Rules for the intersection of the Polish border on their own car and the requirements for the car at the entrance to Poland. How to move to live and work in Poland - Legal options can I go to Poland

Poland is one of the most popular destinations For immigrants from Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. What is the secret of this attractiveness for residents of the CIS countries? This popularity is due to a number of reasons:

  • prosperous european country in economic and social terms
  • relatively simple procedure for obtaining a residence permit (in comparison with other European countries)
  • the possibility of free movement by Schengen countries
  • close mentality and similar language of the Slavic Group

Poland is located on the territory of Central Europe and is one of the largest in all of Europe. A moderate climate is dominated here - soft winter and warm summer, spring begins early, and autumn comes late.

And that is important - Poland is the most cheapest countries of the European Union. Read about it in more detail in our article.

To leave to Poland from Ukraine wants an increasing number of Ukrainians, and many want to get a Pole map, which gives many advantages when finding in Poland. In 2014, 300,000 Ukrainians received a residence permit in Poland. Also, Ukrainians can go to the Polish state in connection with training, on a working visa or through relatives.

So what is needed to go to Poland and what methods of legal move exist? These and other similar questions are worried about many who want to move here on a permanent place of residence and we will try to answer them.

How to move to Poland - Available methods

According to Polish legislation, such ways are available to obtain official status for living in the country:

Law on repatriation

Law on repatriation (Returning to Motherland) is valid from January 1, 2000. The repatrian is called the face of Polish origin, which arrived at permanent residence in Poland on the basis of a repatriation visa.

This version of the move is available to persons who have at least one of the parents, grandfather / grandmother (or great-grandfather and great-grandmother) were Polish nationality (had Polish citizenship) and they can documely confirm this fact.

And most importantly, the repatriation visa can be issued to a person, which up to the day of entry into force of the law (0101.2001), constantly lived in the modern territory of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan or the Asian part of the Russian Federation.

The final decision on the issuance of a repatriation visa is received by the Consul of the Republic of Poland.

The residence permit can be extended for a period of 1 year. If the company will show successful income activities for its owner, it will be possible to submit documents to obtain permanent residence of the EU long-term resident of the European Union.

Business Immigration is the best way for family pairs to go to Poland with children and get official status for all family members.

Go to work in Poland

If all of the above methods are not suitable for you, you can consider the option of going to work, followed by obtaining a residence permit in the country. Due to the outflow of Poles to the countries of Western Europe, a large number of vacancies were formed in the country.

Chances to work in Poland are not related to the presence of high qualifications in a potential immigrant. High demand today on carpenters, welders, turners and. Women's careers who look after the elderly people are in demand.

Read: And what professions are the most sought-after today. Looking for a job in Poland - Perhaps on our site will help you find the desired offer.

It is not employed by citizens of Ukraine and Russia to offices where work is needed with customers. It is difficult to get a job with lawyers and economists. It can work with customers that person who knows the Polish language well and is well oriented in legislation.

To obtain a working visa, it is necessary to get directly or through a recruitment agency. The first working visa is issued for a period of six months, then it can be extended for another year and get a residence permit. The salary of the handyman in Poland is about 600 euros, the welder - from 800 euros.

You can and legally work in the country, you can during the period that visa is issued (it is often 180 days a year). The employer may extend the labor contract for a period of up to the year, thereby extending the time of your stay in Poland. In other words, legal work on an employment contract gives you the right to receive a residence permit.

Training in Poland.

Moving to Poland through training in national universities is the so-called soft immigration, which passes passing through all the difficulties of the migration process and subsequent adaptation. But this option, the most appropriate solution for youth. This is a great way to get a good education of the European level, learn the language, get acquainted with the culture and find a well-paid job.

In order to learn to study in Poland, it is necessary to get a student visa by providing a certificate of admission to any Polish educational institution. You can get it after interviewing or confirmation of payment for the period of learning.

The presence of a student visa gives the right to receive a residence permit (Karta Czasowego Pobytu) and the right to work.

For foreigners in Poland there is only a paid form of training and often without entrance exams. In general, training here is relatively inexpensive.

Refugees in Poland.

Currently, in connection with military actions in the East of Ukraine, a huge flow of Ukrainian refugees hung to Poland. Some want to leave the refugee to Poland, without having any passport, nor a visa with them, but the Poles "close their eyes" for such actions. However, not all migrants like the conditions in which they are contained in Poland.

Many Ukrainians equate them to prison and believe that the war is better to experience in their homeland, in connection with which, and return to Ukraine. Also, Ukrainian migrants complained that before receiving the refugee status in Poland, it was necessary to spend the whole year.

According to the New York Protocol and the Geneva Convention, persons corresponding to the following criteria may apply for refugee status:

  • location (outside the country where a person has citizenship);
  • reasonable reason for entry (religious, social, racial, ethnic or political affiliation);
  • the lack of a sense of security in the country from where migrants arrived, or the impossibility of returning to their homeland due to the fear for their life and the life of the family.

The refugee status does not have to calculate those persons who left the birthplace due to poverty, unemployment, homelessness, criminal responsibility for criminal actions.

To obtain refugee status, migrants must submit a written application for asylum to the Chief Commandant of the Border Service. If the migrant cannot cross the State Border of Poland and submit such a statement, he may submit a petition to the commandant of the borderholder about the possibility of crossing the frontier.

Go to Poland - is it expensive?

One of the most important issues that is interested in a potential immigrant - how much is it worth going to Poland?

