Independent trip to Normandy by car. Public transport in Normandy Journey in Normandy without a car

  • Time
  • Route length: 230 km, just over 4 hours of clean road.
  • Movement: By car it is more convenient, since it is not necessary to wait for buses, but public transport is quite convenient: both by train and on buses.
  • Bonus: Partially pass on "", so get ready to taste the beautiful local wines.

Route by Alsace:

Route Burgundy - Rona-Alpes - Center - Paris

This route will hold you on the main attractions of the Central France, opening you the traditional, including the most famous, and the famous.

  • Time: 6 - 10 days, in progress from the pace.
  • Route length: 1338 km, 14 hours on the way.
  • Movement: By car it is more convenient, since it is not necessary to wait for buses, but public transport is quite convenient: like a train, trains walk everywhere (except Laura castles).

Route description:

Route in East France

East France boasts characteristic flash architecture and beautiful wines. Here are 3 most important countries -, and, whose white and sparkling wines have become legendary.

  • Time: 6 - 9 days, in progress from the pace.
  • Route length: 1268 km, 13.5 hours on the way.
  • Movement: on public transport - convenient. By car - more difficult with parking.

Route description:

Northern France for 1 week

Day 4. House and garden Claude Monet, after lunch - the capital -,

With children you can see Paris (), 1 day to spend in, two days in and another 2 days.

Day 1: - in the morning a visit, climb

- \u003d advertising unique stay in France \u003d -

So, in October, with Max Vernik we went fishing to Normandia. Ride discovery. First, I first visited Normandy. Secondly, for the first time we drank brandy all the way. Brandy is like cognac, only from the neighboring village. Well, thirdly, I first went somewhere in my life to go fishing.

01. Before fishing, we walked a little in Paris. There was no particular time, so I quickly joined the beautiful. Glass pyramid of the Louvre.

02. Sculptures in the garden Tuileries behind the cop

03. From the park you can go to the Seine's embankment. She is now in many places pedestrian. And before there was a road.

04. Max Vernik decided to go to the flea market, buy goods to the shop. But as it turned out, prices in Paris are higher than in Moscow ...

05. Paris Staryevik

And now I sit in the car and go north! There, where fish and house on the lake.

06. On the way, we pass by simple French villages.

07. Beautiful

08. French cow

09. Horschi

10. Banes

11. In the French village, the time stopped. Most of the houses do not change in centuries. Only satellite antennas and cars give out that in the yard of the 21st century.

12. Everything is very neat and clean.

13. We arrived in Fekan - town in Upper Normandy. It is built around a small bay, which serves as a shopping and fishing port. So looks like entrance to this bay. In width, it is about 50 meters.

14. The part of the city, which is located south of the bay, is flat, and northern part Cities are rebuilt on a rocky hill.

15. Fecan is a city of fishermen. He became known in the X century due to the fact that they were preparing a delicious salty and smoked herring. And in the XVI century, they began to catch a cod. Now fisheries were limited - it is allowed only in coastal waters.

16. But there is also a Vermont River here, and if you go upwards, you will get to a series of ponds, in which you can also go fishing. That we went there.

17. Here is such a house withdrawn. It costs directly on the water and can be fisted from the bedroom) well, or from the terrace. Elegant place.

18. Normanians themselves without constraint call their edge by fishing paradise. Here you can offer sea, freshwater and walking fishing (this is when people walk along the shore and collect crabs and mollusks). For freshwater fishing, on which we stopped, there are a lot of rivers, canals, ponds and swamps in Normandy.

19. In the ponds you can catch carp, pike or trout. The Vernik said that he would eat live fish ... But he was dissuaded in the end.

20. For dinner, we got trout.

21. Until dinner is preparing, skipped a boilers something good.

22. The remainder of the evening was dinner, mental conversations and brandy. And the next morning was so.

23. Dress of neighbor




27. Missed the Norman Dawn, for the last time I looked at Fekan and go further!

28. The next stop is another town on the coast of the Strait of La Mans, which is called Etretat.

29. It is mainly known for the rocks forming beautiful natural arches. Thanks to them, Etreta became one of the main tourist centers of Normandy. In the city there is only a half thousand people, but in the summer it goes here a large number of travelers. If Fish come to Fecan, then the Norman nature is sent to the Etret.

