The most beautiful places in the mountains. The most beautiful mountains in the world

What are “the most beautiful landscapes” for you? Everyone has different preferences, but many will immediately think of mountain peaks. On our planet there are many mountain ranges of magnificent beauty and grandeur, which remind a person of how, in essence, his life is short. If you have never been to the mountains, then perhaps looking through these photos of the most beautiful peaks, you will finally decide on such an adventure. So, the top of the most beautiful mountains in the world.

Mount Matterhorn, Switzerland

Beauty is a subjective concept, but there is no doubt that the Matterhorn is an amazingly picturesque peak. A famous point in the Swiss Alps is not only beautiful views, but also a platform for very interesting and dangerous ascents. The fact is that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 4478-meter summit, the weather is very unpredictable, which can make it difficult for climbers to climb. But bad weather, of course, can accentuate the beauty of the mountain, adding color and a certain appeal.

Mount Denali, Alaska

The two-headed mountain in Alaska is the highest mountain in North America. So, if you want to see a truly huge mountain, then it is worth going to these distant lands. The 6190-meter snow-covered peak looks quite majestic against the backdrop of a picturesque valley.

Mount Kirkjufell, Iceland

Mount Kirkufell is perhaps the most famous mountain in the country. She is not that tall, but her appearance is very sculptural and unusual. The slope of the base is very smooth and even and it creates a symmetrical appearance. Thus, the mountain is unique in its own way, because it has an almost architectural beauty. One of the most recognizable landmarks in Iceland attracts numerous tourists and photographers every year.

Table Mountain, South Africa

This mountain, like Kirkufell, is a horizontal peak, not particularly high. Despite this, the 1,085-meter peak is very scenic, and it is especially impressive how it echoes the rigorous oceanic horizon.

Mount Ama Dablam, Nepal

Looking at this peak from afar, you will certainly notice a series of sharply contrasting, surprising angular folds. They are especially noticeable when snow falls, which outlines these natural strokes even more sharply. Ama Dablam is definitely one of the most amazing mountains in the world. Its height is 6856 meters above sea level, and the first ascent was made in 1961.

Mount Eiger, Switzerland

The third highest mountain in the Bernese Alps, the Eiger Peak is very popular with climbers. Translated from german language, Eiger - means "cannibal". And, in all honesty, this "cannibal" is much more pleasant to admire than to conquer him. The ascent of the Eiger is quite difficult, and many climbers have died trying to conquer the Swiss peak. By the way, the first ascent to the mountain was made in 1938.

Mount Machapuchare, Nepal

One of the most beautiful peaks of the Himalayas, Machapuchare, which is also called the Fishtail for its characteristic shape, is almost 7000 meters high. This peak is very recognizable, and nature gives especially gorgeous views, filling the top with snow. The locals consider the mountain to be the home of the god Shiva, and the streaks of snow are considered the smoke of his divine essence. Therefore, Machapuchare in Nepal is a sacred mountain, and climbing to the top is prohibited. The only incomplete ascent to the peak was undertaken in 1957 by a British team, however, they interrupted the ascent 50 meters from the summit, as they promised that they would not set foot on the summit itself. Since then, no one has climbed this beautiful mountain.

Mount Alpamayo, Peru

Creeping steeply upward, this stunning mountainous stretch is strikingly similar to a pyramid of ice with clear vertical lines. On the whole planet there is no second mountain of the same and even similar to it. According to a number of polls, this peak was even recognized as the most beautiful mountain on the planet. Along the slopes of the 5957-meter peak in the Peruvian Andes, continued tourist routesand the summit offers breathtaking views of the icy slopes of the Cordillera Blanca ranges.

Mount Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Italy

The name of the mountain in Italian means “three peaks of Lavaredo”. Indeed, the three large teeth of these not very high rocks are a distinctive feature of this mountain in northeastern Italy. And this is perhaps one of the most famous mountain groups in the Alps.

Mount Everest, Nepal

The highest peak of the Earth, a tasty morsel for any climber, the most beautiful and one of the most dangerous year on the planet. From the moment of the first ascent to the present, the majestic 8848-meter peak has become a place of death for more than 200 people, the bodies of many of which are still on the mountain slopes. Nevertheless, Everest continues to beckon those who want to conquer the harsh peak.

Mount Layla, Pakistan

The amazingly picturesque Laila Peak, in the Himalayas in Pakistan, is 6141 meters high, and the ascent to it is more than difficult.

