Popular tourist destinations in the year.

Krasnodar region in the 2017 season - number one direction

Moscow, May 30, federalpress. The most popular tourist destination among Russians in the summer of 2017 is the Krasnodar region. This was announced during a briefing in the National News Service (NSN) executive director of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (Ator) Maya Lomidze.

"Russia is leading in the list of the most popular tourist destinations. Krasnodar region in the 2017 season - number one direction. People ride in Sochi. In second place - Crimea. The average price increase in Russian resorts is 15%, and we observe some stagnation of demand. I note, in the last year, 15 million people rested in the Krasnodar Territory, and if the result could be repeated, the region will take the same Russians as in the aggregate of the 10 most popular foreign resorts, "said Lomidze.

"Among the departures this year, Turkey leads. In second place - Greece, on the third - Spain. These two countries can be said, fight for second place. In the fourth - Cyprus, on the fifth - Bulgaria, "added the head of the ator.

According to Lomidze, with the emergence of Turkey on the tourist market, the demand for Tunisia significantly decreased. Nevertheless, the country in which the ancient city of Carthage is located, still remains in the list of 20 of the most popular destinations.

We must say, Turkey has become a record holder to reduce prices on the tourist market for Russians this year. The country located immediately in two parts of the world suggested vouchers cheaper than was once in Egypt, with which Russia has no direct message. As an example, Maya Lomidze led May, when in Turkish resorts it was possible to spend a week for only 10 thousand rubles with food. Now prices are of course higher. On average, a week of rest will be around 25-30 thousand rubles per person in a three-star hotel with a nutrition through the "All Inclusive" system.

"Turkey has never been so cheap, as now. True, it is worth noting that the other our foreign parters prefer not to raise prices in foreign currency for Russian tourists. For example - Czech Republic, "explained Lomidze.

The average cost of weekly holidays in the segment of organized tourism is 40 thousand rubles. At the same time, the price category is different everywhere - there are tours for both 20 thousand rubles, and for 60 thousand.

Lomidze notes that the demand is growing not only to Turkey. This year, one of the very popular directions even in the summer, despite the rainy season, is Thailand. Now there is a decline in prices, and people prefer to relax in Southeast Asia. Thus, there is a possibility that by the end of the year there is 1.5 million Russians there, whereas before the crisis there on average there was no more than a million per year.

In addition, the demand for the Dominican Republic grows. This is a rather uncommittent direction. However, the head of the ator announced from the next week an increase in the number of flights to this country of the Caribbean.

There is an increase in and on expensive European directions. Despite the terrorist attack in Manchester and the complex procedure for obtaining a British visa, the demand for the journey through Misty Albion this year has grown slightly. This is due to the fall of the UK national currency rate - pound sterling.

Ekaterinburg, December 14th. / TASS /. The largest part of the tourist vouchers acquired by residents of the Ural Federal District in 2018 are Turkey. Rest in this country chose about 1 million Uraltsev, President of the Ural Tourism Association Maxim Puzankov reported on Friday.

"If we take the top directions in 2018, then the first place in the number of tourists who bought batch tours took Turkey. She is leading among other areas with a large margin. Total if we take Koltsovo Airport and other points of shipment from the Ural region, For the first time we approach the number of 1 million tourists, "said Puzankov at a press conference in the Ural Regional TASS Information Center.

The average cost of the tourpacker to Turkey was 38 thousand rubles, which is only 4 thousand rubles more than last year, the Puzankans noted. "The rise in the ruble value is almost equal to the difference in the fall of the ruble exchange rate - this is about 13%. To say that prices have increased in Turkey or you can not go to Turkey," he explained.

Also, Russia, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam, added to Uraltsev and Vietnam, also added from Uraltsev. "The cost of Turpakets in Russia also did not increase and averaged 18,382 rubles, [while] last year - 18,275 rubles," said Puzankov.

The expert predicts that next year the competence of the current top directions will be Egypt. "We expect the return of Egypt in 2019, based on this certain adjustments in all directions. Egypt will affect everything at all," he is sure.

