What must-see attractions in Agios Nikolaos? Open left menu agios nikolaos Saint martyr nicholas new greece.

Wunena- a village in Thessaly, a historical region of northeastern Greece, an hour's drive from the famous Meteora is a small village, next to which is the place where the resting place and martyrdom of Saint Nicholas Newwidely revered in Greece. The temple, in which there is a piece of the relics of the saint (and the head of the martyr is on the island of Andros in the monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker), is surrounded by a grove of deciduous trees, on one of which the monk Martyr passed away as a martyr Nikolay Novy... For centuries, a miracle has been taking place in the grove, similar to which is not found anywhere else on earth. Blood-like moisture, chemically almost identical to human blood, flows abundantly from the trees. According to official research in a chemical laboratory, all components of human blood, except for the group, are present in this liquid. Innumerable miracles and healings occur from the anointing with this wonderful liquid.

St. Nicholas was born in the second half of the 9th century and was from the eastern part of the Byzantine Empire, and also, according to his main biographer came from "the land of Jonah, the heavenly East." From the sources that have survived to this day, we cannot glean absolutely accurate data about the real homeland of the saint. But it is known that the period of the saint's youth is identified with the king of Byzantium Leo VI the Wise (886-912). The Emperor Leo VI had a brother - a co-ruler of the emperor -Alexander (886-913) is a fact noted by the main biographer of Saint Nicholas. In the same period, after the Christianization of Bulgaria in 864, after a long period of peace, Tsar Simeon (893-927) ascended the Bulgarian throne, who plunged the country into a long period of war with the Byzantine Empire. The result of these events was the weakening of the power of the Empire on another front - against the Arabs. The Arab question of that time was becoming very significant, and, according to sources, "was often settled thanks to the foreign policy of the Byzantine Empire." The Arab attacks on Byzantine cities in the vast territories of the eastern Mediterranean and on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula acquire the character of "an acute struggle for dominance in the Mediterranean."

In this atmosphere of war and in such difficult conditions, Nikolai grows and matures. He participates in military events and because of his strength and fortitude, which he displays during all battles, the emperor himself honors him and includes him in all military lists. He also assigns him the title of commander of the legion in order to immediately send Nicholas with his soldiers to repel any enemy attack to one of the most important centers of intersection of the branched networks of military "arteries" of the Byzantine Empire - the city of Larissa, which is located on the geographical territory of the "Greek question".

Enemy attack on Larissa - Saint Nicholas on Mount Ternovo.

Nicholas was a divine man and for this reason he taught his soldiers not so much military science as he taught them respect and love for God. Thus, he tried to combine harmoniously military and spiritual affairs. Meanwhile, military events are ahead of him. The Arabs in their advance to the Greek mainland - after the destruction of the seaside city of Dimitriada in the Gulf of Pagasitikos and the Thessalian villages lying on their way - reach Larissa and perpetrate such a brutal massacre along the way that lamentations and lamentation spread everywhere. Mothers mourn their children, fathers mourn their sons, and all together mourn the many victims of this terror.

Seeing everything that happens, Nikolai realizes the futility, danger and uselessness of military defense inside the city and decides to withdraw the army to the mountainous regions near Larissa, which in the local dialect were called the Ternavos mountains. Perhaps this was the area of \u200b\u200btoday's Tirnavu, as the modern city of Tirnavu is located 16 km north-west of the city of Larissa, at the foot of Mount Melunas, 540 meters high.

In those days, this area was the place of residence of hermits, and was inhabited by monks who longed for solitude and silence, asceticised in fasting, vigil and prayer, in order to please God. An Angel of the Lord appeared before the monks in order to convey to them a notification from the Lord about their impending martyrdom. The angel said: “Forward, soldiers of Christ, prepare for martyrdom. Through this martyrdom you will be rewarded with the Kingdom of Heaven, and your holy heads will be adorned with incorruptible crowns, and you will receive a heavenly reward, because you know that Salvation is given to those who stand to the end in martyrdom. " With these words the Angel prepared them and ascended into Heaven. They, strengthened by divine vision, continued to strive with even greater zeal.

And in this very place, among the true devotees of the faith, an unequal battle took place. A small group of ascetics and associates of Nicholas found themselves face to face with a crowd of wicked Arabs. On the one hand, Nicholas encourages his comrades to show zeal, all their military experience, in order to confront a strong enemy, to fight against the invaders of the Gentiles, but at the same time to resist the tempting devil. Nicholas calls on them to show that they are faithful servants of Christ, the true God, and not to serve their mortal bodies. He urges them to participate in the righteous battle for the confession of faith, without self-pity. Only there will they be able to feel themselves chosen by the Lord.

On the other hand, they are opposed by a well-trained strong Arab army. And how fiercely Nikolai's team opposes and is fighting for their holy faith, so fiercely is their enemy attacking. And now the army of Nicholas faces the enemy and wins due to their great military experience, feeling the strongest support of God, and the Arabs begin to lose the battle.

