Swallow nest building. Swallow nest in Crimea - Tourist attraction point! Crimea

The resort workers who do not have the concepts where the castle is a swallowing nest on the Crimean Peninsula, most likely there were never in life here. The palace on a rock hanging over the Black Sea, performed by the greatness and underwent a lot over the whole century, from time immemorial it became symbolism and in some kind of "business card" of the Crimean Kingdom. During his century, the building was not once reconstructed, but a charming, attractive force and pristine magnificence remained unchanged in it always remained.

This historical and architectural monument extends on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula, in the resort settlement Under the name Gaspra, a short distance from the palace chase (20 km from Yalta). A cultural and historical object on the cliff of the rock formation is designed, as if hanging over the water waters.

Who built and why? History of the castle

The lasty nest elevated an officer who had resigned immediately at the end of hostilities in 1877 with Turkey. Such a brave decision could think and put into practice only a person is not a timid ten.

In those days, the castle was a compact wooden one-storey house operated by the owner as a country area.

After a while, the house went to the possession of Lekary Alexander III, which served as the court. After his death, Rodni sold the construction of the famous Moscow Samovan Rachmanina. She demolished this structure and in his place was erected a wooden palace in two floors, which was named the swallow jack.

After Samovarnitsa, the palace passed the ownership of Rudolf von Schtengel - a German merchant, who loved to be in the Crimean Peninsula. He with a famous engineer and animalist Leonid Sherwood created the true palace of stone, which everyone can admire and now. Due to the deterioration of German-Russian relations, Stengel did not have anything, as soon as return back to Germany.

In 1914, the structure went to the trader Schalaputin Paul. He opened his restaurant there. But the entrepreneurial activity was unprofitable, and the restaurant ceased to exist. Strong underground shocks in 1927 made a castle dilapidated.

In 1967, the pros, the "power" of which stood the Yalta architect Tatiyev strengthened the front facade and the foundation of the rock formation, was restored.

In 2011, the castle was awarded the title of architectural and historical monument.

How many steps need to overcome to climb the mountain

The real work of art is a swallow nest located on an Aurihina rock occupies a high-right mark of forty-meters. To climb to this beautiful castle, you should mask 1200 steps with a large number of souvenir shops. But you should not be afraid! Lifting is not difficult, and as for the steps, they are significantly less than declared.

Picturesque views from the observation deck

The overwhelming majority of travelers come to the swallow of the nest sometimes in order to admire the Crimean breathtaking landscape paintings from the observation deck. They have the ability to fascinate. From the observation deck in front of you will open the panoramic view of the circumferential rocks. Mount Ayu Dag, as well as the Yaltian bay - the spectacle is awesome.

On a note: In the immediate vicinity of the castle stretches the most popular cultural and historical object called a tree of desires. According to the domestic myths, if you fix the tape on any branch, in spite of any circumstances will return here on a new one.


Legends and secrets of the past

Legends about this is a unique historical object, like many other legends - romantic. Their pleasure tells the indigenous people and guides. Legends listened with a large delight of legends.

One of the legends about the swallow nest states that at that time, when the gods very often visited the earthly world, a wonderful Aurora (the goddess of the morning dawn) at the dawn came to the rock to meet the dawn. If she did not appear, the birds stopped singing, and the gods are having fun. All the inhabitants of the earthly world were fascinated by her beauty. But soon Poseidon noted an Aurora who meets the zero and was pierced by an arrow of Amur. But Aurora could not answer reciprocity.

From that afraid, the god of the sea (Poseidon) failed to gain inner calm. The terrible storms began, the huge number of fishermen did not return home. Poseidon decided to leave the goddess of the morning dawn through his magical diadem, to prevent Ela (the Lord of the Winds) to lay the morning heavenly arch.

As usual, Aurora came out to meet dawn, nothing to know. In anticipation of the meeting of the first rays, she fell asleep. The god of the sea came to her and sculpt the spell. But suddenly the goddess woke up and Poseidon fell out of the hands of Magic Diagera, hit the ground and lost the commodity power.

Another legend tells about the valiant young man who was rejected by his chosen. And in order to conquer the heart of his charming, he climbed the horse, gained speed and jumped from the cliff to the marine abyss. But at the same time, every time remained whole and unharmed, thanks to the magical power of the castle and its immense love.

What is inside?

If you post the entire prehistory of this architectural and historical monument and view all from the inside, then it will be revealed: no curious epochemical decoration survived here. To some extent this is the wines of the original owners.

Inside the building

Based on some historical materials, the first owner of Stteinel simply did not have time to equip his Gothic castle, and the last owner organized the decoration in the old-circuit style, which did not harmonize with the Gothic architectural style. In the future, for a long time, a restaurant was located in general. But for visitors it is interesting, here on a regular basis, exhibitions of different kinds are organized, and always diverse. In general, there is something to see.

Restaurant in the castle

How to get yourself from Simferopol, Yalta and Sevastopol

The starting point is Yalta, since it is easier to get to the lobby nest from this resort town. If you are in Simferopol, get any convenient ways for you to Yalta - it will be wiser.

