - the goddess of Kibel. Sometime of his walls were decorated with mosaics, drawings, seashells, colored plaster. Of the elements of ancient creativity, little remained, but in general, the place looks majestic and picturesque.

Villa Malaparta

Built the villa (Villa Malaparte) Italian writer and journalist Kursio Malapart in 1938-1949. Strict-style two-story red house in proud loneliness stands on the cape melt. It is covered with a flat roof to which a wide staircase leads. At the villa, the films "Skura" Liliana Kavani (1981), with Marchello Masthanyi, and "Despite" Jean-Luca Godard (1963), with Brigal Bardo.

Capital - Capri

The capital of the island is the same town of Capri. This is a small commune with picturesque temples and old buildings, with many hotels and expensive shops. Administrative center Capri stands on a hill with a beautiful view of the sea.

Cartesian Monastery San Jacomo

Monastery San Jacomo (Certosa di San Giacomo), photo sean-munson

The city is the Cartesian Monastery-Fortress San Giacomo (XIV century). Today the monastery is open to all. In the abode, which preserved its medieval appearance, after restoration, there is a Museum of the German artist DiFenbach, who lived and who worked on Capri for the past 13 years of his life. In the courtyard there are concerts in the open air.

Villa Cheryio

Archaeological Museum Ignatsio Cherio, photo Denis-Dubtrix

The Archaeological Museum of the Capri Researcher - Dr. Ignazio Cerio (Museo Ignazio Cerio) has been created at Villa Cheryio. The exhibition presents the remains of fossil ancient animals: a dwarf elephant, rhino, the hippos of the Pleistocene era; Collections of ancient Roman and ancient Greek mosaics, stucco, VAZ.

Santo Stefano Church

Chiecesa Di Santo Stefano Chiesa Di Santo (Chiesa Di Santo Stefano), Photo Armando Mancini

On the square opposite the Kherio Palace there is a masterpiece of architecture of the XVII century - the Chisa Di Santo Stefano church. This is an indicative example of a peculiar style of the Capri Baroque, which combined the features of Moroccan and Greek architecture.

Villa Jupiter

Villa Jovis (Villa Jovis), photo sean-munson

Tourists visit the ancient Villa Jupiter (Villa Jovis), where the ruins of the residence of Tiberius are preserved. The historical object is located on the top of Monte Tiberio - in the highest point of the island. Here, for the first time, reservoirs for rainwater were built, which was later served to supply towns. From the city of Capri can be reached in about an hour.

Salto di Tiberius

On the slope of the mountain along the way to the villa there is a playground of Salto Di Tiberia. From there during the time of the harsh emperor, disassembled disassembled subjects.


The second visited city on the island - Anacapri.

Villa Damekuta

Villa Damecuta, photos of Plaidmoon2

Next to him are the ruins of the Villa Damekut, abandoned by ancient residents during the eruption of Vesuvius volcanic.

Phoenician staircase

Phoenician Staircase (Scala Fenicia), photo Denis Dubtrix

In Anakapri, Marina Grande port can be climbed by the Phoenician staircase (Scala Fenicia). She connects Capri and Anacapri, a distance of 1.7 km. Her 921 steps were cut down in the rock by the first inhabitants of Capri, settled here in the VII-VI century BC. Tourists who are not afraid of physical exertion, I recommend stroll through the Phoenician stairs.

Santa Sofia Temple

Church of Santa Sofia (Chiesa di Santa Sofia), photo G.

In this city it is worth a visit to the Chiesa Di Santa Sofia. In the church interior, the valuable frescoes are interesting, the Maoliko floor depicting the biblical theme "Exile from Paradise", marble iconostasis with colored inlay, polychrome wooden altars.

Marina Grande Bay

Bay Marina Grande (Marina Grande), photo Pnina

Main Port of Capri - Marina Grande Bay (Marina Grande). Ships come there from Naples and Sorrento. To the west of it are popular tourist objects: temple San Kostanzo (XVII century), the Palace of Emperor Augustus Palazzo and Marestanding in ruins. The port was founded in the 20th century - after its discovery, the tourist industry Capri flourishes.

Beaches Capri.

