Rio de Janeiro is the capital of a European country. Overview of rio de janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is the first city that comes to mind when Brazil is mentioned. In a city of contrasts, well-to-do residents of elite neighborhoods coexist with the poor from the slums. Noisy, multifaceted and crowded, Rio is second only to Sao Paulo, but in terms of the amount of entertainment it is an unrivaled leader. They say that you can only get to know it and see all the interesting places by staying in it forever. All year round, grandiose and less noisy holidays are held here, the absolute leader of which is the Carnival. In 2016, the glory of Rio de Janeiro around the world will increase many times over thanks to the Olympics.

Geographic features

Rio stretches along the Atlantic coast of Brazil. It has the following geographic coordinates:

  • 22054 'YSH;
  • 43011 'ZD.

Founded at the entrance to Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro has gradually expanded its boundaries. It is oriented towards the south. The terrain is not uniform. Plains and gentle hills prevail in the north. In the central part there are more mountains and rocks that frame the sandy beaches of the south.

The proximity to the equator smooths out seasonal temperature fluctuations. The air in the city warms up to + 22 ... + 28 ° C. The driest and coldest months are June-October, but it rains regularly throughout the year. The average annual rainfall is 1170 mm. For tourists, Rio is more interesting in December-March, when the air and water temperatures become most comfortable.


Rio de Janeiro has a high population density. More than 6.5 million inhabitants live on an area of \u200b\u200b1.26 thousand km², which is not surprising, because even before 1960 the city was the capital of Brazil. And today many flock here in search of a better life. The negative side of this phenomenon has been the increase in crime, especially in poor slums, where tourists are asked to visit with caution.

The city is a mixture of different peoples and races, so you will not find discrimination on these grounds here. Most residents are very smiling and welcoming, always ready to help. The main religion is Catholicism, which is often mixed with local traditions as well as African beliefs.


The cuisine in Rio de Janeiro is a combination of the culinary traditions of Arabs, European settlers and local Indian residents. To experience the local flavor, you should order a feijoada. This hearty dish is made from smoked meats, dried meat, beans and generously seasoned with spices. Each chef adds something of his own to the recipe, so the feijoada will be different in different places.

The highlight of Rio is Rodisio. These are meat restaurants, where entrance fees are charged, after which you can enjoy salads and main dishes for free. Some establishments allow you to take breaks between meals and even walks in the fresh air. Drinks and desserts are billed separately.

A popular local drink is caipirinha. It can be ordered both in an expensive restaurant and in a street eatery. For cooking, use cane vodka (kashaza), lemon, lime, ice and cane sugar. The cocktail turns out to be very pleasant and refreshing, but quickly intoxicates.

And, of course, you cannot visit the homeland of coffee and not enjoy the many varieties of this invigorating drink.


It is difficult to imagine as many attractions as there are in Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, the excursion program should be thought out in advance. We list only a small, but the most interesting part of the sights. For convenience, they are grouped by topic.

Natural parks

Even the streets of the city are distinguished by lush vegetation, what can we say about the parks and reserves that are scattered throughout Rio. To get acquainted with the unusual flora of Brazil in a small area, you should go to the Botanical Garden. It is divided into thematic sectors, through which convenient paths pass. Visitors take turns walking among fields of orchids, cacti or water lilies. In dense vegetation, the ubiquitous monkeys scurry and flocks of bright birds flutter.

Many tourists are attracted by the beauty and historical value of the palace and park complex Quinta da Boa Vista. At the beginning of the 19th century, the property belonged to the imperial family, which left them after Brazil gained independence. On the territory there is a park, a zoo and a palace, within the walls of which the National Museum is located.

In the Rio de Janeiro Zoo on the territory of the complex, there are more than 350 species of representatives of the local fauna, as well as those who arrived from other countries. The territory of the zoo is small, but very green and well-groomed.
You can enjoy a walk and explore the features of landscape design in the parks:

  • Tijuca;
  • Lazhe;
  • Flamengo.

These green islands are equipped with jogging and cycling paths, as well as other necessary infrastructure for recreation. And in order to admire and capture the most beautiful panoramas of the city, you should climb to the observation deck at the statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado or the famous Sugar Loaf.

Religious monuments

The most famous attraction not only in Rio, but also in Brazil is the statue of Christ the Redeemer, which guards the city from the top of Mount Corcovado. The height of the structure is 38 m, and the arm span reaches 30 m.

You can familiarize yourself with temple architecture and better understand the meaning of religion for local residents by visiting the following attractions:

  • Church of Candelaria in honor of Our Lady;
  • Monastery of São Bento;
  • Cathedral of San Sebastian.

Architectural landmarks

Colonial architecture in Rio de Janeiro is just as interesting. The pearl of the Place Floriano is the Teatro Municipal, echoing the architecture of the Paris Opera. In addition to the beautiful facade, the theater amazes with its rich interior decoration. It still hosts performances.

The largest collection of literature in all of South America is at the National Library. Much of it is included in the UNESCO heritage list. The magnificent building was built at the beginning of the 19th century.

There are several picturesque palaces in the city that attract tourists:

  1. Tiradentes. The seat of the state government. The palace is notable for its monumentality, high columns and a huge glass dome.
  2. The Imperial Palace is an old snow-white building with a rich history. It was here that the law abolishing slavery was signed.
  3. The castle on the island of Ilha-Fiskal resembles a fabulous pearl. Its walls are painted in emerald colors and are richly decorated. In the XIX century. the customs service was located here, and today there is a museum of the navy.

Rio de Janeiro beaches

Visiting Rio is impossible without relaxing on the beach. This kind of relaxation includes more than just lying on the sand or swimming in the noisy ocean waters. By the way, they can be very insidious, so lifeguards are constantly on duty on the shore. The beach is a meeting point and center for youth entertainment. Hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs and open-air discos are located nearby. Carnival processions and mass celebrations of the New Year take place here. The most popular beaches are:

  • Copacabana;
  • Ipanema;
  • Leblon;
  • Flamengo;
  • Barra di Tijuca.

How to get there?

Rio has an international airport that receives flights from various countries. Given the distance of the flight, a direct flight from Russia cannot be found. Most companies offer a connection in Paris or Amsterdam. Citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in Brazil without a visa for 90 days.

