Where is the city of Palmyra. History of Ancient Palmyra

The ancient city of Palmyra, built in the Syrian desert at 10 V. BC, is an open-air museum, where there are a lot of attractions and monuments of various historical periods. Ruins Palmyra were taken under the protection of UNESCO, as the best samples of ancient Roman architecture.

Majestic monuments are located right in the desert, not far from the settlement of the same name. Attractions are located in Palmyra nearby, which allows you to quickly explore the main ones, see the historical connection of each monument with a particular era. Tourists really like to wander along the main street of the ancient city, inspect the colonnades and majestic arches.

Unfortunately, some ruins and ruins gradually disappear under the sand dunes, and part of the monuments were destroyed during the Syrian conflict. Therefore, state structures involved in protecting and restoring attractions, constantly restoring walls, temples, columns, which activates the tourist flow to this amazing place.

Ruins of the city were open by chance in 17 B.., Since then, there are regular archaeological excavations. According to the results of numerous expeditions, it was found that Palmyra was spread in the desert for three kilometers, during which you can see the ruins of ancient walls and buildings, household and palace structures, altars, temples. Scientists have proven that the city has moved many times from hand to hand, and was 10 V. AD Appreciated the destruction and looting of Arabs.

On the hills that surround Palmyra, you can see the ruins of the castle, which once the slaves erected. In the eastern part of the country there is an oldest temple dedicated to the God of the Sun Waal-Helios. It is famous for the fact that the unique stucco is perfectly preserved here, internal design in the form of leaves, berries and fruits.

In the valley there are towers, tombs, funeral caves.

The decoration and the center of Palmyra is the Triumphal Arch, erected by 2 V. AD, when the city was the center of the Arab East Trade Center. Through the main gate, it was possible to get to the city center, directly to the central trade area. There are a gate of three parts, which allowed to get into the part of the city, in which it was necessary to come to traders. The central arch has a height of 20 meters. The triumphal arch is made of stone of different species, completely covered with threads, numerous sculptures of lions with an open mouth.

Under the influence of the time of the arch was destroyed, so only fragments of this majestic constructions of antiquity were preserved.

This is an old palace, which was built on a hill in the Al-Year Valley. In the literal translation from Arabic and French, the name of the castle means the fortress of the knights. The castle was built as an important strategic point, which was necessary in order to protect the Antioch road - Beirut - the Mediterranean Sea.

For the first time, the castle was written in the Arabic chronicles in 10-11 centners. As the fortress of the Kurds. In 1031, a special military garrison was translated, and more than 60 years later, Fort switched to the hands of the French crusaders. The fortress was decided to keep as a support point on the way to Jerusalem. To manage the castle was the Order of Hospital Services, thanks to which to capture the castle could not more than a hundred years.

The ruins of the castle indicate that the structure was triangular at the base, the length of which was 270 m, and the width reached 9 m. It was the so-called core of the castle, on the sides of which there were 5 square-form towers. Inside the fortress there were barracks with curved vaults, and the brothers had the opportunity to serve in the chapel. Its form was made as a blind arkature that turned the chapel in another impregnable object.

This is the largest religious structure that is in the process of restoration. The temple was erected in 32 g. AD., Fuck the tradition of Eastern and antique architectural traditions. The facade of the building was issued as most of the Greek and Roman temples, and there was a big yard of the sanctuary around. On the entire perimeter there are columns, decorated with elements of Greek and Roman modeling, as well as the eastern components - lush and grand ornaments.

The temple, like the sanctuary, was built on the terrace, the dimensions of which are truly striking and make up 2010 305 meters. Once the courtyard was surrounded by powerful walls folded from stone blocks. The walls were decorated with a small colonam, indoor portico, relied on the columns.

You could get into the middle of the courtyard through four entrances, the main of which was in the West. These gates were decorated with unique carvings, the remains of which can be seen during the visit to Palmyra. Inside the temple is a huge space that do not divide the walls or colon.

This is a whole architectural complex, where every building is distinguished by monumentality and greatness. There are a lot of columns that create stunning colonnades, many stone platforms.

In total, there are four monumental platforms in the tetrapille, and each 4 columns are raised above the flat plates on top. Missed it seems that the complex is a unique peculiar triumphal arch, which once framed urban areas, put on the intersections of the main roads, shopping centers. The height of each column is 17 meters. Interestingly, only one column is made of pink marble, and the rest are from stone. Once on the platforms stood statues, but none was preserved until then.

Based at the very end of 4 c. BC. Emperor Seleuc first nican, who was born in the ancient city of Europos. Therefore, the ruler appropriated the fortress - the gift / fool (the name of the fort on Aramaic) is the name of his native settlement. Tourists can see perfectly preserved frescoes dedicated to religious and biblical motifs, including angels that in Judaism is prohibited. The city has a famous gate, which was led right in Palmyra. The road between the two cities associated two settlements during the antiquity period.

In the gift of Europos, the citadel, residential neighborings, and there are streets, various buildings, at home for nobility and ordinary citizens, four Roman baths located on the right side of the gate.

The main street Palmyra is framed by a colonnade, which archaeologists are called Great. Its length is 1.1 thousand meters. Related by what has two bends, which for the central streets of the Roman Empire was not typical. This can be explained by the fact that the street one was repeated the caravan path. The height of each column is 10 M., Between the colums there were indoor portico, made of the granite of a special pink asuuan breed and beautiful golden limestone.

Meetings in Palmir were held on the main square, which simultaneously served and place for trading. Agora shape is the right rectangle, which is surrounded by portica from all sides. Once in the very center was the tribune, from where important solutions and decrees were announced.

Around the Agora are a caravansery, Stela Palmigrian tariff, where marks about taxes and various tariffs installed by the Senate were made. This pillar was taken to St. Petersburg, where he was placed in the Hermitage.

Near the temple of Alla - the goddess of wisdom, the statue of the lion was located. Next to him was Gazelle. Weight bas-relief about 15 tons, and reached a height of 3.5 meters. The lion was destroyed by the militants of the ISIL army (prohibited in Russia) in the summer of 2015

Erected in 131 of our era, he was the second most important temple in Palmir. Its value - worship of the Balu DeityWho was responsible for rain, and accordingly, for the harvest. The pagan temple was turned into a 5th century Christian, becoming a church. Blown as the statue of Leo, in 2015

Not far from Palmyra is the Valley of Tomb or Palmy Necropolis. Here I buried the representatives of the nobility, they were erected towers. Several tombs are perfectly preserved, and underground tomb are underground tomb under them. Here I were buried by representatives of this or that kind.

Are near the temple of a nabbean, which were considered for a long time, were built on the orders of the emperor Diocletian. But excavations made it possible to establish that their age is another, at least a hundred years earlier. Diocletian only reconstructed the terms that made a bath similar to Roman. Survived part of the water pipe, a stone pool, monolithic columns, a portico.


Not only the specified sights can look at tourists, but also go on a tour to other monuments. Be sure to visit the amphitheater, the ruins of the diochetian military camp, the Senate, many temples and sanctuations. Unfortunately, most of the monuments were destroyed.

The city rising from sand

Ancient city will survive a new invasion of barbarians, more than once sought to erase him from his face
earth. Actually, thanks to Varvaram Palmyra and preserved to this day.

There are many amazing paradoxes in history: for example, Pompeii retained us volcanic lava, and Palmyra - human oblivion. The city was thrown by people and forgotten for many centuries.

It happened after in the VII century the city was captured by the Arab conquerors who
they expelled a few local population, and the fortress was founded on the ruins of ancient temples,
quickly arrived in the launch. Left in the power of winds, sands and time, grand
structures lifeless frozen until the XI century, when the crushing earthquake in 1089
the destruction of Palmyra completed, leaving only the roins on the outskirts of the oasis.

The remains of the magnificent capital of antiquity were buried under the sands during frequent here.
sand storms, and those buildings that remained on the surface, served as a building material.
for huts of local residents. Much of what was of interest in terms of art,
it was looted and transferred to major cities, and from there in the museums of world capitals.
When in the XII century, the Spanish Rabbi Veniamin reached Palmyra, he saw only Arabic
the village, located on the huge courtyard of the temple of God.

The second opening of Palmyra happened at the beginning of the XVII century, when the antique ruins stumbled upon
italian traveler Pietro della Ball. Around 1692, English comes here
pastor Halifax. He was the first to copy three palmig inscriptions, however, read Palmy
he failed.