Beach in Marina Piccola Bay

Marina Piccola Bay (Marina Piccola), photo kajo

Marina Piccola Bay (Marina Piccola) is a picturesque place in which the safest, comfortable and inexpensive beaches of Capri are concentrated. From the port of Marina Piccol begins most of the sightseeing excursions. Hence the magnificent view of the lime reefs of the Faralloni.

There are almost no standard sandy beaches on Capri (the exception is the sand bands at the second harbor in the Bay of Marina Piccola). Next to the port of Marina Grande there is an equipped pebble beach, but it is always crowded with tourists.

Beach Faro.

The most attractive beach zone of Capri is Lido Del Faro. Faro Beach is located in the separated quiet part of the island - in Punta Carena, near the lighthouse. This is a beautiful rocky terrace located on the shore of the picturesque bay in the rocky cliffs. Water here is pure. Boats and boats come to the beach area, for children a swimming pool with transparent sea water has been created, there is a restaurant.

Beach on Capri Island, Photo Maria

Beach at the rocks of the Faralloni

Stone platforms equipped with the beach, there are Faralloni cliffs - in the bay between the island and the first rock. This shore is calm, the places are fully adapted for recreation and swimming.

Beach Zone Tiberia Bath

Between Marina Grande and azure grotto there is a beach area of \u200b\u200bBagni di Tiberio (Bani Tiberius). This is a pebble beach, to him get on a free boat from the Marina Grande pier. Next to the azure grotto arranged a small Gradola Beach. Place for swimming is equipped with a restaurant of the same name - on stone steps there are about twenty beds.

Traditional island cuisine

Lemoncello, Miami photo

Kitchen Capri - traditionally campaign and deserves a separate description. The island produces famous Italian cheeses: mozzarella, silane, provocal, Kacocalla; Smoked grades of ryanchiat and a phones, fresh curd cheese. Tomatoes are grown on Capri - one of the best in Italy. Of these tomatoes, a specific sauce with the "sea" shade of taste is obtained. Fish dishes - business card of many restaurants. Popular here and chestnuts, as well as dishes and sweets, are cooked. In addition to Pizza on the island, you will be offered a unique Italian coffee, meringue-ice cream, cottage cheese of milk buffalitsa, sausages, artichokes. In the basements of restaurants stored wines of centenary excerpts.

The inhabitants of the island love and know how to prepare Zucchini: you will be offered a lot of dishes from this vegetable. Lemons growing on Capri, became truly legendary - huge, beautiful, delicious fruits are present in almost all recipes and serve a decoration of the serving. Limoncello is prepared from these fruits - a liqueur that is used independently and added to salads, desserts, ice cream.


Climate Capri is one of the factors attracting tourists. Here are wonderful weather: in the summer, it is moderately hot because of a breeze that brings wet coolness from the sea (the temperature rarely reaches 30 ° C), there is little precipitation; Winter is quite warm. Experts advise to go to Capri early autumn and spring - solar activity at this time is low, and there are a little tourists.

Capri Island, Photo Luigi Strano

How to get

Getting to Capri is easy. On the island you can walk on the boat from the Naples Port Molo Bevello - the road will take about 40 minutes.

From Sorrento, the boat delivers tourists in 20 minutes.

From Forio d'isma to the island runs the speedboat (time of the way - 40 minutes).

From the port of Marina Grande to the center (Square Umberto), guests of the island get a funicular from Della Vittoria Square, or by a municipal bus. The funicular on Capri Ancient, created in 1907, its length is 650 m.

There is no car movement on Capri. Tourists travel on local buses and taxi-cabriolets, and more often go on foot. The most popular transportation - boats on which walks around the island are performed.

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The famous resort of Italy, Capri Island, is located in the Neapolitan Bay of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The picturesque island has become popular in the era of the Roman Empire and still attracts both Italian and foreign travelers from all over the planet.

The name of the island has two meanings: the first - from the Latin word Caprae, which means Koziy Island, the second - from the Greek word Caprios - a wild pig.

In accordance with the legend, sirens lived in this place, which lured sailors with their amazing singing, after which they unfolded their vessels to the death of the reef. The island is divided into two parts, Capri and Anakapri. The highest point on the island is Mount Monte Solaro. Its height is about 600 meters.

