Sailing ship IOL. Watch what is "IOL" in other dictionaries

Aac - (Notele. AAK) - single-way flat-bottomed ship,

used in the lower Rhine for the transport of wines. According to the design - a small cargo vessel of clinker construction with a semicircular hatch deck, flat-bottomed, without form and ahtersteps. Through the nasal and feeding pieces, the ship's bottom on both ends is flat and the painter rose ranging from the waist. Did not have lateral wovers, carried a simple sprinkting sail and Foka-Staxel. Short Bushrite gave the opportunity to carry the Clelyra, and usually rigging aaaks was like a scorch of the ships of the coast.

The oldest image of aaak refers to 1530

Kölsche Aak, XVI.

Barque (Netherl. Bark) - Three-five-mast large marine sailing vessel for transportation of goods with straight sails on all masts, except the fodder (Bizan-mast) carrier sailing weapons. The largest barks that are still in the ranks - "Sedov" (Murmansk), Kruzenshtern (Kaliningrad).

Bark "Sedov"

Barquentine (Schuna-Bark) is a three-five-five-five (sometimes six-hundredth) marine sailing boat with oblique sails on all masts besides nasal (fock mast) carrying straight sails. Modern steel barciences have a displacement of up to 5 thousand tons and are equipped with an auxiliary engine.

Brig - (BRIG) - a two-volume vessel with direct sailing armament of Fock mast and grotto masts, but with one oblique gafel sail on the grotto - Gota Gaf-Trisel. In the literature, especially artistic, the authors often call this sail counter-bizani, but it should be remembered that the ship with sailing armor brig there is no bizan-mast, and therefore there is no accessories for this mast, although the functional load of the Gota-Gaf-Trisel Beliel Brig is exactly as well as the counter-bizani frigate.

Brigantine (Ital. Brigantino - Schuna-Brig, Brigantina - Bizan) - a lightweight and high-speed vessel with so-called mixed sailing weapons - direct sails on the front mast (fock mast) and with oblique on the back (grotty mast). In the XVI-XIX centuries, two-dimensional brigantines are usually used by pirates (Italy. Brigante is a robber, pirate). Modern brigantines are two-dimensional sailing vessels with a fock mast, having weapons, like a brig, and a mast mast with oblique sails, like schooner - a grott-trisel and top. Brigantine with Bermuda grotto in our time, apparently, does not exist, although references to the very fact of their existence are found.

Galleon - A large multi-phase sailing ship of the XVI-XVIII centuries with sufficiently strong artillery weapons used as military and commerce. The greatest fame of the galleons received as ships carrying Spanish treasures and in the battle of the Great Armada, which occurred in 1588. Galeon is the most advanced type of sailing vessel, appearing in the XVI century. This type of sailing ship appeared during the evolution of Karavel and Karakk (Nebel) and was intended for distant ocean journeys.
The decrease in the tank superstructure and the elongation of the body led to an increase in stability and a decrease in wave resistance, resulting in a faster, nautical and maneuverable vessel. Galeon was distinguished from early ships in that it was longer, lower and straight, with a rectangular feed instead of a round, and the presence on the nose of the galuun, serving forward below the tank level. The displacement of the galleon was about 500 tons (although the Manila's galleons it reached 2000 tons). The first mention of it refers to 1535. In the future, Galloon becomes the basis of the fleet of the Spaniards and the British. The stentevere, very curved and stretched forward, had decorations and in shape resembled the belt Gallery. Long bushrite carried a sail - blond. The nasal superstructure was moved back and did not hang over the terresturn, like the stuff. Feed add-in, high and narrow, was placed on a cut stern. The superstructure had several tiers in which residential premises of officers and passengers were located. A strongly inclined achterstevnya had a trauma above the cargo waterline. On the backside, the stern wall of the superstructure was decorated with carvings and balconies. Gallows were used until the XVIII century, when they gave way to more modern ships with full sailing arms.

Johnka - (Malaysk. Djong, distorted whale. Chuan - ship), Wooden sailing cargo two-four-pianched vessel of the river and coastal marine sailing spread in Southeast Asia. In the era of the sailing fleet D. used for military purposes; On modern D. cargo transport, they often serve for housing. D. have a small sediment, lifting capacity - up to 600 tons; Characteristic features are very broad, almost rectangular in the plan, raised nose and feed, sails of a four-grade form from mats and bamboo regions.