Only 70 years old before Palmyra got english travelers and scientists Robert
Wood (Robert Wood) and James Dawkins (James Dawkins). They accounted for a first description of the ruins
Palmyra, measured measurements and sketches, which subsequently made a big impression
on contemporaries.

Comparing these drawings with later photos, we will see what was lost and
locked by Arabs, and what restored in our time.

Thanks to Voodoo and Dawkins, Palmyra received fame.
Russian traveler A.A. Rafalovich wrote in his
"Route notes about Syria and Palestine 1844 - 1847":

"They (Bedouins) proudly and reverence say that among their sandy steppes are
the remnants of the Great City of Tadmor, erected by the Wise Solomon, whom they recognize
for his ancient king. "

Bedouin's respect, however, did not prevent the further plunder of the ruins.

In photographs made in 1880, Palmyra appears somewhat more communited,
than in the drawings of the XVIII century.

After the First World War, Palmyir becomes one of the most relevant
and attractive problems for archaeologists.

Her architecture and art are a kind of artistic phenomenon in the culture of Roman
empire, and the monuments and inscriptions as a result of archaeological excavations - priceless
historical documents. It was in Palmyra for the first time in history a peaceful mixture occurred
the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the East with the ideology of the West. As a result, there was a new one
striking culture, which is not east, nor western, affecting its wealth and glitter
it belongs to the essence of them.

Palmy religion, for example, is a conglomerate of different cults of the ancient East mixed with
elements of Western religions, namely Greek and Roman. Bel and Balchamine, major deities
Palmyra have a lot in common with Zeus, and the goddess of Allat - with Athena. Figures on Palmy
sculptures are dressed in oriental, Parfyan robes, and their eyes are outlined by the sample of Assyrian
sculptural images. But the composition, and above all the decorative elements rise to
traditional ornamental, typical of Greek and Roman art.

Reconstruction of the temple of Bela.

Altar Balshamine from Palmyra. Left - God Malacbel, right - agliaball.

Altar of God Bela (he sits on the right). Stand: Yaribar, Agliaball and Balchamine.

Goddess Alatat

The remains of the temple

Preserved partially dangled, partially protruding from the sands of the desert and gravel long
colonnades; The complex of the Sanctuary of Bela, Roman Term, Agora, small but well-preserved
theater; Esplanade of the western part of the city (the so-called diochetyan camp). All this is surrounded
pretty well-preserved fortress walls.

In Arabic, Palmyra is called Tador - this is the name in all likelihood of the Chemistry
origin. The first preserved mention of Tadmore, occasion of clinical
assyrian tiles found in Cul-Tepe in Cappadocia refers to the beginning of the second millennium
bC. In the XVIII century BC. e. Tadmor is mentioned on two signs found in Marie
- the terrain located on the right bank of the Euphrates, where many years led their excavations of the French
under the guidance of prof. A. Parro. The city of Tadmor is also mentioned in the Annals of Toglatpalasar,
related to the beginning of the XI century BC. e. In the biblical "book of kingdoms", which arose in the VI century to
n. e. Where is talking about the construction work of Solomon, among the various locations mention
also Tamar in the desert; In a similar passage in the "Book of Paralympomenon" related to the first century
n. e., instead of Tamar, the name Tador is used.

What is the origin of the name "Palmyra", occurring already in the first century n. e.? This name is
officially used in the Greek-Roman period arose in all likelihood on the basis of
fake etymology identifying the hemp of Tadmore with the Semit of Tamar,
meaning chipstick.

Urban-type settlements in this deserted oasis undoubtedly existed in the second
millenniums BC. e., and those of flint tools and products found in the nearby desert
specify the availability of settlements in the area back during the Stone Age. Beating here
the somewhat saline wrench of the EFCA and sulfur waters favored the early settlement of the oasis.
The earliest settlements on the territory of Palmyra have not yet been studied by archaeologists,
but since the 1st century, our era Palmyra was already a large shopping center.

The world's first arrangement in the world with a detailed presentation of customs regulations was drawn up - so
called "Palmyar Tariff". The inscription was made on Palmyrasky - a mixture of Greek
and the Aramaic languages. This arch discovered and decrypted our compatriot professor
St. Petersburg University S.S. Abamelak-Lazarev.

Here sold slaves and slaves from Egypt and Malaya Asia, from India and Arabia brought spices
and aromatic substances, there was constantly demand for wine, salt, clothing, break, shoes ... High
it was appreciated and painted with purple wool: merchants, praising their goods, together argued that
compared to Palmish other purple fabrics look faded, as if they were sprinkled

Under the arches of the Arcorn Arch, there was always a multilingual hum, but it was called triumphant
europeans. In their presentation, the arch and gates were always put to glorify the glorious
military victories or in honor of the great commander. But Palmigrian architects solved in this case
another task: the double gate of the Triumphal Arch was delivered at an angle and as if
the street was blocked, hid her.

These monumental gates from basalt, granite and marble were erected around 200.
A huge 20-meter arch relies on double columns, and two small arches on the edges lead
in the side streets. The main trade master Palmyra was the street of large colonnade,
crossed the city from the end to the end. In all its length (more than 1 km) four rows stretched
17-meter columns, followed by residential buildings, warehouses and shops.

Aside from the street of large colonnad, there was a theater built in the busiest quarter
Palmyra. On the right side, he adjoined the building of the Senate: Theater and Senate were located on
square square surrounded by portico in ionic style. Porticists were decorated with statues
roman and Palmy commander, officials and other famous people of the city.

Palmyra, who had long retained his independence became Vassal Rome in the early years of the empire. On
military service in the Roman troops began to flow at this time Palmy archers, of which
starting from the times of Tracin, individual detachments were formed. Adrian about 129 personally visited
the city, which is at this time already on the top of his wealth and gloss. Emperor Adrian
recognizes Palmyra's right to be a free city within the Roman Empire, the right to which the city
he used to the board of the board septimia of the North.

In 212, during the reign of the northern dynasty, Palmyra officially becomes Roman
province and remains it until 260, when the Persian King Shapur defeated the legions of the emperor
Valerian, and he himself captured. Persian troops approached the very walls of Palmyra,
and then the Romans turned to Palmigrian ruler Openat with a plea for help. And happened
the fact that then will cause the inadequate admiration of chroniclers and historians: Open, collecting
the best Palmy archers crushed the Persian army.


Having recovered from the defeat, the Persians again opposed the Romans, and again a decisive role in the defeat
the enemy belonged to Palmyrts. In gratefulness, the Roman emperor appointed the Ottena Vice-
the emperor of the East is the second person in the Roman Empire. However, the ruler Palmyra understood
what any attempt to raise will cause fear and bite in Rome. However, already independently
from his will and Palmyra, and he himself acquired an increasing impact in the Middle East. AND
it really has time when Rome began to be afraid of his ally. To deprive Open Titula
and the army was not for that - he remained faithful to the oath, to declare his enemy Rome was no longer bold.
And then Rome is a resort, as it happens very often, to the proven and tested medium -
murder. The Roman authorities of Suri's countries in 267 invited Ottenat to discuss current
affairs in Emen and there killed him with the eldest son Gerodian.

Power in the country moved to his widow Tsarice Zinovia (or Zenobia). Romans were firmly convinced
that the troops of Palmyra will refuse to go into battle under the command of a woman. And strongly calculated!
Palmy chiefs sworn at the loyalty of Zenobia, and the army switched on her side soon
she took possession of Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and the Bosphorus and Dardanelles were reached in the north.

The military victories of Zenobia alarmed Rome, and Emperor Aurelian decided to oppose her army.
After the defeat at Emessel, Zenobia decided to sit down in Palmir, but a long siege to withstand
failed. It remained only to take out all wealth from the city and retreat for Euphrates, and there
save the width of the river and the accuracy of the glorified palmig archers. But the cavalry of the emperor
Averalian followed the heels, and at the river Zenobia captured. In the fall of 272, i.e.
after almost two years after the armed uprising of Zinovia vs. Rome Palmyra was taken
the troops of Averalian, who personally led the siege of the city.

"The farewell view of the Zinovia queen on Palmyra." Picture of Herbert Shmalz.

What was the fate of the educated and ambitious Queen, famous for her beauty?
According to antique sources, Zinovia in chains was taken to Rome - the prisoner of the queen should
it was gambled by the triumph of Averalian in the capital of the Empire.

