Increase the level of transport accessibility, etc. Ensuring transport accessibility of the population as an important area of \u200b\u200bsocio-economic development of the region

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ORDER of the Government of the Russian Federation of 22-11-2008 1734-r (2019) Actual in 2018

3. Ensuring the availability and quality of transport services for the population in accordance with social standards

In order to ensure the availability and quality of transport services for the population on all types of transport in accordance with social standards, the following measures will be carried out:

ensuring the transportation of passengers along socially significant routes, the affordability of transport services, including in the Far North, in the Kaliningrad region, in the Far East and in the Transbaikalia, development and implementation of coordinated schemes for the development of air transport and road transport support for transportation along local social routes in remote regions ;

development and implementation of a program for the implementation of minimum social transport standards to ensure the possibility of movement of all segments of the population across the country, ensuring their implementation on a progressive scale, taking into account the improvement of conditions for transport services for the population;

development of urban and suburban passenger transport systems;

regulation of admission to commercial activities in the field of passenger transportation;

development of a fleet of passenger rolling stock, which is not inferior in technical and economic parameters to world analogues.

development of systems providing high-speed and high-speed passenger transportation.

In the field of railway transport in the field of long-distance passenger transportation, a decision was made to stop their cross-subsidization through freight transportation and to gradually attract federal budget funds for these purposes.

The continuation of the implementation of the state policy in the field of socially significant passenger rail transportation should be legislative provision for compensation for losses in income arising from state regulation of tariffs for passenger transportation. At the same time, the formation of an appropriate mechanism for compensating for losses in income from the implementation of state tariff regulation in the field of passenger transportation in suburban traffic should be ensured.

With an increase in passenger turnover by 32.9 percent, the quality indicators of passenger traffic will be significantly improved. The section speed of long-distance passenger trains will increase on the main routes to 72 km / h, or by 18.6 percent.

Increasing the availability and quality of transport services for the population should be carried out in the following areas:

development of suburban-urban passenger services with the transformation of railway sections into high-speed and high-speed systems to ensure comfortable travel conditions, reduce passenger travel time, unload metro and ground passenger transport in large cities during peak hours, which requires an increase in the number of suburban trains by radial directions in order to reduce the intervals and reduce the filling of electric train cars during peak hours, the development of intracity traffic due to the intensification of the use of diametrical directions and an increase in their number in the future, an increase in the number of compact transfer hubs, the development of interregional transportation by trains of increased comfort of the "express" type, organization of transportation passengers between megalopolises and large regional centers using "satellite" trains, organization of intermodal passenger transportation by specialized rolling stock to the air ports;

increasing the availability, quality and volume of services provided by railway stations;

improvement of booking systems using the Internet, as well as the introduction of cashless ticket payment systems;

further improvement of the system of state regulation of railway tariffs.

In the field of road transport, it is necessary to ensure the priority development of public road transport, which has a modern production and technical base and an optimal structure of the fleet of vehicles, taking into account an increase in its share in the transportation performed.

The increase in the availability and quality of transport services for the population will be carried out in the following areas:

implementation of a unified transport policy in the field of planning and management in passenger road transport, aimed at eliminating restrictions on public access to passenger road transport services;

creation of entrances to settlements, providing year-round bus traffic, independent of weather and climatic conditions;

improvement of the route network of public passenger road transport and its arrangement aimed at providing convenience for the population through the introduction of quality standards;

expanding the geographical accessibility of passenger transport by introducing minimum transport standards, including for servicing persons with disabilities, and public passenger road transport in rural areas.

New infrastructural and technological solutions will reduce by 2030 the time spent by passengers on travel by public passenger motor transport by 25-30 percent compared to 2007.

In the field of tariff regulation, in order to increase the availability of transport services for the population, it is necessary:

further development of the tariff regulation system for passenger road transport;

improvement of the system of providing inter-budgetary transfers to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of expenses to ensure equal accessibility of public road transport services to the population;

identification and use of mechanisms to compensate for lost income in tariff regulation (for example, on the basis of social government contracts for the provision of transportation on socially significant routes).

In the field of air transport, to improve the quality of transport services, it is planned to implement the following measures:

improving the quality of the transportation process, including certification of Russian airlines according to the standards of the program developed by the International Air Transport Association;

increasing the comfort, frequency and regularity of flights, expanding the list of additional services (food, entertainment, communication services) and ensuring an attractive air ticket cost by updating the aircraft fleet and developing competition between airlines, creating aviation alliances (including participation in international ones) and low-cost airlines, equipping aircraft and aerodromes with equipment that ensures the ability to operate in adverse weather conditions, introducing an effective system for the maintenance and repair of new generation aircraft, which are characterized by reduced downtime when troubleshooting, introducing modern passenger service technologies, including electronic ones, reducing the duration of the ground transfer of a passenger to the airport by organizing an efficient transport connection between airports and settlements.

