Pedestrian route for Christmas fairs. Okhotny row ready for the new year

New Year holidays act on people as peaceful. With the arrival of each new year of the hope that pain, sadness and resentment are awesome in the abyss in the company with the old year. Life seems to be new, with a blank sheet, and perfect mistakes on a par with achievements will fall into the Annals of History, to the far and dusty shelf. On our site there is a great opportunity to watch online the free films of New Year's topics for every taste distributed by various genres.

Films about New Year and Christmas watch online It may be in the form of a magical, fabulous history with indispensable attributes in the form of a good fairy or other carrier of the magical forces armed with a magic wand, a representative of an evil principle, hazardous by the authorities and the defenseless hero oppressed him. Having passed through a series of heavy tests that demanded a lot of strength and emotional stress, a good hero receives a well-deserved remuneration, while heavier times come for its oppressor. Now he is already invited to taste the entire charm of the oppressed position. Spectators are very close to such an interchange. Mostly, this resembles their own life peripetics and only hope for the liberator that appears magically helps them transfer this difficult part of the path.

New Year's stories are very remarkably fit into the comedy genre. Because of the New Year's cattle and confusion, some heroes are mistakenly taking someone else's luggage sting. Others, trying to fit into the festive bed, remove with the reception of hard drinks with high degrees, so friends are sent to an unexpected journey, who believe that it is logically correct. It is customary to think that against the background of a bright New Year tree with a dazzling illumination and a crowd of dressed guests of recognition in love, it is especially impressive and shrill. Favorite targets of directors serve grandfather frosts, they are much vulnerable Snow Maiden, sentimental and not so vigilant, so most often get into comedy plots ..

Slavic people tend to believe in magic. This faith roots goes into the birth legacy. And the new year and christmas are always filled with magic energy, fluffy snowflakes. White snow is associated with cleanliness and impossibility, the beginning of a new life. Everyone can be replayed, rewrite, start first. We only need to have time to fasten the tower clock to the fatal twelfth strike clock and perform all the necessary preparations. And then a miracle will happen, the adepts will be rewarded, and the doubts will be defeated. For there is no power more than faith. Interesting and exciting New Year's stories are available for viewing online on the site for free.

Little tents for a festival with flickering garlands, christmas trees and beautiful toys will be opened throughout the city territory. Those who love winter entertainment will get the opportunity to ride with a huge ice slide and take the initial lessons of figure skating. All lovers of sweets will be able to try real Russian dessert disasses and interesting foreign sweets. And the lovers of books get real pleasure by visiting the Grand Fair.

The Russian capital will again plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday, he is called "Journey to Christmas". The completion of the current year will be marked by interesting events that will be held in the period from mid-December to mid-January on more than 30 sites. The events of the festival program suggest street concerts, actors and master classes.

The scenes will be decorated with beautiful garlands, alive coniferous beauties, huge balls with the effect of the glow. Until February 19, the festival called "Christmas Light" will be included, during which the most famous Russians, French and Italian painters will present in the center of the capital large lighting installations. Glowing huge balls can be seen on Poklonnaya Mountain and in the All-Russian Exhibition Center. "Musical Forest" will appear on Pushkin Square, it is a LED panel, and pixels are notes. They are synchronized with the music, so as a result, it seems that the light can sing.

Last year, this festival Journey to Christmas 2017recognized the largest in all of Europe: it was open to a visit to 10 million customers. In the current year, the festival will visit 12 million people.

Rink, attractions and huge slide
6 sites will be interesting for visiting the fact that they will be made by carousels. At the intersection of the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution and the Manege Square will make a huge slide (7 x 100 meters). It will have to be assembled using blocks made from the icing snow. It will also be ice o'clock. In addition to skating, children will be able to play fresh frosty air.

On the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution, the rink will open, it can be rolled without pay for entertainment. Spectators will be able to see the "Nutcracker", "Swan Lake", "Chipolino", Snow White. The performances of 50 famous figure skating professionals will be held. On January 7, there will be riding devoted to the bright sign of the Nativity of Christ, they participate in them athletes of the Russian national team - Champions of the Olympic Games and World Champions.

