Attractions of France Mont Sea Michel Information. Mont-Saint-Michel: Personal Experience at Normandy Miracle

On the meaning of this place for the French, Viktor Hugo wrote: "Mont Sea Michel for France is the same as the pyramids for Egypt." Traveling with Gennady.

The border between the French provinces of Normandy and Brittany, the coast of La Mans passes along the direction of the Cuenon River. Here, at the place of the river in the bay of the Saint Michel, on the granite island there is a marked place for the French - Mont St. Michel (Mont St. Michel), which is translated as: - Mount St. Michael.

About the island-abbey-fortress Mont Sep Michel is difficult to tell. The number of different events, stories and legends associated with it is huge. It is not possible to put everything in a reasonable size. Surely something interesting I will miss or just do not know. The place is so popular that someone has definitely happening there. Therefore, I ask you to complement my note by stories, impressions, photos.

The characteristic silhouette of the abbey among the low, flat coast appears on the horizon for several tens of kilometers and we drove for about an hour until the parking lot near him.

This castle-abbey often is rightly called the eighth miracle of the world. Everything is wonderful here: and amazing natural phenomena, and its involvement in significant historical events for Europe, and wonderful buildings, and the atmosphere itself of an impregnable fortress located on a small rocky island. Undoubtedly Mixed Michel and today influenced the architecture of the sleeping beauty castle in Paris Disneyland and became the prototype of Minas Tyrit's fortress in the trilogy of J.R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings" and in the film on it.

In the times of the ancient Romans, Mixes Michel was not yet an island. The gloomy uninhabited cliff was called the grave mountain. Perhaps the Celts used this place for their burials. Druids came here to worship the setting sun, and the Romans subsequently retained this ritual for a long time. According to one of the legends, Julius Caesar was secretly buried in the grave grief - in the Golden Coffin, in the Golden Sandals.

There are several versions of the origin of the island of Mont Sea Michel. The most believable, argues that at the beginning of the V century, after a strong storm in this part of La Mansha changed coastline. The coast fell, the coastal meadows and the forests were hidden under water and then were brought by sands, and two rocky hill became the islands. The largest among them, Mont Tomb (in French "grave hill"), and wears the name of Mont Sen Michel. Little is the name Tomblen ("Little Grave").

According to another version, both cliffs dragged the giants in the sea - Gargantua's parents. Grangizye, his father, as accepted by men, the most severe of stones - Mont Tomb, and Gargamell, Mother Gargantua, dragged Tomblen. But the giants were tired and threw these stones near the shore. Gargantua himself also marked here in land management - his efforts and the Cuenon River appeared. How - easy to guess.

Which of the versions to believe everyone chooses himself, but the fact remains a fact - two islands are towering in the Gulf of Saint-Sen, and the tides in this place are one of the highest in the world's ocean. Twice a year, when the solar and lunar tides are folded, the height of the total tide can reach ~ 14 meters. Due to the low and gentle banks, the sea near the abbey at that time retreats \\ occurs by 15-20 kilometers, exposing the bottom - the wing sands of clay and limestone origin. And so twice a day. It is not difficult to calculate that the speed with which marine water comes corresponds to the speed of a frisky pedestrian, and due to uneven relief, it can reach the speed of the gouring horse. It is not surprising that for a long history of this place, not everyone managed to escape from the tide.

The following two photos were made by me from the same place of the abbey during not the strongest tide and low tide. This photo I did during the tide.

and this when it started and continued the tide ...

There are legends about tides, catching riders, stories about carts, without a trace disappearing along with horses in huge zybun, describing the terrible death of travelers, tightened in wet sand. The tump in the bay always starts somehow unexpectedly: recently everywhere, where neither throw a look, splashed by the whores-muddy sea, how everywhere she fired the same color of the sand, which was "hypnotized" to the cunning of all French classics - from Hugo to Maupassant. This sand seems quite harmless until you descend on his treacherous, all in the puddles from the recently retreating water surface.

Unfortunately, we did not catch the time of the greatest tide, but for the fullness of the picture I will insert a photo from the Internet - the island of Mont Saint Michel during the tide.

In the 70s of the XIX century, due to the increased number of visitors to the abbey, the island connected with the shore of Dambia. However, the dam violated the natural circulation of water in the bay and it began to be entered by sand and sludge to such an extent that at the end of the 20th century actually a full-fledged island was only during the highest tides twice a year. Therefore, in the early 2000s, the dam was destroyed and built a bridge for which you can now drive up to the gate of the abbey itself, but only by public transport.

Today's appearance of the mountain is the result of multiple redevelopments, destruction, rampant elements, fires, human delusions and feats. This cult facility has a huge secular value. Here not only prayed, but also fought, and plotted conspiracies.

The history of the Abbey of Mont Saint Michel began with a chapel, which was erected on the granite rock-island in 708 by the Bishop of Avranus Saint-Ober. One of the legends says that the Archbishop appeared in the dream Archangel Mikhail and ordered to build a chapel on the island. The bishop thought he was meant and decided to wait. Archangel appeared again with the same order, but the bishop was hard "on the rise" and dismissed again. For the third time, Archangel literally stood the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for the need to build a chapel, he told a hole in the head of the bishop, which finally could convince the construction of the church, so the Basilica of St. Michael appeared. This is of course it is difficult to believe, but the evidence of this event is saved. In the advanced, where the relics of the holy woffy are located, there really is a dent on his skull.

In the middle of the 10th century, the Bennedctic Monks with the permission of the dad are based on the abbey and the money of the Duke of Normandy is built by a monastery. Soon the rock on the island of Mont Sea Michel became famous place pilgrimage, and her story began to be carefully tracked.

In the next century, a romance church with a monastery appeared on the mountain. Work on the construction of the abbey was not from the lungs and dragged into the middle of the 12th century. Abbot Robert de Toriny attached a huge amount of effort and turned the Isle of Mont Saint Michel to the center of scientific thought. At the same time, priests began to play a prominent role in the political life of the region.

At the beginning of the XIIth century, Abbot, Roger II, the construction of the tower on the northern slope is maintained, where the Knight's hall and the refectory are now included. At this time, the abbey is already one of the pilgrimage centers of Europe. The influence of the monastery is growing. Abbey takes the English and French kings, he was given several possessions in England.

In 1204, the King of France Philip Augustus captures Normandia. The ally of the French king Gi de Tour was captured and the settlement of the monastery was captured, as a result of the fire, the monastery itself was seriously injured. Philip Augustus to redeem his guilt, sacrifices the abbey of a huge amount, and also finances the construction of structures on the northern slope, subsequently called miracle. In 1128, the construction of a miracle was completed. Up until the XIV century, the architecture of the monastery did not change. Abstract, replacing each other, gradually built up the island. In this unique place there are buildings of different styles and eras, which gives the beauty of architecture.

In 1356, the British attempt to take the monastery, but the siege turned out to be unsuccessful. In 1386, Abbot Monastery Pierre Roa for security, significantly strengthens the entrance to the monastery, and also builds three towers. In the future, replaced Rua Abbot Robber Zololiv, builds fortress walls at the foot of the monastery.
During the century of war in 1424, the British again besieged the monastery. For ten years, suffering huge losses, they were trying to sleep outside the castle walls. But the French defended Abbey. The British never managed to take the island, but they completely destroyed the town, formed over the past century at the foundation of the monastery. In 1450, the British are defeated in the Battle of Formigny and they are expelled from Normandy.

