Unicum is an unusual place of the planet. Natural unicumes of Russia

19.08.2014 6361 0

Tasks: to study the placement of natural complexes in the Far East; form knowledge of the originality of natural conditions of various regions of the Far East; Improve the ability to explain this originality in solving cognitive tasks.

During the classes

I. Check knowledge and skills on the topic "Far East: the edge of contrasts."

Checking the level of learning of knowledge and skills is advisable in compacted form. Factological knowledge can be verified frontally as a small test by options.

1) Set compliance: the age of folding

a) Mesozoic;

b) Pacific.


1) Sikhote-Alin Ridge;

2) Peninsula Kamchatka;

3) Kuril Islands;

2) The Earth Cirior of the Far East shall form:

a) the regions of the Mesozoic and Pacific Folding;

b) the region of Pacific folding and an ancient platform;

c) an ancient platform and the region of mesozoic folding.

3) the territory of the Far East is washed:

a) the quiet ocean;

b) the quiet and northern ice ocean.

4) Geysers are located:

a) in Kamchatka;

b) in Kamchatka and Sakhalin;

c) in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Primorye.

5) Isotherm in the Far East, it is extended:

c) all year round.

b) in summer in Primorye, the main direction of the air masses:

a) from the sea to land;

b) from sushi to the sea;

c) by sea along sushi

1) Set compliance: the age of folding

a) Mesozoic;

b) Pacific.


1) Sakhalin Island;

2) jugjur Ridge;

3) Koryak highlands.

2) The earth boron of the Far East forms:

a) an ancient platform and the region of the Mesozoic folder;

b) the region of Pacific folding and an ancient platform;

c) the Mesozoic and Pacific Folding Areas.

3) The large contrast of the Nature of the Far East is predetermined by the high length of the territory:

a) from north to south;

b) from west to east.

4) Existing volcanoes are located:

a) on the Kuril Islands;

b) on the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka;

c) on the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

5) In winter in Primorye, the main direction of air mass movement:

a) from the sea to land;

6) from sushi at sea;

c) by sea along the sushi.

b) In the south of the Far East, the rivers have:

a) snow diet and summer flood;

b) rain nutrition and summer flood;

c) rain nutrition and spring

flood _______________

Definitions can be read in the following sequence:

1) the region of the earth's crust, characterized by great mobility.

2) Tropical cyclone, formed in the seas from the coast of East Asia, causes rail rains.

3) deepwater in the oceans.

4) the introduction of magma in the thickness of the rocks of the earth's crust.

5) Device that records the oscillations of the earth's crust during earthquakes.

6) Giant waves arising from the earthquake at the bottom of the sea.

7) Annually repeated seasonal high and long lifting water level accompanied by flooding floods of the river.

8) Wind blowing in winter from sushi at sea, in summer from the sea to land.

9) Cone-shaped mountain with a deepening on top.

10) Science, studying the structure and movement of the earth's crust.

11) Hot springs, periodically operating in the form of fountains.

12) Place on the earth's surface over the ground of the earthquake located in the bowels.

13) Flat elevation with well-pronounced steep slopes.


I option - 7, 12, 9, 10, 8, 1, 11.3, 5, 13, 6, 2, 4.

II option - 7, 2, 5, 4, 6, 13, 3, 11.9, 1, 8, 12, 10.

II. Getting new knowledge.

This lesson block begins with recovery in the memory of students in general concept about the natural-territorial complex. The teacher organizes the work on the analysis of the soil card and the vegetation card.

1) What is a natural complex?

2) What are the common signs characterized by every natural complex of the surface of the Earth?

3) What is the basis of the allocation of PTK?

4) In which natural zones is the territory of the Far East?

5) What natural zones occupy Primorye, Sakhalin, Kamchatka?

6) By soil map, determine the types of soil in Primorye.

Usually, students are correctly responsible for these questions, and the teacher needs only to emphasize that each natural complex is characterized not only by general signs, but also by the originality, uniqueness, individuality of natural conditions.

Students on the past lesson were given advanced jobs. And now they are telling, using visuality, about the severity and beauty of the nature of Chukotka and Koryak Nagrai, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Amur, Islands Pacific Ocean. Usually, problems do not arise with the selection of material, but the teacher can offer such passages.

Volcanoes on Kamchatka

"The Klyuchevskaya Sopka is the highest volcano of Kamchatka: 4750 m above sea level. But he is not the only one on the peninsula of Kamchatka, there are many of them.

Volcanoes will smoke, and from time to time is poured. For each volcano it comes an hour when a black pillar is high in the sky, illuminated from the bottom, from the crater, the crimson flame; Then the lightning arrows begin to shove the rain rain from the ashes, the hail of the hot stone bombs, and the fiery rivers are poured out of the vulcan taper, foaming and spinning, source of sulfur.

In the fall of 1966, the Klyuchevskaya Sopka woke up and began to buoy. IN last years The study of this volcano has advanced. In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, the Institute of Wolcanology was created. In the timber settlement, the Volcanology station works in the timber settlement.

Also built a volcano-physical station at the foot of another volcano - Avachinskaya hills. This is the first scientific station located on the current volcano. Climbers and volcanologists not only climb on the tops of the volcano, but also go down to the crater. "

(By N. Mikhailov.)

"We approached the crater ... Melted breeds have recently recently broke out ... We knew that now the crater did not act, but still it was even closed, but the hole reported with the hot layers of the Earth. And who knows how strong his "traffic jam" was! ..

We carefully descended. It is necessary to say that we feel heroes ...

I sat on a big round bomb. Deep silence broke only the slight hiss of hot jets. I looked at the stones around me and thought about how here, in the edge of the fire-haired mountains, the usual ideas about many subjects change. Here are stones around me. They differ in color, strength, composition. But all of them unites one thing: they are very young. We are accustomed to the fact that the stones with which we meet every day, whether beautiful pebbles on the seashore or coarse debris on the roads, hanging rocks in the cliffs on the river bank or, finally, high mountains, they all have multi-million years old.

