Presentation on the development of a tourist route. Tourist routes of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

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Project of a tourist route Zemlyansk - Zatsepnoe - Semidubravnoe - Kazinka Topic of work - a project of a tourist route in his native land (using maps, diagrams and photos) Type of work - a project in the form of a presentation Leader: a teacher of geography of the highest category MKOU Kazinsky secondary school Kanaev Alexander Vladimirovich Phone: 89038524874

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Tourist hike along the route: Zemlyansk - Zatsepnoe - Novaya Pokrovka - Kirillov Les - Kazinka - Fetisovka - Kalinnik - Novosilskoe tract.

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Zemlyansk Zemlyansk was founded in 1657. At the request of the inhabitants of the voivode Gavrila Ostrovsky in 1661, he cut down the city, that is, a wooden fortress with towers was built, underground passage, hiding places, ditch and rampart. In 1779 Zemlyansk became a county town, having existed in this status until 1928. At that time, about 4 thousand people lived here, there were 448 houses. The storyteller grandmother Kupriyanikha (A.K. Baryshnikova (1868 - 1954)) lived in Zemlyansk. A native of Zemlyansk, writer V.M. Bakhmetyev (1885 - 1963), his name is now proudly borne by the secondary school of Zemlyansk. In Zemlyansk was born the author of the waltz "On the Hills of Manchuria" I.A. Shatrov (1887 - 1952). A native of Zemlyansk and an artist, student of I.E. Repin, Alexander Nikolaevich Novoskoltsev (1853 - 1916). The writer A.V. Ivanov comes from Zemlyansk. The Prosecutor General of the USSR A.Ya. Sukharev, the Minister of Health of the RSFSR A.A. Potapov lived in Zemlyansk. The tourist route starts from the village of Zemlyansk where the excursion is held. You can get to Zemlyansk from Voronezh by regular bus routes from the central bus station.

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Zemlyansk From 1928 to 1963 Zemlyansk was a regional center. Before the war, there were 8 cooperative enterprises in Zemlyansk, a printing house, a 20 kW power plant, MTS (since 1934), two elementary schools, an incomplete secondary school and a pedagogical college, a House of Culture, a cinema, a library, a hospital, a collective farmer's house, a bathhouse, a hairdresser , canteen, 9 shops, automatic telephone exchange, radio center, newspaper "Zemlyanskaya Pravda" was published. Zemlyanskaya school 344 residents did not return from the war, in memory of them a monument was erected in the village. A resident of Zemlyansk, Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Lezhenin (191 - 1943), also fell at the front. Deputy commander of the 1339 mountain rifle regiment, died during the assault on Novorossiysk on September 16, 1943. A memorial plaque is installed on his house.

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Zemlyansk Attractions of the village: Place of the fortress. The Polyakovs' House The excursion approaches the building of the city school Place of the Transfiguration Cathedral Rostovtsevs' estate The building of the county congress of zemstvo sitters Residential house School The Mokrotovarovs' estate Hospital Monument to V.I. a large village with a secondary school, a House of Culture, a museum, a bank branch, a hospital, a post office and many other institutions. Zemlyansk is gasified, there is a centralized water supply.

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Zemlyansk - Zatsepnoe Behind the dam, you should pay attention to the intersection, here you should choose a turn to the right (west) towards Razino (highway to Novosilsk). Distance to the intersection is 0.5 km. A small asphalt road from the highway to Zatsepnoye. Beyond Razino the highway turns to the northwest. The distance from the intersection to the turn outside Razino is 2 km. The movement is carried out along the side of the road, up to the forest belt, where further movement can be continued along unpaved roads laid parallel to the route behind the forest belts along the field, unfortunately, unpaved roads are not laid annually, in some years they are plowed. One kilometer after turning to the north-west, a small asphalt road to Zatsepnoye leaves the road to the left.

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Zemlyansk - Zatsevnoe Asphalt soon ends, and the road becomes unpaved. One more kilometer after leaving the main road and after crossing the beam begins the village of Zatsepnoye. Thus, after walking 3.5 kilometers along the route and conducting an excursion in Zemlyansk in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gully, you can make a halt (your own water, or you need to go to Zatsepnoye for water, parallel to the gully there is a forest belt in which you can collect firewood), during the ripening of strawberries, here you can have fun picking berries, many flowers. A small endangered village Zatsepnoye begins behind the beam. The road follows the same direction, but through the village.

