Cities in Germany - Magdeburg. Magnedurguga's main attractions: Photo and Description Best time to visit

City, Germany. Mentioned in 805 as the Magadoburg Fortress, in 937 Magathaburg, Sovr. Magdeburg. The name from other top. it. Magath Girl, Virgo, probably as a pagan cult name (cf. dr. Sax, Ekmagadi Nymphs, elves). ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Modern encyclopedia

- (Magdeburg), city in the GDR, the administrative center of the district of the same name. Based at the beginning of the IX century. Rose around two parallel streets and an old bridge area through r. Elbe. The old town is almost completely destroyed by Anglo American Aviation in ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 city (2765) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- (Magdeburg, Czech. Devin) main city Prussian prov.Sakonia, one of the most important fortresses of the Empire, on the three Sleeves Elbe.137135 LIAT. Old fortifications are broken, as a result of M. almost doubled. The statue of Ottone led, a monument of war 1870 71 ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

Magdeburg - Magdeburg, city in Germany. 275 thousand inhabitants. Transport node; Port on the Elba River. Mechanical engineering, chemical pharmaceutical, leather shoe, sewing industry. Culturally historical museum. Theaters: National (1796), new urban ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

I Magdeburg (Magdeburg) District in the GDR, in the southern part of the Middle Eastern Plain, partly in the Harz mountains. Area 11.5 thousand km2. Population of 1.3 million people (1971). Administrative center city Magdeburg. District with highly developed ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Magdeburg), city in Germany, port on r. Elba, Earth administrative center Saxony Anhalt. 265 thousand inhabitants (1995). Mechanical engineering (including heavy, electrical), chemical, pharmaceutical, leather shoe, sewing, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Magdeburg, Czech. Devin) The main city of Prussian prov. Saxony, one of the most important fortresses of the Empire, on the three Elbe sleeves. 137135 LIAT. Old fortifications are broken, as a result of M. almost doubled. The statue of Ottone led, a monument of war 1870 ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Magdeburg) city in GDR, ADM. c. County M. 262.4 t. (1962). Large port on r. Elbe. One of the largest prom. Country centers (heavy engineering, etc.). First mentioned in 805. With the 968 center of the Archbishopianism, one of the most important supports ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia


  • Recent years of Kiev's self-government in Magdeburg law, I.M. Kamanan. Magdeburg law is one of the most famous urban law systems that have developed in the XIII century in the city of Magdeburg as a feudal urban law, according to which economic ...
  • Riddles of Golden Conview, Shigin Vladimir Vilenovich. The book of the writer and journalist, the captain of the 1st rank of Vladimir Shinigin is devoted to the investigation into the circumstances of the death of ships transporting at different times a large bunch of goods. The reader will meet ...

Few today will be able to deny that Magdeburg is a city of contrasts and an incredible attractive force. The history of the empire and the period of socialist transformations merged here.

In the appearance of the city, traces of the Second World War and typical handwriting of socialist architecture will forever remain forever - wide boulevards and precast reinforced concrete residential buildings, the so-called plattenbuthene. However, this is one of oldest cities Germany, based almost 1200 years ago and being the birthplace of the first Gothic cathedral in German land.

The main historical attraction of Magdeburg. Anyone who will see this miracle of architecture will be amazed by the grandeur of his two sticker towers. This architectural monument is rooted in 937, when the King Otto I founded the Benedictine monastery on this earth. After a fire that destroyed the original cathedral, only after a couple of centuries, it was rebuilt as a gothic three-level basil with a testing, chorus and pointed windows.

In total, 300 years had to ensure that the Magdeburg Cathedral will acquire that appearance, which today see residents and guests of the city. This is the burial place of Otto I and his English wife Edita. The Great and Artistic Value of the Cathedral, here you can find many works of art ranging from the graceful sculptures of Magdeburg virgins of the 13th century and ending with the Anti-war memorial of Ernst Barlach.

Location: Am Dom - 1.

Harmoniously spread among the meadows, lies on the eastern shore of Elba Elbaouenpack - green paradise. Former military-industrial area was transformed into a unique, blooming natural Park. He appeared to the 25th anniversary federal garden Show in 1999. Today, this unique "cultural landscape", which is one of the most important attractions of Magdeburg.