Stones that surround me just born. These are newborn stones. Some of them may have only 2-3 years old. And before that time, they were not stones, but a fiery melt, magma with a temperature of several thousand degrees. Magma poured on the surface of the Earth and received another name: Lava. Lava, too, first was liquid, hot. It is difficult to imagine that quite recently the bottom of the crater, according to which we went so boldly, was a gigantic boiler in which the bright liquid was boiling and buried - the melt of stones. Most recently, Lava, boiling, blurred through the edge of the crater, and these are now cold, wet from the dew stones flowed with a rapid flow, scattering around sparkling splashes. "

(In Ghanetizer.)

Eruption of Volcano Shivelch

"Since ancient times local residents Separated Kamchatka volcanoes on the "Mountains smoking" and "Mountains of the Furged". Shiveluch was considered the "grinding mountain", weakly acting, only by sometimes moving. Hence, apparently, the name of Shivelux (Shevy-ray). Over the past two centuries, only 6 of its eruptions have been marked. During the same time, the Klyuchevskaya Sopka was erupted 20 times, Avachinskaya -

Meanwhile, Shiveluch, as the chronicle of the Earth is evidenced, one of the oldest Peninsula volcanoes. He is more than 5 thousand years old ...

In early February, in a clear, frosty noon, a fire-red column of the ash rose from the smoking crater of Volcanana Shiveluch. His wind attributed to the West. Sappeting, the cooled ash covered with a thick layer of snow in the spatles, completely transformed the taiga, making trees dimly gray. Residents of Kamchadalsky Sellia Kamaki reported that happened to the Volcanology station ...

Meanwhile, the activities of the volcano intensified. With each hour of a column of ashes, escaped from the crater, became all thicker, and his wind was no longer aside. The ash spread across the sky with a soccer cloud and silent dry, ringing rain.

Scientists notified by the messengers arrived at the place of eruption ...

Only in the evening it was possible to achieve crater. Despite the hot air, the height of 2000 m lay the snow, and on the slopes of the hill it was very cold ... Explosions and concussions were followed with increasing force. Fortunately, volcanic bombs fell away from the tent of scientists. Hot cloud from ash and fragments of stones suddenly blurted out of the crankcase and rolled down the slope. But suddenly she rose up, exposing the fire-red lava on the dome ...

Hot ash, climbing under the mask, blinded his eyes, shedding her face. It became unbearable stuffy. The air intercepted the breath saturated with poisonous gases. Fireplate began firepad. Hot wakes like shrapnel, knocked down the stone, followed by scientists.

Continuously during the day, volcanologists were observed outside the temperature of the dome and dry stream, studied the composition of the lava, ashes and the sublimation, determined the dynamics of the eruption of Shivelevich.

A few years later, a constant observational base was installed on the crest of the volcano. "

(By S. Household.)

Underground boiler planet

"Winter frosty day. Cute and sunny - happy combination in these parts. In the village of Paratunka, which is located 50 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, are sent to such days dozens of skiers. One after the other remains behind the snow-catching snow - and suddenly ... covered with gentle greens of the valley. Stop, skiers! Winter ends here. A couple of small lake are smoking, the swimsters are splashing in its water. Warm. In ski suits, perhaps even hot, although from the contemplation of snow, which lies with a dense layer just a few hundred meters, involuntarily run through the body of a goosebump. But the clothes are dropped, and skiers jump into a breathable lake. Okay! The sun shines might and main. Snow sparkles under his rays, and a gentle greens, covering the shore of the lake, is still more persistent.

Fantastic? Perhaps. But only for those who did not happen to visit Kamchatka, in this region, rich in the wonders of nature. "

(On L. Shevchenko.)

At Kamchatsky geysers

"Here everything is saturated with the smell of sulfur. The slopes of the Valley of hot geysers, they cover the wonderful flowers from crystal sulfur, whitish patterns from the ammonia, the roses of the finest work. Near geysers the slopes are covered with geyseryite - siliceous sediments of salts of mineralized water. This sediment is pearl, then brown, then bright orange shades. In the valley, many warm, hot and boiling lakes and simply puddles of the most different color (from the heavenly blue and turquoise to brick-red). In the thickets of the shelter, the mud boilers snort and spits, and on the slopes with sources each centimeter pulls out, bouffacent with tiny hot fonts - lives with his tense life, reminding the distant past of our Earth. Humming under the legs of the soil, treacherously growing green grass grows on the hottest plots. Do not go to her - you will burn!

Especially good valley in boning hours, when the air becomes cooler and the whole one smokes with many pillars, jets and pips. Huge, fantastically sinister clubs slowly rise over geysers, stood the sun and board the valley. Powerful jet hot water In the first 30 seconds, the thrust eruption, one of the largest geysers, beats at 30-5 m up, and the pair pillar reaches a height of 300-400 m.

In the valley of 20 major geysers. They have curious names, data for character properties or for geiserite color: firstborn, neighbor, sugar, non-permanent, large stove, fountain, crying ... no one can say how many years heizers live. But, undoubtedly, they can be born and dying. "

(On different sources.)

In the final part of the lesson to activate the cognitive interest of students, the development of their thinking and the formation of skills to independently explain the natural phenomena, the teacher offers a task.

Commander Islands are located on the latitude of Moscow. However, if in the suburbs - the zone of mixed forests, then on the islands - Latstundra. Explain the severity of natural conditions on the Commander Islands.

If students find it difficult to explain, then the teacher teaches their techniques for a logical approach:

1) allocate the main natural factor, under the influence of which conditions are formed natural zones on the plains (climate);

2) Determine using maps, features climatic conditions On the islands in comparison with the climate of the Moscow region and factors explaining these climatic features on the islands (the climate of the Commander is formed under the influence of the Cold Kamchatka current and cold air masses with Bering Sea, The Pacific Ocean and Northeast Siberia, so the climate of the islands is colder and harsh than in the Moscow region);

3) reveal the causes of low summer temperatures on the islands; It is known that vegetation develops in the summer, so it is important to explain why in the summer over the islands of sea temperate air from the Pacific Ocean is very cool and wet (to answer this

the question must be used not only geographic knowledge.

on the effect on the thermal properties of the cold Kamchatka flow, but also knowledge in physics about the high specific heat capacity of water, the absorption of energy during evaporation and the high specific heat of the vaporization and explain the peculiarities of the interaction of the atmosphere with the surface of the ocean, as a result of which in summer over the ocean in moderate latitudes are formed. Cool and wet sea air masses;

4) Make a conclusion about the influence of the harsh climate on the development of vegetation and soils on the islands, guided by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe interaction of components in natural complexes on the example of climate communication - vegetation - soil.