Capri Island, thanks to his luxurious shops and many stories about the aristocrats living here, movie stars and other famous people, has long acquired a reputation as one of the most glamorous and stylish.

In the summer, about 15 thousand tourists come here every day to enjoy stunning landscapes, and some even hope for a casual meeting with the celebrity.

Weather on Capri Island, Italy

There are no winter here, and the summer heat is asked by sea cool breeze. The precipitation falls very little. For suffering from diseases of the lungs is the best place to relax. Against the background of wildlife, fruit shrubs and olive trees grown unusual.

In 29, the island of Capri, belonging to neapol, visited Emperor Octavian Augustus and was so fascinated that he decided to exchange a greater in size of the ischian island, which was somewhat richer. Therapeutic sources for the Romans were very valuable.

Hello, dear readers. Capri Island is one of the most romantic sites in the Naples Gulf, especially the newly applied tourists, for which the most important is the question of how to spend time with the greatest benefit and what you can viewon the island of Capri.

If you want to carefully look at all the sights, you need to be patient and comfortable shoes. Since the hiking is the ideal way to explore the island and admire its natural beauty, in the form of crystal clear sea and rocky shores.

Alternatively, in order to get to any point of Capri, you can always use taxi services, small buses and funicular services.

In the summer, excursions are very popular with Capri Island from the coast and Positano (). But in July and August, very hot, and tourists are so much that this route can become very tedious, so it is necessary to calculate your strength in advance and think about the way you can see Capri and the main attractions in one day.

On hot days the best option for visiting the island is early morning or late evening.

Where to stay on Capri

On the island of Carry a large number of small hotels, B & B and apartments designed for any wallet. But in high season prices can be very highThis is especially true of large expensive hotels. The main criteria affecting the price of hotels - panoramic views and walking distance from major attractions. I would like to say that the cost of the rooms is really so diverse that everyone can choose what he soul.

I propose to familiarize yourself with the prices of hotels on Capri Island or you can simply compare prices, and hereinafter book room:

From the port of Marina Grande You can buy a ticket to a land or boat tour of the island. The boat excursion will undoubtedly include visiting the blue grotto and pharaaloni. On average, such a walk lasts about 2 hours and costs 10.00 - 20.00 €.

Tourists who have only one day in order to view Capri, I propose to familiarize yourself with the brief leadership and several most popular attractions.

Faralloni Capri (Faraglioni)

Faralloni can be called one of the symbols of Capri. They are three large boulders towering out of the water, which are located in close proximity to the island, but you can only get to them on a boat or boat. The height of one of the rocks is 109 meters, and the smallest has the arch through which sailboats swim with ease.

Locals assure that those who swim through the arch waiting for luck. In ancient times, bonfires burned on these stones, which served as a kind of lighthouse for sailors. No tourist leaves Capri without making at least one photo of the Faralloni. Each cliff has a name: the highest - Star (Stella), the smallest with the arch - Farallon Di Medzo (Faraglione di Mezzo), the third pharaalon di fuori (Faraglione di Fuori).


The blue grotto can be called one of the most popular attractions that you can look at Capri. Due to the narrow entrance and a small height (1 meter), visiting the grottle is possible only on a small boat. But inside it is quite spacious. The main feature of such water caves is unusually azure water, hence the name itself.

Many do not miss the opportunity to swim in the purest water and feed fish inhabiting here, but it is not appropriate in a high season. In the summer, in the midst of the season, a lot of people willing to visit the blue grotto, so most likely it will have to wait a long time, in connection with this, do not forget to grab sunscreen and hat.

Finding inside the cave will last about 5 minutes. The entrance to the cave is paid, its cost will be 13.00 € (the payment of the boat service is not included here), payment is made immediately before the entrance, in a floating cashier. Working hours Grott from 9:00 to 17:00. It is not recommended to attend the cave into cloudy, not sunny days, as the color of water on such days is significantly different. During the rain and wind, visit is prohibited.

Monte Solaro on Capri (Monte Solaro)

Monte Soilro Mountain height is 589 meters, and this is the perfect place to see the whole island in all its glory from the highest point of Capri, also overlooking the Naples Bay and the city of Salerno. On the mountain you can see all the beauty of the Mediterranean flora and fauna, there are also many attractions on which it is necessary to see.