30. Urban embankment. If you look north, you will see the arch called the "Upper Gate".

31. In their time, many famous artists lived in Etrate, for example, Claude Monet. He has several paintings on which he captured views from here. Here is one of them with the same kind.

32. And if you turn to the south, then you will be the "bottom gate". Next to her - a pointed rock, which is called "needle." The French writer Maurice Leblan wrote about her a book called "Hollow Needle". In the plot in it were hidden royal treasures.

33. Also, a picture of Claude Monet with the "bottom gates".

34. In some places, the rocks reach a height of 100 meters. A flock of fish is visible!


36. Antifer Lighthouse. He was built in 1894, but he was completely destroyed during World War II. Previously, he was closer to the cliff, but when recovering it was decided to move away from the destroyed edge of the cliff.

37. Old bunker

38. Most of all I was struck that for 70 years since the end of the war, no one fears and did not even leave a single label on the walls! Concrete crumbs, the armature rusted, but the walls are clean! How is this possible? Just amazing. We have such objects are usually covered with numerous inscriptions and marks who, where and when.

39. In the end, I can say that there are two reasons to eat in Normandia: the first is the beautiful sea coast with cliffs, and the second is the stunning conditions for all kinds of fishing species. This part of France is perfect for men's holidays in the company of friends and good French brandy. In general, come and try ourselves. Good fishing!

Public transport Normandy is well developed, so it is also convenient for tourist movements. In almost every city there is a bus network, and in the cities of Kan, Gavr and Rouen also features a tram line.

Buses to Normandy

There are 20 city bus lines in the city of Kan, which allow you to quickly and conveniently reach anywhere in the city. The bus waiting time depends on the route, but the average is approximately 15-30 minutes. The schedule of the bus lines varies, so it is better to clarify it.

Also around the city at night the Noctibus bus runs. He walks every half hour on Thursday from 00:30 to 05:00 and every hour on Friday from night to 05:00. On Saturday the last shipment of the night bus 06:00.

Trams in Normandy

Kata tram lines are divided into two branches A and B, they cover almost all major objects. Between Copernicus and Poincaré stations, lines A and B have the same route. It runs every 8 minutes on the line A and B, and every 4 minutes on the shared line between Poincaré and Copernicus stations. The tram works from 05:30 to 00:30 from Monday to Saturday and from 08:30 to 00:30 on Sundays. Routes can be viewed.

One of the most popular types of public transport in Ruang is a tram. Now in the Ruang train go to two route lines: Ligne Technopôle and Ligne Georges Braque. The first train starts at 04:30 am, and last at 23:00. Intervals between trains on weekdays are about 4 minutes, reaching 10 minutes on weekends.

Tickets for the "Metro" are valid for the same as the other public transport of the city. A one trip ticket allows you to go within one hour on all types of public transport, including 6 transfers.


One trip is 1.35 € in the city of Kan, 1.50 € in Ruang, the rest of the city will cost about 1.20 €, valid for one hour from the first pass. A ticket for an unlimited number of trips, a valid 24 hours from the moment of the first passage will cost $ 3.75 in the city of Kan, 4.40 € In Ruang, the rest of the cities will cost approximately 3.40 €. The ticket can be purchased on tram and bus stops.

Finally, I got my hands to summarize information on Normandy - not a lyrical part, but more practical. I hope that it is useful if you are gathering, as we travel to these wonderful places on the car. Immediately make a reservation that all underlying is personal experienceHe does not pretend to be an absolute completeness of information or on the optimality of the route (although the route ultimately arranged us very much).

Where is it?
Normandy is a region in the north-west of France. It is divided into Upper Normantia with the center in Ruang (Rouen) and the bottom - with the center in Ken (Caen). From the south-west to Lower Normandy adjoins the Bretony, which we also captured a little on the journey.