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Zatsepnoe - Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) After one kilometer through the village, the road enters the fields and soon comes to a large gully Melova (below the river valley of the Melova River). If you plan to make an overnight stay or another halt, then you should deviate from the road to the north and reach the Melovoe tract (Melovoy forest). Water should be stocked up in Zatsepnoye or earlier. There will be no problems with firewood in the forest. The local population is small. You can move in the direction of the forest both off-road and sometimes along poorly rolled tracks from vehicles. Beam Cretaceous

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Zatsepnoe - New Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) The road through the Cretaceous ravine The road to the Semidubravnoe

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Zatsepnoe - New Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) In the area of \u200b\u200bthe gully it is interesting to see the local chalk mines. According to the stories of local old-timers, there were chalk catacombs here earlier, now the entrances to them are filled up and pose no danger, and finding the entrances is problematic. Strawberries grow in abundance in the gully, there are rare plants and plants from the Red Book. This place has been running wild lately. After a halt or an overnight stay, you should return to the dirt road and continue driving. Thus, the departure from the main branch of the route will be 2 - 3 kilometers. The road to the chalk forest

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Zatsepnoe - New Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) Having crossed the Cretaceous ravine, a dirt road stretches through the fields, a field road leaves the road to the right, which should not be turned off (however, you can take an excursion to reach the Osinovy \u200b\u200bKust tract (magic forest) with which many legends are associated with witches, and recently with aliens, in general, there are many mysteries), one should continue to move in the same direction.

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Zatsepnoe - Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) Fork to Semidubravnoe and Bykovka After three kilometers along the route, the road comes to the river valley of the Potapovskaya River, on the slope of which the Semidubravnoe tract grows (a natural, historical and cultural monument of the Oreshnik forest). Field roads leave to the left and right, but the route goes down into the valley through the Semidubravnoe tract. Approaching the valley of the Potapovskaya river, even at the interfluve (mound), a fork to the right goes to Bykovka to the dam near Bykovskiy pond, here you should choose the right road.

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Semidravnoe Descent to Semidravnoe Almost already at the dam, to the right, parallel to the slope, a dirt road goes through the forest. Turning onto it, and passing by Kvadratnaya Polyana, after two hundred meters the road comes out to a clearing (near a birch) open to the Semidubravensky pond. Here you can arrange a halt or an overnight stay. If you want more privacy, then a halt or an overnight stay should be done in the eastern part of the forest, that is, when you approach the Semidubravnoe tract, move to the right and set up a bivouac at the edge of the forest. Water can be collected in the village of Novaya Pokrovka from columns or wells.

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Semidubravnoe There is a shop in the village. There is a good sandy beach near the dam of the Semidubravensky pond, you can swim. From the bivouac, the group can make excursions around Semidubravnoye, seeing the sights of this historical, cultural and natural monument associated with the life and work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Ivan Savvich Nikitin and other famous figures. You can also take another interesting excursion to the witchcraft Aspen bush. The Osinovy \u200b\u200bbush tract has a rounded shape and is located in the fields two kilometers north of the Semidubravnoe tract.

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Monument of nature, history and culture - Semidubravnoe. The village was visited by M.Yu. Lermontov (1840), I.S. Nikitin (1858). The village was the estate of the Potapov landowners. It was Potapov who dedicated one of his poems to M.Yu. Lermontov - "You are asking for a receipt, a hussar." Many of the Potapovs were generals - heroes of battles. The village has preserved the Intercession Church (without a dome and a bell tower), an outbuilding in which M.Yu. Lermontov, a barn, an outpatient clinic, an old pond, a park, a Priest's garden, hazel forest.

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Monument of nature, history and culture - Semidubravnoe. Pokrovsky temple (18th century) Natural monument Semidubravny pond Near an oak tree in an old park

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Semidubravnoe There is a regular bus from Voronezh to Semidubravnoe (New Pokrovka) and, if desired, after spending the night, the hike can be completed. The bus arrives at 6.30 am - 7.15 am. You will be in Voronezh by 9.30.

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Novaya Pokrovka (Semidubravnoe) - Sukhoi Log - Kirillov Les - Kazinka The road at the eastern outskirts of Kirillov Les After visiting Semidubravnoe, continue east along a dirt road passing by the store and the Intercession Church from the south. The road goes along the cemetery and the forest belt, crossing the watershed between the Potapovskaya and Olshanka rivers. After half a kilometer, the road leads to the Sukhoi Log. It is better to continue the movement along the eastern slope, on which the Cyril forest grows. On the eastern edge of the forest, there is a dirt road along which you should continue the hike. In the southern part of the forest, at its eastern edge, the road is sometimes plowed or poorly traced. In this case, it is better to walk along the eastern edge of the forest.