The development of a competitive market for transport services will be carried out in the following areas:

elimination of unjustified administrative and economic barriers to competition between air transport operators;

commercialization of air transport infrastructure services with the involvement of private operators;

market liberalization and improvement of certification mechanisms, licensing and confirmation of the compliance of aviation enterprises with the established requirements for admission to activities in the field of air transport, including reducing the use of quantitative quotas and replacing them with qualitative ones, differentiating certification requirements for aviation enterprises, operators and aviation fuel supply organizations of different levels, a gradual transition to softer and more general forms of regulation, the creation of a nationwide system for regulating the time intervals for a flight at the airport (slots);

introduction of accreditation procedures for manufacturers and suppliers of aviation fuels and lubricants and special fluids that ensure the safety and regularity of flights, including certification of aviation fuels and lubricants for the operation of aircraft at low and ultra-low ambient temperatures.

It is necessary to stimulate structural reforms in the industry in terms of business consolidation in the commercial segment of the air transport market by tightening the requirements for the quality of operators' work, while maintaining the exclusive right of Russian air carriers to perform domestic air transportation until 2020. In 2021-2030, the issue of granting foreign airlines in Russia broader commercial rights (degrees of air freedom) may be considered.

Increasing the availability and quality of air transport services for consumers will be achieved through:

meeting demand by expanding the range and geography of air transport services, developing a fleet of modern aircraft, bringing the supply structure of air transportation and aviation works to the structure of demand for them;

increasing the safety of the functioning of air transport, including environmental safety, to the world level;

ensuring the availability of air transport services for the bulk of the population;

expanding the spheres of rational use of civil aviation, development of general aviation and business aviation.

Increasing the affordability of air transportation will be carried out due to:

reducing the cost of transportation by developing competition between airlines, increasing the intensity of operation and optimizing the aircraft fleet;

curbing the growth of airport taxes and ground handling rates for airlines by increasing additional airport revenues from non-aviation activities;

implementation of a flexible tariff policy in relation to various categories of consumers of services and classes of service, including through the creation of "cheap" airlines.

A priority is the development of commercial air transport and operations to meet the basic demand for air transport services.

Within this market segment, the priorities of state policy are determined based on the provision of conditions for the development, first of all, of domestic air transportation and work, including socially significant local airlines that do not have a year-round transport alternative, as well as such mainline airlines that ensure the transport integrity of the state. , as airlines connecting the Kaliningrad region with the center of the country, the regions of the Far North, Siberia and Of the Far East... The growth rates of this market segment should by 2020 surpass the development of the segment of international transportation of Russian airlines, carried out in communication with the country's airports.

In the field of regulation of aviation tariffs, the following tasks are solved:

limiting the ceiling levels of tariffs in order to ensure the availability of services for the majority of potential consumers, to prevent short-term sale of air transport and air navigation services below cost in order to obtain competitive advantages (dumping) and long-term use of low prices, knowingly excluding the possibility of high-quality service and ensuring the safety requirements of air transportation or provision aviation services;

ensuring price transparency of the market (by expanding the practice of applying the principle of the announced tariff);

ensuring reasonable stability of tariffs in the interests of users of air transport services.

gradual reduction of the sphere of price regulation and expansion of market pricing mechanisms;

transition to the implementation of the notification (registration) principle of setting tariffs for the services of operators in competitive market segments.

Further liberalization of tariff regulation will be carried out as the competitive environment expands and the types of activities classified as natural monopolies in the field of airport business and air navigation services are reduced through:

the formation of rates of charges and tariffs that actually reflect the costs of maintaining and intensity of use of airport facilities and air traffic management systems;

improvement of the control system and financial audit of airlines performing airport activities, and organizations of the air navigation services system;

ensuring adequate funding for activities to ensure flight safety and security;

increasing the investment attractiveness of airports.

Tariff regulation in the field of socially significant air transportation provides for state support for transport market entities (it is allowed only in cases where market mechanisms cannot provide a sufficient level of supply of aviation services or a socially acceptable level of tariffs for them), preferential categories of passengers, socially important air transportation (through the allocation of subsidies provided to airlines that ensure the implementation of socially significant air transportation).

State support for socially significant air transportation and work should be provided in a coordinated manner at the expense of budgets of all levels.