Why go there?
If you have already visited Paris, Venice, Barcelona, \u200b\u200betc., and you want to open new places in Europe - pay attention to Normandia. You are guaranteed rich visual impressions (landscapes, parks, architecture, harsh northern beaches), taste of pleasure (cheese, cider, seafood, etc.), historical excursions (as in ancient history Normanov and the military operations of the Second World War - the famous beaches of the Day D), and surprisingly pleasant local residents. They speak decent English and very friendly to tourists, but not intrusive - the perfect combination!

When to go?
The best season is around April-May to the end of October. Since November, many attractions and farms for visiting are closed (not the season), and the weather becomes marriage. Normandy and so the most rainy region of France (and they do not get tired on this topic diverse), and in the winter it rains also cold, and the light day is short. We traveled at the beginning of October - it was, to put it mildly, not hot :))) But this is no longer the peak season of the summer, when not to push back from tourists - it's easy to find places for the night, there is no crowd.

Idea and general route planning
Without pretending to absolute truth, I will tell only about our mental process. We initially wanted to Jersey and Guernsey, the idea of \u200b\u200bNormandy was born as a logical addition to them. Then we began to look for information that there is an interesting in Normandy, celebrating cities and points where it is clearly worth to visit (we had Rouen, Zhiverny, the beaches of the Allied landing (D-Day Beaches), Mont-San Michel, cheese and cider road ) And those in which it would be nice to visit if it turns out.

Based on these attacks, and not wanting every day to move from place to place, we decided that we would book hotels in three support points for a few days - Rouen, Ken (or rather, the town under Ken on one of the landing beaches), San-little - And the other points will drive from there. As a result, the tactics fully justified themselves, although it turned out in place that housing options, incl. Inexpensive, - Great Many (including farms and cute pensioners, which are not available on international booking sites). So you can just go, and look throughout the day, especially not in the "hot season". But in this sense of paranoid, we plan in advance :)

We flew to Paris in the afternoon (Charles de Gaulle airport), drove on the metro station to San Lazar train station and went to Rouen on the train.

  • Train timetable and booking tickets to French railways . It makes sense to order key tickets in advance, because There is an opportunity to buy them in advance at cheaper prices. The reservation is printed and exchanged at the train station at the SNCF office (or in other items - everything is written for armor). IMPORTANT: Do not plan trips on the train "Rytitk" to important docks - in France, a strike is a living standby, the probability of a large train is a big!
In the morning, in Ruang, we took the car on which we traveled next week. We took the car in Argus Car Hire, but many agencies were looking for just in Google. We were limited to several parameters - we needed a "automatic" for reasonable money (if you drive the handbrake without problems - take a handbrake, and the choice is more, and much cheaper!), And we wanted to take a car in Ruan or at Paris airport, and pass in San-little. As a result, the options of firms we had a bit :))) I got a hybrid Toyota Auris, a very nice typewriter. By the way, a small LifeHack - to take the car exactly a week costs much cheaper than 8 days, and sometimes even cheaper than 6 days!
  • Do not forget to do in the traffic police in the traffic police before the trip. In Russian rights there is a problem - although all the data seems to be duplicated by the Latin, but the descriptions of categories are made only in Russian, which gives you the right to rent a company (may not refuse, but why do you need to risk ???). To Israeli rights, it is also recommended to obtain international (in Memxi it is done in 5 minutes and 15 shekels) - Israel signed some kind of convention there, so it was better to be restrained
  • And necessarily (!) Take a GPS-navigator with updated cards! If you do not have - do not regret extra money (7-10 euros per day), take it to rent along with the car. Without navigator, even with the most best card, You are in this region to fasten all the nerves and spend a bunch of time, wandering! Yes, it will spend more on gasoline on these wandering than for renting a navigator !!!
From San, we went ferry to Jersey, from there to Guernsey, returned to San, and by train to Paris.

Euro, naturally. Everywhere take cards. The only complexity in the sense of the currency with which we encountered is very difficult to change cash dollars (and we have a part of them in them). For example, in Ruang, it is not even in banks, only in the tourist office in the city center.

French. But unlike Parisians, the locals are freely moving into English and do not be frozen when you speak Loman French. Still, proximity to England and the historical past affects.