Ancient stele with an inscription dedicated to Zinovia.

Osada Palmyra, and then secondary capture of the city after the uprising raised by the inhabitants of Palmyra
in 273, led to serious destruction of the city. Zinovia itself for expansion and strengthening
fortifications ordered to disassemble some tombs and use their blocks to strengthen
walls of the city; Part of the tombs located in the immediate vicinity of Palmyra was destroyed
aurelian soldiers standing under the walls of the city.

In honor of the Triumph, Emperor Aurelian ordered to build the Grand Palace in the city (reconstruction).

Everything that remains from the Palace of the Emperor.

The general reconstruction of some quarters and individual Palmyra buildings was launched on
turn of the III and IV centuries. Under the emperor dioclette. During the construction of new buildings and partial
the restoration of the olds was used at this time stone blocks and tombstones from necropolia
surrounding Palmyra. As we see, the loss of independence, the defeat of the troops of the Queen Zinovia and
the capture of the city of Averalian did not take the final catastrophe for no residents of Palmyra,
neither for the development of urban construction. In the Byzantine Time Palmyra, as well as all
The Eastern Empire is experiencing a heyday periods and decline. During the reign of Arkady, about
400 years old, Palmyra again acquires some importance as a place of stay of the Legion, and
150 years later, with Justinian, a partial restoration of fortress walls is produced,
built during Zinovia. At the same time, one of the Christian Basil is being built in the city.

After the Romans, Arabs came here, and the city without resistance surrendered to the troops of Halad Ibia-Al-Valida,
one of the military leaders of the first Khalifa Abu Bekra. Residents were expelled. However, they are already
i have never lived in the city for a long time, and I got lost behind the walls of the sanctuary of Bal's god, sheplying there many
dark and close global shacks. Then the Turks came here for many years, who themselves
nothing wanted to know about the culture of the people subject to them, and others did not give it to study.
No one was affairs to the brilliant history of the dying city, and numerous earthquakes
completed the destruction of the surviving temples, palaces and colonnade, and the defeated Syrian sands
the deserts finally absorbed the ruins of Palmyra.

Palmyra color. Arabic buildings are visible.

Arab conquerors whose culture was completely alien to Roman architecture
Palmyra, adapt urban buildings, colonnades and temples for defense and own
utilitarian purposes. For example, under the elbows, it is rebuilt into the Gorgeous Citadel
the complex of the sanctuary is Bela.

Arab Palmyra

Russian archaeologist B.V. Pharmakovsky, who participated in the restoration of Palmyra, wrote:
"The majestic monuments of the art of ancient Palmyra have long already attracted the attention of scientists
and lovers of beautiful. Sliced \u200b\u200bin the world of huge anhydrous desert and located
among the forests of palm trees in the distant, luxurious oasis of the ruins of Palmyra ... always excited
imagination, always seemed something fabulously magnificent ... Ancient Palmyra was one
from outstanding cultural centers in the East. And there was a society whose art
it was the essential need of life that loved and bowed to his creators. "

Palmyra at dawn

After members of the terrorist group "Islamic state" known for their
barbaric attitude to subjects of culture and art, entered Palmyra, representative
UNESCO reported that hundreds of valuable statues were safely evacuated to a safe place.
Nevertheless, scientists have a great concern for the fate of museums, massive sarcophagus
and large sculptures that cannot be removed ..

The figurative expression "Petersburg - North Palmyra" is familiar to us since childhood. However, what is the legendary prototype of our northern capital himself, few people are. Until recently, many did not even know that Palmyra is in Syria. And only the tragic events of our days, as a result of which Palmyra turned out to be the focus of all global media, stimulated and special interest in it as a unique cultural monument.

Palmyra shakes. Starting from an incredible contrast, seeking endless, fruitless mountainous deserts and a dark strip, suddenly arising on the horizon, palm groves, hiding the majestic ruins of an ancient city, you do not leave the feeling of unreality, fantasticity that appeared before our eyes. It is not by chance that Bedouins believe that Ginny was built Palmyra.

Palmyra. General view from the medieval citadel Calaat al-Maani. In the depths of the left - the temple of Zeus-Bela. From him to the center of the picture there is a large colonnade, concluded by the burial temple. Right - diochetian camp. A tetrapil is visible in the center of the colonnade, and on its left edge - a triumphal arch. The theater and Agora are visible to the right of the tetrapilon. (Photo by)

Strictly speaking, the name of the city in the desert, which is still its official name, - Tador (Aramaic "Tadmore Armavut" means the city of Palm). Palmyra is a linguistic flooring with Aramaic, which has become its European title. But because, it was under this name that the city was established in world culture, we, in the future, will be called it.

History Palmyra has at least 4 thousand years. On the excavations in Northern Iraq, the Assyrian sign was discovered, dating from the beginning of the II, Millennium BC, with the text of the contract, one of whose witnesses is called a certain Puzur Ishtar - Tadmorin. This suggests that even then the city existed and had extensive trading ties, which is not surprising, by virtue of the unique location of the Palmy Oasis, almost halfway between the coast of the Mediterranean and the Valley of the Ether River.

Palmyra rose and flourished on the caravan trade. She reached its apogee in the II-III centuries AD, when the Imperial Dynasty of the Nortorts ruled in Rome, which had, on the women's line, Syrian roots. And in the second half of the III century, the proud Tsarina Palmyra Zenobia (in Aramaian Zubayidat Bat Rabbay) died to challenge Rome himself. We know about this amazing woman, mostly from Roman sources, which, despite the attitude hostile to her, give off due to her mind, courage and beauty. Zenobia was a real amazon. Together with his soldiers, she kept multi-day rapid marches and participated in battles. Her army, the basis of which was archers and camel cavalry, recruited from the militant Bedouin tribes, was even on Roman standards, formidable force. Zenobia not only broke a vass relationship with Rome, but also managed to capture almost the entire eastern part of the Roman Empire from the Nile Valley to Bosphor for 5 years.

It happens to these two centuries later, the Palmig Kingdom could be a new superpower. But in the second half of the III century, Rome was still very strong. Although not without difficulty, the Emperor Aurelian was able to show the rebellious queen. In 272 AD Zenobia's troops were broken down by Emen (modern HOMS). The rebellious queen was trying to run to the parkphy, but on the way to Ethrate was captured by the Romans, after which Palmyra capitulated. In 274 g, chained in the Golden chains, Senobia spent on the streets of Rome, following the chariot of the Triumfator - Averalian. She spent the rest of his life on one of the villas in Tivoli. Some of the senators ironed over the emperor who won a woman. What Averalian answered: - "If you knew what a woman is!"

In the Byzantine period and with the advent of Islam, the caravanways were shifted, and Palmyra gradually faded. In the 20s of the last century, she was just a Bedouin village, which felt entirely inside the walls of the ancient temple of Zeus - Bela. But it was precisely the cessation of urban life provided "encapsulation" of its ancient heritage in the sands of the Syrian desert. When, in the XVIII century, Europeans again discovered Palmyra, and remembered Zenobia, St. Petersburg court lesses began to compare Empress Catherine II with the legendary queen. Then the epithet of North Palmyra arose. And for Syrians, the image of Zenobia is one of the central national symbols. Her image with an antique coin in the military helmet decorates the 100-Lingerie Banknote of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Most of the palmir architectural heritage preserved to this day, just refers to the era, the culmination point of which was a short and vivid rule of the Queen of Zenobia.

By the standards of Antiquity, Palmyra was a megapolis. The length of its external, so-called, custom wall, which was rather a fence than a serious fortification, reached 20 km. But the main part of an ancient city, surrounded by real fortress walls and towers, where his trading and political elite once lived, and where almost all of his public buildings are concentrated, it has the form of an irregular semi-ellipse, with dimensions, approximately 1.8 x 0.8 km. It is located on a flat plain, from the north-west of a limited grocery of high stony hills, from the south and from the east - palm groves, and from the northeast quarters of the modern town of Tador.

