The highest acting volcano Antarctica. Pyramids of Volcanoes Antarctica

Erebus volcano is located on the endless expanses of the southern pole, Antarctica. This volcano is located south of all other existing objects of this type. Erebus height is 3794 meters. The diameter of the crater object is 805 meters, and the depth of the volcanic crater is 274 meters.

The exact coordinates of the location of Erubus (Antarctica) 72 degrees, 32 minutes of southern latitude; 162 degrees, 17 minutes of Eastern longitude. This is the territory of Ross Island, which has three more volcanoes. All volcanoes, except Erebus, have already walked.

Observation of activity

Regular volcanic activity of Erebus is observed since 1972. The Institute of Mining Industry and Technologies of the United States located in New Mexico was organized a special station, which monitors the activity of the volcano.

On the territory of the volcano you can observe a unique natural phenomenon. Volcano Erebus has the only lake from a real lava.

The discovery of the volcano occurred at 01/28/1841. Erebus was found during the fulfillment of an expedition mission from England. The project manager was the famous English scientist James Clark Ross. Two ship Erebus and Terror took part in the event. For the first time, the conquest of the edge of the vertices of the current volcano occurred during the expedition, the purpose of which was the conquest of the expressions of the Southern Pole. Six brave researchers, led by Ernest Sheklton, conquered the top of the Erebus 10.03.1908.

The ship Erebus, and later the volcano of the same name received their names in honor of the elephant of the Great Divine from ancient Greek culture. This God was born in Chaos.

The coordinates of Erebus coincide with the coordinates of the intersection of the faults of the earth's crust. The Grand Volcano is rightfully considered the most active subject of volcanic activity. Fault bark entails negative consequences. Of the faults there is a powerful gas emission outgoing from the bowels of the globe. Among the huge amount of gases allocated, hydrogen and methane should be noted.

These gases, reaching the level of the stratosphere, have a negative impact on the ozone layer and contribute to its destruction. The minimum thickness of the protective layer of the Earth is at the location of the Lake Ross, where the famous volcano Erebus is located.

One of the major plane crash occurred due to the fact that the DC-10 passenger aircraft flew over the volcano collided with its surface. As a result of the collision, 257 people died, 200 of which were citizens of New Zealand. Catastrophe occurred 28.11.1978. The aircraft moved according to the route NZ 901. The aircraft belonged to Airline Air New Zealand, New Zealand.

Erebus is the most active volcano on the planet. Scientists constantly fix the minor volcanic activity of Erebus. The last large-scale eruption was recorded in 2011.

Group of volcano

Erebus refers to a group of stratovulkanov - multilayer objects of volcanic activity having a cone form. Most often, such objects consist of frozen lava, tephra, as well as volcanic ash. Erebus has a high height and steep mountain descents characteristic of stratululkanov. This volcano often erupts in the form of explosions. Like all Stratovulkany, Erebus erupts a rather viscous and thick lava, which quickly freezes and does not have time to spread to significant sections of the earth's surface.

Erebus explosions are very dangerous for humanity. Since Magma, spelled by a volcano, very thick and it freezes earlier than reaches the surface of a volcanic crater, gas leakage from magma because of which its explosion occurs.

In the process of eruption, the volcano highlights:

  • Volcanic ash, which not only affects the atmosphere, but also rushes a threat to air transport flights in the catastrophe area. During the flight over the zone of eruption of stratululkan, there is practically no visibility, therefore a risk of a collision with various objects. It is possible to stop the engine of the aircraft;
  • Volcanic dirt consisting of volcanic rocks and water. The mud stream moves pretty quickly and has an impressive height, because it is extremely difficult to escape from it;
  • Lava, which does not carry a special threat to humanity, as the flow of magma moves quite slowly and quickly frozen.

Volcano Erebus is a unique creation of mothers nature. This majestic and terrible object of volcanic activity has special mystery and beauty. He fascinates and leaves unforgettable impressions. Especially remembered a mysterious magmatic lake, which is located in the crater Erebus. Perhaps this volcano is not the safest place on the planet, but it is undoubtedly her decoration.

