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UDC 796.5 / 338.48


SERVICE V.K. Nesterovich,

head of the center for advanced training and retraining of personnel,

A.A. Shilov, student,

Institute of Tourism, BSUFK, Minsk

Scientific substantiation of animation activity in tourism is determined by the growth of tourist flows in certain directions. Recreation and cultural program is meant as a whole for groups and individuals. A huge number of opportunities have appeared to travel across the territory of the republic and outside the state. As a rule, on tourist routes, cultural and

entertainment. Animation activities today depend on supply and demand.

Key words: hotel service, animation activities, personnel.

The entertainment, leisure and sports sector plays an important role in the overall infrastructure of the hospitality industry and solves a variety of tasks: upbringing, education, cultural development. Filling his leisure time with entertainment and sports, a person rests and restores strength, cheers up. Enterprises and organizations in the entertainment sector include circuses, zoos, attractions, game libraries, recreation parks, as well as various entertainment enterprises - theaters, cinemas, concert halls, philharmonic societies, etc.

The enterprises of the entertainment and sports industry have recently been acting as independent and isolated links that attract significant material, financial and labor resources.

Hospitality companies play a leading role in business contacts with companies providing entertainment, leisure, recreation and sports services. In addition, animation services are formed in the hotels, organizing additional leisure and recreation for guests. Many hotel enterprises have their own sports facilities: swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses, water attractions, cinema and concert halls, etc.

Tourists who are going to travel are interested not only in living conditions and excursion programs, but also in the presence of an animation team in this hotel, boarding house or resort complex.

Animation is a relatively new direction of resort activities, involving the personal participation of tourists in game and theatrical show programs, sports and cultural and entertainment events. This phenomenon is a product of competition between resorts seeking to diversify their clients' holidays.

Animation teams work with tourists throughout the day, up to 16 hours a day. In the morning they invite you to play and sports and health programs, in the afternoon - to theatrical performances, in the evening they organize colorful shows, birthday celebrations, dating evenings, dance evenings, etc.

Animation programs include sports games and competitions, dance evenings, carnivals, games, activities in the sphere of spiritual interests, etc.

The animator is the same artist, and all his activities require constant dedication. Becoming an animator is not easy. The animator must initially have certain

skills and abilities, as well as have a psychological readiness for this work. All this is taught to beginners - from overcoming the language barrier to the art of transforming into your character. In addition, special seminars and practical classes are held on dancing, developing programs for the season, holding sports games and competitions. The animation program changes every two weeks, so the animator's working day is very stressful.

For children and adolescents, game programs, water attractions, excursions, horseback riding, contests, demonstration of feature films and cartoons, the work of various circles are offered. The main task of the hotel manager is to ensure that tourists, forgetting about everyday life, get the maximum positive impressions from their rest.

The animation management structure can be represented as the following diagram.


Hotel General Manager

General manager animator

Animator - organizer

Animators performers

Children's Theater

Recreational Creative

Art Hobby

Cultural and recreational Sports

1 ____________________________ і

Extreme Educational Cultural

(adventure) cognitive

The lead animation manager is in charge of the animation system. He reports only to the general manager, who, in turn, reports to the owner of the hotel.

The general manager of animation activities, as a broad-profile specialist, is called upon to identify, satisfy and develop the socio-cultural interests of different groups of the population, develop targeted animation programs and social technologies for their implementation, stimulate innovative movements in the tourism sector, manage the economic mechanisms of organizing animation activities, introduce effective pedagogical methods development of cultural and aesthetic creativity. An animator manager must know the psychological and pedagogical foundations of managing temporary

the team with which he works, to be a leader in various tourist groups, differing in age, composition, education, social status, to be able to influence the opinion of others.

An inclination towards leadership is important, namely: the ability to take initiative, attract and direct the attention of others, offer them a solution, the ability to speak the language of their supporters. Animation managers must have high business qualities, deep knowledge of human psychology, practical skills of working in a well-oiled mechanism.

The methodologist-animator is engaged in the preparation of scripts and staging of the show, the design of costumes and the conduct of rehearsals.

The organizer-animator provides the organization of the animation process with everything necessary.

One of important directions animation activity in hotels is animation for children.

On the territory of five or four star hotels, there are special children's clubs: "mini" - for children 3-12 years old, and "junior" - for young people 12-15 years old. Here, parents can leave their children for the whole day under the supervision of experienced animators (usually with a pedagogical education) to travel to interesting corners of other countries, or lie quietly on the beach. The work plan, as well as the general plan of animation activities in the hotel, is drawn up in advance and is adjusted during the course of the classes, depending on the contingent of children present and other conditions. In this plan, there should be an optimal number of sports and cultural activities necessary for the development of the child.