At the end of the battle, however, the enemy aggression intensifies. Having formed a powerful ring, the Arab army manages to surround the confessors of the faith. Many were taken prisoner, severely tortured and beaten. Some are cut with iron hooks, others are pierced with arrows and spears, tortured, crushed alive by catapults, others are tied to torture wheels, their heads are slowly cut off, and iron rods are pierced through and through. And they invent new tortures. They are nailed to the trees with spears, hung by the legs from the branches. But no amount of torment can harm the martyrs. These people are subjected to the most severe torture, but it seems that their bodies do not belong to them. As if these were not their wounded, tortured bodies. The torturers continue to torture them, and the martyrs have unbending faith and trust in the Lord. And seeing these miracles of fortitude, tyrants become even more furious. In the end, they put the martyrs to death. But the wicked do not know that after a martyr's death the ascetics of the faith will ascend to God, whom they so longed for. Death for them is not death, but immortality. Having received crowns of martyrdom, they received a heavenly reward, defeated the power of demons and trampled on the lord of darkness.

The names of these martyrs, comrades of Saint Nicholas, are known to our Church. There were twelve of them, their bright names according to the calendar: Armodios, Grigorios, Ioannis, Dimitrios, Michael, Akindinos, Theodoros, Pankratios, Khristoforos, Pandoleon, Evodios and Emilianos. Together with them, two women are commemorated, who also accepted martyrdom with them - Irina and Pelageya, who, most likely, were from among civilians who tried to flee from Larissa to the north to this mountainous region for fear of the infidel invaders.

Saint Nicholas on the Vunenskaya Upland.

While the army of Nicholas was defeated by the enemy army, as a result of which all the soldiers suffered martyrdom on the battlefield, only Nicholas himself was able to get out of the enemy cordon because of his great physical strength, fearlessness, military wisdom and incredible courage. "Like a bird flying in the air," - this is how his main biographer describes, "having gathered all his strength, he goes to the Vunenskie hills."

Nicholas is trying to find refuge there - not so much a warrior of the Byzantine state, as a warrior of the army of Christ. The Wuneny area fully meets the needs of the saint. The place he found is in a dense forest, where, behind one tall oak tree, the entrance to a cave is hidden, which he uses as a quiet refuge for living. His requests are very simple. He follows his past lifestyle and strives in joy, peace and goodness. He is not interested in worldly goods. Nicholas desires higher spiritual joys, he feels spiritual hunger and longs for another, immaterial, food. The food that nourishes his soul and that only Christ and the Church can offer.

Capture and murder of St. Nicholas.

The wicked one, in his hatred, cannot survive that Saint Nicholas remained alone. The thirst for war also haunts the Arabs. They comb the whole area, all villages, cities and towns, all hills and mountains, all forests and plains, central and remote villages, inhabited and uninhabited. Wherever they go, they look for Christians to give them up to cruel and sophisticated torture, and then violent death.

Nikolai was also captured. He was not at all frightened in the face of a formidable enemy. He boldly declares that he will not renounce the Faith. “I will not change my Faith,” he tells them, “My faith is in Christ and in the Holy Church, I will remain a Christian, I believe in the One Living God and I will remain faithful to God until my last breath”. This statement, spoken with boldness, caused great uproar and intense anger in the ranks of the Arabs. At first, they try, with the help of various admonitions and flattery, to force Nicholas to renounce his faith, but, seeing that this tactic of theirs will not bring results, they begin to act differently. Deciding to betray him to torture and death, they take Nikolai's spear and begin to pierce his body with his own spear. The saint continues to stand firmly in the faith. Nicholas dies of torture in torment, but in order to receive Eternal Life as a reward. Now he goes to the Lord Jesus Christ, whom he loved so much throughout his human life, having received numerous blows with his spear with his body, calling on the name of the Lord - his Master.

After the murder of Nicholas, the body of the saint remains in the Vuneny area. The tall oak, which is located at the place of execution, grows and grows in width miraculously in order to hide in its womb, in one of the recesses, the relics of the saint, in order to protect and keep them safe and sound.

These facts of martyrdom, as well as miraculous events, become known at the beginning of the X century, and from 901 or 902. May 9 becomes the day when our holy Church honors the memory of St. Nicholas.

The end of enemy attacks is the acquisition of the relics of the saints.

Finally, the long wars with the Arabs are over and vast areas of Thessaly are regaining their long-awaited calm. Then the bishop of this long-suffering region, Metropolitan Larissa Philip, is rewarded with a divine vision, which was extremely clear - to gain the relics of the holy martyrs on Mount Ternovo as soon as possible. And indeed, the Metropolitan urgently goes there and with great care obtains and collects all the relics of the saints who fought on Mount Ternovo and carries out their solemn transfer to the city of Larissa. Thus, the inhabitants of the Thessalian plain, exhausted by enemy invasions, acquire holy relics, thanks to which they receive healing from bodily diseases, deliverance from demons, protection and salvation from adversity.

The miraculous acquisition of the holy relics.

Years after these events, the relics of St. Nicholas still remain reliably hidden in the hollow of a strong oak tree. But the moment comes when the merciful Lord allows you to gain the relics of a saint, and in the most miraculous way.

Let's move to Thessaloniki shortly before the middle of the X century, where Duke Efimianos rules. The title of duke in those days meant enormous military and political power. Efimianos, together with Oration, who belonged to the class of senators, and had a high honorary title, enjoyed human respect and honor, which often turned into flattery. The duke himself, deep in his soul, was delighted and joyfully accepted the helpfulness of his entourage. But the just eye of the Lord sees everything in its true light, not the way people see, and the Lord had his own providence, pursuing two goals: to save a person from the trap of arrogance, and also to reveal and glorify the well-hidden relics of St. Nicholas. And now Efimianos falls ill with one of the most serious diseases of those times - leprosy (leprosy). Efimianos - a ruler in a blaze of glory - now looks pitiful and upset. The one who was so arrogant recently now looks humble, the one who looked courageous has become fearful and cowardly, the one who possessed such strength has become so weak, the one who once bathed in flattery now causes pity and sorrow. Many considered him already a living corpse and they wanted to cry, looking at him. He was a sad sight, his suffering aroused pity in many.