In the field of maritime transport, in order to increase the availability of transport services for the population, it is necessary to ensure an increase in the traffic of goods and passengers on socially significant routes, which will significantly increase the level of transport support for such regions of the country as the Far North and the Far East, including using the Northern Sea Route , transport links with the Kaliningrad region, and to ensure the projected demand for socially significant passenger transportation by sea.

In the field of inland water transport, in order to improve the quality of transport services for passengers, it is envisaged to improve the organization of the transport process, the state of the inland waterways used, navigable hydraulic structures and ships, increase the comfort and level of service.

It is envisaged to develop business travel for passengers by replenishing the fleet with high-speed vessels and creating a water taxi market (initially in Moscow and the Moscow region).

To increase the availability of transport services in the field of inland water transport, it is necessary to take the following measures:

increasing the length of inland waterways with guaranteed dimensions of ship passages with illuminated conditions;

reconstruction of hydraulic structures;

bridging the gap between the increasing demand for passenger transportation and the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the fleet.

3. Tasks to Achieve Goal 3

"Ensuring the availability and quality of transport services

for the population in accordance with social standards "

In order to ensure the availability and quality of transport services for the population in accordance with social standards, it is planned to solve the following main tasks:

Planning the development of passenger transport systems and rolling stock based on the forecast of socio-economic development and transport and economic balance;

Development of high-speed and high-speed rail passenger transportation;

Development of passenger transportation on socially significant routes;

Development and implementation of social transport standards;

Formation of an economic and legal model of a competitive market for affordable and high-quality transport services for the population. Improving admission to commercial activities in the field of passenger transportation;

Development of regional air transportation;

Development of systems of urban, suburban passenger transport and transport of local importance (rural);

Creation of intelligent transport systems to improve the quality of passenger transportation using modern information and telecommunication technologies and the GLONASS global navigation system, as well as vehicle and flow control technologies;

Development of multimodal passenger transportation in regional, interregional and international traffic.

Solving the problem of planning the development of passenger transport systems and rolling stock based on the forecast of socio-economic development and transport and economic balance provides for:

Determination, based on the forecast of socio-economic development and transport and economic balance, of the optimal need for passenger rolling stock fleets for the implementation by transport enterprises of highly efficient economically sound transport technologies that ensure the required volume and quality of transport services in the field of passenger transportation, as well as the implementation of a unified transport policy in the field planning and management in passenger transport;

Motivation of transport enterprises to develop, including renewal (decrease in age), of passenger rolling stock fleets (passenger cars, public vehicles, river cruise ships and passenger ships, sea-going ships under the Russian flag, aircraft), ensuring competitive lending schemes for fleet renewal vehicles, as well as assistance in the development of a fleet of passenger rolling stock, which is not inferior in technical and economic parameters to world analogues.

In the railway transport - a massive renewal of the passenger rolling stock with the replacement of obsolete cars and electric trains with modern ones;

In sea transport - the construction of passenger ships, including cruise and sea passenger terminals;

On the domestic water transport - construction of passenger ships (including for regional transport) and cruise ships;

In air transport - the purchase of passenger aircraft and incentives for the acquisition of Russian-made aircraft.

Solving this problem will improve the parameters of passenger vehicle fleets, plan the volumes of their development, and improve the quality and safety of passenger service.

Solving the problem of developing high-speed and high-speed rail passenger traffic provides for:

Expansion of access zones for the population of high-speed and high-speed intercity passenger transportation;

Development of suburban high-speed passenger transportation, including intermodal transportation, to provide communication between the airport and the city.

The implementation of these measures is ensured through the development of high-speed railway passenger transportation in long-distance and fast suburban traffic, the creation of high-speed dedicated lines, as well as the separation of freight and passenger traffic in separate directions.

The development of high-speed and high-speed rail transportation will ensure an increase in the quality of life of the population in the country, expand the radius of socio-economic activity around cities, increase the transport accessibility of economic centers, create conditions for the development of high-tech industries, and create new jobs and provide access to qualified labor force.

Solving the problem of developing passenger transportation on socially significant routes provides for:

Ensuring passenger transportation on socially significant routes, including their affordability, including in the Far North, in the Kaliningrad region, in the Far East and in Transbaikalia;

Provision of transportation of privileged categories of passengers and provision of transportation services at tariffs set below the economically justified level;

Providing passenger transportation by inland waterway transport in hard-to-reach northern and eastern regions, where it is uncontested and life-supporting;

The implementation of these measures is ensured through the implementation of the following activities:

In railway transport - improvement of state regulation and forms of state support in the implementation of socially significant transportation;

In maritime and inland waterway transport - improving state regulation and forms of state support in the implementation of socially significant transportation, building a passenger fleet and developing coastal infrastructure to serve passengers;

In air transport - improvement of state regulation and forms of state support in the implementation of socially significant transportation.

