Where it is better to relax on the islands of Greece. Best Islands of Greece for Recreation with Children

Greece -country with amazing history and culture. Many tourists choose the Greek islands for rest, because they want to plunge into the atmosphere of the myths and the legends of these places. Perhaps this is the best option for combining tourist and sightseeing holidays.

Of course, it is possible to go to Greece not only for the sake of the unique culture of this country, but also to relax at high-quality European resorts. The level of service is much higher here than in Turkish or Egyptian hotels who have fallen in love with domestic travelers.

So, what is the island of Greece are considered the best for beach and excursion holidays? Where can I go with a big company or family?

Greek islands - the best places to relax

Few of tourists know that in Greece there is 1400 islands! However, settlements are only considered 228 Islands. Of course, tourists attract only those settlementsWhere a good developed recreation infrastructure.

Here are the descriptions of one of most popular for relaxing islands of Greece.

Corfu Island

This island is considered almost sAmOW is a popular Greek resort. Corfu has several important advantages at once, among whom it is worth noting the amazing beauty of the terrain. Corfu is drowning in olive trees, a variety of vegetation, which you will not meet in Russia. It is here that it is worth going for traditional Greek species in which greens and contrasting white houses are combined.

Also on the island of Corfu there are several attractions that must be visited. For example, tourists can ride by channel of lovers in the city of Sidarand pay attention Byzantine churches in the city of Kerkira.

The only drawback of the island of Corfu is its striking popularity among tourists. If the traveler wants a secluded rest, then Corfu will disappoint him. Especially on the east coast there are a lot of tourists in the season. However, the beauty of the area does not spoil even the number of annoying tourists.

Rhodes Island

This is an amazing place shrouded with legends and secrets. It is here that the famous Kolos Rodoskywhich is included in the number seven wonders of the world. Also on the island of Rhodes in Greece many attractions, d.jealous temples, here is located famous Park Butterflies, which reigns a romantic atmosphere at any time of the year.

The island is notable for the fact that there are resorts for the most different travelers. For example, the resort ICCIA ideal for noisy companies, and Caliphea - On the contrary, a secluded and quiet place for married couples.

You can get to Rhodes by plane, because there is an airport on the island. Also regularly run flights from the capital of Greece Athens to one of the most tourist islands of the country. .

Santorini Island

Another place where preserved unique Greek architecture. It is here that the traditional sights of Santorini are white houses with blue roofs are erected to the cult, and the general landscape looks just magically. The island is very green, there are many plants and colors, and small houses seem to be immersed in this splendor.

Only disadvantage Rest here is decent journey prices. Santorini is the island rather for rich tourists than for budget travelers. From entertainment, travel on the yacht around the island is especially popular here. By the way, walking on the yacht is the perfect opportunity to look at the island in a new way.

Of course, this is only a brief list of the most popular tourist islands of Greece. Going on a trip to this amazing country, the tourist must understand the purpose of his holiday. If he wants to enjoy high-quality service, then Santorini or Corfu is suitable for this. However, there is an amazing beauty of the island in Greece, which deserve attention to at least for the sake of delightful landscapes.

The most beautiful Greek islands

Of course, lovers of picturesque landscapes should be known which Greek islands are considered the most beautiful in the country?

The island of Crete

Crete is popular not only at the expense of its amazing landscapes, but also thanks to a soft climate. Tourists from all over the world are regularly coming here to enjoy the amazing Greek atmosphere. By the way, in summer to the island of Crete, you can direct flight from Moscow. On the island is the second largest airport in Greece, and flights run with enviable regularity.

In addition to amazing landscapes, there is a lot of interesting sights of Crete Island. For example, tourists can visit the Knos Palace, as well as the excavation of the Minoan cities. For people who are fond of history, such a journey is a real gift.

For secured Tourists are suitable for rest in the eastern part of the island called Lassiti. For young people and couples with the middle budget Ideal will be the Northern Region of Crete called Rethymno.

Zakynthos Island (Zakynthos)

it perfect place For those tourists who wish to see non-standard Greek landscapes. The main attractions of the island are painted rocks covered with greens and trees, as well as secluded bays with transparent water and snow-white beaches. By the way, the beaches here stretch at 123 kilometers.

The enormous dignity of the island is that there are not many tourists here, such as, for example, on the island of Crete or Corfu. However, the level of tourist services is very high. By the way, there are many hotels in Zakynthos, both suite categories and two stars. More about the island of Zakynthos.

Peninsula Chalkidiki

The form of the island resembles trident. it unique, picturesque place With a variety of vineyards, architectural monuments and olive trees. On the island is visible and famous mount Olympuswhich appears in almost all Greek myths. There is here Byzantine Museumwhich is necessary to visit the fans of Greek art and lovers of history.

Having visited the Greek Islands and enjoy the amazing local landscapes, the tourist will be able to fall in love forever in love. Most importantly, choose the perfect island for your holiday.

Excursions in the islands of Greece

To better understand the mood of Greece and the features of its culture, you need to visit several islands at once. In this case, the tourist will have and rest diversify, and get a lot of impressions.

Many excursions in Greece are popular. For example, from the port of Neo Mudania on the peninsula Chalkidiki You can go on a journey through the two picturesque Greek Islands - Skopelos and Skiafos.. Excursion will last a whole day, and you need to pay for it 90-100 Euro.

This is an excellent opportunity to see a completely different, non-cereal Greece, which lives very secluded and calmly. Also, travelers will have the opportunity to visit the oldest local temples, imbued with the local culture.