France in general and Normandy in particular is a culinary paradise. Here they are really very tasty, and the food here is not just a life-supporting need, but separate experience and pleasure. Of course, try local cheeses, pears (oh, what are the juicy pears here!), Cider, Pomo - a mixture of Calvados and Cider (and here Calvados himself is a stool :))), baking, seafood (including oysters - for lovers).

We did so - in the morning I had breakfast at the hotel or in a nearby coffee shop, lunch in a restaurant, finding a profitable and delicious Formule - such as a complex lunch, cheeses, cider, baguette, pear apples, sausages, sausages were bought, and satisfied the dinner. It is possible and more economical, but we decided that we are pleasure more priority. Personal Recommendation - Restaurant L "Orbecquoise. In the small town Orbec near Lizier.

Automobile cases
Toll roads - In France, their bunch! These are usually autobahn and large roads that bind regions of the country, as well as bridges (the most famous - the Normandy Bridge). Cost - from 2 to 6 euros, on each road its own. Payment on the checkpoints (sometimes at the entrance, sometimes on the road, sometimes, and there - save the checks to leave!), There are signs warning on the road that the track is paid. It is best to pay a trifle with you, although bills and cards are also accepted (cards - not everything, you need some kind of specific chip). A paid road always or almost always has a free alternative (you can configure GPS so that it trampled them) - this is usually longer, but it is much more picturesque.
Restriction restrictions - City 50 km / h, Country Country 90, Route - 110, Autobahn - 130. Everywhere Cameras !!!
Petrol - quite expensive and price is not regulated, i.e. Different at different gas stations (even at the gas stations of one company may differ in prices!). Therefore, it is worth looking at where cheaper.
Parkovka - In small towns, usually free, in the center and major cities There may be paid zones with a payment machine (marked with color) or paid parking. In general, there were no problems with parking, with the exception of the center of Rouen.

Tactical planning
We had an initial approximate plan that we were going to do in what day, but, naturally, it was adjusted along the way. For planning, we used the travel guide Rough Guide in Normandy and Breton. We also actively enjoyed local tourist centers - they are in Normandy in every village !!! "You should not ignore them, there you will be told about current events, they will give all the useful waste paper and cards, recommend a place where to eat or stay at night. Find out the dates of festivals and the schedule of farm markets in different cities - And the other is worth visiting.

  • Pay attention to the modes of operation of museums, farms and other attractions, so as not to stumble upon a closed door. The schedule can be quite exotic - the cheese farm can close on the "lunch break" from 12 to 14, and the museum does not work on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Our hotels
Hotel Stars Rouen - Basic hotel in "Sea Style". Normal place for overnight, very reasonable price, free parking and convenient departure to A13 - the main route from Rouen. Convenient only if Rouen is not the main goal of the trip, and there is a car, because Not in the center of the city.
Hotel Le Canada, Hermanville-sur-Mer - hotel in a small seaside town near Ken and Bayee, in a classic Norman phacomk-house building, a delicious breakfast, beautiful rooms. Disadvantage - In The Middle of Nowhere, the nearest cafe, for example, is a pair of kilometers :))
Éthic Étapes Patrick Varangot, Saint-Malo - a large hostel with a lot of different chips and features (shared room, bicycle rental, different events for guests). The disadvantage is very spartan rooms (although new and clean), even soaps will not be put :))

Normal Schengen. To be honest, we were Murotno to show all our movements in the embassy (especially since they were still in the planning stage), so I booked on

This made it possible to increase the number of days in Brittany and reduce gasoline costs, compared with the initial plan to start too from Paris. Moreover, the difference in the price of the ticket was insignificant.

They were very frightened that time to change at CDG airport (Charles de Gaulle) - only twenty hours. It was consistent that the airline itself considers such a transit time sufficient, otherwise they would give us a later flight to Rennes. The excitements were in vain. In the plane, the flight attendant came to us and explained how to change the terminal better. At the airport, everything is organized in the following order. First - security control at the exit from the terminal of the arrival occupies with the exit from the aircraft for about 30-40 minutes. Then - a march of a throw, not very far, to the stop of the shuttle. And after moving, at the entrance to the departure terminal, passport control. In our case, the latter took no more than 5 minutes, because The terminal for local flights is small. In short, they were convinced - if the plane is not late, there is plenty of transplant time.