One of the scenes of the festival Journey to Christmas in Moscow 2016-2017 It will be located next to the gum. The rink, open on Red Square, will be held events that will dwell on the winter sports and holidays of the peoples of Russia, and still theatrical productions. It will take a photo session with the participation of the grandfather of Frost and Snow Maiden, it will be possible to even make it all, which has long been dreamed of. And the atmosphere of the holiday will support the team of folklore creativity.

Sweet Christmas Tree and Designer Arts
In the territories of the festival Journey to Christmas 2017 in Moscow There are 200 tents, they will sell all sorts of things. There are 50-60-year-old toys on sale 20th century, they hang on the Christmas tree, decorations from porcelain and glass, they are filled with dry flowers, tablecloths with lace and napkins, wooden souvenirs, on which there is an author's painting, boots, knitted sweaters, mittens and scarves made from real sheep wool, chocolate in the form of figures, gingerbread houses, apples in caramel glaze. On Kuznetsky Bridge, you can purchase items created by popular fashion designers and newcomers.

Goods for the festival will be delivered from Tverskaya, Astrakhan, Ryazan, Orenburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Tula, Ivanovo regions, Republic of North Ossetia, the Republic of Karelia, Krasnodar Territory. Products from other states (Belgium, Italy, Latvia, Czech Republic, Greece, Serbia, Armenia, China, Mexico, Peru, Morocco) will appear on sale.

And they will also open the grand market of cheeses in the territory of the Manezh Square, the cheeses of 60 manufacturers will be collected here. Here they will sell and cheese, which is very similar to Cheese from Switzerland, and balls from cheese with jam from cranberries, and bruschetta with cheeses, cheese filling pies, riccot with jelly from blueberries, cheese with chocolate, cheesecakes and a large number of punch species and mulled wine.

Cooks 60 cafes to the beginning of the festival events will develop a menu with dishes suitable for the holiday. The famous cooks will train all those who wish how to cook dishes for winter holidays: a sweet Christmas tree and mulled wine without alcohol, famous Olivier and Coupleca with apples, a shotboard based on honey and spices (they can be seized) and compote with dried fruits (apples, cherries, pears, hawthorn , apricots). Sweets will receive sweetness recipes for winter holidays, which are popular in southern countries, for example, sweet pancakes from corn, raisins and cinnamon, hot chocolate with burning pepper (chili), fried bananas with cream sauce and caramel.

Games and master classes
Little babes and adults can visit 3 thousand master classes, cognitive events and entertainment events of the festival Journey to Christmas 2016-2017. On the culinary master classes of children, their moms and dads can learn how to cook the dishes on the recipes from the loved fairy tales and cartoons, for example, the cheesecake from the home-growing site from the cartoon about Carlson and the baby, cookies with small pieces of chocolate or a bar of fruits from Fale "Fox and Crane". On the territory of Kuzninok, you can find out the secrets of cooking a real fruit pizza, a latte tea with spicy spices from Ireland, drinking from Scandinavia, which is preparing for Christmas from currant berries and grapes, almond, orange and raisin.

You can visit the disco, and more events (associated with sports) on the basis of the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" and dancing classes, which will be held on Kosygin Street. On Sheremetyevskoy all those who wish to train carols, as well as play on old musical instruments. A huge exhibition-selling books on the new Arbat will open, free courses of the School of Writers will be opened here, it will be possible to listen to reports, see the master classes, meet with the authors and visit the presentation of new books. In Novopushkinsky Square will be held interesting lessons of a foreign language and creating robots.

Games called "Happy Time" will be held. Players will be able to conduct competitions on the knowledge of new year and Christmas mention. Performing complex tasks from the grandfather named Tick-so and his granddaughters minute, you can get gold coins, they will need to exchange them for prizes, which for participants of festival events produced in the amount of 50 thousand pieces.

Being a purely Christian holiday, Christmas, nevertheless, does not leave indifferent neither yarn atheists, nor followers of other denominations around the world. This is the triumph of good, love and mercy, which unites people, regardless of what day there is a celebration and what traditions are accompanied by. The Christmas of Christ in Russia will be one of the brightest moments of the winter holidays, when there will be a place among the turn of noisy holidays for the spiritual component.