Mount Kailash, China

Since the mountain is a Tibetan peak and an important pilgrimage site, the Chinese have forbidden climbing Kailash. The famous climber Reinhold Messner once said: "If we conquer this mountain, then we will conquer something in the souls of people ... climb more difficult mountains than Kailash. This mountain is not so high and not so difficult."

Mountains are most often ranked by height, but one height alone cannot describe their stunning beauty. It depends on many factors, including shape and location. I present to your attention a list of the 10 most beautiful mountains in the world.

Ama Dablam, East Nepal

Nicknamed the "Matterhorn of the Himalayas" Ama Dablam is a world famous and very beautiful mountain. It is located in the Khumbu region of Eastern Nepal. Snow densely covers the mountain peaks at 6,812 meters and the southwestern Ama Dablam mountain range is a well-known expedition route. This ridge was first conquered by Barry Bishop, Mike Ward, Wally Romans and Mike Gill on March 13, 1961. The route has varying levels of difficulty at certain altitudes, but the views are simply breathtaking.

Table Mountain, Cape Town

It is a group of three peaks located in the world famous Dolomite mountain range in northeastern Italy. The three peaks are called Chime Piccolo, Chime Grande and Chime Ovest. This amazing mountain group is located at an elevation of 2999 meters. Numerous routes lead to the top of Cime di Lavadero, some of which are both easy and difficult. In addition, there are simply breathtaking views from here. All this makes Tre Cime di Lavadero a real paradise for travelers.

Mount Fuji, Japan

At 3,776 meters, Mount Fujiyama is the tallest peak in Japan. This volcanic mountain is located on the island of Honshu and last erupted in 1707. The beautiful cone-shaped mountain is considered one of the symbols of Japan. Climbing Mount Fuji is very popular with both Japanese and international tourists. It is estimated that more than 200,000 people climb Mount Fujiyama each year. The climbing season starts in July and ends in August. The ascent to the top is not very difficult, but the views from there are simply incredible. Fuji is one of the top 10 legendary landmarks according to LifeGlobe.

Cerro Torre

The magical mountain Cerro Torre is located on the border of Chile and Argentina in the Los Glaciares National Park. In fact, Cerro Torre is part of a mountain range of four mountains. The other three mountains are Punta Erron, Torre Egger and Cerro Stand. Cerro Torre is 3128 meters high - the highest peak in this mountain group. Cerro Torre's most noteworthy feature is its long, sharp shape. Climbing one of the most beautiful mountains in the world is difficult even for experienced climbers.

Denali, Alaska

Beautiful Mount Kirkufell

Kirkjufell is an impressive 463 meter high mountain located in the town of Grundarfjerdur on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula in Iceland. It is the most photographed mountain in Iceland. Near the top there is also beautiful waterfall called Kirkjufellsfoss. Between September and January, the sky against the backdrop of Kirkjufell summit is illuminated by the magical Northern Lights. This is an unreal experience worth experiencing at least once in a lifetime.


It may not be the highest peak in the Alps. But there are no other peaks in the Alps and the rest of the world as beautiful as the Matterhorn. It is truly the most beautiful mountain in the world. The top of the pyramidal shape is located on the Swiss - Italian border. Rising 4,478 meters above sea level, it is one of the highest peaks in Switzerland. The slopes of the Matterhorn are extremely steep, making the ascent to the summit extremely difficult.

"Better than mountains can only be mountains, which have never been before" - Vysotsky was a thousand times right! Everyone has their favorite peaks, and one can argue about their beauty endlessly. We present 19 of the most beautiful according to the editorial staff of The Telegraph.


Peak in the Pennine Alps, on the border of Switzerland (Valais canton) and Italy (Valle d'Aosta province). The most extreme climbers dare to conquer the Matterhorn peak.

Height above sea level: 4478 meters

First ascent: 1865

Mountain range: Alps, Pennine Alps

Stetind, Norway

Translated from English "stetind" - "insignificant height". The mountain attracts tourists of all skill levels.

Height above sea level:1392 meters

First ascent: 1910 year

Cerro Torre, Patagonia / Argentina / Chile

Due to the proximity of the Pacific Ocean, bad weather almost always rages on the summit. The peak is covered with ice, movement along which is very dangerous.