Iol - (Holle. Jol), a variety of two-volume sailing vessel with oblique sails. The position of the feed mast (behind the axis of the steering wheel) of IOL differs from the pendant from whom the fodder mast is ahead of the axis of the steering wheel. Iola sailing arms have some large yachts and commercial vessels.

Caravel (ITAL. Caravella) - 3-4 mast one-lubber universal sailing wooden ship capable of ocean swimming. Karavel had a high nose and stern for resistance to oceanic waves. The first two masts had straight sails, and the last - oblique sail. Karavel was used in the XIII-XVII centuries. In 1492 on 3 caravels there was a transatlantic sailing of Columbus. In addition to navigation, Karavella have high loading capacity.

Karakka. (Ip. Carraca) - a large shopping or military sailing three-volume vessel of the XVI-XVII centuries. Displacement up to 2 thousand (more often 800-850) tons. Armament of 30-40 guns. The ship could accommodate up to 1,200 people. The vessel had up to three decks and was designed for long-term ocean swimming. The Karakka was heavy on the go and possessed bad maneuverability. The type of such vessel was invented by the Genoese. 1519-1521 Karakki "Victoria" From the forwarding of Magellan first made around the world. For the first time, cannon ports were applied on the drainage and implemented guns in closed batteries.

Karakka "Victoria", recreated in Spanish samples of the XVI century

Kech, Cech (English. Ketch), two-dimensional sailing ship with a small fodder mast, located ahead of the axis of the steering wheel. Sailing weapon type K. (Bermuda or Gafel) have some fishing vessels, large sports yachts.

Fleute- Type of sailing vessel, having the following distinguishing features:
* The length of these vessels in 4 - 6 and more times more than their width, which allowed them to walk under the sails are already quite cool to the wind.
* Inventions were introduced in 1570
* The height of the mast exceeded the length of the vessel, and the rei became shortened, which made it possible to do narrow and convenient sails and cut the total number of the top command.

The first flute was built in 1595 in the city of Horns, the Center for Shipbuilding of the Holland, in the Gulf of Zider-Ze. The sailing armament of Fock and Grota Machet consisted of Fock and Gott and the corresponding Marseilles, and later on large flutes and bramssellers. On the Bizan-mast, a straight sail of the Crywise was raised above the usual oblique sail. On the bushrite put a rectangular sail blond, sometimes a bubblid. On the flutes for the first time the steering wheel appeared, which facilitated the handling of the steering wheel. The flutes of the early XVII century had a length of about 40 m, a width of about 6.5 m, a precipitate 3 - 3.5 m, loading capacity of 350-400 tons. For self-defense, 10 - 20 guns were installed on them. The crew consisted of 60 - 65 people. Court of this type was characterized by good nautical qualities, high speed, large capacity and used mainly as military transport. Throughout the XVI-XVIII centuries, the flutes occupied a dominant position on all seas.

Frigate - Military threematch ship with full sailing weapons and one gun deck. Frigates were one of the most diverse on the characteristics of the classes of sailing ships. The origin of the frigates lead from lungs and high-speed vessels used for raids in the La Mans Strait since around the XVII century. With the growth of marine fleets and their radius, characteristics dunkirk frigates stopped satisfying the admiralty, and the term began to interrupt expanding, meaning, in fact, any lightweight vehicle capable of independent actions. The classic frigates of the sailing century were created in France in the middle of the XVIII century. These were medium-sized ships with a displacement of about 800 tons, armed with about two or three tens of 12-18 pound guns on one tool deck. In the fatal displacement and the power of weapons of the frigates grew by the time of Napoleonic wars, they had about 1000 tons of displacement and up to sixty 24-pound guns. The largest of them could be included in the combat line and worked the name of linear frigates, like the linear cruisers of the 20th century. Like the current cruisers, the frigates were the most loaded type of ships of the sailing fleet. In peacetime, the frigates, as a rule, were not put on a joke, like linear ships, and were used for patrol and cruising service, fighting piracy and training crews. Reliability and speed of frigates made them popular courts for researchers and travelers. For example, the French traveler Louis Antoine De Bougougville made round-the-world swimming on the "Budyon" frigate (angry) in 1766-1769, and the famous Fregat "Pallada", on which in 1855 Admiral E. V. Putyatin arrived in Japan to establish diplomatic and trading Relations, was built in 1832 as a personal yacht of Emperor Nikolai I. In the British Royal Fleet, which had, in many testimonies, the largest number of frigates in the world, they had ranks from the fourth on the sixth.