Elbaouenpack filled with blooming roses, places for sports and recreation, on its territory there is a house of butterflies, a lot of sculptural compositions and art objects. And the "highlight" of the park is considered Millennaya TowerHeight 60 meters. This is a museum in which there is everything: from a wooden wedge to the X-ray apparatus, from cave painting to computed tomography - everything that humanity has reached technical plan for the last 6000 years. A total of 250 exhibits at five exhibition levels.

Location: Tessenowstraße - 7.

The first documentary mention of Vellenchurma, the part of today's Lukasclus refers to 1279. The tower was part of the medieval fortress.

During the thirty-year war, it was partially destroyed. Being a well-known engineer and inventor Saxon Otto, von Gerica began the reconstruction of all fortifications and bridges, as well as bastion. Labor was titanic, but the game cost the candle. Tower of St. Lucas is impressive with its sizes: the total height is 21.70 metersand diameter - 11.42 meters. On the first floor, the brickwork has a thickness of 1.42 m.

Location: Schleinufer - 1.

The most old building in the city in the city of Magdeburg, as well as a modern center of art, which collected masterpieces of painting and sculptures. The architecture here will uniquely reflect the changing history of the city, marked with flourishing, destruction and reconstruction. This is not just a museum of past epoch, but art as a living, time-dependent system.

Interesting detail: The entrance door to the monastery is designed by a popular local artist by Heinrich the athelet and it is very fun. It is necessary to knock for a female bas-relief necklace at the entrance, and to enter the man's hat to put on the hat. Entrance to the monastery is free.

Location: Regierungsstraße - 4.

The old Magdeburg market is in the historic part of the city. The first references to him go back to 1176. Unfortunately, the building, which was rebuilt several times, was almost completely destroyed during bombing. However, the central part of the market is the Town Hall, was restored in his historical appearance. The figure of the famous Magdeburg rider towes Square.

The sculptural composition depicts the ruler on the horse accompanied by two female figures. There is a copy of the square, the original is in the cultural history museum.

The statue itself was probably created in the middle of the XIII century. According to architects, the look and gesture of the rider facing medieval town hall. The rider is considered a symbol of privileges and freedoms provided by Otto first.

The museum collections are divided into archeology departments, Middle Ages, city history. The exposition presents coins and medals, furniture, paintings, graphics, crafts, textiles, and even there is a separate section dedicated to school history. In the museum stores, more than 800 paintings dating from 16-20th centuries. The museum also has a library.

The famous place in Magdeburg that is located south of the city center. IN last years Square turned into a center nightlife. This part of the city was one of the few Magdeburg Islands, which survived the Great bombardment. Today, the area and its surroundings are completely renovated. It is flooded with dozens of pubs, bars, restaurants and discos.

The newest architectural landmark of Magdeburg is considered the Green Citadel, the building that erected in the city of Eccentric artist and the architect from Vienna Freedsraich Hundertwasser. The project was completed in 2005. It is a pink, like a piglet building, with trees that grow straight on its facades, and green glades cover its roof.

The house reflects the Philosophy of Hundertwasser - the creation of unique spaces in harmony with nature, peculiar "oasis for humanity". Inside there are offices, apartments and shops, as well as a small hotel and cafe. In order to understand the intriguing vision of the architect, for tourists even spend watch tours of the green citadel.

Location: Breiter Weg - 10a.

Rothorn is one of the most beautiful English landscaped parks in Germany and the green heart of Magdeburg. Boat walks, dinner on the terrace of the river restaurant, sports at the courts - make this place the center of attraction and for citizens, and for tourists. The architectural attraction of the park is the Town Hall, decorated in the style of Bauhauses. The building was built on the occasion of the world famous German theater exhibition in 1927.

Magdeburg has that offered from the point of view of tourism and leisure: numerous sports and entertainment events, lively city parks and cultural attractions. You can walk around the city on foot, turn on a two-story bus or on a boat to explore the city. Magdeburg is good at any time of the year with his Christmas fairs, beer bars, crucified Eluba, where everyone ride on bicycles, gardens and parks. It can be explored infinitely, discovering the history of the country, getting acquainted with her art, surprised how old and new born is unique.

Magdeburg is a city in Germany, located on the banks of the Elbe River, the capital of the federal land of Saxony-Anhalt. About two hundred thirty-five thousand inhabitants live in Magdeburg.

First mention of Magdeburg in historical references Meet since 805. Here the city passes as a trading point. Here, the emperor Otten I in 937 was founded by the Benedictine monastery. In the Malkourg Cathedral School for ten years (970-980) under the leadership of Adalbert Magdeursky studied Adalbert-Votech.