Move your hips more. Hello everyone! "Heads and Tails" with you. Megalopolises! - And we flew to the mega-colorful and mega-solar metropolis in Rio de Janeiro. - Do you know what could be cooler than Rio himself? - Only the Brazilian carnival, which is taking place right now. Eagle! - Tails! - Ahaha! The hat is in your way! Anton, don't be upset. I know what you've dreamed and all that ... but dreams don't always come true. - Hashtag Antosha is the child of the favela. - Carnival, wait for me! - Guys, who needs a mask for 100 reais? The mask is beautiful for the carnival, for the parade of champions. Rio de Janeiro ... What can I say? In the most beautiful metropolis in the world, the loudest, most colorful, most danceable holiday in the universe is taking place - the Brazilian carnival! Well? Let's spend the weekend in a samba rhythm? We leave here, we leave. Rio is a very beautiful city, and in order to see it as quickly as possible, I called in a-year. This whim will be fulfilled by the company "Exclusive Experiences" for 2 thousand dollars! - Welcome! - Hi! You are my first helicopter pilot! - Pleasant flight! - Thank you! Whoa! What a big windshield! - Buckle up. - Thank you. Wow, if only it were in cars! Are we already at once? How to accelerate? It's as if a fly just took off. Hello! Have a great weekend. Hello mulattos. I'm not at the TV. By the way, the bus is comfortable, although it costs $ 5. Almost empty, cool, air-conditioned. There's a TV set. In order for a BUDGET tourist to see beautiful Rio as soon as possible, it is enough to overpay just a dollar and take an express bus that will take you to the center faster than others. When you look at the city from a height, you understand: everything that is said about the beauty of Rio is not an exaggeration, but the pure truth! God, it's very beautiful! The first wonder of Rio de Janeiro is the beaches. Suddenly the beaches break off and the mountains overgrown with jungle grow, in the shade of which luxurious villas with pools hide. How beautiful! In Rio de Janeiro, residential areas fit between the mountains. But you see over the hills, as if someone scattered garbage? These are the poorest areas - favelas. And again, long white beaches ... They stretch along the coast of Rio for as much as ninety kilometers! Leblon. Ipanema. Copacobana. Look at these beaches! How many there are! There are just hundreds of them. And the mountain rises again. This is the famous Sugar Loaf! look! People take the funicular, and I take a helicopter. Hello Guanabara Bay. When Portuguese sailors came here, they were so amazed at the beauty of the bay that they confused it with a river. And since it was in January, they called it "January River". So Rio de Janeiro is translated. I see water merging! - Two colors? - Yes, here the water from Guanabara Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. So I want to say thank you to someone, but to whom! Thank you Jesus! I see a wonder of the world! Oh, God, how many people are there! This is a panorama! He spread his arms out like that and he has a stunning view of the city, the mountains, the clouds, the sky, the ocean. A good place. The most beautiful thing that I have seen in a combination of nature and man. Rio de Janeiro and the surrounding area are home to 13 million people, almost 2 million more came to the carnival. In total, the city was flooded with 15 million people! And here they are. [Brazilian music] Boyband ready! [Brazilian music, carnival noise] Long eye contact. Leaving here, leaving? What did I know about the carnival before coming to Rio? That there is a samba stadium, where every year samba schools compete for the title of the winner: they put up their bright platforms, dance samba and sing. But that was before I came to Rio. Here I realized that the carnival is not just a parade. These are the days of uninterrupted separation and fun! People walk, dance, and drink NON-STOP for seven days! Because immediately after the end of the carnival, the first day of Lent will come. To understand what is happening in Rio during the carnival - join the gay pride parade. Why do I choose dubious companies? Hindu Spring Festival - Holi and Munich Beer Festival - Oktoberfest. You must buy this water come here and buy it! Do you want problems? I do not need this! You must! Buy it! Buy water! Buy water! Do you need problems? I have no problems. Brazilians are made for fun. But this fun has a downside. During the carnival, Rio falls into a drunken dope. Traffic in the city is blocked by thousands of drunken bodies. The streets are saturated with the smell of urine. Water and beer are brought up all the time, but there are no toilets anywhere. Nowhere! And you are constantly being watched. Carnival is a golden time for pickpockets. Everyone walks with their mouths open and does not watch their belongings. Whole gangs operate. They come down from the poor areas - the favelas and during the carnival week they cut down babyshka for a year in advance. Pickpocketing is a real disaster for Rio de Janeiro. This problem is especially acute during the days of the carnival. What should be done to avoid unpleasant situations in this beautiful city? So, listen carefully, now the captain of the military police, Polishadu Arishtantesh, will tell you the rules of conduct during the carnival! First, don't walk alone. Secondly, be always in touch, carry your phone with you, just do not keep it in sight. Upon arrival in Rio, be sure to write down the military police number - "190". Don't carry a lot of money with you. Brazil is a poor country with one of the highest crime rates in the world. During the carnival, the number of thefts increases significantly! Therefore, things must be carried in front of you so that they are always in your sight. I heard that in Rio right in the middle of a busy street they can come up and put a knife? My actions? Should I defend myself? In no case, in Brazil there is an unspoken law - if someone approached you, give what you have. If you start to resist, they will kill you and do not blink an eye. Such are the harsh rules here. While the poor in the city center entertain themselves in a sweaty crowd, the rich spend their vacations in their elite neighborhoods - in private villas and boutique hotels. I land on the roof of my hotel. By helicopter! The bath is black. When Robbie Williams came to Rio, he stayed at my Boutique Hotel, La Suite by Dussol. And here billionaire David Rockefeller loved to spend his summer holidays with his family! Now I will visit here too! Class! But the most important thing in this room is not a bed, an interesting pillow or a lamp. The most important thing is the smell of the ocean. You breathe in and as if it completely pervades you. God, how good it is! You look and can't believe your eyes. It feels like not a real look, but some kind of wallpaper. Now, if the wind had not rustled the palms and leaves, I would not have thought. Incredibly beautiful! Swimming pool? There is a pool here! Let's go swimming. Let's go, let's go! [music] Brazil, I love you. [music] Rio is a huge metropolis and besides the carnival part, there is still something to see. Can I have a photo? Your eyes are beautiful. Many people think Rio de Janeiro is the capital of Brazil. And so it was, until the sixtieth year, until the capital was moved to a city specially built for this - Brasilia. The capital has left, but the capital habits remain. Rio has a pompous central square ... with