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Welcome to the Krasnoyarsk Territory! Welcome to Krasnoyarsk territory is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory! KGBOU NPO "PU No. 14", Lesosibirsk

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Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Yenisei River basin. Its territory is 2,339.7 thousand square meters. km (13.8% of the entire territory of Russia). The population is about 2.9 million people. The climate is sharply continental, when the temperature difference can be more than 20 ° C during the day.

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Krasnoyarsk is the administrative center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the second largest constituent entity of Russia). The outskirts of Krasnoyarsk are bright and picturesque. Krasnoyarsk is the largest cultural, industrial, economic and educational center of Eastern Siberia. Founded in 1628, it is one of the oldest cities in Siberia. The city is located on both banks of the Yenisei in a basin formed by the northernmost spurs of the Eastern Sayan. Population - 1,035,528 people. (2014).

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A variety of types of tourism in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Coat of arms and flag of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Ecological Ethnographic Historical Sports

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Ecological tourism in the Krasnoyarsk Territory The Krasnoyarsk Territory is an amazing place for ecological recreation. Here, every travel and tourism lover will find a vacation to their liking! The Sayan ranges with snowy peaks and fantastic ridges, the gloomy black forest of the Buibinsky gorges, the stately expanse of the Angara stretch for almost a thousand kilometers. Sayan Ridge

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Erga ki (Irgaki) - unique natural Park, the tourist center of the Ergak-Targak-Taiga ridge in the Western Sayan. It is located at the headwaters of the Bolshoi Kebezh, Bolshoy Klyuch, Taigish, Upper Buiba, Middle Buiba and Lower Buiba rivers. Peak Zvezdny (2265 m). Ergaki, Western Sayan Hanging stone in the western part of the park

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State Nature Reserve "Stolby" - located on the north-western spurs of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, from the north-east the territory borders on the city of Krasnoyarsk. It was founded in 1925 at the initiative of the residents of the city to preserve the natural complexes around the picturesque syenite outliers - "pillars". At present, its area is 47,219 hectares. Submitted to the List of the UNESCO World Heritage Fund. Rock "Grandfather" Rock Manskaya Baba

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The lakes of the Sharypovsky and Aban regions are picturesque and ecologically clean sources of mineral water (Lake Tagarskoye) and medicinal light gray silt mud (Lake Ingol). Lake Uchum Lake Holy Lake Ingol Lake Tagarskoe

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Monastic lake of the Yenisei region - since 2007 - a natural monument of regional importance, created specifically to preserve a unique natural complex, harmoniously combining the healing properties of the lake with a variety of flora and fauna. According to legend, the lake was discovered by monks and they also built the first temple on the shore, as evidenced by the ruins of cells found by archaeologists. Locals even say that there is a place in the lake where a dome with a cross is clearly visible under water in clear weather. Church on the Monastery Lake

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The Yenisei is a mighty and full-flowing river, the main artery of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Extremists will find here rapids and fast currents, while river travel lovers will find comfortable steamers and river excursions. The Yenisei stretches for thousands of kilometers, its sources are in the Sayan Mountains, and its mouth is part of the Arctic Ocean. The largest city on the river is Krasnoyarsk. Many tourists prefer to take an interesting cruise from Krasnoyarsk down the river. They contemplate sunsets and sunrises over the Yenisei and breathe clean taiga air. Fishermen prefer to rest on the Yenisei with a fishing rod, the banks of the Yenisei are rich in birds, forests, mushrooms and berries, so many come here and stay in numerous recreation centers.

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Park of flora and fauna "Ro evruche y" (founded in 2000) - a zoo in Krasnoyarsk, one of the largest zoos in Russia. In total - 728 species, 6,888 specimens of animals "Roev Ruchey" works in the European program for the maintenance and breeding of rare species of the Amur tiger, snow leopard, Far Eastern leopard, Steller's sea eagle, Siberian cranes, Daurian cranes. The park presents more than 600 species, 400 varieties and 140 thousand specimens of woody, floral and ornamental and decorative leafy plants

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Ethnographic tourism of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Ethnographic tourism as a kind of ecological tourism is associated with a visit to the Taimyr Reserve, as well as the settlements of the indigenous inhabitants of Eastern Taimyr, which include the Dolgans and Nganasans.