If you eat yourself, you come to the bus station of Yalta and sit down the minibus under No. 102 or No. 27. The bus does stop on the track, right on the opposite side of the observation deck. You can also sit on the bus at number 132, if you are inconvenient to reach the bus station. Its starting point is the city center.

To get to the object on your car, go to the South Coast Highway connecting Yalta and Sevastopol. On the way you will see an index sign "PGT.Gaspra". Here you turn in the direction to the sea. Drive to Sevastopol highway (down on the highway). Then you will see a pointer "Swallow Nest".

Find on the map.

Route from Sevastopol

Find on the map.

Excursions to the palace

Excursion travels in the swirl nest will bring you a lot of unforgettable impressions. In addition to the main cultural and historical object, you can admire other attractions. Here is some of them:

  • Auto-pedestrian marine. On the route to the architectural and historical monument you will see the Livadia Palace, as well as the Palace of Count M.S. Vorontsova.
  • Ai-Petri. You will be provided with a unique opportunity to admire, the temple of ArchReart Mikhail, climb cableway On the mountain peak of Ai-Petri, as well as to visit the Mishah Park.
  • Palace of Graph M.S. Vorontsova. You will enjoy the interior and interior decoration.

Choose any excursion, and unforgettable impressions are guaranteed.

Sea Walks to Palace

Sea walking towards the Palace of Swallow's nest is especially popular. On the boat, you travel along the coast of Crimea, and the experienced guide will accompany you all the way, talking about local beauties.

Swallow Nest: View from the sea

Information for tourists

  • The entrance to the adjacent territory to the local celebrity is absolutely free, but to get inside the palace, you should purchase a ticket. The adult ticket price in 2019 is 200 rubles. The child is 100 rubles.
  • Local attraction is located at: Russia, Crimea, Yalta, Gaspra, Cape Ai-Todor, Alupkinskoye Highway, 9a.
  • Opening hours: May - October from 10:00 to 19:00; November - April from 10:00 to 16:00 (day off - Monday).
  • All information you are interested in can be viewed on the official website: http://lasto4kinognezdo.ru/.

This elegant structure, unusual and beautiful, as if miraculously strengthened on the sheer 40-meter Aurihina rock near the village of Gaspra, is already considered a symbol and southern shore, and the very Crimean Peninsula. Swallow nest is a historical and architectural monument of the federal level.

Photos from a swallow socket from users:

Short story

The first house on the rock appeared in the last decade of the XIX century. The wooden cottage of the general who fought in the Russian-Turkish campaign of 1877-78 G., whose name was not preserved, did not differ in special architectural advantages, but was captured in several pictures of I. Aivazovsky, A. Bogolyubova, L. Lagorio and photographs.

Not a lot of information remained about the next owner of the house. It is only known that he was a court doctor Alexander III and his name - A.K. Tobin.
After the death of the owner, the widow soon sold the plot.

He was acquired by Kupovka from Moscow Rakhmanin. She demolished the old house, and instead, it was built a castle from a tree and called the "swallow nest".

Story Attractions Modern, begins in the twentieth century. Another owner is a rich oilman P.L. Stteygel (Baron R. Stteyingel's nephew, built railways in Russia), conceived to build a real romantic German castle in neo-style style.
The construction was commissioned the son of the famous architect V. Sherwood Leonid, who combined talents and sculptors, and engineer.

L. Sherwood was in demand in Soviet Russia. He received the title of Honored Arts Worker of the RSFSR. Together with the group of sculptors carried out a plan for "monumental propaganda", developed by V. Lenin. He taught at the Academy of Arts in Petrograd.

The complexity of the task was concluded in a very small size of the site. Foundation area of \u200b\u200b10x20 m². The architect created a stepped composition, and managed to place inside the palace (its height is only 12 m.):

  • small parishion
  • living room
  • 2 Sewagenki in the two-story tower
Near the building, even the garden was broken.

In 1912, the work ended, and in 1914 the owner was changed again. Now the "swallow nest" was converted to the restaurant. They owned a merchant from Moscow P.G. Schelaputin.
After the death of I.P. Shelaputin interior of the Gothic castle was re-operated on the ancient Russian way.

But this way looks like a swallow nest today.

Difficult times of the castle

Difficult times the little castle was worried with all Peninsula Crimea:

- During the civil war, he was forgotten and abandoned;
- in the 1920s, as well as other private ownership, belonged to the management of Crimean state farms;
- In 1927, during the famous Yaltian earthquake, due to the resulting cracked, a plot with a garden fell into the sea. Fortunately, the Palace himself was not injured;
- In the 1930s G.G. For a while, the reading room of the pearl sanatorium was located here.

Then the building was closed for visiting as an emergency.

Only in the 1960s began reconstruction of the sights. As a result, the foundation was strengthened, the castle was surrounded by anti-seismic belts. The tower itself changed a bit, having increased in height and acquiring 4 decorative spiers. All these innovations improved appearance Palace.