According to the vegetation map, it can be seen that Tundra and thickets of cedar stabel and Olchovenik in the Far East stretch far from the south, in some places to the latitude of 50 °. Explain the reasons for this natural phenomenon.

The peculiarity of this task is that students should be called as the reasons explaining this natural phenomenon, not only the climate, but also other natural factors, many years of maritime, the location of the mountain ranges and their height above sea level.

Taking advantage of the cards, compare the natural conditions of the Chukotka and Kola Peninsula located on the same latitude. Explain the similarities and differences features.

Explain why the Far East is observed almost everywhere excessive moisturizing. Why in the Pacific Coast, the sediments fall mainly in the summer? Why the magnitude of total solar radiation in the south of the Far East is less than on the same latitude inside the mainland?

At Koryak Highlands, there are currently 650 glaciers with a total area of \u200b\u200b216 km2. The snow line lies at an altitude of 1200-1700 m, and on the eastern slopes, the places are reduced to 500-600 m. Explain why there is a modern glaciation on Koryak Highlands, while in the Urals on the same latitude and height of glaciers.

Homework: § 42, prepare a message about the history of the discovery and development of the territory of the Far East.

Glyaudskaya basic secondary school №11.


by geography

Subject: Peninsula Kamchatka.

Natural unicumes far


Performed: Tykvenko Marina.


Glyaden 2007

Peninsula Kamchatka.Kamchatka is a country of natural contrasts, an extraordinary identity, conquering beauty. Mountains, valid and extinct volcanoes, extensive valleys and lowlands, mountain and low rivers, cold and hot mineral springs - All this is on the peninsula.

This is one of the most distant corner of the country from the European Center of Russia. About ⅔ Square Kamchatka is occupied by the mountains. This is the area of \u200b\u200byoung folded - volcanic mountains With tundra and woody vegetation. Along the entire peninsula, two ridges stretch - Median and Orientaldivided Central Capadina With the river flowing through it. The ridges are crowned with volcanic cones with snow caps and glaciers. From time to time, Kamchatka shakes the eruption of volcanoes. The peninsula has about 130 extinct volcanoes. One of the most active and highest volcanoes of the world - Klyuchevsky, its height is 4750 m.

Active volcanic activity has an impact on many other features of nature. So, the soil as a result of eruptions periodically receive additional portions of primary minerals, which ensures their high fertility.

Forecast volcanic eruptions The science of volcanology is engaged. Almost all large volcanoes Special stations have been created, in which, with the help of modern devices, the breed temperature is monitored, a chemical analysis of gases conducts, listens to the volcanic crater. For a few days, you can predict the beginning of the intensification of volcanic activities and to warn residents of the surrounding cities and villages.

Volcanologists - People dangerous profession. Sometimes they have to work on the ducts not yet cooled lava, descending into the crater of the volcano, to be under the "shelling" of hot stones, near the polished lava with a temperature of about + 1300 ° C.

The climate of Kamchatka is characterized by excessive humidity throughout the year. The most dry I. warm place - Central Camchatskaya Vpadina.

The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies a subzone of coniferous-birch park forests. The specificity of this subzone is the predominance of fine trees (stone and Japanese birches) over coniferous and widespread high-balance.

Stone Birch has a gray or reddish bark and a thick crispy crown: the height of trees usually does not exceed 10 m. Because of the curvature of the trunk, the stone birch is small in construction, but is mainly on firewood and crafts. However, forest birch forests perform an important water protection and a soil-protecting role.

Among herbs are common chalifiers, cornisters, a bear duddy and other umbrellas.

The mountain ranges are covered with thickets of cedar stabel and shrubberlder, even above the mountain tundras, alpine meadows and a snowy zone of Kamchatka glaciers are located.

A very large brown bear, Kamchatka Sobat, Square, Church, Lynx, Kamchatka Keedrovka, and others live in cedar stabers, lives in the mountain tundra.

Historical reference.The first information about Kamchatka was obtained from the "fairy tales" (reports) of earthquakes. The honor of the opening of Kamchatka belongs to Vladimir Atlasov, who has completed hiking in the GG. Soon the Kamchatka was included in Russia. He also drawn up a drawing (card) of Kamchatka and gave her detailed description.

As a result of the first and second Kamchatka expeditions, under the leadership of the Russian navigator, Vitus Bering was confirmed by the separation of Asia and North America, Open Aleutian and Commander IslandsMaps are compiled.

Natural unicumes of the Far East. Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only area in Russia with periodically fountaining geysers.

Most existing volcanoes On the eastern volcanic plateau, folded by lavva cover, tuffs, ashes and raised to m. Numerous geasers are confined to these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is the biggest notion of Kamchatka. For the first time, geasers discovered the employee of the Kronotsky Reserve of 1941, penetrating to the river, which was subsequently named Geysero.(influx r. Noisy). Here in a deep canyon-shaped gorge there are several groups of geysers. Among them "Firstborn", "Giant", "Triple", "Fountain", "Pearl", "Double" And others are only 20 geysers, 10 major pulsating sources and more than 300 small, boiling and freely poured. The largest geyser "Giant" acts very original. Its eruption lasts long - two minutes, but the thick pairs continues to rise another 10-15 minutes, clouding the adjacent parts of the valley.

Grove Ficht Grand (Kamchatka) on the eastern coast Kamchatka is part of Kronotsky Reserve. These are unusually slender beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, the diameter of the trunk - 20 - 25 cm, the needles contains essential oils and it smells like. Botany belongs to the Fir Grand to ancient (smudnikova) vegetation.