The solution to this problem will ensure the availability of transport services for categories of the population in need of social support, as well as provide socially significant transport links in remote and hard-to-reach territories, including in the regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East, as well as in areas equated to them.

The solution to the problem of developing and implementing social transport standards provides for:

Development of a financial, economic and calculation model of social transport standards;

Development and implementation of a program for the implementation of social transport standards, first at a minimum level, and then - in accordance with the program for their development on a progressive scale;

Creation of an accessible transport environment for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population;

Modernization of rolling stock fleets of automobile and urban ground electric public transport for the transportation of people with limited mobility;

Creation of connections between urban agglomerations using road and rail high-speed and high-speed transport;

Increasing the availability of air transportation for the population (development of aviation mobility).

Solving this problem will ensure the availability and quality of passenger transport services for all categories of the population, as well as create conditions for increasing the level of these services on a progressive scale. Social transport standards will become one of the benchmarks in accordance with which the development of transport infrastructure and transport services for the population will be carried out.

Solving the problem of forming an economic and legal model of a competitive market for affordable and high-quality transport services for the population, as well as improving admission to commercial activities in the field of passenger transportation provides:

Development of an economic and legal model of the market for competitive transport services in the field of passenger transportation and the creation of an effective mechanism for state control of the real level of competition and regulation of the market for transport services for the transportation of passengers;

Improving state regulation of the activities of natural monopolies in the field of passenger rail transportation and airport activities;

Development of a tariff regulation system for passenger road transport, improvement of the system of providing funds to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of expenses to ensure equal accessibility of public road transport services to the population, as well as improvement of mechanisms for compensating for lost income when regulating tariffs for passenger transportation;

Improvement of the rules for admission to commercial activities in the field of passenger transportation and admission control mechanisms;

Improvement of the mechanism of compensation for losses in income from the implementation of state tariff regulation in the field of passenger transportation by rail and socially significant transportation by other modes of transport;

Improving the complex of measures of state support for the development of regional aviation based on the interaction of federal, regional and municipal authorities;

State support for the development of river passenger transportation on the basis of compensation measures and effective interaction of federal, regional and municipal authorities;

Improvement of legal support for effective competition of carriers on the public transport route network;

Limiting unproductive competition based on reducing the cost of transportation at the expense of safety and quality of transportation services;

Motivation for the modernization of transport systems in order to introduce innovative transport technologies for the transportation of passengers, thereby increasing the availability and quality of transport services for the population.

The implementation of these measures is ensured through the implementation of the following activities:

In railway transport - improving the quality of passenger traffic and improving tariff regulation;

In road transport - improving tariff regulation and state support for the development of passenger traffic;

In air transport - improving tariff regulation and state support for the development of passenger traffic.

The solution of this problem will make it possible to form a system of state regulation of a competitive market for high quality transport services in the field of passenger transportation. It is envisaged to create an effective competitive environment and requirements for market participants, which will make it economically feasible for them to sustainably increase the availability, quality and safety of passenger traffic. Along with this, conditions will be formed to ensure the sustainable implementation and development of types of passenger transportation, the importance of which for society is undoubted.

Solving the problem of developing regional air transportation provides for:

Development of regional air transportation infrastructure;

Improving the structure of air routes.

The implementation of these measures is ensured by improving state regulation of activities in the field of passenger transportation at the federal and regional levels.

Solving this problem will increase the availability of air transport communications for the majority of the country's population, create additional direct transport links between regions and within them.

Solving the problem of developing systems for urban, suburban passenger transport and transport of local importance (rural) provides for:

Carrying out a set of measures aimed at increasing the speed of public transport and reducing the average time of transport accessibility in urban agglomerations (travel time of commuting population on transport);

Increasing the ergonomic attractiveness (comfort) of the rolling stock of public transport for the population;

Development of technologies and organizational measures aimed at increasing the regularity of public transport in urban agglomerations, as well as transport of local importance (rural);

Development of hard-surface motor roads in rural areas, providing settlements with a constant year-round connection with the network of public roads;

Increasing the availability, quality and volume of services provided by passenger stations;

State support for the development of programs for the development of urban water transport in large cities with inland waterways.

The implementation of these measures is ensured through the implementation of the following activities:

In railway transport - strengthening the role of suburban and intracity railway communication for the needs of the population of agglomerations in transport services;

In urban transport - the development of transport systems that provide high-speed communication using rail transport and buses;

In the road sector - the construction of hard-surface motor roads in rural areas, providing settlements with a constant year-round connection with the network of public roads;

In maritime transport - construction of transport hubs in seaports;

In the inland waterway transport - the construction of transport hubs in river ports, the development of intracity and suburban passenger traffic.