Another photo from history.

The newest story of a swallow nest

Fully restoration of the castle and the adjacent territory ended only in 2002, and in 2005 the Italian restaurant opened in the building, the local souvenir market was located around it.

In 2011, the monument was assigned the status of architectural and historical, national importance. Here they began to open, replacing each other, various artistic, local lore and historical exhibitions.

Photo from an art exhibition.

Since 2015, this is an object cultural heritage Already federal level.

Another reconstruction occurred in 2017.

Those who attend an amazing castle get a unique opportunity
- Check yourself, rising 1200 steps leading to the attractions from the track;
- admire the amazing view of the Yalta Bay, Ayu Dag and the surrounding rocks;
- inspect the construction itself and visit the museum,
- Make great photos.

Good to know:
- Since 2007, the castle is officially considered one of the seven wonders of the Crimea;
- Coins with the image of the palace were produced from silver and gold (Ukraine 2008);
- In 2014, a coin was explained by the advantage of 10 rubles. in Russia;
- In 2012, in Poland coined a coin with a swallow jack for the Island of NiU;
- Since 2016, this symbol of the Crimea decorates one of the versions of bills worth 100 rubles.

Modern look of swallow socket.

But this type inside the castle.

A great place could not not be noticed by cinematograms. Here were filming such films like
- "Blue bird";
- "Mio, My Mio";
- "Ten Negreat";
- "Journey Pan Panks";
- Jackie Chan himself starred here in the scene from the film "Police History - 4".

Video review of the castle and its surroundings

Legend of Castle

Crimeans love to surround legends the most beautiful and interesting places Peninsula. Of course, there is its own and this palace.

A very romantic story about the love of the sea god of Poseidon to the beautiful goddess of the morning Dawn Aurora. Unfortunately, love was not mutual. To attract a beauty, Poseidon prepared a luxurious deaming for her, but asking the god of Wind Eol to catch up clouds (he wanted to imperceptibly to the Aurora and put on her head decoration), in the dark missed and dropped a gift to the crew.
And when the clouds dissipated, the sunbeam penetrated into the gorge, illuminated the crown, and it turned into a wonderful lock. Like this!

What services does the castle offer?

Visiting exhibitions

As the cultural and exhibition complex "Swallow Nest" began to work at the beginning of the 20th century. Once every 1.5-2 months, art, local lore and archaeological exhibitions changed.

Evening in the castle

In the period from June to the end of August, the open venue of the "swallow nest" are held concerts of artists of various genres, the supernisters and performances of the masters of various arts. Here you can see the performances, speeches of the orchestras of symphonic music and master classes of artists. All these events were called "Evening in the Castle".

Conducting wedding ceremonies

Newlyweds surrounding Gaspra surroundings prefer to spend the marriage ceremony in the castle. Many romantic legends are connected with this place, so Crimeans are considered the most successful variant of marriage.

Wish tree

A tree grows next to the castle, which brings good luck to the local attachment. Tourists tie them to his branches "Ribbons of desires." This tradition is more than a century.

Swallow Mail

Especially for tourists in the Swallow Nest, the mailbox is open. With it, you can send a letter or a postcard from the cult location of the Crimea.

Excursions to the castle "Swallow nest"

You can visit the palace yourself, but it is better to do it with an excursion. You can get to it not only on land, but also by sea. Tourists are excursions: review and thematic. You can order them as part of a group or individually. The route of bus excursions includes visits to other attractions of Crimea.

Tourists have the greatest popularity excursion tour On the boat "Yalta - Swallow Nest - Yalta". It includes an inspection of the coast from the sea and a visit to the "swallow socket". Length pedestrian route "Yalta - Livadia - Ay-Todor - Swallow Nest - Yalta" is 15 km away. The time of the excursion is 2 hours.

It is difficult to go through such a way in a short time, even physically strong person, so the 13-14 km of a pedestrian route travels on the excursion bus. Deciding to visit the castle alone get to him on the shuttle to stop the "Sail".

To climb the "swallow jack", it will have to overcome 1200 steps. Make it in the summer heat is not as easy as it may seem at the beginning of the way. Along the leading to the castle, the road was installed benches on which you can stay during the climb. "Swallow nest" towers over the sea at 40 m.

Museum information

In the summer (from May to October), the palace has been working at 9:00 to 19:00.
From November to April from 9:00 to 16:00, and there is a day off - it's Monday.

Prices for tickets to "Lastochko Nest" in 2019

Before the start of restoration works, artistic exhibitions were held inside the castle palace. The ticket price was set separately for Hall No. 1 and No. 2. A free visit to the halls was open to children under the age of 16, participants of wars and disabled. At the same right possessed certified guides. Adult ticket cost:

Room number 1 - 200 rubles;
Hall number 2 - 50 rubles.

Ticket price for pensioners and students:

Room number 1 - 100 rubles;
Hall number 2 - 25 rubles.