On air traffic between Egypt and Russia

The flight agreement between Egypt and Russia was discontinued in November 2015 after the crash over the Sinai of the Russian airline "Kogalymavia", flying from Sharm-Esheikh to St. Petersburg. On board were 217 tourists and seven crew members, they all died. FSB qualified what happened as a terrorist attack.

In January 2018, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the resumption of regular air traffic to Cairo. The next two months went to resolve technical issues. The first flight from Russia to Egypt flew on April 11th. Until now, charter flights with the cities of Sharm-Eshech and Hurghada remain closed.

Even if you have never sought to travel, try to go somewhere and experience this spirit of adventurism. There are a number of directions that will help you expand the horizons, enrich the mind and spirit.

This selection presents the most breathtaking and charming places that can only offer the world. This is a list of 20 places worth visiting in 2017. Any of these destinations will be able to forever change your life forever ...


This place from time immemorial charming all who decided to visit Morocco. If by 2017 you have not had yet been here, certainly correct this shortcoming and get acquainted with the stunning beauties of the Marackesh.

St. Petersburg

The Northern Capital of Russia is really interesting for the traveler and can offer a number of unique attractions. Why not see all this with your own eyes in 2017?

Playa del Carmen

If you want to visit one of the best beaches in the world - go to Mexico and boost on Playa del Carmen. Even so beautiful photography will not give all the beauty of this place.


The old town opens up for visitors, as if layers of the bulbs, once again bypassing something new and amazing. You will undoubtedly consider Prague absolutely charming.


It is just one of the places you have to discover at least once in my life. Istanbul is more than just a city that can be read about in the book, not to mention the blog. His attractions can be studied infinitely, so why not do it in 2017?

Rio de Janeiro

The situation in the city has already calmed down after the noisy summer Olympic Games, so 2017 is the time to visit this Brazilian pearl and explore Rio de Janeiro.

In 2016, Cuban beaches, Blue Laguna, spread their beauties in Iceland, and many other tourist destinations, which are already literally "bad" with rest, were specially popular among millions of tourists. Undoubtedly, each of us wants to spend its long-awaited stay in the place that will allow the most enjoying completely new sensations and emotions.

In this article, the reader will be able to familiarize himself with the countries that in 2017 enjoy special demand and, of course, their cities, each of which is unusual and beautiful in its own way.


Indonesia is an ideal solution for those who dream of getting into an exotic, incredibly colorful fairy tale. Here every tourist can find absolutely everything that only wishes his soul. This is a country that is famous for its landscapes preserved in the original form.

In order to characterize Indonesia, one word is enough - "exotic". Its quantity and variety will not leave indifferent even the most demanding tourist. Of course, as you can not remember the Buddhist temples, mounted by their holiness and mystery, volcanoes, exciting blood and causing interest, tropical jungle, ancient attractions and snow-white sandy beaches.

Without a share of doubt, it can be argued that vacation in this bright and colorful country looks like an unrealistic sleep, in which the noise of the waves of the Indian Ocean is heard and in which everything is literally impregnated by bliss and harmony. The most important thing is that it can relax as a budget tourist, seeking adventures and unreal emotions, and a promiscuous guest, accustomed to luxury and comfort.

Great Britain

The United Kingdom is an island state that could accommodate incredibly colorful and picturesque regions - Wales, England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Each of them has its own unique unrivaled appearance, excellent nature and centuries-old traditions.

A trip to this country will be a great solution for those tourists who want to feel the British atmosphere and comfort. Moreover, each of his guest, she is ready to provide an opportunity to get acquainted not only with its modern side, but also with their ancient traditions. United Kingdom is a country of informative, rich and active pastime.


It is completely not surprising that this year Italy occupies one of the leading positions among the most popular tourist destinations. After all, it does not cease to surprise and endure the gaze with its incredibly beautiful nature, landscaped diversity, ancient architectural memos, breathable "mysteriousness and a centuries-old mysteriousness.