Finally, after all the unrest, we are in a tiny plane to Rennes. A pleasant surprise was cookies, drinks and wine, although the flight is short. The unloading of suitcases and the receipt of baggage took no more than 10 minutes, because most passengers are flying at all. There are no checks anymore, quickly taking a rolling machine, you can go to the hotel.

Lyrical digression. Food in the journey for us is not only the process of stomaching, but also getting pleasure. Therefore, he always pays a lot of attention. On the one hand, it should be tasty and with a local flavor, on the other, it is impossible to leave the budget of the trip. Therefore, if it was possible, we ordered rooms equipped with a kitchen. In France, hotels with similar numbers are many, they are popular for family holiday, and prices are acceptable. You can have breakfast and dinner in this case in the room, the products are stored in the refrigerator, there is a stove, microwave, even sometimes a dishwasher. At the entry-departures in all cities there are large supermarkets, where we buy cheeses, pies, seafood and everything else, which is your heart. In addition, the mushrooms of chanterelles are used everywhere for sale - very delicious and quickly roast them in sour cream. Thinking in this way very tasty 2 times a day, what and we advise you, we leave only once once - have lunch or dinner, depending on how the day is. By the way, the province is not Paris - lunch in restaurants from 12 to 14 hours of the day, dinner - also by the hour, from 19. And with this schedule you have to be considered if you do not want to eat dry.

Calvados and normandy are very popular in Brittany and Naughty - drinks from apples, because Grapes there is not growing. Pomo - a mixture of Calvados with apple juice, a 17 percent aperitif. For those who roll, there is also a cider - 3-5%. Prices are democratic - noise - 10 euros per bottle, cider - 3-4, Calvados - depending on the brand and excerpt, but also not so scary.

When ordering hotels through the Internet, pay attention to the prescription about the city tax - 1-2 euros per person per day, charges directly on the hotel in the hotel.

Rennes - a pretty city, there are beautiful buildings in a pompous spirit, and immediately we saw the fach-worker houses, who then accompany us all the way. There is a university in the city, and the youth in the center is full. Rennes is famous for the morning Saturday market, and we just flew on Friday and decided to visit this local miracle. Get a sea of \u200b\u200bpleasure. Many seafood, striking abundance of cheeses, as well as berries and mushrooms - for us an incredible attraction. In addition, naturally, vegetables and fruits, meat and sausages, there are unexpected goods - homemade jams, for example. The season of tasting oysters was started immediately - we were opened immediately on the spot and we enjoyed. Walking in the market, we moved to Dinan - our main base location in Brittany. On the way, the towns of Fuuder and Cobur visited. Fuuder is very recommended, there is a beautiful castle. Distances are small, so that the routes can be chosen to their taste - along the way there are many small cute cities.

Dinan is the city of 16-17 centuries, perfectly preserved. There we stayed 3 nights at the Résidence Hôtelière Club MMV. The room was a picturesque attic with a kitchen in a historic building (see Lyrical Departure). The center is 3 minutes by car. Every day they made radial routes on Brittany, and in the evening they walked along Dinan. In addition, this hotel has a small indoor pool - it is very pleasant to swim after a saturated tourist day.

Journey along the route San little - Kankal - Dinar took a whole day, although the distance is plenty. When planning a route, we are very advised to study the schedule of tides and ties on the site and, if possible, in accordance with this, choose the dates of the trip, otherwise it is possible that the famous phenomenon can not be seen. In the morning, early went to San little, there was almost a maximum tide. We looked at the flooded shore, walked around the city and went to Cacal. There is a beautiful in Cankala pedestrian route With species, he goes along the coast and descends to the port. If you put the car near the tourist office, then you need to get around the cathedral and turn left - there will be pointers on this route. The highlight of the cancalo is an oyster market in the port. For more than a moderate fee you can buy oysters and immediately eat immediately, throwing the shells to yourself under your feet, like thousands of tourists. We advise you to take a lemon and drink with disposable cups. True, if you forgotten it is also not a disaster. Lemon, in any case, will be sold in place. Enjoy your meal! For a few hours, we spent in Kankale, the sea went away. Returned to San little to the same place to look at the sampling. A completely stunning impression!