Between the islands themselves is small, so the tourist can calmly and go from Corfu Island to Chalkidiki or in any other direction.

Many travelers come to Greece, without having an idea even about the approximate route. They simply know that any island in this country is painted and beautiful. That is why you only need to get to sea Port.that is almost in every city and go towards adventure.

Athens can also be reached to the island. Crete, Corfu, Santorini And many others. Such a journey can take several hours, and can last and all day. The most important thing is to have time to penetrate the atmosphere of the island.

Nuances and features of visiting Greece

Tourists need to remember that attending the country is better in the period from May to September. It is at this time in Greece the most comfortable temperature for a beach holiday temperature. By the way, the Greek islands are picturesque and in autumn-winter period. However, in the fall and in winter, the temperature does not rise above 14 degrees, so it will have to give up from swimming in the sea.

It is very important to remember that the Greeks are the believers who honor Christian traditions. That is why you need to visit the temples in closed clothes. If the girl appears in the religious shrine in a short skirt or in shorts, it will cause public indignation. The main secret of a successful trip is a respectful attitude to someone else's culture and history.

It is also better to abandon travel in Easter, passionate Thursday and a bright Tuesday. Again, the Greeks are very believers, so in all the temples of the country these days will continuously go services. A visit to many attractions is prohibited.

Islands of Greece - Video

We also offer to enjoy selection of photos of Greece Islands In this video.

In general, holidays in Greece will have to do so tourists who want not just to be sought on the beach, but also culturally evicted. What can be done conclusions from the foregoing?

  • Corfu Islands and Rhodes are considered the most popular with tourists. The quality of service is at a high level, but in the season there are too many travelers;
  • Crete and Harkidiki islands will be pleasantly surprised by their atmosphere and amazing culture. Local landscapes are simply fascinating with their beauty;
  • Travelers can relax on one island, but at the same time visit and all others on the excursion program;
  • To visit the islands of Greece is best from May to September.

Perhaps travelers will not immediately understand the Greek culture and traditions of local residents. However, if man falls in love with GreeceThis feeling will remain with him for life.

The seven first centuries of the Greeks kept the vector in the development of sciences, contributed to the emergence of various worldviews, technical discoveries, material and spiritual needs. It is impossible to overestimate the past contribution of this amazing country, actually, like beauty with the friendliness of the European state. To this day, many people respect the state for the deep philosophy of the Greeks, their world-thundering and openness. We propose to consider the ranking of the best resorts of Greece so that you do not miss the opportunity to make sure. Consider outstanding attractions, majestic landscapes and features of the most beautiful places of "Countries of Philosophy".

I had a chance to visit Greece twice all before military conflict, and there was a lot of positive impressions. Nevertheless, constantly watching life on different islands, reviews and impressions of domestic tourists, who also managed to evaluate the quality of recreation in the country of antiquity, wonderful beaches and mutual understanding.

Greece Islands Rating

Opens the Top 10 of Greece Islands the place in which the legend was born with thumbs up. Naxos will impress every traveler with its picturesque meadows, huge mountains and mysterious marble rocks. The area of \u200b\u200bone of the largest cinema islands is 428 square kilometers. On the territory of many vintage Byzantine temples, sandy beaches, forever cheerful Greeks. Being in this place, be sure to visit the ruins of the temple of Apollo, the Venetian fortress, the Cathedral. On the study of all the sacraments and mysteries of this place will be required from 3 to 7 days. I recommend to stay in one of the island resorts on Agia Anna or Agios Prokopios.

Speaking about the best islands of Greece for rest, you can not forget about the Santorini archipelago, shrouded in the myths about Atlantis. The place will impress every romance wishing to curb the culture of the Greeks and their picturesque nature. At the highest point you can visit the Prophet Monastery. I recommend to explore this place at the end of July. The 20th day of St. Ilya is celebrated here: solemn meetings are held, theaters are held. The most beautiful place is IA - a small village, located in the rocky rocks of the houses. Here you can detect pieces of volcanic pumice. Beach recreation lovers can visit the transparent sea, enjoy an active holiday. For representatives of the beautiful floor, a lot of spas centers, saunas, massage salons have been built on the territory of the island. This place is striking its versatility. There is even a Night Club Enigma, working since 1979.

This Greek island deserves the status of a paradise on Earth, because its snow-white beaches fascinate at first sight, not to mention the luxurious pine mountains and a pacifying atmosphere. It is not surprising that the Greeks are such calm and mental people. It is necessary to immediately say that this place is not for connoisseurs of attractions, but lovers of nature. Soft continental climate and warm air temperature make Zakynthos one of the best islands to relax with children. In addition, there are many good resorts that offer an interesting entertainment program on the water. In premium hotels there are educators on which children can be left, and to visit one of the nightclubs of the island. There are quite a few disco. Prices for housing and food acceptable. Actually infrastructure and reviews about the quality of restaurants and served as a reason for placing the island in this list. Unfortunately, I did not happen to be in this wonderful place.

We are talking about the very popular island of Greece, which regularly takes guests not only from other countries of the world, but also the areas of the native state. This place is rather suitable for family holidays, as there are many bars here, the nightlife will be buried, the contingent is always decent and decent. The inhabitants of the island proudly declare that about 60 beaches of Skiathos are considered the best in the country. And they have foundations proud of themselves, because you will not find garbage and dirt. The most popular destination is Cubanaries and Hanemos (for informals).