The solution of this problem will improve the transport situation in cities, especially in large urban agglomerations, reduce the duration of trips, increase their predictability in time, increase the attractiveness of public passenger transport for the population, as well as improve transport services for the population in intermunicipal and intradistrict communications.

The solution to the problem of creating intelligent transport systems to improve the quality of passenger transportation using modern information and telecommunication technologies and the GLONASS global navigation system, vehicle and flow control technologies provides for:

Equipping the rolling stock of automobile and urban ground electric transport for general use with modern information and telecommunication systems and the GLONASS global navigation system;

Equipment of the street and road network in cities, as well as the main departure federal highways and adjacent highways of regional and municipal importance with technical means of traffic management and systems for collecting information about traffic flows connected to intelligent transport systems that provide control over land public transport;

Development of intelligent transport systems that ensure the management of ground public transport - expanding the zones of controlled traffic and increasing the efficiency of management, increasing the speed and rhythm, the stability of the operation of public transport with minimal interference to other traffic participants;

Development of information systems for passengers and traffic participants, as well as the creation of demand management systems for traffic in urban agglomerations.

Solving the problem of creating intelligent transport systems in the field of passenger transportation will increase the efficiency of public transport in the face of limited infrastructure capacity and fluctuations in the load of the road network, increase the stability of its operation and attractiveness for the population in comparison with a private car, as well as reduce this is a load on the road network.

Solving the problem of developing multimodal passenger transportation in regional, interregional and international traffic provides for:

Development of hub technologies for passenger transportation;

Stimulating the development of information services and related services for passengers on multimodal transportation;

Formation of a network of multimodal social transportation.

The implementation of these measures is ensured through the implementation of the following activities:

In railway transport - implementation of projects to increase the integration of long-distance, suburban and intracity rail transport, modernization of railway stations and stations with the creation of transport hubs on their infrastructure, development of rail links with the country's largest airports;

In air transport - development of hub technologies and improvement of passenger service technologies;

In the transport complex - the creation and development of multimodal transport interchange hubs, the introduction of a universal multimodal ticket for domestic traffic, including in electronic form, as well as for international traffic.

The solution of this problem will improve the quality of transport services for the population in terms of the convenience of using several types of transport, reducing the time and physical costs during transfers, optimizing multimodal travel routes, as well as providing additional effective demand for transportation for transport companies participating in efficient chains of multimodal passenger transportation ...

Preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup is an important set of measures to improve the availability and quality of transport services in the field of passenger transportation in order to achieve goal 3. This set of activities includes:

Renewal of passenger rolling stock fleets - passenger coaches, public transport vehicles, providing transport services for the World Cup, increasing the ergonomic attractiveness (comfort) of public transport rolling stock for passengers, including modernization of the rolling stock of road and urban land electric transport general use for the transportation of people with limited mobility;

In urban transport - the development of public transport systems that provide high-speed communication using rail transport and buses, the development of suburban high-speed passenger transportation, including intermodal transportation, for communication between the airport and the city, as well as such long-distance and suburban transportation. message;

Increasing the speed of public transport, reducing the average time of transport accessibility of competition venues, as well as increasing the regularity of public transport;

Improvement of legal support for effective competition of carriers on the public transport route network;

Improving the quality and volume of services provided by railway stations, airports (including using hub technologies for passenger transportation), as well as the construction of new transport hubs;

Equipping the street and road network in cities - participants in the competition, the main outbound federal highways and adjacent highways of regional and municipal importance with technical means of traffic management and systems for collecting information about traffic flows connected to the ITS, ensuring the management of public ground transport, expansion of zones controlled traffic and improving the efficiency of management, as well as increasing the speed and rhythm, the stability of public transport with minimal interference to other road users;

Equipping the rolling stock of automobile and urban ground electric transport of general use with modern information, telecommunication and global navigation systems (GLONASS);

Creation of unified electronic systems for selling tickets and paying for travel on several types of transport;

Development of passenger and traffic information systems in cities participating in the competition.

The main activities for solving problems within the framework of achieving goal 3 are given in Appendix No. 4 to the Transport Strategy.

In the near future, it will be easiest to get to Moscow from Lyubertsy, Reutov, Mytishchi, Kotelnikov and Khimki, analysts of the Metrium Group calculated. The rating of settlements was formed on the basis of calculating the time spent on the road to the Moscow Ring Road. In addition, plans were taken into account for the introduction of the underground and light metro, as well as the timing of the reconstruction of the main routes. So,

now from Lyubertsy to the Moscow Ring Road can be reached in 10 minutes, taking into account traffic jams and in 7 minutes along a free highway, from Reutov - in 4 and 3 minutes, from Mytishchi - in 22 and 9 minutes, from Kotelniki - in 14 and 8 minutes, from Khimki - in 10 and 6 minutes.