Holiday that combines

The tradition of Christmas celebrations carries the deepest sense - believers are famous on this day of Christ, which appeared in the glorious city of Bethlehem. Light joy and gratitude are those feelings that should accompany Orthodox on this day. Visiting festive services, spending this time with the family, we will comprehend the most important meaning of existence, trying to get closer to God.

This festival belongs to the Orthodox Church to the two-month and therefore the question of which Christmas is Christo as in 2017, as well as at any other time, you need to answer - January 7, as the date of this fixed and does not change the year from year to year. Catholics have a Christmas celebration on December 25 at the Gregorian calendar. This lies the reason that the Orthodox, celebrated in the Yulian Sauchritis, and Catholic Christmas in 2017 does not coincide in the numbers. But the essence of the holiday does not change from this anyway.

After all, it actually absolutely no matter what date this celebration falls, be it Catholic or any other, the main thing is that it is, and brings a huge joy to all people. In European countries, this Catholic celebration is in its significance surpasses a new year meeting. Christmas cookings are starting there 2 weeks before the holiday, trying to all foresee, acquire gifts for the whole family, decorate the house, take care of the festive dinner.

Christmas Eve and his customs

Christmas is preceded Christmas Eve - day that the Christmas post ends. With Catholics, he falls on December 24, Orthodox - on January 6. In Russia, the Christmas Eve ends two weeks, and only when the first star is lit in the sky, it is allowed to rush to tapping. Dinner traditionally consists of 12 lean treats, among which must be contained:

  • susta with nuts, poppies and honey,
  • vareniki,
  • pancakes
  • porridge
  • boiled peas
  • boching from mushrooms,
  • uzbar (pecific bit fruit).

And only the next day, meat, fish and dairy dishes appear on the table, which refrained during the post. Roast, homemade sausages, porridge with cracker, sausage with meat, - what they just did not prepare before the hostess on the Christmas dinner. However, their example can be followed.

Christmas traditions

What different things were not customs in different countries about the meeting of Christmas, everyone unites them one - this holiday traditionally implies the manifestation of mercy to all people. In Russia, it was believed that a stranger who looked into the house in these days, let it even be a beggar, may be the Savior himself. Therefore, such guests were eagerly brought and rendered a variety of honors. And Europeans have charitable events dedicated to Christmas have become a kind of symbol of this holiday. One way or another, these days the church calls us to show mercy not only for close and familiar people who are familiar to us, but also without exception, to whom our help will be by the way. Even the remains of the festive dinner were taken out of the fence, leaving their forest animals, trying to drag them.

Also this time requires not only soul purity. In Russia, before Christmas, a general cleaning was arranged, coming all the house to the brilliance. Giving the house in order, tried to take care and about their appearance - went to the bath, whenever possible, new elegant clothes were dressed.

Christmas is Christ - the first day of the casual festivities that continue exactly 12 days before the baptism of the Lord. This time was looking forward to all youth. After all, you can now bond, arrange noisy festivities, engage in softy fortune telling. The latter is not welcomed by the Church, but almost always practiced everywhere. In this Christmas tradition, the pagan rituals are bizarrely found. This is a magical time in which the sky is approaching a person, and it is quite possible to raise the veil of mystery over your future.

Christmas signs

Particularly carefully our ancestors look at nature and occurring in it phenomena, trying to predict what awaits them in the coming year. You can take advantage of the ancient experience and you are in the coming 2017:

  • every dream for this holiday - prophetic;
  • blizzard and blizzard means early spring offensive;
  • cannot do household chores;
  • taking on this day sewing you convene one of your relatives on blindness;
  • having prepare a festive dinner, notice that everything literally falls out of the hands? This is a good crop;
  • many stars and Inea - a lot of peas rustled;
  • warm weather for a holiday to the late and cold spring;
  • during a festive dinner, do not drink with water, it is prohibited;
  • from the day of Christmas to baptism, hunters can not be hunted to game, in the opposite case - to be trouble;
  • loss of a young unmarried girl combs these days this days means that her narrowing is already in a hurry to her.