The ancient palmitic is almost not affected by modern construction, but most of it, and to this day, hidden by sands, and remains potential el-dorado for archaeologists. The city was built from local, very beautiful, golden limestone. Recessed to us, in one degree or another of preservation, architectural structures are concentrated, mainly in the southern part of its historical territory. This, above all, a large colonnade is the main prospect of the city, crossing it from the west to the East. On the parties of a large colonnade in its central part there are the theater, and a number of structures that have surrendered more fragmentary: Agora, Terms, Caravan-sheds, residential, administrative and cult buildings. From the east of the colonnade ends with the grand complex of the temple of Zeus - Bela. And in the western part of the ancient Palmyra, the building, the so-called diocoletian camp, the complex of structures, which built the Romans on the residues of the destroyed Palace of Zenobia to accommodate their garrison and administration. To the northeast of a large colonnade, until the summer of 2015, the mansion was a small temple of Baalhamin. And finally, the western outskirts of the historic city in a wide and extended hillion between the hills are located in a wide and extended hill, - the Valley of the Tomb is an absolutely unique complex, whose architecture does not have any analogues in world culture.

All these buildings are striking the highest level of architecture, unity of style and artistic harmony. It seems that the whole city is created according to a single plan, one master and in one breath. However, this feeling is false. Really, the architectural ensemble of Antique Palmyra has developed for 2-3 centuries, but every generation of its builders did not drink, but developed and enriched what was created by his predecessors. Dog and lesson many of the architects of our days!

Many Palmyra century was the most important civilization intersection where the West and East met. And this imposed a special imprint on its culture. Starting with the era of Alexander Macedon, Syria, like the whole Middle East, was involved in the orbit of the Hellenistic, and later Roman civilization. In architecture, this was expressed in the domination of an ancient order. Of the three main orders of classical architecture, in the Middle East, the most solemn and parade Corinthian order received the greatest distribution. A ionic order is quite rare, and there is practically no Doric. Also, as in the entire Greek-Roman Okumen of the period of the Empire, in Syria, as a rule, structures with smooth-bore columns are erected. Clay columns typical for the architecture of ancient Greece and the period of Hellenism, with the beginning of the new era almost everywhere disappear.

Despite the rapid development of advanced construction technologies in the metropolis, such as the appearance of linking solutions, brick-dlinges, monolithic concrete, and, as a result of incredible progress in violating, construction in the Middle East, almost to the Byzantine period, technically remains very archaic. It is obvious that, and today the technical progress of the imperial Rome affecting us, was so expensive and demanded such a difficult social organization that was only the metropolis. Therefore, then as the Colosseum and Pantheon were built in Rome, in Syria, still, traditional laying of ducky stone blocks were used everywhere, with internal lead scrapers. In the Middle Ages, when firearms appeared, the Bedouins began to poke these fastenings and cast bullets out of them. As a result, the walls of many ancient buildings have reached us with a dressed hole. Arches also laid out dry. Flat floors are erected everywhere. At the same time, the tree is used only in exclusive objects, if necessary, overlapping significant spans, since it was very expensive in the desert. The only raw material for wooden structures was the Lebanese cedar. In the conditions of the extraordinary deficit of the scaffolding, most often, the overlap is performed from, tightly fitted one to the other, stone beams. Even the door and glowing canvas make from the hinges, stone slabs.

In Syria, European antiquity constantly experienced a strong effect of the cultures of messenis and Iran, which, purely geographically, were much closer to it than Greece and Italy. And Palmyra in the era of the Roman Empire, in fact, was on the very edge of the ancient cultural world. And the influence of the East was the most significant. This has formed a distinctive version of Palmyal antiquity, which has soldered the characteristics of the East and the West.

The most indicative, in this regard, is located in the southeastern part of the city, the complex of the main church of Palmyra, its name itself demonstrating this alloy. The Supreme God of the Semitic Peoples of Meternrachia and the Middle East of Bel or Waal in Hellenized Palmyra became associated with Greek Zeus. This religious syncretism is reflected in the dedication of the temple of Zeus-Belo. The same we observe in his architecture.

The temple ensemble that came to this day is the oldest of the preserved palmir structures. It began to be built under the emperor Tiberius I, in the first half of the 1st century V.N., and the final finish was completed at the beginning of II century. Previously, there was also a sanctuary, which, of course, there were certainly more ancient cult facilities. In any case, an artificial hill on which the ancient temple stands, was embellished in the biblical era.

Temple Zeus-Bela. View from Citadel Calaat Al-Maani. The center shows the northwest angle surrounding complex, colonnade and outer wall. Clearly read the difference in the height of the Western and Northern facades. In the center of the Western facade is the main entrance, rebuilt in the XII century. In the fortress bastion. Above the north-western angle of the outer wall is visible to the sanctuary with "P"-shaped input portal and with the upper part of its eastern colonnade. Below, a large colonnade with a triumphal arch on its fracture. (Photo by)

In terms of the temple complex represents, oriented to the sides of the world, a square yard with a length of about 200m. With the sanctuary, located a few east of its center. In the perimeter, the temple courtyard is surrounded by colonnades with a deaf outer wall, decorated with Corinth pilasters and false niche windows. At the same time, the north, eastern and southern side of the courtyard have double row colonnades, while Western, where the main entrance was located, is one-row. But on this side, the outer wall and columns are significantly higher. In the center of the Western Wall are the main propellands of the main entrance to the temple courtyard. Once from the outside, they had a solemn 8-column portico, which, apparently, in the traditions of Syrian antiquity was married by a fronton with an arch over the central intercumion. Against the background of the extended deaf outward walls of the chopile, the propellera were perceived as a precious brooch on a strict dress. However, to the present day, only the eastern wall facing the courtyard was partially preserved, since in the 12th century the temple was turned into a fortress, and the propellants were rebuilt into a combat bastion, disagreeing the portico.

Temple Zeus-Bela. Reconstruction.

Until the summer of 2015, the center of the courtyard was the sanctuary, which represented the peripter, with a deaf wit and the surrounding Corinthian colonnade, having 8 columns on the ends and 17 on the longitudinal facades. The entire height of the colonnade was maintained only on the eastern facade of the periptera. At the same time, the columns of the sanctuary had chairs, - that in the architecture, Palmyra is extremely rare, and they had no capitals. The fact is that the capitals were overhead made of gilded bronze. In 272, by order of Emperor Avrelin, they, as part of the contribution imposed on the rebellious city, were removed from the temple and sent to Rome.

Temple Zeus-Bela. Sanctuary. View from the south-east. Celel and, preserved, 8 columns of the Eastern Facade. A number of typical Eastern Merlons are visible above the eaves.

From what was said, in terms of architecture, it would seem, there is nothing unusual. Such compositions are found in Europe. But then the most interesting thing begins. The sanctuary is delivered towards the recipes not a short, but long side, and the entrance to Celly is not located from the end, but on the longitudinal facade of the periptera, which will never meet in Europe. Since the long side of the peripteer always has an odd number of columns, the entrance is not on the axis of the facade, but is shifted to the south. Accordingly, the sanctuary itself, the entrance to which is tied to the axis of gear, is shifted to the north. Of course, such a solution is dictated not to creative arbitrariness of architects, but by local religious traditions. But as a result, a light asymmetry arises in the composition of the complex, which is not recorded visually, but it is felt, and enhances its emotional perception. The Roman rationalistic formation is not peculiar.

And then, quite unusual. The rectangular entrance to the sanctuary is isolated by a monumental "P"-shaped portal interrupting the colonnade, which is just typical for the eastern cult buildings from the messenpotamia to Egypt. The sanctuary is erected by, quite high, stepped podium, which is traditionally for European antiquity. But the entrance is not a staircase, but a ramp, which is typical for the East.

Temple Zeus-Bela. Sanctuary. View from the northwest. Celel and, interrupting the Western Colonnade, a monumental "P" -dent input portal. (Photo by)

For the European tradition, the placement of the statue of the Divine in the center of the Calyus of the Temple is characteristic. Here, inside the witnesses of the sanctuary, there are monumental niches in the end walls, blocked by flat cesonted ceilings. Apparently, it was in them altari with sculptures of the deities. At the same time, the right from the entrance to the altar also leads a ramp. Obviously, it was here that the statue of Bela stood, which the priests were periodically endured from the sanctuary during religious processes. For this, I needed a ramp. Again, the feature characteristic of oriental cult traditions.

The building is overlapped non-double, but flat roof, which is quite natural for the climate of the desert. But in accordance with the Greco-Roman tradition, its end facades are crowned with frontons, which in this case are purely decorative attic walls. Walls Culbbles are higher than flat roof colonnades. Thus, the building acquires a stepped silhouette, completely independent of European antiquity.