In the 11th century (1013 year), the city was subjected to ruin by the Polish king Boleslav I brave. Thanks to its participation in the Schmalkalden League, Magdeburg has undergone sedimentation from Morita Saxon's troops within ten months (October 1550 G. August 1551), and eventually was forced to accept the enemy garrison.

In the period of the thirty-year-old war, Magdeburg was in the deposition of Walleshtein's troops for seven months (1629 year). And only in 1631 the troops of the imperial commander Tilly were able to take a city with assault. Crumpled to the city, the imperials were specified, destroyed citizens. As a result, Magdeburg turned into a pile of ashes.

An important role in the development of the city was played by his religious life. So, after the founding of the city in 968, Magdeburg Archbishopianism was formed, representatives of which were constantly fought with the neighbors Slavs and Brandenburg Marcards.

Already at the end of the 15th century, the Archbishop region had two parts, which were separated by the possessions of the analhal, and had a total area of \u200b\u200b5.4 thousand square meters. km. By the 16th century, the position of Archbishop was selective. A similar destination system concerned Magdeburg administrators. In the form of Duchy, Magdeburg Archbishopianism in 1648 was joined by Brandenburg, which received full power only in 1680.

In the 19th century (1806), the city was again siege now by the French corps. At the same time, two sieges were unsuccessful, and on the third Magdeburg was forced to surrender. The city engaged in the French was attacked by Prussian, and then Russian troops. The blockade was removed only after the detention of the truce.

In 1814, Magdeburg was again in the blockade, but was left only in May by the French after receiving the news of the capture of Paris.

During World War I, the city has already already had 350 thousand inhabitants. During this period, the allied bombings were very much suffered, because of which the northern surroundings of Magdeburg were almost completely destroyed.

After the war, the buildings survived in bombings were dismantled, and in their pre-war, only some of the buildings near the Cathedral were preserved. Before the combination of Germany (1990), Magdeburg was the center of the district with the same name and was located on the territory of the GDR. In the future, the federal land of Saxony-Anhalt, which is the capital of which Magdeburg becomes. At the same time, the city center is formed only in modern style.

Magdeburg often entered alliances with cities. In 1315, the Union of Cities Magdeburg and Halberstadt was concluded. Later, the city joined the Union of Saxon Cities (from 1357, 1400 and 1416) and together with Braunschweig was recognized as a suburb of Saxon cities within the framework of the Hanseatic Union.

Unions of cities allowed to lead unimpeded trading among their members. The prosperity of the city for the most part contributed to Magdeburg Staple Law ("Stapelrecht"), which monopolized grain trading on the middle elbe. Because of its leading settlement on the sale of grain, the city was called "Grain House Hanza". Its international trade relations in the Epoch of the late Middle Ages extended to Northern France, Flanders, England, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Norway.

Legal standards regulating trade activities, along with the general Magdeburg law for centuries, were considered the basis of justice in many European countries. More than 800 years "Magdeburg right" is considered an integral part cultural heritage. Thanks to the Magdeburg artisans guild, a law was created, which century later became one of the most famous "exportsbaggers".

Geographical position, good quality goods and freedom in trade became decisive factors to strengthen trade relations. Until 1666, Magdeburg was part of Hanza, and in April 2003 the city joined again to the Hanseatic Union.

Magdeburg is also known as the homeland of German physics, engineer and philosopher Otto von Gerica.

In 1650, he invented the vacuum pumping of the air, which is now used at every step. And in 1654, he conducted a well-known experiment with Magdeburg hemispheres, which many read in the textbooks of physics. Two copper hemispheres were connected and air was abandoned from them. Eight horses on each side could not break the hemisphere, and thus the existence of atmospheric pressure was proved. The city has monuments to a scientist, as well as everywhere you can find a hemisphere, symbols of the city. Original are stored in the German Museum in Munich.

In Magdeburg, the initial separation of the city on the "secular" and "spiritual" part has been preserved. In "secular" is located Market Square With a two-story early borochny town hall of the XVII century. Before the town hall under the stone canopy costs Roland - the custodian of the city. This is the first separate sculpture of Germany, it is dating 1240 year.