a snow-white city hall, a library, a municipal theater. Looking at the painted walls of houses and the homeless who lie right on the asphalt in the city center, you will never think that Rio has a huge business center with skyscrapers no worse than Chicago. Here are the headquarters of the largest Brazilian billionaire companies such as Petrobras, Eletrobras and Oy. Rio has everything from a real metropolis - office buildings, skyscrapers, but who comes here for skyscrapers if there is something better? People come to Rio for the best urban beaches in the world. I came to the most famous and promoted - Copacabana! For many years in a row, famous world publications have called it the best urban beach in the world. Why? I do not know. Let's see why with you! A wide strip of gentle sand! The ocean flirts with light waves. Mountains in front of you in all their glory! Probably yes, this is what the perfect beach looks like! Walking around Copacabana, you realize that this is not a beach. This is the podium of the beauty pageant! Guys, just look at how delicious Brazilian contestants are! Now girls, move up to the screen and see what kind of guys there are! And here's another interesting observation: Brazilian women don't know what complexes are! For them, imperfect shapes are not a reason not to wear bikinis! At the same time, they have more than enough fans! The atmosphere at Copacabana Beach is sunny and relaxed. But the sun is not relaxing here. I think I know what to do. Excuse me, can you spray it? Here, because the sun. Will you anoint me? Thank you! It is impossible that such a gorgeous little body burned out. Can you help? I'm burning in the sun. It's unpleasant for me, do it yourself. I understood. Will you anoint me? A little here and here! And here! The baby herself gets pleasure. Excellent thank you. Now I will help you. I will help you too! And you, of course. Well, you too. Here, because the sun. My boyfriend won't be happy. Your boyfriend? Forget about him. Let's go! This holiday weekend, I rented myself a car that will definitely give me a festive mood. Meet Em Pi Lafer. “Em Pi Lafer” is a native Brazilian! Clever, beautiful, and also a film actress. And she starred not in some Brazilian TV series, but in a film about James Bond - "Moon Rider". Now this star is asking for a fabulous fee - two hundred and thirty dollars an hour! That is, in two days I have to shell out $ 4,600. Gold card, I love you! Go, go, go say! Rio is a metropolis of eternal summer. The coldest cold here is in January, when it's +15 ° C outside! Therefore, whenever you come to Rio, you will always find yourself in a riot of greenery, bright sun, and the beach season. It seems to me that my butt is visible. Or doesn't it seem? [honking] He's looking at my ass! Is it visible there? You know what he did he stuck out his tongue like this. They show me everything like this! Every single one. Concerned perverts! And they all shoot me. Am I the star of Rio de Janeiro? I like. Rio, I love you already! You are so friendly. Many travelers believe that it is impossible to find accommodation in Rio, especially if you have not booked it in advance. I open a map in the Copacabana area. There are 21, 21, 14 there, 13. In general, even in the midst of the carnival, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe most popular beach, you can find a hostel, which I will now do. Rio is the perfect metropolis for the budget traveler. Three years ago, the Summer Olympic Games were held here. Six were thrown into the arrangement of the city! billions of dollars: they made roads, bought additional public transport and built a bunch of hotels and hostels. Since then, they have been idle, and even in the carnival season there are free places for an adequate price. And after the carnival, they say, the price will drop four times! - Hello! - Excuse me, I have no reservation, do you have free rooms? - I'll see ... for today there is a free space. - How much does the room cost? - The cheapest 56 reais per person! - Ooh, great price! I take. - If you're interested, we have extra tickets for the sambodrome carnival. - Tickets to the carnival? Do you sell them here? - YES! - It is, of course, very expensive? - The cheapest tickets are here and cost 70 reais. - Only 70? Of course I take! - Tickets will be tomorrow morning. But you need to pay now. - Fantasy! Guys, for only 70 local reais you can get to the carnival when you have lost all hope of already being there. As soon as tickets for the carnival go on sale, hostels, hotels, travel agencies, guides and outbids immediately rake them out. And then during the carnival they float for tourists, naturally with a surcharge. So, if there are no tickets at the box office, go over the local hostels. - Come on, I'll show you the number! This is your bed. We also have air conditioning. - Great, thanks! Look, well, a hostel is like a hostel. But it seems to me that this is not the main thing. The main thing is its location. It is 10 minutes walk from the main beach of Copacabana and this is its greatest advantage. Well, and most importantly, it looks like I'll get to the carnival anyway. There is one thing about Rio that must not be missed. and it doesn't matter if you have a hundred dollars or a gold card. Sunset in Rio is not to be missed. I will see off my sunset from the observation deck of Don Mart. Managed. The Apreador Rock is one of the few places in Rio de Janeiro where everyone comes to see the sunset. Take the most comfortable seats. Rio is probably the only metropolis in the world where you can see two kinds of sunsets at the same time. From my observation deck you can see the sun, which hides behind a mountain and sinks into the ocean. And from my observation deck you can enjoy the view of the city in the rays of the setting sun. Wherever you are, you will meet an incredibly beautiful sunset! And even if you don't see the sun now, its rays create some amazing pictures. In fact, it is a tradition that everyone here welcomes the sunset with a loud ovation. We applaud when the plane lands, but here when the sun goes down. I'm going to break the Eagle and Tails record for the largest eating ever. This is the place where the mega-burger is being prepared. If you eat it all, you get paid R $ 300. If you haven't finished 150 reais you have to pay. For everything about everything - 45 minutes. Sounds like a challenge. Hashtag heads and tails megaburgers. Remember this eatery - "Gigio's Booth"! They give out seventy-six dollars to everyone who eats their signature burger! Well, in which metropolis of the world you will be fed and given almost a hundred bucks on top? Of course, I accept the challenge! - Hi! I heard you have a megaburger. Can I have one? - Let's do it! So, to make seventy-six dollars, I have to eat: seven huge beef patties, seven scrambled eggs and bacon, seven slices of Gouda cheese, seven slices of Swiss cheese, seven slices of ham, seven cheddar cakes. See the joy in the eyes of this vile sadist. He seems to be mocking me. Here's another piece of cheese for you, but don't you add some more eggs? But there are only two buns in the burger. At least something pleases. I just saw my creepy burger getting ready. It is about the size of 10 human mouths. And with one inhuman. Has anyone ever eaten it? Yes of course! This big guy? Of course we are in the same physical condition. Did the dude kill this burger in eight minutes forty-seven seconds? And I have forty-five in stock! Ha! I'll also eat dessert! Van tu free go go go, let's go. Oleg, we will lose now. 3.35 I ate half, if not more. 6 minutes, I already ate too much. Stay athletic in any situation. Can be hidden in napkins. It is all recorded by the gendarme! 