Preparing for Christmas meeting in 2017 and devoting himself to pleasant troubles, do not forget about the main thing - that this is a holiday of the soul, family unity, peace and peace. In search of gifts and cooking a festive dinner, pay time and prayer, visiting the temple, help deprived people, do good not from the caress, but at the kettling of the heart, and then with complete confidence it will be possible - the holiday was a success!

From December 16 to January 15, a festival "Journey to Christmas" will be held in Moscow. The open-air concerts, street theaters, exciting workshops, unusual art objects, delicious food and the magic atmosphere of the winter holidays are waiting for guests at the 42th holidays.

The platforms will decorate with glittering garlands, real trees and huge luminous balls. And for the Festival "Christmas Light", which will last until February 19, the best artists from Russia, France and Italy will establish large-scale lighting installations in the center of Moscow.

Large light balls will appear on Poklonnaya Mountain and the VDNH. On Pushkin Square will create a "musical forest" - a panel of LEDs, where each pixel is a note. LEDs synchronize with music, and it seems, the light will start singing.

Carousel, rollers and the biggest hill

On the six venues they will install carousels, and between the Manezh Square and the area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution - the largest ice slide with a height of seven meters and 100 meters long. The large-scale design is collected from ice blocks and decorate the hours made of ice. And besides riding, children are waiting for winter fun and games.

On the Revolution Square, a free rink will work every day. Guests will see the "Nutcracker" performances, Swan Lake, Chipollino and Snow White. 50 famous skaters will be released on the ice. And on January 7, Christmas riding with the athletes of the Russian national team - Olympic and world champions will be arranged.

The festival platform will be located and near the GUM. On the rink on Red Square, events dedicated to winter sports and national holidays, as well as theatrical views. Here you can take a picture with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden and, of course, make a desire. A festive atmosphere will create folklore ensembles.

Sweet Christmas tree and designer things

On the festival sites will be installed 200 shopping chalets. On the shelves there will be Christmas toys 1950-1960s, porcelain or glass jewelry with filler from dried flowers, lace tablecloths and napkins, souvenirs made of wood with author painting, boots, cozy knitted sweaters, mittens and scarves from natural sheepskin, curly chocolate, gingerbread Dominics, apples in caramel and much more. At Kuznetsk Bridge, visitors will find things from collections and already known, and only gaining popularity of Russian designers.

The products at the festival will bring out of 40 regions of Russia, including Tverskaya, Astrakhan, Ryazan, Orenburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Tula, Ivanovo region, the Republic of North Ossetia, the Republic of Karelia, Krasnoyarsk Territory and others. There will be products from 15 foreign countries, including from Belgium, Italy, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Serbia, Armenia, China, Mexico, Peru, Morocco and others.

A large cheese market will open on the Manege Square, where 60 manufacturers from all over the country will be gather. It will have rocle on the Swiss manner, and cheese balls with cranberry jam, and bruschetta with cheese, and more cheese pies, ricotta with blueberry jelly, chocolate cheese, cheesecakes and many Mulled wine and punch varieties.

In 60 chalets of Moscow restaurants, a festive menu will create a festive menu. Famous cooks will teach cook Christmas and New Year's dishes: Sweet Christmas tree and non-alcoholic mulled wine, Salad Olivier and Couplecuka with apple filling, warming honeycomb with spices and sleepers from dried fruit: cherries, apples, pears, apricots and hawthorn fruits. Sweet lovers recognize the recipes of New Year's desserts from southern countries, such as sweet corn pancakes with raisins and cinnamon, hot chocolate with chili pepper and fried bananas in a caramel sauce.

New Year's quest and master classes

For children and adults, about three thousand master classes, entertainment and training events will be held at the festival. On culinary master classes, children and their parents will learn how to cook dishes from favorite fairy tales and cartoons - Cookies on the recipe Freckled side, cookies with chocolate crumbs or manna porridge with a fairy tale "Fox and Crane". In Kuzminakh, they will tell how to prepare an Italian dessert pizza with bananas and kiwi, spicy Icelandic tea Latte, Scandinavian christmas drink from black currant, orange, grape juice, raisins and almonds.