We run through all the points of our program:

  • repatriation - free process
  • obtaining a Pole card - free + for the owners of the Pole map there is no fee for obtaining a visa
  • Businessmen wishing to open their firm in the Polish state must have 1162 EU for deposit in share capital and 900-3000 EU - to register a company / organization.
  • departure to work develops from the value of the invitation and work (from 50 euros) and visa design (35 euros). If you contacted the employer yourself, it will not be necessary for the invitation to pay
  • training depends on the university and can start from 1000 euros for the academic year
As for the cost of living, we described this question in detail in the article.

Visa to Poland for purchases is Schengen. And get it simpler and available, rather than tourist. It is issued to be reliable to everyone in Minsk, Brest, Grodno and other cities of Belarus with the required packets of the necessary documents. With such a visa, there is no need to provide a hotel reservation or a tourist voucher.

Panoramic view of Evening Warsaw

And, having been in this way in Poland once, there is a chance in the future to receive.

To be able to get a visa for shopping, you will need to provide:

In the registration form of the questionnaire, be sure to indicate in the column "purpose of the trip" - "Other" - "shopping".
Additional documents are:

It should be borne in mind that payment of the consular fee is made only on the check received in the representation of Poland. And it is not necessary to show when receiving a passport. Such a visa will be issued for the week for the first time.

The difficulty of obtaining a visa for shopping

The main obstacle can be the registration of an online questionnaire. Registration is available for the month only once and then half an hour. And since those who want to register and fill the questionnaire a large number, then the site becomes for many inaccessible.

Travel agencies can help register and fill out a questionnaire, but for a fee.

Example of a Polish visa for shopping trip

After all, a similar visa is a Schengen, opening the door and in neighboring Germany. The main thing is to remember about.

How much is the time for designing a visa for shopping in Poland

Commissioning on the website of the Consulate, and by collecting all the necessary documents, you can go to the nearest general representation of the country, a visa center or an accredited tourist firm.

The visa is drawn up 5-10 days. And if there are documents confirming urgency, the process occurs even faster. The value of the visa will depend on its type and time of design.

Detailed map administrative division Poland.

For example, the Schengen visa for a short time has the price of 35 euros, and the cost of urgent resolution is 70. The price of a long-term visa is 60. There is no need to pay for the collection of consulates with such categories of citizens as:

  • Children under 6 years of age;
  • Close relatives of people who are;
  • Figures of culture, science, education, sports;
  • Disabled and students who have come to learn or be internship.

All other citizens of Belarus are necessarily paid at the established cost.

Profitable purchases in Poland

Those who are interested in fashion and wish to profitably acquire high-quality goods, go for this to Poland.
Country is abundant shopping centers with many diverse inexpensive items. In addition to the fact that prices and are lower than in Belarus, Russia and the CIS countries, so every season is marked with shares and sales.

This is usually happening at these months as September, November, January and June. At such periods, 70 percent reaches the discounts.

But even if it was not possible to get during total discounts, in Poland there are always operations and sales at night. And the Bialystok is replete with such giants as "Auchan", "Alfa" and "Galeria Biala", where there is absolutely everything you need.

Supermarket Galeria Biala.

Goods for children in Poland are also sold profitable and good quality. It is best to visit the shops of the SCC, Kids and Bartek, where a large selection of good orthopedic children's shoes. SMYK store chain is very popular.

Mobility! The machine is always available and you will not need to expect the arrival of the bus or train, purchase tickets, tie your schedule to schedule public transport etc.

The traveler can independently build a route, change it, no binding to transfers and other inconveniences.

In general, the car's trip to Poland costs 10-15% cheaper than trains or bus. Saving compared to the airline even more significant.

The main requirement for the car is technical service. Special attention Customs officers pay for headlights (Middle Light should be turned on around the clock!), Therefore, it is better to stock up additional light bulbs.

There may be problems with an obvious violation of the integrity of the car - there were cases when travelers unfolded when crossing the Polish border due to impressive cracks on the windshield or body damage. The correction of these shortcomings should be concerned before the trip.

With winter journey, you should know that studded rubber on the territory of Poland is prohibited! The use of various "anti-lands" and similar equipment is not allowed.

In addition to the requirements of the laws of Poland and the EU, there are arguments of common sense: there is no one thousand kilometers to drive, which means it is necessary to carry out all the regulations and the full maintenance of their car.

What to prepare for a trip to your own transport?

Standard set consisting of a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher, emergency sign and spare wheel. It is very important to check the state of expiration! Expanded medicines or fire extinguisher customs officers will consider unsuitable and may not miss the car.

There are still requirements, familiar drivers are not so good. Polish standards are prohibited from caring from the car in the dark at the urban feature without a vest with reflective stripes. Therefore, the presence of such vests will be checked at customs.

There are two important momentsrelated to this:

  1. The number of vests should be equal to the number of passengers. These accessories should be present for infants, and for people with limited mobility.
  2. Vests must be placed in the car. The presence of them in the trunk is not counted and causes the question: "How are you going to reach the trunk if you can not leave the car without a vest?".

Another moment about winter tires. The spikes are prohibited, but in cases of snow-covered roads, it is allowed to use the chain on the car.

Documents on cars

The entire generally accepted package of documents, of course, is required:

  1. The rights. Moreover, if national documents are not recognized abroad, it is necessary to get acquainted with obtaining a certificate of international sample. Belarus, Poland, Russia and Ukraine are signed by the 1968 Vienna Convention on the recognition of national rights, so the replacement of certificates is not required.
  2. Registration certificate of the car.
  3. If control occurs by proxy - relevant documents.
  4. Insurance on the car of the international standard.