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You can participate in the traditional holiday of reindeer herders in April in one of the national villages. The culture, everyday life, methods of obtaining food and the cuisine of ancient peoples will appear before the guests of the villages, who can also ride in one of the reindeer or dog sleds. Life and national clothes of the Nganasans

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Historical and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve "Shushenskoye" (formerly "Lenin's Siberian exile") (founded in 1930) is a unique open-air complex. On the territory there are monuments of rural architecture - peasant estates, the building of the volost government with a prison, a village shop, a tavern, a smithy. Theatrical excursions are offered with a demonstration of old crafts, tasting of Russian cuisine. The museum has a pottery and sewing workshop, as well as a woodcarving workshop. Tourist routes "Siberian village at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries" are presented. 250 thousand visitors from all over the world per year. Street view

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Annual festival of ethnic music and crafts in the village of Shushenskoye. The festival marked the beginning of the interaction of the folklore of the nomadic peoples of Siberia, as well as the peoples of the North and the Far East, with modern music Festival emblem On the concert venue

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Historical expeditionary tourism of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Yeniseisk - the father of Siberian cities Monument to heroes civil war... Lesosibirsk Rock painting of Mount Karatag Monument to Surikov V.I Krasnoyarsk Visiting the ancient cities of the region (Yeniseisk, Krasnoyarsk); archaeological excavations (Uzhur, Sharypovo); local history museums and monuments (Memorial House-Museum of V.P. Astafiev, House-Estate of Surikov) (Krasnoyarsk, Lesosibirsk, Yeniseisk, Norilsk)

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Archaeological excavations on the territory of the future Kyzyl-Kuragino railway, the Russian Geographical Society and the Khakassky reserve are recruiting volunteers. Not only Russian, but also foreign students from the CIS, Western Europe, the USA and Latin America will be able to become members of the archaeological expedition. The first expeditions have already discovered artifacts from the early Scythian time. These include iron knives and axes, bronze pendants and clothing decorations, ceramics of various eras. A quiver hook in the shape of a griffin and a belt buckle are unique finds. The ornament on the buckle resembles the image of the Chinese mask Tao-te, which speaks of the Chinese influence on the culture of the Scythians. Scythian artifact Excavation site (Sharypovsky district)

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Yeniseysk (founded in 1619) is an open-air city-museum, one of the ancient cities of the region. The main economic activities are fur mining, fishing, gold mining. In 1645-1646. the turnover of the Yenisei market exceeded 60 thousand rubles. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. 1642 Yeniseysk House of the merchant Gryaznov (end of the 18th century) Yeniseisk Researcher F. Nansen in the male gymnasium in Yeniseisk 1913 Grave of the exiled Decembrist A.I. Yakubovich 1845 Yeniseisk

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the village of Turukhansk (1607) was founded by the voivode D. Zherebtsov. From 1923 to 1925, Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, an outstanding surgeon and doctor of medicine, laureate of the Stalin Prize, theologian, and later Bishop of Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei, who was canonized by the Orthodox Church, was in exile here. Monument to Archbishop Luka Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk Winter in Turukhansk Frosts reach -57 Icon of Vasily Mangazeya, Siberian first martyr, saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, buried in the village monastery.

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The Krasnoyarsk Regional Museum of Local Lore is one of the first museums in Siberia and the Far East (created in 1889). Today it is an educational and information center for the entire Krasnoyarsk Territory. Member of the Union of Russian Museums since 2002. The steamer "St. Nicholas ", a monument of history and technology, (1886), returning from a trip to the East, made a short trip to Tsarevich Nicholas, the future emperor of Russia (1897) Nicholas II. V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) and his comrades-in-arms went on this steamer to Minusinsk, to the place of exile. Exhibit of the local history museum

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Memorial complex V.P. Astafiev in the village of Ovsyanka (opened in 2002). Astafiev's books, for their lively literary language and realistic depiction of military and rural life, were extremely popular in the USSR and abroad, in connection with which they were translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world and published in millions of copies. An unusual monument to Viktor Astafyev is located not far from the highway leading from Krasnoyarsk to Divnogorsk. The monument represents a huge sturgeon tearing fish nets, to which one of the most famous stories of the writer "Tsar-Fish" is dedicated. Around the monument there is a small recreation area and an observation deck from which you can admire the Yenisei flowing below. The author of the project of this sculptural composition is the Krasnoyarsk businessman Yevgeny Pashchenko. V.P. Astafiev. House-museum in the village of Ovsyanka Monument "Tsar-fish"

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The Museum-Estate of V.I.Surikov (Krasnoyarsk) (founded in 1930) carefully preserves the traditions of the Cossack life and a unique collection of works of the Russian painter. The museum keeps authentic letters and photographs of the artist, his personal belongings and the belongings of his family. The museum is actively developing, its employees conduct scientific, cultural and educational work, hold exhibitions, holidays, lectures, quests, intellectual games, master classes. View of the street Workshop V.I.Surikov