The Duke turned to the best doctors and healers in the hope of being healed, but to no avail. Instead of the much-desired healing, his condition only worsened. In a frenzy, he looks for ways to heal, but as a result he only makes himself worse. Then he finally realizes that he needs a completely different treatment. He surrenders himself into the hands of the saints of the Church and radically changes his life. He gives money, helps the poor, protects widows, provides basic necessities for orphans, visits the sick, reduces taxes, and does whatever he can to show that he now loved the Lord more than himself, and thus asks for God's mercy.

Once in Thessaloniki, the duke worships the great saint and protector of the city, Saint Demetrius of Thessaloniki. Saint Demetrius, from the first years after his martyrdom and until the beginning of the 4th century, was also known for his myrrh-flowing - many sick people are healed from myrrh flowing from his tomb. And Efimianos goes to this saint. He had heard a lot about his miracles, numerous healings from any disease. And Efimianos fell in supplication to the tomb of the saint. But healing does not take place, there is no Will of God for that yet, since the Lord has prepared to reveal to him the truth about the relics of St. Nicholas.

But Efimianos does not despair. He leaves Thessaloniki and goes to Larissa to venerate the relics of Saint Achilles. He arrives in this Thessalian city and kneels at the tomb of blessed Achilles. He fervently prays to him with faith, begs for healing, and remains for a while in Larissa with great hope of getting rid of the disease. And then Efimianos sees a divine vision. He sees in reality the Triune Lord, who gives him precise instructions: “Go to the Vunenskie Hills as quickly as possible, explore the area with great care, and in a dense thicket you will find one tall oak, and opposite the oak - a clean spring. Inside the oak you will find the body of a hero and martyr for the Lord - Nicholas. After you clear this place, build a temple there in honor of the martyr, and when you wash three times in the spring, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, you will immediately be healed. "

Miracle of St. Nicholas in Vunena.

The faithful Efimianos immediately went to Mount Vunenskaya, and with great care and caution explored the forest in order to find the treasure - the holy relics. He also found a pure spring opposite an oak tree. His joy was great, his soul sang. And he found the relics of the holy martyr, which were inside the oak. The fragrance from the holy relics spread everywhere. Everything that was around this oak was consecrated - the neighboring pine, cypress, oak.

Efimianos bowed with great respect over the relics of the saint. The relics are absolutely intact. The Duke embraces them, kisses them, and sheds tears of joy, while glorifying the merciful God. Expresses gratitude to the True God, who heals and drives away any disease, gives true life and frees a believer from any unbearable sorrow. He himself sees his exhausted and unhappy body and wants it to be cleansed and for everyone to know about this healing. And also, as he wants it to become known about the healing of his corruptible body, without further thought, Efimianos decides to tell the whole world about the sanctity of his future doctor, Saint Nicholas.

In fact, the believer Efimianos wants to embody in reality what was revealed to him in his spiritual vision. He immediately took up the most important work - the construction of a church on the site of the discovery of the holy relics. Using all his strength and capabilities, he erects a temple in honor of his saint. Of course, nothing can compare with the greatness of the holy martyr, but because of the great love, great care and constant participation of Efimianos in this construction, the temple built by the duke conveys all the greatness of the feat and holiness of the martyr Nicholas, and also becomes a symbol of the Christian faith. The built temple rises majestically in the middle of Thessaly, and everyone who visits it in those years venerates the relics of St. Nicholas. The duke transferred and installed in the very center of the temple the holy relics of the martyr in order to show in every possible way great reverence and gratitude in the face of his saint. At the end of all these works, the faithful Efimianos awaits his healing. His longing for a much-desired healing is no longer an obstacle to his great faith. He continues to humbly believe that the saint will heal him. One evening he sees in a dream how the saint himself appears to him and instructs him to go the next day to the source and wash in the source with prayer to the Triune God, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in order to be healed at last. So that in this way he finally found the long-awaited cure for the disease.

Efimianos wakes up in the evening after this dream. Struck by what he saw, and also having unbending faith in the Triune God, the only and true God, he describes this dream to his friends. He conveys his shock through the intercession of the saints who heal and work miracles in the name of the Holy Trinity. He is very impatient, wants to immediately go to the source and do what was ordered in a dream. Friends travel with him, sharing the Duke's impatience and also wishing him a speedy recovery. All night long they get ready for the road, without going to bed, and wait for dawn so that they can all go to the source together. As soon as the sun rises, the friends of Efimianos approach the forest with a clean spring with lighted censers. With them are also the bishops who surround Efimianos, take off his clothes and wash him with clean water from the spring, which they dredged in advance. Three times they wash him, at the same time invoking the Triune God: in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And a miracle happens. Suddenly, scabs begin to crumble from Efimianos' body, his skin becomes clean again from toenails to the crown of his head. He becomes healthy, joyful and radiant. As if there were none of these wounds, scabs and damage that the disease caused. The Duke cannot find words to thank God. What can he say about an incredible miracle, a miracle that is worthy of veneration and sacred fear, which happened by the providence of God? Efimianos expresses as best he can his endless gratitude. And together with him and all the people of God, who was a witness to the great miracle. All together they honor and glorify Saint Nicholas, who in Wuneni gave health to the duke, who returns to his home healthy and unharmed.