13 minutes! Olya would have already ordered a second one by this time. I lag behind. Let's be honest, he doesn't suit you at all. And that's how it is all my life, girls. The turtle is me, the stingray, fermented, forgive me in my own urine, you know who the heart of a cobra? I. Found a whipping boy. - What is it? “This is our Brazilian Indian signature ceviche made from Brazil's largest freshwater fish, pirarucu. Everything, I feel bad. I crossed the Rubicon. Fine. How to put the word hate sesame seeds. I think I got myself into trouble. I thought I was going to eat a burger and make some money, but now it seems that the burger will gobble up my thirty-eight dollars. Half of the weekend budget is now going to go over some burger. The cook cheered up, sweat covered his forehead. Of course, the guy will earn 150 riyals. 40 bucks. 44.30 oh well nafig him. Or you can at least wrap it with you, well, just 40 bucks. As a consolation prize, I received three bowls of food to last me for the rest of the weekend. Rio is one of the most photographed cities in the world. But for a long time, you won't surprise anyone with ordinary photographs near attractions. Therefore, everyone is looking for some kind of exclusive-exclusive-exclusive! And I know such a place. I'm heading there now. Oh, beautifully we, of course, climbed. - How are we going to be photographed? Rope and what? Can you show me a photo? I went. All the best to you. Ay, the boat sailed back there is no way to hike. A new trend has emerged in Rio - to take non-standard photos against the background of standard attractions. Here the guys pulled a rope against the backdrop of the main attraction of Rio - the Sugarloaf Mountain. And they take pictures of tourists on it. And do you know how much people are willing to pay for such pictures? 300 dollars! Three hundred dollars for a picture! Well, ready, steady, go. I don't like it anymore. I do not want! I need to calm down, does anyone have a sedative? She knits some knots, strings, carabiners. I think this is not safe. Is that all? And on all this will my life be suspended? - Were there any accidents? - Yes, there were two cases. - And when people fell, did they die? - Yes. - True? - Yes. I won't go there. You, of course, as you wish, but ... no, are you serious? You send the lead to where two people died. I can do anything, but that's all. Look at these mounts, who is this kid anyway? Who is this kid? I do not know him. My life is dearer to me. I don't want to be third. Go first. I'll see how you survive. Wow, what's up. Stuntman! He's going to get up! Well done! Lord, he also went. It seems to me that this was not intended. If anything, you and I have the same foot size, San. Rocks. Attention! Hold on to the taut rope with your hands. Be careful not to get your fingers and hair caught in the carabiner. God! Well? All? Am I already in the center? When I crawled to the middle and realized that the insurance was holding you tight, I wanted to take these damned photos as soon as possible and return to solid ground. So the time has come. Sanya, give me a picture of a star. One two Three. Spider photo. A photo of a graceful doe. Uhuuuu! Today I have plans to go to the carnival! It only starts at 10pm. But I know where you should definitely go if you have free eight hours in Rio. It is the summit of Mount Pudra da Gavia, one of the highest mountains in Rio. Whoever can conquer it will be rewarded with the best views of the city! Yes ... climbing Pedra da Gavia is not a walk in the park along a path. This is hardcore for the untrained tourist! All the time you climb up the stones. Olezha, help. Scratching your hands on the vines. The mountain is 842 meters. Difficult only the first 840 further - easier. And you climb the tree trunks. - Far to the top? - Far away. - Minutes 9-10? - 2 hours. - 2 hours, sounds promising. The places are very wild and impassable. But few people know that this rainforest is the work of man. When Emperor Pedro II ruled Brazil, there were coffee plantations on this place. But he decided that nature was more important - and ordered his slaves to plant a hundred thousand trees. And now, 200 years later, a huge Tijuca forest grew within the city limits and even Capuchin monkeys were born. Well, everything, like we are at the top, Oleg. No, not at the top, another hour and a half. One hundred dollars, note and bottle. Then you know everything. A bottle with a hundred bucks was hidden 30 meters from the intersection of Joa Street and Jackson Di Figueiredo. Look for it in the drain hole under the stone fence. Good luck! Here it is, heads and tails of megacities for Hiking! I did it, I did it and I'm on top of this. And it was worth all the hours spent. I have seen Rio de Janeiro a thousand times from a heap of postcards, pictures, various photographs, but now, when you are inside this frame, inside this postcard, it simply cannot be described in words. Looking at Rio from the top, you understand that such megacities are born from great love - from the love of Rio and the nature that surrounds it. Does it feel like he asked: “Let me be with you”? And she said to him: "Feel at home." This is how this couple looks from above. Okay, it's three hours down now. Fuck, three hours down. The biggest party of the year will take place in Rio today. The final parade of the Brazilian carnival will take place at the Sambadrome stadium. The best samba schools participate in the parade of champions. Tickets for the carnival cost from $ 12, somewhere on the outskirts of the sambodrome, up to $ 1,500 in a VIP box. But for a man with a gold card, sitting in the stands is more trite. The coolest thing is to take part in the carnival yourself! Dress up in a colorful suit, walk along the sambadrome with the lines of dancing people and wave to eighty thousand spectators! This is a once in a lifetime chance! Sambadrome is a seven hundred meters long street. In an hour, carnival platforms will begin their march along it, and tens of thousands of spectators will watch this spectacle from the stands. There are a huge number of people in suits, they sit here for hours and wait on the asphalt, ready to go out and walk through the stadium once and remember this moment forever. The carnival lasts all night. It starts at ten in the evening, when the sun is no longer hot and ends at dawn. People have been waiting for this moment all year, so a few hours under the fence are nothing for them. Do you feel this holiday literally spilled in the air? Here are the participants of the carnival, who in a few moments will start moving. You can watch the preparation. Are you a former carnival queen? I thought so. The guys got together, tuned in, as I taught you, exhaled and walked forward along the Sambadrome without any back thoughts. Come on. We will do it. Are they real? Listen uh. Listen, to be honest, with a suit like that, you have little chance. You are some wrong mime. Even Morgan Freeman came here to be stunned. Isn't it luxurious? If you like this costume - add comments with a plus sign. And if you don't like it - Px. What do you understand about carnival? To agree on participation in the carnival, you need a special person - a carnavalier. To agree on participation