Separate attention deserve bays decorated with centenary pines and purest sand. The hills are beautiful churches dedicated to Trion and Panayi.

There is no doubt that Paros is one of the most beautiful islands of Greece, which is due to the presence of fertile plantations and a huge palm grove increasing against the background picturesque beaches And the ancient monasteries. This place is great for creative people who are in search of a corner for privacy and ponday. The island is allocated by the following advantages:

  1. History - in the past island was the center of the Cycladic Civilization;
  2. Attractions - the oldest church, temples, museums;
  3. Beauty - beaches, groves, ancient settlements.

It is worth noting that the mentality of the inhabitants of the island corresponds to his calm. The circle is quiet and serene.

The top 5 of Greece islands opens Evia, who is very loved by the Greeks themselves. The fact is that the specified place remains one of the few, where tourists did not have. Strange, but not many are known that a picturesque corner located 80 kilometers from Athens has a lot of interesting attractions and beauty:

  • plane groves;
  • mountain villages;
  • olive groves;
  • coniferous forests;
  • ruins Agora;
  • dionysis Theater;
  • ancient mosques.

In addition, on the territory of the beautiful Greek island there is a balneological resort, whose waters contain radon. Such sources will help restore strength and health after a labor year. People peaceful, but do not like noise.

Tens of thousands of tourists visit this place every year. This speaks about the large size of the Greek Island and the friendliness of its population. Corfu is also very popular because it has a unique landscape: combines the plains, wide beaches and mountains. Here you can detect a huge number of amazing bays, penshots and vintage buildings. The center is very competently organized infrastructure - a lot entertainment centers, restaurants, in general, tourist town. The climate is soft: from May to September the temperature is kept in the area of \u200b\u200b30 degrees. As for attractions, being tourists They advise you to visit the Asian Art Museum, Machine Island and Velvern - an antique town.

Among the best beach islands of Greece should be attributed to Mykonos, located in the waves of the Clean, Azure Sea. Attracts the presence of beautiful houses in the midst of beaches, abundance of churches, beautiful architecture. A rather quiet place, which is due to a small population: in the region of 5.5-6 thousand people. Locals call him Venice. Indeed, a picturesque Greek place attracts many romantics with magnificent beaches and architecture. Note that many beaches are designed for holidays of nudists. In particular, the popular place Paradise. Special attention deserves nightlife on the island of Mykonos. I recommend to visit the following clubs: "Argo", "Mercedes", "Astra".

The best island of Greece for family holiday is Rhodes, located in the southeastern part of the country. In the center of a unique place you will find knight locks, medieval ruins and powerful palaces of masters of the 14th century. Rhodes is the pearl of the history of the state, as evidenced by local attractions:

  1. Colossus Rhodes - one of the seven "miracles of the world";
  2. Sculpture of the God of the Sun;
  3. Port of mandrakes;
  4. Monument to Helios;
  5. The ruins of the temple of Athens;
  6. Ancient Greek Acropolis;
  7. Sand strip.

I can not say that the resorts of the island are characterized by a high service service, but this place admires its naturalness and energeticness. Be sure to visit!

The best island of Greece - Crete, striking with its beauty and leisure conditions. Not far from the first decade he is the tourist center of the state, because it is part of the largest zones for travelers. This place is surrounded by the beaches of the three seas:

  1. Libyan;
  2. Ionian;
  3. Aegean.

The landscape of the island is inconspicuous and landscape: plains, bays, mountains. Sandy beaches are cleaned, the garbage is quite difficult to find. There is a nightlife: discos, round-the-clock shops. Traditionally, Crete is considered an island with warm water. It is one of the favorite seats of family pairs. However, it will not be bored and with a large company.

Greece is a mainland zone in the south of the Balkan Peninsula in Europe and the island state. More than two thousand islands are washed: Mediterranean, Cretan, Ionian, Aegean, Libyan seas. On the largest islands are located the best resorts of Greece: Chania, Rethymnon, Cardamen, Lindos, Cafelos, Lassiti, Irraclion, Kifisi.
Self popular resorts Greece On Islands - Rhodes, Corfu, Kos, Crete, Peloponnese, Chalkidiki, Chios, Samos, Mykonos.

Map of Greece with resorts

Rhodes Island - Resorts and Attractions

Rhodes Island is a place shrouded with myths. This is an island that attracts its nature, history, architecture; Take, for example, the valley of butterflies. This island of the famous Colossus Rhodes - included in the list of seven wonders of the world - will offer everything that will satisfy the most demanding tourists. On the island of Rhodes, it is harmoniously combined to achieve the current century and innovation with the architectural heritage of antiquity - which in general creates favorable conditions for recreation. Rhodes are washed by two seas: Mediterranean (in the East) has sandy beaches and a calm sea, and Aegean (in the west) with pebble beaches and waves. Therefore, east Coast Islands (Kombia, Califa, Lindos, Faliraki) are suitable for tourists who prefer traditional beach holidays, and West (Yalisos, Ikcia) - for windsurfing. Tours to Rhodes Island in 2019 with direct flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Corfu Island (Kerkira) - Description of the resorts

Corfu Island (Kerkira) is one of the best resorts of Greece. The nature of the island is unique: plains, mountains, rocky shores, secluded bays, numerous sandy golden beaches, citrus gardens and olive groves (there are more than 40 species of wild orchids), picturesque lakes and rivers. The tourist season for a beach holiday lasts from May to September. Corfu Island is famous for the Love Channel (di Amur) in the town of Sidari, by giving, swim in it and find your love. The city of Kerkir is the capital of Corfu Island. Tourists will be interested to visit Spian's Square, recognized as the most beautiful in all Greece, old and new fortresses, as well as the Cathedral of St. Christopher, the Byzantine Museum. The time should be given to visiting the Summer Palace of the Austrian Empress Elizabeth of the Habsburg, built at the end of the XIX century. For tourists who prefer active rest, about. Corfu offers an extensive selection of entertainment - these are tennis clubs, and sailing yachts, and diving, and surfing, and equestrian sports, and golf. Tours to Corfu Island (Kerkira) in 2019 are from Moscow and St. Petersburg from the end of April to mid-October.