Height above sea level: 3128 meters away

Excess: 1227 meters away

First ascent: 1974 year

Mountain range: Andes

Licancabur, Bolivia/Chile

The stratovolcano on the border of Chile and Bolivia is adjacent to the Hurikes volcano and the Laguna Verde lake. At the top is a 400-meter crater with a small lake.

Height above sea level: 5920 meters away

First ascent: 1884 year

Mountain range: Andes

Cliffs of Tre Cime di Lavaredo (TreCimediLavaredo), Italy

Peaks similar to teeth are part of the park of the same name. The eastern peak is called Chima Piccola (2857 m), the central one is Cima Grande (2999 m), and the western one is Chima Ovest (2973 m). The peak of Cima Piccola is considered the most difficult, and the northern slope of Cima Grande is one of the six "great northern slopes of the Alps".

Height above sea level: 2999 meters away

The mountains: Alps

First ascent: 1869 year

Kirkjufell, Iceland

A mountain in the western part of Iceland, located near the town of Grundarfjordur on the western shore of the fjord of the same name in the north of the Snйfellsnes peninsula. Despite its very low altitude and accessibility, the mountain now and then becomes the hero of travelers' photographs.

Height above sea level: 463 meters

Laila Peak, Pakistan

Laila Peak is a mountain located in the Karakorum mountain system to the east of the Chukduzer glacier and west of the Chogolis glacier. It is famous for the prevalence of capricious weather and requires from climbers not only the proper level of training, but also willpower.

Height above sea level: 6096 meters away

Mountain range: Karakorum

First ascent: 1997 year

Kailash (Mount Kailash), China

Kailash (Kangrinboche, Gangdis, Gandisyshan) is a mountain in the Kailash ridge of the Gangdis mountain system in the south of the Tibetan plateau. According to Hindu beliefs, Kailash is the cosmic center of the universe, where the god Shiva lives.

Height above sea level: 6638 meters away

Mountain range: Gangdis, Himalayas

Eiger (The Eiger), Switzerland

Together with the Jungfrau and Mönch peaks, the Eiger forms the famous trio. The mountain is constantly influenced by cold air masses brought in from the north. Even in summer, snowfalls rage, and temperatures change dramatically within just a few hours.

Height above sea level: 3970 meters away

Mountain range: Alps, Bernese Alps

Mount Roraima, Brazil / Venezuela / Guyana

"Table Mountain", located in the Guiana Highlands at the southeastern point of the Canaima National Park, the local Indians considered the "navel of the earth." According to ancient legends, the goddess Quin lives on the top of Roraima. The whitish clouds that envelop the mountain of unusual shape really give Roraima a mysterious image. It is curious that the mountain attracts lightning: at the top it is almost impossible to find trees that have survived from heavenly fire.

Height above sea level: 2810 meters away

First ascent: 1884 year

Mountain range: Guiana highlands

Mount Machhapuchchhre, Nepal

Still considered unconquered, Mount Machapuchare is incredibly difficult to climb. In 1957, the government of Nepal decided to close the mountain for mountaineering because of its religious value to the local population, for whom Machapuchare is the home of Shiva himself.

Height above sea level: 6993 meters

Mountain range: Himalayas

El Capitan, USA

Proudly towering over the valley national park Yosemite Mountain is considered one of the largest in America. Climbing the peak is recognized as one of the most difficult climbing routes in the world - the vertical wall has almost no ledges.

Height above sea level: 2307 meters away

Mountain range: Sierra nevada

Pioneers: Wayne Merry, George Whitmore, Warren Harding

Ben Bulben, Ireland

One of the three most famous Irish mountains, Ben Balben is composed of limestone rocks. It got its appearance during the Ice Age and belongs to the so-called "table" mountains. Its age is over 320 million years.

Height: 536 meters away

Fitzroy (MountFitzRoy), Chile / Argentina

The foot of the mountain is striking in its picturesqueness. The relatively low altitude by mountaineering standards does not make climbing Fitzroy easy: sections of the slopes are cut off by almost sheer granite walls, and the weather rarely pleases with a calm disposition.

Height above sea level: 3359 meters away

Mountain range: Andes

Table Mountain, South Africa

The mountain is the landmark of Cape Town. Officially recognized as one of the seven new wonders of nature.

Height above sea level: 1085 meters away

First ascent: 1503 year

Pioneer: Antonio di Saldanha

The commonly used word "mountain" can refer to any great elevation, and some of the mountains listed in this article are not natural elevations found on the surface of the Earth. However, they are huge, and are either astounding or mysterious. Before you - ten mountains surrounded by mystery!