The "spiritual" part of the city is represented by numerous monasteries and churches, among them: Monastery of St. Mary, Cathedral of St. Mauritius and St. Catherine. Magdeburg was a favorite residence of Emperor Ottone of the I Great, who became the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire in 962. Otton I loved this city so that I even presented his wife Edid as a marriage gift. The inhabitants of Magdeburg carefully keep the memory of "his otton". The emperor is buried in the urban Cathedral of St. Mauritius and St. Catherine, the most valuable monument of history and culture. Powerful towers of the cathedral are visible from afar.

The Magdeburg Cathedral is among the most prominent architectural monuments of Central Germany and is the first Cathedral in Germany, built in the Gothic style. The interior and portals of the cathedral are richly decorated with sculptural threads. Cathedral is a recognized symbol of Magdeburg.

Thanks to these majestic structures, Magdeburg is typing the pearl of the Romanesque Architecture Route (Straße der Romanik). Opposite the Old Town, on the peninsula between the old and new flow of Elbe, is the magnificent Rotehorn city park, broken at the end of the XIX century.

At some compartment from the main attractions is the Otto Museum. Gerica. He takes several floors of the eponymous research center. The entrance is free. The museum restored the Cabinet of the scientist, the materials of its experiment with hemispheres are clearly represented.

The Magdeburg Bridge in Germany is a unique construction that serves not for cars and trains, but for barges, ships and pedestrians. This is the largest water bridge in Europe. It has great practical importance for the inner shipping of Germany. The bridge provided the unimpeded connection of the inner Berlin port with industrial facilities on the Rhine. The Magdeburg Bridge passes above the Elba and connects the two most important water artery arterys of the country - the middle-member channel and the Elba Hafel canal and, thereby delivering the ships from the need to make a long-term and in some places a dangerous transition along the river.

The construction of the bridge was scheduled at the beginning of the XX century. By 1938, the first stage of the project was embodied. However, the Second World War began, and followed a long break in the works. They resumed only in 1997 and lasted six years. In October 2003, the opening of the bridge was opened with the launch of the first barges on him. The length of the Magdeburg Bridge is 918 meters, of which 228 passes above the water, and 690 above the land.

The wealth of architectural finishes is characteristic of another building at the Cathedral Square of Domplatz: for residential complex "Green Citadel", the latter and, perhaps, the most remarkable brainchild of the Austrian architect and artist Fredenshraich Hundertwasser. The complex, decorated in the recognizable style of the Hundertwasser, dramatically stands out against the background of the ancient walls of the cathedral and the spacious central square of Magdeburg.

Magdeburg presents a colorful variety of architectural styles. City houses in the style of Baroque, modern, postmodern, as well as architecture Bruno Tauta create an incredible city landscape.

Magdeburg is a very green city. A lot of majestic parks with ancient, incredibly high trees, such as the Rotehorn City Park or Herrenkrug Park are ideal for long walks, cycling or picnic trips.

Lovers of theater, literature and music in Magdeburg are waiting for numerous and diverse cultural events, often passing not only in museums and salons. The city carefully keeps the memory of its natives - the poet Erich Weinerte, playwright George Kaiser and composer George Philippe Telemanne - and continues their traditions. Unpredictable and inappropriate, Magdeburg is able to touch the soul depth and forever conquer their guests. One of the opportunities to feel the charm of the city is a walk along a well-established cultural and entertainment landscape in a picturesque park Elbaudpark.

Everyone heard about Magdeburg, even those who do not know what country he is. First of all, thanks to Magdeburg law - autonomy, which was received by individual cities, and which was named after the laws formed in Magdeburg in the 13th century.

Magdeburg is also known as the homeland of German physics, engineer and philosopher Otto von Gerica. In 1650, he invented the vacuum pumping of the air, which is now used at every step. And in 1654, he conducted a well-known experiment with Magdeburg hemispheres, which many read in the textbooks of physics. Two copper hemispheres were connected and air was abandoned from them. Eight horses on each side could not break the hemisphere, and thus the existence of atmospheric pressure was proved. The city has monuments to a scientist, as well as everywhere you can find a hemisphere, such a city symbols. Original are stored in the German Museum in Munich.

The Emperor Otton I is also connected with the city, which chose him with his residence and founded the Benedictine Monastery in 937.

The city was completely destroyed in 1945, only Dresden suffered stronger. Most buildings in the center were built during the GDR times and the "Soviet" trace is well traced in them.