in the carnival, you need a special person - a carnavalier. Only he can allow a person from the street like me to participate in the parade. - I welcome you to the parade of champions! Five best samba schools will be held today in sambadrome! - Carnival is so big! Probably a lot of money is spent on organizing such a show? - One school spends about two million reais on the carnival. For costumes, platforms to pay the carnavalier, pay the workers. - How did you dance so much money? - Part of the money from sponsors, part - from the Ministry of Culture. - The most important question that I want to know, I want to be there. Is it possible? - Nuuu ... You, of course, did not rehearse with us all year, this is not according to the rules, but we will think of something. - Hurray, I will participate. - Congratulations! Shock, sensation! I managed to agree! Only $ 350, and I will participate in the Brazilian carnival winners parade! Now I will pass this fence and stop being just a spectator! Now I am part of the carnival! I got through. Finally, my sector is the farthest and cheapest and, frankly, does not attract the most sophisticated audience. But I'll be at the carnival in a few moments. 3-2-1 the path to the dream has begun. A carnival ticket gives you the right to enter the sector, but there are no specific seats. The stands are just stone steps where people sit, eat, drink, kiss, dance and sleep. - Already? Now? - Right now! -Really? - Yes. - Enjoy! - I thought in the building. - Not here! Oh, skirt. Second skirt. Bow. Will not get a head off! How is it? Okay. Fireworks show that schools are ready! The carnival finale begins! Incredible! How is this possible? You know, although they look very positive and joyful on TV, there is a rather tense atmosphere inside, behind the scenes. I wouldn't say everyone is so super friendly and cute. Firstly, everyone is hot, cramped, heavy, the suit is quite heavy. You also need to smile somehow. - If you want a pipi, do they give you a package? I interfered with everyone. Sorry. She's already mad at me for the campaign. - Become in this row. - Good. Can I stand here? - You must go in formation. - Okay, good. The participants of the carnival are not happy with the stray rich guests. They can be understood, they have been rehearsing movements all year and learning to keep in line, and then a person appears who does everything out of place and spoils the overall picture. She's complaining about me! You know, for 5 years in a row I watched this carnival from various TVs, searched for it on the Internet, and now I am inside this picture! Are you even aware of the scale? The school receives the main points from the judges for its platforms. The larger, more complex and colorful they will be, the more chances of winning. Each school chooses the theme for the design of the platform and costumes on its own and to the last is kept secret in order to surprise the competitors and the jury. For example, this one is dedicated to the beloved fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast", this one - to the famous railway "Minas and Rio", thanks to which the growth of the coffee industry began in Brazil. But the topic of slavery is raised especially vividly every year. An entire platform was dedicated to the golden law that abolished slavery in Brazil forever. I saw magical magical creatures, and all animals, and all kinds of costumes from different eras, and all this for $ 20, and what happens next? Further - extras! From three to five thousand people speak for one school. Their task is to dance and cheer up the crowd in colorful costumes. Agree, it's boring to look at a lonely hut, which sadly rolls along the sambadrome? But this is a completely different matter! Each school has its own banner - special standard-bearers dance with it. Their task is to dance with the flag so that it never touches the ground. Separate points are awarded to the school for its queen. The more beautiful, plastic and curvaceous the queen, the higher the score. One school show is eighty minutes long. Points are deducted for every minute of delay. Many of the participants in the carnival perform at the sambadrome for the fifth, and some even for the tenth time. Brazilians are involved with families. It is a great pride for them to perform at the carnival. The camera will not transmit this. What is happening here now and what is happening around me. People seemed to have gone mad and had been waiting for this for a whole year. This is probably one of the best actions I've seen in my life. There are only a few minutes left and we will enter the stadium! Olya Antipova in person will take the sambadrome! Olya, make it good for us and a little ashamed. Beautiful! We are entering already! [carnival music] It's very hard to ride. Sweat is pouring down from you. Smile at the same time. No, the atmosphere here is cool, you want to smile, but it's hard. But no matter how hard it is, going with the carnival participants is much more fun. You are dancing in a stupid costume among feathers, sequins, sequins, and the carnival is cruising around you. Yes, and in the farthest sector at number twelve, you are surrounded by sweaty people, energetic grandfathers and dancing grandmothers. But I noticed one trick - only from this sector can you see how the carnival participants leave the sambodrome and they are removed from the platform by a special crane. Oh, my Olga is 36 in the 17th row. But there are no small roles, there are small actors. Listen, I, of course, am terribly tired, but it's already over. Carnival is eight hours of endless fun and unrestrained dancing. This is not about winners, not about participants and not about special effects - this is about people who give a smile, beauty, give all their energy, to the last drop ... But in return they get much more - the most powerful impressions for a lifetime. - As if a fly took off! - Have a great weekend! - Rio, I love you already! - What do you understand about the carnival? - A photo of a graceful doe. Having visited this miracle for the first time, I will say that the Brazilian carnival is a synthesis of all the arts, it is ballet, and a musical, and theater, and circus art and a complex stunt and technical show, and a performance, and Olya Antipova and this is just amazing. Now I don't know what to dream about, to conquer space or sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Everything, I'm in the direction of dawn and new life. Rio, I love you! During the week of carnival, Rio earns a billion dollars from tourists. Now the sambadrome will be removed and next week they will come here for the rehearsal of the new carnival. And in a year the fairy tale will come to life again. - Hi! - Hi! - How are you? How do you like the carnival? - Listen, amazing. I wanted to thank you so much. - Did you see me? - Of course not. How can I see you in the 13th row. But it was incredible. - Yes, it seems to me that you need to shoot a separate issue about the carnival so that .. - Well, then you can film it yourself. These were “Heads and Tails. Megalopolises. " See you in the next big city! - Until! Anton, do you know what else? I flew a helicopter! - Stop, stop. Can we walk slowly along the Sambadrome? -Come on. It's cool, come on! - To make me feel like a participant too. - Hi! Hello people! I'm here! - Listen, about your helicopters here. - Selfie! - Enough vanity! Your helicopters, yachts, luxury hotels, cars - it's all alien to me.