On Kosygin Street, the guys are waiting for the disco, sports relay based on the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino" and dance classes. On Sheremetyevskaya Street guests will be taught to collect, play in xylophone, cracks and spoons. On the new Arbat, where the longest book fair is running, free class schools will open, lectures, master classes, meetings with writers and presentations of fresh books. And in Novopushkinsky Square will hold entertaining lessons in English and robotics.

At 17 festival sites will be the quest "Happy Time". Its participants compete in the knowledge of the traditions of the New Year and Christmas celebration. Having answered the insidious questions of the grandfather of Tik-Tak and his granddaughter of a minute, they will receive gold coins that can be exchanged for surprises. A total of 50 thousand prizes prepared for the festival guests.

Festival sites "Travel to Christmas":

  1. Red Square, possession 3.
  2. Manege square, possession 1.
  3. Revolution square.
  4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe revolution (transition to the Manezh Square).
  5. Street Kuznetsky Bridge, possession 7 (Square in front of the Central Committee).
  6. Street Kuznetsky Bridge, possession of 6-3 (at the "Big" restaurant).
  7. Pushkin Square.
  8. Novopushkinsky Square.
  9. Christmas street.
  10. Tver Boulevard.
  11. Tver Boulevard, possession 2 (at the Timiryazev monument).
  12. Tver Boulevard, ownership of 19 (at the monument to Yesenin).
  13. Camechargers lane, possession 2.
  14. Street Arbat, house 19.
  15. Street Arbat, possession 6/2.
  16. Clemental lane, house 8.
  17. Gogol Boulevard.
  18. Street New Arbat, house 13.
  19. New Arbat Street, House 15.
  20. Street New Arbat, House 19.
  21. New Arbat Street, House 21.
  22. Tverskaya Square.
  23. Stoletails Lane, house 10-14.
  24. Leningrad Prospekt, house 62.
  25. Sheremetyevskaya Street, House 6, Corpus 1.
  26. Sokolnicheskaya square.
  27. Walnut boulevard, possession 14.
  28. Marshal Chuikova Street, possession 3.
  29. Kosygin Street, possession 17.
  30. Square in Europe.
  31. Street Skhodnenskaya, possession 56 (at the Kaleidoscope shopping center).
  32. Troitsk city, lilac boulevard, possession 1.
  33. The city of Zelenograd, the area of \u200b\u200byouth, possession 2.
  34. Usacheva Street, House 26 (Usachevsky Market).
  35. Kirovogradskaya Street, House 15 (at the shopping center "Electronic Paradise").
  36. Street is so-called, house 74 (Danilovsky market).
  37. Leninsky Prospekt, house 109 (at the TRI "Rio").
  38. Big Cheremushkinskaya Street, House 1 (at the TRI "Rio").
  39. Garibaldi Street, House 23 (at the shopping center "Panorama").
  40. Street trade union, house 61a (at the shopping center "Kaluga").
  41. Vernadsky Avenue, possession of 86a (at the Avenue Southwest shopping center).
  42. Kutuzovsky Avenue, House 57 (at the Oceania shopping center)

You can find details on the organizers website.

On December 16, 2016, the Festival "Travel to Christmas" started on the streets of Moscow. Visitors are waiting for bright shows, master classes, unusual art objects, delicious food and the magic atmosphere of the winter holidays.

On the streets and squares of the capital, as well as on the fairs "Travel" installed original installations - gigantic light arches, fantastic flickering tunnels and compositions in the form of a number of 2017, symbolizing the new year's offensive.

Total - more than 400 light installations and art objects.

The main festive decoration of the Tverskaya Street became lanterns, stylized under wine glasses with sparkling bubbles of champagne.

You can admire art objects, in particular, on the area of \u200b\u200brevolution, Tverskaya, Manezhnaya, theater and Pushkin Squares, on Nikolskaya Street, in Novopushkinsky Square, in Changer and newspaper alleys.

On the Pushkin Square The fountain sleeping during the cold weather turned into a fabulous lighting installation "Music Forest". Favorite New Year's and Christmas melodies will create a cozy atmosphere of the holiday, and inspiring light-music ideas will give many bright emotions. Photos on memory from this site will turn out bright and impressive.