It is assumed that in Khimki, Mytishchi and Reutov the surface metro will be commissioned in 2015, in Lyubertsy in 2017. An underground metro is planned in Lyubertsy (Nekrasovka, 2015), Kotelniki (Kotelniki, 2014) and Mytishchi (Chelobityevo, 2019).

However, a significant increase in prices caused by the direct improvement of transport infrastructure will not occur in these cities. According to experts interviewed by Gazeta.Ru, now the rise in prices in these cities is within the framework of general market trends. The increase in the cost of housing directly due to transport accessibility is hindered by the frequent postponements of the metro construction, the active release of new proposals and rather high housing prices due to the proximity to the Moscow Ring Road. If we compare these cities in general with the Moscow region, then the level of prices for apartments in new buildings here will be about 10% higher. As a result, the cost per square meter in these cities is growing faster than in the Moscow region. “They are adjacent to Moscow, therefore, in any case, the demand for Lyubertsy, Khimki, Kotelniki is several times higher than in other, remote areas,” says Daria Tretyakova, head of the consulting and analytics department at Azbuka Zhizni.

As a rule, the largest price increases are due to the construction of the underground metro. However, in the listed cities, the rise in prices based on the prospects for improving transport accessibility has for the most part already been won back. For example, according to the estimates of the managing partner of the Blackwood company, a year and a half before the commissioning of the Novokosino and Lermontovsky Prospekt metro stations, apartment prices for individual residential projects increased by 30-35%. The situation is similar in Lyubertsy - after the construction of the Zhulebino and Lermontovsky Prospekt metro stations, the growth in the cost of housing decreased by half.

“In Lyubertsy, an active rise in prices occurred in 2012, when active work on the construction of the metro began. As a result, over the year, prices for new buildings in the city increased by almost 13%, while in general in the near Moscow region the growth was about 3-5%.

At the same time, in 2013 the increase in prices in the primary market of Lyubertsy amounted to about 7%, which corresponds to the average indicators for the near zone of the Moscow Region. That is, the improvement of transport accessibility has ceased to be an additional stimulus for price increases, "the head of IRN-Consulting explained to Gazeta.Ru.

The construction of the light metro has a less significant impact on the cost of housing.

“As for Reutov, Mytishchi and Khimki, it can be assumed that the local market for new buildings in these cities will react less actively to the commissioning of the surface metro.

in comparison with settlements, where the classic metro should be conducted. This event may contribute to an increase in the cost of apartments in new buildings by 5-10%, but in the longer term, since the stations will appear only in 2015, "said the CEO of Metrium Group.

Experts expect a more significant rise in housing prices in Kotelniki - however, due to other factors. At the same time, now the average cost of apartments here has slightly decreased as a result of the active release of new projects. “Within the framework of transport construction, in accordance with the city planning project, it is also planned to place a large transport interchange hub next to the metro. All this is likely to contribute to an intensive rise in prices for primary real estate ", - explains the CEO of Miel-Novostroyka.

According to experts, in these cities now the cost per square meter is growing due to an increase in the stage of construction readiness of objects. A rise in prices directly due to improved transport accessibility is expected in settlements farther from Moscow. “According to the project for the development of transport infrastructure in the Moscow region, a light metro will appear in Kryukovo, Sheremetyevsky, Pushkino, Zheleznodorozhny, Balashikha, Domodedovo, Podolsk, Odintsovo, Nakhabino, Vidnoye, Krasnogorsk. The cost per square meter of housing will increase more in those settlements where it was much more difficult to get to the metro, ”says the director of the department of the company MITs-Real Estate on Presnya.

Press service of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Denis Grishkin

A new Aeroexpress passenger terminal has opened at Paveletsky railway station.

“The Paveletsky transport hub is one of the most important in Moscow. More than 140 thousand passengers pass here around the clock. An important element of this transport hub is, of course, the Aeroexpress terminal and the ability to get from the Paveletsky railway station to Domodedovo in 45 minutes, ”he said at the opening ceremony.

He added that the terminal's capacity has almost tripled. In addition, it is well integrated with the Paveletskaya metro station: “Additional elevators and escalators have been built, there is a possibility of transferring from the metro to the Aeroexpress train, the passage from the metro to the terminal has almost halved. I hope that the number of passengers will increase after the terminal opens. "

As the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, head Maxim Liksutov, specified, the Paveletsky railway station is one of the largest transport hubs in the capital. “There are five different modes of transport here. This is the metro, this is suburban railway transport, this is long-distance passengers, this is a bus service. There is a tram and, of course, an Aeroexpress train nearby, ”he said.