Kos Island in Greece - Attractions

It has a favorable climate and is recognized as the most environmentally friendly in Greece. This is paradise on earth with beautiful blooming gardens, olive groves, many birds. Kos Island is a kind of resort-universal. Hospitality of the island of Kos and its high level of tourist services will allow every person to be comfortable, interesting and convenient to rest, whether: young people, or lovers of a relaxing family holiday, wealthy people who value service and comfort, or people with a little sufficient, or active, loving sports and Entertainment, or lovers spend time with a book on the beach. For children, attractions, parks, playgrounds are provided. North of the city of Kos is resort Lambi. with a sandy beach. In the east of the city of Kos resort Psalidi With a beach from small pebbles. And 10 kilometers in the southern direction from the city of Kos beach with black volcanic sand And here it is customary to swim in the thermal source. The most famous resorts of the island: Cardamen, Kefalos, Kamari, Marmari, Mastichari, Tigaki.Sights and resorts of Kos.

- the most picturesque and big greece Island, in the form of the island reminds the flying dragon on which is located the best resorts of Greece: Elunda, Rethymno, Chersonissos, Agios Nikolaos. and romantic Chania. On Crete, all conditions for tourists of different categories and ages have been created: there are cheap hotels and noisy discos; For solid tourists - fashionable resorts; Privacy and calm - for newlyweds, as well as everything you need for rest with children. Tourists on about. Crete attracts a mild climate, picturesque nature, the purest sea, beautiful beaches, many historical monuments, architectural excavations of different eras and a developed hotel network. Crit is the most affordable Greek island both from Moscow and from the regions of Russia. Find your perfect holiday tour on Crete Island

Zakynth Island - Blue Caves, Navagio Bay

Zakynthos Island (Capital Zakynthos) stands out against the background of other Islands of Greece due to natural beauty and unique underwater world. Rocks and mountains in the west, covered with dense forest hills and plains, olive groves, endless sandy snow-white beaches with a length of 123 km, transparent blue sea, secluded bays and bays, underwater caves and sunken ships are an excellent place to relax and water entertainment. Extended sandy beaches, resort cities, towns and tourist complexes are predominantly the northeast and south-eastern part of the island. It is worth noting that the lack of hotels is not experienced. Here is a large spectrum of the developed tourist infrastructure of hotels of various categories: from 2 * and above, to specialized SPA hotels. The most popular resorts of Zakynthos: Laganas, Kalamaki, Vasilicos, Agrasie, Tsilivi. Tours with straight flights to about. Zakynthus in 2019 is from the end of May to early October from Moscow and St. Petersburg. Tours from Moscow to Zakynthos Island are built on direct flights twice a week (Wednesday, Saturday), from St. Petersburg 1 time per week on Thursdays.

Santorini Island - Life on Volcano, Legendary Atlantis

Santorini Island - Raisin of the tourist world of Greece. The historical heritage of the past civilizations, sandy beaches of volcanic black, red and white sand, azure Aegean Sea And the unique architecture, expressed in small houses painted in blue, blue and white colors, combined with alive flowers in the pots - have long been the hallmark of a paradise rest in Greece on Santorini Island. Yacht sea walks, calm and moderate recreation atmosphere, dynamic nightlife, shopping, SPA - hotels and visits to attractions - all this is harmoniously combined by Santorini. Therefore, it is cozy here, convenient and accessible to various categories of tourists! Tours on Santorini from Moscow are only with transfers. You can visit Santorini on the ferry, for example, from Crete Island.

Chios - juicy fruit, mastic, honey and relaxing rest!

Chios Island While less known in the Russian market, which highlights it among the other islands of Greece, where Russians are an excessive amount. He is located next to Turkey: just 5 km separates it from Turkish resort Czech. Chios island designed for calm holiday and recreation with children. Chios is cities and villages in a medieval style, this is similar to the island of Rhodes. O. Chios is suitable for those tourists who are willing to know the Greek traditions, culture and enjoy beautiful views and sea. The "highlight" of the island of Chios is that this is the only place on earth, where the mastic trees give a special resin (mastich). Mastich has healing properties and from it learned to make various products, including chocolate.

Mykonos is an island where celebrities rest!

Mykonos. - This is the most prestigious rest on Greece Islands. Nightlife with discos and their multi-colored lights does not subside on Mykonos Island in the most peak season from July to September. Architectural appearance about. Mykonos is a harmony of low houses in white-blue tones, hilly terrain and the coastal edge of the Aegean sea. The beaches of the island mostly sandy and meet a mixed type (sandy-pebble). They are suitable for both youth and for active rest. In general, visit the island of Mykonos, look at the life, kitchen and dynamic parties, enjoy the beach and first-class service - it is at least once in life. It is necessary to see where elite youth, politicians and famous stars of show business are resting. And if it's not even a full vacation, but excursion tour For a couple of days from the neighboring islands on the ferry - it is not worth the deprivation of this opportunity!