How to get

Castle address: pos. Gaspra, Alupkinskoe highway, d.9a.

The most convenient to visit here a group on the excursion bus.

By bus

From the Yalta bus station to the castle can be reached on bus number 102. It stops opposite the observation platform of the "swallow socket".
- from pl. Lenin Auth. NO 132 (every 20 min.);
- From the embankment them. Lenin in the summer on a boat is a pleasure;

On the boat

Next to the castle is the pier. Boats and boats are moored to it. During the spent season, they run from early morning to late evening. Boats before the "swallow socket" go in Yalta with the waterfront. Tickets tickets are located near the chapel. The fare of 1 end is:

  • for adults -300 rubles;
  • for children - 240 rubles.

When buying tickets and back, their price for the boat is:

  • for adults - 500 rubles;
  • for children - 400 rubles.

How to get to the swirl nest

GPS coordinates: 44.430524, 34.128379 Latitude / longitude

"Swallow nest" is often called the visiting card of the peninsula. Many tourists come to this place different countries. "Swallow nest" is located on the very edge of the rock.

From there, elegant landscapes open, the castle has interesting story and legends architectural features. The castle experienced a revolution, a strong earthquake, is considered a cultural monument.

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History of the castle

The "swallow nest" is located in the southern part of the Crimea, next to the village of Gaspra and the palace of characters. The castle was attached to the very edge of a steepurine rock, towering a 40 m building over the water. The wooden building was not remarkable for a wooden building. However, at the expense of the location appeared on the Bogolyubov and Aivazovsky canvas.

His story begins in 1877, after the Russian-Turkish war, when the Crimea began to actively settle. One of the Russian generals faced an Aurorina Rock, he decided to build a small cottage on her. Former military gave a romantic name to a new home - "Lubove Castle" otherwise - "General".

After the death of General, his relatives were sold to Albert Tobin, who served in the city council. He was also a court doctor of the royal family when they rested in the Livadia Palace. Tobin partially rebuilt the cottage, she began to call "swallow nest". This name has been fixed for him forever.

After some time, Mrs. Tobin sold Dacha Kupovich Rakhmanova. The lady was educated and rich, gladly took up the restructuring of a new estate. The wooden building was demolished, and the stone appeared instead. However, for Rachman's estate, there was another temporary caprice, in 1911 she sold him Baron Schøgel, a large German-oil industry.

He built a mini-lock on the rock with silicon opening windows and small turrets. As a result, the "swallow nest" began to resemble a medieval fortress. For construction, a yellow stone from Evpatoria and limestone were specifically brought. The project was led by Sherwood. His efforts "Swallow Nest" became a height of 12 m. He was surrounded by a green garden (he was then destroyed during the earthquake).

In the 2-storey tower there were two bedrooms, a living room, an entrance hall. Baron did not regret the construction of money and was in complete delighted, but after the beginning of the first world spent the Crimea, having sold the Favorite Castle to the merchant Oceaputin. He completed an open terrace to him. Many historians attribute to him and the opening of the restaurant, but really made the manager.

However, the institution did not bring big income, as wars began, revolution. The estate has moved new power, the restaurant was closed. "Swallow's nest" turned out to be at the property of the Yalta Cooperative. The terrace was completed in the castle, the restaurant restored.

In 1927, the Crimea overtook a strong earthquake. The first push was very weak, but many people out of caution left their homes. It saved many lives. The second push was in 9 points. On the balcony at that time there were many people. They managed to leave him just 10 minutes before his destruction. Breshi appeared in the tower, stones were poured onto the terrace, Aurrina Rock partially collapsed and cracked.

The castle miraculously stood, but for many years I stood without visitors in disregard. 3 years after the earthquake, the library was equipped there. However, the cracks in the building began to increase, the visit to the government was banned. There were a lot of controversy and proposals, how to restore the "swallow nest" to return to him the oldness, without disassembling the walls.

Finally, one of the projects was approved, and the architect of Tatiev began repairing. The work was long, difficult, even dangerous. The structure was reliably enshrined, "planted" on the reinforced concrete slab and is applied by anti-semicircle belts. The tower has become more decorative due to four spiers. Now the "swallow nest" became one of the most remarkable cultural monuments.

Architectural features

When looking from the side, the wrong proportions are visible. It seems that the combination of prism and cubes gives pressure on the taper cylinder, as if trying to "push" the building from the cliff. Architectural complex Not felt as a whole. Fragments of the building are like pushing each other, and some fragments lack gravity visual. As a result, the whole complex seems very shaky, ready to collapse at any time.

Perhaps it was this building that was conceived by the last architect or built at the request of the owner. It turns out that each fragment of the building snaps over the previous one. However, the castle is different and a number of interesting details - a gear crown, a living room with wide windows and small balconies, pointed cone-shaped spiers that are connected by arches.