Frigate "Holy Spirit"

Sloop(Small Corvette) (Golle. Sloep, from Sluipen - to slide) - the three-mahth warship of the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX centuries with direct sailing arms. Displacement up to 900 tons. Armament 10-28 guns. Used for sentirect and messenger services and as a transport and forwarding vessel. In addition, the gate is called the type of sailing weapons - one mast and two sails - front (Staxel at Bermuda Armament, the Cleaver with direct armament) and the rear - (correspondence, grotto and fock).

Soviet Slut "Enterprise"

Schooner(eng. Schooner) - type of sailing vessel having at least two masts with oblique sails. By the type of sailing weapons, the schooners are divided into Gafel, Bermuda, Staxel, Marseille and Brahsels. Brahsel schooner is different from the milestone presence of brams-walls and another additional direct sail - Brahsels. At the same time, in some cases, Marseille and branded two-dimensional schooners (especially with a brief) can be confused with a brigantine. Regardless of the type of oblique sails (Gafel or Bermuda), the schooner may be marsel (braymnel). The first vessels with the shhun rigging appeared in the XVII century in Holland and England, but the widespread use of Schunov got in America. They had two masts with boiled sails and were used for coastal transport. At the end of the XIX century, the competition of steamers led to the need to reduce the teams of ships. Due to the simplicity of sailing arms and ease of control, it was Schunov who were able to stand in this struggle. Basically built two- and three-volume schooners, less often four-, five- and six-wave. And in 1902, in the city of Qunesi (USA), the only seven-day schooner "Thomas U. Louus" was launched on the world. Thomas U.LUSON was intended for the transport of coal. Each of the seven steel masts with a height of 35 m weighed 20 tons. They were continuing the wooden 17-meter walls. Sailors' work facilitated various mechanisms. Schooner, which did not have the engine, was equipped with a steam steering wheel, steam winches, an electrical system and even a telephone network! After the First World War, when there was not enough commercial ships, Americans, possessing excellent forests, built a lot of wooden shhun of various sizes with three to five masts.

Yacht(Notele. Jacht, from Jagen - chase, pursue) - originally light, fast vessel for transporting important persons. Subsequently, any sailing, motor or sailing and motor vessel, designed for sports or tourist purposes. The most common sailing yachts.

The first mention of sports sailing yachts belong to the XVII century. Modern use of the term yacht in modern use The term yacht means two different classes of vessels: sailing yachts and motor yachts. Traditional yachts differed from work ships in general appointment - as a fast and comfortable means of transporting rich. Almost all modern sailing yachts have an auxiliary motor (suspended motor) for maneuvering in port or movement at low speed in the absence of wind.

Sailing yachts
Sailing yachts are divided into cruising having a cabin, and designed for long-distance traps and racing, pleasure and racing - for swimming in the coastal zone. In the form of the body, naval yachts are distinguished, in which the bottom goes to ballast keel (more precisely falsekil), which increases the stability of the yacht and preventing its demolition (drift) with a course under sails, small-scale (wvertbotes), with sliding keel (swag) and compromises having a ballast and retractable keel. There are two-circuing yachts - catamarans and three-circuing yachts - trimarans. Yachts are single and multi-agent with various sailing arms.

Project cruising yacht with displacement of 16.8 tons

The cruising yacht with displacement of 16.8 tons (project D. A. Kurbatova) is intended for swimming in the Baltic Sea and Lake Ladoga, as well as for training exit. The main dimensions and the main elements of the yacht meet the requirements for the seaworthy class of yachts to the classification of 1958

Basic data cruising yacht
The length is the highest, m 16,0
Quality length, m 11,0
The width is the largest, m 3,61
Middle precipitate, m 2,07
Superwater height, m:
in nose 1,54
On Middele 1,05
aft 1,08
Displacement when sediment by kv, t 16,8
Falkyl weight, t 5,8
Sailing area, m²:
Iol 105,6
Cache 111,0

Two types of sailing weapons are developed: IOL and CEC. Armament of the IOL type with the Top Staxel provides an improvement in the cost-effectiveness and is easier to control.