The spread of the veneration of St. Nicholas in Greece and in other Orthodox countries.

The veneration of Saint Nicholas of Vunensky was not limited only to the area where he received martyrdom, and where the first church was erected in his honor. Throughout Greece, Christian believers can worship the saint in parish churches, monasteries, churches and chapels built in honor of St. Nicholas of Vunensky.

We can find over 20 parish churches throughout Greece from one end of Greece to the other. Starting from Thessaly, where there are 8 temples, 9 temples in central mainland Greece, 4 in the Peloponnese and 1 in Attica.

Ten active monasteries and several destroyed ones speak of the veneration of the saint throughout the Greek territory. Five of them are in central mainland Greece, four in the Peloponnese and one on the island of Andros.

There are two places where the holy relics are located. The first is near the village of Vuneni, belonging to the diocese of Thessalitidos and Phanariopharsalon, where the saint's tomb, a spring and an ancient oak tree, under which the saint's relics were kept for so many years, is located. The second is located near Almiros, belonging to the diocese of Dimitriada and Almir.

The number of churches, chapels, and private churches in honor of St. Nicholas is over seventy. There are more than 10 temples in Thessaly, about 30 in central mainland Greece, about 30 in the Peloponnese, and one on the Ionian island of Ithaca.

Notable is the foundation in the 17th century of a monastery in honor of St. Nicholas in north-central Bulgaria, in Tarnovo, in the diocese of the same name.

Of particular note are the frescoes and portable icons that Christian believers can see in the monasteries of St. Athos and Meteor, in the churches of Kastoria and Viotia, as well as to the south of these places. But even outside Greece, those whom the Lord will grant to visit St. George in StaroNagoričino near Kumanovo (the former Republic of Yugoslavia, Macedonia region) - there you can see the historical temple of St. Nicholas New at the beginning of the XIV century.

Many miracles were performed by the holy saint of God, the Monk Martyr Nicholas, but also many others worthy of narration. After the healed ruler announced the miracle everywhere, word spread not only throughout the East, but also reached the West. And people with ailments flocked from different places, and immediately received healing according to the faith that each of them had for God, and according to the reverence that he had for the martyr.

And the saint not only performed miracles then, but now he does great deeds for those who believe in Christ with all their hearts and ardently revere the holy martyr and God-pleasingly celebrates his memory with hymns and psalms, tenderly and humbly.

It must be said here that on the island called Andros, there is a monastery of St. Nicholas of Mirliki. In this venerable monastery, as a kind of valuable treasure, is kept the miraculous and grace-sharpening head of the Monk Martyr Nicholas the New, whom the monastery fathers repeatedly brought to Constantinople, since there, in Vlakh-Sarai, there was a courtyard of the mentioned monastery. And wherever they brought relics for worship, countless miracles were performed everywhere.

The grove of St. Nicholas exists to this day. In the grove there are the remains of a tree, from which, according to legend, the saint was tortured. Every year, on the day of commemoration of his martyrdom (May 9), divine services are held in the church, thousands of believers come to the holiday. And only once a year, from all the trees of the grove - from the leaves, trunks, blood-like moisture flows down. Believers carefully collect it in bottles and use it with faith in the healing of bodily and mental ailments. St. Nicholas Martyr especially heals oncological skin diseases. But there is one tree in the grove that “bleeds” constantly. Believers many years ago noticed that red drops were flowing from the trunk of a tree.

Then a hole was made in the tree, into which the believers, with prayer and trust in the Lord, insert a tube, and if the will of the saint, a liquid flows from the tube, which is usually collected for seriously ill people. By the grace of God, this happens very often.

Tatiana Solomatina

Paradise resort of Agios Nikolaos in Crete

Hello dear readers!

One of the most popular resorts in Greece has long been the picturesque corner of Agios Nikolaos (Crete). Its history began with the tragic events that forced the Greeks to flee from the Ottoman invaders. And so the city was founded, seized in those distant days by fear. Over the centuries, it has become the Cretan capital of joy and fun!

In the article I will tell you how to get to the resort, its features, infrastructure, beaches and attractions. Perhaps this is where you want to spend your vacation.

You can get to Agios Nikolaos from Heraklion, where most of the Russian tourists arrive. It takes an hour or an hour and a half to get from the largest island airport. Along the way, you will admire the picturesque mountains with monasteries nestled on the peaks and vast olive plantations. Transfer from Chania airport will take much longer. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to choose a flight, then it is better to focus on the first option.

Agios Nikolaos - infrastructure

Agios Nikolaos would never have become a popular resort if there were not many hotels here. On the coast, there are both luxurious fives and more modest threes and fours. They are all comfortable and cozy. Most of the buildings are in a typical Greek style, which means a low-rise building with a predominance of blue and white colors in the decoration of the facades and rooms.

There are many all-inclusive hotels in Agios Nikolaos. Animation is present almost everywhere. There are more and more Russian-speaking animators, since the demand for tours to this city among travelers from Russia is very high.

Most of the local hotels cannot boast of such huge territories as Turkish or Egyptian hotels, but this is not necessary here. Walking around the city is very pleasant and completely safe; it makes no sense to sit on the territory. Even the smallest hostels will delight you with the level of service. Greece is Europe, that is, literally everything is provided here, even in triplets it is difficult to "run into" something terrible.

