Vorontsov Palace in Alupka - the luxurious creation of the architecture of the XIX century, which has been preserved to the present day. Medieval castle in Crimea: Vorontsov Palace - everything you need to learn before visiting the Palace of Vorontsov in Crimea

According to statistics, most tourists visiting the excursions Alupka are going here with a very specific goal - to look at the famous Vorontsov Palace. Among the tourists pacing around this magnificent palace, there are a variety of people. Someone came here "for a tick", someone for the sake of wonderful minor landscapes opening from the observation deck of the palace. But rather a significant percentage of tourists purposefully go here in order to touch the story ...

And this story began in the distant 1828, when the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian Governor General, Count Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov decided to build a summer residence in Alupka, boring for these purposes a lot of land plots in Alupka.

The dream of Count Vorontsov was entrusted to the Mastyatoma English court architect Edward Blora (1787-1879), with whom M.S. Vorontsov was a sign personally. Among the most famous objects, to which Bar put their hand, let's call the Buckingham Palace in London and the Tower of Salisbury in Windsor Castle.

The palace was built in several stages: first the table housing was erected (1830-1834). Then the central housing appeared (1831-1837). In 1841-1842, the Billiard room was attached to the dining room, in 1838-1844 guest corps, oriental fluegels and towers of the palace, economic buildings were completed. Finally, the last time, the library case was erected.

In total, the construction of the palace lasted for a long 20 years and ended in 1848, hoping Vorontsov in 9 million rubles with silver.

Stone diabases (the current name - hardenit), from which the main part of the palace is made, is one of the strongest natural building materials. The structure of this volcanic mineral is extremely durable, which creates additional difficulties in its processing. Building material for the palace was mined in the mountains, not far from Alupka. As for the workers, their majority was represented by the serfs from the Moscow and Vladimir provinces, and, of them, qualified Kamelotesians were specifically selected, which had already had experience in building stone councils.

Interesting fact: Red Square in Moscow is also paved with Crimean diabase

At the construction of the Vorontsov Palace, it was used mainly, heavy manual labor.

A separate story deserves an architectural style in which the palace was built.

The main architectural motive prevails in the buildings of the Palace - the English style, which is not surprising, given the nationality of the architect and addiction of Count Vorontsov to the English culture, which was very close to him. Father M.S. Vorontsova - Semen Romanovich Vorontsov for many years was the Russian ambassador in London, and Mikhail himself held all his childhood, youth and youth in England, absorbing the spirit and mentality of a misty Albion.

According to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect, the Vorontsov Palace contained the styles of various English epochs that replace each other in chronological order, ranging from the Western Gate.

A very unexpected architectural turn is awaiting tourists who wish to inspect the Vorontsov Palace from his south. According to the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect, the side of the palace facing the sea was performed in a neomavritarian style and resembles the draws of the Eastern Vladyk. Against the background of the strict English traits of the northern side of the palace, the lush southern facade looks very contrast and unexpectedly. All doubts about the "Eastern" origin of the Southern Facade of the Palace dispelves the Arab inscription on the frieze "and there is no God besides Allah", repeating several times.

Entrance and staircase from this side of the Palace guard white marble lionsThat were made in the workshop of the Italian sculptor Giovanni Bonnani.

The inner decoration of the Vorontsov Palace was luxurious, but at the same time, made with taste. In total, the palace consisted of more than 100 premises, of which the most famous are considered, "Blue Living Room", "Sitzen Room", "Winter Garden", "Chinese Cabinet", "Billiard room", "Parade Dining Room" "Lobby". In the indoor premises of the palace to the present, a large number of things and items relating to the times of the first owner are preserved.

If you look at the Vorontsov Palace from the sea, then you can see that its features repeat the relief of the mountain range, towering over Alupka from the north. And this is not an accident at all, but the original architects idea.

In parallel with the construction of the palace, next to him, for the past 25 years, a magnificent Vorontsov park was created, which, without exaggeration, was one of us more prominent works of garden-park art in Crimea. To date, the area of \u200b\u200bthis fleet is 40 hectares.

The palace in Alupka belonged to the family of Vorontsov, until the revolution, after which he was nationalized and the museum opened in it. In this status, the palace stays to the present, annually taking thousands of tourists.

