Warm lakes of Altai. Fishing in Altai: the best places and reviews The warmest lake of the Altai region

Altai is famous not only for the mountains - there are also a lot of lakes here, and all of them add a special scenic beauty to the already beautiful landscape of this region.

Teletskoye Lake is one of the most popular natural attractions of Altai Mountains. In terms of maximum depth, it ranks fourth in Russia. In addition, Lake Teletskoye is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The lake received its modern name four hundred years ago - it was given to it by Russian pioneers, calling the lake Telesskoe, since the Teles tribes lived here. And the teles themselves called it Altyn-Kul, or the Golden Lake.

The length of the lake is 77 kilometers 700 meters, the average width is about three kilometers. The average depth of the lake is 175 meters, and the maximum depth is 325 meters, so here you can safely sail on boats and motor ships. However, swimming here is not very comfortable - only at the end of July in the southern part the water warms up to 22 degrees. In total, 70 rivers flow into the lake, but most of the water comes from the Chulyshman River.

The right bank of Lake Teletskoye belongs to the Altai State Reserve, and it is very difficult to get there, and in some places it is impossible, so that some sights are accessible only from the water.

It is not so easy to drive to Lake Teletskoye by car - there are only three places available for a car:

  • Yaylu village;
  • Southern shore of the lake;
  • Artybash, Northern shore of the lake.

Locals like to say that if you have not been to Lake Teletskoye, then you have not been to Altai. In general, they say this about many places, but it is about the lake that these are not empty words, but the real truth.

On Lake Teletskoye, you can see all the most remarkable in a couple of days, but there will be something to do there for a whole week. True, excursions here are not cheap, and you simply cannot get to many interesting places on your own. Accommodation on the lake is not so expensive, but without tourist trips, there is, in general, nothing special to do here. It is better to book accommodation in advance, especially in July-August.

The lake is famous for its picturesque views, as well as sights: waterfalls such as Kishte, Korbu, Ayu-Kechpes, etc., Stone Bay and numerous beautiful islands. By the way, there are about 70 waterfalls on the lake, but not all of them can be approached.

Lake Aya is a very significant natural object in Altai, and there are many legends about it. In Russian, "Aya" is translated as the Moon, and tourists are usually just told the legend associated with the Moon. It says that the cannibal Delbegen once lived in these lands, who killed a lot of good people. Once the moon got tired of watching these outrages, she went down to earth and threw the cannibal into the Katun. At the same time, high waves and a trace left by the descending moon rose. This is how Lake Aya was formed.

The lake is about 25 thousand years old. It is located at an altitude of 280 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is about 400 meters, width is about 380. The maximum depth is 21.7 meters, although there is information about 25 meters. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 93 hectares. From November to April, the lake is covered with ice, but in July the water in it warms up to 22-26 degrees, which allows you to calmly swim in it - and not every Altai lake can boast of this.

The peculiarity of the lake is a small granite island near the eastern shore, on which there are several trees and an old gazebo. And in 2003, Aya and its surroundings were given the status of a natural park.

There are many hotels, campgrounds and recreation centers on the shore of the camp site. Accommodation can be found almost from 100 rubles per day on a camping site for a place for a tent and from just 500 rubles for an economy class room. In general, the prices are quite reasonable.

Tourist bases at the very shore of the lake have access to their own beaches. Considering that there are not so many places for swimming in Altai, Lake Aya is very attractive in this regard - here you can safely swim and sunbathe. If you are resting not at the base near the shore, then you will have to pay for the approach to the lake.

The beaches of Ai are landscaped - here you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers. Boats and catamarans run on the lake, but their rent is not cheap - about 400 rubles per hour.

In general, around Aya, there are many interesting sights that are easy to visit on your own by car or as part of excursions.

Karakol Lakes are a chain of lakes in the upper reaches of the Karakol River. There are seven lakes in the chain, and they are located at an altitude of 1820-2100 meters, connected by streams and channels.

Although the lakes are connected, the water in all of them is of different colors, but everywhere it is very cold - no higher than seven degrees.

The strong elevation difference between the lakes provides an interesting variety of landscapes. The cedar taiga is spread around the lower lakes, a little higher the taiga is replaced by alpine meadows with amazing flowers, and the small upper lakes are surrounded by high-mountain tundra. All this makes the lakes very picturesque.

The Karakol lakes are a natural monument, and tourists regularly visit them.

Behind the Red Gate, on the road to Katu-Yaryk, there is a chain of Ulagan lakes. It starts from the lake Cheybekkel, or Dead Lake, which stretches along the road for several kilometers.