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Sports tourism of the Krasnoyarsk Territory This is a fascinating multi-day race along the stunning mountain ranges national park Ergaki in Siberia. The race consists of 3 stages, each 15-30 km long, with a climb up to 1000 meters. Participants of the competition will have to run through one of the most picturesque places in the Ergaki National Park - Hanging Stone, Lake Svetloye, Tushkanchik Pass, and many other fascinating places. Siberian Skyrunning Festival 2014 (Skyfest 2014) is a unique opportunity to meet athletes from different parts of Russia and foreign countries. Siberian Skyrunning Festival 2014 (Skyfest 2014) 25 Mountaineering in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been cultivated since 1949, when the section of mountaineering, tourism and rock climbing was formed. Climbing on the Pillars is a favorite leisure time for young people. On the territory of 12 sq. Km, there is a tourist and excursion zone. Approximately one thousand hectares remain at the complete disposal of the columnists. Due to the fact that the aesthetic area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is relatively easily accessible (only 7 km from the city), Krasnoyarsk residents traditionally spend a lot of time here, walking, admiring the nature and practicing rock climbing. Families, companies, classes and alone go to Stolby - in autumn, at the most popular time, the well-groomed road to the rocks resembles a busy city street. View from Mount Takmak (Stolby Reserve)

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Fan Park "Bobrovy Log" (a sports and recreation park of the European level) - Siberian Courchevel, is located near the Stolby Nature Reserve, and this speaks of a good location surrounded by picturesque hills and clean air that you can enjoy while relaxing in this place ... This is a wonderful resting place for Krasnoyarsk residents and guests of our region. It is famous for winter entertainment - downhill skiing and snowboarding, and in summer you can have a great time on numerous attractions, in hospitable cafes, on the beach near the pool, or simply walking along the vast territory and admiring the beauty of the surrounding nature. Park views 28 Olympiada gold deposit in the Severo-Yenisei region of the region. The plant will process 5 million tons of ore annually and will become the largest in the world in terms of capacity. Lesosibirskiy LDK No. 1 is the largest wood processing complex. It consists of logging enterprises, sawmills, production and finishing of fiberboard (fiberboard), furniture made of natural wood - solid Angarsk pine, as well as the production of thermal energy.

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9th grade student Anastasia Taryncheva

Our city Bolgar today is a famous tourist city of Tatarstan. Places such as the Bulgarian Architectural Museum-Reserve, the White Mosque, the Bread Museum attract not only Russian but also foreign tourists. But there are places in our area that the average tourist rarely visits. We are in our project, we offer to stay with us longer and visit places associated with the history, architecture and nature of our region.



State budgetary health-improving educational institution of a sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment, "Bulgarian sanatorium boarding school"

Design work on the topic:

"Development of a tourist route to the historical and natural attractions of the Spassky district»

9th grade student Anastasia Taryncheva


Arinina Elena Khasiyatullovna

Geography teacher

bolgar - 2015

1.Introduction .. …………………………………………………………………………………… 2

2.Project methodology …………………………………………………… ......................... .......... 3

3.Tourism in Spassky District ………………………………………………………………… 4

4. Description of the route. ……………………………………………………………………… ..5

5. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………… ..8

6.Literature used ………………………………………………………………… ... 9

1. Introduction.

Tourism, as one of the highly profitable sectors of the economy, has been recognized as the economic phenomenon of the century for its rapid pace of development.

In many countries, tourism plays a significant role in the formation of gross domestic product , enhancing the foreign trade balance , ensuring employment of the population and creating additional jobs, has a positive impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, construction, agriculture, culture, art, production of consumer goods and others.

The Republic of Tatarstan, including our Spassky district, has a rich historical and cultural heritage and natural and recreational resources that contribute to both the development of domestic tourism and the reception of foreign citizens. Taking into account the above factors, the tourism sector of the republic should be declared a priority area of \u200b\u200bthe national economy.

Objective of the project:

  • To contribute to the further formation of the modern tourism industry on the territory of the Spassky District as one of the leading branches of specialization.


  • Collection of information on the recreational resources of the Spassky District
  • Development of an excursion program in the Spassky district for several days with visits to places such as Rabiga - Kul, Suvar, s. Antonovka, Bulgar settlement and others.
  • Creation of the presentation "Development of a tourist route around the historical and natural sights of the Spassky region."

2. Methodology of the project.

Creating a new tour on any topic is a complex process.