Some large historical structures have survived, although they suffered greatly. Now the cathedrals and churches are the only islands of history in the old town.

Nevertheless, many of the Soviet era buildings are renovated. The updated facades look much better.

The task to build a majestic Cathedral (St. Mauritius and St. Catherine Cathedral) was given by Otten I Great in 955. Here he married his wife and soon died. In the cathedral there is his tomb. In 1207, the original structure was destroyed by fire and the construction of a new Gothic Cathedral began in 1209. Upstairs is observation deckBut you can only get on the organized excursion, which passes a couple of times a day.

Church of St. John (941) - the oldest in the city. Since that time has been preserved western part and Gothic rear church. Once here Martin Luther preached here. Upstairs there is an observation deck.

On the way to the station there is a monument to Igor Belikov. At that time he was the Soviet military and served in neighted City. On the morning of March 13, 1969, Belikov came to Magdeburg and, walking on the empty streets, saw a little girl who had almost fallen out of the 6th floor window. Requer to the house, he managed to catch her in his chinel. Now Igor Belikov lives in Lugansk and is an honorary inhabitant of Magdeburg, supports communication with ketrine, which is now 48 years old (2013).

If you go to the Elbe on the bridge, then you can look at old city from the new angle.

Photo from drone

The Hubbrücke Bridge was abandoned a few years ago, but now it can be walking.

In recent years, a new, modern district appeared near the bridge. Magdeburg is very actively built.

The vast graffiti attracts attention here at which the Elba River and all cities through which it flows.

An interesting monument with the clock showing time in different cities World.

The city has a new attraction, built in 2005 - the Green Citadel architect Hundertwasser, about her.
More photos Magdeburg

Magdeburg is the famous city located on the territory of the former GDR. This city has rich historyassociated with international wars and religions. Such architectural monuments, as the imperial cathedral, the monastery of the Holy Virgin Mary, testify the previously wealth of the imperial city existed earlier.

Geographical position Magdeburg.

Magdeburg is the capital of Saxony-Anhalt federal land, characterized by its greens and having twenty picturesque parks.

Climate Magdeburg

The climate in these places continental, moderate. The weather is no different from the rest. central districts Germany. average temperature Here in summer - + 220s, and in winter - zero temperature.

Historical certificate of Magdeburg

For the first time mention of Magdeburg in historical references occur since 805. Here the city passes as a trading point. Here, the emperor Otten I in 937 was founded by the Benedictine monastery. In the Malkourg Cathedral School for ten years (970-980) under the leadership of Adalbert Magdeursky studied Adalbert-Votech.

In the 11th century (1013 year), the city was subjected to ruin by the Polish king Boleslav I brave. Thanks to its participation in the Schmalkalden League, Magdeburg has undergone sedimentation from Morita Saxon's troops within ten months (October 1550 G. August 1551), and eventually was forced to accept the enemy garrison.

In the period of the thirty-year-old war, Magdeburg was in the deposition of Walleshtein's troops for seven months (1629 year). And only in 1631, the troops of the imperial commander Tilly were able to take the city with assault. Crumpled to the city, the imperials were specified, destroyed citizens. As a result, Magdeburg turned into a pile of ashes.

An important role in the development of the city was played by his religious life. So, after the founding of the city in 968, Magdeburg Archbishopianism was formed, representatives of which were constantly fought with the neighbors Slavs and Brandenburg Marcards.

Already at the end of the 15th century, the Archbishop region had two parts, which were separated by the possessions of the analhal, and had a total area of \u200b\u200b5.4 thousand square meters. km. By the 16th century, the position of Archbishop was selective. A similar destination system concerned Magdeburg administrators. In the form of Duchy, Magdeburg Archbishopianism in 1648 was joined by Brandenburg, which received full power only in 1680.

In the 19th century (1806), the city was again siege now by the French corps. At the same time, two sieges were unsuccessful, and on the third Magdeburg was forced to surrender. The city engaged in the French was attacked by Prussian, and then Russian troops. The blockade was removed only after the detention of the truce.

In 1814, Magdeburg was again in the blockade, but was purified only in May by the French after receiving the news of the capture of Paris.

During World War I, the city has already already had 350 thousand inhabitants. During this period, the allied bombings were very much suffered, because of which the northern surroundings of Magdeburg were almost completely destroyed.