Erebus is an excellent name for the volcano. In Greek mythology, Erebus was the son of God of Chaos, and his mother was Guy, or the Earth. It was created from Darkness and Shadow and filled all the corners of the world with his darkness. Orebus Volcano is the most southern volcano on Earth and the most active in Antarctica. It has a lake hot lava with a temperature of 900 degrees Celsius - this is a circulating magma pool with a depth of over a kilometer, one of five similar existing on the planet

While inside the volcano extremely hot temperatures, you can instantly frozen in the Arctic temperatures. The slopes of the snow-covered volcano are made by the ice caves, through which volcanic gases often come out, hydrogen and methane, destroying the ozone layer of the Earth. It is above these actively volcano of the world and there is the thinnest layer of ozone

Volcano Erebus was first discovered by the polar researcher Sir James Ross in 1841. Later, in 1907, the researcher Ernest Sheklton made the first ascent to Erebus with a specially organized expedition. The surrounding volcano territories were named Island of Ross, in honor of the discoverer

One of the most important features of this volcano is always active. That is why there is a Observatory of the Volcano Mount Erebus (MEVO), as it is an ideal object for volcanologists. Instead of inaction, and then spectacular breakthrough once every 100 years, like many other volcanoes, Erebus is always on and burly

This place is also not well known due to the tragic aircraft crash. The New Zealand aircraft came into dense clouds at the sightseeing flight and crashed into the slope of the volcano. 237 passengers and 20 team members were killed. The famous researcher and Traveler Edmund Hillary also had to take part in the flight, but at the last moment she canceled his trip. Traces of this catastrophe are still visible on the slope of Erebus, and the unidentified remains of the victims are buried at the Waikumt Memorial Cemetery in Western Okland, New Zealand, where commemorative wreath is assigned annually.

Today, the Antarctica is active only two volcanoes - Mount Erebus, which south of New Zealand, and the volcanic island of the derepanic, which is about 850 km south-east of Cape Gorn. Despite the fact that large Erebus is continuously erused over the past few decades, the responsibility for the largest known eruption in the Antarctic area lies with the smallest subspering, lost in the middle of the South Shetland Islands.

More than 10,000 years ago, his caldera produced a powerful explosion, threw about 30 km³ of molten rock. The result of the eruption was the appearance of the Bay of Port Foster. Officially, the deferred was opened by the British Captain William Smith in 1820, subsequently used as a camp for fishermen, whistled on seals and whales, and now there is an observatory on its territory.

Scientific base Despschen

The subspessa base created by Great Britain, Chile and Argentina, provides a unique closed environment for monitoring for the activities of the volcano under the thick layer of ice. All the aforementioned countries financed the observatory in the 1960s, but after two consecutive eruptions in 1967 and 1969, Chile and the United Kingdom were destroyed. Now only scientists of Argentina and Spaniards work on the volcano, who broke their stations in 2000.

Featured falls into a rare category called "Forteral Volcans". The island is located in the place where there is a massive glacier at the bottom of the ocean. It would seem if the lava strikes the glacier from the bottom, then the surface of steam should be visible on the surface, but everything is completely different in the essence. His lava moves very slowly and contains a large amount of water, as a result, a huge amount of dirt comes to the surface, which has become the cause of the death of Chilean and British stations last century. The eruptions in the 1960s with the release of dirt became for scientists a big surprise, since they previously called the glacier deceptively thin. They did not expect that the volcano could produce anything else, except for steam, and considered the island most favorable for the location of the observatory.

The mystery of the despecher

As the acting volcano Antarctica, the escaped and today remains a big mystery. The fact is that most volcanoes on Earth are created as a result of subduction of tectonic plates. A vivid example of such an education is cascade mountains in the northwestern part of the United States, known for their terrible vertex. Many marine volcanoes, for example, in Hawaii and the Azores, appear in hot spots - holes in the oceanic day, where there is a direct connection with the Mantia of the Earth. Antarctic island does not apply to anyone or others.

For a while, scientists believed that the depass can be an atypical example of subduction occurring in the ocean. But later a new hypothesis was put forward. Now the volcanologists believe that the Southern Shetland Islands are the so-called rift zone. This means that they are at the junction of tectonic plates, but these plates do not face each other, but move apart from each other, creating a new ocean bark in the process. Iceland protrudes a good example of such a rift zone.

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Since 2000, geophysical studies funded by Spain and partly Great Britain are underway at the subspene. It may seem strange that these states spend huge amounts for the study of the volcano in Antarctica, but their work is actually greater value and allows you to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe functioning of our planet.