Resorts and sights of Peloponnese Island

Peloponnese Peninsula is the southern region of the mainland Greece. Peninsula Peloponnes Attracts tourists from around the world with their historical past and many sights. On peloponnese Peninsula There are such significant cities. ancient civilization as: Argos, epidavr, Sparta, Patra, Myce. Therefore, the rest, conducted here, will be fascinating, meaningful and informative thanks to saturated excursion programs. Beaches on the peninsula - purely sandy or sandy with small plunges of small pebbles. The absence of large resorts (usually the scattered hotels or apartments) does not scare away tourists who seek to enjoy the beauty of architectural monuments and amazing antique buildings.

Holidays on Chalkidiki in Greece

Peninsula Chalkidiki externally resembles a trident, every end of which is the peninsula Cassandra, Sithonia and Agios Oros (Holy Mount Athos). This southern peninsula in the mainland of Greece is a unique natural reserve with green hills, dyed vineyards, with unique forests, flowers, azure sea, large sandy beaches. This peninsula is ideal for family holidays with children, couples or travelers who want to spend rest calmly and measured. Your choice is a lot of comfortable and comfortable beaches, as well as wild and secluded. Youth resorts are on Chalkidiki: Califray (Castranda); Neos Marmaris (Sithonia). Resting on Halkidiki can go on the main attraction of mainland Greece - Mountain OlympusOn which all the ancient Greek gods lived according to myths. Leaves an unforgettable experience excursion by thessalonikov and a trip to Mount Meteoras with a visit to the monasteries of the same name. Halkidiki nearby is located international Airport Salonniki. What makes rest at Chalkidiki resorts available to residents of Russia regions. Tours to the resorts of Halkidiki in 2019 with direct flights to Salonniki are available from 11 cities of Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Voronezh, Volgograd, Samara, Mineral Water, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod. Find the best chalkidiki tour among all the offers of tour operators.

Capital of Greece - Athens - Attractions

Athens - The capital of Greece. Currently apina Resort - this is modern city With a population of 3.6 mil. residents with excellent developed tourist infrastructure. Athens is surrounded by mountains: Egaleo, Guardite, Pendot, Imito, from the south-west - Sironikos Bay. Athens All types of rest are combined: this is a great place with historical, architectural monuments, with shopping centers, with hotels for different wealth, with beautiful beaches, sea, restaurants, cafes. Resorts a few kilometers from Athens:Glyfada, Vouliagmena, Kifisi, Faliro, Vura, Varkis, Kavuri, Mati, Marafonas, Wereron, Loutura, Loutraki.

List of Greece Islands for rest can be found on any website engaged in tourist travel. But how to choose exactly the one that will suit you and your family?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. But it can be said that Greece is a wonderful island country with its centuries-old history and see it to have something.

Today we will go to the island of Greece, let's try to make a choice in favor of one of the archipelago. In order to make the correct choice, you need to know which of them are related to the country, and which are not. To begin with, let's remember how many of them are all?

In contact with

Greece Islands - Alphabet List

If it comes to Greek History, then many travelers simply captures the Spirit. It is unlikely that someone from the lessons of geography remembers that Greece has its small green particles scattered through various seas. But in fact they are, and there are more than 1400 them in composition.

Despite such a digit, only 227 were populated. At the same time, only 78 lives a little more than 100 people.

The largest islands of the country that can most often hear in travel agencies - this is:

  • Angisto;
  • Idra;
  • DCO;
  • Poros;
  • Salamine;
  • Special;
  • Aegina.

In addition, they have a certain territorial division and can relate to different parts of the sea:

  • North-Aegean: Lemnos, Lesbos, Thassos;
  • Ionian direction: Ithaca, Kitir, Paksa;
  • Southern: Arches, Kalimos,;
  • On the eastern direction: Samos, Chios;
  • Cyclades: Andros, Milos, Paros;
  • Crete: Crete, Diya, Chrysi.

Of course, it is impossible to list everything. This is just a small part where there are interesting places where historically significant events took place.

The most beautiful places of Greece

Everyone who once got here will tell with accuracy that the country is created by God. Despite the fact that the economic crisis has been observed here for a long time, a large number of travelers are sent to the country annually who want to look at beauty.

And as soon as a person falls into a fairy tale, he immediately notes that all the places he sees are characterized by beauty. But to determine what place is most beautiful, it is simply impossible. Consider the most popular resorts, the most common holidaymakers are sent.

Mount Athos - pilgrims come here from around the world in order to look at holy places.

For more degrees, this is the republic of the monks, more than 1400 people live here.

It is important to know: This is a place where it is impossible to walk in swimsuits and swim in the territory. In addition, women are not allowed here at all.

This is a mountain and peninsula.

Rhodes - Lindos village is located on it. If you look at her, you can think about the fact that the village came to us from the Middle Ages. It has an Acropolis. If you go upstairs, then the magnificent coastline will appear before you.

There is a beach where you can spend your time.

Samaria is a gorge. It is located in Crete. It is the longest and is more than 16 km. This is a reserve, and here are permitted exclusively hiking. Going on the journey, you need to calculate at least 4-7 hours, because less time it will not be possible to pay.

The oldest cypressions and pines grow here. Walking along the gorge, you will go to the Libyan Sea.