Rio de Janeiro is probably the most famous and most beautiful city in South America. It is located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean off Guanabara Bay. Rio is famous for its wonderful beaches, hills, mountains, beautiful gardens right in the city and its colonial development of the city center. The Brazilians themselves call it "Amazing City".

Time difference with Moscow - 7 hours.

Currency - Brazilian real (R $). 1 USD \u003d 3.4 R $.

How to get to Rio de Janeiro

It is most convenient to get from Russia to Rio by plane, however, even in this case, there are no direct flights; you will have to dock in Europe or America. If you dock in America, you will have to obtain an American visa.

Airlines such as Emirates, Lufthansa, AlItalia, Air France offer flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ticket prices start at 1000 USD, however, if you follow the promotions, you can save a lot. After a long flight (16 to 30 hours), the plane arrives at Galea International Airport (GIG).

From the airport, you can take a taxi to the center 25-30 R $ (8-10 USD), it is better to take a taxi closer to the airport exit, they are not so ripped off, or take a bus # 2018 or a transkarioka bus.

If you are already somewhere in Brazil or a nearby country, then there is an option to get to Rio de Janeiro by bus... Intercity buses run from all major cities in Brazil to Rio. They all arrive at the Rodoviaria bus terminal in Rio de Janeiro at Av. Francisco Bicalho, 1. For the price they are quite expensive, so if there is an option to fly, then always choose a plane. Domestic airlines TAM, GOL, Azul, Trip, Avianca and Passaredo sometimes offer delicious flight prices.

Weather in Rio

As the locals say, there are 2 seasons in Rio - heat and hell. Summer (from November to March) is pretty cool +22 ... +25 ° С during the day and it rains regularly. November - January (early summer) it rains almost every day. There are very few clear days. For those who come for a week, two is a complete disappointment. In February - March the weather is a little better, but it still rains a lot. In winter (May - September) the air becomes warmer (sometimes up to +40 ... + 45 ° С), but dry. Best of all is the end of summer - the beginning of winter, i.e. April June.

Why does everyone think Rio is a beach paradise? Far from it, the ocean is almost always cold and with big waves. You can hardly swim, often you can't, you just have to surf.

Where to stay in Rio de Janeiro

All housing in Rio is inadequately expensive. In high season (from December to March), the prices are almost doubled. And if you are arriving for the new year or carnival, then many hotels and hostels offer so-called "packages" - ie. five to seven nights minimum, at special inflated rates. 1-room apartments in high season (but not during the carnival) from 80 USD. These are the simplest options when booking for 3-4 months. Very often, apartment owners deceive guests, so it is better to use proven services, for example.

The cost of hotels in good areas close to the beach - from 150 USD, despite the fact that the price does not correlate with the quality at all, so look carefully at the photos and read the reviews when you book.

The cheapest hotels and hostels are best looked for in the following areas: Lapa, Leme, Botafogo, Gloria. These areas are not very dangerous, and the cost of a night here can be 30-40 USD for a double with a shared bathroom, which is quite tolerable. You can book right away on booking sites: either go to pre-marked addresses and see everything with your own eyes.

Where to eat in Rio de Janeiro

There are a lot of places to eat in Rio, but there is one BUT. Food in Rio is as expensive as accommodation, so the cost of main dishes in restaurants in tourist places is from 50 R $ (15 USD), for steaks 60-80 R $ (20-25 USD), cocktails - 25-30 R $ (8-10 USD). Of course, there are cheaper cafes - but these are eateries or cafes for a quick bite. Prices can be even higher near tourist attractions and beaches.

Food in stores is also expensive, sometimes more expensive than in Moscow. There is one Extra supermarket on Copacabana beach, an analogue of our Auchan, there are more adequate prices.

For budget travel, there is only one option, look for cafes-eateries in favelas, fast food in shopping centers or establishments away from the beaten tourist paths. There are also such types of self-service canteens, which are also quite democratic.

Better to buy something local. Classic products for Brazilian cuisine are beans, rice, seafood, fish, all kinds of meat, coconut milk, fruits. And be sure to try the coffee.

Transport in Rio

There is an extensive system of city buses, consisting of two lines and a taxi. I recommend using the metro + taxi link. The only drawback is that the metro essentially runs only in the center, and the city is large, especially the distant beaches and some interesting places, so you have to travel by buses. There are also ferries and railway transport, but the first is more likely not transport, but entertainment, and the second is for those who live in the suburbs, i.e. for locals. ...

There is something to see in Rio. First of all, many people come here to see the famous carnival in Rio. This grand event takes place annually in February (40 days before Easter) and lasts 4 days and 4 nights. During the carnival, life in the city stops, the holiday is celebrated day and night. A lot of tourists come to Rio at this particular time, so collapses with housing, transport, and everything else are provided.

Rio Carnival is not just a procession with dances and songs, but a well-rehearsed theatrical procession of samba schools, in which up to 4,000 people from each school take part. There are several dozen samba schools in the city, numerous representatives of which then participate in the carnival. A special jury of 40 members evaluates each school on several points. the first in the carnival is the school - the winner of the last year.

Dates of the carnival in Rio de Janeiro for the coming years:

In 2019 - March 2-5

In 2020 - February 22-25

Tourists also visit the very famous one located on the Corcovado hill. The statue is made in the form of Christ with his arms outstretched to the sides, who atones for all the sins of this restless city.

You can take a funicular ride to the famous one and from there see a beautiful view of the whole of Rio and beaches... By the way, no less interesting place. In the southern zone of the city, there are such famous beaches as Ipanema, Copacabana, Leblon. On the beaches and throughout Rio, the population is very concerned about their health and fitness. The beaches are full of cyclists, joggers, workout areas and more.

In the southern part of the city you can also visit Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, a little further north you can walk along by visiting Cathedral, Aqueduct, and.

For all its beauty and uniqueness, there are a lot of poor people in Rio as well as throughout Brazil. The contrasts are striking, next to the luxury high-rise buildings can be dirty - slum areas where the poor live. In Rio, over 25% of the population lives in favelas. It is better not to visit these areas on your own, it is better to use the services of a guide. Previously, these were very dangerous areas, where there were a lot of crimes and murders, now the situation is much better, but still the criminal situation in the city is rather tense.

Shopping in Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro has a variety of shopping options to suit every taste and budget.

At Pra? A General Os? Rio (Ipanema district) every Sunday from 07:00 to 19:00 Hippie fair, where you can buy unusual original handmade souvenirs, paintings by local artists, handmade musical instruments, flip flops, towels, swimwear and much more.

Near Rio Uruguaiana metro station passes visit fair "Saara"which occupies 11 streets. Everything from carnival costumes to casual wear can be found here. The prices are very affordable. The fair is open every day from 9.00 to 18.00, except Sundays.

In the Ipanema area, purchases can be made at - Rua Visconde de Piraja and all the lanes around it.

You can bargain in markets, stalls, fairs.