But the monastery, who surrendered in religious wars turned out to be defenseless before the revolutionary and in 1792, the troops kicked the last monks, and the territory was turned into prison, which was nicknamed - "Provincial Bastille".

With the arrival of Napoleon III Mont Saint Michelle returns itself to the former glory, the prison is abolished, and the monastery is announced by the national heritage of France. Work begins to restore it. The middle of the 20th century is marked by the return of monks on a rocky island. In 1979, the abbey is included in the list World Heritage UNESCO.

Currently, the island is inhabit. In addition to the monks-Benedictine, there are about 70 people in the inhabitants, there is even their mayor's office, police, hospital, hotel. The inhabitants of the island mainly serve tourists.

Because of the large number of visitors in our time, travel to the island is limited. It is impossible to drive a private way to this bridge. The overwhelming majority of arriving on excursions, leave their buses in the village, on the shore and pass to the gates of Mont Saint Michel on free shuttles or just walk through the bridge. Fortunately, to go around a kilometer and all the time overlooking the castle.

Those who, as we come with our own pass, are on the car, leave cars even further - in the parking lots of kilometers at 3 and the same, the shuttle gets to the gate of the monastery.

In principle, there are one-day bus tours of Mont Sea Michel Azh from Paris. You can and "unorganized" to turn from there by one day by train / bus. However, if you came here, it is better to stay with overnight. In terms of the number of visitors, Mixer Michel ranks second in all of France after Paris. Per year - up to 3.5 million tourists! And many of them stop in local hotels on the coast. But there are several hotels behind the walls of the fortress, in the houses of the XV-XVI centuries with a limited number of rooms. Rooms There, as a rule, you need to book strongly in advance. Either be very lucky. We were lucky! Even at the beginning of the summer, we, according to the best recommendations of the triphedvizer, booked a place in the State party on the coast, near the beginning of the bridge to the island, so that you could go to the abbey on foot. Just for the order sometimes looked - how are things behind the walls. Literally a week before our trip, the room was released in one of the most famous hotels in Mixed Michel - Mare Poulard.

The list of eminent guests of this hotel only 27 rooms is very impressive. Here they stayed: Hemingway, Spielberg, Yves Saint Laurent, President Roosevelt, the last emperor of Japan, various kings and queens. Well, now we naturally. :))

We got a room in which before this at different times lived, Russian prince Felix Yusupov and French choreographer Serge Lefar, about what the signs with autographs on the walls were testified.

However, most of all we were surprised by the fact that at the price it turned out to be cheaper of the rooms from which we had to refuse - 130 euros per night. Most likely it was because someone refused at the last moment and we were just lucky. The usual price of our room on the hotel's website is 340 euros per night.

Stunning on the island and abbey Mont Sea Michel, we did not leave the feeling that we walk on a 3D-labyrinth. Sometimes, in order to get into the next plan, the structure was necessary to climb or go down to another level and go aside there. Therefore, the plan of the island-abbey is simply necessary to have before eyes. You can take a sheet with a description of the abbey at the entrance, otherwise the monastery will turn into a series of walls and stairs.

This scheme marked:

1. Abbey
2. Miracle Construction
3. City
4. Travel terrace
5. External Gate.
6. Boulevard gate
7. Royal Gate
8. Royal Tower
9. Arcade Tower
10. Tower of Freedom
11. Low Tower
12. Tower "Buckle"
13. Church of San Pierre
14. Northern Tower
15. Klodin Tower
16. Damba
17. Tower Gabriel
18. Strengthening warehouses
19. Saint-Ober Chapel
20. Source Saint-Ober

Overnight inside the city walls on the island has a huge plus - in the morning and the island in the evening. Indeed, 3.5 million per year is a little less than 10,000 people per day. This is what the main street of the town looks like during a regular visitors stream (the first photo from the Internet).

And so the same place - in the evening, when only living inside the walls remain.

And the abbey itself in the evening watch looks especially Gothichenko.

To get into the fortress you need to go through a few goes:

External gate.

Boulevard gate.

and the royal gate with the lifting bridge

In the medieval fortification architecture, the gate was considered a weak place and such an entrance was necessary. Immediately at the entrance gate, in memory of the 100-year war, this gun was installed, captured by the British.

Mont Sea Michel is for the French symbol of resistance in a 100-year war. For all time the island has not been taken by the British. There was a moment when the abbey was already preparing to surrender, but on the occasion in it just turned out to be postponed 119 French knights who took defense on themselves and held it continuously for 10 years, from 1424 to 1434. All Normandy turned out to be in the hands of the British and only Mont Sea Michel remained uncomparable.

The royal gate begins the main and only fortress street - Grand Puy, which crosses the entire town located below, at the base of the rock. Here are full of shops, hotels, souvenir shops, there is a mayor's office, parish church and even a cemetery. The peculiarity of this village is its homes and the fortress walls with the towers are built on the sand!

At the very beginning, Grandf Ruj, almost from the royal gate, just located our hotel with the famous restaurant around the world "Mom Mama Polar". His story is such. In the last quarter of the XIX century, when restoration work began in the abbey, Eduard Corrouae settled here, which occupied the post of chief architect Mixer Michelle at the time. None of the restaurant came to him to taste, and therefore he defined the innnetu boutio in the innkeeper. Soon she married a certain Victor Pooler, and in 1888 she opened the Tractor "Momash Polar". Despite the fact that they were preparing delicious dishes from a variety of products, the signature dish Annety Polar became omelet. This fact is easy to explain. It is preparing easy and fast. For tired travelers, this snack is waiting for other dishes, for the poor - the main food. And during the posts and abstinence, he is a meal for everyone. Mom Momlet Recipe Polar keeps in the Secret. However, the price of this omelet is not at all humane - 30-35 euros depending on the filling. Well, from personal experience I note that despite such overestimated prices and in other restaurants "behind the walls of the fortress", and dinner, and dinner were not a fountain. Not at all in French, which is in general and confirmed the next reviews of the reviews in TripAdvisor.

From the main street, several narrow alleys depart

In addition to streets and lanes It is interesting to wander around the walls of the fortress from the views of the town and the sea bay

Houses in the town of Mont Sen Michel

Powerful walls of abbey fused moss and lichen, which even more it seems that this fortress-monastery is the creation of nature, not a person.

Naturally, the night in the morning in the morning on a tour of the abbey itself can be hit before the shutters will bring first tourists from the mainland. Here, by the way, we encountered a classic "French hospitality". In the morning, it rained and ten minutes before the discovery, on the stairs under a canopy, the entrance accumulated from a dozen people waiting for the start of selling tickets at 9:30. Five minutes before the start, some boss appeared, put all from under a canopy under the rain and stretched out a ribbon through the stairs, motivating the fact that it was not supposed and repeating like a spell on broken English: - This is not possible.

Architecture of Mont Sea Michel, as if reflects the medieval European society. In the lower tier there is a city, there lived a class of working commoners and peasants. Above, at the average level there are buildings intended for the class of defenders - knights and kings. At the top of the mountain is the abbey, where the clergy settled. Cold abbey High spire with a gilded figure of Archangel Mikhail.