Preparation of a new excursion goes through several steps:

  • Preliminary work - selection of materials for a future excursion, their study. At the same time, there is a selection of objects on which the excursion will be built.
  • The direct development of the excursion itself includes: drawing up an excursion route; processing of actual material; work on the content of the excursion, its main part, consisting of several main questions
  1. Determination of the purpose and objectives of the excursion - work on any new excursion begins with a clear definition of its purpose. This helps the authors of the excursion to conduct their work in a more organized way. The purpose of the excursion is what for the sake of which excursionists are shown monuments of history and culture and other objects.
  2. Selection of literature and compilation of bibliography - during the development of a new excursion, a list of books, brochures, articles published in newspapers and magazines is compiled that reveal the topic. The purpose of the list is to determine the approximate boundaries of the upcoming work on the study of literary sources, to assist the guides in using the necessary factual and theoretical material when preparing the text.
  3. The selection and study of excursion objects - the correct selection of objects, their number, the sequence of displaying affect the quality of the excursion. The objects can be:
  • memorable places associated with historical events in the life of our city, the development of society and the state;
  • buildings and structures, memorial monuments associated with the life and work of prominent personalities;
  • natural objects - forests, groves, parks, rivers, lakes, ponds, reserves and sanctuaries;
  • archaeological monuments - ancient settlements, ancient sites, settlements, burial mounds, earthen ramparts, sanctuaries, etc .;

It is recommended to use the following criteria to evaluate the objects that are included in the excursion:

Cognitive value - the connection of the object with a specific historical event, with a specific era, life and work of a famous figure in science and culture, the artistic merits of the monument, the possibility of their use in the aesthetic education of the participants of the excursion.

The fame of the object, its popularity among the population.

Unusual (exotic) object. This refers to the peculiarity, uniqueness of a monument of history and culture, buildings, structures. The uniqueness of the object can also be associated with some historical event, at the site of the installation of this monument, with a legend or historical event. Exotic can be natural.

The expressiveness of the object, that is, the external expressiveness of the object, its interaction with the background, the environment - buildings, structures, nature.

Preservation of the object. An assessment is made of the state of the object at the moment, its readiness to be shown to tourists.

Location of the object. When selecting objects, the distance to the monument, the convenience of access to it, the suitability of the road for vehicles, the possibility of bringing tourists to the object, the natural environment surrounding this object, the availability of a place suitable for the location of the group for observation should be taken into account.

Temporary restriction of the display of an object (by time of day, by days, months, seasons) - this is when visiting and inspecting an object is impossible due to poor visibility or seasonality

3. Tourism in the Spassky region.

The development of tourism in the Spassky municipal district should be considered not only the development of the Bulgarian State Museum-Reserve and the adjacent infrastructure, but the integrated development of the entire Spasskaya tourist zone and, in general, the development of tourism in Tatarstan.

The ancient city of Bolgar is one of the iconic objects of the tourist infrastructure of Tatarstan. Along with the island city of Sviyazhsk, it was included in the list of objects of historical and cultural heritage developed with the participation of the Renaissance Foundation under the personal control of Rustam Minnikhanov and the first president of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 2014, the ancient city was visited by 285 thousand people, of which 2 thousand were foreign tourists.

One of the main events and results of five years of work of the Renaissance Foundation was the inclusion of Bolgar in the listUNESCO World Heritage Site

Bolgar is a city that is visited with excursions for only one day.

As a rule, tourists come to Tatarstan for a three-day tour and come to Bulgar for only one day. Perhaps partly because there are no routes worked out for a longer time,

although in addition to historical sites in the Spassky region there is beautiful nature. Thus, perhaps, just and would like to attract to outdoor recreation in a beautiful and historically significant place. Why not?

Tourists will be able to come with families, and the infrastructure in our area is developing, currently under constructionnew modern hotel. .

In addition, our places are also pilgrims, so religious tourism can also be developed.

You have to understand that Bolgar has already gone beyond the one-day route. The exposition of the place is such that tourists can stay for two days or even more. The Volga water area and nature itself contribute to the creation of tourist hiking routes. That is, it is not only a cultural and educational visit, but also outdoor recreation and outdoor recreation.

The only problem of Bolgar is the lack of accommodation, and, of course, if a functional hotel and entertainment complex is soon built there, then perhaps our project will become interesting, as it offers a longer and more interesting route.

4. Description of the route.

Description of the main display objects


So, our excursion starts from the most distant point of the route - the ancient city of Suvar. It was founded by a tribe of Suvars (Savirs, Suaz) on the river, which is now called the Dry Duck. It happened around the 9th century. The city flourished in the first half of the 10th century. Now, on the site of Suvar, the village of Kuznechikha is located.