Located on the western edge of the Antarctic arc, the escaped is an ideal place to study the faults of the earth's crust and climate change observation. In addition, the volcano plays an important role in the understanding of riftogenesis, as a result of which all oil in the North Sea is formed. With a large probability, it can be said that there are no oil on the deferred, but most likely it is in other areas of the South Shetland Islands. Thus, the volcano can be the key to open a knowledge of the knowledge of the oil formation process and will help find places where these resources have not yet been detected.

Willing Erebus (The Erebus) - The most southern acting volcano in the world, covered with glaciers, and having a unique lake of active lava in the crater on top. Located on Ross Island, where there are 3 more extinct volcanoes. Its height is 3794 m. The permanent activity of the volcano is observed since 1972. The Mining Mining and Technology Institute of New Mexico, the United States organized a volcanic observation station here, also the volcano studies the New Zeland Scott base. The volcano is one of the 328 acting volcanoes that are included in the Pacific Fire Ring - a strip of volcanoes, barking the Pacific Ocean.

Volcano Erebus is open On January 28, 1841, the English expedition under the leadership of the Polar researcher Sir James Clarke Ross on the ships "Erebus" and "Terror". For the first time, they rose to his top and reached the edge of the current volcano six members of the Ernst Shalton expedition on March 10, 1908 (the expedition tried to conquer the South Pole). The ship and volcano were named after the ereb, the oldest Greek god born from Chaos. Located to the east, the smaller, already extinct volcano, got the name terror.

Volcano Erebus is located At the intersection of the faults of the earth's crust and is one of the most active volcanoes of the planet. Of these faults, powerful emissions of deep gases occur, including hydrogen and methane, which, reaching the stratosphere, destroy ozone. The minimum thickness of the ozone layer is observed above the Sea Ross, where the volcano Erebus is located.

It is unusual that the volcano has an external crater, a depth of 100 meters and a width of about 650 meters, inside which is located a smaller crater, in which the lake of liquid lava is located, one of the few "non-healing" lava lakes in the world. In addition to the Antarctic Giant, long-term Lake Lake Lakes there is still only in the Cylauea Volcano Crater in the Hawaiian Islands and in the Crater of the Nyragongo Volcano in Africa. However, the fiery lake among eternal snow and ice produces, no doubt, a stronger impression. The eruptions inside the lake create "bombs" from Lava's pieces with a diameter of 6 or more meters, which can land up to 1.6 km. Lava of this amazing volcano has a unique composition. The same compositions have rock rocks of which consist of mountains of Kenya, the so-called kenites, only in the molten state. Erebus is the only acting volcano on earth, spewing such a magma.

The slopes of the volcano are covered with points of fumaroles or ice chimneys up to 18 meters high. They are formed when the inner heat of the mountain melts the snow, forming a cave, and steam leaves from there freezes at the moment of contact with air. Scientists are trying to find out if these warm ice caves could someday contain life. On smooth boulders made of frozen lava, protected by an icy dome from the outer frosts, somewhere there are moss and algae with a liery complex due. The local relict biocenosis is very sensitive, and the cave refers to specially protected areas, and part of them are generally prohibited for third-party visits. Probably this is explained by the fact that it was not possible to find photographs on this topic.

For the first time the top of the volcano was conquered In 1901, members of the Ernst Sheklton expedition, and the first single climb took place only in 1985. Since 1970, the volcano was supervised, and in 1980 it became permanent, thanks to the network of six seismic stations. From the point of view of science, the important property of the volcano is that its activity is relatively low and surprisingly stable, which allows you to study the vulcan vulcan from a very close distance. Every year, about six weeks, from November to January, scientists rise to the top, at a height of 3,476 m, for active field work.

Glaciers pull From the volcano to the edges of the island. Glacier Thickness The Erebus language varies from 50 to 300 meters, it continues to grow, enhance about 160 meters in length every year. Erebus's tongue is pulled out of the island's borders, in the bay, where he floats in deep water. The frozen waters of the Erebus bay, in the summer they are usually melted, and the waves give the edges of the glacier amazing jazied forms. The separated parts of the glacier form icebergs. In addition, waves are created in the cave glacier, which are interrelated clefts, with overlaps from snow bridges. These caves attract employees nearby McMardo Station and Scott Base. Those who were inside, talk about similar to the stalactites of icicles on the caves, as well as about ice crystals of complex shape. Sunlight passing through ice, paints caves in blue color.