Lake Khanka - females large in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above the ocean level. Its length is up to 95 km, width to 65 km, area of \u200b\u200bmore than 4 thousand square meters. km, the middle depth is about 4 m. About 13 rivers falls into it, the lake is rich in fish. A relict plant is growing on the lake, a giant water lily, the leaves of which reaches 2 m in the diameter, water walnut.

Lazovsky (Suzuzuchinsky) Reserve (area of \u200b\u200b116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Japanese Sea, in the cedar-wide forests of which dwells tigers, lynx, sobol, bears, boars, spotted deer and spruce, pheasants and talkers. Part of the reserve is both small (about 30 hectares) petrova Island, Located 1 km from the coast of the bay Xiaoch. Petrov Island - Archaeological and Natural Landmark of Primorye. He was inhabit a few more centuries ago. In the relict teas grove, some trees reach 200-300 years.


  • Aristotle (Lat. Aristotle) \u200b\u200b(384 BC, Stagira, Halkidic Peninsula, Northern Greece, 48.73kb.
  • Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Steamer "Baikal". Cape Prier and entrance to Liman. Sakhalin Peninsula. , 5758.18KB.
  • Great Silk Road, 22.06kb.
  • "Hospitable Peninsula", 139.49KB.
  • In Vorkuta, a sports complex with two pools 16 in Novomoskovsk Tula region, 669.05KB will appear.
  • "Apennine Peninsula", 42.86Kb.
  • Russian International Tourism Academy Moscow Branch of Information Technologies, 631.74KB.
  • Book 1406 vol. 1, 612.88KB.
  • Glyaudskaya basic secondary school №11.


    by geography

    Subject: Peninsula Kamchatka.

    Natural unicumes far


    Performed: Tykvenko Marina.

    Checked: Tykvenko N. V.

    Glyaden 2007

    Peninsula Kamchatka.Kamchatka is a country of natural contrasts, an extraordinary identity, conquering beauty. Mountains, acting and extinct volcanoes, extensive valleys and lowlands, mountain and low rivers, cold and hot mineral springs - all this is on the peninsula.

    This is one of the most distant corner of the country from the European Center of Russia. About ⅔ Square Kamchatka is occupied by the mountains. This is the area of \u200b\u200byoung folded - volcanic mountains with tundra and woody vegetation. Along the entire peninsula, two ridges stretch - Median and Orientaldivided Central Capadina With the river flowing through it. The ridges are crowned with volcanic cones with snow caps and glaciers. From time to time, Kamchatka shakes the eruption of volcanoes. The peninsula has about 130 extinct volcanoes. One of the most active and highest volcanoes of the world - Klyuchevsky, its height is 4750 m.

    Active volcanic activity has an impact on many other features of nature. So, the soil as a result of eruptions periodically receive additional portions of primary minerals, which ensures their high fertility.

    The forecast of volcanic eruptions is engaged in science volcanology. Almost all major volcanoes have created special stations, in which, with the help of modern devices, they monitor the temperature of the breeds, a chemical analysis of gases is carried out, listens to the volcanic crater. For a few days, you can predict the beginning of the intensification of volcanic activities and to warn residents of the surrounding cities and villages.

    Volcanologists - people of a dangerous profession. Sometimes they have to work on ducts who have not yet cooled lava, descend into the crater of the volcano, to be under the "shelling" of hot stones, near the polished lava with a temperature of about +1300 o C.

    The climate of Kamchatka is characterized by excessive humidity throughout the year. The driest and warm place is the Central Capachamkat.

    The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies a subzone of coniferous-birch park forests. The specificity of this subzone is the predominance of fine trees (stone and Japanese birches) over coniferous and widespread high-balance.

    Stone Birch has a gray or reddish bark and a thick crispy crown: the height of trees usually does not exceed 10 m. Because of the curvature of the trunk, the stone birch is small in construction, but is mainly on firewood and crafts. However, forest birch forests perform an important water protection and a soil-protecting role.

    Among herbs are common chalifiers, cornisters, a bear duddy and other umbrellas.

    The mountain ranges are covered with thickets of cedar stabel and shrubberlder, even above the mountain tundras, alpine meadows and a snowy zone of Kamchatka glaciers are located.

    A very large brown bear, Kamchatka Sobat, Square, Church, Lynx, Kamchatka Keedrovka, and others live in cedar stabers, lives in the mountain tundra, and the Alpine Mountain Meadows are graze.

    Historical reference.The first information about Kamchatka was obtained from the "fairy tales" (reports) of earthquakes. The honor of the opening of Kamchatka belongs to Vladimir Atlasov, who has completed hiking in 1697-1699. Soon the Kamchatka was included in Russia. He also drawn up a drawing (card) of Kamchatka and gave her detailed description.

    As a result of the first and second Kamchatka expeditions, under the guidance of Russian navigator Vitus Bering, the separation of Asia and North America was confirmed, open Aleutian and Commander IslandsMaps are compiled.

    Natural unicumes of the Far East. Valley of Geysers. Eastern Kamchatka is the only area in Russia with periodically fountaining geysers.

    Most of the existing volcanoes on the eastern volcanic plateau, folded by lavva cover, tuffs, ashes and raised to 600-1000 m. Numerous geysers are confined to these volcanoes. The Valley of Geysers is the biggest notion of Kamchatka. For the first time, geasers found an employee of the Kronotsky Reserve G. I. Ustinova 1941, penetrating to the river, which was subsequently called Geysero.(influx r. Noisy). Here in a deep canyon-shaped gorge there are several groups of geysers. Among them "Firstborn", "Giant", "Triple", "Fountain", "Pearl", "Double" And others are only 20 geysers, 10 major pulsating sources and more than 300 small, boiling and freely poured. The largest geyser "Giant" acts very original. Its eruption lasts long - two minutes, but the thick pairs continues to rise another 10-15 minutes, clouding the adjacent parts of the valley.