The lake was called that because there was no fish for a very long time. This was explained in different ways, from the high content of mercury in the water to the activities of evil spirits. The first, by the way, was not confirmed, but the second cannot be reliably verified.

In the end, everything turned out to be easier. To get into the lake, the fish had to be lifted upstream of the Chibitka River. And Cheybekkel, located at an altitude of 1949 meters, was simply inaccessible for fish. A few years ago, a private entrepreneur rented the lake and manually launched fish there. After that, the lake ceased to be Dead - the fish took root there remarkably, and now fishing here, according to local residents, is pretty good.

But its native name, Cheybekkel, that is, the Elongated Lake, is more consistent with reality. The lake is 3 kilometers long and only 400 meters wide. The depth of the Cheybekkel is 33 meters. By the way, ice stays here for a long time - you can see it even in June.

Further along the road to the pass there are many more lakes, some of which are difficult to identify. There are tourist centers near the coast, and the view of the lakes is excellent. In front of the Ulagansky pass is located uzunkel lake... Its height is 2 thousand meters above sea level, that is, it is one of the highest mountain lakes in the Altai Mountains. And also Uzunkel is the largest lake in the Chibitka basin. Its width is 600 meters, length is 2.5 kilometers, and depth is up to 28 meters. Some time ago, fish was also launched into the lake, so you can go fishing here.

Very beautiful lake Uch-Kel can be seen along the same road near the Katu-Yaryk pass.

This is the second largest lake in Gorny Altai (after Teletskoye), located at an altitude of more than two kilometers above sea level, on the Chulyshman plateau. It is 10 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide.

The lake is interesting for two things. Firstly, by the numerous islands, on two of which there is a colony of the great cormorant, the only one in Russia. Secondly, the unique landscape around the lake, the tundra steppe, which mixes the flora and fauna of the north and south of Siberia.

There are also more than two hundred small lakes around Julukul, so the area is quite picturesque.

These alpine lakes are located in the upper reaches of the Shava River, at an altitude of up to two thousand meters, on the southwestern slope of the North Chuisky ridge. They are considered to be almost the most picturesque lakes in the Altai Mountains, since the local landscapes combine alpine meadows and coniferous forests, and the mountain peaks surrounding the shores of the lakes make this place even more beautiful.

This alpine lake is located on the Akkem River, at an altitude of more than two thousand meters above sea level. It is located on the northern slope of the popular Belukha Mountain. The width of the lake is 610 meters, the length is 1350 meters, and the depth reaches only 15 meters. The water in the lake is extremely cold, and even in summer it does not warm above five degrees Celsius.

The shores of the lake are low, covered with cedar and deciduous forests. The lake itself is not so remarkable, but it is very easy to make exits to other mountain lakes, waterfalls and Belukha glaciers from it, so many tourists stop here.

This group consists of three lakes: Verkhnee and Nizhnee Kucherlinskoe and Bolshoe Kucherlinskoe. All of them are located next to each other on the right tributary of the Katun, the Kucherla River, right at the base of the northern slope of the Katunsky ridge. The lakes are quite high-mountainous - they are located at an altitude of about 1790 meters above sea level.

Tourists love these lakes for the unique flora and fauna and the picturesque landscapes in their surroundings. Not only tourists and travelers, but also hunters often stop here. True, even in summer it is cool here, although this only plays into the hands of those who want to take a break from the scorching heat. Swimming in the lakes will not work either.

Lake Kolyvan is one of the largest lakes in the Altai Territory. Tourists love it for the bizarre rocks around the lake, as well as for its crystal clear water. Due to this water, the water nut chilim is still growing here - a relic plant listed in the Red Book.

Kulundinskoe Lake is the largest lake in the Altai Territory. Its length is 35 kilometers, its width is 25 kilometers, and its area exceeds 600 kilometers. With all this, the lake is very shallow - the deepest place here is only 4 meters. Lake Kulundinskoe is the remnant of an ancient sea that was on the territory of the Altai Territory millions of years ago.

The lake is famous for its medicinal clays and mineral medicinal waters, so there is a healing and health complex on its shore that attracts many tourists.

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If we talk about fruitful fishing, then in this context it is impossible not to mention the Altai Territory, which is famous for its beautiful lakes, clean rivers and large fish.

The so-called mountain fishing attracts the attention of not only local citizens, but also residents of other regions of the Russian Federation, which clearly speaks of a really good pastime and good catches.