Documents for passengers

The list of necessary may vary depending on the purpose of traveling to Poland, but always obliged to include:

  • with the correctly decorated and current visa;
  • if you drive to work;
  • For each of the entering.

Where can I cross the border with Poland on the machine?

From the territory of Ukraine, you can get to Poland through 5 automotive border crossings (In a pair, the first N.P. Ukraine, the second - Poland):

  • Yagodin - road;
  • Smilnitsa - Crosscenko;
  • Shegin - Medica;
  • Rava-Russkaya - Comb;
  • Krakowets - Kortchev;
  • Ustilug - Zosin.

Passenger transport passes to Poland on all transitions, for heavy truck there is a limit: Ustilug passes only cars up to 3.5 tons.

For Belarusians

From Belarus, the vehicle leaves through points:

  • Domachevo - Slotchi;
  • Berestovitsa - Bobrovniki;
  • Kozlovichi - Corn;
  • Brest - Terespol;
  • Sander - Polovtsy;
  • Brugs - blacksmith Belostotskaya.

Pay attention to the intersection of the Belarusian-Polish border through in Kozlovichi is possible exclusively for trucks.


Russia has a border with Poland only through the exclave of the Kaliningrad region. If travelers live in this region, then the issue is easy to resolve through car items:

  • Bagrationovsk - Freeless;
  • Mamonovo - Gronovo (up to 6.5 tons);
  • Mamonovo II - hechochot;
  • Gusev (Ozersk) - Goldp.

From other territories, the intersection of the Russian-Polish border is possible through Belarus or Ukraine.

So, find out how to cross the border.

The procedure for crossing the border from the trivial queue from cars begins.

It is necessary to wait for the approach of the customs officer by departure.

Issue the coupon, checking machine and documents

The customs officer will clarify the number of passengers and be sure to give a control ticket - A document in which the parameters of the car, people, date and time will be indicated. Talon is needed at all stages of the border passage, so it is necessary to check the correctness of its fill.

All marks to the document are made by employees of customs services - neither the driver nor passengers fill in it.

Next Stage - Polish Customs. In principle, the process is identical (checking the car, documents, mark in the coupon), but the control can be more thorough, and, therefore, take longer.

Checking baggage

It is very important to know what is allowed for the import of Poland, and which is categorically prohibited. The presence of prohibited things (products) can be the basis for ban on the entry.

What to pay attention to?

After passing all the checks, it is necessary to check the correctness of the completion of documents, passenger and vehicle personal data.

As practice shows, there are increasing cases when customs forgets to put stamps about entering the departure. This must be monitored.

Already mentioned about some features of PDD Poland, but it is worth staying on this.

  • It is necessary for vests with reflective elements.
  • The movement must be accompanied by burning near light, but in the daytime, running lights are allowed.
  • The use of the front fog lights is allowed exclusively when rain or fog.
  • Rear fog lights are allowed to include apparently up to 50 m (otherwise a fine 100 evil.).
  • The speed mode within the city is limited to 50 km / h, but from 11 pm to 05 in the morning the limit increases to 60 km / h.
  • Outside the residential arrays, permissible speed is most often up to 90 km / h., But there are roads with restrictions up to 100-140 km / h.
  • The fines for the exceeding speed regime are about 115 evil., For a violation of more than 10 km / h. When 50 km / h is exceeded. And more threatens the deprivation of rights up to 3 months.
  • On some tracks, speed is limited in two limits. For example, no more than 140 km / h, but not less than 40 km / h.
  • 200 evil We'll have to give for overtaking on Zebra (pedestrian transition). The same fine is superimposed for overtaking on the right, violation of markup (two solid) and the obstacle to the movement of public transport.
  • 300 evil. It is worth a departure to the intersection, the movement on which is difficult.
  • Wrong parking will cost 400 evil., And to take a place to be disabled, is estimated at 800 evil.
  • Do not miss a pedestrian is estimated at 350 evil.
  • Not fastened belt - 100 evil.
  • Talking on the phone without Hands Free - 200 evil.
  • Transportation of children is allowed only in a special seat in the back seat - fine 150 evil.

There is an opinion that a small amount of alcohol is allowed in Poland. Indeed, permissible rate is 0.2 industrial.

However, even a minor dose of alcohol can show big results!

Sanctions for violations serious:

  • for an interval of 0.21 - 0.5 industrial., fine 5,000 zlotys and deprivation of rights from three years;
  • for large indicators - 10,000 and deprivation on the same time.

Paid autobahn in Poland

High-speed autobes are comfortable, but paid opportunity to move on your car. Middle rates are 20 pennies for 1 km. Payment is charged at the entrance to the track (paid plot) - cash in zloty, euros or dollars, as well as credit cards.

Another way to charge the fee is paid at the congress from a paid section. In this case, when entering the driver is obliged to receive a special check, keep it before departure and on its foundation to make payment at the end of the route.

Today there are three autobahs:

  • A1. Gdansk-Torun (29.90 evil. For the entire route);
  • A2. Vashava-Svetsko (78.90 evil. For the entire length of the path);
  • A4. Zgozhelekin-Krakow (36.20 evil. For the entire highway).

The car trip to Poland is convenient and simple. If you explore all the details of the passage of the border and the rules of behavior within the country, it will be possible to spend a good time without being distracted by problems.