Architectural disadvantages are the inconsistency of the dimensions of the doors and windows. However, inside there is a massive vintage fireplace, interesting inlay, bronze shed. On the ceiling - carved parts with volumetric images of dragons and 11 coat of arms of the Middle Ages. Due to good location The castle he seems touchingly lonely against the marine element, being on a fragile rocky ledge.

Legends of the castle

One of the legends states that a tree grew right from the monolithic slab in this place, and then there was a sanctuary of the Virgin, the goddess that the brands worshiped.

Castle stores and brutal legends. Old-timers say that once one young jigith constantly jumped on the public from the cliff. And on the horse blindfolded. At the same time, each such "feat" was stained with the blood of an animal, which was broken by the rock. Jigit just bought a new horse and repeated the jump again.

Famous Crimean Caves, which are open to visiting -

There is a fantastic case from modern life. Once a young man quickly quarreled with his wife and arrived at the castle. Maybe he wanted adrenaline or decided to reduce the scores with life, but rushed from the parapet in the sea. Many extremals died so from the head of the heart, but the young man could catch the air flow, entered the water folded and elongated. He not only stayed alive, but he could go to the shore himself and get out. Before that, no one succeeded to anyone - too dangerous trick.

There is also a legend that the swallow nest was built with a jealous husband who hid a spouse from human eyes. However, she could not stand loneliness, squeezed and rushed into the marine bunch.

Another legend is about Aurora, the goddess of the morning dawn, who really liked Poseidon. He decided to steal the beauty, despite the fact that she rejected his love. It was necessary to wear the goddess to the head to the toy. For this, Poseidon agreed with Eol, who caught up a lot of black clouds and beauty fell asleep. But God slipped, sneaking into a sleeping goddess, the diadem fell out of his hands and crashed. One of the fragments turned into a fabulous castle, which became a symbol of unrequited love.

Not so long ago there was a new legend about the merchant of Shalaputin. The legend states that he hid a lot of money in the chest and guess that the castle appears at this place. The next car saw a big tree there, and then the "swallow nest" rose. Now tourists can also make a desire, and to come true - you need to tape tape on the branch, and in the chest throw a coin.

How to get

You can visit it during the sea excursions "Sudak-Yalta", "Yalta Simeiz". Once a week organizes a tour from Evpatoria (see). The motor ship stops in a "swallow socket". From the Aitodor Bay can be reached on small private boats offering small excursions. The pier is strong, calmly withstands even a 4-ball storm.

If you plan to visit the castle, then there is no direct route to the gaspra. You can take by bus to Simferopol, and then make a transplant. From Yalta (read -) №№ 27, 102 and 132 (Ost. - Bus Station and Str. Sadovaya). They can be reached in an hour. If you go from Alupka, there goes direct bus number 132. Sit on it can be on the Ost. Vorontsov Palace. Time on the way is about 50 minutes.

Memo for tourists

If a visit to the "swallow nest" is planned with children, then for savings you need to take their birth certificates. Then in suburban buses Take only 50 percent of the ticket price. They are recommended to buy immediately in both directions. Not far there is a paid parking where you can leave the car. Approximate cost per hour - 100 rubles.

Next to the "swallow nest" there are many souvenir shops where you can buy shells, corals, paintings, etc. Many ceramics with the image of the castle are for sale. Having been in a "swallow nest", you can at the same time to inspect the rocks "Golden Gate", "Sail". At the foot of the Aurrhino Rock there are very picturesque underwater grots, but they will need a special lantern for their inspection.

Here are exhibitions, chamber concerts, literary evenings, theatrical productions, presentations. It is planned to open a new pavilion for an art salon and equipment of additional viewing sites.

Now the castle turned into a museum, ticket price - 200 rubles. For adults and 2 times less for children (up to 7 years old - visit for free). The "swallow nest" is open in May-November, without days off, from 10.00 to 19.00, the rest of the time is closed on Mondays, opening hours - 10.00-16.00. Excursions are approximately 600 rubles.

The castle is not only a historic attraction - they starred scenes from many popular films. The building is minted on Russian 10-ruble coins and foreign currency.


Ask Russians to call the symbol of Crimea - and 9 out of 10 will remember the swallowing nest. Gray, Gothic castle with elegant turrets perfectly fits into the Crimean landscape. It boil over the waves, and it seems to below that his spiers can reach the clouds. Swallow nest is located in the village of Gaspra on South Bank Crimea: If you relax nearby, spend a few hours to visit this attraction Big Yalta, you will not regret!

Where did the name "Swallow Nest" come from? Such a name was one of the owners, Kupchikh Rakhmanin. It seemed to be symbolic to call the swallow nest the building, hung over the sea on the edge of the rock. True, at that time the palace even remotely reminded the modern majestic castle: it was a two-storey wooden house.

The address of the swallow nest is the village of Gaspra, Alupkinskoye Highway, 9a. The gaspra-small resort village itself near the sea itself. It is located 12 km from Yalta. To get here, you need to go along the route of Yalta-Sevastopol.