During the German occupation, the Vorontsov Palace himself did not suffer, which would not say about its exhibits that were abducted and taken out in the number of several hundred.

After the war, the palace was used for 10 years as a state cottage for party bons, and since 1956 he began to work as a museum that acts to today.

Alupkinsky Palace-Park Museum-Reserve, also known as the Vorontsov Palace, was built in the period 1828-1848. According to the project of the English architect Edward Blora as the Crimean Residence of Count Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov. When it was created, a local landscape was used, and the main feature of the palace is a mixture of several diametrically opposite architectural styles.

The entrance to the territory of the palace is more reminiscent of the castle of the European Middle Ages.

The palace is built out of a particularly solid stone of Dolita, whose natural reserves were on the site of the future facilities. This is a frozen magma who used to be called diabases. For functions, a high hardness of 6-7 units on the Moos scale is characterized. This means that this material is so firm that is used to power the roads, but to process only with a diamond.

It also sounds more surprising when you find out that the palace of man-made serfs from Vladimir and Moscow provinces built, working manually by the most primitive instruments.

This narrow corridor between two similar to the fortress wall is called Shuvalovsky passage. Counts Shuvalov had to relatives of Vorontsov. And somewhere here were the apartments of Sofia - daughters Mikhail Semenovich.

Through the passage we get to the courtyard. It used the textual processing of walls "Rvanged" stone. Museum exposures We did not look at the outer inspection.

Northern facade of the palace. There are already visible the features of a non-medieval fortress, and the country's 16th century countryside, for which large window openings and high flue pipes are typical.

The western part of the palace is made in neo-style.

At the Vorontsov Palace is the park, laid around 200 years ago, which has more than 200 species of trees and shrubs from various countries of the world. To create it was specially invited by the famous German gardener-architect Karl Kabach.

On particularly interesting and rare copies set plates with the name, homeland and approximate age. For example, it is the East Platan from the Western Mediterranean age of 190.

The park ensemble consists of the upper and lower parks. The upper park is arrays of natural diabase, it is also called "Alupkin Chaos". Through all these stones and plants are harmoniously laid paths.

Through the park approach the eastern facade.

A wide staircase from the same diorita is conducted on the southern terrace to the facade, on the sides of which the sculptures of Lviv, made in the workshop of the Italian sculptor Bonanni. The southern facade itself is made in Arabic style and with oriental pomp. This is the most beautiful place of the palace.

Horseshoe arch, bunk arch, carving on plates in a niche, where the drawing of the Tudor flower and the lotus motif is intertwined. On the fresco of a niche six-time repeated inscription with the tapering from the Quran: "And there is no God, except for Allah."

The palace is located right at the foot of the mountain of Ai-Petri, we will also climb it, but a little later.

And what kind of the sea opens from the southern facade ...

The terrain in the Alupka area is rich in water, which made it possible to create more than a dozen diverse fountains in Vorontsovsky Park. Most of them are designed by V. Guntome.

The lower park is also diverse and begins with gentle relief. He focuses the Vorontsov Palace and is decorated in a classic park style.

And on the right there is a large rosary.

The Vorontsov Palace after the revolution was nationalized, the remaining property was complemented by collections from other South Coast palaces, and in 1921 a historical and household museum was opened here.

In the years of the Patriotic War, Crimea was occupied by the German fascists. During the retreat, the Germans wanted to blow up the palace, but the explosion did not succeed, museum workers prevented.

In February 1945, during the Crimean Conference, the Alupkin Palace was provided by the British delegation led by W. Churchill, who even wanted to buy it.

From 1945 to 1955, the State Department was here, referred to in the documents "Spec.Object No. 3".

As the Museum of the Palace was again open for visitors already in 1956.

The Vorontsov Palace in Alupka is one of the most visited Yalta palaces and the only one who visited I, and even then by chance. Not that I did not want to see him, but I really did not want to do it in the summer, too at this time there is crowded there.
The palace is built in English style, and in the construction there are elements of various eras, starting with early forms and ending with the XVI century. The farther from the Western gate, the more late style of the construction. English style is combined with a neomavritarian style. For example, Gothic smoke pipes resemble a mosque minarets. The palace was built from 1828 to 1848 as the summer residence of the Governor General of the Novorossiysk Territory of Count Vorontsov. Interestingly, the Vorontsov Palace is one of the first buildings in Russia, where sewage and water supply were built for the comfort of living.