We told you about all the nuances of this process. But if some details remained incomprehensible - ask in the comments and leave your feedback.

In contact with

Today's Poland is a dynamically developing state, which has the opportunity to provide a large number of jobs not only to indigenous Poles, but also labor migrants from other countries. First of all, work in Poland is relevant for Russians and Ukrainians who have long protusted the path into this country, which has become not only a place of work for many of them, but also a house for many years. The traffic of labor migrants in Poland from Russia and Ukraine in recent years has particularly activated, which a largely contributed to the economic crisis that broke out in many countries of the post-Soviet space. Statistics says that more than 85% of foreign labor migrants in Poland constitute citizens of Ukraine, first of all, the people from its western regions. Also, they do not face work in Poland Belarusians and Kazakhstanis. Poland is attractive for labor migrants the opportunity to work to legally legally and get a good social package, as a person who works officially can receive free medical care, compensation for injuries in production, etc. It is impossible not to take into account the friendly attitude of the Poles to its eastern neighbors and significant Languages \u200b\u200bsimilarity.

What advantages can be obtained by employment in Poland

You can talk about the advantages of work in Poland, because in this case there is something to discuss. The Polish employer offers migrants from other states a fairly comfortable working conditions and quite rating salaries.

Table: pros and cons of work in Poland

  • territorial proximity and the ability to make frequent rides home;
  • the loyalty of Polish employers to labor migrants from the CIS countries;
  • a large number of vacancies in all spheres of the economy;
  • timely remuneration;
  • a large number of labor migrants from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, which allows communicating among themselves and receive full information about vacancies and working conditions;
  • strictly labor legislation: Poles enable migrants not only to officially employ, but also to get good social security conditions;
  • a simple work visa procedure for residents of the CIS countries;
  • opportunity for full-fledged immigration;
  • employment of workers with different levels of qualifications;
  • work in a developed European country.
  • finding away from homeland;
  • a big dependence on Polish employers;
  • the need to explore the Polish language;
  • life in society with another mentality;
  • lower than, for example, in Germany or the Netherlands, wages.

Video: Is it worth going to work in Poland

How to find a good job in Poland

Work in Poland can be found in three ways:

  • independent search using the Internet and media;
  • communication with experienced labor migrants (among friends, in in social networks Or on the forums) who have already managed to visit Poland or continue to work in this country. From them you can get reliable information about the presence of vacancies and working conditions;
  • intermediaries services.

When used in the search for work, intermediaries should be as cautious and attentive, especially if they require a prepayment. It is advisable to check the license, office, and also find out the reviews of those who are already using the services of this company. Unfortunately, very often the help of intermediaries turns into a loss of considerable money. Advice on employment and Polish legislation can be obtained in local employment centers.

A large number of vacancies in Poland is primarily due to the fact that a significant part of the population in the entry into this country into the European Union went on earnings in the more developed countries of Western Europe. The second factor is the dynamic development of the Polish economy, which requires new and new working hands and minds.

Most labor migrants in Poland are Ukrainians

Independent search

An independent job search in Poland is a rather difficult task. You can contact the following Polish sites:


Jobs for highly qualified specialists:


On one or several sites should be placed in your resume, which will be available to all potential employers. Also, when a suitable vacancy can be detected, you can send a resume and motivational letter to the relevant employer. The resume should describe the prepared formation, specialty, experience, and how to argue the occupation of this vacancy with direct benefit for its applicant. After sending a summary and the motivational letter, the answer can be obtained within an hour, a week, and you can not receive at all. It all depends on the individual circumstances of the potential employer.

If we talk about the situation as a whole, it should be understood that the overwhelming number of vacancies for potential Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian labor migrants is stated by major Polish enterprises, small shops and farms. Also a significant number of employees is required to the hotel business, food industry and services. They imply unqualified work, which does not require the ownership of Polish in perfection. But the foundations of Polish still need to know. This will help significantly with employment and subsequent communication with the Polish employer.

Video: how to make a resume to work in Poland

Employment agencies

A distinctive feature of Polish agencies is that they cannot and have no right to charge the fee from the applicant for the services provided. This is paid by the employer. Nevertheless, we should not forget that the employer may subsequently subtract the amount spent the amount from wages spent on the agency services.

The Internet is shot by horrids on how labor migrants from the CIS countries fall into slavery, including Poland. To go to work, not to get into slavery, you should use the services of proven recruiting agencies, as well as stock up the telephone number of the embassy or consulate of your country to help in an emergency.

Specialists advise to look for more profitable vacancies in Polish employment agencies, since several intermediary links automatically fall from the search chain, which significantly reduces the process itself. By the way, the best vacancies with large salary can not always reach potential applicants from the CIS countries.

Creations of Polish Employers to Labor Migrants

As a rule, the employer wants to see employees aged from 20 to 55 years old, without bad habits, without criminal past and present, with a good health and defined skills that are necessary in the work. The big plus will be reviews from previous employers from Ukraine, from Russia and Belarus. If one of them was given by the resident of the European Union, then similar recommendation Simply no price.

As a rule, when taking a vacancy, a preliminary interview is assigned. A part of the interviews is carried out on Skype, while Polish employers know perfectly well that CIS citizens do not always understand Polish, so communication can occur either in English, or in the broken Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian languages, which they usually own a little.