Lovers of active recreation are very attracted to Crete. Agios Nikolaos is famous for its nightlife. If during the day it is quite quiet here, then in the evenings numerous cafes, restaurants and clubs begin to work. Tourists of all ages will be able to find leisure activities in this resort to their taste and wallet. Institutions menu offers traditional salads and seafood dishes. There is no doubt that they will all be pretty flavored with the olive oil produced in these places.

There are many shops along the central pedestrian streets of the resort. They offer to buy both souvenirs and useful, sometimes even very valuable things. There are brand boutiques and tiny shops where they sell exclusively magnets, key chains and simple jewelry. Local sellers won't chase you across the street to get you to buy a product. Bargaining is not appropriate here, all prices are fixed and indicated in advance.

Agios Nikolaos - city beaches

The entire coast of Greece is considered state property, so hotels cannot boast of private beaches. But there are exceptions to any rule. Some hotels in Agios Nikolaos, mostly five, have such a good location that no one will specially get to their beaches. They are located near the slopes of rocks or in small coves, and not in the city center, where tourists and locals spend their leisure time. This circumstance can be either a plus for those who love silence and solitude, or a minus for party-goers.

The beaches in the resort are obligatory equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. But for the pleasure you have to pay separately. Showers and toilets are everywhere. Most of the large beach areas have small playgrounds with swings, sandpits, and other children's pleasures.

Near the sea you can find tennis courts, volleyball nets and ping-pong tables. Water sports are widely represented in Crete. Agios Nikolaos is one of the best diving spots in Greece. Quite a lot of fish species are found in its vicinity, which tourists who do not want to dive with scuba diving can see by taking a ride on a seven-submarine, which sailed from the city port several times a day.

Agios Nikolaos travel guide

The main attraction of the town is Lake Voulismeni, which has a volcanic origin. In this regard, it is very deep, especially given the small diameter. The reservoir is located right in the city center. On one side of it there is a picturesque rock, and on the other three, the natural landmark is surrounded by cafes, restaurants and clubs.

There are numerous boats along the water's edge. The view is romantic, especially at night. There is only one "but" that makes parents of young children tense up. Entry into the "bottomless" reservoir is not limited by anything, and the embankment pavement is an inclined surface. As a result, babies will have to be watched very carefully!

Having chosen Agios Nikolaos for rest in Crete, you should definitely visit another local attraction - the Archaeological Museum, which is considered the second largest on the island. Here you can see antique jewelry, vases and bowls. The most unique exhibit is a real skull with a gold coin in its mouth and a laurel wreath on top of its head.

Of course, every tourist who finds himself in these parts should see the numerous pedestrian districts in the center, walk along the streets of Joseph Kundouros and March 25, reach the pier where charming yachts with snow-white sails are parked, visit the port, from where it is really possible to go on a boat trip.

From year to year, tourists increasingly travel to Crete. Agios Nikolaos can be safely called the ideal resort located on the island. People who decide to spend their holidays in this picturesque corner of beautiful Greece will never forget the positive and friendly atmosphere with which guests from all over the world are welcomed here!

Recently I reviewed several hotels, perhaps this information will interest you: Rhodes - and, Kassandra -. I wrote about the beaches of Corfu.

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On this I say goodbye.

Tatiana Solomatina

Agios Nikolaos is located in Greece on the island of Crete. This Greek city is the capital of Lassithi. It is washed by the waters of Mirabello - the Gulf of the Aegean Sea.

Location of Agios Nikolaos on map Crete.

Crete Nicholas a short history

Agios Nikolaos arose on the site of 2 settlements - Lato and Kritsa in the 3rd century. BC. The resort got its current name in the 9th century, when the church of St. Nicholas was built there.

In the 12th century, the city began to "fade". Its revival began in the 18th century, and from the 60s of the 20th century, the resort of St. Nicholas Greece began to actively develop as a popular tourist destination.

Agios Nikolaos on Crete map

Today in Agios Nikolaos you can stay in apartments or hotels with different numbers of stars awarded to them.

Agios Nikolaos climate

Due to its location between the mountains, Agios Nikolaos is protected from the north winds.

The climate in Agios Nikolaos on Crete is Mediterranean: the weather in this place is always warm. Even on winter nights, the thermometer does not drop below + 10 ° C.

On a note! Increased cloudiness and rainy season begins in December.

The hottest month is August: the average air temperature this month is + 30 ° C, and the water temperature is + 26 ° C.

Note! The ideal time to visit the resort is considered May-June - late September-early October.

How to get there?

It is easier to get to Agios Nikolaos from Heraklion airport (60 km between them). The journey by car / taxi will take about an hour (the trip will cost 68 euros *), and by the KTEL bus - 1.5-2 hours (the fare is 7.70 euros).

Agios Nikolaos Crete attractions

Agios Nikolaus in Greece is famous for the following attractions:

  • Church of St. Nicholas (8th century construction): its location is a small hill in the north of the city. Visitors to the church will be able to admire ancient icons and frescoes dating from the 14th century;
  • Panagias Keras Church: The 3-nave church, which can be visited daily, except Mondays, from 9 am to 2 pm, is decorated with Byzantine frescoes. Entrance fee - 2 euros;
  • Archaeological Museum: the main exhibits housed in 8 rooms of the museum are finds from all over East Crete.

Note! Anyone who decides to include a visit to the Archaeological Museum in their vacation itinerary will see a large collection of coins.

Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday from 8:30 to 19:30 (in winter - until 15:00).