Having founded the city, the inhabitants surrounded it with a high wooden wall, in front of which they dug deep ditches, poured ramparts, and in some places even in two rows. Remains of ramparts and ditches have survived to this day.

Soon after its founding, Suvar became a major center of craft and trade. Artisans from Suvar made beautiful, richly ornamented clay dishes with their skilful hands, which differed from those of potters from other places. There were also wonderful blacksmiths, builders, metallurgists, jewelers, gunsmiths and glassware makers in the city.

Bulgar ceramics found in Suvar, in the Museum of the Blacksmith

Defensive moat of the Suvar settlement

The next point of our route is Antonovka - this is the name of the Abyss today, in honor of the leader of the Cretyan unrest that took place here Anton Sidorova... It is a fairly large village with over 700 inhabitants. A view of Antonovka opens from a high slope. The silhouettes of the squat houses are hidden behind the trees, but even from afar, an unusual building for a modern village stands out - a white tall building with columns. This is a former manor house, which, which is rare now, still houses a school. Probably, you will not find another such in the republic. Every day children go to study in a real castle, where everything breathes with unfading antiquity. The two-storey mansion, built in the lush baroque style, has retained its characteristic features - it was erected by visiting masters.

Monument to Anton - Petrov

The estate of the landowners Musins-Pushkins is an architectural monument of the 1st floor. 19 in

Our path continues, and ahead of us is the village of Kayuki. The name Alisha is inextricably linked with the history of our region.Abdullah Alish - our fellow countryman, a native of the village of Kayuki, Spassky district. In the libraries of the region, in the museum of local lore, in the Alisha museum in the village of Kayuki, there are many books, materials, exhibits, documents that help to reveal and appreciate Alisha's huge talent and heroic life. The population should be better acquainted with them, especially schoolchildren and youth, and not only in our region, republic, but also in all corners of the world, all those who have ever heard the name of Abdullah Alisha.

Bust A. Alisha

A. Alisha Museum in the village of Kayuki

There are places in the Spassky District that are distinguished by special natural beauty, richness of flora and fauna. The largest natural reserve in the republic in terms of area (about 18 thousand hectares) "Spassky" is a scattering of islands in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuibyshev reservoir. One of them was popularly called the Old Town - there was once the county Spassk. In these places there is an opportunity to develop ecological tourism, create ecological trails, in addition to the historical ones, to show tourists unique habitats of animals and birds (within reason, of course, so as not to interfere with them), for example, with a small observation deck... Install a telescope - and watch the white-tailed eagles right in the nest. And how romantic it is to walk along the ancient bridges, to touch the ground where Catherine the Great was. On the Old Town island, fragments of the ancient Spasskaya prison, a pedagogical school, remarkable archaeological and historical monuments have been preserved. Many people would come here to fish with a rod, but travel through the territory of the reserve is prohibited. This issue can be resolved by creating, for example, a special corridor. And so that a place for a fire was determined.

A nature reserve is an area where certain species of animals and plants are protected; all people are allowed to visit. Among the notable inhabitants of the Old Town is the steppe viper. It is in the reserve "Spassky" that its northernmost population in Europe is located

Water area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve "Spassky"

The next object of our attention isLake Rabigi or Rabiga kul. It is located on the outskirts of the town of Bolgar and is considered one of the most crystal clear and mysterious lakes in Tatarstan.The nature around the lake is picturesque, and the natural reservoir itself is considered not only a local attraction, but also a shrine for Muslims.There are many legends among the population of Tatarstan about the most beautiful lake, which is located along the line of ramparts to the west of the settlement. One of them tells about the daughter of a Bulgarian khan, who once went for a walk with her peers to the forest edge. There the girls turned into swans. Khan went hunting, and having shot one of the swans, he recognized him as his beloved daughter. The khan cried all night, and soon at the very place where the khan's tears flowed, a lake was formed, the purest and deepest.Today this lake is one of the ancient monuments of the history of the Tatar people. Muslim pilgrims from all over the world come here to pray for the most intimate lake near the holy waters.

Lake Rabigi or Rabiga kul

The main attraction of the village at all times were lakes, thereforeour excursion continues again on the lake, in the village which is called “Three Lakes” The historical names of these lakes are recorded in the "List of inhabited places of the Kazan province" for 1859 - Atamanskoye, Chistoe and Kuryshevskoye. In Soviet times, the lakes began to be called Atamanskoye, Clean and Bezymyannoe - first in common parlance, and then in official documents.