Accurate copy of the shape with a spire

Abbey excursions begin at the gate of a small lock protected by a small castle, built in 1393 by Abbot Pierre Le Roa. For them begins the rise of the steep staircase, called "the abyss"

Benedictine dreamed that Mont Sea Michel became a kind of anthem in the glory of the Most High. However, to lay a huge building of the Cathedral on the top of the cliff, which could accommodate all pilgrims, did not seem possible. In 1023, the construction of the cathedral in the Romanesque style, was completed only by 1520 in Gothic.

Nets Church.

Window of church

View of the monastery church, bell tower and a cloud spire (monastery courtyard with gallery) La Merieway. The look involuntarily rushes into the sky.

In 1204, Philip Augustus joined the Duchy of Normandy, which was from 1066 under the domination of England, to the French kingdom. Breton soldiers who spoke on the side of France set fire to Mixes Michel. Building north of the cathedral were destroyed. However, thanks to the generous of Philip Augustus in their place for the record for that time, 17 years were built buildings La Mervey (Miracle).

TO lurat La MerveyLocated at the exit from the church, the perfect place for prayers and reflections. He, like other facilities of La Merway, was built at the beginning of the XIII century for

Klourta Colonnade in Mont Sea Michel

From the height of the club to the east, the second granite island of the bay - Tomblen is visible.

Abbot lived in contact with pilgrims, while the monks were hidden in the monastery. From the east on the southeastern side of the island, the Abbatian apartments raised, built in the XIII-XVI centuries. Directly under them was the garrison of the fortress.

Abbot lived in contact with pilgrims, while the monks were hidden in the monastery. From the east on the southeastern side of the island, the Abbatian apartments raised, which were built in the XIII-XVI centuries. Directly under them was the garrison of the fortress.

During the Great French Revolution, when the abbey served as a prison, a factory for the manufacture of straw hats was placed in the miracle building.

The first carcers appeared in the abbey in the XII century. They sent the monks who committed serious crimes and those who sent the abbot to court. At the end of the XV century, by order of King Louis Xi, a small part of the abbey was turned into a state prison, "maritime bastylony", as it was called. Extremely close cameras were built, where it was impossible to get up, nor lie in full growth. In addition, prisoners were chained to the chain wall, which rang with each movement. Huge cells are also constructed with strokes styling, where a person was, in fact, immobilized. As a rule, prisoners died throughout the year. In the period from 1666 to 1786, 153 prisoners visited this state prison.

In 1793, revolutionaries announced the closure of the monastery and the transfer of property to the state. Mont Sea Michel, renamed Mont-Libre (Mount Freedom) turned into prison (prison - a mountain of freedom, well, well revolutionary.), I existed until 1863. During this time, 14,000 prisoners visited here. At first, these were priests and peasants, opponents of the revolution. Then - political prisoners and criminals.

In 1820, when the abbey was still a prison, the wheel was installed there. With it, they lifted up the food for prisoners. Similar wheels were used in the Middle Ages to lift various goods. Such wheels were operated using a horse, which, in fact, lived in the wheel. Sometimes prisoners were used.

The load climbed the chain here on such sled

Which moved along the stone guides

Now the prison premises the stairs are connected to the knights hall, located on the next tier

He received his name in honor of the Order of the Knights of St. Michael, founded in 1469 by Louis XI. It was a working room for monks. It is assumed that the tapestries who divided the hall on small branches and an isolated passage through which guests got into the church were hung in it.

Hall heated with two huge fireplaces.

The guest room was designed for noble pilgrims, including kings. Here they shared meals with the abbot.

Paking food in monks is a significant event for all brethren, so the hall where everything happens, was built with the corresponding time by technical and aesthetic innovations. Thick walls hold lung round arches. In order not to weaken the wall, the windows are made narrow and deep. During silent meals, one monk read the sacred Scripture from the department located on the southern partition.

In the refectory, we finally caught the first excursion from the mainland. It turned out to be the Chinese.

For about ten minutes, their guide is energetically twitter, and then we still managed to grab the last period before the influx of the main wave of tourists.

In the afternoon, when the number of visitors reached the maximum, we got out from the island.

and they went to the neighboring Brittany, to the oyster capital of France, in the town on the west shore of the bay of the Saint Michel - Kankala.

Mont-Saint Michel Castlelocated on the island, bordering the two French provinces, which to this day challenges the right to the castle. Abbey, built on a rock speaker from the sea, is considered to be a miracle of light.

Surrounded by granite rocks and sea, at an altitude of about 80 meters is one of the most famous and memorable castles of Normandy, which is protected by UNESCO since 1979. According to the ancient legends, the island has turned into a monastery after in 708, Archangel Mikhail was a bishop of the interior and pointed to build a chapel here, a place where people could make a pilgrimage and where they could ask peace of mind.

In 2015, the tide, later called the "tide of the century," was destroyed by Dam, and Mon-Saint-Michel restored the title of island. To date, you can get to the monastery only on a pedestrian bridge that only at first glance seems inconvenience. In fact, this walking walk gives tourists a chance to feel the spirit of pilgrimage.

The monastery itself is more similar to the castles of Normandy, rather than with churches. Even after repeated reconstructions of the structure of the abbey, they retained their Romance Spirit. Pointed spiers, massive vaults, high towers, rounded arches - all transfers you for many centuries ago, allowing you to plunge into an ancient atmosphere.

According to the Bible, Mikhail is not just an archangel, but by the warrior-defender, and it was he who was in the case of the Apocalypse should be headed by the army. To this day, there are legends about the constant patronage of Mikhail over the island, because for all the time its existence the monastery has never been captured by anyone. The monks have repeatedly had to protect their lands from constant raids of Viking, as a result of which the walls of the abbey grew up and strengthened, inflated by the braces and turning into a mysterious fortress surrounded by natural marine and man-made walls. On the self high tower At an altitude of more than 150 meters, a gold-covered figure of Mikhail, who raised the sword in his hands.

The Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel provides tourists the opportunity to observe tides and flows, two times a day the water level completely cuts off the fortress from the mainland. Tide schedule can be found in advance by adjusting his journey under it. If at this moment you will be on the terrace of abbey or on a pedestrian bridge, then for life, remember this delightful sight.

Before planning a trip to the spiritual center of Normandy , Take care of not missing the view of the Night Castle Mixes Michel, so spectacularly lit in the dark. Most travel companies offer a day excursion to the island, but you will not regret if you decide to stay in local hotels at least one night. You will be able to inspect all the sights of the monastery and surrounding territories, try local cuisine and spend an unforgettable time at the walls of the legendary monastery. On average, about 3 million visitors are available in the year, and the permanent residents of just over a hundred people, including monks. On the territory of the island, in addition to church buildings, there are many shops, hotels and restaurants. Local residents Care about the development of tourism on the island, and all reversible funds go to the restoration of the abbey architecture.

Mont Saint Michel Castle in France is a place that is worth visiting at least once in life!

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About Mont-Saint-Michel is difficult to tell. This castle-abbey is rightly called the miracle of the West. Here the miracle is all - and the long history, and amazing buildings, and the atmosphere itself of an impregnable fortress located on a small rocky island. It was not by chance that he became a prototype of Minaas Tyrit fortress in the trilogy of J.R. Rolkin "The Lord of the Rings". However, Mont-Saint-Michel is even more fantastic. For convenience, I will deal my story for several parts. And today it will be about his history and geography.