10. Brown Mountain

After spending several long years in vain hoping to see the mysterious lights rumored to be appearing in the Brown Mountain area of \u200b\u200bNorth Carolina, Appalachian physics professor state university (Appalachian State University), Dr. Daniel Caton (Daniel Caton) was ready to put a fat point on this. If it hadn't been for July 17, 2016, when he spotted the balloon swiftly moving over the ridge. The ball disappeared, reappeared, disappeared again, and reappeared again.

The professor checked both cameras that were recording this phenomenon to make sure that each of them captured this strange ball behavior. If there was only one camera, he would probably think it was a lens flare, but both cameras shot the same thing.

Eliminating lens flare, however, he could not find any explanation for the appearance of this mysterious ball, and the lights over Brown Mountain remain a mystery to the scientific world to this day.

9. "Mountain in the Moat"

NASA scientists are baffled by a feature recently observed on the surface of Charon, Pluto's largest moon. Described as a "mountain in a moat," the high ground in the lowland was captured by NASA's New Horizons Geology, Geophysics, and Imaging team when the spacecraft circled the satellite on July 4, 2015 at 9 -m year of his interplanetary travel.

Scientists hope that a clearer image of the "mountain in the moat" can help clarify the mystery of the "ultra-precise data" that will be extracted from the spacecraft's imaging equipment.

8. Rainbow Mountains

It took nature 24 million years to create the aptly named Rainbow Mountains, which are part of the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park in China. The mountains, rising at steep, thick, uneven angles, are composed of colored sandstone. Compressed over the centuries, the rock has been lifted upward due to the shear of tectonic plates, forming sharp, towering peaks.

As a result, they are speckled with bright orange, yellow, blue, green, red, brown and other colors, giving them a festive and sometimes magical look. Some of the mountains look like multi-colored candies, while others resemble colors scattered through a prism on the surface of steep peaks. Many appear to be painted with giant brushes.

7. Moving Mountain

The mountains are not supposed to be moving, but the towering sand mountain does just that, moving 20 meters each year. And it's not just a huge dune that we know can move. According to former Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, the handful of sand from the mountain "kept moving" even after he moved it into his car.

Rising 10 meters and having a width of 100 meters, the crescent-shaped sandy mountain changes its shape and direction every decade. Once she even split into two parts and began to move in different directions.

It is believed to be the product of a volcanic eruption. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area uses beacons to track and predict the movement of this mysterious mountain.

6. Seamounts

Two camera-equipped deep-sea craft, known as Pisces IV and Pisces V, allowed scientists to dive to a depth of several kilometers, where they saw seamounts, which are isolated uplifts of the seabed with summit and slopes. Some of them rise 3000 meters above the seabed. Seamounts extend over most of the world's oceans.

For the most part unexplored by scientists, seamounts are home to rare and unusual creatures, including Dalatians (upright sharks), slit-gill eels and possibly new species of coral.

The cameras captured the gripoteutis octopus changing color as it floated past the Fish V bathyscaphe, apparently in the process of shedding its skin. Another video shows a formidable Pacific polar shark, its dark shadow following it along the seabed as it swims alongside the bathyscaphes.

5. Mount Sharp

After 5 years of exploring a hundred likely sites, in July 2011 NASA selected Gale Crater as the landing site for the Curiosity rover, as the hill inside the trench showed signs of water for life.

The origin of the mountain within the crater, called Mount Aeolis Mons or Mount Sharp, remains unknown, and the crater itself sits on "varied terrain." The mission of the Curiosity rover was to search for carbon-based organic compounds similar to those found on Earth.

Scientists believe that these compounds can be found in the foothills of Mount Sharpe. While astrobiologists agree that there are no signs of life, they believe that Gale Crater and its mountain may be the best place on Mars, where you need to start looking for extraterrestrial life.

Scientists currently believe that the mysterious 5.5-kilometer mountain was not created by water as they hoped. It was formed mainly by deposited layers of wind-blown lake silt. However, they also believe that the foothills of Mount Sharpe "were long ago exposed to water" and that the mysterious mountain may have once been large enough to completely cover a 154 km crater.

4. Mountain "Sugarloaf"

Towering over Rio de Janeiro, Sugarloaf Mountain rises to a height of 396 meters, a world famous geological feature. However, the strange signs, symbols and texts that once appeared on the slopes of the granite peak are truly mysterious.