In 1978, all three lakes were declared natural monuments of the Republic of Tatarstan and included in the cadastre of specially protected natural areas.

On the shore of the Chistye Lake there is a temple that looks like a majestic castle. This is one of the oldest and most beautiful churches of the Spassky region, which was built in 1771 at the expense of the landowner Lev Ivanovich Molostov.The temple is an architectural monument


Tourism as one of the most popular types of outdoor activities is an integral part of human life with his natural aspirations to discover and learn new regions, natural monuments, history and culture, customs and traditions of different peoples. The organization of active, meaningful recreation has become an important social task. Tourism is an important factor in improving a person's health, enhancing his creative activity, expanding his horizons.

Tourism is the most important means of education, which, due to its diversity and versatility, opens up wide opportunities for the practical preparation of a small citizen for a big life.

The development of this project is due to the desire to increase interest in the history and culture of Tatarstan. Arouse the interest of children and adults in the history of their small homeland through the organization of excursion routes to the historical monuments of their native land.

6. Used literature.

1. Abramov L. Spasskie legends. - Kazan: Around the city and villages, 2003 .-- 429 p.

2. Burdin E.A. Volga Atlantis: the tragedy of the great river. Ulyanovsk (Simbirsk) 2005-287

3. Taysin A.S. Geography of the Republic of Tatarstan. - Kazan: Magarif, 2000 .-- 223 p.

4. State register of protected areas in the Republic of Tajikistan. Second edition. - Kazan: Idel-Press, 2007 .-- 408.

5. Reserved places. - Kazan, Idel-Press, 2007.

6. Atlas Tar.tarika. - Kazan: Institute of History. Sh. Mardzhani AN

7. Republic of Tatarstan, Ministry of Education and Science.

8. I get to know the world. Geography. - Moscow: AST, 2005.

9. R.G. Fakhrutdinov History of the Tatar people and Tatarstan Kazan

Magarif Publishing House 1995

16.http: //

GDP is the total market value of the totalgoods and services produced in the economy for a certain period of time (usually a year). It is the main indicator of economic activity and economic activity in the country.

An auction for the sale of 12 chairs "from Madame Petukhova's headset" is required. Moreover, a real diamond is hidden under the upholstery of one of the chairs. A grandmaster comes to a chess tournament with a simultaneous game session. Ironically, for the first three years it was International Grandmaster Evgeny Vasyukov. Those who wish can also take part in the following events: the “Gnu Antelope” competition program, the theatrical show “Ostap Bender - the Great Couturier”, children's games “Benderyadka”, chess tournaments, cockroach races, contests of accordion players and chastushniki, etc. Throughout the city during the festival, theatrical performances, performances of comedians, discos, as well as open-air concerts with the participation of Mari pop stars are held. This event is very interesting and exciting, which will certainly please every tourist. Artistic and Historical Museum "Merchant Estate" is located in an old merchant mansion of the late 19th century, built by the timber merchant A.I. Shishokin and sold due to bankruptcy to the Gubin brothers. The building was built as a residential building, but was later used as an office - the Gubin Brothers Trading House. From 1918 to 1970, the house housed the district committee of the RCP (b); until the early 80s, the Komsomol committee was located here. Then the building was taken over by the ZhKO, which allocated it for apartments. In the early 90s, the tenants moved to other houses, and in 1995 the house was transferred to the museum-reserve, which opens here a museum of furniture craftsmanship, and since 2001 it has been a museum of merchant life. The mansion with rich facade openwork carvings has several floors: a basement, built of stone, a floor with a grand staircase and halls, and the third floor is a mezzanine with mezzanine rooms. The entire building has preserved oak parquet, stucco ceilings, tiled stoves and an amazingly beautiful front staircase with chiseled balusters. The rooms are decorated with carved furniture made by Kozmodemyan wood craftsmen. The exposition of the museum contains old sideboards, tables, chairs and slides with crockery of that time. In addition to household items, books, paintings, musical instruments and much more are presented, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life and life of the merchants of the 19th century. Museum of Merchant Life - This is a monument to the merchants who played an important role in the development of Kozmodemyansk and turning it into one of the largest centers of timber trade in Russia. Andrey Bender, who served as the prototype of Ostap Bender, was also a talented merchant, so tourists are invited to get acquainted with the merchant life of the last century.

In Vasilsursk: Museum of History and Local Lore. The basis historical Museum of Vasilsursk the school collection of 165 exhibits lay down. Currently, there are 1290 of them in the museum. Many things were donated by local residents. Among them: antique furniture, paintings, a collection of antique samovars and household utensils; albums of old photographs, national costumes, etc.

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