Entrance fee - 4 euros. *

  • Ethnographic Museum: there you can see embroidery, textiles, old photographs, pictures, costumes, a model of a traditional Cretan house. Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 2 pm. Entrance - 3 euros. *
  • Lake Voulismeni: the depth of this freshwater lake is 64 m. According to the ancient Greek myth, the goddess Athena bathed in Lake Voulismeni. Today the lake is of interest to tourists due to the walking areas, boat docks, and numerous cafes located along its shores. And also the places around the lake - points for creating beautiful photographs;
  • Kunduru Embankment: There are cafes and shops on the embankment, which stretches for several hundred meters.

Lake Voulismeni

Note! From the Kunduru embankment, everyone will be able to admire the beautiful panorama of the Mirabello Bay.

Agios Nikolaos beaches

Tourists will be able to relax on the following beaches of Saint Nicholas in Crete:

  • Municipal Beach Kitroplatia (550 m): is a sandy and pebble beach with a gentle entry into the water, equipped with umbrellas, sun loungers, a cafe, showers, a rescue point;
  • Ammos Beach (400 m): on this beach you will be able to rent the necessary equipment for diving, as well as go on a jet ski, banana boat, water ski;
  • Almyros Beach (2.2 km): This beach is famous for its shallow sandy shore, so it is ideal for children. From the sun on Almyros Beach, you will be able to hide in the shade of eucalyptus trees or beach umbrellas, and to satisfy your hunger - in eateries;
  • Ammoudi Beach (1.2 km): is a small sandy beach with a gentle entry into the water, where water sports enthusiasts rush. Ammoudi Beach is equipped with umbrellas, changing rooms, a lifeguard tower, sun loungers, a cafe;
  • Havania Beach (3.2 km): This place is mainly aimed at snorkeling, diving and other water sports enthusiasts. There are quite a few people here. The water is clean. There are no strong waves as Havania Beach is located in a small bay.

Ammoudi Beach

Note! The pebbly Havania Beach is well equipped: there are sun loungers, umbrellas, lifeguards, food outlets, a toilet, a shower, a dressing room, and parking. It should be noted that the rental of a set of beach equipment (umbrella + 2 sun loungers) will cost 7 euros / day.


The city of Saint Nicholas in Crete can delight shopaholics with a variety of shops. Their main locations are the city center and the Embankment area. In local retail outlets, it will be possible to acquire leather and fur products, jewelry, clothing of international brands, clay crafts, national embroidery, reduced copies of exhibits from Cretan museums, and old books.

One of the showcases at Art on Olive Wood

Note!For original jewelry and jewelry, it is advisable to head to DES Handmade Jewelry by Despina Kornelaki, for all kinds of souvenirs - in Creta Natura, and for exclusive handmade products - at Art on Olive Wood.

  • Visit the Pelagos restaurant: there you will be able to enjoy delicious seafood dishes;
  • Visit the Melissa Traditional Products store to purchase locally produced natural cosmetics;
  • Wander around the Sunday market, which is a kind of huge second-hand.

It is best to go on a tour to Agios Nikolaos in the summer, when the ideal weather conditions for swimming are created there. And besides, during this period, the resort becomes a venue for various festivals and celebrations.

People go to Agios Nikolaos for different purposes: there is something to do for beach goers, shopaholics, lovers of excursions, water and night entertainment.

* Prices are valid for summer 2018

Among the many popular sights of Crete, Agios Nikolaos deserves a separate mention - a small, cozy and very colorful town in the eastern part of the island, loved by tourists from all over the world, thanks to its beautiful views and the amazing atmosphere of a real Mediterranean resort.

The name of the city reflects the name of its patron Saint Nicholas - the protector of sailors and all Greece.

In this former fishing village, fresh and salt water of two bodies of water merge - Lake Voulismeni and the sea bay with the beautiful Italian name Mirabello.

History and legends of the Greek pearl of Agios Nikolaos

In this city of Crete, not only two reservoirs are connected, its entire history serves as a symbol of unification - first, two Greek villages Lato Pros Camara and Lato Getera in the distant III century, and then two cultures - Greek and Italian.

After all, it was the Byzantines who laid the foundation for the rapid development of Agios Nikolaos, having built their strategic fortress here in 1206 and gave the city its current name.

The fortress was later destroyed by Turkish conquerors and earthquakes, but the town continued to grow and flourish, becoming a favorite holiday destination in Crete.

Many legends and myths of Ancient Greece are associated with the island of Crete, and it is the area in the region of Agios Nikolaos that is most interesting for keen tourists, since every stone here breathes mythology.

It is worth mentioning at least the Lassithi plateau located near the city, where you can still visit the cave in which, according to legend, the supreme ancient Greek God Zeus was born.

And in the crystal clear waters of Lake Voulismeni, the Goddess of the Hunt Artemis and the formidable Athena loved to take a bath.

How to get to Agios Nikolaos

You can get to Crete in two ways - by plane or by ferry.

In any case, you will most likely find yourself in the capital city of Heraklion, which has a major international airport and a major seaport.

Agios Nikolaos is only about 60 km from here, it will take a little over an hour to get there.

You can get there by a regular bus that leaves from the Heraklion bus station located very close to the port, and also makes a stop at the Nikos Kazantzakis airport.

Buses in Crete are comfortable and air-conditioned, they run on schedule and quite often, but on the way they call in all small villages and towns.

On the one hand, such a road can be a little tiring, but it will provide an excellent opportunity to see the northeastern coast of Crete and even get acquainted with its serpentines.