Finally, on the eastern facade over the cornese of the colonnade until the 20th century, several Merlons preserved - flat stepped pyramids, which are a traditional crown element in the intercontracy architecture. Obviously, the rows of Merlons were crowned by the eaves of the long sides of the colonnade, and, of course, the Walls of Celsius. Of course, the external walls of the temple complex also have a similar completion.

Temple Zeus-Bela. Sanctuary. Reconstruction.

So, when perceiving from the outside, his external massive and deaf walls with Merlons played the main role in the appearance of the temple, followed by a stepped silhouette of the sanctuary, as complete by rows of Merlonov. Therefore, most likely, the temple was not perceived as an ancient structure with an oriental flavor, but, on the contrary, as a work of an eastern architectural tradition, with Greek-Roman elements.

Compared with the temple of Zeus-Bela, other facilities of the historic center Palmyra have a more traditional antique appearance. But they also carry in themselves few of the original features, characteristic not only by the Syrian version of antiquity, but also inherent exclusively palmir.

A large colonnade Palmyra, as already mentioned, this is the central prospect of the city, with a length of about 1.5 km, intersecting it in the latitudinal direction. She was erected in the II-III centuries to the means of wealthy citizens. As it was not just a street, but the main trading passage of the city, the sidewalks here, in fact, were covered galleries separated from the roadway with rows of columns. Such registration of central streets in the first centuries of our era has become a common place for all, no significant cities in the Middle East. In a hot, deserted climate, shopping streets-colonnades that protect against the Sun were very in demand. It was the indicator of the status of the city, its standard of living and comfort, and, at the same time, a means allowing a single solemn facade of the colonnade to cover the chaotic building, spontaneously emerging along the sidewalks. Also, since in Palmir, the royal palace was located in the western part of the city, and the main temple of Zeus-Bela in Eastern, it is obvious that, which connects them, a large colonnade served as the parade route, which was held by the solemn royal processions from the palace in the temple and back.

In the Roman urban tradition, which comes from military camps, this kind of through prospectuses were called Dekumanus Maximus. But if the Roman decumices, like most shopping streets-colonnade of the Middle East, direct, like a stretched string, then a large palmir colonnade has two blobs. Obviously, in Palmyra, ordered layout in the ancient period was superimposed on an older irregular basis. However, the architecture of the avenue is such that these folsters are completely not felt. He seems straight.

The first insignificant break, with the deviation of the axis by 3-4 degrees, falls about the middle of the prospectus. Also, this place is marked

T-shaped crossroads of a large colonnade with, suitable to it from the south, a transverse street, as well as the designer in the form of a colonnade. The transverse street is suitable for a large colonnade not at right angles, but at an angle of about 75 degrees. In order to mix all these deviations from the orthogonal planning structure, the ancient urban planners issued this spatial node in the form of a small elliptical area with, located in its center, tetrapilon. At the same time, the larger diameter of the ellipse corresponds to the direction of the large colonnade, emphasizing its spatial priority.

Tetrapil in Roman architecture is usually a four-sided triumphal arch, installed on a spatially significant intersection. But in Palmyra, the tetrapil is unique.

Big colonnade and tetrapil. View from the triumphal arch. (Photo by)

First of all, here he does not just notify the intersection, meaningful for the urban area of \u200b\u200bthe axes, but also hides their deviations from the rectilinear direction. Further, in the corners of the square base of the tetrapilon, not powerful foundations were erected to which crossed arches should rely on, and, on high podiums, four groups of four cornproof columns were installed, each. Columns from pink Assuansky granite hold four, square in terms, antablem with flat overlaps. Between the columns on the pedestals stood sculptures. It is difficult to imagine that on such elegant, permeated air, the base could be resting severe crossed arches. Most likely, Tetrapille Palmyra did not have a general overlap, and his columns groups were completed with small pyramids.

Another, coolest break takes place in the eastern part of a large colonnade, about 350 meters from the tetrapilon. Here, the avenue makes a sharp turn toward the dutches of the temple of Zeus-Bela. In order to tear it up visually, a famous triumphal arch was erected at this place, which became a business card Palmyra, and all of Syria.

Big colonnade and triumphal arch. View from the temple of Zeus-Bela. (Photo by)

It is she depicted along with the queen of Zenobia on a 100-world Syrian bill. It is also well known to us, as its image decorates the cover of the history textbook for grade 5.

Triumphal Arch. Reconstruction.

The arch in the plan has a triangular configuration. Her Western and Eastern facades were delivered at an angle to each other as the opening book. At the same time, the plane of each facade is perpendicular to the axis of the prospectus. It must be said that the similar technique was used by Karl Rossi in the famous arch of the General Staff in St. Petersburg, which, apparently, gave an additional reason to call the city on the Neva North Palmyra.

Triumphal Arch. The top of the planning triangle. (Photo by)

Triumphal Arch. The base of the planning triangle.

Strictly speaking, although in Palmyra it is a monumental structure and is called the arch in a single number, it has not one, but three arches: a large central one - over the roadway, and two small, side - over sidewalks. At the same time, the ranks of the columns, adjacent to the triumphal arch from the tetrapilon, fall into the simpleness between the middle and lateral arched openings. And thus, from this side, the triumphal arch can only be seen fragmentary. But from the cuts of the church of Zeus-Bela, the colonnade is moving on the entire width of the prospectus, along with sidewalks. And from here the arch is visible entirely. Apparently, this part of the street had no so much trading as the solemn-parade value of Esplanade in front of the temple.

Probably the arch was crowned sculpture. This is evidenced by Greek inscription in her northeast passenger, reporting that some urban strategies erected here the statue of the Irodian - the Senior Son of Odenanta - Prince Palmir (Rush Tador). It must be said that both of them, father and son, became famous for the victory over the Persians won in 262. The United Roman-Palmy-Palmy Army under the command of Odenant. For this victory, Oddenant received from Rome the title of Duksa (Field Marshal) and the title of local emperor. By the way, he was married to the second marriage on the very Zenobia, which was over and for him and for his son very sad. In 267, they were killed as a result of a conspiracy, followed by Zenobiya. So she cleared the way to the throne, formally, his son-baby, and, in essence, herself. All this is said in order to assume that since the statue of the Prince Son, then, at least, should have been the statue of the Little Father.

Sculpture, of course, played a special role in the architectural design of the chief urban Palmyra Avenue. She was present not only on such iconic objects as a triumphal arch and tetrapilon, but also, almost, on each column. Only in Palmir, and it is a purely feature, the columns of the main avenue have from the side of the passage of the console, on which there were small sculptural sculptures or, more often, bronze busts of honorary citizens. You can imagine what kind of figure there was a large colonnade at the time of the heyday Palmyra.

Big colonnade. The statue of an honorary city citizen, installed on the column console. (Photo by)

South-west of a large colonnade, between the Triumphal Arch and Tetrapilom, the theater building is located. Unlike Greece, Italy and Malaya Asia, where a natural relief was used for amphitheaters, most of the theaters of Syria were erected on artificial substructures. Such and Palmyra Theater. In general, this is a typical Roman construction with an open amphitheater facing the northeast and looking into the southwest scene. This orientation is most preferable for performing performances in the afternoon in the open sky. As it should be Roman theaters, his scene is shielded by a luxurious decorative facade.

The deaf northeastern wall of the stage part with service entrances passes strictly along the red line of building a large colonnade, along the back side of its sidewalk. On the opposite side, the outer wall of the amphitheater is a wide half-ring covers the spectacular, half-round in the plan, the area opposite to the theater of the facade of which represents the same scale as the main prospectus, colonnade. To this day, about one third has been preserved from this colonnade. To connect the prospectus and the "theatrical" area, on the right and to the left of the theater in the large colonnade, arches are effectively composed, equal to the width of its carriageway.

Big colonnade, theater and surrounding it, semi-curvous area.

From the south of the gate in the urban walls to the square, the transverse street is suitable, as decorated by colonnades, from which only the foundations are preserved. Its axis almost coincides with the transverse axis of the theater.

Since the amphitheater has been preserved less than half a height, we do not know which as a whole was the architecture of the outdoor facade of the theater. Perhaps in the upper registers, it was issued in one or several arches, according to the Roman Marcello Theater, and maybe it was decorated with a number of niche with sculptures. But it is difficult to imagine that it can be just a deaf cylindrical surface.

To the north-west of the "theatrical" square, close to the fortress walls there is a complex of agora and customs courtyard. And next to them, the buildings of the Senate and Kaesarium are located closer to the square - the head of the governor of the Roman emperor. These structures reached us, mainly at the level of the base. The entire height has been preserved several columns of Caesarium and Agora, and individual fragments of the exterior walls of the latter.