Over five million passengers

Aeroexpress has been carrying passengers between Paveletsky railway station and Domodedovo airport since 2008.

Currently, 36.5 pairs of trains run on the route per day. Travel time - from 06:00 to 00:30. Travel time is 45 minutes.

Since the beginning of 2015, the company has transported 5.4 million passengers in the direction of Paveletsky Station - Domodedovo Airport, that is, 19 percent of the airport's passenger traffic.

The creation of a new Aeroexpress passenger terminal at the Paveletsky railway station is a joint project of the company and Russian Railways. It will improve the comfort of passenger service and enhance the advantages of Aeroexpress over alternative travel routes to Domodedovo.

The Moscow government supports this project: it fully complies with the city's plans to create comfortable transport hubs for public transport passengers.

Expansion of the passenger area

The repair and reconstruction of the premises of the Paveletsky railway station, necessary for the creation of the new terminal, was carried out as soon as possible - from September to December 2015. As a result, the passenger area of \u200b\u200bthe terminal increased 2.5 times - from 750 to 2,000 square meters. There are 125 passenger seats in the waiting room.

There are also more ticket offices: there used to be three, now there are five. Ticket offices are equipped with special devices for hearing impaired passengers. One of the ticket offices was adapted for people with limited mobility.

Also, this works here:

- 16 vending machines for Aeroexpress tickets;

- information counter;

- ticket validation kiosk;

- three kiosks for self-check-in of passengers for flights;

- monitors with the Aeroexpress train schedule and Domodedovo airport flights;

- stands for charging mobile devices;

- free Wi-Fi;

- pharmacy;

- ATMs;

- the shops.

Personal assistants are working in the waiting room - employees of the Aeroexpress company. They help to issue tickets and accompany visually impaired and low-mobility passengers to trains.

“It is very important that the terminal fully complies with all FIFA requirements, since in 2018 Moscow will host the World Cup matches. All the requirements put forward by our colleagues from FIFA are fully met here, and the terminal is ready to receive fans, football players, all those who want to attend the 2018 World Cup, ”the deputy mayor stressed.

The path to the metro has become shorter

The most important part of the reconstruction was closer integration of the terminal with the Paveletskaya metro station. As a result of the installation of three elevators and the increase in the number of escalators from three to five, it is twice as fast to get from the metro station to the Aeroexpress trains. A more convenient connection with suburban trains of the Paveletsk direction has also appeared.

The new terminal is adapted for passengers with limited mobility. The terminal's throughput capacity has tripled - up to 1800-2000 passengers per hour.

The project for the creation of a new terminal was financed at the expense of Russian Railways and Aeroexpress.

Improving transport accessibility of Domodedovo

One of the objectives of the Moscow transport hub development program is to improve the transport accessibility of Domodedovo airport.

The Moscow government has reconstructed the Varshavskoye and Kashirskoye highways connecting the airport with the city center. Reconstruction of the traffic intersection between Kashirskoye Highway and the Moscow Ring Road has actually been completed.

Rosavtodor built an interchange on the 43rd kilometer of the highway to the airport (turn to the Aviation settlement).

The construction of an additional second main track on the Domodedovo (Aviation) - Domodedovo airport section is also nearing completion. This will allow adding four additional pairs of Aeroexpress trains to the schedule.

Improvement of railway stations and modernization of infrastructure

Suburban and city rail transportation is considered by the Moscow Government as one of the most important and promising elements of public transport.

In 2014, the volume of passenger traffic through the Moscow railway junction amounted to 680 million people, which is 40 percent more than in 2010 (480 million passengers). The Moscow railway junction accounts for more than 50 percent of all suburban traffic in Russia.

The program for the development of passenger infrastructure at the railway junction provides for the construction of 240 kilometers of additional main tracks, the purchase of new generation cars, the reconstruction of stations and platforms.

As part of the implementation of this program, in 2011-2015, we carried out the reconstruction and improvement of railway stations and landside squares, put things in order on the passenger platforms. The rolling stock is being renewed as planned: outdated electric trains are being replaced with modern comfortable trains.

Passenger traffic was opened on the Novo-Peredelkino - Kievsky railway station section, as well as along the fourth main track of the October railway on the Moscow - Kryukovo section. This improved the transport accessibility of Zelenograd and Khimki.