Often rental offices do not even require any guarantees or additional insurance - after all, you are on the island, where will you go from it?

Traveling by car, you can not only quickly get to Agios Nikolaos, but also drive all over Crete from east to west and back. After all, the main roads here are in very good condition and you should only be afraid of winding mountain serpentines and hot Greek drivers flying through turns at maximum speed.

You can rent a car right at the airport in large network rental companies or pay attention to small local rent-a-car, significantly saving on rental costs.

On the way from Heraklion to Agios Nikolaos, you will have the opportunity to see such nice famous tourist towns as Malia and Hersonissos, as well as stop by a picturesque village in the mountains with the Italian name of Neapoli.

What to see in Agios Nikolaos: main attractions

    Panorama of the city and the Mirabello bay

    Coming to Agios Nikolaos along the main road from Heraklion, you find yourself in the upper part of the city, located on high hills.

    These are residential areas with small, standard for Greece, cubes of private cottages. Here you will not see tourist attractions, but you can fully immerse yourself in the local flavor by taking a short walk from the bus station to the old city.

    It is also worth leaving a rented car in the parking lot, because driving along the narrow and steep descents and ascents of Agios Nikolaos, and, even more so, parking close to the walls of houses at an angle of 45 degrees will be an unforgettable experience for an untrained driver.

    There is another reason why it is worth approaching the old town on foot - it is a colorful panorama, familiar from many postcards from Crete, which can be seen from the observation deck from a high point of the city.

    A picturesque lake with many colorful fishing boats, surrounded by traditional Greek houses with bright window frames and roofs, and on the horizon, as far as the eye can see, the endless seascape of the Mirabello Bay, even the name of which translates as "beautiful view".

    This amazing picture will remain in your photos, reminding you of the extraordinary old town on the Cretan coast.

    Lake Voulismeni

    This freshwater lake with water of amazing bright blue color is a real landmark of Agios Nikolaos and the whole island of Crete.

    It is believed that it is of volcanic origin and was formed as a result of subsidence of the bottom of the crater to a great depth. Almost perfectly round in shape, it is surrounded by high cliffs on one side and pretty colorful fishing houses on the other. The lake was once considered bottomless and, according to legend, served as a font for the Greek goddesses.

    Now the lake is connected to the sea by a narrow channel, so the water in it mixes, remaining fresh only at a very great depth, where the bottom of the lake forms a kind of funnel.

    A picturesque bridge has been thrown across the canal, and there are many cozy Greek taverns scattered around Lake Voulismeni, where you can taste excellent dishes of authentic Greek cuisine while enjoying the beautiful view.

    Moreover, taverns buy fresh fish and seafood right before your eyes from fishing boats mooring to the shores of the lake.

    Promenade and marina

    From the sea side, the embankment of the town is no less interesting.

    A well-maintained promenade has been built here, where it is so pleasant to walk to the cry of seagulls and sit under the shade of tropical trees on a hot day, enjoying the smell of many flowers.

    Popular restaurants with traditional Greek and European cuisine and cozy terraces overlooking the sea and the port are also located on the waterfront.

    The marina of Agios Nikolaos is also a stand-alone attraction, as it is home to both the latest luxury yachts and fishing boats whose age is simply unimaginable.

    It is always interesting to watch how fishermen from arriving ships throw small fish into the sea, gathering around them whole flocks of greedy crying gulls.

    Church of St. Nicholas

    A tiny church is dedicated to the patron saint of the city, St. Nicholas in Agios Nikolaos, which can be found in the upper part of the city, in the main square, named after the Greek politician Eleftherios Venizelos.

    But don't be fooled by its unremarkable appearance - this particular church was one of the most important in Crete, and it was in her honor that the whole city was named.

    In addition, according to historians, this church, built in the 8th century, is one of the best preserved churches of the Byzantine period and serves as a worthy example of ancient architecture. Over the years, it has not been rebuilt or altered, but inside there are frescoes dating from the 8th, 9th and 10th centuries.

    The painting of the church was partially renewed in 1980, but the painters strictly adhered to the Byzantine style and preserved its originality.

    Archaeological Museum

    For tourists keen on ancient Greek culture and history, be sure to visit the Archaeological Museum of Agios Nikolaos, which contains unique exhibits from all over eastern Crete. The collection is presented in 6 rooms and contains over 6 thousand exhibits.

    Beaches in and around town

    In the town of Agios Nikolaos itself, there are beaches, but they are not of particular interest, since on them you will not be able to see the combination of sky-blue water and white sea sand or pebbles, famous for Greece.

    Although in order to quickly swim or, for example, to do water sports, these beaches are suitable.

    In the very center of the city, away from the embankment, the cozy Kitroplatya beach is hidden, and a little further there are the comfortable city beaches of Amoudi and Ammos.

    However, if you want to appreciate the quality of the Greek beaches, having visited the best of them, awarded the Blue Flag, go to the vicinity of Agios Nikolaos.

    Just 2 km from the city, there are the famous beaches with crystal water - Almiros and Havanya, and a little further in the village of Ammoudara - a small beach of the same name of incredible beauty.

    Most Popular Agios Nikolaos Hotels

    The central coastal part of the city resembles an old fishing village with characteristic low, unpretentious houses, so you will not find fashionable hotel complexes here.

    However, if you still want to stay in the old town and experience its unique romantic atmosphere, small cozy guesthouses or 3-star hotels are at your disposal.