Judging by them, Agora was an area, dimensions of 84x71m., Surrounded by perimeter, portico with deaf outdoor walls that create a shady gallery. All columns of Agora, as in the main avenue, had consoles for busts. According to historians, the Northern Gallery of Agora was intended for officials, Western for military, southern for merchants, and Eastern for senators. The south-western corner of Agora is adjacent to a small room, most likely served by a banquet hall.

Apparently, here in the center of Agora stood Stella with the text, the so-called Palmy faith. Stella was discovered in 1882, the Russian researcher Abamek Lazarev, thrown on the customs yard. From 1901 She is in the Hermitage. Palmyarky tariff is a system of charging duties, which amazes the intelligence and flexibility of the city's customs policy, and largely clarifies the economic basis of his prosperity.

Thus, all the administrative and business life of Palmyra was concentrated next to the semi-curvous area, the basis of which was caravan trade. And the solemn composition of the square with the theater, from the transverse street-colonnoy and with the city gate, overlapped with arches, passages from the square to the main avenue, says that this ensemble was the main caravan entrance to the city. Not many of the cities of the ancient world could boast of such an impressive "hallway."

Purely physically, most of the facilities of the Palmyra social and business center are not so great. For example, the height of the central opening of the Triumphal Arch in the castle is only 6 meters. And, nevertheless, the viewer does not leave the feeling of the power and majesty of this ensemble. Such is one of the sacraments of architecture with a capital letter, it seems more than in fact.

If in the east, a large colonnade ends with a huge massif of the temple of Zeus-Bela, then in the West its perspective is completed, quite modest in terms of volume, partially preserved, a cult building. This is a construction on a high podium characteristic of antiquity, a critical type with a four portion column. Since today it is not clear what kind of God is dedicated to him, the conditional name of the "funeral" temple was entrenched, since the crypt is under his floor.

Big colonnade and tetrapil. View from the theater. In the foreground - the ruins of Caesarium, in the depths, at the end of the colonnade - the funeral temple, away on the hill - the medieval citadel Calaat al-Maani. (Photo by)

From the south to the point of the end of the main avenue and the entrance to the funeral temple from the Damascus gate comes the third cross-street-colonnade. West of her, once there was a palace of the rulers of Palmyra - Odenanta and Zenobia, and after conquering the city, the Roman administration and garrison housed here. Partially destroying, partially rebuilt, and partially using previous structures, Romans, built on this territory, the so-called diochetian camp. Despite the fact that most of the camp territory is still hidden by sands, and visible structures have been preserved, mainly at the level of no higher base, its planning structure is read quite clearly.

Diocletian camp plan.

Traditionally, the camp is divided into four blocks by two crossed streets: in the meridional direction -karto, or Via principal, and in the latitudinal, decumanus, or Via Pretoria. Their intersection was noted by Tetrapilon, from which only the foundation remained. At the same time, both the streets were, quite like - Palmyrs are decorated with colonnades. Climate, there is a climate. And the Romans perfectly learned everything reasonable, which was the peoples conquered by them. The main axis of the complex was Via Pretoria, which began at the Paradinary Pretorian gates, leaving for the Damascus Street-colonnade, and ending with monumental propelines leading to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Forum. Apparently this area (62x45 m), with its architecture, not only representatively was the power of the metropolis, but also, at the same time, served as a placing for constructions. The ensemble of the square was married by the monumental building of Pretoria, the facade of which occupied the entire Western side. The significance of this building is felt on only a 16-speed trilateral staircase, rising from the area to the port of entering it.

Camp Diocletian. Ladder entrance to Pretoria. (Photo by)

For most of the historical territory, Palmyra, located northeast of a large colonnade, a residential building prevailed in the ancient period. Public buildings, apparently, there were not much here. Although, since this territory is still archeologically studied little, finally approve anything prematurely, and here we can expect the most unexpected discoveries. But so far, until the summer of 2015, a mansion from the other monuments of the ancient Palmyra, there was a small and exquisite temple of Baalhamin. In the pantheon of the Visor Gods Baalhamin (Translated - the Lord of the sky) - God of rain and thunder. He was perceived as God gracious and close to people. He was not necessary to ensure the same as Bela-Waal. Therefore, the temple, in contrast to the temple of Zeus-Bela, is quite a chamber structure.

Temple of Baalshamine. View from the east.

The temple was built in 130-131 g. N.Ee, at the funds of the city secretary of Malko - Son of Yarkhai, as evidenced by the inscription on one of his columns, under the traditional Palmy Console. Obviously, the bronze bust of the church of the temple was stood on this console. The composition of this structure is traditional for a small Roman church of the type of perrest, but carries and typical oriental features. With the eastern end side, almost square in terms of the plan, the camber, the temple is decorated not the traditional 4-color, but 6 column portico, ordinary for Palmyra, Corinthian orders. At the same time, 4 columns are located on the main Eastern facade and one more column stand on the side, between the corner columns of the main facade and the kite. Thus, the portico has a double depth. At the same time, the consoles for the busts in the side columns are deployed at right angles to the consoles of the main facade. On the walls of the Calytes, the rhythm of the columns, a given portico, piled by pilasters with Corinthian capitals.

The temple had a flat roof characteristic for the East and decorative frontones-attic. Probably, above the cornices of longitudinal facades, as well as the temple of Zeus-Bela, there were rows of Merlonov. Compared to European samples of a perolest temple, the proportions of the Baalhamin temple is somewhat heavier. Rather, they are closer to Doric, than the Corinthian order. This enhances the monumentality of the structure, characteristic of the eastern artistic tradition, but does not violate his harmony.

In the 20th century, inside the van, from the persisted fragments with partial modern documents, the magnificent architectural composition of its altar was restored. Thanks to the constant shadow within the valet, which has lost ancient roof, the temple in it has grown a tree. This attached his appearance some particularly touching note.

Temple of Baalshamine. Interior.

And finally, the most unusual complex Palmyra - her necropolis, the valley of the tomb. There are 4 types of burials. The poorest residents of the city were buried in ordinary graves in clay coffins. More wealthy made family houses-tomb. But, in addition, the dry and hot climate of the desert, providing the natural mummation of the remains, led to the fact that the burial in the ancient Palmyre became extremely profitable business. Entrepreneurial delintors built here entirely afterlocking hotels, the places in which were leased. In the valley of the tomb there are two types of such burials. One, and the most unusual, is the tower tomb.

Valley of Tomb. View from Citadel Calaat Al-Maani. (Photo by)

The presence of inner natural ventilation in tomb tomb, made them the most efficient way of burial and natural mummification. On the other hand, the tower were most accessible for robbing encroachments. Therefore, in Palmyra, there was another, more traditional and more expensive type of burial, are carved in the rock, underground halls, so-called hypogs. Today there are about 50 tower tombs and about as many hypogans. Although quite a lot of underground tombs and the foundations of the burial towers are hidden by sands.

Most of the hypocheev is located to the north-west of the historic center, at the foot of the Jabel Munchar hill, along the modern road to Damascus. The most luxurious of the underground tombs, - Gypoga of Yughai, in the 20th century was siled into fragments and restored at the National Museum in Damascus. In Palmir himself, the only one affordable to the visit to the Hyporea, to the Civil War was, the so-called crypt three brothers. This T-struck construction, where, richly decorated, the entrance is located opposite the central extended hall. Nowadays, the modern staircase leads to the entrance. Previously, he was hidden by sands. The inscription at the entrance informs the names of the builders of the tombs - the Naamai brothers, Male and Sades, and indicates the construction date corresponding to the middle of the II century. The stone canvas of the doors are preserved, weighing, apparently in not one ton. At the same time, one of them lies on the floor, and the other stands on the hinges and even easily turns from the rustling press.

The halls are blocked, carved in the stone villages. This is perhaps the only vaulted overlap in Palmyra. The walls of the halls are cut through the rows of niches with vertical guides for the burial stretcher. The tomb, as a kind of warehouse, was calculated for 390 burials. On the walls in the simplets between niches and in the vaults, the exquisite painting of the siro-ethalinistic style was preserved.

Hypologic three brothers. Interior of the central hall.