What to bring from Rio

From Rio de Janeiro, they usually bring coffee, cachas (a local alcoholic product), handmade souvenirs, magnets with the symbols of the city (Christ the Redeemer), towels with the flag of Brazil.

Safety in Rio

Due to the dangerous criminal situation in Rio. I would like to say a few words about safety in this wonderful city. Most likely you will not be robbed, but there is a high probability of this. If you follow the general safety rules, then this can be practically avoided, and if this happens, then the losses will be minimal.

Here are some basic safety rules in Rio:

  • In the dark, it is better not to go out at all, and if we really need to, then we move by taxi. We plan all transfers during daylight hours
  • Do not shine on the streets and in public places with money, photo and video equipment. We carry all the photographic equipment in a bag or backpack. We take out the camera, quickly photograph what we need and put the camera in the backpack.
  • Do not wear jewelry and earrings
  • Carry only the necessary amount of money and various items with you, leave the excess at the hotel
  • It is better to wear discreet clothes, and although you can already be seen tourists
  • Avoid entering potentially dangerous areas (usually city center, markets, bus terminals)
  • Try not to go out on Sunday to business centers and the city center (all centers “die out” on Sundays)
  • Drink only bottled water, wash fruits with water
  • Do not stay alone on the beach, usually the beaches are empty after dark (18.00)

Despite all the shortcomings, Rio has a lot of advantages and it will forever remain the city that has become a dream for many. And dreams must come true, come to Rio!

The place given to Rio de Janeiro on the world map is, frankly, a gift of fate. The subequatorial climate with uniform rainfall throughout the year and practically unchanging air temperature creates the conditions of a paradise on the Atlantic coast. Now it is a favorite destination for the discerning tourist and everyone who wishes to enjoy the combination of sun, water, light sand, lush greenery and small rocky mountains.

From the history

"January River" - so translated from Portuguese Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro). It was in January (January 1, 1502) that the Portuguese navigator Gaspar de Lemouche discovered, in his opinion, the mouth of the river. In reality it was guanabara Bay.

Nevertheless, the current name, which became known all over the world as a paradise for relaxation, was still stuck behind the developed place. A little more than 50 years after Lemouche discovered this land (in 1555), it was occupied by the French, but not for long - the Portuguese defended their territory and 10 years later (March 1, 1565) founded the port city of San Sebastian de Rio de Janeiro ... This name of the city was directly related to the name of the Portuguese king San Sebastian I.

The city developed, starting with the Portuguese colonists, from the 16th century, constituting the population of Rio. Gradually, the news of a paradise on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean reached Europe. This led to the fact that in the middle of the 20th century, three quarters of the population of the state of Rio de Janeiro were Europeans. This influx of European emigrants subsequently decreased - Europe made a leap forward in its development. And in Rio, Brazilian northerners - blacks, mulattos - reached out in search of a better life. The not unknown current criminogenic situation in densely populated Rio de Janeiro is due to this spontaneous internal migration.

After the Brazilian city of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city. In 2010, the population of the state was estimated at 16 million people, of which 56% are of European origin, the inhabitants of the city of Rio - over six million people.

In the state of the same name, Rio de Janeiro is the administrative center, which was the capital of Brazil for almost 200 years - until 1960, having ceded this status to the city of Brasilia. Now the city of Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, which was united in 1975 with the state of Guanabara.

What makes Rio de Janeiro attractive

The locals of Rio de Janeiro like to call themselves "carioca" (living in the state - "fluminense"), and their city is semi-officially called "Amazing City". Such a nickname has not yet been refuted, rather the opposite - it is confirmed by every traveler or tourist arriving from anywhere in the world at any of the three Rio airports. At the entrance to Guanabara Bay rises "Sugarloaf" - mountain, which has become the hallmark of the city. Everyone who is in Rio for the first time wants to climb it, especially since it is not difficult to do this - there is a funicular here.

The view of the ocean and the city that opens from the Sugar Loaf and shines with different lights in the evening is a unique spectacle anywhere in the world.

On another mountain - Corcovado - another well-known landmark - gigantic in size statue of Christ the Redeemer, which was erected on the basis of a competition to create a symbol of the nation.

If you get to the statue by car, then immersion in the real jungle within the city is inevitable. This is the Tijuca State Reserve.

A stream of people rushes to the statue. Observation deck at its foot is the best point for exploring the most beautiful city in the world.

A special tram stops 40 meters before the statue, from where you have to climb 200 stairs (or on a lift). There is an opinion that some positive changes are taking place in the lives of those who have visited the foot of the 38-meter statue.

Speaking of Rio de Janeiro, one cannot fail to mention its beaches.

Firstly, because there are many of them here, and secondly, because they are for every taste: for swimming, swimming, for lovers of surfing and sailing, for contemplating the rocky coast, for getting to know the national flavor, for enjoying the sunset. The length of all sandy beaches reaches 90 kilometers. The names of the beaches of Rio de Janeiro all over the world are associated with associations about the best relaxation by the water. Kilometers of sandy coastline bathed in the sun, strewn with many bars, cafes and sports grounds, washed by warm ocean water, is the cocktail that can stop time. The most famous of the beaches - Copacabana.

Since the 19th century, famous Brazilian carnivals and New Year's celebrations on the ocean shore have been held here, attracting up to 100 thousand spectators.

Anyone present will enjoy the combination of music, water and lights in the dark, and sun rays, ocean waters with warm sand of the beach in the daytime.

People come to Rio not only with a tourist purpose or a desire to plunge into the waters of the ocean. Here 22 years ago (in 1992), representatives of many countries of the world, concerned about the state of our planet, discussed issues of preserving the environment and universal development at the UN conference.

International winter games could also be held here. After all, where Rio de Janeiro is located, the ambient temperature will not force athletes to get used to local conditions. It is noteworthy that insignificant fluctuations in air temperature in the city throughout the year cause a slight surprise to residents of other latitudes only that in July it is somewhat cooler than in January.

Landscapes of the most beautiful bay in the world, kilometers-long beaches, picturesque granite cliffs with lush greenery, not only colonial architecture, but also the most modern buildings in their design, exotic plants and animals on the city streets, beautiful girls, bright temperament of residents, and, of course , His Majesty the Ocean is where Rio de Janeiro is.