Main Facade of the Vorontsov Palace

The palace owned three generations of Family Vorontsov. Since 1921, a museum has functioned in the palace complex. After the Great Patriotic War, about 10 years, the territory of the Vorontsov Palace was a secret object and there was a cottage for the party leadership. Now it is a museum again.

The Vorontsov Palace is located on the territory of Alupkinsky Park, who created the famous botanist and gardener Karl Antonovich Kebach for 25 years. He designed the clearing, placed trees, given their size. It was a matter of principle, because by the plan of Karl Trees should not be blown up the chic view of the top of Goryayi Petri.

The park spread on the square of 40 hectares. It is geographically divided into the upper and lower parks. The park is designed in such a way that it complements the local nature. Here more than two hundred plants species, which were brought from the regions of North and South America, the Mediterranean. The cost of breaking the park is two times higher than the construction of the palace itself. The maintenance of the park in 1910 was spent to 36,000 rubles - a huge amount for those times.

Map Vorontsov Park

The landmarks of the Park are piles of stones from the frozen magma, thrown out by the volcano back in the time immemorial, obtained the names of "Big Chaos" and "Small Chaos". These chaos were thoroughly inscribed in the park layout, a dozen paths that form almost a labyrinth are laid through piles of stones, the benches are set, species platforms are arranged. Separate boulders are losing ivy and wild grapes. It is sometimes very difficult to believe that you are in the park, and not abandoned.

A large number of fountains are built in the park. Most of them are built according to the projects of V. Gunta.
In general, the tradition of a respectful relation to water has been published in Crimea. The construction of the fountain, both in the Muslim Crimea, and in Russian, was considered worthy of worthy, and even a beige. Where at least some trickle flowed, put the fountain, decorated with a sparkle from the Koran or the emblem of the engineering department, sometimes knocked out the date. Along the old roads, in the old Crimean settlements of these vintage fountains, a lot has been preserved, many still function.

Three ponds are also artificially created in the park: the top, mirror and swan. Males, ash and dogwood grow around the ponds.

To decorate the bottom of the Swan Lake, Count Vorontsov ordered 20 bags of semi-precious stones, which were delivered on the ship. In sunny weather, they created a light-free game of light.

The owner warms the ducks from its possessions

Another couple of interesting facts about the park, if you believe the guides. Vorontsov Park rose literally on blood, because the soil under the trees fell abruptly with blood of freshly born animals. For each tree, a separate gardener was enshrined, who did not sleep, did not eat, but followed his ward, Holly, and cherished.

Araucaria Chilean is owned by its name to Araukanam - Indians living in Chile, for which the fruits of this tree make up the basis of the diet. This copy for more than 130 years. It develops poorly in our conditions. In his homeland, it grows up to 50 meters high, has a trunk in diameter to one meter. In the Crimea of \u200b\u200bsuch trees of all pieces 5. Araucaria branches are covered with sharp spines, so neither monkeys nor birds sit on them.

Chilean Araucaria

Pine Crimean

Pistachio Tupoliste

Nizhny Park

Fountain "Maria" is made based on the famous Bakhchisarai fountain, with Pushkin. The fountain is made of white and colored marble and decorated with sinks and sockets. Water in small drops drops from one bowl into another, forming a quiet, even rhythm of the droplets - "tears".

Fountain "Maria" (Fountain of Tears)

From the sea is the famous lion terrace.

South entrance is decorated with oriental pomp. Arab inscription translates as: "And there is no winner except Allah."

Coral tree

Fountain Bakhchisaray

I did not go inside the palace, I really do not like slim mileage in the crowd. Can somehow come to another time.

Winter Palace Garden

During the Yalta Conference in February 1945, an English delegation led by U. Kherchillem lived in the Vorontsov Palace. A curious story has been connected with him, which occurred while walking in Churchill's Park and Stalin. Churchill, who really liked the sculpture of sleeping lion, said that he looked like himself and suggested Stalin to redeem him. To this sentence, Stalin answered with refusal, but he suggested Churchill if he responds to his question correctly, then Stalin will give sleeping lion. "What a finger on hand is the main one?" - Such was the question of Stalin. Churchill replied: "Of course the index". "Wrong" - replied Stalin and twisted the figure from the fingers, which in the people is called Kukish.