In October 2013, green laser beams created "encrypted symbols" leading to a mysterious message. The supernatural hologram, resembling a swirl of four feathers framed by intersecting curved lines, remained on the side of the mountain for two hours before gradually disappearing and replaced by the text "#WINNER TAKES EARTH".

Some speculate that the cryptic messages may be related to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, but the meaning of the strange messages remains a mystery.

3. "Instant Mountain"

In a matter of minutes, the same asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago created a mountain taller than Everest. Located on the Yucatan Peninsula, near Chicxulub, Mexico, the mountain occupies the center of a huge impact crater 180 kilometers in diameter. Instead of growing into a single peak, the "instant mountain" formed a peak ring - an almost circular mountain range within the crater.

There are two theories regarding the origin of the mountain. According to one, the ring top was formed when, under the influence of an impact from an asteroid, the top of the peak melted, forming a ring of unconnected vertices. Another theory claims that the asteroid penetrated so deep into the earth that it caused the crater to explode.

Scientists investigating the ring-shaped summit of the crater believe that it was formed by the collapse of the summit, which then formed the ring, a kind known as the dynamic fracture model.

2. Great Dune Saw

The Great Pyla Dune is located on the shores of the Arcachon Bay in France. A huge sand dune 500 meters wide, 3 kilometers long and 107 meters high moves at a speed of 10 meters per year, and over the past 57 years has already moved 280 meters (or, on average, 4.9 meters per year).

On its way, the dune engulfed or buried 20 private property units, 8000 m² of pine forest and a road.

Moving massive sand dune occurs due to the wind blowing from the side of the ocean. The mountainous dune has become a tourist attraction attracting the attention of climbers, paragliders and hikers.

1. Ahuna Mons

Ahuna Mons (also known as the "Pyramid") is located "in the center of nothingness" on the dwarf planet Ceres, which baffles Paul Schenk, a member of the Dawn mission team, geologist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute. Institute) in Houston, Texas. As a rule, such formations are associated with craters.

The pyramid-like summit, almost 6.5 kilometers high and 16 kilometers wide, is also mysterious for another reason: inexplicable "bright stripes" descend down its slopes, resembling the same mysterious bright spots that appear inside the Occator crater on Ceres.

Initially puzzled by the origin of Mount Akhuna Mons, scientists now believe it might be a "giant ice volcano." The eruption of salt water from the bowels of the planet over millions of years gradually formed the "Pyramid". David A. Williams of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University says scientists hope to see "some kind of air release" as Ceres approaches the Sun ...

Mountains occupy about a quarter of the surface of the planet Earth and even have their own holiday, which is celebrated on December 11. They have different heights and relief forms, but some of them amaze the imagination with bizarre shapes or spectacular appearance. We offer a selection of the most amazing mountains in the world. Each of them is unique in its own way, sometimes it is even difficult to believe that they are the work of nature.

Stone wave

In the west of Australia, in the Coyote Butts National Park, there is an amazing rock formation, which has the shape of a beautiful frozen wave. Despite its rather modest dimensions (the height of the mountain is 15 m, the length is 110 m), this place has always attracted the attention of people from all over the world. Scientists believe that the mountain was formed 27 million years ago from compressed multi-colored sandstone, and wind and precipitation gave it an unusual wavy shape with color transitions.

The incredible resemblance of the Stone Wave to a real tsunami was noticed by the Australian aborigines and believed that the forces of spirits were combined with the forces of nature here.

Danxia landscape

In the province of Gansu (China) there are amazing colored mountains, which tourists from all over the world come to admire. This unique local landmark, also known as the Pink Cloud, began to form millions of years ago, when large masses of sandstone and other minerals accumulated here. Over time, exposure to water and air led to their slow oxidation, as a result of which today you can observe a riot of colors created by nature itself. The mountain slopes shimmer with lemon, burgundy, terracotta, blue and green hues.

Denxia is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and everyone can visit this unusual place.

Weathering pillars (Manpupuner)

Amazing mountains can be seen in Russia as well. In the Komi Republic there is such an unusual formation, which is included in the list of the Seven Wonders of Russia. In its place, more than 200 million years ago, high mountain peaks stretched, which were gradually destroyed by winds and precipitation, leaving only a few vertical pillars of bizarre outlines to this day. Especially striking is the fact that, in spite of the narrower bases compared to the tops, they have stood for several millennia and have not collapsed. It is not surprising that the Mansi worshiped grandiose stone sculptures in the past, but it was considered a great sin to climb them.