Low below the highest point is the Chetrell Zone (La Zona di Cetrella) where you can see medieval chapel And the church that served as a place of spiritual privacy for the monks of the Franciscan Order. Another local landmark is the ruins of the Barbarossa Castle (Il Castello Di Barbarossa).

The best time for visiting Monte Solaro is considered spring. From the port of Marina Grande, there is a bus to Anacapri, and it is from there on the funicular you can get to Mount Solaro, it will take a little more than 10 minutes to go all the way, while walking the walk to last for about an hour.

It should be remembered that cable car It works in the summer from 9:30 to 17:00, in winter from 9:30 to 15:30. The price of a ticket for the lift 10.00 € (lifting and descent), 7.00 € (climb only). The main note is not to go to the mountain with small children on your hands and animals, the chairs on the cable car, although equipped with seat belts, but still single.

Another amazing place is required to look at the island of Capri - this is Villa Jovis built in the first century. The building is the ruins of the classic, ancient Roman fortress, which is well preserved to the present day. Villa Jovis was discovered in the 18th century during the reign of Karl Bourbon.

Many exhibits found here and representing historical value today are stored in the halls of the Naples Archaeological Museum and in the Church of Santo Stefano Island Capri. The entrance to the ruins of villas JOZIS is paid - 2.00 €. Opening hours: in summer from 10:00 to 18:00, in winter from 10:00 to 16:00. Ticket for Funicular from Capri to Villa Jovis costs 1.80 €.

Villa San Michele (Villa San Michele)

The villa is a house of a Swedish doctor and writer Axel Munte, who built it in 320 meters above sea level, on the spot where he had previously been the Church of San Michele and the Roman Imperial Villa. And now, anyone can independently look at this attraction on the island of Capri.

Munta devoted most of his life to the landscaping of the villa and the garden. For many years, he collected a collection of valuable artifacts, among the most important are the head of jellyfish decorated the temple of Venus in Rome, the Bust of Emperor Tiberius and the Egyptian Sphinx.

Also in the house is located valuable rare furniture 18th century, paintings and roman sculptures. They say if we put your left hand on the sphinx and make a desire, it will surely come true. In the garden you can see a variety of plants and trees typical for the Mediterranean. And of course, it opens a beautiful view of the Naples Bay. The museum is open daily, the cost of the ticket is 7.00 €.

La Piazzetta (La Piazzetta)

Square Umberto I is considered the heart of the city of Capri, and is known all over the world as "Piazzette". This is the main place for walking and meetings, it is here that there is a wonderful cafe in which you can communicate with friends, drink a cup of Italian coffee and admire the views from the terrace. Coffee here is quite expensive 4 - 5 € per cup, cocktail will cost more than 10 €.

As a rule, in the summer of Piazzette is always overwhelmed by tourists. Symbol Square It is undoubtedly a small, but very original bell tower whose bells beat every 15 minutes.

Anacapri (Anacapri)

Anacapri is a city located on the island. It is easier to reach it, by bus from Marina Grande or on the funicular to the city of Capri, and then by bus to Anacapri, the path will leave for 10 minutes, in the summer the buses are sent every 15 minutes.

Unlike the city of Capri, center Anacapri more calm and wide. It is here that the Victoria Square stops the buses, where the funicular is nearby at which you can climb to Mount Solaro or along Via Paliaro (Via Pagliaro), you can walk to the blue grotto.

Anakapri is a very beautiful church built in the style of Baroque Temple of San Michele Arkandgelo. Another attraction, which is worth a visit, is a red house in the past belonging to the American Colonel, to date, the house is a museum. It has a permanent exposition of painting the life of the island, as well as archaeological finds from Grotta Azzurra.

Beaches Capri.

Capri Island is very unique and diverse, there is both sandy beaches and rocky bays. The main feature is purest coast and azure water. On the island there are both free and paid beaches equipped with all necessary - umbrellas, shower, bars and restaurants.

The largest beach island is located close to the map of Marina Grande, it is a rocky bay with a gorgeous view and blue sea.