There is a motive of the winged creatures holding medallions with portraits buried. Exactly the same medallions are found in the necropolia of Rome and Pompei. In the ends of the transverse halls, the sculptural tombstones of the hosts of the tomb are preserved. Their figures are depicted with rest on the heavenly feast with the bowls of eternal wine in his left hand, opened on the armrest. This motive itself is traditional for antiquity, but the underlined staticity of figures and careful study of parts (hairstyles, decorations, finishing of clothes and even embossing on shoes) speaks of a local originality. Similar images are found in tower tombs. Unfortunately, almost all of them reached us without persons, since the medieval predecessors of the "Islamic state" their fanatically broke.

Tower of Elachbel. Sculptural image of the soul of the deceased in the eternal feast. (Photo by)

The tower tombs are located north of the city by several groups in the valley between the small hill of Umm Al-Case and the highest of the surrounding hills, on top of which the medieval Citadel Calaat Al Maani is towering. Tower tomb have enough clear typology. As a rule, it is two - four-storey facilities. It is rarely found five floors. Above the entrance facing the valley on the second floor, as a rule, there is a window. The richest towers have a window placed in arched niche - loggia. Usually on the first floor there were burials of the owners of the tower. The upper floors were intended for "surcharge." As in the hypohy, the walls of the towers cut through niches, with the guides for stretcher. Inter-storey stairs were located in the thickness of the wall. The floors were flat, stone.

Externally, the architecture of the towers is not an antique Surov and Monumental. There are no columns on the facades, no pilaster, no porticors. The massive surface of the walls is emphasized, only occasionally revived by reliefs on the parapet of the loggia of the second floor, or the embossed archival of its arch. We dare to assume that the towers could have completed in the form of rows of Merlonov.

Among the tower tomb until the summer of 2015 was the most well-preserved tower of Elachbel. It survived four floors out of five. Despite this, the tower has a very beautiful proportion. A highly expanded two-stage base, height more inlet door, gives the construction of the feeling of inviolability in the centuries. A slightly lower loggia with the window on the second floor, a stove with a test that reports about the builders of the tower, the brothers of the Elachbele, Shokes, Malik and Maanai, and the time of its creation. The date corresponds to 103 years of our summer. Against the background of a clean stroit of the wall, the design of the loggia in the form of a carved archival of Arches, based on two non-high pilasters and embossed parapet, looks like a jewel.

But if the Tower looks outside as a purely eastern structure, then its interior is set aside in a strictly ordinary tradition. The first floor having the shape of a narrow and stretched up the hall in the eats between the funeral niches is decorated with pilasters, a corn order. A rare case - these pilasters are decorated with chairs. On the opposite of the entrance of the wall in two tiers, the waist portraits of family members are posted, and a portrait of the keeper of the tomb of Elachbel. The room has a flat ceiling, with decorative caissons, which preserved the blue background coloring. In the center of the ceiling there are four caissons, more paint larger with busts of brothers - builders of the tower. The rigor and the deposit of the architecture of this room puts it in one row with the best, known to us, samples of the interiors of the era of antiquity.

Tower of Elachbel. Interior of the 1st floor. (Photo by)

Thus, in the architecture of the burial towers, we are again visible, characteristic of Palmyra, the alloy of the East and the West.

In conclusion, it is impossible not to say about the tragedy of Palmir, which happened before our eyes.

Cases of targeted destruction of Palmyra in history are unknown to us. The city of Romans who captured in 272 g., Impose severe contribution to him, but only the Palace of the rebellious queen of Zenobia was destroyed. Destroyed Palmyra time, earthquakes and wind erosion. The medieval level of the sand is clearly visible on the large colonnade in the footsteps of the sandy gym, the narrowed trunks of some columns almost half. And what happened to Palmyra in the XXI century, does not fit into consciousness.

Strictly speaking, which began in Syria in 2011 conflict, to call the civil war for a long time can only be conditionally. Really, we are witnessing aggression against this country of black radical Islamic international. . Twice those who captured the Palmyra militants of the Islamic State (from May 2015 to March 2016 and from December 2016 to March 2017), everything was surpassed by hisracess and cruelty, saw Palmyra for his 4 thousand-year history. Not only that they poured the city with blood, in the summer of 2015. They were blown up by the Temple of Baalhamin, the Triumphal Arch, the sanctuary of the temple of Zeus-Bela, Tetrapilon, the central part of the scenic facade of the theater and tower tower. In fact, all the iconic objects of the historic part of the city. Note that these world treasures died not during the fighting, but were cold and intentionally destroyed in purely ideological reasons.

Triumphal arch today.

There is no doubt that sooner or later, the "Islamic state" - this terrible plague of the XXI century will be destroyed. But what about the hand-held architectural heritage of Palmyra? The heart refuses to accept the idea of \u200b\u200bthe irrevocability of these losses. But how much to restore at least something?

The sanctuary of the temple of Zeus-Bela today.

First of all, it must be emphasized that we can not talk about the full restoration of destroyed objects. You can talk only about the return to them, as if possible, the appearance they had at the time of destruction.

In this regard, the global experience of the restoration of antiquity monuments, in general, encouraging. There are examples when, many centuries ago, destroyed antique objects, managed to gather again as a constructor, partly from genuine blocks and their fragments, and partly with modern inserts. This is facilitated by the nature of the architectural order, with characteristic of him, mathematical patterns of construction. So, having a number of genuine blocks and their fragments, and relying on the planning basis of the object, we, in many cases we can calculate and accurately build the geometry of its missing elements. In this way, the Garny Temple I B is fully restored in full. AD in Armenia. Not enough successful examples of this kind of restorations in Greece and Italy. In Syria itself, they also raised a large colonnade in Afami from the ruins, with their size superior Palmy sister. Yes, and in Palmyra, a triumphal arch and tetrapilon have already been restored for a similar technique.

But this is especially disturbing. All cases of such recovery known to us concerned objects destroyed either by time, or by virtue of natural cataclysms, especially earthquakes. But in Palmyra, the ancient monuments were blown up. And detonation is the impact of a completely different kind. It inevitably leaves microcracks in stone, changing its structure. How will this affect the carrying ability of the ancient structures? How, after such an impact, will they react to temperature differences? And in Palmyra in the winter it is not so rarely there are no night temperatures below zero. So, cycles of freezing and thawing condensed atmospheric moisture are possible and, as a result, enhancing cracking. A separate question, how to fix the blocks and fragments set into the original position? How correct is the use of a binder solution? All these questions, for which there is no answer.

But the saddest thing is that if about the temple of Baalhamina, Tetrapilon, theater and the Triumphal Arch, certain hopes are not bothering, then, according to our specialists who visited Palmyra in May 2016, it will be possible to restore the temple of Zeus-Bela only as Novodel. The explosion destroyed his sanctuary was such a force that there was just a bust of rubble on the spot. On her background, only stand, some miraculous survivors, pylons entry. Creepy picture. And Novodel, no matter how accurate it is, does not replace the monument. The script value for the culture is absolutely.

As for the funeral towers, at the moment we do not have any information about the scale and nature of their destruction. Therefore, we cannot do any, even preliminary, conclusions.

And yet, even despite the monstrous, perhaps irrevocable losses, Palmyra still remains an invaluable pearl of world cultural heritage, and, as Syrians, incomparable "desert bride". Bride is defined and liberated.

Palmyra is an ancient city in Central Syria, in the oasis of the Syrian desert, close to the modern settlement of Tadmore (Tadmur, Tudmour). Palmyra (city palm) is a Greek and Latin name. Tadmore called His Arabs even earlier when the village was here, which was a large parking of caravans that crossed the Syrian desert, for which he received the nickname "Bride of the Desert".