Working in the mini-club, the animator takes into account a number of physiological and psychological characteristics of children of different ages, creates conditions for the child to be interested in it. To organize effective work with children, there are appropriate premises for the stay of children in the summer months and in bad weather, equipped with equipment for active and developing games, drawing, modeling, etc.

The work of a mini-club in a hotel is a creative and painstaking process, and the task of a children's animator is to organize the leisure of children, develop their cognitive, physical and psychological abilities, so that every day spent by a child in a mini-club turns into an event, a holiday that will remain a vivid impression from rest.

The development of animation activities is an urgent problem that requires the use of international experience. Given the increased consumer demand for

animation programs and an increase in tourist flows are necessary

develop programs for various categories of tourists. It is necessary to pay serious attention to the selection and training of personnel in the animation service.

The problem of staffing animators in tourist activities has not been resolved in Belarus. Considering the importance of animation activity both for society as a whole and for the income of tourist complexes, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the training and selection of specialists for the animation service. The tourism industry today is a large economic complex, which employs many people, the image of the entire tourist complex depends on their qualifications. In this regard, new professions and new educational institutions have appeared that train tourist personnel. However, there are not enough creative, professionally competent specialists, and it is almost impossible to find a good animation specialist in Belarus.

Very high hopes are pinned on tourist educational activities: training in sports animation will allow you to lead a healthy lifestyle, recreational, cultural, creative animation will solve the problem of spiritual health, tourist enterprises will be able to provide quality services to tourists.


1. Kabushkin, N.I. Management of hotels and restaurants / N.I. Kabushkin, G.A. Bondarenko. Minsk, 2003.

2. Garanin NI, Management of tourist and hotel animation: Textbook / N.I. Garanin, I.I. Bulygin. M., 2004.

3. Kotler, F. Marketing. Hospitality and tourism / F. Kotler. M., 1998.

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When implementing an animation strategy for the general animation manager, the top priority is to create a viable structure. Bringing the organizational structure of the animation service in line with its strategy and the strategy of the hotel enterprise as a whole is one of the basic principles of strategic management. This emphasizes the importance of animation activities in the overall strategy of the hotel enterprise and the need to provide this activity with resources (human, material, financial). This also indicates that animation activities are strategically important for the hotel management.

When forming the organizational structure of the service of a large hotel tourist complex, consisting of several functional units, it is necessary to strive to create a communication and coordination system that:

  • 1) Maximizes the contribution of departments to improving the quality of animation services;
  • 2) Limits the cost of implementing animation services;
  • 3) Minimizes the consumption of time and energy for contact between departments, services and departments of the hotel.

The classic way of coordinating the actions of organizational units in a department is to position them in a hierarchical structure so that the most closely related units report to the hotel's chief animation officer.

In order to unite the strategic efforts of interconnected structural divisions, the chief animation manager can use coordination teams, groups for the implementation of cross-functional tasks, a system of mutual formalized reporting, and focus on teamwork and cooperation. In this case, the right to make a decision should be transferred to a lower level of management or directly to animators (performers), who are at the forefront and have the necessary information to assess the factors and consequences of the implementation of the decisions and actions.

In the process of development of animation activity, changes in its concept and strategy, the organizational structure of the service must also be changed, since it is impossible to implement a new strategy within the old organizational structure.

The structure of the animation service of the tourist complex can be proposed as the most optimal tool for solving basic problems and implementing the basic functions of animation management. In theory, every animation employee should specialize in one area, but in practice, for budgetary reasons, this is rarely done. However, we must strive for this.

Formation of an effective organizational structure of animation management is one of the most important tasks of the chief animator of the TC. Depending on its size, various (more or less branched) organizational structures of the animation service are possible - departments (Figure 4).

The structure and staffing of the TC service also depend on its size and type, functional purpose and nomenclature of technical animation systems, geographic location, animation concepts and programs and other factors. Let's consider the most common version of the staff structure of the hotel animation service, which consists of several departments (sports animation, show animation, mini-club, creative activities department, etc.).

Each department has specific responsibilities, but there are activities that are prepared by all members of the animation team together. The smaller the number of animation services, the greater the burden falls on its members, the more they should help each other and be interchangeable. Let's take a look at the responsibilities of each animation department.