In the fair houses, guests can buy knitted sweaters, mittens, scarves, scarves, caps, as well as vests from natural sheepskin, boots and New Year souvenirs.

The cognitive master classes of children will be taught to create New Year's cartoons or draw your favorite fabulous heroes in Photoshop.

As part of the festival on Manege Square The site "Magic Time".

Here, the largest living spruce of the Festival "Journey to Christmas" - 17-meter beauty will be brought from the snow-covered forests of the Tver region.

At the fair, guests will find Christmas tree toys, including antique samples of the 1950-1960s, exclusive souvenir watches made of art glass, cuckoo clock, handmade carnival masks and other gifts.

Young visitors will unlighten the profession of New Year's reporter, congratulations on New Year and Merry Christmas, will create fabulous cities and other different images of the most beloved and magical holiday.

On the revolution Square, opposite the Bolshoi Theater, Peter Chernyshev invites everyone to a skating rink to the "Magic Ice Theater" on the daily exciting musical shows - ballets on the ice "Nutcracker", "Swan Lake", "Chipollino" and "Snow White".

More than 50 professional skaters are involved in the production.

Entrance to the show is free.

Also, the "Ice Theater" works like a rink: to rent skates for free and just ride or learn from professional coaches can anyone.

Guests of the site are invited to try their strengths in the preparation of New Year's and Christmas dishes, paint gingerbread gingerbread, baking sweet nuts with condensed milk or wafer tubes.

Here you can buy souvenirs from crystal, porcelain and glasses, music boxes, original carnival masks and costumes.

Visitors sites "Milky Way" on revolution Square It meets the Staterca Ice Hill, assembled from ice blocks and decorated with clock from ice. The slide is located between the revolution area and the Manege Square.

You can ride it on tubing, which everyone is issued for free. Also, children can take part in a variety of winter fun and games. Here you can purchase New Year's souvenirs - unusual Christmas decorations, curly chocolate, accessories and clothing in traditional Russian style.

At the festival site in Novopushkinsky Square Connected technologies and creativity. Visitors are waiting for interesting lessons in engineering and robotics. Here will be happy to inventors from five years and indefinitely.

It is worth looking at this platform to all lovers of traditional Christmas sweets, especially gingerbread. In the shopping chalet you can find gingerbreads for every taste - honey, ginger, coated with icing, a wide variety of forms and with a largest fillings. And here you can buy gingerbread houses and everything you need for independent preparation of this delicacy.

Large-scale urban book fair "Bookmarket" works on the days of the festival on New Arbat.

Its participants are leading domestic publishers. They represent exclusive and gift editions, rare series, the best family books issued by limited edition, as well as related products from famous designers - albums, notebooks, handles, pencils and many other pleasant things for creativity and inspiration.

At this Christmas site, visitors can be free and festive package gifts purchased at the fair. Here will be the prizes for participation in various events.


Every day from 11:00 to 21:00 - free festive packaging of gifts.
Monday - Friday: from 18:00 to 20:00 - Music festival. Play young domestic musicians.
Saturday - Sunday: from 18:00 to 21:00 - Music festival. Play young domestic musicians.

On the site "Time of Magic" on square in front of the Central Committee (Street. Kuznetsky Bridge, Vlad. 7) The territory of high fashion and unsurpassed style, where you can buy things from collections and already known, and only gaining popularity of Russian designers.

For children, workshops from Kidzania are prepared for children, where you can master the professional secrets of the real magician, put our own circus numbers and learn about the traditions of the New Year celebrations.

Festival site "Little Prince" on street Christmas Prepared specifically for young princes and princesses. Here you can find the perfect gift to the child for the new year or just a pleasant souvenir. At the site will present all sorts of toys, carnival masks and costumes, board games, decorations for festive trees and, of course, sweets.

At the monument to Yuri Dolgorukha Tver Square A real European Christmas village spread out with houses, restaurants, shops and an elegantly decorated Christmas tree.
Visitors to the Fair will learn how to conduct Christmas Eve in different countries, and will get acquainted with the Christmas and New Year traditions of different states.