    For example, such as Pergola hotel, Mantraki Hotel Apartments, Palazzo apart-hotel. Most often, these small hotels are run by local families, so you will find yourself in a homely atmosphere of comfort and care.

    For the discerning tourist, Agios Nikolaos also has a lot to offer. Just a couple of kilometers from the city center, or further away if you are looking for peace and tranquility, you can find stunning luxury, full-service luxury hotels, the most popular of which are:

  • St. Nikolas Bay Resort and Villas- a luxurious luxury complex 1.5 km from the city center, with a private beach, 6 swimming pools and a huge range of spa services and thalassotherapy.

  • Iberostar Mirabello beach hotel & villas - a large hotel complex popular among Russian tourists with the entire range of services and entertainment and excellent 5-star service.

  • Blue Marine Resort and Spa Hotel- a cozy spa hotel on the beach of Ammoudara, 6 km from Agios Nikolaos, offering a magical view of the Mirabello Bay, luxury accommodation and an excellent spa complex.

In addition, in the immediate vicinity of the city you can also stay in good 4-star hotels, among which, for example, Iberostar Hermes, Miramare, Faedra beach other.

Agios Nikolaos town located 2 kilometers from the hotel Mirabello Beach & Village 5.Previously, the city was called Mandraki. The day after arriving at the island of Crete we went to this beautiful town. Our path lay along the embankment mirabello Bay... The unusually beautiful landscapes were pleasing to the eye. All along the embankment there are shops, taverns, going into which you will surely be persuaded to buy something.

Tavern where you can eat fresh fish

Ficuses grow on the waterfront

Many flowers of unusual beauty grow in the streets of Agios Nikolaos.

All sellers more or less speak Russian. It turns out that many of them attend Russian language courses in winter.

The main attraction is lake Voulismenilocated in the city center. In many myths, this lake is mentioned because they allegedly bathed in it. two goddesses Athena and Artemis.

The myths say that the lake was formed after a volcanic eruption on santorini island and is connected to it by an underwater current.

Church on the shores of Lake Voulismeni

The lake has a circular shape with a diameter of about 137 meters. The lake is connected to the sea by a channel built in the 19th century. The lake is salty only to a depth of 30-35 meters, and below the water is fresh. They say that at the bottom of the lake there are military equipment of the German troops who left the island after World War II. I don't know how things really are, but the lake is very beautiful.

There are cafes, restaurants, taverns along the coast. You can eat deliciously, each client is dear, and is invited individually. Such hospitality is sometimes burdensome.

Cafe on the shores of Lake Voulismeni

They immediately sell handicrafts, and immediately earn a living. For a photo of this grandmother, I paid 1 euro, my grandmother politely hinted at me.

Many small pleasure boats are moored here. There are many tourist offices here that offer excursions at a very good price.

Pleasure boat at the pier

The city is located on hills, so there are a lot of stairs in the city. Many of them are of architectural value, as they were built by famous architects.

The city is a network of narrow streets with the best souvenir shops and fur boutiques, bars, clubs and dance floors.

On the streets of the city, there are such funny ads, inviting tourists to fur shops.

The city is called cretan Saint Tropez... In this city you can meet a celebrity walking along the embankment.

The city has a small beach located in a square called Kitroplatia.

The city beach has been awarded the Blue Flag, a quality certificate established by the European Commission. The flag is awarded based on analyzes of the purity of the water and the shore.

From kitroplatia Square begins a long path lined with stone. The path ends in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Marina of Agios Nikolaos. In the last century, a brisk trade in citrus fruits took place on this square, which were supplied by merchant ships from other countries.

The city has Archaeological Museum and Ethnographical museum... In museums, there are a lot of ancient Greek exhibits found during archaeological excavations.

In the center of the city there is a monument to those who fell during various wars.

The famous sculpture of the city is the sculpture "Cornucopia".

Sculpture "Cornucopia"

"Cornucopia" - sculpture created by sculptors brothers Sotiriadis... The statue resembles a large horn made of green glass and metal.

The history of sculpture is also taken from myth. The monument is dedicated goat Amalfeiwho nursed god Zeus, whom the mother goddess hid on the island of Crete from her husband god Crohnwho ate his children. The myth says that when the goat died, Zeus's mother kept her horn as a sign of respect and gratitude.

There is also a sculpture on the embankment "Abduction of Europa".

Sculpture "The Rape of Europa"

The author of the project of this sculpture is a Greek director Nikos Kunduros... He envisioned Europe as a young woman riding a large bull. The animal personifies the god Zeus. The woman holds the rod of the heralds. This attribute has the property of trying on warring parties. Also, it is considered the key between light and darkness, death and life, evil and good.

The central square is church of Elfeterios Venizelospainted in the Byzantine style in 1980. The facade of the church is painted with mosaics. Anyone can go to church and pray.

Not far from the city, on the territory of one hotel, there is another famous landmark of the city, this church of St. Nicholasbuilt in the 8th century.

The church enjoys increased attention from local residents. In honor of this church named and.

Iconostasis in the Church of St. Nicholas

Anyone can visit the church. To do this, at the hotel reception, you need to take the key to the church and open the church yourself. This church is the oldest on the island. It is one of the first buildings in this area of \u200b\u200bCrete. The houses in Agios Nikolaos amaze with their original architecture and layout.

Ordinary Greeks live in very simple houses.

we have visited not once and each time we learned something new about this city. Here we bought a lot of souvenirs and gifts. I want to return to this city again, but this is already another time

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