Capri Island (CAPRI) is one of. Every year, thousands of tourists are visited annually in order to see his unique attractions, and also to get acquainted with local landscapes, traditions and hospitality.

The population of Capri island is about 14 thousand people (including two cities - Capri and Anacapri).

Attractions of Capri Island

Do not miss the opportunity to order individual and group Excursions on the island of Capri, as well as boat tours to the Blue Throat and other nearby attractions and cities, detailed information.

Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra) - known all over the world because of the extraordinary turquoise color of the water, you can get into it only on the boat.

Faralloni (Faraglioni) - a magnificent local attraction, represents three large rocks that as if "rose" from the sea.

Villa San Michele (Villa San Michele) - a museum in which you can see medieval works of art, frescoes and Roman sculptures and much more. Also here you can admire the beautiful garden.

Certosa di San Giacomo - The ceiling and walls of the thistle are decorated with original frescoes of the 18th century. In the summer months, it is used for various events, concerts and performances. Visit time: Tuesday - Sunday from 9.00 to 14.00

Mount Solaro Monte Soolaro) - is the highest point on the island. You can go here on the lifting, it will take about 12 minutes. Here you can also look at the remnants of the Military Building of the XIX century Fortino Di Bruto..

Villa JOVIS (Villa Jovis) - the main residence of Tiberius, built in the first century AD.

Villa Damekuta (Villa Damecuta) - one of the twelve villas built by Tiberius. In addition, it opens a beautiful view of the Naples Bay.

Punta Karen Lighthouse - Summer is a favorite destination for tourists.

Hotels on Capri Island

In Capri, great many hotels and hotels, expensive and not very offering a wide range of services. Below you can familiarize yourself with the hotel's hotels that offer good service and quality service.

All these hotels have restaurants and bars, where the best cooks and bartenders of the city work. Any tourist will be able to find what he will have to do. Rooms are equipped with the latest technology (air conditioners, Internet and other).

No doubt an unforgettable stay depends on the right choice of place of residence, so start searching and compare prices for hotels in advance with the most popular booking service:

Also in many hotels there is a tennis court, fitness centers, solariums, massage rooms, Turkish bath. If you arrived on holidays with children, then you will be offered a qualified nanny.

In almost all hotels in Capri, there are open and closed pools. Here you will practically do not find sandy beaches. The only thing place on the island Where there is a little sand Marina Piccola and Marina Grande. Punta Carina has a beach called Faro, which takes particular popularity among tourists. .

How to get to Capri from Rome

The nearest airports from Capri island:

  • Rome - Fiumicino;
  • Naples - Capodikino.

If you flew to FiUsicino airport, then the best option to get to Termini Station is high-speed train Leonardo Express, ticket price for which 14.00 euro, one way.

From Rome Ciampino Airport, Termini station can be reached by bus or taxi. And at the station you can easily purchase a train to Naples. .

What train to choose:

  • Eurostar Red Arrow - the fastest train, he will take you from Rome to Naples in one hour, the price of a ticket 40.00 euro;
  • Intercity train - a trip to it will take just over two hours, the price of the ticket 20.00 euro;
  • Regional train - be prepared for a long trip (about four hours), the price of a ticket is 10 euros, but I advise him if your cash is limited.

Tickets for Italian trains can buy .

Car for hire

Driving a car for non-residents on the island of Capri is prohibited for most of the year, namely, to get to the island on your own or rented car You can only from November to April.

But it is not worth upset about this, because the road on the island is only one, and the movement of public transport is well developed. In any case, a rented car you can always leave on the parking lot in the port, and cross the island without a car.

Crouch by car Using the ferry. It is worth noting that due to bad weather conditions, the movement of high-speed boats and ferries can be suspended.

How to get to Capri from Naples

The ports of Naples are called - Molo Bevello, Molo-Mergellina and Catala di mass.

  • Molo Beverello is close to Piazza Municipio in Naples.
  • The Molo Mergellina port is located near the railway station of the same name in Naples.
  • Calata Porta Di Massa port in Naples.

How to get from Capodikino Airport to Port Molo Beverello


After leaving the terminal, you will need to find the Alibus bus, which goes to the Naples Center, the cost of the ticket is 4.00 €, you can buy it at the driver. This bus performs three stops:

  • garibaldi Square near the railway station;
  • port of Calat-Di Mass;
  • sea station not far from Molo Beverello.