Abbey Mont-Saint-Michel is a symbolic model of a medieval society. Lower tier - "Those who work": artisans and merchants. The middle tier is "those who fight": knights and kings. Finally, the upper tier is "those who pray": clergy.

Mont-Saint-Michel (FR. MONT SAINT-MICHEL, Normand. Mont Saint Miché. "The Mountain of St. Michael) is a rocky island with a height of 80 m and about 950 m in a circle, located in a huge bay area of \u200b\u200b40,000 sq.m, open towards La Mansha. 3 km from it is another island - thromblen, 40 m rising above the bay. These cliffs are formed more than 20 million years ago from the granulite - a very dense crystalline rock. Three rivers flow into the bay, Selyon and Cuenon, which, with each side, launch new picturesque radiation.

Here are the strongest marine rings in Europe, water level fluctuations can reach 15 meters! The water at a side retreats from the mainland by more than 20 kilometers, exposing the bottom - the thinnest limestone sands of clay-limestone. It is quite dangerous to go for this bottom: you can easily be thrown in the fields. During the tides, the sea returns rapidly - according to legend, with a speed of the horse gallop. However, this is an exaggeration: the average tide rate is 62 meters per minute, which also has a lot and is dangerous for tourists and pilgrims.

These islands are visible from afar - the coastal plain is absolutely flat. And therefore it is not surprising that people have long paid attention to them and revered them sacred. Two French provinces - Normandy and Brittany, argue for the right to consider the island part of their territory. Formally, Mont-Saint-Michel belongs to Normandy - the border between the provinces passes along the Cuenon River.

This is an incredible sight, when there are suddenly appear on the horizon and as we approach them, there are two romas - Mont-Saint-Michel and thromblen

The tribes of the Celts lived on the mainland. On a rock, which in those days was on land, there was a sanctuary of Druids. However, gradually the sea came to the land and the rocks became the islands. However, over time, the reverse process began: the bay of Mont-Saint-Michel is filled with sedimentary seasons. At the end of the XIX century, when the dam was built, connecting the island with the mainland, this process accelerated, now only twice a year Mont-Saint-Michel becomes a real island, from all sides by water.

History of Mont-Saint-Michel

Based on the monastery: Ober and St. Michael

Initially, the island was called MON-Tomb. (Fr. Mont Tombe), from Latin tumba.What does "mountain" or "grave" mean. In the VI century It was settled several inherent monks who built two shrines. According to the manuscript of the X century Revelatio Ecclesiae Sancti Michaelis, in one of the nights of 708 Obrae, Avransh's bishop, appeared in the dream Archangel Mikhail, who ordered to build a church on the rock. The bishop doubted doubt, so Archangel had to be three times. And for the third time, angry for disobedience, he pushed out his finger the overaf skull. Only then began to build. By the way, on the Obraist skull, the power of which rest in the Basilica Autumn, you can see a round dent - a track from the blow of the archangel.

A chapel was built on the rock in the type of sanctuary in the Monta Gargano cave in the south of Italy, where in 492 there was a phenomenon of Archangel Mikhail. Chapel, erected by the Ober, only remotely resembled the Italian grotto. From Monte Gargano, two relics were delivered here: a fragment of the crimson cover, abandoned by Arkhangel and part of the marble plate with his foot imprint.

With the new sanctuary settled several canonikov monks. At the same time, the cult of Archangel Mikhail was strengthened throughout the empire. Soon the island became one of the most important centers of pilgrimage and began to be called Mon-Saint-Michel - Mount St. Michael.

And here I would like to make a slight digression and tell about the worship of Archangel Mikhail in France.

Tower and spire, crowned with the statue of Archangel Mikhail

Cult Archangel Mikhail in France

Archangel Mikhail is revered as a warrior and an intercessor. They believe that he fought with Satan, who accepted the image of the dragon and plunged into the purple of the waters. He protects the souls of the righteous from cunning demons on the way to Heavenly Jerusalem. According to the Old Testament, he is the intercessor of the people of Israel. In the last battle of good and evil Archangel, Mikhail will stand at the head of the Light Hobs. On the terrible court, he will keep the scales on which the good and evil acts of people will weigh.

The emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Karl The Great elected Archangel Mikhail his patron, and in 813 the celebration of St. Mikhail's Day was established. With the dynasty of capeting (987-1328), the cult of St. Dionysius was distributed, however, in the era of Valua (1328-1589), the cult of Archangel Mikhail again gained popularity. With Carle Vii, Archangel Mikhail becomes the national holy saint, the Savior of France, who freed the country from the invasion of the British. The words of Archangel Mikhail heard Zhanna d'Ark:

I am Mikhail, the patron of France. Get up and come to the rescue of the French king.

The heroic defense of Mon-Saint-Michel defenders, besieged by the British played a major role in strengthening the cult. In 1469, Louis Xi founded the monastic Order of St. Michael, and Mon-Saint-Michel became his center. After the French revolution, Archangel Mikhail turned into an emblem and a symbol of the French nation.

So it is not surprising that throughout the Middle Ages and later in Mont-Saint-Michel flowed a crowd of pilgrims.

Archangel Michael. A copy of the statue made by the Femier sculptor exhibited in La Merayway cellar

Mont-Saint-Michel in the X-XV centuries: the center of pilgrimage and Benedictine

In 933, Kotanten - Peninsula was attached to Normandy, and Mon-Saint-Michel was under the protection of the Dukes of Normandy. In 966, by order of Richard I, the third Duke of Normandy, the monks of the Bencasty from Föthground (now the Saint-Vandriy in Saint-Maritim) were translated into Mont-Saint-Michel. In their opinion, the life of the canonikov was not so requested.

Benedictine life

The motto of Benedictine became the principle "Pray and work" ( ora et Labora.), established by the founder of the Order of Holy Benedict Nurstiesky in 529. Benedictins give three traditional vows: obedience to Abbot, poverty and chastity, as well as the fourth, additional vow - stability obliging them to stay in the monastery, and not wander at different places.

Life in the community was strictly regulated: 8 hours was assigned to prayers, 8 - on mental work, another 8 hours - to work. Services were held seven times a day: at dawn (compere), services of the first ( prime.), the third ( tierce.), sixth ( sexte.), ninth ( none) An hour, evening and after-evening. In addition, Mass and the Grand Mass were held on the eve of the holidays.

Twice a day, the monks were going to the meal, which included bread, vegetables and wine. On the days of holidays and sick, fish was allowed, as well as poultry meat. Wine, first of all he warmed. It is not surprising that it was in the Benedictine monasteries that Benedictine's strong drink appeared, which I will tell in more detail in one of the nearest posts.

At the beginning of the XI century, 50 monks lived in Mon-Saint-Michel, one and a half years later - 60, and since then their number has never exceeded 60.

Construction in the monastery

Benedictine dreamed that Mont-Saint-Michel became a kind of anthem in the glory of the Most High. However, to lay a huge building of the Cathedral on the top of the cliff, which could accommodate all pilgrims, did not seem possible. Then it was decided to build four chapels oriented on the sides of the light, which would have become a platform for the future building. So the crypt of large pylons appeared to the east, in the south - Crypt Saint-Martin, in the north - Crypt Notre Dame de Trent Sierj (God-Ladza Candles), in the West - Crypt Notre Dame-Su-Terr (Our Lady Dungeon). Notre Dame-Su-Terr - the most ancient, it found fragments of the church built in Doroan style, possibly the first shrine on the mountain. In 1023, the construction of the cathedral in the Romanesque style, was completed only by 1520 in Gothic.