The yacht is a smooth-up ship with cutting in the stern. There are 10 beds (along with Captain's cabin) and a spare bed in a galley.

Household equipment of the yacht includes a galoze with a gas stove, a gallow-type boat type, cabinets, righteous and fresh water system.

1 - Akhtorpik; 2 - cockpit; 3 - cutting; 4 - galley; 5 - cabin; 6 - Galun;
7 - nasal cabin; 8 - Look.

A variant of installing an auxiliary engine M51-y with an angular reverse gear of 62 liters has been developed. from. at 1650 rpm. The fuel supply of 300 liters ensures the autonomy of navigation to 100 miles at 8 knots.

The housing of the yacht has sharp circuits. The coefficient of total completeness Δ \u003d 0.22; The coefficient of longitudinal, completeness φ \u003d 0.53 and the relative length L / D 1/3 \u003d 4.3. The shape of the hull will provide sufficient stability and hosses of the yacht.

The body is all welded from steel art. 3. System set transverse. The thickness of the outer sheat is 4 mm; Patch - 400 mm. Deck flooring with a thickness of 3 mm of steel st. 3 covered with mastic or wood.


Bark is a three-five-mast large marine sailing vessel for the carriage of goods with direct sails on all masts, except the fodder (bizan-mast), carrying sailing weapons. The largest barks that are still in the ranks - "Sedov" (Murmansk), Kruzenshtern (Kaliningrad).


Barchenina (Schoon-Bark) is a three-five-five-wave (sometimes six-hundredth) marine sailing ship with oblique sails on all masts besides nasal (fock mast) carrier of straight sails. Modern steel barciences have a displacement of up to 5 thousand tons and are equipped with an auxiliary engine.


Brig is a two-volume vessel with direct sailing armament of Fock masts and grotto masts, but with one oblique gaffling sail on a grotto - Gota Gaf-Trisel. In the literature, especially artistic, the authors often call this sail counter-bizani, but it should be remembered that the ship with sailing armor brig there is no bizan-mast, and therefore there is no accessories for this mast, although the functional load of the Gota-Gaf-Trisel Beliel Brig is exactly as well as the counter-bizani frigate.


Brigantine is a lightweight and high-speed ship with so-called mixed sailing weapons - straight sails on the front mast (fock mast) and with oblique on the rear (grotty mast). In the XVI-XIX centuries, two-dimensional brigantines are usually used by pirates. Modern brigantines are two-dimensional sailing vessels with a fock mast, having weapons, like a brig, and a mast mast with oblique sails, like schooner - a grott-trisel and top. Brigantine with Bermuda grotto in our time, apparently, does not exist, although references to the very fact of their existence are found.


Galeon is a large multiphallate sailing ship of the XVI-XVIII centuries with sufficiently strong artillery weapons used as military and commercial. The greatest fame of the galleons received as ships carrying Spanish treasures and in the battle of the Great Armada, which occurred in 1588. Galeon is the most advanced type of sailing vessel, appearing in the XVI century. This type of sailing ship appeared during the evolution of Karavel and Karakk (Nebel) and was intended for distant ocean journeys.


Johnka - Wooden sailing cargo two-four-four-chapted vessel of river and coastal marine sailing spread in Southeast Asia. In the era of the sailing fleet D. used for military purposes; On modern D. cargo transport, they often serve for housing. D. have a small sediment, lifting capacity - up to 600 tons; Characteristic features are very broad, almost rectangular in the plan, raised nose and feed, sails of a four-grade form from mats and bamboo regions.


Iol is a variety of two-volume sailing vessel with oblique sails. The position of the feed mast (behind the axis of the steering wheel) of IOL differs from the pendant from whom the fodder mast is ahead of the axis of the steering wheel. Iola sailing arms have some large yachts and commercial vessels.


Karavella - 3-4 mast single-allest universal sailing wooden ship capable of ocean swimming. Karavel had a high nose and stern for resistance to oceanic waves. The first two masts had straight sails, and the last - oblique sail. Karavel was used in the XIII-XVII centuries. In 1492 on 3 caravels there was a transatlantic sailing of Columbus. In addition to navigation, Karavella have high loading capacity.