Svetie Lev.

Fountain "Sink"

Fountain "Sink"

South Facade of the Vorontsov Palace and Lion Terrace

Alupkinsky Palace, a masterpiece of romanticism architecture, built for almost 20 years, from 1828 to 1848, commissioned by the powerful Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory, Aristocrat and Englomana Count Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov. Count independently chose a place for his Crimean residence on a picturesque stone cauldron at the foot of the mountain Ai-Petri in the little-known Tatar village Alupka. Organically to enter the building of the Palace to the surrounding landscape managed to Englishman Edward Blora - the author of Walter Scott Castle in Scotland, the court architect of the British crown. In the architecture of the Vorontsov Palace, Bhor joined different styles - English, Neomavritarian and Gothic, giving tribute to the secular fashion of the time on Valter Scott's novels and oriental fairy tales.

History of creation

The famous Italian architect Francesco Bobo was originally appointed to build a residence, who already built the Palace Count in Odessa. To help him was supposed to be Englishman Thomas Harrison, an engineer, an adherent of neoclassics. Work began, and by 1828 the foundation that was filled with lead for seismic resistance, as well as the first masonry of the portal niche of the central corps were ready. But in 1829, Harrison died, and two years later, the count decided to suspend the construction of the palace, apparently refusing the idea of \u200b\u200berecting the residence in the style of neoclassic.

Vorontsov appeals to the Englishman Edward Blora, the brilliant historian of architecture, schedule and fashionable to his homeland. Most likely, Vorontsov resented him to Count Pembrook. New drawings had to wait almost a year. But I liked the result to Mikhail Semenovich, and in December 1832 the construction of buildings began. Blorn brilliantly solved the task in the historical perspective: the architecture of the palace demonstrates the development of medieval European and Moorish architecture, ranging from the forms of early Middle Ages and ending the XVI century. The building of the palace is expanded in such a way that he repeats the outlines of the visible mountains. It is surprising that the architect himself, so exactly writing the building into the surrounding nature, never visited the Crimea, and only numerous landscape sketches and drawings of the relief were expelled, which were sent to him in England.

The resulting castle, it could well serve as an illustration for historical novels: five buildings fortified by defensive towers, various in shape and altitude, were combined with a variety of open and closed transitions, stairs and courtyards.

The construction was carried out from the local stone of greenish-gray color - diabase, according to the strength of not inferior to basalt, which was taken from the natural placers in Alupka. With its processing, considerable efforts were required, since the sophisticated decoration of the exterior of the house could spoil one wrong bit. Therefore, for the most complex stone works, Russian Kamnerisov, who built the White Temples in Central Russia were invited.

The main decorative decoration of the Vorontsov Palace - the motive of a gentle-shaped cylinder architecture - repeatedly repeated in the cast-iron balustrade balconies, and in a stone carved grill, a fencing roof, and in the decorative decoration of the portal of the southern entrance, made in the Mauritan style of the Alhambra Palace.

In the design of the south entrance facing the sea, the drawing of the Tudor Flower and the lotus motif, which is completed six-time repeated on the Friends of the Arab inscription: "And there is no winner, except for Allah," as it is written in the Granada Alhambre.

The facade is located a lion terrace and a monumental staircase of white carrarsky marble work of the Italian sculptor Giovanni Bonanni. On both sides of the steps there are three pairs of lions: the left below is the sleeve, the right bottom is the awakening, above - a pair of awake, and the third pair is growling.

The rear facade of the palace and its western part, the variation on the Tudor England of the XVI - early XVII century, resemble the harsh castles of English aristocrats.

By the way, this palace was one of the first in Russia, which was equipped with a water supply with hot water and sewer.

The costs of building a palace complex amounted to about 9 million rubles with silver - astronomical at that time amount. But Count Vorontsov could afford it, since after marriage in 1819 on Elizabeth Xherevna Branitskaya he doubled his fortune and became the richest landowner of the Russian Empire. Elizabeth Xauther, the same, in which, according to one of the versions, Alexander Pushkin fell in love with the Odessa link, personally followed the creation of the interiors of the building, cared for the artistic design of the park and often paid work.