On the websites of Polish recruiting agencies often there are lists of conscientious employers. They should pay attention first. As a rule, Polish employers clearly comply with the terms of employment contracts. But in view of the fact that in recent years, Poland turned out to be a significant number of citizens of the post-Soviet republics, which, for their part, do not always comply with the terms of the preliminary agreements, there has been a tendency to reduce payment services for labor migrants, and the system of fines for them for the unfair fulfillment of their duties appear.

Is it possible to get a job without knowledge of Polish

Knowledge of Polish language in the communicative level will be needed to almost everyone. It is less common to seasonal workers, builders, but will be required by serving staff of hotels and restaurants, doctors, medical examinations, technologists. Programmers for work enough of English language And the ability to pronounce several phrases in Polish. So the need to know Polish is proportional to communicating on it when working on a certain position. But knowledge of the language is a big advantage of the Polish employer when considering the candidacy for occupating a vacancy.

If the work is associated with communication, the ownership of Polish will be required, and the knowledge of other languages \u200b\u200bwill be a big plus

The most sought-after and highly paid professions in Poland

During recent years Poland massively and systemically leave workers. Polish citizens leave to other states of the European Union, where they receive a much greater fee for similar work. Therefore, foreign migrants are primarily available exactly the vacancies that are not interested in indigenous Poles. Last year, the most demanded professions in Poland were:

  • builders of different specialties. As a rule, already formed brigades for prior arrangement with Polish customers come to Poland. Among the builders are very in demand by welders;
  • service staff of the hotel and restaurant business: waiters, cooks, washers of dishes;
  • drivers of heavy freight transport, truckers, community drivers;
  • medical staff of all levels of preparation;
  • sales managers in various fields;
  • employees for furniture manufacturing, handymen on food industry enterprises.

Workers' specialties are in demand in Poland

In the agricultural industry, handymen is most in demand for farms, tractor drivers, a combination of equipment for the repair of equipment. The agrarian sector also requires a large number of temporary workers for harvesting fruits, vegetables, berries. Seasonal work in Poland has long been popular among migrants from the CIS countries. Many of them replenish their own budget in such a way for more than ten years in a row.

Experience suggests that Polish employers in the field of agriculture want men to see men. Women are less in demand, since the proposed unqualified work, sometimes quite hard, will be performed by men more efficiently. Women can work waitress, guides, maid, cleaners.

If we talk about high level specialists, then in Poland it is relatively easy to find the work of experienced doctors, the technologists of the food industry, as well as teachers of higher educational institutions. The sphere of computer technologies in Poland, as in most countries of the world, requires qualified programmers, specialists in protecting information, system administrators. Among highly qualified doctors, dentists, orthopedists, as well as surgeons are most in demand. Engineering technologists are relatively easy to find vacancies in Polish food industry enterprises, higher educational institutions can count on vacancies in the country's universities, especially if we are talking about technical specialties.

Computer specialists can easily find work in Poland

Seasonal work in summer and winter

Separately, it should be said about the seasonal harvest work on Polish agricultural enterprises. Such work in Poland is very in demand. Right into Polish fields, as a rule, Ukrainians and Russians. The vast majority of seasonal workers come from Western regions of Ukraine. This is facilitated by the territorial proximity, the similarity of the Western Ukrainian dialect with Polish, as well as well-established business and related ties. Polish experts and entrepreneurs predict a further increase in labor migration traffic from Ukraine, since since the middle of last year, the owners of Ukrainian biometric passports can visit the countries of the European Union, and including Poland, without the need to open visas. Many of them will be able to come to Poland and find employers in this country who will employ them officially.

Seasonal work is relevant in the summer. Contracting with Polish farmers about employment should be in advance, in April-May. They are going, as a rule, already formed "seasonal" brigades, although it is possible to find such an application directly in Poland, having agreed independently with local farmers. The working day sometimes lasts for 10-12 hours, so for such work physically weak people are better not to take. Payment can be both hourly and piecework - from the number of harvest assembled. The season lasts, as a rule, for three months. But much depends on weather conditions and the volume of work. For a month, it is possible to get from 2200 to 3500 zł. In winter, the number of vacancies is noticeably reduced, and seasonal workers travel around the houses. During this period, work can be found on large industries, for example, on auto plants.

Work for students

Students from the CIS countries often use the ability to spend their holidays without rewarding for their budget. Therefore, many of them come to Poland as seasonal work and to the Polish farms, where working hands are required year-round. Students can earn farmers for 600-1000 dollars a month. There are several internship programs for foreign students of specialized universities in Polish enterprises of the agricultural sector. They will not need permission to work.

Who and how much can earn in Poland

Earnings of labor migrants in Poland can be called high relative to salaries that are paid in their homeland. If we talk about developed countries in Western Europe, the payment of labor in Poland clearly does not reach their level. So, the average earnings by profession is:

  • workers at automotive plants - up to 2900 zlotys;
  • fork driver - up to 3200 zlotys;
  • cNC machine operator - up to 3200 zlotys;
  • confectioner - up to 2900 zlotys;
  • worker on furniture manufacturing - up to 3500 zlotys;
  • electrician - up to 3500 zlotys;
  • mason - up to 4800 zlotys;
  • driver (categories B, C, E) - up to 5000 zł.

Intellectual labor workers can boast even greater revenues:

  • dentist - up to 10,000 zlotys;
  • engineer-technologist in the food production - up to 8000 zlotys;
  • programmer (depending on the qualification) - 5000-30 000 zł and more.