A taxi will cost a little more expensive about 20.00 €, many of them are always at the exit of the terminal. You can also order transfer (Taxi) in advance, taking into account all your requirements (number of people, luggage, pets, car brand and other), using online service:

How to get to Molo Beverllo from Naples station

Taxi costs about 12 €. An alternative is the metro line 1: Stop Piazza Municipio in the direction "Piscinola". From the exit to the subway you need to go through a hundred meters to get to the port.

What ship to choose?

The trip time will depend on the selected transport. If you swim on a speed boat, then get in 40 minutes, and if on ferry 90 minutes, it all depends on the vessel and the port from which you go. The path from Sorrento is much shorter. In summer, also organize flights from Positano, Salerno and Castellammare ports.

  • ferry from Calat-Di Mass - price 14.60 €, travel time 1:20;
  • speed \u200b\u200bboat Molo Beverllo - price of 22.50 €, travel time 50 minutes;
  • fast ferry ship from Catala di mass - price 20.00 €, travel time is 1 hour.

Port of Capri Island

Port in Capri Called Marina Grande, from here getting to the city you can by bus.

In order not to experience inconvenience in finding your hotel, better take a taxiThat is easily delivering you to where you need. But many of the island hotels offer their inexpensive or free shuttle service (port - hotel), it is necessary to clarify the administration in advance.


Methods of movement on the island of Capri:

  • port of Marina Grande - Capri (Funicular);
  • Capri - Anakapri (Bus);
  • the center of Capri and Anakapri cities (on foot).


With the help of a funicular, you can get from the port of Marina Grande to the city of Capri, it is possible to use it every 15 minutes, the fare of 2.00 €, for the procurement of overall baggage and animals will have to pay a dual price. From January to March the funicular is not workingIn this case it is better to use the bus.


Small yellow Capri buses, as a rule, are always crowded in summer. The ticket costs 2.00 € (driver purchased 2.50 €), additional baggage 2.00 €, animals 2.00 €. Buses run every 20 minutes.


As a rule, a taxi you can find in the port of Marina Grande, from here to the center of Capri can be reached for 20 €.

Rental scooters

Rent a scooter on the island is quite a common phenomenon, rental points for scooters are located both in Capri and in Anakapri. Rental time can vary from one hour to several days.

Charming cable car

Charming cable car - located in Anakapri and leads from Vittoria Square to the top of Mount Solaroou (590 meters above sea level). The trip will last about 12 minutes, it offers a beautiful view of all local beauties. The price of a ticket is 11 € in both directions, 8 € in one.

Find an inexpensive air ticket

Finally, the video that will give an idea about Capri island:

One of the most prestigious resorts of the world in antiquity was called the "Town of Sweet Loading". Here come to get used to the snow-white beaches and have fun in the full program. The most painful in Italy is the most place where vacationers go on their weaknesses. The luxury resort is famous for highly developed tourist infrastructure. This is a miniature island, the population of which does not exceed 13 thousand inhabitants, but at the height of the season the number of guests increases hundreds of times, and narrow streets are instantly filled with a cheerful public.

Description of the island

Educated on a limestone rock, attached to Capri mountain relief, the Italian resort of Capri is located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the south of the Naples Bay, 36 kilometers from Naples. The coastline is cut off by bays, grottoes and reefs, and the virgin beauty of the island in several centuries was improved by a person who planted citrus, grapes and olives here. The earthly paradise, which became tourist Mecca, loved the Roman rulers, and it is no coincidence that the emperor Augustus turned him into his private ownership, and the valiant commander Tiberius built here the villa on which his last years had passed.

For the right to possess the beautiful island of Capri (Italy), whose history takes its beginning since the time of Paleolith, fought Langobard, Normans, the British and French.

Climate and weather

The soft Mediterranean climate with healing properties contributes to excellent recreation: the temperature in high season (from April to September) hesitates within 22-28 o C, and no one suffers from the exhaust heat. In addition, he has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, and the lack of rains leads here people suffering from lung diseases. Resort, all year round swimming in the sunshine, keeps a wonderful collection of attractions that need to be told.

