The physical map of Greece in Russian detailed. Islands and resorts of Greece

Greece is a recognized cradle of european civilization. This state, with numerous ruins of the ancient policies, is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula.

Greece on the world map from the satellite
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Map of Greece physical

Throughout the territory, where neither shock is archaeological finds. In the stone fences of peasants, shepherds often encounter stones with the remains of the basiels of the beginning of the era.

Here, once Archimedes popped out a stone bath with a cry of "Eureka!" Here Pythagoras, tightening the famous rectangular "Pythagora pants, that on all directions are equal," calculated that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the cathets. Here, the Spartan Tsar Leonid kept defense with 300 Spartans against the Million Persian troops. And concisely answered a screaming cry of satrapa "Our arrows are closed by the sun!" - "Well, we will fight in the shade"
Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games. In ancient times, they were served to prove the strength of those or other policies. Wars and conflicts stopped during games. And everyone converged gambling for their own. The champion was honored, decorated with a laurel wreath and carved his statue on the Champions Alley.

Now Greece, a Christian country, where 95% of the Orthodox population. She had long lost her greatness, but since the ancient Greek policies, the colonies on the Black Sea coast, the proverb "Everything is there" in Greece. " Greece makes the best cheese in the world who are rightfully proud of the descendants of goat shepherds who have improved the skill of cheerful millennia. Here the highest consumption of cheese in the world is 25 kilograms per year per person.

Tourists in Greece manits the magnificent Mediterranean climate of the coast. The blue sea and gracious contact with antiquity, gives the soul to expand, and turn around the brain like in the ancient wise men who have penetrated the mystery of the universe. Hotel Sk Royal will always help the number where, after an active and enjoyable mice on local attractions, you can attach a tired man to a soft pillow.

Makes it one of the most attractive countries for tourism. Thanks to the abundance of historical and natural attractions, the country is a leader in excursion tourism, and a large number of Islands and a long coastal line make it possible to enjoy lovers beach holidays and surfing. Monasteries and vintage temples attract numerous pilgrims, and it is possible to combine the opportunity for all this - one of the main advantages of Greece.

Maps of ancient Greece

Ancient Greece, map

Map of ancient Greece - Source:

Ancient Greece on the map

Sights of Greece on the map

Location Greece

Greece on the world map

The southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula and the southeast of the Mediterranean Sea

The countries with which Greece borders (has land borders):

  • North - Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bulgaria
  • East - European part of Turkey

Most of Greece make up the islands. Greece has a strategically important position between the three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa, which has become the cause of many wars.

The territory of Greece occupies part of the Balkan Peninsula and a huge amount of islands (about two thousand, but no more than two hundred). The Greek Republic is washed by five seas:

  1. Aegean (including Ikarian) - in the East
  2. Thracian - in the East
  3. Ionian - in the West
  4. Mediterranean - in the south
  5. CRITSKY - in the south

Greece coastline is 13,676 km. Most of the islands are located in the Aegean Sea, and a little in the ionic. Greece Square - 132,000 sq. Km. The mainland of the country is covered with mountains than the low population density is explained. There are several plateau:

  • in Fessels
  • in Macedonia
  • in Frakia

Administrative division of Greece

The Greek Republic has 7 decentralized administrations:

  1. Attica
  2. Macedonia and Frakia
  3. Epirus and Western Macedonia
  4. Fessals and Central Greece
  5. Peloponnes
  6. Western Greece and Ionia
  7. Aegean Islands and Crete.

Greece is divided into 13 peripherals (regions):

  1. Attica
  2. Central Macedonia
  3. Eastern Macedonia
  4. Thrace
  5. Western Macedonia
  6. Fessiona
  7. Central Greece
  8. Peloponnes
  9. Western Greece
  10. Ionian Islands
  11. Northern Aegean Islands
  12. Southern Aegean Islands and Crete

The Republic of Greece has 325 municipalities

Most of the population focused in large policies:

  • in Athens
  • in Pirae
  • in thessaloniki
  • in Patras
  • in Larisa

Regions and municipalities are fully self-managed.

Monastic Republic of Athos (Located on the Halkidiki Ayon-Oros peninsula) has the status of the autonomous region. Is a completely self-manageed community and consists of 20 orthodox monasteriesrelated to the jurisdiction of the Constantinople Patriarchate.

Borders of the independent modern Greek Republic

As an independent state, Greece appeared on the world map in 1832, thanks to the Constantinople Treaty.

In the boundaries of Greece were:

  • Peloponnes
  • cyclades and Sporads Islands
  • part of the stereo elelas from art to the hair.

After the union on March 7, 1948, Dodecanese Archipelago State borders of Greece have gained their final appearance.

Modern map of Greece

Internet portal "Grekomania" represents unique Greece Travel Guide - Interactive map of Greece.

Interactive map of Greece It is a modern and convenient tool in finding a variety of objects of the country, namely, on the Greece map shows: resorts of Greece, city, areas, villages, beaches of Greece, sights of Greece, as well as hotels in Greece, recreation and entertainment.

Interactive map of Greece From the Internet portal "Grekomania" is pretty easy to use: so, when choosing a certain region of Greece, a city or a holiday destination in Greece, the map provides information about attractions near this object, which is worth seeing, places of rest of Greece and the hotel to pay Attention in this area of \u200b\u200bthe country, as well as a variety of infrastructure facilities, the visit to which will fill Your holiday in Greece Beautiful memories.