    Grove Ficht Grand (Kamchatka) On the east coast, Kamchatka is part of Kronotsky Reserve. These are unusually slender beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, the diameter of the trunk - 20 - 25 cm, the needles contains essential oils and it smells like. Botany belongs to the Fir Grand to ancient (smudnikova) vegetation.

    Lake Khanka - females large in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above the ocean level. Its length is up to 95 km, width to 65 km, area of \u200b\u200bmore than 4 thousand square meters. km, the middle depth is about 4 m. About 13 rivers falls into it, the lake is rich in fish. A relict plant is growing on the lake, a giant water lily, the leaves of which reaches 2 m in the diameter, water walnut.

    Lazovsky (Suzuzuchinsky) Reserve (area of \u200b\u200b116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Japanese Sea, in the cedar-wide forests of which dwells tigers, lynx, sobol, bears, boars, spotted deer and spruce, pheasants and talkers. Part of the reserve is both small (about 30 hectares) petrova Island, Located 1 km from the coast of the bay Xiaoch. Petrov Island - Archaeological and Natural Landmark of Primorye. He was inhabit a few more centuries ago. In the relict teas grove, some trees reach 200-300 years.

    A fascinating time-journey through the Far East of Russia will make students within 45 minutes. A bright presentation of the nature of the region, a mini-play, a fascinating story of students-guides will help the guys to get acquainted with the natural complexes and the uniqueness of this region of Russia.




    teacher's lesson of geography MBOU "SOSH No. 15 G. Rovelodolsk RT" Garipova Jamili Nailievna on the topic "Natural complexes and unicumes of the Far East".


    educational - consider the features and main features of the nature of the Far East, expand and deepen the knowledge of students on the uniqueness of the nature of the region;

    developing - form the skills and skills of working with additional literature, resources of the Internet; intensify cognitive activity of students, interprecotement;

    educational - Patriotic upbringing, ecological education.

    Methods: Explanatory-illustrative, partially search, comparative, problematic.

    Equipment: Presentations, physical map of Russia, atlases, reports of students.

    Form of the lesson: Lesson travel.

    Type of lesson: combined.

    During the classes:

    1. Organizing time.
    2. Frontal survey.

    We continue to get acquainted with the Far East. What do we know about him?


    1. How many kilometers stretched the Far East from the north to south?
    2. What oceans is it washed?
    3. Which one has the greatest impact on the nature of the region?
    4. In the relief of the region dominate _____
    5. Why?
    6. What folded areas are presented in the east of the country.
    7. What processes are characteristic of the regions of Cenozoic folding?
    8. What natural phenomenon is associated with them?
    9. In which climatic belts is the region?
    10. Most of his part?
    11. Name the rivers, the lakes of the Far East.
    12. Why most of the rivers of this edge are flooded in the warm part of the year?

    3. Increased new material.

    The subject of the lesson is "natural complexes, the unicumes of the Far East."

    Formulate his goal.

    The purpose of the lesson: get acquainted with the peculiarities of the nature of large PCs of the Far East, with his uniqueness.

    The nature of the Far East is extraordinary. In this region there are many things that are no more anywhere in Russia. Where else can you see the sprouting fir grapes, blue sorce or black squirrel? Where else are birch trees: white, black, yellow, stone? Where else in the snow roam tigers? Where can I see bears wintering in the wrappers of trees? Only here you can see a bear fishing. To admire the firewood volcano, look deep into the earth.

    Today we will go on a trip to the Far East. Conductors will be your classmates. The task of the class carefully listen, find objects on the map, make brief records, be prepared for questions of our conductors.

    Where would you like to go?

    Let's start our journey withChukotka.

    Locals are joking: "Here is 12 months winter, and the rest of the year is summer."

    Show slides.

    Two student play the story of Vasily Sadkovsky "Chukotka".

    "Long ago, when I only got used to life in Anadyr, the old-timers calmed me out:" We still have nothing, we have a warmth, and the commist is not particularly biting. Here at Cape Schmidt - there, yes, there is a horror that is going on ... I brought me to Cape Schmidt, looked at the boys with the roofs of the boys fly on sleds - such drifts are noticed. But northerners were merry: "Well, this is normal for us. Not that in the singe. There, you imagine, the stones fly! ". And for sure, in the singer there are up to that powerful winds - "Yuzhaki" that small pebbles, as if bullet, whistles through the streets. "Yes, well, what's the unprecedented! And we are all glasses we carry motorcycle, - showed me a set of rocker glasses for the whole family. - It does not beat the eye! Here on the island island! ...

    I visited Ayon's island, and we were sitting, the twisted legs from the cliff to the Arctic Ocean, with one of the few of its inhabitants. "As we live on the fluger," he said happily. "From there, it will come here - here you will cover it, from the other edge I will carry it - we are still hiding here. The main thing is that horizontal winds go. Nothing life! And here…".

    Question to students:

    What can be explained by the drifts with a two-storey house at Cape Schmidt? (Passing cyclones on the Arctic Front).


    Reading historical reference In the textbook I.I. Barinova, p.232.

    Story about Kamchatka, showing slides.

    Features FGP Kamchatka, relief.

    Page 33-34 - behind the pages of the textbook of geography.

    Guys, I can't pass by this birch. Here it is called stone. This birch is the most ancient in the origin of all birch of the world. She appeared in her daiety. Maybe, therefore, maybe because of the constant swallow winds from the Pacific, most of the trunks are twisted, as if cut down from old age. And the wood - the ax does not destroy, really stone. Stone birch lives, as oak, up to 500 and even more years, while ordinary birch and 200 years cannot withstand.

    Questions students:

    Who opened Kamchatka?

    What volcanoes did you meet?

    Name the highest of them.

    Name Geysers Kamchatka.

    Kurile Islands .

    "Tinting volcanoes, Ivan Grozny, Curly, Nemo, Trident, Bell, Islands with names and Unnamed - For a thousand kilometers, the Kuril Underwater Mountains with vertices on the surface stretch. Depths in these places such that, if you dry the ocean, the climbers would have to storm the tops higher than Jomolungma.