Here is a card that will help navigate the area:

You can get to the swallow socket in Crimea in several ways:

  1. On own car: You need to drive around the highway to turn to Gaspra and enter the village. As soon as you see a large cluster of souvenir shops, you can search for parking space.
  2. By bus from Yalta. Any, traveling in the direction of Alupka or Simeiza: for example, No. 102,132,115. Go out at the stop "Swallow Nest".
  3. On the boat from Yalta. They depart with an interval in half an hour of the marine station. In addition, private boats and yachts are offered their services: but the cost of tickets will be significantly higher.

Here is the schedule of boats and boats to the Swallow nest from Yalta for 2020:

History of the castle of Swallow's nest in Crimea

The rock of the modern village of Gaspra, according to historians, was also chosen by primitive people: so, now the cave is hidden under the palace, in which they allegedly lived. At the time of antiquity at Cape Ai-Todor, the Fortress was built. In the middle of the XIX century there was a lighthouse.

The history of the castle of the Swallow's nest begins in the 1980s of the XIX century. Then, on an Avrory Rock, a house was built for the general who took part in the Crimean War. Unfortunately, there are no more details about this historical personality. You can make an opinion about him by the canvases of artists - so small house On the rock captured I.K. Ayvazovsky IA.P. Bogolyubov.

The next period of the history of the swallow nest in the Crimea begins with the transfer of the wooden structure by Kupovich Rachmanina. It was she who gave the name of the famous Crimean attractions and built on the rock the first semblance of the Palace - True, Wooden and Non-Funny Architectural Solutions.

Its modern appearance of a swallowed nest found by 1912. By that time, its owner became a rich oil industry P.L. Steingel, connoisseur of Crimean beauty. He wished to build a building in the Gothic style on a picturesque rock, resembling medieval palaces around Rhine. His idea embodied Architect L.V. Sherwood.

The palace has changed more from hand to hand. So, after the First World War, its owner became P.G. Shelaputin, who opened a restaurant in the palace. However, the times were unsuccessful, and soon forgotten about the non-profit palace. After the early death of Schalaputin, he moved to Kupchikh Rokmanova, and then, after Civil War, transferred to the main management of the state farms of the Crimea.

The black band in the history of swallow nest in Yalta continued in the 20s. Because of the earthquake in the rock, a crack was formed. A large piece broke off from her (there was a beautiful garden on it). The castle itself was not injured, but it is dangerous thanks over the sea. For a short time, there was a reading room of the local holiday home "Pearl", but it was closed for security reasons.

Restoration of the swallow nest

The first work on the preservation of the unique castle began in the 60s. Employees of the Yalta branch of the institution of design of cities managed almost impossible. In order to protect the building, they set a monolithic reinforced concrete base under it. I had to not only manually raise all building materials for a large height, but also literally disassemble the swallow the nest on bricks (each of them was numbered!) And to gather it again in the same form.

From the 70s to 2011, a restaurant was opened in the castle. In 2012, the building was once again closed on reconstruction, but organized the museum on the territory. Today is a cultural monument. Work on the reconstruction of the swallow nest continues. So, the balcony is closed - the most beautiful viewing place of the castle (the reason for displeased comments of tourists). In addition, only a limited number of tourists is allowed to the territory - no more than 15 people. We hope that the work will be crowned with success and one of the main attractions of the Crimea will be able to preserve in pristine!

What is inside a swallow nest?

If you study the history of the swallow socket and see photos from the inside, it will become obvious: no interesting historical interiors have not survived here. In part, this is the first owners of the first owners: according to historians, the first owner of the Gothic Castle, Steingel, simply did not have time to furnish it in accordance with the exterior, and the last pre-revolutionary owner issued an interior in an old-circuit style, which is absolutely not combined with gothic architecture. Then for many years there was a restaurant. To make a visit to the museum interesting, there are regularly arranged exhibitions.

Prices for tickets to Lastochka nest in 2020

Since the restaurant was removed from the palace, entrance to the territory of the castle itself is free. You can see the exterior of the building, admire the view from the sheer Aurry Rock.

Excursions inside the palace paid. For 2020, the cost is:


The schedule of the swallow nest varies depending on the season:

  • November - May: from 10.00 to 16.00. Weekend - Monday.
  • May - October: from 10.00 to 19.00. Seven days a week.

Legends of the swallow nest

In Crimea, almost every cliff has its own story: the peninsula was populated from time immemorial and beautiful legends were transmitted from the people to the people. Around the swallow nest there was a mythology, and to make a visit to the castle more interesting (well, that the sin of thaw - get more money from tourists), legends come up with and in our time.

The most beautiful story relates to the name of the cliff. At this place, he loved to meet the dawn of the goddess of the morning Dawn Aurora. Poseidon fell in love with her, but Aurora rejected his feelings. The God of the Seas agreed with Eol, the commanding winds, and he filled the sky with clouds that do not let the sun rays. When Aurora, the next time came to the rock to meet dawn, the sun did not seem. The girl was waiting for a long time, tired and fell asleep. Poseidon wanted to sneak and grab her, but Aurora was more prompt - she managed to escape. Diadem fell from the head of the upset Poseidon, the magic has lost its strength and the sun rose again.