Video: Where and how migrants work from Ukraine in Poland

Salary taxes

Salary in Poland is net and gross. Gross - the amount before the deduction of all taxes, net - after that. To understand what will be "pure" income, you need a "dirty" salary to multiply by 0.7. Example: "Gross" is 3000 zlotys. To understand the "net" 3000 zlotys should be multiplied by 0.7. As a result, paying to the hands will be 2100 zł. As a rule, in the ads on the work indicates a "dirty" salary. It should be remembered.

When searching for work in Poland, you should pay attention to such a criterion as accommodation. Where will you live for what funds? Do you have to look for housing yourself or an employer will provide him with you? It's not always the same. But if the employer has a lot of workers, then he will not work out for them to create comfortable living conditions for them. Be prepared for the fact that you will be offered to fervently free hours in close rooms intended for 6-10 people. Bunk beds, not always human relationship, tesnotes ... Something all this reminds.

Stages of official employment

After an agreement has been reached with the employer, you need to do paperwork. Before working work, it will be necessary to make a challenge (invitation) to work, contract and visa.

Invitation from the employer

Invitation to Poland for a foreign labor migrant is issued by the employer. Without it, come to work will not work. The document indicates personal information A foreign citizen, alleged time and the purpose of staying, as well as the details of the inviting part.

Last year, serious changes occurred in Polish migration and labor legislation. Instead of a simplified procedure that existed in previous years, a new system permits system has been developed.

Table: types of permits for legal work in Poland

ViewField of activityValidityCountries whose citizens are issued permission
Seasonal permitAgricultural sector and travel agencies.Up to 8 monthsAll CIS countries
Short-term resolutionWork that cannot be considered seasonal. The right to submit an application for the issuance of such permit to a foreign labor migrant can only be possessed by the Polish employers, the beginning of the economic activity of which was registered no earlier than one year before the appeal.Up to 6 monthsBelarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia
Permission from VoevodWork in the specialty requiring certain qualifications. The employee receives permission to work for one particular employer.1 calendar yearAll countries

Visa registration: Documents, Terms, Conditions, Price

The next step will be the design of a Polish working visa. It allows not only to ride abroad, but also legally live and officially employed in the Polish territory. Also, its owner can cross the boundaries of the rest of the European Union and be on their territory for three months over six months. Get a working visa to Poland is not a big problem. It can even be put in a pure passport.

The Polish working visa is not valid in other states of the Schengen Agreement. To work there, you need to get permission to work on their territory.

The visa is obtained with the personal presence of the applicant. There are two types of Polish work visas that differ in terms:

  • visa for 6 months, it allows you to stay in Polish territory only three months during this period. It can be obtained independently and without problems;
  • labor visa for a year, it will legally work in Poland for one calendar year. This type, as a rule, is not issued during the first request. It is possible to arrange it only after the end of the first type visa.

A national visa of category D is issued to work in Poland

In addition to the standard documents that are required for registration of a visa to the countries of the Schengen Agreement, an invitation from the employer and the current employment contract, which indicates all the conditions of the immigrant, its estimated period and payment levels are necessary.

The deadline for issuing a Polish working visa should not exceed two weeks, and its cost with independent design will be 125 euros (it is paid in the euro directly in the Polish diplomatography, which gives a visa). If the applicant uses the services of intermediaries, then the cost may increase twice or more.

Extension of a working visa

Before approaching the end of the actual visa, many foreign labor migrants think about continuing to work in Poland. It is possible to extend the Polish working visa directly in the territory of this country. For petition you need a good reason. It may be the lack of opportunity to return home for health, force majeure or continuation of work in Poland on the basis of the extension of the contract. To prolong the validity period of the visa, one should personally submit a petition to the administration of the voivodship in which the migrant lives. The extension decision is made within one week, sometimes there may be cases of tightening the procedure for up to a month. It is necessary to take care of the submission of documents, since the petitions submitted after the end of the actual visa are not accepted by consideration. Then it will be possible to get a new visa only after check out and repeat the entire procedure. State duty for extension will be up to 100 euros. If the issuance is denied, the money is returned to the applicant.

Despite the membership of Poland in the EU, on its working visa in other countries of the European Union it is impossible to work

Failure and further actions

Calculate in the Polish working visa can for three reasons:

  • migrant inconsistencies of the declared qualifications;
  • previous violations of the Migration legislation of Poland;
  • unreliable information about yourself.

Failure can be appealed in court within two weeks from the date of receipt.

Permission to work

Getting permission to work - the third step in legal employment. The application is submitted to the administration of the voivodship, in which the employer is registered. Consideration of the appeal occurs within one month. The permit is open only by the employer. Citizens of the EU countries, NATO staff, creative workers, volunteers of humanitarian missions and representatives of religious denominations are exempt from the need for its design.

Does Nostrification of the diploma

Documents on higher education issued in the CIS countries will require Nostrification in Poland. If we talk about programmers or engineers, then in practice they can do without nostrification, it is enough to show their knowledge, skills and a worthy level of qualifications of dirty Polish employers. But doctors should be confirmed by the doctors. To do this, you will need to make a diploma for Polish, pass the specialty exam in Polish, to obtain an identification number. It will also require a deployed and certificate of secondary education. The nostrification procedure takes a fairly long time (from 6 months to a year) and costs more than 2500 zł. Diplomas that were nosted in Poland will no longer require the passage of such a procedure in other EU countries.