After the war, the buildings survived in bombings were dismantled, and in their pre-war, only some of the buildings near the Cathedral were preserved. Before the combination of Germany (1990), Magdeburg was the center of the district with the same name and was located on the territory of the GDR. In the future, the federal land of Saxony-Anhalt, which is the capital of which Magdeburg becomes. At the same time, the city center is formed only in modern style.

In 1994, Magdeburg becomes a diocese destination.

Attractions Magdeburg

In Magdeburg initially existed a division into two parts: "spiritual" and "secular". This separation has been preserved until today. In the "secular" there is a market square with early borrowed town in two floors dated to the 17th century. Immediately before the town hall under the stone Baldakhin itself is worth the city keeper - Roland.

Even in the Middle Ages it was customary to install on main Square Statue of the European Hero-Knight Roland, designed to guard the city from wars or plague. Also Roland was considered to be a symbol of justice of the city. Rolanda sculpture in Magdeburg dated 1240 year.

In the southern part of the city there is a "monastic" part, which is represented by the presence of the Cathedral and Monastery of St. Mary, who are the pearl of the German nominica. These complexes are dated to the construction of the 11th - 13th centuries and make up a significant part of the German route for tourists called "Road of Romanika". Both the cathedral and the monastery are famous for their organ concerts. The exclusivity of the cathedral is represented by a rich inner decoration - a carved oak chorus and sculptural design of the portals of the cathedral.

On the peninsula between the old and new currents of the Elba opposite the Old Town, an excellent city park Rotehorn was created at the end of the 19th century.

Excursions in Magdeburg

City excursions will give a huge number of impressions. The Gothic Cathedral, which is central in Germany, is also well preserved and the fairly old Hanseatic city of Pilladal is also well preserved. There are in Magdeburg and other buildings that attract the interest of tourists.

Wonderful places to visit tourists are located directly in the city itself. So, right on the cliffs of Domfelsen (in translation means "Cathedral rocks") is the most ancient building in the city, founded by the emperor Otto - Cathedral of St. Catherine and Mauritius. Once the cathedral, together with the Kaiserpac Square, was the center of the Third Rome.

The historical and cultural museum keeps a collection of craft objects and art. This collection contains over 40 thousand archaeological finds and values \u200b\u200bof the Middle Ages, 10 thousand exhibits from the history of the city, over 11 thousand medals and coins, about one and a half thousand items from military topics, 800 furniture exhibits, over thousands of paintings, etc. A visit to the museum is allowed on any day except Monday.

The Technical Museum contains exhibits that say about the economic and social history of Magdeburg. The mode of operation is the same as the historical and cultural museum.

Another rather interesting museum is located on the Württemberg steamer, which has become anchored near the Rothehorn Island after the last flight on Elbe (1974). In such a museum you can see the inner posts of the steamer, as well as admire the exhibition on shipping on the Elbe.

The museum of art contains a permanent exhibition, covering exhibits, starting with ancient times to the era of modern. Also, visitors here can see the sculpture of the 20th century and other modern art.

In Elbaudpark Park there is a thousand-year tower with a height of 60 meters called Yartausendur. This is the highest wooden structure in Germany, containing five exhibition halls, in which the pyramids from Giza, and the ancient Roman road, and a medieval lifting rotary crane, and optical fiberglass sensors, and Newton's mirror telescope. A visit to the museum is available in April-October, the day off - on Monday.

The Museum of Art, located in the Monastery of St. Virgin Mary, is the famous exhibition hall of the modern art of Saxony-Anhalt. Here are the works of Anselmo, Castellani, Torio, Breweg, Holzner and Cemurra.

Entertainment and Shopping Places in Magdeburg

The main seats for the shorting are the main trading alleys (Bryter-Vegg, Ernst-Royter-Aley) and shopping passengers located on Halbersteter Strasse Street and the Zudenburg Quarter.

How to get to Magdeburg

In Magdeburg is the airport, receiving and internal and international flights. Only a hundred kilometers from the city is Leipzig Airport. Also Magdeburg, thanks to federal highways and railwayhas a message with the outside world.


Thus, Magdeburg is considered one of the most beautiful cities of Saxony-Anhalt, located on the Elbe River and has a rich history and owns cultural and architectural heritage. This city was considered to be one of the most important cities of the Middle Ages.

Rest in Magdeburg gives an excellent opportunity to feel the unique atmosphere of opposites, which reigns in the city. At the same time, cultural and historical attractions in all its glory will appear before guests.