Finally, enjoying the cast, you can drive up to Dynard - a very cute party town with a casino. The film festivals are held there and in the heart of the beach there is a monument to Hitchkoku. Day in Brittany Long, truly warms in the afternoon. We even regretted that they did not take bathing supplies - it was surprisingly warm and sunny, and it was possible to swim under the hitchcock.

A trip Saint-Ryro is the coast of pink granite - also for a full day. Saint-Brier was not particularly impressed, you can skip it. The shore of pink granite is very good, distinguished by astounding species, interesting nature - all plants seem to be nailed by the wind. In the coastal townships, life occurs at a resort leisurely. And at least, the restaurants do not close here after 14.00, at least two hours must be mortgaged for lunch - the service is very slow. Evening, as usual, spent in Dinan - descended to Marina.

Mont-Saint-Michel, moving to Normandia. In the morning went to Normandy. It was again sunny and warmly, that in September for this region - rarity. In Mont-Saint-Michel, it is necessary to try to arrive early, until there is no crowd of tourists and you can walk without plowing. Free shuttle walks from the parking lot, but you can walk and walk - 40 minutes. At the entrance we advise you to buy a guide to Russian - the price is 6.5 euros. It contains a map that still needs 3.5 euros separately. Not much time to visit is not required - take a walk on the streets and visit the abbey. Also, if you get on a good day, it is interesting to observe the sea. There was a small tide, and the fortress was at first surrounded with water, which gradually began to leave. It was decided to dine the remaining products - after Dinan, they had cheese, shrimp, Hamon. At the departure from the Saint Michel, they drove on the nearest farm, bought a bottle of cider and immediately on a bench under her lunch - just a lept!

Upon arrival in Bayo immediately went to the Museum of the Gobel - be sure to watch! Tapestry is already mail thousand years, it is created in the 1070s. And tells about the conquest of Normanians of England. There is a wonderful audio guide in Russian. The town itself tiny, in the center is a very beautiful cathedral, a couple of interesting streets. Much time for inspection is not required. Then I went to the Omaha beach - the place of landing of Americans in July 1944. You will laugh for a long time, but they love them here and respect! In all, the approach of the 70th anniversary, everywhere the flags of the participating countries. Along the shore - monuments, museums, memorable signs, literally in every place where something happened. Already evening, but it was warm. Therefore, changing in the car, we were swimming in La Manne, which caused the unhealthy interest of tourists on the shore.

Bayo was the first city liberated as a result of the Norman battle. In the morning, visited the themed museum (Musée Mémorial De La Bataille de Normandie) and the English memorial cemetery. How to take care of cemeteries - just no words. Almost all graves with names, sometimes wreaths and notes from relatives. But everyone unknown Soldier There is a separate grave and its individual monument ... again, not for the first time in France, it became ashamed of our former homeland. Then through the beaches of landing allies (British, French, Poles, Canadians) and small cute towns moved along the sea in Trouville. Deauville and Trunville - elite resorts Normandy. Deauville - more partition, Trouville - less. We removed the lower apartment studio with a kitchen at Villa in Trouville, within walking distance of the city center, casino, restaurants and the fish market. The latter circumstance was used by us for mercenary purposes - the continuation of breakfast in the form of fresh oysters every day took place there.

Bridge Normandy - Onflore - Etretat. In the morning they went to the onflore, and then, through famous bridge Normandy - in Etret. Unfortunately, they did not reach the Fekam, it was already late, and we were going to devote in the evening. Onfleur is a very cute ancient town, for an hour they made a circle in the center - and on the way. In Ettreight, Claude Monet, copies of paintings with famous holey cliffs are exhibited immediately on the beach, where you can see these most rocks and in the natural form. Who allows health, can climb the rocks, offering a wonderful view of the bay and the city. Lanes are laid there. If there is a desire to take a picture of the Normandy Bridge, then from the side of the Gold before the bridge there is a recreation area with looking platform. The evening spent in Deauville. Apparently, his role in France is akin to Jurmala in the Soviet Union - the resort of the Northern, non-jar, but a lot of Ponte. Tiny licked film festival town, as with pictures. On the beach - famous cabins with the names of the movie

