The driver saved from the lake a sinking child in Primorsky Krai. Even pigs do not do that: taxi drivers have been angry with seaside drivers in social networks Car owners express the words of gratitude to those who are not indifferent drivers

In the social network Instagram in public dtscontrol, motorists decided to complain about taxi drivers. They told that on the highway towards the international airport Vladivostok there is a sign "Parking forbidden". However, there is daily, judging by the words of the subscribers, leave cars right under the sign. In addition, drivers believe that forced bypass is the main reason for the formation of congestion on the road.

"It's just a horror, taxi drivers made the entire side of the road. Always stand, breaking all the intersection. To drive to your object, you have to stand for a long time, "the eyewitnesses told on social networks.

Other subscribers noted that the traffic police should be interested in the problem. However, among the commentators there were eyewitnesses who said that the representatives of the traffic police visit this territory, but, judging by the photos, it does not scare taxi drivers.

"That's terrible. Delivered. Even pigs do not do that. Maybe someone will finally pay attention to this problem, "the response of social network users.

15 Nov. 2019, 0:17:38

In social networks, car owners express the words of gratitude to those who are not indifferent drivers

In Primorye, the KAMAZ did not cope with the management of Siberian Cherniwood in the site of the Siberian-Chernigov's highway and went to the cuvette. The driver of the cargo car expressed the words of gratitude to those who help to pull the car, reports Ria Vladnews with reference to Mark2_Che.

Today, on November 14, without reaching the village of Chernigovka, the car KAMAZ, loaded with firewood, threw out from the road to the cuvette due to ice.

"Passing past the guys in the Urals with a crane installation helped pull the Kamaz from the cuvette on the road. Because of the complex road situation, there was no opportunity to thank. Once again I would like to say the guys a big human thank you, wish not a nail, nor the rod and "light roads", "writes a participant in the road accident.

In the comments, Primorye reacted positively to such a situation.

"Let's help each other, a root earth."

"I saw him, and through the road two more cars in Kuvet were too."

"Of course, the overall nuisance unites people. It pleases that people, for the most part, come to the rescue. "

In addition, some people told their stories when they did not stay on the road without help.

"I was driving on November 13 from Anuchino towards Ussuriysk at Toyota Nadia. After the village of Ivanovka, the car went into ditch due to weather conditions. Fortunately, I came to help a man, pulling me out of the cuvette. Because of the stressful situation, I did not have time to tell the words of gratitude. I appeal to those men who helped: "Thank you so much for the help provided to me, which we did not pass by. You all benefits, health and good luck. Be the same responsive and kind to someone else's trouble, "the Instagram-Public subscriber writes.

In a hot Friday evening, July 7, five boys 14-19 years old decided to swim in a small lake of the Machinery microdistrict in the city of Ussuriysk Primorsky Krai. None of the guys could not swim, so they decided to plunge into cool water not far from the coast. But at one point, a cry came from the water: "Help, tone!". Looking for stranded, friends found that they do not have their fifth comrade - Egor. Having a rest on the opposite shore of Lake Eugene heard a cry for help and, without hesitation, hurried to the rescue. Ten minutes, the driver-forwarder of the bakery was looking for a drowned child at the bottom. Thanks to the timely actions of a not indifferent man, a 14-year-old boy managed to save even before the "ambulance" arrival. This was reported by PRIMAMEDIA.

Eyra from resuscitation was transferred to the reception room of the children's hospital "Oak Roch". The boy does not remember what happened on the lake. The mother of the victim told his comrades about his comrades.

I don't even know exactly what lake they went. They say, in the Green Island Park area. This day seems to be drawn out of his memory. The guys said that they went to the lake to swim in the footer, but none of them knows how to swim. One boy, named Valery, was on the belt in the water and stood closer to the shore. When he heard a call for help: "Help, tone!", I immediately did not understand who shouted. Valera extended his hand and several boys "Guskom" pulled out of the depths of stranded. Being safe, friends noticed that there is no Egor

- Mom of the victim Victoria.

The guys began to call for help. From the other shore, Eugene heard their screams.

At first I did not believe that someone sinks. Thought that teenagers fool. But quickly realized the seriousness of the situation and decided to dive. There was no visibility, and the place where the child went to the bottom, no one knew. Diving at random. 10-15 minutes searched for him. Russed the head in the water and pulled the boy from the water. He was no longer breathing, there was no heartbeat. I did artificial respiration and indirect heart massage

- Evgeny.

Evgeny Vasilkov is working as a forwarding driver on the local bakery. Nine years worked by a driver in a Pacific Most-Building Company, where he was trained with all the necessary skills in the case of rescue of the drowning. The annual exams were not in vain - the life of the boy managed to save precisely thanks to the timely provided medical care.

At the time when "ambulance" approached the scene of the incident, Egor had silenced.

To date, the teenager does not threaten anything. According to Mother of the victim, he is noticed in memory, he remembers something, and there is no something. Now he is still weak, he eats badly, he constantly wants to sleep. And that ill-fated day is completely erased from the memory.

He said that she would no longer swim anymore, does not want. I was interested in who saved him. Wants to meet with Eugene. I promised that I would definitely meet. I would also like to express great gratitude to a man who saved my child