Sports department - headed by a sports chief instructor. The work of this department is the most intense and active, as sports animators are in direct contact with guests throughout the day (on the move, in the game), spending most of their time near the pool or on the sports ground. Throughout the day, they offer guests a variety of sports activities every 30 minutes (aerobics and rhythm classes, water skiing, water polo, beach games, darts, badminton, etc.).

The sports animator group must be clearly assigned responsibilities so that their work and play alternate, as they expend a lot of energy in their activities. Each sports animator conducts a strictly defined number of events and must be well aware of the rules of organized games and competitions, as well as be able to conduct the necessary safety instructions.

The main challenge in the work of sports animators is to attract guests to their events. It is especially difficult to recruit the right number of people for sports games during the daytime, when they prefer to relax and sunbathe. In this case, animators have to show maximum ingenuity: dressing up in clown costumes, handing out invitations, announcing prizes on the radio, etc. It is even more difficult to keep interest in your events so that guests want to come to them the next day. For this, the animator has to constantly come up with some details, highlights, surprises, so that any game turns into a fun show.

Despite the fact that the main task of sports animation is to provide guests with maximum physical activity and to involve as many of them as possible in their events, it is important to observe in all measure, remembering that there is a category of guests who do not accept leisure and great physical activity. These people will find themselves another way to have fun, so the animator can be persistent in moderation, but in no case can he be intrusive.

All sports animators must be properly trained, always fit, slim, cheerful and sociable.

The show animation department is usually created in large hotels, where it is possible to pay for the work of the animation team. In this case, professional musicians, dancers, and artists are recruited. But most hotels and tourist complexes do not have the opportunity to pay for the work of professional artists, so all show performances are prepared by animators from other departments together.

In the show animation department, a professional choreographer is constantly working, who often combines the duties of a director, an evening entertainment program director, a DJ, a decorator and a costume designer. The rest of the animators are recruited to work in the department as needed.

If evening entertainment programs are often arranged, then rehearsals are held in the daytime, free from classes with guests. Usually animation services have their own developed programs and scripts that are offered to animators for learning.

Show programs most often include humorous scenes, excerpts from famous musicals, dance performances. Depending on the financial capabilities of the hotel, professional pop and folklore groups, circus artists, etc. may be invited to entertain guests. This adds variety to the program and gives the animation team a chance to rest.

The show animation department is responsible for holding discos (both for adults and for children), teaching vacationers to dance, singing songs and other musical and entertainment events.

Mini-club is an important department of the animation service, especially for hotels and tourist complexes focused on attracting family tourists. For them, the opportunity to relax with their family and at the same time not be burdened with constant activities with children is a very attractive factor. The main duty of the mini-club animators is to organize an interesting, full-fledged vacation for children, giving parents the opportunity to find entertainment to their liking.

As a rule, the mini-club is located on the territory of the tourist complex, in the most beautiful, cozy and calm corner. It should be well equipped: at least - have a recreation room with a TV, comfortable furniture for children, a set of games and an outdoor playground. Some hotels have several playgrounds with different equipment and a children's pool. This department is headed by the head of the mini-club. The number of animators employed in the mini-club depends on the size of the tourist complex. It is better if several animators work in the mini-club, because in this case they have the opportunity to engage with children by age group.

For each of the age groups, it is advisable to draw up a program in advance, choose age-appropriate games and entertainment. The animators of this department bear a great responsibility for the life and health of children, so they must know the age characteristics well, remember that children cannot be under the scorching rays of the sun for a long time without hats, carefully monitor their behavior in the water, etc.

The animators of the mini-club, in addition to the function of entertainment, also perform the function of education, so they must know the basics of pedagogy and psychology, be able to answer children their questions, explain the rules of the game, and tell something interesting.

The department of creative activities is the department of animation service in tourist complexes that do not have a sufficient material base for organizing leisure activities. This is the organization of the activities of clubs of interest. Here guests can be invited to do knitting, embroidery, burning, modeling, drawing, beading, etc.

These departments take root especially well in tourist complexes and hotels located in the centers of any craft or folk craft. Tourists with great pleasure, under the guidance of experienced craftsmen, try to paint a matryoshka or weave lace themselves.

The considered departments are the most common in the animation service, the structure of which can be more extensive, depending on the variety of services provided. For example, this service may include swimming and hiking instructors, balloon pilots, etc.

However, most of the hotels and shopping malls have a rather modest animation team. In this case, it is very important to properly organize the work of all departments of the animation service in order to achieve high results of service and satisfy all the interests of vacationers.

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