Nets Monastic Church

In 1204, Philip Augustus joined the Duchy of Normandy, which was from 1066 under the domination of England, to the French kingdom. Breton soldiers who spoke on the side of France set fire to Mon-Saint-Michel. Building north of the cathedral were destroyed. However, thanks to the generous of the Philip of August in their place for just a few years, buildings were built (miracle).

La Merieway is a symbolic mapping of a medieval society and the symbol of the Holy Trinity: three buildings, in every building three floors, on each floor - a hall with its own special meaning. However, due to lack of funds, only two buildings of three were built. The "Western Miracle" includes a monastery cloud-club as a symbol of spiritual food, manuscript workshop, symbolizing mental food and cellar - carnal food. The Eastern Miracle includes the monastic meadow, the hall for receiving guests and the refectory for the poor. In that, and not built by the third "miracle", the Chassal of the Chassis was to be located below - the library, at the very bottom - the stable.

La Merway, Fragment of the Wall

In the middle of the XIII - early XVI century, the complex of buildings surrounded by the Church from the East and South was complemented by buildings where Abbat and Halls for Milk Monastic Services were located.

Pilgrims in Mont-Saint-Michel

Abbey Mont-Saint-Michel is the fourth place of pilgrimage in the West after Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela. History retained the name of the first pilgrim in Mont-Saint-Michel. It was a franc named Bernard. In 867-868, returning from traveling to Rome and Monte Gargano, he visited Mont-Saint-Michel.

Since the XI century, the number of pilgrims has increased significantly. Since that time, wonderful stories about pilgrims also appear. So, according to one of them, a young woman from Lizyo, who was in the last period of pregnancy, was caught up with a tide. In addition, she started generic contractions. Singing the ambulance, she raised the hot prayers of the Virgin. And a miracle happened: the water was broken around her, the woman was resolved from the burden. Outlou Fishermen found her and baby whole and unharmed. Another story tells about the Italian, who without the demand of the monks dragged a stone from the abbey and after that fell ill. Also talk about wonderful healing after patients sick water, in which the skull of St. Bersera was washed ...

In the XIV century, a new category of pilgrims appeared - children and adolescents. A kind of madness then covered the whole of Europe. The children ran out of the house and went to the hardest travel. They were called "shepherds" - many of them grazed herd. The road to the Mont-Saint-Michel, where shelters and stable courtyards for pilgrims appeared, began to call "ways to paradise."

Pilgrimage was dangerous. On the road pilgrims often robbed robbers. Often they died from diseases. And in the most mon-Saint-Michel, they were waiting for dangers. So, in 1318, 13 pilgrims were flooded by a crowd, which was broken in the sanctuary, 18 drowned in the bay, 12 were bogged down in Zybuchi sands. Norman proverb says:

Before you go to Mont-Saint-Michel, make your own testament.

And until today, Mont-Saint-Michel remains an important pilgrim center. From ordinary tourists, pilgrims differ in the fact that they are walking, accompanied by conductors, through the sandy sands of the bay. Twice a year in the abbey is especially crowded: May 8 (or the nearest sunday (or coming to this date), when the day of the phenomenon of Archangel Mikhail is noted in Monte Gargano, and on September 29, on the day of the consecration of the Roman altar dedicated to Archangel.

Singing in the Gulf of Mont-Saint-Michel. It is on these unsteady sands that pilgrims went

Defense Mont-Saint-Michel in the years of Central War

In 1337, a centenary war broke out, which ended in 1453. At the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, the abbey and settlement were strengthened. However, in 1420, Abbot Zoliva suddenly left the monastery and offered his services to the British. In 1421, the altar part collapsed in the cathedral. In 1424, the sea siege of Mont-Saint-Michel of the British, settled at the next island of Tomblin. She lasted until 1434. Thanks to the protection of knights and high tides, the abbey fortress remained impregnable.

Mont-Saint-Michel in the XV-XVIII centuries

After a century of war, a small period of the heyday of the abbey, which ended, however, is long decadent. In the middle of the XV century, the abbates, previously elected monks, are prescribed kings. The monastery turned into a source of income. Monastic life quickly fell.

In 1577, 1589 and 1591, when religious wars were struck in Europe, Protestants tried to take Mon-Saint-Michel. In 1591, a hundred Protestants were destroyed here, under the leadership of Gabriel de Lorge, Count Montgomery ...


The first carcers appeared in the abbey in the XII century. They sent the monks who committed serious crimes and those who sent the abbot to court. At the end of the XV century, by order of King Louis Xi, a small part of the abbey was turned into a state prison, "maritime bastylony", as it was called. Extremely close cameras were built, where it was impossible to get up, nor lie in full growth. In addition, prisoners were chained to the chain wall, which rang with each movement. Huge cells are also constructed with strokes styling, where a person was, in fact, immobilized. As a rule, prisoners died throughout the year. In the period from 1666 to 1786, 153 prisoners visited this state prison.

In 1793, revolutionaries announced the closure of the monastery and the transfer of property to the state. Mont-Saint-Michel, renamed Mont-Libre (Mountain of Freedom), turned into prison existed until 1863. During this time, 14,000 prisoners visited here. At first, these were priests and peasants, opponents of the revolution. Then - political prisoners and criminals. The miracle building housed a factory for the manufacture of straw hats.

Restoration and revival of Mont-Saint-Michel

Viktor Hugo, visiting Mont-Saint-Michel in 1863, wrote with bitterness:

Toad in Reliquarian. When, finally, in France, the holiness of the monuments will understand?

In the same year, the last prisoners were translated into other prisons. However, only in 1874, Mont-Saint-Michel was transferred to the administration of "historical monuments", which took the restoration of the abbey.

In 1897, the construction of the tower and the spire in the neo-neothic style was completed (Architect Viktor Petigran), at the top of which the gilded statue of Archangel Michael was established (Sculptor Emmanuel Farm, 1897). Mont-Saint-Michel gained the current appearance.

At the end of the XIX century, a dam was also built, taking the island with the mainland. Unfortunately, it provoked the acceleration of filling the bay with sandy nanos. As a result, over the past 100 years, the bottom level at the island rose 3 meters, because of what Mont-Saint-Michel may lose its island position. Now the construction project is being implemented at the site of the bridge dance, the length of which will be 1 km. According to the calculations of hydrolyts, such measures will contribute to the liberation of the bay from marine applications.

Trombolena Island

3 km from Mon-Saint-Michel is the island of Trombolen. In the XI century, two monks retired here for several years: Robert Tromblensky and Anastas Venetian. In the XII century, Abbot Bernard Du Beck built a monastery with the church in the name of the Virgin Mary, who became the center of the so-called "small pilgrimage" in Mont-Saint-Michel. At the beginning of the XIII century, when a split occurred in the Mont-Saint-Michel community, Abbot Jourred was hiding here.

During the age of century war, Trombolena is busy the British, built a fortress on it. In the XVII century, thrombolena became the property of Nikol Fuce, Minister of Finance at the court of Louis XIV. After Fuku fell into disfavor, the king ordered all the buildings on the island.