Interesting stories envelop the castle itself. Mostly the reason is that no one does not know anyone who built a swallow nest, who were subsequent owners, and even about the identity of the architect are disputes. According to one of the legends, the first owner of the swallow nest was Gigit General, who entertained people by jumped from the cliff in the sea on the horse, previating her eyes. The horses did not survive, and the general himself was surprisingly surprisingly survived. Such stories about the grasses diving from the castle site are telling a great set: most often they are associated with people suffering from unrequited love.

The most modern legend of the swallow socket appeared along with the happiness tree and the chest, which is set next to him. Allegedly, the merchant Shalaputin put money in the chest, and in the morning the magic tree grown next to him. The man was guessing the castle appeared on the rock, and a few years later, a swallow nest was built there. Now everyone is offered to tie a ribbon to the tree of happiness (they are sold near 150 r) and throw coins in the chest to return to this place.

Interesting facts about swallow nest

  • This is one of the most "cinematic" places of Crimea: about a dozen films and TV shows were filmed here, the most famous - "10 Negreat".
  • Today the palace is still in disrepair. In the rock, on which he stands, a large crack was found, and until a way to strengthen it, without increasing weight and without raising the risk of splitting.
  • There is a cave under the palace that is flooded today. Scientists believe that ancient people could dwell. The walls of one of the cave rooms are completely black.
  • It makes sense to visit the swirl nest in the evening. First, due to the amazing illumination, secondly, due to interesting cultural events - for example, concerts of the Symphony Orchestra in the open sky.
  • From afar, the castle looks like a toy, but even near it is the miniature in the Crimea. Its height is 12 m, and the area is 120 m square.
  • You can send a letter directly from the swallow socket - there is a mailbox where you can throw a postcard with a "business card" of the Crimea.

  1. From the gaspra to the swallow jack leads the road with 1200 steps. At the edges of the road, benches are placed, however, if you believe the reviews of tourists, the path to the palace will still be difficult, especially in the summer heat. We advise you to choose to visit a cloud day or go on a tour early in the morning or evening.
  2. If you plan to sail on the boat from Yalta, take tickets immediately in both directions: it will cost cheaper - 600 rubles there and back against 400 rubles one way. True, the landing usually lasts 50 minutes - barely enough to reach the palace, take a few pictures and return back.
  3. People who arrived in Gaspra with their own way or by car, will have to try to find out where the swallow nest is. Unfortunately, there are no pointers. If you arrived in broad time and can't follow excursion groups, Ask the road at the local.
  4. Want beautiful frames with a swallow nest in the Crimea? Dress comfortable shoes. The most spectacular views are opening with the rocks surrounding the path to the castle.
  5. As an independent object for an excursion, the castle is boring. Due to small sizes and poorly reliable, the stories of the swallow jack can boast an interesting exposure inside. Typically, tourists are offered to visit a small historical excursion (remember that the interior of the XIXVEK is practically not preserved!) And the artistic, archaeological or local lore exhibition (they change for about once every 2 months).

Guides recommend a more complex route: for example, combine a trip to a swallow jack with a tour of Vorontsov Palace (It is located very nearby, by car - less than 15 minutes) or a walk on Yalta. By the way, the city where the swallow nest is located in the Crimea, also has other objects. It is possible to look at the famous Sail, Ai-Todorsky Lighthouse, the ruins of ancient strengthening Gaspra-Isar, Panina Palace.

Tourists who do not know where the swallow nest in the Crimea is probably never visited by the peninsula. There is no other explanation to this simply, it does not exist, because this is a majestic structure, which has experienced a lot in its century, has long become a symbol and a kind of business card of Crimean lands. For more than 100 years of existence, it was repeatedly rebuilt and restored, but the charm and aesthetic, unique beauty remained unchanged in it.

Where is the swallow socket?

Architectural and historical monument to the nest is located on the southern coast of Crimea, in resort settlement Gaspra, near. He proudly crosses an Avrianin to a rock for that sheer rises 40 meters from the sea surface. The attraction is built at the very ledge of rock formation, as if hanging over the water stroy, admiring her reflection.

Castle on the map of Crimea

History of sights

The castle of the swirl nest in the Crimea at this place appeared in the second half of the XIX century, immediately after the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. But then he was only a wooden one-story cottage, built by a certain retired general, whose behalf of whose story, unfortunately, did not save.

After some time, the structure passed to A.K. Tobin, a court doctor of Alexander III, who served in. But he owned it for a short time, as he died. In 1903, Tobin's widow sold the land of the land, where the house was located in the famous Moscow Kupachich Rakhmanina.

Birth Castle Swallow Nest

Kupchikha immediately demolished the squat, by order of the dilapidated cottage, and in her place there was a wooden castle, which called the swamp socket. If you judge the picture of Aivazovsky, it looks very very much like a final building, which arose somewhat later by the efforts of Baron Schtengel.