It should be noted that the number of reservoirs in Altai has long exceeded the mark of 7000 units, 90% of which are artificial lakes.

Altai is a mountainous region, which differs from other regions not only by its relief and enveloping nature, but also by the types of fish that cannot shock with their number, but, can pleasantly surprise you with their considerable size:

  • Peled;
  • Trout;
  • Pike;
  • Roach;
  • Crucian carp;
  • Tench;
  • Bastard;
  • Grayling;

Good to know! The above range of inhabitants of the Altai fauna is a list of fish that are guaranteed to appear before the fisherman as a catch, you just need to prepare well for fishing: choose the right tackle and correctly prepare the bait / bait.

Where can you go fishing in Altai for free?

And although it was indicated that there are 90% more lakes in Altai than rivers, this is not at all an indicator that you can also go fishing for free, often on lakes. No, the fact is that this region is mountainous, so the natural formation of ponds and lakes is rare.

This means that most of the artificial reservoirs are created by a private person, which means they are paid. This cannot be said about rivers, of which, although there are few, but fishing on them can be fruitful.

So, in order not to make the reader wait a long time, to his attention is a list of natural rivers, fishing on which will certainly bring the desired fruits:

  • Chuuya - the river, which is considered one of the most visited in Altai. Moreover, this reservoir has an international fame, because rafting competitions are often held on its waters. With regard to fishing, the most active fish here is considered to be grayling, fishing with which it is desirable to start closer to autumn and until the end of spring;
  • Ursul - one of the longest rivers in the region (140 kilometers). Such inhabitants of the reservoir as taimen can reach a weight of 14 kilograms, while grayling, a maximum of 2 kilograms. These are quite high standards, therefore, every angler simply needs to try his luck on this river;
  • Sumulta - this river is famous as one of the longest and coldest rivers in Altai. Here you can catch more than 5 species of fish that bite very well, often in clear weather. By the way, fishing is recommended upstream (closer to the mountains), which will bring more catch, at least, as the rumor says;

Artificial lakes and ponds, including quarries, are actively and purposefully increasing in numbers.

How to catch more fish?

Every ardent fisherman undoubtedly has his own secrets of successful fishing. During my conscious fishing, I myself have found quite a few ways to improve the bite. I share my TOP:
  1. Bite activator. Stimulates a strong appetite in fish, attracting them even in cold water. It's all to blame the pheromones that make up it. Pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. Correct selection of gear. Read the appropriate guides for your specific tackle type on the pages of my site.
  3. Bait based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Since it would be foolish to list the features of many thousands of lakes, it would be wiser to note only a few, the attention of fishermen to which is more special:

  • Shibaevo lake, which is quite long for its type - 76 kilometers (many rivers can give way to this size). The fisherman is attracted by the fact that fishing here is not only free, but also surprisingly fruitful: many species of fish such as pike, bream, carp, perch and roach;
  • Petrovskoe - a unique lake, at first glance, which does not have anything like that. So, in addition to perch, few people live in this fauna. But, in the opinion of the fishermen themselves, this reservoir is ideal for winter fishing, within which it is fashionable to catch a not so small amount of perch;
  • Utkul - a rather small reservoir. But, this modest fact pales against the background of a good bite, beautiful nature and a mass of fish: chebak, pike and perch;

Paid fishing in Altai

In this mountainous region, of course, there is a place, because as it was emphasized earlier, many lakes are made by man, and they are based at restaurants, cafes, baths, but, nevertheless, they are often located on the territories of tourist bases, where citizens from all over the country come: who to admire the nature, someone to give a barbecue, but someone to fish well.

The best camp sites

It is very difficult to get the title of the best in this context, because with such incredible competition it is difficult to call some lake more or less suitable for fishing.

Therefore, it will be correct to build on the opinions and reviews of the fishermen themselves, who, in their "impressions of the rest", noted the following range of the best, in their opinion, bases:

  • Baden Baden - a tourist base, which is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Barnaul. The landmark for nonresidents is the village of Mallorca, not far from which there is a "paradise" for the most inveterate fisherman. A big plus of this base is that it receives visitors both in summer and in winter, moreover, around the clock. Citizens who come to fish can get enough of such a catch as pike, perch and crucian carp;
  • Albagan - a small area with a small, two-storey cottage and a cafe. Also, those who wish can stay overnight in tents, which can be set up next to the mini-hotel. As for the fish, you can catch a roach, perch or pike right after casting a fishing rod into the water;
  • Visyuki - this "institution" consists of a reservoir and a large estate, in which non-locals and everyone could spend the night. As for the fauna, it is inhabited by only two species: gudgeon and grayling. The location of this base is simple, it is located near the village of Solnechnoye;


Having monitored many tourist bases and their pricing policy, we can say with confidence that fishing in Altai is not a cheap pleasure.