The consequences of illegal work

It is illegal to be the work without permission, a labor contract and a working visa or a residence permit. If the employee does not have these documents, it faces a fine of 1000 zlotys, deportation to the homeland and the ban on entering Poland for two years. But after this time, problems with the issuance of a visa are possible. In addition, an illegal officer does not have social protection for the period of work, such as medical insurance and vacation rights. Employer for the illegal employment of foreigners can be discharged large fines (from 3000 zł).

Business Immigration to Poland

Business immigration to Poland is a fairly fast and reliable method of legalization in this country. Own enterprise can be registered in Poland in two weeks. Next, you should immediately submit documents for a visa category D. Moving on business immigration together with the owner of the enterprise, members of his family can also. The authorized capital of the company should not be less than 5 thousand zlotys. According to European standards, this amount is simply ridiculous. Statutory capital is posted in one of the Polish banks. The cost of administrative services will be about 4,000 zł.

Certificate of state registration will be the basis for further obtaining a residence permit by the owner of the enterprise and members of his family. It should be proved that the business is profitable and all taxes are paid. It must be remembered that even with a non-working enterprise, its owner will have to pay deductions to the Polish treasury, so the business immigration method is practical only for those who are really going to engage in entrepreneurial activities in Poland.

Become an entrepreneur (and maybe an employer) - another way of economic immigration to Poland

In 2019, a considerable number of Russians could go to Poland on the car. Located in the very center of Europe, the republic has a land border from the Russian Federation. Namely - with Kaliningrad Region. Not surprisingly, many of our compatriots prefer to travel through the Polish territory on personal transport. Find out all the nuances of travel to Poland on your car.

In 2019, the Central European Country continues to be popular with tourists from Russia. Visitors from the Russian Federation enter Poland as airwaysand land - including on personal vehicle. The last option prefers residents not only neighboring the Republic of Kaliningrad region, but also distant from the border of the regions. In the European state, guests come from Moscow, Peter, Yekaterinburg and even Vladivostok.

To come to Poland by car, you will need to get a visa in advance. In this sense, the trip to the European power is no different from arrival by plane, train or bus. Without inbound paper, it is impossible to visit the country's territory.

Usually motorists and their fellow travelers draw up tourist Schengen visas. For each visitor, including children, you will need your document. Polish Schengen allows for a maximum of 3 months in the state for a semi-annual period. How to get a tourist visa to Poland, you will learn from the article on our site.

Where to enter Poland

Of all the regions of the Russian Federation, Poland borders only with the Kaliningrad region. Therefore, to enter the republic from Russia on personal transport is possible only through this region. On the border there are special checkpoints. Drive by car is allowed exclusively through these gearboxes.

The second option for the start of the Polish Auto-Travel is to enter Poland through Belorussia. In the fraternal republic of citizens of the Russian Federation, they allow the Russian passport. In this case, the route is built as:

  1. Leave from Moscow or another Russian city in Belarusian Brest.
  2. The way to Brest lies on the M1 (Smolensk Road) highway.
  3. Get to the border crossing. You can drive through the largest checkpoint Brest - Terespol or try Domachevo's transition (50 km south of Brest).

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

When registering on the link in AirBNB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can remove the good apartments on 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

Basic Border Crossing Nuances

Planning a trip by car to Poland from Kaliningrad or Brest, drivers and passengers should be taken into account by several factors:

  • When it is necessarily imposed a passport with a Polish visa. The shelf life of the passport is at least 3 months from the date of returning home.

  • From entering entitled to demand to present funds as financial guarantees. The minimum amount per 1 day of stay is 300 Polish zlotys. It is allowed equivalent in foreign currency (about 100 US dollars). It is allowed to prevent both cash and credit cards.
  • The import of foreign currency is not limited, but the Declaration is exceeded by a permitted amount of 10,000 euros.
  • If Poland's guests enter the Power Pets to the territory, you will need a certificate from the veterinary service. It should be marked about all animal vaccinations, including vaccination against rabies.

What can ask on the border

  • Purpose of the trip.
  • Travel route scheduled for visits to the city.
  • Planned Tour Turns.
  • What is imported to Poland, whether with them alcohol and cigarettes. The established rate of 1 person is 2 packs of cigarettes, 1 liter of strong alcohol or 2 liters of wine.

Documents for crossing the border by car

For passengers

  • Passport with a visa.
  • Medstrashovka:
    • For the whole trip.
    • Valid all over Schengen.
    • Coating from 30 thousand euros.
  • Sometimes you need to present:
    • Financial guarantees.
    • Book rooms at the hotel or place in the campsite or the availability of a different address of accommodation in Poland.
    • Invitation from a local physical or legal person.

For driver

  1. Passport with a visa.
  2. Medstrashovka.
  3. Sometimes they need to present the same additional documents as for passengers.
  4. Driving license (no special requirements).
  5. Powerports on the car (certificate of registration of the vehicle). It is important that the document is issued for the driver. Handwritten power of attorney is not accepted.
  6. Acting green map.

What is a green card on the car

When traveling to a car to Poland, a green card is purchased in obligatory. In fact, this is an analogue of our OSAGO. The document is not written out on the driver, but on the vehicle. This means that any travel member can manage the machine. Of course, subject to the presence of a driver's license.

A green card for a trip to Poland should be international format and act throughout Europe. Decorated the document is not allowed in any insurance company. To implement the insurance service of this type is entitled to a limited number of organizations. Among them:

  • Rosgosstrakh.
  • "Alpha Insurance"
  • "Reso-Warranty".
  • "Alliance".
  • "Ergo Rus."

Important! You can buy an insurance policy no earlier than 30 days before its action and the date of the trip.