When travelers come to Greece, except excursions that are popular there, they dream of swimming on the sea, sunbathe on the golden sand. Then you can safely go to Myrtos Beach. The color of water is simply amazing. He is really turquoise.

All the beaches in the country of sandy, so you will not meet the pebbles there. If you look ashore from the sea, you can consider small caves that give the shore even greater beauty.

If you went to Greece with a child, then definitely show him Delphi Theater. It is located on Mount Parnass and here still show the performances, as they showed them to the ancient Greek residents.

The building itself was built back in the 5th century to our era, and it can accommodate up to 7 thousand people. There is a theater on the hill, so if you look down, you will open an unforgettable landscape.

On the top of the cliff, in the mountains, there is a meteor complex. This is a monastery building in which the hermit lived in the 10th century. In antiquity, in order for strangers to have the opportunity to get to the monasteries hanging in the air, a special staircase was required. As a rule, when they capture it, it was simply not.

In modern Greece, 6 such buildings have been preserved, they seem to be hanging in the air and do not hold on anything.

Which island of Greece to choose for outdoor activities

Active rest in any country involves pastime in constant motion. But if you went to Greece, then anywhere you can relax actively.

Around the mountains, caves, gorge. All this is so manitis with its beauty, especially if you came here for the first time. Perfect for outdoor activities are Crete, Patmos, Rhodes. Each of them will look at a little lower in the article.

Greek islands with beautiful beaches - where it is better to rest

Traveling in Greece can be quite exciting and interesting. After all, its particles are located in three seas. Now these land is distinguished by calm, and before the permanent wars were going here.

One of the most popular places where guests from Russia are used to fly is Crete. Optimally, if you visit it from May to October. Sand beaches are waiting for you here.

The beauty of local nature just fascinates! Many who had to visit here, they say that this is a divine place. Popular Crete and because he is the largest of all in the country.

Islands of Greece for recreation with children

Answer this question is not so simple, because wherever you come, the country will meet you with its beautiful beaches and hospitality. Here are very tasty fed. In addition, there is a large number of national dishes in a large assortment.

You can spend great time in Greece with a child on, Kos, Alonisos and many others. A large number of holidaymakers when choosing the island notes that you can spend great time with the child, since the games on the sandy beach, the Azure Sea, beautiful trees are all that will surround you all the rest of the rest.

Greek Islands on the map with names

Each Greek island is similar to each other, but it can be said with accuracy that if you came to relax on one of them, you will get a lot of impressions, and this trip for many years will remain in your memory. Consider each island separately.


Greek island is located in the Ionian Sea. On the area it is not small and is 402 square meters. meter. The island has the capital - the city zaknosei.

Traveling around the island, you will find a huge number of rocks, caves, and of course beaches. The length of the shore is about 123 kilometers, and therefore everyone will find a place where to accommodate and just sow on the sand.


Greek island is located in the Aegean Sea. It is much less than the previous one, and its area is 76 square meters. km. There are only 14 thousand people living on it. Rest time - optimally from May to November.

Going back on Hiking on it, you will surprise small villages and local buildings.

Kos Island

It is located in the Aegean Sea, his little length is only 50 km away. Given the fact that it is geographically located in the seismically dangerous zone, earthquakes occur here periodically.

I received the last serious damage to Kos in 1933. After him, the parks that were still here in antiquity were preserved in the form of ruins.

It is worth noting: The cost is the cheapest island where you can spend a great time.

By braid you can move on bicycles on special tracks, the transport itself is easy to rent. If you are with children, then all sorts of children's chairs and booths to bikes can also be easily rented and riding in the evenings, enjoying nature, sea and architecture. Hotels All 2 star.

For the tourist season, more than 600 thousand people arrive here. Kos, in fact, completely given to guests.


The Greek Island of Female Love is the second name. He is also known as an island with a pink name. In terms of its size, he is the third in all Greece. Main citywhich can be called the capital is Mitilini.

When excavations, the person's parking was found on its territory, which are dated age 500 thousand years ago. That is, more ancient people understood all his beauty and lived here with great pleasure.


It is also called Kerkira, the second largest Greek island, it is located in the northern part of the country. Washes his shore Ionian Sea. Area 593 square kilometers. The capital is the city of Kekira, who was named after Poseidon's beloved. Gorgeous beaches, beautiful color water - all this is its distinctive feature. Although all the islands are beautiful, but this is good in its own way. Shore - about 200 km.

On the shore there is everything to spend the guest time. These are volleyball courts, and motorcycles. One of the popular entertainment is yachting. Please note: there is like a Corfu pebble beachesand sandy.


Washes the Ionian Sea. Landscapes are just amazed, here is a wonderful atmosphere. On one shore, sheer rocks, more and more reminds the mainland. The name was received by the name of the hero from the genus Odyssey. In archaeological excavations, traces of Paleolithic residents were found.

The air temperature in summer periods is 34 degrees, and water 28. On Kefalonia organized a huge number of excursions.


Island with wildlife, but it is this that he attracted tourists who decided to visit him. In addition to nature. Patmos is famous for its shrines and monastery of St. John the Bogoslov.

One of the distinguishing features is a huge amount of capes, and opens with them beautiful view on the Aegean Sea. Previously, this place was one of the calm in the country. Now you do not say such a thing. There is a large number of cafes, bars.


Previously not known to people, but, as the legend, water Mediterranean Sea Opened, and he appeared before the king in all its glory. In antiquity, the beauty of the rhodes was compared with one of beautiful women - Bride geology.

On its territory there is a large number of monuments to which it is worth looking.