In trading orders, you can buy gifts for every taste: children's toys, sweets, Christmas decorations and kitchen utensils from Spain, Czech Republic, France, Denmark, Germany, Latvia and Switzerland.

Fans of outdoor activities within the framework of the festival on Tver Boulevard.can play hockey, curling, snowballs and participate in other winter fun. In the fair chalet, you can buy sledges, ice-skiing, skiing, tubals, snowboards, warm caps, scarves, mittens - all the necessary attributes for sports in frosty weather.

And in the animation house, guests show educational films, offer training games and exciting travel to the world of virtual reality.

On the Square of Europe He received a residence platform "Toy Toy". Here you can become real assistants of Santa Claus, to guess fabulous riddles with rebuses, participate in sports relay and chess communities.

On the rink near Guma Muscovites and guests of the capital waiting for many unique events dedicated to winter sports and national holidays, as well as a daily theatrical program for children and adults.

Everyone can pass on 17 platforms of the festival quest "Happy time", Check your knowledge about the traditions of the celebration of the New Year and Christmas and participate in the fascinating contests of Grandpa Tik, and his granddaughter a minute.

For the right answers and completed tasks Festival adventure crashs receive gold coins that can be exchanged for gifts in one of the main Christmas stores: Christmas toys, tea sets, scarves, mittens, movie tickets and more.

All Festival sites:

  • Skating rink - GUM - Red Square, possession 3
  • Magic Time - Manege Square
  • Magic Ice Theater - Revolution Square
  • Milky Way - Revolution Square (transition to Manege Square)
  • Time of magic - ul. Kuznetsky Bridge, possession 7 (area in front of the Central Committee)
  • Gallery of magic trees - ul. Kuznetsky Bridge, possession 6-3 (at the "Big" restaurant)
  • Cozy time - Pushkin Square
  • Gingerbread Village - Novopushkin Square
  • Little prince - ul. Christmas
  • Time of Winter Games - Tver Boulevard, Tver Boulevard, Possession 2 (at the Timiryazev Monument), Tver Boulevard, possession 19 (at the monument to Yesenin)
  • Christmas stories - Camechargers lane, possession 2
  • Time fairy tales - ul. Arbat, 19
  • Alley of christmas bells - ul. Arbat, possession 6/2
  • Time Gourmet - Climate Lane, House 8
  • Bethlehem Star - Gogol Boulevard
  • Christmas bookingman. Children - ul. New Arbat, d. 13, not a book - d. 15, books - d. 19, gifts - d. 21
  • European Christmas Fair - Tver Square
  • Warm time - tabletops Alley, d. 10-14
  • Time Sweets - Leningrad Prospect, 62
  • Time of Collage - Sheremetyevskaya Street, 6, Corp.1
  • Handicraft time - Sokolnicheskaya Square
  • Romantics Time - Walnut Boulevard, Possession 14
  • Candle courtyard - ul. Marshal Chuikova, possession 3
  • Children's time - ul. Kosygin VL 17.
  • Toy Toy - Europe Area
  • Christmas courtyard - ul. UAT, 74 (Danilovsky market)
  • Miracles time - Kirovograd st., 15, at the shopping center "Electronic Paradise"
  • New Year's Masquerade - Large Cheromushkinskaya Str., 1 (at the TRI "RIO")
  • Adventure time - Leninsky Prospekt, 109 (at the TRIs "Rio")
  • Happy time - ul. Garibaldi d. 23 y (TRC "Panorama")
  • Waltry Waltz - ul. Trade union, 61a (at the shopping center "Kaluga")
  • The time of fantasies - Vernadsky, Vl. 86A (at the Avenue South-West shopping center)
  • Happy minute - Kutuzovsky Ave., 57 (at the shopping center "Oceania")
  • New Year's kaleidoscope - ul. Skhodnenskaya, possession 56 (at the TC "Leidoscope")
  • Time of the Future - City of Troitsk, Lilac Boulevard, possession 1
  • Visiting Uncle Tick-Taka - Zelenograd, the Square of Youth, Possession 2

    The festival will last until January 15, 2017.
    Entrance to the festival is free.
    Details of the work of festival sites