If you are not a scientist, it is unlikely that you will get to the island of Ross. But still, there is a small amount of cruise ships that visit the Antarctic, ask them to their routes. The average temperature here is - 20 ° C in summer and -60 ° C in winter.

November 28, 1979 A passenger plane crashed into the slope of the volcano DC-10 New Zealand Airlines Air New Zealand. As a result of the Catastrophe of the flight 901, 257 people died (from them 200 - New Zealanders). During the short Antarctic summer, it is still possible to clearly see the debris.

This area of \u200b\u200bAntarctica attracts researchers from around the world not only by the current volcano Erebus, the glow over which turned it into a kind of lighthouse for everyone who floats in the sea of \u200b\u200bRoss, but also that nearby, on Earth Victoria, there was also a recently southern magnetic pole of land. Now his location has shifted to the north now, and now the point of the Southern Pole is located in the ocean, next to the shore of Antarctica.

Stock Foto Volcano Erebus in Antarctica

Which the is on ross Island. The volcano is a unique combination of fire and ice on the expanses of snow-covered Antarctica. Current since the 70s of the last century, at the moment it is in the state of volcanic activity. Its last eruption is in 1978. Height of volcano Erebus It is more than 3,000 meters, and it is located as close as possible to the southern pole. He was found in 1842. English freight forwarders, they gave him the name of the famous God of disorder and chaos - Ereb.

Ice towers on the volcano Erebus, Antarctica.

The surface of the volcano Erebus is sleeping large ice towerswhich were formed as a result of steam emissions. The Ice Tower is the main attraction of the volcano and Antarctica as a whole. Due to the volcanic activity of the tower, they gradually change their dimensions, they increase and expand. The view of a man appears the most incredible and breathtaking phenomenon. Sometimes it seems that nothing can be more beautiful and majestic than these icy towers in Antarctica. This is a union of two powerful elements and the most incredible natural geological miracle of the world.

Icebergs, thick layers of ice, eternal snow, penguins and white bears - this is all associated with Antarctica. There, where is Erebus, Always snow and cold. The presence of both fire and heat in Antarctica is simply impossible to imagine. Nevertheless, this phenomenon exists, and it can be rightfully called one of the wonders of the world. Volcanic activity causes the appearance of steam on the surface of the volcano, the low air temperature in Antarctica forces this couple to freeze, not rising high in the air, and try on the walls of the already high cylindrical ice floes. So the high ice towers are formed, of which there are quite large clouds of steam periodically appear. The maximum height of the sights of Erebus can reach 20 meters. From some ice towers, couples are at all without stopping.

Difference at temperature volcano Erebus. and the environment in Antarctica It also causes the appearance of a set of ice caves. At times, these caves produce gas pairs that have in their chemical composition methane and hydrogen. These substances adversely affect the atmosphere, so in this area of \u200b\u200bthe globe there is a thinnest ozone layer.

Taking into account how cold Antarctica, Volcano Erebus It seems something impossible on it and incredible. On our planet, this phenomenon is the only one, similar ice towers can only be found on such planets as Mars, Neptune, Jupiter, as well as on their satellites. In the crater, Erebus is a large lake lava, which is as unique as the entire volcano in general. The phenomenon of the icy volcano is so unusual and it is interesting that it involuntarily attracts the attention of both scientists and ordinary lovers of beautiful places. The American Mining Institute of Mining and Technology of New Mexico has installed a volcano observation station in Antarctic, they study its behavior and control the risk of eruption.

Also with a volcano Erebus is connected and unpleasant incidents. November 28, 1979 New Zealand Passenger Boeing faced one of the slopes of the volcano and crashed. On board the aircraft, at that moment there were 257 people, they all died in a catastrophe.

Travelers who committed an expedition to the Erebus volcano to Antarctica, as well as polar explorers who are watching the volcano from the aircraft, report that "the flame crashes from the volcano, and the smoke loop is painted at night into the crimson tones.

Exact coordinates of Volcano Erebus in Antarctica - 72 degrees, 32 minutes of southern latitude; 162 degrees, 17 minutes of Eastern longitude. By the way, there are still three volcanoes on the territory of Ross Island, but they, unlike volcano Erebus.with it Ice towersare not valid.