    By the sea, the Kuril Islands, even with small stops, do not open and for six months. Fog. Typhoon. Stormy in the straits between the islands. Taito-pitched stones marked on the maps in the word "traps". All this causes the captains to be careful. "

    Vasily Peskov "Travel with a young month."

    Waterfall Ilya Muromets.

    Questions students:

    What is the origin of smoking?

    Name the very large islands This ridge.

    What is the height of itself high waterfall Russia - Ilya Muromets?

    Sakhalin island.

    Guys, what do you know about Sakhalin Island? (Most big Island At the coast of Russia, mainland by origin).

    P. 232 textbook reading brief information about the island.

    Sakhalin is unique not only with its impressive size, its nature is no less unique.

    "Sakhalin, as it were, a goal, squeezing three belts, combine the subarctic, a moderately taiga zone and subtropics, by passing because of its excessive stalls. On Sakhalin, nothing should meet larch and cedar stabel, generated by the most severe habitat; Near the bamboo and wild grapes, blossoming cans.

    "To the one who did not happen on Sakhalin, it is probably difficult to imagine that under the burdock of the shelter, almost 1.5 meters with a diameter, as under the umbrella you can hide from the rain with two people. The grass, for example, Sakhalin buckwheat or a blonde 3 meters high, impossible to put in ordinary herbarium. Rarely who ripped the blueberries at his chest height. The umbrellant plant of bearish root is generally embroodbles four more than a meter with a barrel, like a subarctic larch. "(P.145)

    Interesting island history. (P.146)

    Stories "Island-fish" and "a little history" from the book Yu.P.pimurzina "Living Geography".

    Questions students:

    Name the most high point Islands (Mount Lopatina). Determine it absolute height and geographic coordinates.

    What natural zones are presented on Sakhalin? (Tundra, Taiga, subtropics).

    Ussuri Taiga.

    Tatar Strait separates the island from Primorye, the territory of the Far East is called in its southern part.

    Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky made his first journey to the Ussuri region.

    "When I saw it for the first time, I was brought up with a picture tropical forest, ... High-wheelchard trees, striking the species of ate, wrapped grapes, cork and walnut, next to the cedar and fir. "

    Story about the Ussuri Taiga, showing slides.

    Story about the lotus.(Journal "Geography at School" № 3 2003)

    In the Hingansky Reserve, located in the Amur region, Lotus Komarov lives. This is a perennial aqueous plant with a powerful rhizome (up to 2 meters) floating thyroid leaves up to 50 cm in diameter. Lotus surfaces superwater large (up to 25 cm in diameter). The plant is listed in the Red Book.

    Lotus - tropical plant, which is the relic of the tertiary era. Amazes the great viability of this relic! In 1933 in the famous botanical Garden Kew, near London, a lotus plant bloomed, grown from seeds whose age was 400 years. In 1961, a parking lot of a person was found in Japan at a depth of 6 meters, where the lotus nuts found. In the Tokyo Botanical Garden, they sprouted and plants bloomed, although the seeds were lying in the land of 5,000 years.

    Questions students:

    From the stories of our conductors, you saw as unique, beautiful the nature of the Far East. How can I explain its uniqueness?


    1. Huge length from north to south;
    2. A weak manifestation of glacial activities in quaternary time;
    3. Permanent territorial unity with the rest of Asia and the past of Asia with America in the Bering Strait area.

    Environmental situation in the region.

    Nature itself contributes its own adjustments to the edge of the edge. We saw on the example of the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka. But even more, sometimes irreparable intervention in nature provides human activity.

    What is it?

    • Mining;
    • Forest cutting (and this is someone's home);
    • Fish fishing (sometimes predatory);
    • Hunting for animals sushi, sea;
    • Industrial production;
    • Radioactive pollution of the Japanese Sea.

    What are the consequences of this intervention?

    • Dedication;
    • Reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe forest, the ranges of animals;
    • Exhaustion of fish resources;
    • Disappearance of animals, violation of biosystems;
    • Pollution of water, air, soil, etc.

    What ways to solve problems you can offer?

    Creating reserves, national parks;

    The use of modern sewage treatment plants;

    High penalties for environmental pollution, poaching;

    4. Approach the results of work in the lesson.


    5. Maximum task:

    1. Prepare a report on any edge reserve;


    2. On the map of the Far East, you can find unusual names geographic objects, eg,

    bay and patience peninsula on about. Sakhalin;

    shed hopes on smokers;

    Some objects are named, for example,

    bay of Peter the Great in Primorye, the Strait of Nevelsky between O. Sakhalin and the mainland, etc.

    Continue the list. Perhaps someone will prepare a report on brave pioneers whose names are worn geographical objects Far East maps.

    The position of the territory of the Far East on the border of the largest mainland and the largest ocean of the Earth significantly affected the peculiarities of nirodno-territorial complexes of the region and their placement. Sea air masses entering dry in summer, coolest than the continent.

    Therefore, due to the cost of heat on their heating, the summer air temperature over the coast is significantly lower than in the inner parts of the mainland. Sea air brings a lot of moisture, which leads to an increase in the amount of precipitation in comparison with intramaterial areas.

    These conditions are the main cause of a sharp shift in the Far East to the south of natural zones compared to the mainland territories.

    Atlas, set as far as south of the Far East is the border of the tundra zones and taiga compared to Eastern Siberia.

    The basis of the physico-geographical zoning of the Far East has two factors: the features of the surface structure and the nature of vegetation. Consider the most typical physico-geographic areas of the Far East: Chukotka Tundra Highlands, Kamchatka young tundra-wooded mountains, Sakhalin Island with coniferous-decide forests, Ussuri taiga.

    Chukotka Highlands. The climate of Chukotka Highlands is one of the most severe in the Far East.

    Therefore, the Chukotka Highlands is a combination of plain and mountain tundras with a mountain arctic desert.

    In the north of the Chukotka Peninsula, the mountain tundra rises not higher than 100-200 m, in the south of the tundra is much higher. The usual inhabitants of the TundR are reindeer, sands, lemming and tundra partridges. On a wetland lowland a lot of waterfowl. On the coast of the Chukotka Sea there is a burning frying, and on coastal cliffs - birds.