So, for example, it will be difficult to find a price lower than 800 rubles for entry. "Establishments", the range of services of which includes not only fishing, but also accommodation, food and other kinds of entertainment will cost a citizen much more - from 2,200 to 5,000 rubles.

Features of fishermen in Altai at different times of the year

Unlike other regions of the Russian Federation, which are also quite natural for fishing, Altai significantly differs in its weather conditions and geographical location, which greatly affects all the resulting forms of life, including the fishing industry.

  • In summeryou can fish exclusively in private reservoirs, where the fish are looked after and have long been adapted to certain conditions and the rhythm of life, although even in summer camp sites the bite is not very good;
  • Autumn - this is the very time that is called the "opening of the season" for fishing, because it is the beginning of September that is usually called the period when the fish begins to show activity. In autumn, you can fish not only on lakes, but also on rivers;
  • In winterfishing is very good. This is probably the most successful time, during which you can catch a lot of fish, especially grayling and taimen;
  • In the springthe fishing season is coming to an end. And although spawning begins in early May, already at the end of the month, according to many sources, you can not expect a good bite;

It would be trite to call Altai “the land of a thousand lakes”, especially since there are actually much more reservoirs on its territory. Among the reservoirs located in this amazing territory, there are lakes with fresh water, there are lakes with salt water, many of them are considered curative. Some Altai lakes were formed immediately after the ice age.

Numerous travelers, lovers of independent hikes, when describing their impressions of visiting the lakes of Gorny Altai, often use words such as "magic", "fabulous", "amazing" and even "mysterious".

Lakes of Altai Territory

Many steppe lakes of the Altai Territory are considered medicinal, their water contains a high concentration of minerals. The water of some lakes is colored pink, because of the crustaceans living in it. This gives the reservoirs an unusual, truly fantastic look.

Gorny Altai lakes

The reservoirs of Gorny Altai are distinguished by their special, mysterious beauty. The water of those of them, which originated from the glacier, is very cold, often ice suspensions float in it, and in others it is quite possible to swim. These are the most visited.

Any tourist, including any lake in Altai in the itinerary of his trip, will get an unforgettable impression of contemplating the unique beauty of the surrounding nature or will be able to feel the healing properties of the salt water of the steppe lakes. You can easily find and select lakes on our map or in our section of lakes.

“Mists, his transparent thoughts, run in all directions of the world. The lakes are his eyes looking into the universe. Waterfalls and rivers - his speech and songs about life, beauty of the earth, mountains ”said Grigory Choros-Gurkin about the Great Altai.

The beauty of these places cannot be described in the reviews for tourists, we will focus on the most popular and interesting places where you can relax with your family and friends.

When they say "Altai", they usually mean either Gorny Altai, or salt lakes of Altai the edges.

Mountain Altai

A favorite place not only for Siberians and advanced in ecotourism Russians, guests from all over the world come here, and every year the number of foreign tourists in Altai is growing. The most popular holiday destinations are the numerous tourist centers along the Katun. Chuisky tract goes far into the mountains, lovers of solitude climb almost to the Aktru pass, and those who have enough fresh air, unusually beautiful landscapes and the noise of the mysterious Katun stop in houses on the shore. The river itself is very cold, not every walrus will dare to swim in it, so most of the summer tourists are concentrated near the Turquoise Katun and the freshwater lake Aya.

If you are traveling to Altai by your own car, you can stop at any base you like, on the coast or in the mountains, in houses or in tents, and do out-of-town excursions by car every day.

So, the most popular for swimming, the freshwater lake Aya is located 10 km south of the village of Maima. The lake area is 9 hectares, the coastline is about one and a half kilometers. The lake is very picturesque, and most importantly, warm - in summer the water warms up to +25 C.

It feeds on the reservoir from springs, there is an island almost in the center, and on it there is a romantic gazebo. In summer you can ride a catamaran or pedal boat on the lake, in winter you can go ice skating on areas cleared of snow.

Turquoise Katun is an artificial reservoir on the left bank of the Katun, near the village of Manzherok.

This is a tourist and recreation special economic zone, and among the common people it is the most popular place on the Katun. Due to the fact that the reservoir is artificial, the water warms up here to more than 20 degrees, a water park, attractions, and places for recreation are arranged on the shore.