To get to this miracle of nature today, tourists must first issue a pass to the Pechora-Ilychsky reserve, and then overcome a rather difficult route.

Tsingy de Bemaraha

Unique mountains resembling a stone forest are located on the territory of the national park of the same name on about. Madagascar. They are stone needles with a height of 30-50 m, from which impassable labyrinths are formed. Most of them are formed from limestone: millions of years ago, deep underground, narrow and deep karst caves appeared, and later water and erosion eroded chalk and limestone layers for centuries, creating amazing mountains that have no analogues in the whole world.

Groundwater continues to change their appearance today: periodically rocks are eroded and new spiers and deep gorges appear.


Kailash is one of the peaks in the western part of the Tibetan Plateau that once rose from the bottom of the ocean, and then the winds with water sharpened its edges, forming a unique pyramid shape.

It is one of the most amazing and mystical mountains in the world. And that's why:

  • hindus consider this place to be the home of the supreme god Shiva;
  • followers of eastern cosmology perceive it as the center where the axis of the universe passes;
  • there are cracks on its surface, which, when viewed from above, form a swastika;
  • its edges almost exactly point to the 4 cardinal directions;
  • it is believed that the height of the mountain is 6 666 km. (but this figure changes annually, since Kailash "breathes") and Stonehenge and the North Pole are located at the same distance from it.


Konder is another amazing mountain located on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory of Russia. Its uniqueness is that it is the only rock formation with an almost perfect round shape, the appearance of which is not associated with the results of volcanic activity.

Konder is considered a sacred place among the Yakuts and Evenks. But, unfortunately, it remains inaccessible for tourists. Firstly, because of the difficult surrounding landscape, and secondly, because of the platinum deposit located here, which is strictly protected by the state.


The renowned Matterhorn is one of Switzerland's most photographed landmarks. This symbol of the country also became the logo of the world famous triangular chocolate brand "Toblerone". The pyramidal mountain has steep slopes, which, together with unpredictable weather conditions, makes it much more difficult to conquer. But despite this, the famous Swiss mountaineer Ulrich Inderbiden managed to climb to its summit 371 times, and the last climb he made at 90 years old.

Interesting! On July 14, 1865, people first set foot on the Matterhorn summit. But every year on this day, climbing the mountain is closed to everyone in memory of the climbers who died on the way to its conquest.

Bryce Canyon

These are not just amazing mountains, but national parkwhich is located in the US state of Utah. The first glance at the canyon evokes associations with alien landscapes: vertical formations with pointed tops coexist next to stone pyramids of cosmic forms. According to ancient Indian legends, people who did any bad deeds turned into rocks at this place.

Tourists from all over the world prefer to admire this stone beauty at sunset, when its rays create an unusual play of reflections and shadows. The rocks themselves were formed about 15 million years ago, and then erosion erased a thick layer of sedimentary rocks, leaving fantastic stone pillars. Due to the content of a large number of trace elements that are gradually oxidized, they are colored orange, red and white.


Despite its unremarkable appearance, Khoja-Mumin, located in the south of Tajikistan, is rightfully one of the most amazing mountains in the world. It consists almost entirely of salt, the reserves of which, according to geologists, will be enough to meet the needs of all mankind for several centuries. Pale pink, gray and blue-green rock salt appears on its slopes. Only some areas of the surface are covered with a thin layer of soil, which appeared here due to the dust particles carried by the winds. In ancient times, a salty sea was located in this place, which gradually dried up, salt layers were squeezed at its bottom, and then, as a result of tectonic processes, they were raised upward, forming Khoja-Mumin.

An amazing fact! At the top of the salt mountain, numerous and varied plants grow, freshwater springs gush, and in springtime you can see a whole carpet of red tulips here.

Devil's tower

A mountain with a mystical name, located in the northeastern part of Wyoming (USA), is shrouded in no less mystical legends and stories. According to Indian legends, it was created by an evil demon who beat a drum on top of it, spewing out lightning and thunder, and in the XX century. it was called the UFO landing site.

The amazing mountain looks like a bundle of narrow vertical pillars stacked together, which were formed more than 60 million years ago as a result of volcanic activity, and then were carved out by erosion. The sheer cliffs make the Devil's Tower an almost impregnable target for climbers. So far, people have managed to conquer its top only 2 times.