The island of Crete

Attractive for tourists of all categories. It is not necessary that the amount of rest was big - here there is a place for everyone. This is a magnificent island, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 8335 square meters. km.

If you go to the southern part of it, you can relax, retaining from the main number of holidaymakers.


Located in the Aegean Sea and was formed on the site of the former volcano.

If you look at it from above, it will turn out to be rougheled enough. This is due to volcanic origins.

In addition to the listed Islands of Greece, the list also includes beautiful and magnificent islands: Indra, Andros, Sima, Lefkas, Mikinos. Regardless of which specifically, you stop your choice, you will pull here again and again.

Andros Island is waiting for its guests

The islands are beautiful, they have a rich nature, but the most important thing is the magnificent seas that wash them. Given the large number of tourists who dream here to visit, the cost of a ticket is acceptable.

See the video that provides an overview of the best islands of Greece for recreation:

List of Greece Islands for rest, where excellent sea landscapes are combined with ancient ancient artifacts, has more than 100 items.

Tourists planning a journey can come in handy checklist:

  1. Season. For a beach holiday, the period from May to September was optimal. Comfortable air and sea temperature will allow combining sea bathing with the excursion program. In the autumn-winter time, a soft climate and a temperature in the range of + 10 ... + 14 ° C give tourists the opportunity to make long walks.
  2. A place. Upon arrival in Greece, a map with the islands in Russian will help the tourist to plan the route in such a way as to stay on one, but at the same time visit other interesting places around.
  3. Housing. When it is selected, it is possible to navigate not only on the hotels and resort hotelsthat offer full boardBut also for private apartments in small villages, thanks to which you can better feel the atmosphere of ancient country. Book this option is better in advance.
  4. Visa. To visit Greece, a visa is needed, however, you can choose only those resorts, where the permission for the entrance is issued in place.
  5. Religion. If the journey is undertaken not for the purpose of pilgrimage, it is better to avoid large religious holidays, during which access for tourists is limited to many attractions. Women on a journey is recommended to take a scarf or handkerchief to be able to visit the church.

How to get to the islands of Greece?

Direct air travel from Moscow is available in summer to Crete or all year round in large cities (Athens or Thessaloniki). Of these, tourists go to rest inner flights. SAMI profitable price On tickets - in November.
List of airlines: Agean Airlines, Ellinair, Aeroflot, UTair.

Adjusting the duration of docking between flights, you can have time to see the mainland attractions of the country. Flights with docking in European cities are possible.

The most picturesque islands

If when choosing a direction where to go on vacation, the tourist prefers beautiful landscapes, it is better to stay on Santorini or Skiathos in Greece. Although literally every corner of this country may compete for the title of the most picturesque.


Refers to the number of the most beautiful islands of Greece thanks to interesting landscapes: the rocks are littered with small cloudy and white houses with azure roofs. Nearby are small temples with blue domes. You can evaluate the landscape on dignity by making a sea walk on a ferry or yacht.

Despite the shortage of fresh water, the locals grow fruits and vegetables, and the vineyards and eucalyptus groves cover most of the sushi. Therefore, rest will be among the colors and greens.

Santorini beaches are impressive with black or red sand, the best of them is Periss and Kamari.

The fans of archeology will be able to see the architectural monuments of the Cycladic Civilization on the island, visit the excavation of the ancient city of Tera (ІХ century BC) in the east. Here you can see the ruins of old Roman baths, theaters, markets, to visit monastery XVIII century, archaeological museum, the monastery of the Prophet Ilya and the Women's Monastery of St. Nicholas.


The monuments of ancient culture here are located on the entire coast, and the combination of interesting cuisine with marine landscapes and excellent beaches, which are more than 60 here, will suit visitors with different interests.

Skiathos is an island for active tourists: lovers of yacht sports, water motorcycles, parachutes. There are on Skiathos and Attractions: Castro Ruins, venetian fortress Bartzi, Monasteries of the Mother of God and Eavanistius. Latest - manufacturers of local specialties. Cheese, olive oil, wine, liqueurs can not only taste or acquire, but also try to do it yourself.

Best Islands of Greece for Beach Recreation with Children or Together

Greece resorts with sad beaches and a mild climate is that it is necessary to relax with children or a couple. And the crit is the eighth largest in Europe and the largest island of Greece, located in the Aegean Sea, he will introduce tourists with the world of Greek mythology.


At the Archipelago, the northern sprays of Evia is better to rest for travelers with children or small quiet companies.

According to legend, hence the trip on Troy, and mineral waters Hercules himself was treated. This amazing climatic zone combines the centuries-old pine forest, sea beaches, bordered by powerful cliffs, healing dirt, hot springs among mountain gorges.

At the same time, proximity to the mainland (only 80 km to Athens, there is even a 14-kilometer bridge over the shed Evrip) makes it possible to make the most rich excursion program.


Sandy beaches of Crete for recreation with children or together especially good in September, when the islands of Greece comes the Velvet season. Although the mild climate and beautiful nature make it possible for sea baths here at the end of April.
Crete is an amazing place where all the ancient myths seem to be expensive against the background of the beauty of local landscapes fascinating. This is the historical and cultural center of the ancient Cretan civilization, rich in ancient monuments.

Here King Minos in his palace with the title of Maze held Minotaur. And in our time, visit the Knos Palace from different types of stone in Heraklion will enjoy tourists of any age. With its construction, the first use of water supply, sewage, ventilation, heating is associated.