The next owner, the German magnate and the oil industry Rudolph von Schtengel, who loved to relax in the Crimea, decided to build a real place in this place in the medieval Gothic style.

For the incarnation of their ideas, he invited the famous engineer and sculptor Leonid Sherwood, with enthusiasm adopted for the work. Already in 1912, on the spot of the wooden brainchild, Rachmanina, from which only the name remained, grew up an excellent miniature castle - in the form in which he remains today.

Castle from the First World War before today

Schtengel in 1914 sold the swirl nest to the merchant Pavlu Schelaputin, and he left for Germany. The gas manager turned the construction to the restaurant, which was unprofitable and soon closed. After the death of the merchant, which followed this, the castle changed the owners several times, until he was abandoned.

By the time of establishing on the Peninsula of Soviet power in 1920, he was in complete launch. After the nationalization, it was transformed into a party dining room, but after the building, which was in disrepair, was closed. The structure was a depressing spectacle until 1967 - when the architect of Tatiyeva with the team of specialists did not fully renovated, strengthening the facade and foundation.

In 2002, the final reconstruction was carried out, and since 2011, the castle of the lasty nest in Crimea is an architectural and historical monument. Starting from that time, excursions are constantly held here, attracting numerous tourists from both Russia and from near and far abroad.

Symbolic castle in legends

Local legends include the appearance of a swallow nest to those distant times when everyone else was not alien to the gods, and they visited the habitat of a person. So, on the closest site, the Monastery-Burun loved to meet the dawn of the goddess of the morning dawn Aurora, every morning taking place on the mountain. With her appearance suddenly
the whole district awakened, the birds began to sing and everyone rejoiced the appearance of an excellent person.

One day her Poseidon himself, squeezed on the rock, in all his brilliance and charming beauty. And at the same moment, Amur was struck by the heart of the harsh marine god, who pissed the unrestrained passion for the young Verine. At the same time, he opened in his feelings, but Aurora rejected his love and fled from him without looking back. The desperate Poseidon decided to the insidious act - he ruled Eol, who had overwhelmed winds, caught up with heavy clouds on the morning of the sky so that they would not give the sunshine to touch the Earth.

At the appointed hour of Aurora, as before, waited for dawn, but the sun did not go out. Tired by the expectation, she unwittingly fell asleep. At the same moment Poseidon, having graced it, grabbed it, but Aurora immediately woke up and slipped out of his arms, and from the head of the insidious God he flew his diadem and fell to the ground. From the blow, one of the gems fell out of it and rolled into a dark crevice, and when the sun came out and penetrated it with its rays, everything around shone, and a beautiful castle grew up in this place.

What is an attractive swallow nest in the Crimea?

The amazing landmark of Crimea is unusually interesting: most tourists come to look at her, take a picture on her background, inspect how it looks inside, wander in the picturesque surroundings. Here you constantly hold a variety of exhibitions - Artistic, ethnographic, archaeological, local history, etc.

Exposures change periodically and constantly updated: one will not see the monotony here. Attractively also act and stunning Crimean landscapes - they can be admired from the observation platform of the Crimea, located here. The fascinating panorama of the surrounding rocks opens with it, the Yalta Bay and. Next to the castle is one of the most famous local attractions - a tree of desires. According to believe, if you tie a ribbon on one of its branches, you will certainly come back here again.

You can visit the Swallow Nest in the Crimea alone or with an excursion. The most popular daily excursion "Yalta - Castle - Yalta", which is a sea walk for two hours. Prices are small - tourists pay only for the passage, visiting the sights and everything else is absolutely free!

Swallow nest: photo inside the castle

How to get there?

Where is the swallow nest in the Crimea, you can learn from any passerby in Yalta: you will explain how you can get to it, and also tell the set interesting facts about him. And here it is quite easy to get here: the route is quite lively. Often, tourists use regular boats that are constantly running from Yalta Marine Station to Gaspra and back.

But a cheaper option - buses number 102 (from the Yalta bus station) and №132 (from the discharge market). You need to go out on the same name with the stop lock. If it is decided to get to the swallow nest from Yalta by car, then the most successful route is:

Prices, contacts, operation mode

  • Address: Alupkinskoye Highway, 9a, Cape Ay-Todor, Gaspra, Yalta, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44 ° 25'50 "N (44.430661), 34 ° 7'43" E (34.128536).
  • Phone: + 7-978-004-91-22.
  • Official website: http://lasto4kinognezdo.ru/
  • Work schedule: from 10:00 to 19:00 - from May to October; from 10:00 to 16:00 (Monday - day off) - from November to April.
  • Ticket prices: adults - 200, for children - 100 rubles.

The castle of the swallow's nest in Crimea is an amazing and memorable place that attracts tens of thousands of tourists annually from other countries coming here to see it. Truly, this is the brightest and interesting sight of the peninsula, its constant symbol, attracting and having all the guests! Finally, we offer you an interesting video about this place.