The reconstruction of the Small Ring of the Moscow Railway is being completed to organize passenger traffic. In the radial directions, work is underway to modernize the infrastructure. On the Yaroslavl, Gorky, Kursk directions of the Moscow Railways, additional main routes are being built to increase the volume of suburban traffic.

In particular, construction is underway on the Yaroslavl direction:

- the fifth main track on the sections Yaroslavsky railway station - Losinoostrovskaya and Losinoostrovskaya - Mytishchi;

- the fourth main track on the Mytishchi - Pushkino section;

- the third main track on the Mytishchi - Bolshevo section.

Work is underway on the Gorky direction:

- on the fourth main track on the Kurskaya-Passenger - Railway section;

At the Reutovo - Balashikha overpass.

On the Kursk direction is carried out:

- construction of the third and fourth main routes Moscow-Passenger-Kurskaya - Lyublino;

- reconstruction of the Lyublino - Podolsk line.

Rolling stock renewal

In 2015, the Governments of Moscow and the Moscow Region held a competition to select carriers that will serve suburban rail transport for 15 years. The long-term agreement will make it possible to formulate programs for infrastructure development and rolling stock renewal.

The winners of the competition were the operating carriers - OJSC Central PPK (nine directions) and OJSC Moskovsko-Tverskaya PPK (Oktyabrskoe direction).

During the implementation of the railway infrastructure development program, they will purchase at least 1,880 new, modern cars for suburban electric trains.

At the same time, Aeroexpress won the tender for choosing a carrier on routes connecting Moscow with the airports of the Moscow aviation hub. Thanks to the long-term contract, the company will continue construction and reconstruction of the terminals.

“The meaning of the 15-year contract is that the company received the opportunity and commitment to invest over 15 years so that the infrastructure for serving passengers in Moscow and the Moscow transport hub improves every year. Colleagues said that about 20 billion rubles will be invested over 15 years in the renewal of both rolling stock and passenger infrastructure, ”said Maxim Liksutov.

(Riga square, 1, hall 3)
Start at 20:00
Working language - Russian
Free admission by prior arrangementregistration
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The Graduate School of Urbanism invites you to the next meeting of the Transport Lecture Hall, which will be held in thursday, May 31 at 20:00 in a buiding Riga station... Pavel Chistyakov, Vice President , will give a lecture on the topic "How to improve transport accessibility and improve the quality of transport infrastructure in Russia?".

In his lecture, Pavel Alexandrovich will talk about the report"Integrated transport system" , which was prepared under his leadership by the Center for Strategic Research in conjunction with the Center for Infrastructure Economics.

According to the World Economic Forum, Russia ranks 64th out of 144 possible in terms of the quality of transport infrastructure. And in terms of the quality of roads - 123rd place. According to the authors of the study, this is due to the fact that due to the high capital intensity, the complexity of regulation and the ambiguity of development goals, the domestic transport infrastructure for a long time fell out of the list of state priorities.

The transport system of Russia has become one of the constraints on the development of the country's economy and human capital. Even on significant and promising projects, the state has not made decisions for years, conserving the project at a preliminary stage and thereby worsening the investment climate in the industry. The situation is further complicated by the fact that there is no reliable statistics characterizing the needs of the population and business in transport infrastructure.

Nevertheless, according to the authors of the report, a qualitative transformation of the Russian transport system is possible in the next 5 years. For this, the model of its development must meet modern social, environmental and technological challenges and maximally promote the development of related industries. The transport system can and should become a driver of economic growth in the period up to 2035.

The CSR report “Integrated Transport System” presents ways to solve three key problems of the Russian transport complex: technological backwardness, underinvestment and insufficiently effective government regulation.

How to increase the accessibility of the country's territories? How to bring cities and countryside, western and eastern regions, home and work, Russia and its trading partners closer to each other?

To accelerate the rate of economic growth and its decentralization, to involve small towns and villages in the zone of influence of agglomerations, special efforts should be concentrated on the development of the support frame of the transport infrastructure, regional and local aviation, digitalization of transport infrastructure and the development of transport systems in settlements.

The report "Integrated Transport System" proposed a set of programs and projects for the development of the transport network, which will significantly affect the transport accessibility of the country. Pavel Alexandrovich will talk about this in detail in his speech. You can get acquainted with the materials of the reportlink .

Pavel Chistyakov Graduated from the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 2004-2009. he was engaged in scientific activities at Moscow University, from 2009 to 2011. was the leading expert of the Foundation"Center for Strategic Research" , then headed the department for interaction with the regions of the CSR. Currently P.A. Chistyakov is vice presidentCenter for Infrastructure Economics ... His specialization is regional policy, strategic planning of the socio-economic development of regions and cities, as well as modeling the socio-economic and budgetary effects of infrastructure development.