Children Crete offers to visit 4 water park at once, a large Cretaquarium Aquarium and a beautiful Family Park "Labyrinth" with attractions.

The most frequently visited by tourists island among the ionic in the west of the country. The nature reserve attracts people from all over the world with olive groves, citrus gardens, lush greens. Corfu is famous for high-quality service, in the season attracts many tourists, which should be considered when planning travel.

While thinking about the resort of Greece to choose to relax with children, look at the cities of Moraitics and Mesongy - here are extended sandy beaches with smooth descent to the sea.

History lovers will be able to ride through the channel of lovers in the Sidar, watch the Byzantine churches in Kerkira, and in the old town to visit the Royal Palace, at home in an ampir style, ancient Venetian Fort.

Belongs to the Greek archipelago Dodecanese and attracts many tourists. Hotels, bars, restaurants are concentrated here. Teenage children and young people will appreciate the partner atmosphere of central areas. Islands beaches are petty safe sand places for the whole family.

The islanders with respect belong to medicine, because Hippocrates was born here. Therefore, tourists who are interested in medicine are selected in this place among all Islands of Greece. Children will be interested to look at the thousand-year Platan, who, according to the legend, planted the hippocrates in the youth, or to take part in the traditional ceremony of the abosponation of future doctors.

Aquis Marine Resort Water Parks, Lido Water Park, GO KART Karting Centers, Baywatch Water Sports Club - Choice of sports guys and young couples for vacation time on the spit. And very small travelers can chat with animals in natural Reserve Fisiko Parco Tis Zias.

Go to Zakynthos, if you think that Greece Island to choose for a saturated children's holidays on the sea or a relaxing holiday together. Tourists here less than on other greek resortsThis ensures the dimension rate of the vacation.

The most southern seven ionic islands will offer visitors not only 123 km of comfortable pebble and sandy beaches, beautiful azure bays with grotes and green gardens, but also a large hotel list. In the south and south-east of Zakynthus there is a marine reserve with such rare animals as Caretta Turtle and Monachus seal.

The scenery of the island is exquisitely complemented by Venetian towers and fasteners, there is a similar to the Venice Square of St. Mark with the Catholic Cathedral.

Place, preserving the national flavor and ancient facilities. Great for walking together after relaxing on Myrtos Beach, during which you can see sights such as:

  • cave Droograti - with the "parade" hall, decorated with "chandeliers" from hundreds of stalactites;
  • mystical underground lake Melissani, open after the collapse of the ceiling of his cave, which is why sunlight penetrates here;
  • the Venetian town of Fiscardo, the only not affected by a terrible earthquake and therefore preserved his historical appearance.

Islands for youth and couples

Among the most romantic seats for recreation, tourists call Rhodes, and the youth will appreciate nightlife Fashionable Mykonos.

An important center of tourism off the coast of Turkey. European tourists consider Rhodes with the best resort of Greece. According to the legend, Zeus raised him from the bottom of the Sea as a gift to the Sun God - Heliosa.

On Rhodes a variety of hotels and beaches: there are small hotels for couples searched by privacy, as well as network hotels with night discos, 24-hour dance enthusiasts.

At the same time, the island is attractive for visitors who are interested in archaeology and an ancient world. The list of places for visiting should include the ruins of ancient Kamaryosa, the Rhodes fortress, the castles of Arkhangelos and Monolithos.
In love with the spring or summer it is worth visiting the valley of butterflies.

Located in the Aegean Sea, is the center of night Greek life. Resort for wealthy tourists, including world stars, is famous for tolerance for the pleasures of guests. This is the place of entertainment, in a relaxed atmosphere of which you can choose daily pleasures in the mood: party on best beaches, shopping in the stores of world fashion brands, a quiet beach holiday, a dawn meeting on a yacht, surfing, Greek dinner under the stars.

Many sand or pebble beaches by Simi are located in such a way that you can only get to them by the sea. It attracts to the island of lovers who will be able to spend their holidays together in the midway away from other tourists.
Interesting Greek architecture and sea landscapes will become a good photo background.

Ideal places for secluded relaxation with an authentic atmosphere

Small incomplete Greek islands give travelers the opportunity to feel all the traditions of the edge in priority form. For many, such a rest is preferably a five-star service.

Famous for the coastal line, along which sandy or sand-pebble beaches. Here you can choose a place for swimming in your own taste: from organized with bars and restaurants on the shore to the sports, offering to do different types of water sports. They will find here the beaches for themselves and lovers of "wild" rest.


The island offers a secluded rest. Tourists here are less than the rest of the Greek resorts. Chios beaches are a spacious black and pebble Mavra Volia Beach, a small VROLIDIA Beach consisting of a mixture of pebbles and sand. Beaches perfect for children sandy beaches Komi and Karfas.

Ancient Orthodox shrines (Nea Monasteries, Na Monasteries, Ayia Markela and Agios Konstantinos) will become an interesting addition to rest. The proximity to Turkey can be felt by visiting the capital and examining the fortifications of the X century with Turkish baths, the Byzantine Museum, located in the old mosque.


The island is located in the Ionian Sea. It connects with the mainland Pontoon Bridge, which gives tourists an additional advantage: not depend on the whims of nature and enjoy the landscapes for almost all year round. Lefkada is distinguished by mountainous landscape and lush green decoration.

The island is the center of water sports. Kiteserfingists are perfectly feeling, divers, windsurfing fans. In summer, lovers of the authentic atmosphere can take part in a large folk festival.