How much will you have to pay for the green card

The cost of the green card in Poland depends, above all, from the variety of means of movement and the duration of the insurance contract. Approximate amounts:

Key requirements for the car

  • Full technical serviceability of the machine.
  • Control and one hundred percent working condition of lighting devices. It is advisable to stock bulbs to change them at the border if necessary.
  • Pure and without cracked windshield cracks. Only cracks are allowed in 2-3 centimeters and small chips.
  • In the means of movement necessarily are:
    • A first-aid kit
    • Spare wheel or repair kit.
    • Fire extinguisher (before the trip it is recommended to check its shelf life).
    • Warning triangle.
    • Reflective vests on all participants of the trip.
  • Children's car seats (when traveling with children up to 12 years old).
  • Foreign motorists traveling through Polish roads on their car must place a sign of the state where the car is registered. For Russians, this is the sign "RUS" in the White Ovale. No sticker movement on the vehicle is unacceptable.

Main Road Rules in Poland

  • Limit permissible driving speed (in km / h):
  • When moving, low headlights always turn on. Time of day I. weather Roles do not play.
  • Studded rubber is prohibited. Using winter tires is voluntary.
  • It is forbidden to equip vehicles with anti-lands and similar devices. It is impossible to carry even an unused radar detector.
  • The maximum possible content of alcohol in the blood of a motorist is 0.2 ppm. For driving in a state of intoxication, driver's license is seized. In addition, the violator threatens imprisonment for up to 8 years.

PDD violations

Parking in Polish

Parking machines by Polish drivers and come from other states to motorists allow only in specially reserved places. It is also forbidden to leave the car in parking, intended for people with special health capabilities. For this, a fine is provided - 800 zlotys.

Free parking lots in the centers of Polish cities are not so little as in other countries of Central Europe. They are concentrated:

  • Large outlets (IKEA, Auchan and others).
  • Near historical centers.
  • In the courtyards and next to residential houses.
  • Near restaurants, cafes and shops.

Paid parking lots are also present in large quantities. They are on all the main streets, near the attractions and in places that are in the greatest demand. Find the parking place is easy. It is enough to navigate the blue pointers with the letter "P".

Important! In major Polish city cities, the parking lots are paid only on certain days (usually on weekdays) and the clock (as a rule, from 9:00 to 17:00). The rest of the time they are allowed to stop for free.

The cost of parking depends on their proximity to the center, significant objects and clusters of people. For example, an hour of parking in the center of Gdansk will cost 3 zł.

Parking is paid through parquet. As a rule, these devices are located near the parking lot. On the parking tab, you need to choose the parking time and pay for the service (trifle or large checks).

The machine will give a check - a parking ticket. It must be placed on the dashboard of the car - so that the controllers see the paper through the windshield.

If gasoline has run out ...

Self-service is accepted in Polish refills. The chauffeur fills the tank, and then pays for fuel at the checkout. Drivers are allowed to carry in the canes up to 20 liters of fuel. It is worth considering that the local gas station does not have 92th gasoline. And the 95th occurs 2 species - with a lead and without lead.

In early 2017, the average cost of gasoline and diesel fuel in Poland was:

  • 1.07 Euro (95th gasoline).
  • 1.13 Euro (98th gasoline).
  • 1.05 Euro (diesel).
  • 0.5 Euro (LPG).

At the same time, prices for gas stations located along the motorways may be 10-20 euro-sighters higher than at refueling in large shopping complexes.

Paid highways

Polish highways A1, A2 and A4 are paid. The fare depends on the distance traveled.

Calculation of payment at specific areas of roads is made in different ways. Typically, travel is paid to both cash and non-cash, in national currency, euros and American dollars. However, it is recommended to pay local money. The delivery is also always given in zlotys.

By car through Poland: Transit rules

In Poland through Kaliningrad or Brest on personal transport, not only for the sake of automobile travel through the Central European Republic is entered. Many of our fellow citizens only pass Polish land by choosing other states by the main goal. The following documents are submitted to a transit Schengen visa to travel through Poland:

  • :
    • Fills completely and assigned to a personal signature.
    • It is advisable to fill the blank on the computer, but allowed by hand.
    • The information is made picking up, handle with blue or black paste (when filling from hand).
    • Information is written in Russian, Polish or English.
    • Paragraphs number 1-5 are filled with Latin letters, strictly as in the passport.
    • On a minor child, an individual form filled into a parental passport. He is signed by the parent.

  • Destination State Visa (original and copy). In the case of its absence, served:
    • Or absolutely paid hotel reservation.
    • Or documents for ownership of real estate (contract of hiring, sale contract, etc.).
  • International passport:
    • Copies of the first page and Schengen visas for 3 years (if available).
    • With 2 free sheets.
    • The shelf life of the document is from 3 months after returning to their homeland.
    • The passport period is not more than 10 years.
  • Russian passport. Copies of pages:
    • First.
    • With registration.
    • Pages 18-19 (about previous passports).
  • When crossing the border, the same papers are presented as for automotive travel directly in Poland. It is important to remember that if a foreigner already has a valid Schengen visa, it is not required to make a separate transit document.

    Polish tracks are considered one of the most secure in Europe. The vast majority of drivers with respect relate to all participants of the movement. PRIORITY on the road have pedestrians and cyclists. Almost all highways are equipped with video surveillance cameras and radar and are carefully controlled by the police. Therefore, traveling through the republic by car, it is necessary to strictly observe traffic rules.