In addition to a developed industry (there are even diamond processing factories), the city has a large seaport, three railway stations, and airports. The National Library holds two million books, including the rarest ancient manuscripts. Theaters and theater schools, conservatories and museums confirm the high cultural level of the townspeople. And, of course, sports. Another Brazilian religion, according to Brazilians, is football. The Brazilians are busy with it not only at the world's largest football stadium "Maracanã" for 200 thousand people, created in 1960 specifically for the World Cup, but also on every beach, where, along with volleyball and tennis, footvolly is especially popular - a mixture of football and beach volleyball.

The energy of the city attracts anyone who wishes to appreciate the uniqueness of the great Rio. It is not in vain that they say that you can only get to know and appreciate the “showcase of the country”, the “city of wonders” on the ocean coast if you stay here forever.

Interactive map of Rio de Janeiro:


Fast-paced shooting of the beautiful city of Rio:

An interesting video about a trip to Rio de Janeiro from the series "Heads and Tails":

Rio de Janeiro is the second most populous city in Brazil and the sixth in the American continent. It was founded in 1565 by the Portuguese. The population of Rio de Janeiro is estimated at more than 6 million in 2015. In terms of level, the city ranks second in Brazil. Rio is home to oil, mining and telecommunications companies, as well as two of the largest corporations. The largest research center in Brazil is located here. Rio is visited by millions of tourists every year and is known for its magnificent carnivals and sandy beaches. Rio was held here in 2016, becoming the first city in South America to host this sporting event.

Historical features

The people of Rio de Janeiro are proud of the beauty of their city. The architecture combines completely new buildings with buildings that are almost half a thousand years old. The history of the city began with the discovery of the Guanabara Bay by Gaspar de Lemouche. He was a Portuguese navigator. De Lemouche's expedition mistook the Guanabara Bay for the river mouth. The city was named accordingly. Translated from it is translated as "January river". In 1555, the French colony of Anriville was founded on the Serigipe Island. Ten years later, Portuguese troops landed near this place. The area at the foot of the Fortification was called San Sebastian di Rio de Janeiro as the base of the operation. The hostilities lasted two years, but the Portuguese won. This is how the development of the city of Rio de Janeiro began.

In 1763 it became a new impetus for the development of the city was given by the Napoleonic wars. In 1821 the independence of Brazil was proclaimed. During this period, the population of Rio de Janeiro was only 113 thousand people. The city became the capital of the now Brazilian Empire. In 1889, another change took place. Brazil was transformed into a republic. According to the census, the population of Rio de Janeiro in 1890 was already 520 thousand people. In 1920, it exceeded one million. In 1960, Brasilia became the capital of the country. This somewhat slowed down the further development of the city. In 1980, the population of Rio de Janeiro exceeded five million. Now the city is the capital of the state of the same name.


Most often, the city is divided into the following parts:

  • Center. This is the historic heart of the city.
  • South Zone. It is a rich tourist area.
  • Northern Zone. in which representatives of the middle class live.
  • Western Zone. Three more districts are traditionally distinguished here: Santa Cruz, Campo Grande and the newer and richer Barra da Tijuca district.

Central Zone

This area is the historical and financial heart of Brazil. The population in Rio de Janeiro, which lives in it, is 41,142 thousand people. However, the area is predominantly commercial. It is home to modern skyscrapers and historic buildings. Among the attractions of the Center are Paco Imperial, the historical residence of the Portuguese rulers, Brazil, the Calendaria Church, San Jose, Santa Lucia, Our Lady, Santa Rita, San Francisco de Paula and the monasteries of St. Anthony and St. Benedict. The Central Zone of Rio houses the Municipal Theater and the National Library, as well as several museums. The Lapa district is also located here. It is known for its historical sites and nightlife.


This zone is located between the Tijuca mountain range, the Atlantic Ocean and Guanabara Bay. Most of the spa resorts and hotels are located here, such as Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. The Southern Zone contains most of the Tijuca National Park, Sugar Loaf Mountain, and hence the famous cable car, Corvocado Hill, on which the famous It is the richest region of Rio stands. Thousands of tourists from all over the world visit it every year.


This area starts from Grand Tijuca, west of the Center, and extends for many kilometers inland. It used to be famous for one of the world's largest football stadiums, which can accommodate 199 thousand people. The 1950 World Cup final was held here. Now its capacity has been somewhat reduced due to new safety requirements. It was recently renovated. Now it can accommodate 80 thousand people. It hosted the final match of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the opening and closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. The Northern Zone also houses an international airport, Federal and National Universities, the best samba schools in the country. There are about 100 slums in this area. Among the main districts of the Northern Zone are the following:

  • Alto da Boa Vista.
  • Tijuca. The population of Rio de Janeiro, which lives in this district, is 181.810 thousand people.
  • Vila Isabelle. If you look at how many people in Rio de Janeiro live in this district, then it is 189.310 thousand people.
  • Mayer. About 400 thousand people.
  • San Krishtovau. About 85 thousand people.
  • Madureira. About 372 thousand people.
  • Penha. About 186 thousand people.
  • Manguinhoz.
  • Fundao.
  • Olario.


This zone occupies more than half of the city's area. There are many attractions and the highest peak in the Rio, Pico da Pedra Branca (1024 meters). The most famous districts of the Western Zone are: Campo Grande and Santa Cruz. The elite district of Barra da Tijuca is also located in this part of the city.

Santa cruz

This district is developing quite dynamically. If we consider what population in Rio de Janeiro lives here, then it is about 217 thousand people. This is one of the most numerous districts. Both high-income and poor people live here. However, in terms of population density, it is at the bottom of the list, since it occupies a fairly large area. Campo Grande is an industrial area. Huge territories are still empty, so it has great potential for further dynamic development.

Campo Grande

The population of the city of Rio de Janeiro exceeds six million people. More than three hundred thousand of them live in the Campo Grande district, which is located in the Western Zone. It is the most numerous in the city. Today the district is developing dynamically. A huge number of students live here. With regard to industry and commerce, it is in this district that the offices of companies from other regions have often been opened recently.

Barra da Tijuca

The population of this district is growing at the fastest pace. If in 1991 99 thousand people lived here, then in 2010 - already 301. Barra da Tijuca is known for its beaches, lakes, rivers and rich lifestyle. Only 5% of Rio's population lives here. However, they transfer 30% of taxes to the city budget. Barra da Tijuca is considered one of the most developed districts in all of Brazil. It is a cultural, economic and administrative center. Barra da Tijuca is the safest neighborhood in Rio as there are no slums. It is in this district that celebrities and football stars often buy their homes. Many events related to the 2016 Summer Olympics took place in Barra da Tijuca, so foreigners could see its modern beauty with their own eyes.