Residents of the Palace

For a long time to live in the Alupkin Palace, Mikhail Semenovich failed. The next purpose followed - this time in the Caucasus. But in Alupka in the late 1840s settled with the children of his daughter, Countess Sophia Mikhailovna. Then, after the death of Prince Vorontsov (he received a princely title in 1845), the palace on the right of Mayorate moved to his only son - Semen Mikhailovich. In 1882, his widow, Maria Vasilyevna Vorontsova, left abroad and took out of the palace many values. She had no children, the palace turned out to be abandoned, and by the end of the XIX century the building, the park and the farm came in full decline.

In 1904, the castle had new owners - relatives along Vorontsova-Dashkov. King's governor's wife in the Caucasus Countess Elizabeth Andreevna Vorontsova-Dashkov, the nee Council Shuvalov, energetically took up the case. She passed the land under the sanatorium and guesthouses and built more than 120 cottages on the territory of the estate.

After the revolution and the establishment of the power of the Soviets in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe land of Vorontsovaya-Dashkov were nationalized. And on February 22, 1921, Lenin's telegram came to Crimea: "Take a decisive action to the real protection of artistic values, paintings, porcelain, bronze, marble, etc., located in the Yalta palaces and private buildings, now allocated under the sanatoriums of the drug abnormal ..."

In the early 20s, museums, among them, and Alupkin Museum were created in a number of the largest nobility estates. The museum collection was seriously affected during the Great Patriotic War: a lot was exported by invaders, including 537 works of painting and graphics. Only a small part of the paintings managed to find after the war and return to the palace.

In February 1945, during the Crimean (Yalta) conference, the Alupkin Palace became the residence of the English delegation. A meeting of the heads of the Allied Power Service - Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt took place in the parade dining room.

Later, the palace became the State NKVD. In 1952, there were a sanatorium there, and only in 1956, by decision of the Soviet government, the Crimean State Museum of Fine Arts opened here. Since 1990, the Palace is part of Alupkinsky Palace and Park Museum-Reserve. In his collection today, works of painting, sculptures and applied arts, as well as documents, vintage drawings and lithographs, who are acquainted with the history of the palace construction.

English Park

The English Palace Park is the work of the German gardener-botany Karl Kabach, whom Vorontsov invited himself to the Crimea in 1824, when there was no project of the palace himself. He began with the zeal for the creation of the park, given the relief, climate and local flora, combining, however, all with the newest achievements of gardening art. From all over the world, about 200 species of trees and bushes were delivered. Parcels with seeds and seedlings came from America, Italy, Caucasus, Karelia, China and Japan. They said that here simultaneously bloom more than two thousand varieties of roses. The German gardener became so famous in the Crimea, that he began to invite the landowners to create or improve their parks and gardens around the coast.

Karl Kebach clearly planned the park on the principle of amphitheater, while maintaining in its structure with the main palace and other architectural objects. Coastal highway (Yalta - Simeiz) divides the park to the upper and lower.

The lower park is decorated in the style of Italian Renaissance Gardens with fountains, marble sculptures, Byzantine columns, vases and stone benches. The top was created according to the principle of English landscape parks of the romanticism - more natural and natural: in it, rocky fragments, shady ponds and preserved sections of the Crimean forest are interspersed with picturesque meadows, a unique system of lakes, waterfalls, cascades and grotts. Kebach created the top park as a place of contemplation of the sea and the mountain of Ai-Petri, towering over the park and the palace, as if the ruins of the castle of giants.

A carefully thought-out drainage system and individual care of plants did their job - many, even very rare and whimsical plants were well rooted. In total, 250 species of trees and shrubs have grown on the territory of the park by the end of the XIX century. The Plants of the Vorontsov Park used so popular that the seedlings were even sold to other gardens and estates.

The fame of the Vorontsov Park as a masterpiece of landscape architecture strengthened artists who worked here on Etudes: Isaac Levitan, Vasily Surikov, Aristarkh Lentulov ... And parks, gardens and vineyards belonged to Count Mikhail Vorontsov and his relatives - Naryshkin and Pototsky, completely changed the appearance of the coast from Alushta to Foros.