Since 1985, there is an ornithological reserve on the island.

In the next post, I will continue to talk about Mont-Saint-Michel and tell about.

To be continued…

* When writing a post, Mont-Saint-Michel Travel Guides (Paris, 2006) and "Mon-Saint-Michel Abbey" are used.

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Tell me, dear readers, are you often visited by angels in a dream and give you tasks? And it happens that when you do not fulfill the demands of the angels, they beat you on your head at the same time, so so what is the morning dent on your head? No, no, everything is fine with me, just thanks to such a miracle, we are obliged to appear the most beautiful place in France - Mon-Saint-Michel Abbey. And this is not at all medieval pious legend, because British scientists, indeed, discovered a dent on the skull of the founder of the monastery. But first things first.

We left the warm and pleasant to the warm August morning from. On this day, we needed to get to the island of Mont-Saint-Michel. The distance from to the famous Abbey is approximately 45 km away, and after yesterday, when we slightly trimmed on a less long path from, I decided not to rush and save forces.

Fortunately, the road was quite promoted. Almost immediately from Fozhar began a beautiful cycleway. In general, there are quite a lot of them in Brittany. I brought a link to the Brittany bike road map. The fact is that earlier there were a lot of railway tracks that intersect in different directions the whole region. But at the end of the last century they came to the launch, and the authorities decided to demolish the rails, and in their place to arrange such a gift to cyclists. Because Railway tracks are trying to do with a minimal bias and as direct as possible, then you rush one pleasure on such a route. Some of them stretch to dozens of kilometers, on our route we coincided with a walkway a little less than 10 km, but still I got exclusively pleasant emotions, even at such a short plot.

When the track is over, more precisely, we turned out of it, because She went to the west toward Saint-little, and we had to be east, towards the border with Normandy., All the same, the road remained very pleasant. We drove picturesque villages.

This time I tried not to drive, but stop in beautiful places, relax and take pictures. Healthy?

There was no strong slope, then, when I checked the tracker, it turned out that the balance was shuntered toward the descent. Those. We traveled most of the time from the slides. Landscapes on the parties were approximately such.

How not to make a halt?

Finally, we drove to Brittany's border.

It would seem that the regions are very close, but it seemed to me that the villages in Normandy look like a riche. Many houses are interested in decorated, for example, someone clearly lives with the sea, in front of the house Lighthouse and ship screw.

Even the churches began to look different, although they drove off from Brittany just a few kilometers.

In general, this time 40 km to our hotel flew unnoticed, although they did a lot of stops and almost three hours were driving along the tracker. But almost never worked.

And when, on the horizon for the next field I saw a tiny mountain, then came to the wild delight! It was a real state of Qatarsis, when after two-day torments, I finally gained my little paradise.

We settled at the Le Beauvoir Hotel in the village of the same name about 5-6 km from Mont-Saint-Michel. Of course, it was possible to take a hotel right on the island, but our dates the most budget option began from 250 euros per night. Even taking into account that all expenses we divided for two (i.e., 9 thousand opened), I still decided that, taking into account that we were on great, a very decent hotel for 70 euros only 5 km, this Much more sensible. Think 15 minutes drive, so it makes no sense in housing spent on the island no.

Hotel Le Beauvoir turned out to be quite decent (7.5 score on Bucking). The most important thing is that they had their own parking and even a garage for motorcycles and bicycles. Fine! In general, exciting many of the question, where relatively budget, but at the same time decent to spend the night in Mont-Saint-Michel turned out to be successfully resolved.

By the way, the photo is made, just from the hotel. The location is excellent.

Of course, I could not get to the island faster. I am a little remorse ... and I slept for almost two hours, the angels did not bother me in a dream. After that, I wanted to dine, so we left Mont-Saint-Michel only in the area of \u200b\u200bfour hours. On the way from the island, I made one mistake. It was necessary to go on a bike right before the entrance, but I was afraid that there would be no place there will be great. Therefore, we tied great on one of the parking lots and the remaining couple of kilometers went on foot. So, I will say that bicycles can be left right on the island, everything is done. More precisely, they bind their railing of the bridge, which leads to Mont-Saint-Michel. Well, oh well, but they walked perfectly. Maybe even better it turned out. Because Time was enough for us.

I realized that the main effect on the tourist Mon-Saint-Michel produces due to its surprise. An absolute flat plain is stretched around, some colorless sandy plains, a courageous grass, an endless surface of water, and suddenly in the middle of this melancholic landscape, like an atomic explosion, a mountain is formed with a city and monastery. Eyes first do not believe, but as they approach, Mont-Saint-Michel from a miracle and mirage turns into a real and carnal romance of stones.

This year in Mont-Saint-Michel finished the restructuring of the entrance to the island. And now instead of a stupid dam on the island, a graceful bridge leads. What was nice, removed all parking from close proximity to this miracle and now you can enjoy the types of fully.

Church of Saint-Pierre.

Favorite header.

So, so, the sun begins to sit down. We must rush to see the sunset.

La Mère Poulard is not only a souvenir shop (right in the photo), but also the most famous and delicious omelette in France.
In this restaurant on open fire, Omlets "Aunt Annette" are preparing. The aunt is characterized by pretty greed, so the hundred grams of the famous omelet will cost you at least 25 euros. We decided to ignore this attraction.

Well, the sun village and it was time to go back to the hotel. I strongly recommend checking the schedule of sangs and tides from Mont-Saint-Michel, I think you can easily find it online. You can get on a unique natural show when the surroundings are flooded with water. But in our case, nothing was expected, so we went back to our village with a calm conscience.

We walked back in advance, because In no way could not appeal to the evening types of Mon-Saint-Michel. Following the walk, I stayed under great impressions. Yes, during the time I lead the blog I constantly see in the tape and in communities reports on Mont-Saint-Michel. It would seem that the place is beaten is unused, but still pictures pictures, and in reality it is very clinging.

We returned to the hotel only by 11 pm, and of course, in our village there were no places for dinner. Fortunately, the hotel worked at the hotel, and Olka had sausage and baguette from yesterday's picnic in Vitre. I decided to surprise Olka wine, which we last year, I mean Gevurztraminer, of course. So we are very "satisfying" a bottle of wine for two and full impressions fell to bed, tomorrow it was necessary to go on the road to Saint-little, and the path was even longer than today.

Mont Saint-Michel(Mont Saint-Michel) or Mount Archangel Mikhail is a small rocky fortress, on the north-west coast of France. This island is the only inhabited of the three Isles of the Cove of Saint-Michel. The city has been built on the island, which has existed since 709.

Mont-Michel Abbey Castle is one of ten!

Mont Saint-Michel Plan:

  • Abbey
  • Miracle Construction
  • Town
  • Trouble terrace

The main attraction of the French province of Normandy is mont Saint-Michel Abbey, towering over the huge sandy bay. From time immemorial to this abbey, a huge number of pilgrims from all over Europe was glazed, in order to come in touch with the shrines.

The history of Mont Saint-Michel abbey began with a chapel, which was erected on the granite rock-island in 708 by the Bishop of Avranus Saint-Ober.