Koraka - a large shopping or military sailing three-volume vessel of the XVI-XVII centuries. Displacement up to 2 thousand (more often 800-850) tons. Armament of 30-40 guns. The ship could accommodate up to 1,200 people. The vessel had up to three decks and was designed for long-term ocean swimming. The Karakka was heavy on the go and possessed bad maneuverability. The type of such vessel was invented by the Genoese. 1519-1521 Karakki "Victoria" From the forwarding of Magellan first made around the world. For the first time, cannon ports were applied on the drainage and implemented guns in closed batteries.


Kech, Cache (eng. Ketch), a two-dimensional sailing ship with a small feed mast, located ahead of the axis of the steering wheel. Sailing weapon type K. (Bermuda or Gafel) have some fishing vessels, large sports yachts.


Flute - type of sailing vessel, having the following distinguishing features:
* The length of these vessels in 4 - 6 and more times more than their width, which allowed them to walk under the sails are already quite cool to the wind.
* Inventions were introduced in 1570
* The height of the mast exceeded the length of the vessel, and the rei became shortened, which made it possible to do narrow and convenient sails and cut the total number of the top command.

The first flute was built in 1595 in the city of Horns, the Center for Shipbuilding of the Holland, in the Gulf of Zider-Ze.
Court of this type was characterized by good nautical qualities, high speed, large capacity and used mainly as military transport. Throughout the XVI-XVIII centuries, the flutes occupied a dominant position on all seas.


The frigate is a military three-mahl ship with full sailing arms and one gun deck. Frigates were one of the most diverse on the characteristics of the classes of sailing ships. The origin of the frigates lead from lungs and high-speed vessels used for raids in the La Mans Strait since around the XVII century. With the growth of marine fleets and their radius, the characteristics of Dunkirk frigates have ceased to satisfy the admiralty, and the term began to interrupt expanding, meaning, in fact, any lightweight vehicle capable of independent actions. The classic frigates of the sailing century were created in France in the middle of the XVIII century. These were medium-sized ships with a displacement of about 800 tons, armed with about two or three tens of 12-18 pound guns on one tool deck. In the fatal displacement and the power of weapons of the frigates grew by the time of Napoleonic wars, they had about 1000 tons of displacement and up to sixty 24-pound guns.


The gate (small corvette) is a three-maht warship of the second half of the XVIII - early XIX centuries with direct sailing arms. Displacement up to 900 tons. Armament 10-28 guns. Used for sentirect and messenger services and as a transport and forwarding vessel. In addition, the gate is called the type of sailing weapons - one mast and two sails - front (Staxel at Bermuda Armament, the Cleaver with direct armament) and the rear - (correspondence, grotto and fock).


Schooner is a type of sailing vessel with at least two masts with oblique sails. By the type of sailing weapons, the schooners are divided into Gafel, Bermuda, Staxel, Marseille and Brahsels. Brahsel schooner is different from the milestone presence of brams-walls and another additional direct sail - Brahsels. At the same time, in some cases, Marseille and branded two-dimensional schooners (especially with a brief) can be confused with a brigantine. Regardless of the type of oblique sails (Gafel or Bermuda), the schooner may be marsel (braymnel). The first vessels with the shhun rigging appeared in the XVII century in Holland and England, but the widespread use of Schunov got in America.


Yacht - originally light, fast vessel for transporting important persons. Subsequently, any sailing, motor or sailing and motor vessel, designed for sports or tourist purposes. The most common sailing yachts.

Modern use of the term yacht.
In modern use, the term yacht means two different classes of ships: sailing yachts and motor yachts. Traditional yachts differed from work ships in general appointment - as a fast and comfortable means of transporting rich. Almost all modern sailing yachts have an auxiliary motor (suspended motor) for maneuvering in port or movement at low speed in the absence of wind.

Sailing yachts

Sailing yachts are divided into cruising having a cabin, and designed for long-distance traps and racing, pleasure and racing - for swimming in the coastal zone. In the form of the body, naval yachts are distinguished, in which the bottom goes to ballast keel (more precisely falsekil), which increases the stability of the yacht and preventing its demolition (drift) with a course under sails, small-scale (wvertbotes), with sliding keel (swag) and compromises having a ballast and retractable keel. There are two-circuing yachts - catamarans and three-circuing yachts - trimarans. Yachts are single and multi-agent with various sailing arms.