It is also impossible to leave the olive groves, the majestic tops of the Alps, sandy beaches, "crystal" lakes and stunning islands. Italy is a country that has global architectural wealth and which has become the birthplace of the talent of many ingenious sculptors, composers and painters.

Here, every tourist can not only relax, but also to get acquainted with the best world-famous masterpieces of the Renaissance, luxurious sculptures and wonderful statues.


Spain is the country of "Eternal and Bright Holidays" by visiting every tourist will be able to get unforgettable emotions and impressions. This is a variety of holidays. Here you can not only soar under the Spanish sunny rays, lying on the snow-white sand, but also visit many historical places filled with ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Guests can enjoy ancient cities, modern fabulous resorts and many other ways to relax as much as possible and enjoy life. Undoubtedly, this is the country in which every person should be visited to feel all her grandeur and Spanish passion.


Brazil - unknown and such a distant country, which manites tourists with its bright nature and an extraordinary atmosphere. Especially, this is an ideal place for winter holidays, because when we are racing a blizzard outside the window, in Brazil the hot sun warms its guests.

Well, of course, the country's business card is carnavals with which there can not be compared to any mass holidays of the whole world. Rhythmic music, bright and colorful outfits and passionate dances under the sound of drums will not be able to leave a single tourist indifferent. Brazil is a country that meets with open arms of each of his guest, providing him with all the brightest paints of life.


The United States of America's time to be damped to themselves millions of tourists. And it is completely not surprising, as they were able to combine majestic skyscrapers, incredibly colorful landscapes, sandy beaches, historical architectural monuments and much more.

Undoubtedly, the United States seeks to visit the tourist who is looking for a gambling, emotional and crazy rest. However, here can be perfectly resting and that guest who is looking for privacy and harmony.


Switzerland is a calm, beautiful and rich country, which allows you to spend an unforgettable vacation, enjoying modern and historical architectural beauties. It literally manites tourists with their crystal clear lakes, majestic alps and an incredibly favorable atmosphere.

Without a share of doubt, it can be said that by visiting Switzerland once, it is impossible not to fall in love with her landscapes. Here will again want to return to go back to the beautiful parks and the fascinating museums and feel the ancient aristocratic atmosphere of architectural masterpieces.


Greece is an incredibly mysterious and beautiful country, on the expanses of which proudly rise to the sky ancient monuments and gently shimmering sandy beaches under the sunny rays. Here you can enjoy the fun atmosphere of night parties that are organized in the open sky.

In principle, in Greece it is worth come to at least in order to try incredibly tasty and sophisticated traditional dishes, the aftertaste from which will undoubtedly remain forever in memory of even the most demanding gourmet.

Also, each tourist will be able to familiarize themselves with the beauty and greatness of vintage temples and ruins, whose historical path began during antiquity. In essence, Greece was able to combine the ancient architectural power and modern mentality, so everyone will find here than to do to make a benefit from gray everyday life.


This year Finland is one of the most popular tourist countries. One of the reasons for such a demand is its advantageous and fairly convenient geographical location in Europe. However, not only this Finnish lands are sitting to her guests, but also its unique historical architecture and many ancient sights.

Undoubtedly, Finland will be able to give every tourist a lot of extreme and pleasant emotions. After all, here you can enjoy the skiing rest, to go fishing with the real Finnish professionals, visit the residence of Santa Claus, etc. This is the country, the rest in which it certainly will not be boring and monotonous.


France is a romantic country that is literally created for those who appreciate the beauty of nature, an unsurpassed taste of expensive wine and a secluded rest. Here each guest is expecting majestic volcanoes, graceful mountains, ancient caves, beautiful parks and plains, calm rivers, numerous canals, harsh Atlantic rocks and azure Mediterranean bays.

Moreover, it possesses an incredibly rich culture and history. Having visited this majestic country, each guest will be able to familiarize himself with the masterpieces of great masters of sculpture, painting and architecture, which were created using a variety of styles in different epochs. Well, of course, only here you can feel the "taste notch" of the best noble wines.