Altai Territory is famous not only for its agricultural achievements, but also, perhaps, the richest hydrographic map in the country. On the territory of the region there are about 13 thousand lakes, large and small, fresh and salty, each of which is unique in its own way. Some are extremely picturesque: photos of Altai lakes fascinate with their unique beauty. Others are famous for rare healing properties, while others are luxurious resorts with hotels and water parks that are no worse than foreign ones.

Photos of Altai lakes: a lake on Krasnaya Gora.

Photos of Altai lakes: Akkemskoe lake, Belukha mountain.
Photos of Altai lakes: Lake Akkemskoye near Belukha Mountain (photo from An-2 aircraft).
Mountain Altai. Lake Kuiguk.
Altai, Lake Srednemultinskoe, September.

Teletskoye Lake is the largest lake in Altai.
South of Lake Teletskoye.
Teletskoye lake. The Altai name is Altyn-Kol, which means the Golden Lake.
Altai, south of Lake Teletskoye, in the background - Chulyshman canyon. Taken from the Bele cordon.
Mountain Altai, Lake Teletskoye, October.
Mountain Altai, Teletskoye Lake near the village of Yaylyu. Dawn, January.

The most unusual lakes of Altai

Due to the variety of landscapes, each reservoir of the Altai Territory is beautiful in its own way. For example, Lake Zerkalnoye, located in the Barnaul belt pine forest, is surrounded by light coniferous relict forests that give the coastline a special charm.

Lake Svetloe, also known as Swan Lake, is an amazing corner of nature, where the water is crystal clear and transparent to the very bottom. Due to the abundance of springs, the reservoir does not freeze even in the most severe frosts, and the water temperature does not fall below + 5 - 6 degrees C. Therefore, ducks and swans winter here, which you can admire from special viewing platforms.

Altai, Lake Svetloye.

Small Lake Beloe is chained in granite shores and has a regular rounded shape. In the center of the lake there is a small island where, according to legend, the famous Ural industrialist Akinfiy Demidov was engaged in the production of coins bypassing the courtyard of Empress Elizabeth. In 2010, the reservoir was awarded the status of a natural monument.

Altai, Lake Beloe.

The bitter-salty Raspberry Lake has been known since the time of Catherine II. A unique feature of the reservoir is the pinkish-crimson color of the water, which is obtained due to the vital activity of special planktonic crustaceans. From ancient times, pink salt was mined from the bottom of the lake and delivered to the court, with which the empress surprised the overseas guests.

Altai, Raspberry Lake.
Altai, Raspberry Lake.

Beauty and benefits

Lake Gorkoye of the Novichikhinsky District of Altai has the status of a natural monument and is famous for its curative mud and picturesque sandy beaches. The reservoir attracts not only those who want to improve their health, but also those who like kitesurfing.

On the shore of another lake Gorkoye, located in the Yegoryevsky district, the popular Lebyazhye sanatorium has been welcoming vacationers for a hundred years. People come here to enjoy the healing silt mud, mild climate and mineral water, similar in composition to Essentuki 17.

Lake Bolshoye Yarovoe is surrounded by an almost flat, treeless plain, and part of the coastline is cut by deep ravines. Since 1972, spa treatment has been carried out here, and the popularity of this place is explained especially by the healing water, which is similar in composition to the waters of the Dead Sea.

Paradise for tourists

The freshwater lake Aya is a favorite vacation spot for many, where you can stay at one of the camp sites, swim in the summer, sail on boats and catamarans, and in winter go ice skating. Lake Aiskoe is located in one of the hollows of the Altai Mountains and, according to local legend, was formed where the Moon came down to earth to save people from a terrible cannibal.

Altai, lake Aya.

The Kolyvan Lake, which the locals simply call Savvushka, is surrounded by heaps of small mountain ridges of the most bizarre shape, and the lake itself will remind a person with a rich imagination of a sapphire gem enclosed in a granite frame.

Kolyvan lake or simply Savvushka in Altai.

Kulundinskoe is one of the largest lakes in Altai, with an area of \u200b\u200b728 km 2. Its depth is only 2.5 - 3 m, but the lake never freezes, and in summer it warms up to 25 degrees. It is not surprising that thousands of nature lovers and scenic landscapes are eager to get here.

Everyone who travels to Siberia must bring with him numerous photos of the lakes of the Altai Territory, which conquer with their original beauty and diversity.

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