    Peninsula Kamchatka. Kamchatka is a country of natural contrasts, an extraordinary identity, conquering beauty. Mountains, acting and extinct volcanoes, extensive valleys and lowlands, mountain and low rivers, cold and hot mineral springs - all this is on the peninsula.

    This is one of the most distant corner of the country from the European Center of Russia. About 2/3 of Kamchatka Square is occupied by mountains. This is the area of \u200b\u200byoung folded volcanic mountains with tundra and woody vegetation. Along the entire peninsula, two ridges are drawn - the middle and east, divided by the Central Kamchatka depression with the river Kamchatka flowing along it. The ridges are crowned with volcanic cones with snow caps and glaciers. From time to time, Kamchatka shakes the eruption of volcanoes. On the peninsula there are about 30 acting and more than 130 extinct volcanoes. One of the most active and highest volcanoes of the world is the Klyuchevskaya Sopka, its height is 4750 m.

    On the map in the Atlace, find the acting volcanoes of Kamchatka, write their names on the contour card. Remember the names.

    Active volcanic activity has an impact on many other features of nature. So, the soil as a result of eruptions periodically receive additional portions of primary minerals, which ensures their high fertility.

    The forecast of volcanic eruptions is engaged in science volcanology. Almost all major volcanoes have been created special stations, on which, with the help of modern devices, the breeds are followed by a chemical analysis of the gases, the volcanic crater is listened. For a few days, you can predict the beginning of the intensification of volcanic activities and to warn residents of the surrounding cities and villages.

    Volcanologists - people of a dangerous profession. Sometimes they have to work on streams who have not yet cooled lava, descend into the crater of the volcano, to be under the "shelling" of hot stones near the hot lava with a temperature of about + 1300 ° C.

    Climate Kamchatka It is characterized by excessive humidity throughout the year. The driest and warm place is the Central Kamchatka Vadina.

    Explain the distribution of heat and moisture on Kamchatka, comparing climatic and physical maps Atlas and textbook.

    Fig. 131. Volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula

    The Kamchatka Peninsula occupies a subzone of coniferous-birch parks. The specificity of this subzone is the predominance of small trees (stone and Japanese birch) over coniferous and widespread high-screen.

    Stone birch has a gray or reddish bark and a thick crispy crown: the height of trees usually does not exceed 10 m. Due to the curvature of the trunk, the stone birch is small in construction, but is mainly on firewood and crafts. However, the forests of stone birch are performed by an important water protection and a soil-protecting role.

    Gravomynik, cornister, Bear Curb and other umbrellas are common among herbs.

    Mountain ridges are covered with thickets of cedar stabel and shrubberlder, even higher mountain tundra, alpine meadows and a snowy zone of Kamchatka glaciers are located even higher.

    Fig. 132. Missual circulation circuit in summer and winter time (The arrows show the direction of the wind, the numbers - the pressure of the atmosphere, in MB)

    A very large brown bear, Kamchatka Sable, Squirrel, Burunduk, Lynx, Kamchatka Keedrovka, and others live in the cedar stabers, and the Northern Deer lives in the Alpine Mountain Meadows.

    Historical reference. The first information about Kamchatka was obtained from the "fairy tales" (reports) of earthquakes. The honor of the opening of Kamchatka belongs to Vladimir Atlasov, who has completed hiking in 1697-1699. Soon the Kamchatka was included in Russia. He also compiled a drawing (map) of Kamchatka and gave her detailed description.

    As a result of the first (1725-1730) and the second (1733-1743) of Kamchatka expeditions under the leadership of the famous Russian navigator Vitus Bering, the separation of Asia and North America was confirmed, the Aleutian and Commander Islands were opened, the cards were compiled, the most valuable material about Kamchatka was compiled. In the second Kamchatka expedition, S. P. Krasheninnikov took part, whose work "Description of the Earth Kamchatka" belongs to the number of classical works of geographical literature.

    In the XIX century We started swimming from St. Petersburg to Russian America with a mandatory visit to Kamchatka, Petropavlovsk. During this period, Petropavlovsk became the main Russian database in the Far East. The city spread out on the shores of an unusually beautiful Avachin's lip, deeply left in the land of the Avachinsky Bay. Avachinskaya, Koryak and Vilyuchinskaya hills are treated above it.

    Sakhalin is the largest island of Russia, its area - 76,400 km 2, length from north to south is more than 900 km, the largest width is 160 km, the smallest is 47 km.

    What strait is the island separated from the mainland and where is the border of Russia with Japan?

    The island is mountainous, but the mountains are low - the average height is 500- 800 m. The highest island mark - Mount of Lopatin in the East Sakhalin mountains. Its height is 1609 m above sea level. Sakhalin is located in the seismically active zone of the Pacific Fire Ring, with which the frequent earthquakes are associated within it. The last force in 8 points occurred in 1995 in geological structure Sakhalin participates mainly sedimentary rocks with which the fields of oil, gas, building materials are connected.

    Characteristic feature of the Sakhalin climate - High relative air humidity and frequent winds. The precipitation is clearly distributed by season of the year, which is due to the domination of monsoon circulation.

    On the island there are many short, brown mountain rivers and mountain and valley lakes. Vegetable I. animal world Islands poorer than the mainland. But in the surrounding sea waters, the species disappeared here or very rare on the mainland, for example, a half-one-meter cailand and a two-meter sea cat. In the north of the islands you can find deer moss, and in the extreme south - blooming magnolia.

    Two thirds of the territory of Sakhalin is occupied by forests. In the north, the light-king taiga from Dauria larch with an admixture of birch and alder; In the south - the dark forests from Ayanskoye ate, fir with an admixture of wide breeds - oak, tees. Everywhere in the south, bamboo, Liana.

    Primorye, or Primorsky KraiIt is located in the southern part of the Far East, on the coast of the Japanese Sea. On its territory, such countries of Europe as Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland, combined, could be accommodated on its territory. For the appearance of the region, numerous ridges, respect and separate hills are characteristic. Tectonically, they are young enough. Almost all Mountains of Primorye belong to the Sikhote-Alin mountainous country.