Currently, there are about hundreds of residents. In 1879, the island tied the Dambia of 2 km long with the mainland. Mount Mont Saint-Michelit is a granite formation with a diameter of 930 m and a height of 92 m, which is located at the mouth of the Küsnon River. Each 24 hours and 50 minutes in the bay are tested and lowers, the strongest in Europe. Water can move away from Saint-Michel by 18 km, and spread to 20 km deep into the coast. The island is completely surrounded into the tide, and the sands surround the mountain into the sump. The height of the tide reaches 14 meters.

Mount Mont Saint-Michel It is a granite formation with a diameter of 930 m and a height of 92 m located at the mouth of the Küsnon River. Here is the highest tide in Europe, before. 14 m. In the tide is the island is completely surrounded by water, approaching the most walls. In the sump mountain surround the sands.

From the south side, the lower part of the mountain occupies a city surrounded by a fortress wall of 15 V.

The entrance to the city protects the gate and barbacan system. Through the external gate, the incoming enters the external barbican, then through the boulevard gate to the next barbican, which is the name of the boulevard. Further, the moat is a large royal gate with arched passage and lifting bridge. Near the main gate is a narrow gate having a lifting bridge. The bridge is raised by the lever mechanism of the type. To the royal gate, flanking them, adjoins the round royal tower, the first tower of the outer wall. The outer wall, flanked by nine towers, rises along the slope of the mountain to the abbey, completes its Klodin tower.

Inside the wall on the slope is a city consisting of almost one narrow street.

Before entering the abbey, there is a protective barbican, surrounded by a toothed wall with two gates. Some gates are located on the side of the city road, others go to a narrow pediatric terrace, a convent of the monastery from the north and ending the way out on the road through a narrow door in the Klodin Tower.

Above the barbacan is dominated by a high multi-faceted tower of raven and dual round towers of the main gate of abbey. Behind the gates there is a large vaulted hall of the guard, from which a large staircase runs on the upper terrace, passing between the lower floors of the Temple Building and the residential premises of the abbey.

The core of the abbey consists of two parts - the temple with the premises located under it and the so-called. A miracle, a three-story, strengthened counterphorts of the tower adjacent to the temple from the north.

The temple is mostly romance, but the choir was built only in 16 century. On the site of the collapsed in 1421. So that he does not repeat the fate of his predecessor, the crypt of large columns was built. Its 10 columns with a diameter of 5 m hold a new choir.

The top floor of a miracle occupy the courtyard with a colonnade and vaulted refrapping on the perimeter.

Under the meadow, there is a large guest room with two huge fireplaces in the end of the hall and another fireplace in the center of the inner wall. In this hall they took noble visitors. Next to him, under the courtyard, so-called. Knight's hall, which received this name for its splendor. The castle decorate numerous carved columns. This room served as a place of work of the monks, here were engaged in the penis.

Under the guest hall was the allest, and Knight's storage facilities. Under the temple there are numerous crypts and chapels. The total number of premises of the abbey exceeds 50. They are interconnected by numerous stairs and corridors.

History of Mont Saint-Michel Abbey

In 966, the Benedictine monks with the permission of the Pope are based on the abbey and the money of the Duke of Normandy Rishar I build a monastery. In 1017, the construction of the central monastery building began in 1017 by Abbot II, the construction of which was completely completed only after five centuries.

Thanks to the work and faith of the Benedictine Monks, a simple chapel for this for a long time turned into a majestic abbey, built from the granite mined on the islands of the shale.

At the beginning of the XIIth century, Abbot, Roger II, the construction of the tower on the northern slope is maintained, where the Knight's hall and the refectory are now included. At this time, the abbey is already one of the pilgrimage centers of Europe. The influence of the monastery is growing. Abbey takes the English and French kings, he was given several possessions in England.

In 1204, the King of France Philip Augustus captures Normandia. The ally of the French king Gi de Tour was captured and the settlement of the monastery was captured, as a result of the fire, the monastery itself was seriously injured. Philip Augustus to redeem his guilt, sacrifices the abbey of a huge amount, and also finances the construction of structures on the northern slope, subsequently called miracle. In 1128, the construction of a miracle was completed.

Until the XIV century, the monastery did not change. Abstract, replacing each other, gradually built up the island. A centenary war that broke out between England and France leads to the fact that the abbey is deprived of the income from its English possessions.

In 1356, the British attempt to take the monastery, but the siege turned out to be unsuccessful. In 1386, Abbot Monastery Pierre Roa for security, significantly strengthens the entrance to the monastery, and also builds three towers. In the future, replaced Rua Abbot Robber Zololiv, builds fortress walls at the foot of the monastery.

During the century of war in 1424, the British again besieged the monastery. For ten years, suffering huge losses, they were trying to sleep outside the castle walls. But the French defended Abbey. The British never managed to take the island, but they completely destroyed the town, formed over the past century at the foundation of the monastery. In 1450, the British suffer defeat in the battle of Formigny and they are expelled from Normandy.

In 1469, the French king Louis XI establishes in the abbey of the Knight's Order of St. Michael. In 1523, the construction of Gothic choir begins. This year, the monks are deprived of the right to choose the abbot of the monastery. Now only the king is owned by this right. Appointed by the king, and not the clergy, the so-called "abbry" completely devoid of spirituality. This leads to the fact that the combination of the monastery is not consumed. All this deprives the monks of the desire to live in the monastery. Flow pilgrims B. mont Saint-Michel Abbey Gradually dries. By 1580, only 13 monks live in the monastery. After fourteen years, the bell tower is completely destroyed from the lightning strike. Because of the small number of monks, the temple for decades and remains half the dilapidated. In 1662, the monks are replaced by nine Benedictine from the Saint-Maur Congregation in the abbey.

In 1176, there happens again a fire that destroys the Romanesque entrance to the temple. The current system of choosing the abbot of the monastery continues to provide its destructive effect until 1870. During the Great French Revolution, the abbey is closed and transformed into prison. Monks are expelled, and all things from the monastery are sold.

With the arrival of Napoleon III Mont Saint-Michel Returns itself to the former glory, the prison is abolished, and the monastery is announced by the national heritage of France. Work begins to restore it.

The middle of the 20th century is marked by the return of monks on a rocky island. In 1979, the abbey is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The French themselves believe Mont Saint-Michel "The eighth miracle of the world." Existing and now mont Saint-Michel Abbey, which became a real fortress, surprisingly combining military and religious architecture in himself, rightfully deserves this title.

Today, this is an ancient abbey, stunning with its greatness and splendor of the environment, takes about three million tourists per year.

In contemporary art, Mont-Saint-Michel served as a prototype of Minas Tyrit fortress in the cult trilogy "Lord of the Rings" Peter Jackson on the book of Professor J. R. R. Tolkina. The famous English composer M. Olfried, fascinated by the gloomy beauty of the island, dedicated to him the composition of the same name in the album "Voyager". It was this island that tried to save fraudsters from the French comedy "incorrigible" from their enemies.

The famous abbey of Mont Saint-Michel personifies the entire medieval history of France. After the French revolution, the Abbey of the Benedictians served as a prison, and today there are tens of thousands of tourists. She climbed on a small rocky island on the north-west coast of France and the bound by the Dambia with the mainland, Mont Saint-Michel Since 1979, a world importance is recognized as a monument.