In addition, each geographical object Greece, presented on the map, has its descriptions (short and complete), photos and photo galleries, helping to better decide on your choice. That is, by selecting a specific group of objects on the map (for example, monasteries), you can see the name of each object and its photo by simple movement of the mouse cursor to the icon of interest. Pressing each icon displays full information about the object, its geographical position and photos.

On interactive Map Greece can be created "His map of Greece", Indicating the objects that you have already visited or where only you want to visit our routes, as well as write comments and reviews.

Maps of Greece

Detailed physical maps Download in format.pdf (9.9MB)

Islands of Greece, and there are about two thousand in the Mediterranean, Ionical and Aegean seas - this is real Paradise for tourists. Each island has its own soul and its own story, everyone is unique in its own way. Most of the tourists visit greek islands (The exclusion of the island of Crete, well, and, perhaps, Evie), in order to soak on unique sandy beaches.

On the island of Evie, who chosen the god of the Seas Poseidon, the strike of a trident separating him from the mainland, except for captivating beaches a lot of olive groves, vineyards, gardens and forests. Here is plenty of recycling, white wine with the scent of a pine resin, the best in all of Greece.

On the Greek Islands lying in the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece, tourists come all year round. The climate is hot here, and local landscapes are enchanting with their severity. Some of the islands are inflexible, but others are popular tourist centers. Athens closer than the aetus and hydra. On the latter, a lot historical monuments and churches. Popular among tourists and a small island Poros, and fashionable Spec. Many tourists love to be on the very small island Greece, the Northern Sporads and on the Big Greek Island - Skyros. It should be noted that the island of Skiros managed to preserve typical Greek features.

Video: "Greece. The islands of the Aegean Sea. "

Well, if you want to enjoy dazzling with white houses on the mountain slopes, descending to the transparent turquoise sea, then you need to visit the Cyclades, a group consisting of 200 small islands southeast athens.

Many tourists from all over the world arrives annually on the Ionian Islands. Their soil is very fertile. Orange and olive groves, vineyards are growing here. Here is the homeland of Odyssey, Ithaca. She meets inquisitive tourists with their ribbon rocky shores. Similarity described in the world famous Homer's poem is simply ambitious.

Video: »Ionian islands, attractions."

But lovers of history necessarily seek to visit Crete. In this Greek island, more than three thousand years have flourished and flourished - the oldest of European cultures. The most famous monument of this ancient civilization Located on Knosse Island. According to some archaeologists, this is a grand architectural structure - the residence of the powerful Lord of the island of Crete. According to others, this is a royal necropolis. Who is right? Not yet known.

And historians argue that in antiquity on the Crete form of a social device was a matriarchy. Here women owned political and priests. As historians believe, the era of the matriarchate ended on the island of Crete around the XII century BC, influenced by the Island of Dorians.

Video: »Crete Island.

About the island of Greece can be written infinitely. But I want to tell another one after one thing. Lesbos Island - one of beautiful Islands Greece in the Aegean Sea. Who at least once visited here, confirms my words that the island is fabulously beautiful. From the name of this island, the term "lesbian love" occurred. The emergence of this term historians are associated with the ancient Greek great poetess Safo. She lived and worked on the island in 610-580 to our era. But no evidence that Safo was a lesbian in historians not. On the contrary, everyone knows that she was the mistress of the poet Alkeya, and then married another man. Safo left the life of the cliff due to unrequited love for the third man. The rumor that Safo experienced an attraction to women distributed its competitor to the century, Poet Anacreon. And they say that women are causary ...

Video: "Safo and Lesbos Island."

Such here they are, Greek islands, mysterious and messing at the same time. All attractions of the Islands of Greece are not possible. Ancient secrets, Ruins of palaces, disappeared civilizations and mounted sea beaches, are waiting for tourists from all over the world.

Tourist map of Greece with attractions and islands.

Among the resorts of Greece there is something of its own for everyone - whether you want privacy or dances to fall, meetings with an exciting world of mythical gods and antiquities or active rest. After all, in Greece, you can warm up in the rays of the hot sun, enjoy the turquoise sea and white sandy beaches, stroll through the picturesque places, to surf, admire the unique architecture, visit the capture

For citizens of the Russian Federation, a visa to Greece in 2017 is needed, a Shengen visa is suitable. The passport of the tourist should remain valid at least 3 months from the end of the trip to Greece. In the passport there must be 2 clean pages. To obtain a Schengen visa to Greece, you need to collect a package of documents and go through the procedure of dactyloscopy if you did not pass it earlier. Procedure including

There are accommodations in Greece for every taste: to relax with children and for fans of silence; luxury palaces and modest villas; Hotels by the sea and apartments in the mountains; Spa hotels and even island hotels. Hotel Airotel Stratos Vassilikos Hotel, Athens, Greece. See tours to this hotel Greece - one of the most popular tourist destinations all over the world, every year it takes more than 12 m

Mobile communications in Greece is excellent quality, the signal is even in the subway athens. The network covers the entire territory of the country, with the exception of very small islands. You can purchase a local SIM card in the office of the mobile operator, the tourist center, a store or street kiosk Peripetro, you must have a passport with you. There are prepaid tariffs (by 5, 10 euros or more), can be put on account

Greece is known for its natural beauty and a fascinating history. Sights of Greece and the ancient archaeological monuments, countless islands, sand beaches And the soft Mediterranean climate make it one of the main tourist destinations in Europe. Acropolis, Athens Knos Palace, Crete Monasteries Meteora, Fessels Beach Navao, Zakynthos Delphi, Fokid Acrop