The road of cheeses and Calvados: Livaro - Lizyo - Pon -l "Euck. In Pon-l." The eway on the northern entrance is Calvados Farm Maglowar. Tasting excursion is only 3.3 euros. Everything, of course, in French. But you can ask for a booklet in Russian. In addition, the film, which is demonstrated at the beginning, also at the request of the public is accompanied by Russian subtitles. At the end of the excursion, as usual, pour something that you ask. You can not shove. In Livaro there is a cheese factory. The entrance is free. Through the windows there is a view directly to the production process itself. At the end of the inspection, you can visit the shop, try all the cheeses and buy what you liked. We, for example, very much came to taste the cheese Nefiber ... The opening of the trip was the Basilica in Lizyo - the place of pilgrimage to St. Teresa. We treat another confession, so impressed only by the scale of the building and the number of pilgrims from different countries World. With the history of Holy Teresa had to get acquainted on the Internet, on returning home.

The evening was devoted to the casino of Trunville. Rates are low: black jack - 5 euros, roulette - floor-euro. The people were very small - not the season. Clothing shape is free.

Rouen. It is just a super city, Normandy Pearl. Just walk - and enjoy life. Additionally - two recommendations. Restaurant Crown, founded in 1385. It is located opposite the Cathedral of Joan D "Ark. The walls are hung with photographs of celebrities who were here. This is, for example, Grace Kelly, Sophie Loren, Brick Bardo, Serge Ginzburg, Salvador Dali, Jean Paul Sardr - and this is just a small part of whom I could have been able to identify According to the photo. But it's not just in Ponta. It's really very tasty! Prices, of course, not from cheaps. But for a special case, we had such a thing - not so scary. And pleasure is huge. In addition, gentlemen, in a restaurant The crown gives the lessons of good tone. When a man comes with the lady, the menu is awarded both. But, attention, female option - without prices !!! Lady should not be distracted by such nonsense as the price, she just chooses what she likes! Second . In the evening, when it is dark, on the facade of the Ruan Cathedral is held light show. We did not know anything about it and accidentally saw on the road from the restaurant to the hotel. We advise you to learn about the time and days of the tourist office. Very nice and unusual!

On the road from Rouen to Paris, wrap in Zhiverny - House Museum of Claude Monet with a garden. The garden is striking the violence of paints, there are also ponds with an intersected artist with water lily and water lilies. Only on the bridge, instead of him, tourists with cameras crowded. You can walk on a good day and enjoy.

Finally, Paris is the final point of our journey. We are not here for the first time. They came out of the hotel in the morning - returned to the night, making it a day of 18 kilometers on foot in favorite places. With stops, of course. Tom wrote about this city. The Council applies only to the night. It is very convenient that the Ibis Hotel, our long-term chopper, was near the Eiffel Tower on the de Grennel Boulevard. If there is an opportunity to order in advance - highly recommend, the price is inexpensive for this place - 79 euros, and another 19, we had a parking lot per day. If anyone is interested - literally opposite the entrance to the metro station. Looking in search of breakfast, inspected the surrounding institutions and returned to breakfast back to the hotel. For 9.5 Euro, IBIS covers a rather diverse and tasty buffet.

Noah-how! The plane was in the morning. Therefore, they decided to tumble into the eagle in the budget hotel "Premier-Class", there are many different in one place there. This approach fully justified itself. Calmly, late in the evening, without traffic jams and nerves, moved from the center to Orly. Parking is free, to the airport - 5 minutes, you do not need to get up 5 hours before departure. And you can also eat in one of two ibis, they are here near and for the same price, breakfast is sold for everyone, not only for their guests.

By the way, in Bayo, we also lived in the hotel's premier chain. Simple, but cheap, always with a parking lot, the hotel is usually located nearby, where you can have breakfast. If you only spend the night - a good solution.

Gasoline cost in the area of \u200b\u200b1.5 euros per liter.

We wish everyone a pleasant stay!