The island abbatry topped with the spilling is striking. During the tide (and here the highest - up to 10 m - tide in Europe) water arrives at a speed of 20 km / h, and the fortress can be rejected on a high rock (78 m) only by boats. You can simply go around the land, without even sleeping the legs. Mont Saint-Michel Abbey - This is one of the main attractions of France and the real pride of the province of Normandy.

By attendance mont Saint-Michel Abbey It may compete with the Eiffel Tower itself - more than 3.5 million people visits him annually. The small is a whole kilometer in diameter and eighty meters above sea level - the island is connected to the mainland during the low tide, and during the tide, perhaps the highest in the world is completely surrounded by the sea.

At the clock, the pilgrims traveled to the abbey of the seabed. Now for convenience, Damb was built - surreally thin, like a stretched string. And how otherwise, if in a tiny town, where at the foot of the Gothic Monastery lives only 138 people, many thousands seek to get. To wander without tired among the unreal, vertically-oblique stone labyrinth of museums and temples, looking for all new delightful corners.

The legend states that the bishop of the Avranshsky wrap in a dream appeared Archangel Mikhail himself and commanded the church on the rocky island. The skeptical clicher was not inclined to trust his dreams, and then the angry Archangel touched the monk to the finger (the power of the wage and now stored in autolish, they say the dent in the skull is very solid). The stimulus has worked. In the place where the grotto discovered on Mount Bishop, he commanded to build a basilica.

In the X century on Mont Saint-Michel Benedictine from St. Vandria moved. And up to the XVI century, built, built, built. Funds were the island of Miracle of St. Michael became one of popular seats pilgrimage. Such is also soy.

One of the special places in Christianity is the image of St. Michael. This is not just an archangel, but a warrior and an intercessor. He accompanies the souls of the righteous to Heavenly Jerusalem, helps them on the way and protects against adopter demons. In addition, it was he, according to the Apocalypse, should stand at the head of the heavenly military in the last battle of good with evil. According to the biblical legend, Archangel Mikhail fought with Satan in the image of the dragon and plunged him into the bunch of waters. The battle ended on the mountain, which was later named after the Mountain Mikhail. It is probably why Saint Michael traditionally devoted to the temples standing high in the mountains. According to the same principle, the famous Mon-Saint-Michel Abbey, which is located on a small (about 900 meters in the circumference) of the Rockal Island with the same name and to which was destined to become one of the main pilgrim centers of medieval Europe.

With the emergence of abbey is a beautiful legend. In 708, the city of Avrange, located in the north of Brittany, near her borders with Normandy, was managed by the bishop of the Ober. Once at night, the Bishop was heard by the voice of St. Michael, who demanded that he was dedicated to the Raly-Islands, located next to the city and separated by the sea shed.

Ober did nothing, believing that he was misled with his visions. Archangel several times was a bishop, predicting the wonders that he would commit in order to strengthen Christians in their faith and convince the bishop. For example, one of the wonderful acts of Archangel became a flying bull, which was then found on top of the rock. The Archangel was impatient from the inaction of the bishop and at his next visit immersed his finger in the oborce skull, finally, convincing that the bishop skull with the correct rounded hole is still kept in the glass cube in the abbey).

After that, Bishop Ober, as Mikhail demanded, sent his people to Italy, in Monte Gorgano - as it was believed that the Holy Angel in Rome and Mount Monte Gorgano on a rocky island in Adriatic are traditional places of appearance of Archangel. They returned and brought sacred relics - a piece of red apparel, which was on the Archangel during one of his phenomena and a fragment of the sacrificial stone, which he put his leg.

At their return, Ober began the construction of a chapel on Mont Tomb (the initial name of the island). The work of people was facilitated by the interference of the Divine Forces - for example, a large stone that prevented construction was turned out to be a light touch of the child; On the mountain there was a lack of drinking water - a miracle helped to find the source of the life-giving moisture, which was then received the name of the fountain of St. Bersera. Thus, the Ober has been equipped on a rocky island, which gradually became called the mountain of St. Michael to devote himself to serving God and his Archangel.

In 966, the Duke of Normandy handed over the island of the Order of the Benedictine Monks, who founded mont Saint-Michel Abbey. Construction on the island was carried out up to the 19th century, turning gradually the island into a small town. The wonderful gothic architectural ensemble of Abbey grows the beautiful church, located on the top of the island, at an altitude of about 90 meters above sea level. It was erected on three crypts, the oldest of which applies to the times of Carroling.

The impressive reservoir of the building was built in the 11th century in the Romanesque style, and his eastern altar part (choir) was rebuilt in the style of the flaming Gothic in 1450-1521. Paul of the church is on the same level with the third floor of the monastic buildings adjacent to it, which gives the construction of a harsh and impregnable stronghold. The tower and spire, crowned with the Statue of St. Michael, belong to a later period - they are built in the 19th century.

The outer walls of the beautiful Gothic monastery of La Merville, which means "miracle" (13th century), combine the power of the fortress and the simplicity of church architecture. The monastery decorate the double rows of columns that support the fitted arches with a wonderful flower ornament, a huge number of sculptures. The most remarkable part of the building is the refectory with high narrow windows and a romantic romantic lounge, which gathered proud defenders of the fortress. Below the monastery buildings are grouped residential buildings, some of which relate to the 15th century. Through the island, the only street existing here is, and most of the buildings are combined with complex internal transitions and steep stairs.

The monastery in the 13th century is extremely difficult to reach the monastery in the 13th century. It was additionally acquainted with a powerful defensive walls with round towers and protrusions and with the only fortress gate.

Due to this, the abbey safely withstood the siege during the time of century of war between England and France in the 14th and 15th centuries and during the French religious wars in the second half of the 16th century.

In the 18th century, the abbey was declining, and during the French revolution was closed. Since Napoleon I until 1863 Mont Saint-Michel He was a state prison, and then was declared a historical monument and was restored. Now Mont Saint-Michel It is one of the main tourist centers of France.

Over the past century, the sea retreated and now most of the time Mont Saint-Michel Surrounded by bulk sands, and only during high tides it becomes an island. Such tides are observed here in the period of autumn and spring equinox - per day, the water level rises 10 meters - these are the strongest tides in France, and during the low tide the sea leaves 25 kilometers from the coast. Now the dam and the island with the mainland connects the highway, making it comfortable for visits.

And as a result of changing the outlines of the shores, extensive areas appeared, which water left finally. This soil salted soil gradually threw the grass, which came to the taste of the sheep. The meat of bodied here sheep contains an excess salt and has a special taste - it is almost immediately suitable for use, their wool also has special properties - things made from this wool are very fluffy.

  • In 1874, Mixed Michel was recognized as government historical monument.
  • In 1972, UNESCO made Move Saint Michel to the list of world heritage sites.
  • The French consider Mont Saint-Michel and his bay "the eighth miracle of the world", and the Europeans - the "miracle of Western Europe".
  • When the tump comes, you can get around the mountain of Saint-Michel around the mountain, but it is necessary to observe care and should not be far away from the foot of the mountain - the probability of the sand is great.
  • Mont-Michel's castle is the prototype of Minas Tyrit fortresses in the popular film "The Lord of the Rings".
  • Nowadays Mont Saint-Michel It becomes an island only 2 times a year. This is due to the fact that in the last century the sea has moved away - now most of the time the castle is surrounded by sands, but 2 times a year (during autumn and spring equinels) during strong tides it becomes