Two communities in the resort

On the island of only two cities - Capri, where Maxim Gorky ever lived, and Anakapri. The first often choose young people, adoring noisy parties, and lovers of shopping. This is a real travel center with shops, restaurants and hotels.

And the second community, more similar to the village, rather than on the city, prefer older people who prefer a relaxing rest. Small settlements are connected by the Phoenician staircase carved in a rock in distant antiquity. Its length is more than one and a half kilometers, and the rise takes at least an hour. Tourists who visited Anacapri, be sure to get along the cable car to the highest point of the resort - Mount Solaro, offering fantastically beautiful landscapes of Capri Island (Italy).

What to look at the prestigious resort?

A miniature island whose area does not exceed 10 km 2, you can walk along and across during your stay on it. But despite this, he is rich in historical monuments. The Multician Island of Capri (Italy), the attractions of which targeting tourists from all over the world can boast of unique structures left with ancient times: these are the ancient terms of Tiberius and a wonderful Villa Joseis, located on Mount Monte Tiberio.

Blue Grotto

Of course, nature is the main attraction of the majestic Island of Capri in Italy, and the delicious masterpieces of the resort are of great interest among vacationers, celebrating an amazingly transparent sea, whose sandy bottom can be seen at a depth of ten meters. One of the most popular tourist facilities is considered the Blue Grotto, which received its name due to the color of sea water. In the storm, it is impossible to get into it, so all excursions are made exclusively in quiet sunny weather. The unofficial symbol of the Italian pearl is a beautiful cave, located on the oldest traditions, it says that it was this grotto that was chosen by the sirens that the courageous Odyssey was afraid.

The breaking sunlight is reflected from the snow-white bottom, and sea water due to the natural deepening in the rock acquires shades of a saturated blue color, which gives the name of the sights.

Stone gigids of Faralloni

Another natural monument is rightfully proud of the wonderful island of Capri (Italy), whose photo is caused by an irresistible desire to visit the resort area created for recreation. The mysterious lime reefs of the Faraloni protrude from the sea depths and are a unique element of the island landscape. Creative people contemplating unusual beauty, for several centuries have been drawing their inspiration here.

Stone colosses with a height of more than 100 meters with giant obelisses climb over the sea, and in one of them the wind, water and time pulled out the stone arch, through which the tourist boats necessarily swim. There is a belief, according to which at this moment it is necessary to make a desire, and it will certainly come true. In addition, if the lovers kiss, they will always be together. And those who do not believe in the signs make stunning photos.

Where to stay?

It is necessary to warn that budget hotels on Capri Island (Italy) are missing. The tourist center of world importance is an elite place of rest, and about the high level of service in the prestigious resort there are legends. Some hotels are open only in the summer, while others work year-round.

Small and very cozy JK Place Capri is one of the few on the beach near the beach. Popular tourist corners, restaurants and shopping stores of holidaymakers will be taken to the comfort of minibuses in a few minutes, and then pick up after a call to the reception. The interiors of the hotel are harmonized with and guests enjoy the blue-white gamut of spacious rooms filled with sunlight. Many celebrate that this is one of the best hotels with friendly staff that fulfill all the wishes of visitors.

Luxury hotels in favorites

A five-minute walk from the center of Capri is Capri Tiberio Palace - a luxurious complex, surrounded by drowning in the greenery. Lovely service, amazing decor of comfortable rooms, from the windows of which exquisite panoramas are opening, culinary masterpieces of Mediterranean cuisine are superior to all expectations of tourists. It features a wellness center, bars in the lobby and by the pool, deposit safe, car rental, laundry facilities and other services.

Perhaps the most prestigious and best in the whole country is the Grand Hotel Quisisana, whose history began in the XIX century, when a sanatorium appeared at this place, with time turned into a luxury hotel. It is chosen by famous actors, musicians, businessmen, because there are ideal conditions for recreation.

Surrounded by well-kept gardens, the hotel offers 148 comfortable rooms with views of the park, sea or city. There are several restaurants, swimming pools, shops, gym, beauty salon, helipad and even theater. The upscale hotel has long been recognized as a business card of Capri Island in Italy.