    A monsonic climate characteristic of the entire Far East in Primorye is most pronounced.

    By the number of solar heat, Primorye occupies one of the first places in Russia, not yielding Black Sea coast Caucasus.

    For the textbook cards, determine how much solar radiation is obtained by the regions of Vladivostok, what is the duration of the smokery period there.

    Fig. 133. Ussuri Reserve

    The abundance of moisture in the summer contributes to the development of powerful vegetation cover. The famous Ussuri taiga is occupied by most of the territory of Primorye, in which coniferous and broad-sided breeds are combined. Cedar and larch grow next to Manchurian walnut and amur velvet. In the forests of the region, more than 250 species of trees and shrubs grows. Primorye occupies one of the first places in Russia by the number of endemics - plants common only in this area. Only here the Amur velvet (cork tree), iron birch, etc. are growing (plug, iron birch, etc. Many in the edge and relict plants that have survived from neogen.

    Diverse and rich in the animal world of Primorye. Endemics include Ussuri tiger, leathery turtle, to the remains of the fauna of the neogene and the Quaternary period belong to the spotted deer, the Black Ussuri Bear, the Amur Antilopa Horall, a small graceful mandar duck, amazing beauty His plumage, earthwood thrush, etc.

    In lakes and rivers, the edges live to hundreds of fish species. In coniferous-decide forests, a lot of midges and ticks bringing harm to man and animals.

    Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov (1711-1755)

    Stepan Petrovich Krasheninnikov - famous traveler, geographer, botanist, ichthyologist, ethnographer, historian and linguist - Born in Moscow October 31 (11.xi) 1711

    In August 1733, S. Krasheninnikov was included in the Kamchatka expedition, whose task was a study and a description of the little-known areas of Siberia and Kamchatka. During 1733-1736. S. P. Krasheninnikov studied the nature of Siberia, visited Tobolsk, in Altai, in Transbaikalia, Irkutsk, Yakutsk. From October 1737 to June 1741, Stepan Petrovich lived and worked on Kamchatka. The result of the expeditionary work was the publication of labor "Description of the Earth of Kamchatka" (1756). His scientists read geographers and historians, and writers, including A. S. Pushkin. The name of the traveler's scientist is wearing a volcano on Kamchatka, a cape on the island of Karaginsky, a cape on a new earth.

    Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888)

    N. M. Przhevalsky is the famous Russian traveler, a researcher of Central Asia. For his merit was elected an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

    He made his first journey to the Ussuri region. After that, he headed five large expeditions to Central Asia (from 1870 to 1888). Przhevalsky opened the Giant Ridge Altyn-Tag, visited Lobnor lake, described the origins of Juanhe and the upper day of Yangtze, studied the Takla Makan desert, opened hundreds of plant species, animals, including a wild horse, called the Przhevalsky horse, Tibetan bear.

    During the fifth expedition, N. M. Przhevalsky fell ill and died on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul in Karakol.

    Expeditions of M. I. Veniukova (1858), NM Przhelovsky (1867-1869), V. K. Arsenheva (1906-1910) were engaged in studying the nature of the region.

    Fig. 134. Studies of the Far East

    Natural Unicumes of the Far East. Valley of Geysers.

    Eastern Kamchatka is the only area in Russia with periodically fountaining geysers.

    Most of the existing volcanoes on the eastern volcanic plateau, raised to 600-1000 m. Numerous geysers are confined to these volcanoes. The Gayzer Valley is the biggest notion of Kamchatka, which mentioned in the "Description of the Kamchatka Earth" S. P. Krasheninnikov. For the first time, geasers were described in detail by the employee of the Kronotsky Reserve G. I. Ustinova in 1941. Penetrating to the river, which was subsequently called Geyser (the inflow of the river. Noisy), it found several groups of geysers in a deep canyon-shaped gorge. Among them, the firstborn, a Giant, Triple, Fountain, Pearl, Dual, etc. - Total 20 geysers, 10 large pulsating sources and more than 300 small, boiling and freely poured. The largest geyser of the Giant acts very original. His eruption lasts long - two minutes, but the thick pairs continues to rise another 10-15 minutes, clouding the adjacent parts of the valley. In 2007, the Valley of Geysers suffered from Sil.

    Fig. 135. Autumn in Primorsky Krai

    Grove Fir Grandiose (Kamchatka) on the east coast of Kamchatka is part of the Kronotsky Reserve. These are unusually slender and beautiful trees, their height reaches 13 m, the diameter of the trunk - 20-25 cm, the needles contains essential oils and smells pleasantly. Botany belongs to the FIRS ambitious to the ancient (smudnikova) vegetation.

    Lake Khanka - The biggest in the Far East. Located at an altitude of 69 m above the ocean level. Its length is up to 95 km, width to 65 km, area of \u200b\u200bmore than 4 thousand km 2, the average depth is about 4 m. 13 rivers flow into it. Lake richly fish. A relict plant lotus, a giant water lily grow on the lake, the leaves of which reaches 2 m in the diameter, water walnut.

    Lazovsky (Suzuzuchinsky) Reserve (area of \u200b\u200b116.5 thousand hectares) on the coast of the Japanese Sea, in the cedar-widespread forests of which tigers, lynx, sable, bears, wild boars, spotted deer and raisins, pheasants and rippers are inhabited. Part of the reserve is both a small (about 30 hectares) Petrova Island, located 1 km from the coast of the bay of Xiaoha. Petrova Island - Archaeological and Natural Landmark of Primorye. He was inhabit a few more centuries ago. In the relict teas grove, some trees reach 200-300 years.

    Questions and tasks

    1. Indicate which major factors are based on the basis of the physico-geographical zoning of the Far East, and name the most typical natural complexes for it.
    2. Compare natural complexes of the northern and southern parts of the Far East.
    3. Describe natural kamchatka complexes.
    4. What is the main difference between the natural complexes of the island parts of the Far East from the mainland?
    5. On the contour map District, apply all geographical objects in the text, emphasize the names of those related to the names of the edge researchers.