History of the city

For the first time Palmyra is mentioned in the XIX century. BC e. As Tador in the royal archive of Marie - the city-state city on the banks of the river in Northern Syria in the III-II thousand to N. e. In the inscription 1100 BC e. belonging to the era of the Assyrian Tsar Togoldpalasar I (rules in 1115-1076 BC), it is called Tadmar. In the Old Testament, the city is mentioned called Fadmore (3 King. 9, 18; 2 pairs 8.4) - as the easter city of the Jewish king Solomon (rules in 965-928. BC): "And he built Fadmore in desert…"
Biblical texts claim that Palmyra founded in the X century. BC e. It is King Solomon, who needed a fortified point for protection against Aramaites. Subsequently, the city was destroyed by the king of the Novovavilon Kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar II (about 634-562 BC) during the campaign on Jerusalem.
However, the city rebelled out of the ashes and managed to achieve the highest heyday in the III-I centuries. BC e. With its lifting and rather long existence, Palmyir is obliged to be favorable location on the trade routes, bonding the East and West, between the Mediterranean Sea in the West and the Asian River Euphrates in the East.
Here were the largest warehouses of goods in the Middle East.
Before the arrival of Romans Palmyra was a self-governing city. The city was submitted by the Romans under the Emperor of Tiberius (42 BC. Er - 37 N. e.). In 129, Emperor Adrian (76-138) was visited in Palmir and announced her Civitas Libera (free city). Later, Emperor Karakalla (188-217) made Palmyra Colonia Rome, but at the same time freed from taxes: revenue from Rome trading across Palmyra with Mesopotamia, Scyfia, Central Asia and South Arabia overlapped potential tax revenues. It was at that time in Palmyra who were completed magnificent buildings: palaces, roads, colonnades.
Difficulties for Palmyra began in the III century, when the Sassanid state (in the territory of modern Iraq and Iran) won the Parthian kingdom (the southern coast of the Caspian Sea). In 227, Sassanids blocked the trading path to the Persian Bay, and the welfare of Palmyra was over. The Romans tried to resist the underworld of Sassanids and installed in Palmir the personal board of the family of Lucia Septimia of Odrenat, which lasted from 260 to 267.
In 267, Odrenate was killed by the order of Zenobia (240 g. - After 274) - his second wife, who wanted to make the heir of his son. In fact, on behalf of the young Son Palmic Rules of Senobia itself. Romans refused to recognize her board, and Zenobia announced independence from Rome. She opened the talent of the commander: in a short time she won Syria, the eastern part of Malaya Asia and Egypt.
By collecting a large army, the Roman emperor Areralian (214-275) broke the troops of Zenobia in battles with antioch and Emen. The captured Romans destroyed, without taking anyone from the inhabitants. In 274, during the triumphal procession, Averalian across Rome Zenobia spent around the city in gold chains. Subsequently, she died in the link, the truth is comfortable: in the estate Tibur (now tivoli) under Rome.
In the rule of the queen, Zenobia Palmyra became the capital of an independent state, which included Syria, Malaya Asia and Egypt. The architectural ensembles of the capital city were distinguished by an impressive scale and were decorated with a pomp with a plurality of sculptures. Excavations Palmyra are conducted since 1900, disclosed part of the ruins of an ancient city with regular layout and streets in the frame of the Grand Corinthian Colonnade.
After the Romans dealt with Palmyra, she failed to return the former power. For a while she remained a village to Diocletian - Roman fortifications, one of the points on a paved road between Damascus and Euphrates. In 634, Palmir was destroyed almost to the base of the Arabs, and the earthquake followed only completed the picture of the final death.
The position of Palmyra between East and West reflected in the mixing of cultures. For example, robes on the sculptures of Palmyra Eastern, and their eyes are outlined in accordance with Assyrian traditions. At the same time, decorative elements correspond to the traditions of the Greek and Roman ornament. In the ancient Palmir, they spoke on the Aramaic language and used two types of writing: a monumental (hieroglyphic letter for inscriptions on walls and columns) and a spring-written (handwritten mesopotamus). In 1881, the Russian Prince, traveler and the easternist Semen Abamelak-Lazarev (1857-1916) found the so-called "Palmy-speaking duty tariff": a marble slab with an inscription in Greek and Aramai languages \u200b\u200b(250 lines) containing the customs tariff of 137 n. E. The then played a large role in the study of the Aramaic language. With the permission of local authorities, Lazarev took it to Russia, and today it is located in St. Petersburg, in the Hermitage.
Excavations Palmyra opened an ancient layout of the city. Palmyra is one of the few preserved antique town planning complexes. The main debt-decumanus is 1100 m long and a width of 11 m, stretching from the east to the west, archaeologists called a large colonnade: it was originally 1500 columns.
Corinthian colonnade II century. With a three-sphen triumphal arch, related to the beginning of the III century, combined two centers: a cult (with Bal Temple) in the East and Trade (with a Market Square) in the West. The market square was surrounded by columns on which busts of noble citizens installed: in the northern part - military leaders, in southern officials, in Western traders, in Eastern - senators.
The south of the colonnade was located Agora (Square of Assembly) and the building of the Senate. A special place occupies the so-called "diochetian camp" of the end of the III - the beginning of the IV centuries, discharged with high walls, with the temple of the banners.
The most significant temple complex was erected in honor of Bal's God (probably one of the images of Waal), to which the residents of Palmyra worshiped as the God of the sky. The complex was completed by 32 g. And included the courtyard, surrounded by a wall with colonnades, ritual pools, an altar and a temple directly, harmoniously combining the rigor of Roman architecture with oriental pomp and wrestling. During the excavation, several ancient Christian churches were also discovered.
In the center of Palmyra stood the theater - building II century. - And the luxurious terms. In necropolis, Palmyra has been preserved anywhere else-noted tower troops tall talls up to 20 m and above, which presented family tombs with a massive basement, a decoratively decorated portal and a small balcony. Here are underground rock crypts - hypogs. Tombs and hypologians are richly decorated with paintings and sculptures.
Recently, archaeologists found out how this city has supported the existence with a population of 200 thousand in the middle of a lifeless desert. A network of channels and artificial reservoirs was discovered, where rain water was collected during rare seasonal thunderstorms that gave only 120-150 mm of precipitation per year.

general information

Ancient city in the Middle East.
Administrative belonging: Syrian Arab Republic.

Capital of Palmy Kingdom (now - the settlement of Tador).
Language: Aramaic (now Arabic).
Ethnic composition: Aramais (now - Arabs).

Religion: Pagan - the worship of God Balu (Waal), now - Islam.

Currency unit: Syrian pound.


Area (in antiquity): 0.5 km 2.
Population of ancient palmita - 200 thousand people, now in the city of Tador - 51 323 people. (2004).
Remoteness: 240 km northeast of the city (Cyria's capital).

Climate and weather

Dry tropical.

The average temperature of January: + 8 ° C.

The average temperature of July: + 32 ° С.
The average annual precipitation: About 100 mm.

Relative humidity: 60%.


Agriculture: Oasis crop production (gardens), animal husbandry (small horned cattle).

Traditional crafts: Weaving, metal products.
Safety services: tourist, transport, hotel.



    Bal Temple (32)

    Tower of Yamblich (end I c.)

    Home Street-Dekumanus (Big Colonnade)

    Agora (Square of Assembly)

    Temple of Baalshamine (131)

    Theater (II century)

    Senata Building

    "Diocletian Camp" (End III - Start IV century) with the temple of the banners

    Tetrapil (Crossroad)

    Necropolis (Valley of Tomb - Tower Tombs and Underground Rock Screws - Hypologians)

    Water pipe and sewage

    Channels and artificial reservoirs

    Remains of public buildings and temples


    The Arab Fortress of Calaat Al-Maani (first half of the XVII century)


    Ceramic water and sewer pipes Palmyra are partially preserved in good condition and are quite suitable for operation.

    According to one of the ancient Arab legends, Palmyra created Ginnes by order of the King Solomon itself.

    From the middle of the II century. In Palmyra, underground cryptions were built. The most famous - a crypt of three brothers, built by the brothers Naaman, Male and Seda. The crypt was designed for 390 burials and, despite the fact that the tomb was built for themselves, it was a commercial enterprise: the brothers sold places in the tomb to other families.

    Deciphering the "Palmy Palmal Tariff" allowed scientists to clarify the geography of the relations of residents of Palmir, who traded with Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians and even the Hindus.

    Statues, reliefs, mosaic and painting Palmyra are stored at the National Museum (Damascus, Syria).

    Name Palmyra wear cities in the USA (in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin), Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, which is under the jurisdiction of the United States, the city in Australia, the village in Ukraine and City in Guanakasta Province, Costa Rica.

    North Palmyra is the poetic name of St. Petersburg, which is found in Russian artistic literature. Invented by the court lessets, comparing Catherine II Great (1729-1796) with Zenobia, and the capital of Russia - with Palmyra, famous for the wealth, splendor and beauty of architecture. There is a suggestion that the author of the expression is the writer and publisher of Faddey Bulgarin (1789-1859): This expression was often found on the pages of his newspaper North Bee, which he released from 1825

    Palmyra also refers to the fan-plated palm tree of tropical asia and the headset of the font for small typographic works.