Port city in Spain - Barcelona. Port in Spain The largest port of Spain

Spain is a marine country. In the south and east of her shore, the Mediterranean Sea is washed, and in the north and west, it borders with the Atlantic Ocean. The large ports of Spain are Bilbao, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia and Malaga; Oil - Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Algeciras and Tarragona; Coal - Gijon.

One of the first ports in Spain was the city of Bilbao. From time immemorial, there was a fishing village there, and in 1300 the Government of Biscay was founded by the city. By the middle of the 15th century trade began with South American colonies.

The close placement of steel mines, also a fairly developed industry made Bilbao with one of the most important seaside ports of Spain. The main import items were alcohol, sugar, stone coal and coke. Olives, wine, iron, chestnuts and wool walked on export.

Nowadays, Bilbao is the administrative center of Biskaya Province with a population of more than 355 thousand people. The port was moved to 15 km from the town and now it is located on the shore of the Biscay Bay. Permanent Bilbao-Portsmouth Ferry Line (United Kingdom).

The port of Barcelona was founded about 2000s ago at the mouth of the Lebregate River. If in the 10-12th centuries it was an ordinary anchor parking for ships, then in 1428, thanks to the king Alfonso V, the construction of the port began.

At the current time, this is the 5th port in the world, which takes more than 20 km. The coast and can accommodate more than 1650 ships immediately. It is divided into three parts - a trading port, a cruise port and an old port.

On the port of the port are located railway tracks, plants for gasification of watery methane and shipment of potash.

Every month about 20 liners go to sea cruises in different countries of the world. The constant movement of passenger vessels across the entire coast of Spain 2-wow Buquebus and TrasMediterranea, and any individual terminal has any in the port.

With good weather, you can get to the Balearic Islands in just 3-4 hours. We also run 3 ferries, on which there is not only a bar and cafe, and a huge number of Maja Man and VIP-hall. You can carry the car and languid handle to be transported. What is curious, the cost of the ticket for the ferry at night is cheaper almost 50%.

Taking into account the placement of Spain, you can find a huge number of marine and sports and excursion ports. Tickets for excursions can be purchased on the beach, the hotel is either really agreed with the owner of the boat or a sailboat.

Most famous city-Port in SpainNo doubt - Barcelona. Given the geographical position, Spain, washed by Mediterranean and Atlantic waters, simply must have at least several ports except Barcelona. This is Alicante, Cadiz, Vigo, A-Coruna, Gijon, Tarragona and others. But we will focus on the first, more famous outside of Spain.

Barcelona is not only city-Port.But the economic and industrial center of the country, the significance and level of influence of which it is impossible to overestimate. For several centuries ago, this Spanish city has entered the number of leaders in the number and quality of production in Europe, when the foundations were formed. To date, the lion's share of textiles, modern equipment, motor transport and medical devices in Spain is produced in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bso the government pays due attention to the formation of the city budget and the influx of investments. By the time of joining the European Union, B1986, Spain was already famous as a developed state in financial plan, which was merit and Barcelona.

The port, the age of which is almost 2 thousand years, is of great importance in the field of logistics on the space of the entire coast of the Mediterranean Sea: Sea transport passing through the eastern part of Spain will pronounce a huge number of passengers and a large amount of valuable cargo. All conditions for transportation and storage of building materials, food and complex chemicals have been created on the territory of the port.

The number of permanent population is more than one and a half million people (in the province, respectively, this number is already exceeding 5 million), which gives this city-port second place among all settlements of Spain. The absolute majority by origin are the Spaniards, although there are also a lot of immigrants from South America, where Spanish is distributed, which is included in the top of the carriers in the world. The recent fact explains the cultural diversity of Spanish society and foreign policy - about 400 million people from Europe, Asia, Africa and America consider the Spanish native.

Let us return to the considered city-port in Spain. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin addition to the above, is also a tourist resort with luxurious beaches and truly European service. The city has numerous objects worthy of guests: a quarter-style quarter in the ancient part of Barcelona; Museums focused on different directions of art (do not forget that it was here that for a long time we were engaged in the work of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali); Fortress "Castell de Montjuic"; Gulea Palace; "Bone House"; "Quarter disagreement"; Monument Columbus; Fascinating Catholic temples and monasteries.

Despite the hot and passionate temperament, the Spaniards differ in benevolence and hospitality, so travelers may not worry about their holidays - here you will always be happy to help and tell a lot of impressive stories about the locality (residents are sincerely proud of their cultural and architectural heritage). In addition, in Spain, in particular in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba large tourist experience has accumulated - you can make sure that you can make sure that the tourist ticket can be in almost any point of Russia, and the first to see local chic hotels and evaluate the level of service. It is the field of tourism primarily obliged Russian-Spanish relations that are actively developing in recent decades.

In this city, the port there will be a place for everyone: and beach recreation lovers, and fans of gothic culture, and interested historical objects. Even avid athletes will be pleasantly surprised by Barcelona - which only the epiced football club is recognized as one of the most successful in Europe. In addition, it is impossible not to be remembered about the Olympic Games held here in 1992, - specifically for this the greatest event of the authorities ordered the construction of a new area with an additional port.

Sea Port (Lat. Portūs "Usti, Harbor, Pier, Warehouse") is a complex engineering structure and a complex of devices for performing a variety of functions from transporting heavy or large-sized goods to servicing arriving and decreasing passengers. The ports of Spain are mostly versatile and occupy a key position in the field of international turnover, cruise tourism, and are also the most important economic node of the country.

What directions offers sea tourism in Spain

Colorful sunny Spain with a warm sea and a mild climate always attracts many tourists from all over the world, remaining a favorite place of travelers. 2017 became a record - the country was visited by 82 million tourists. Sea tourism is represented by a harmonious combination of proposals in such directions as coastal, excursion tourism, ecotourism, diving, fishing, surfing, sea festivals.

The highest growth rates in 2019 demonstrates the yacht and cruise types of sea tourism in Spain.

This is a unique opportunity to combine visiting various cities and countries with a saturated cultural and educational program, and the sea, the sun, the beach at the same time will be an integral part of a fascinating journey through the maritime expanses.

What ports are in Spain and their features

Spain, located in the southwest of Europe, is considered a window to the countries of North and South America, Africa and Old World. The territory of the Mediterranean coast of the country is focused on the tourist destination. The North Coast, especially the territory of Galicia (region in the North-West of the Pyrenean Peninsula and the Autonomous Community of Spain), an important center of foreign trade, which is carried out through the sea routes. Large seaports and shipbuilding shipyards of Galicia carry out the supply of ships in the countries of the whole world.

Spain occupies 3rd place in Europe (after Germany and the Netherlands) and the 11th in the world on freight transportation.

The largest cargo ports are Algeciras, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBilbao, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tarragona, Gijon. Two ports are located on the African continent (Ceuta and Melilla) and 2 - on the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean (Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Gran Canaria).

Ports in Barcelona

The history of Puerto de Barcelona began about 2,000 years ago. Today it is the most important port in the field of freight and passenger traffic on the Mediterranean coast. It takes 5th place among the largest European ports and first place as the largest cruise port in the Mediterranean, due to the rapid growth of the tourism sector. Consists of 10 passenger terminals, 7 of which are cruise. The entrance to the port is at the monument to Christopher Colomb (Mirador de Colom). Square -7.86 km². Due to the rapid growth of the port, its size must be doubled due to the mouth of the River Llobregat 2 km in the southern direction.

It is divided into 3 zones: the old port of Barcelona (port Vella), trading port and logistic (for transportation).

El Port Vell is the most old and at the same time a picturesque zone of the seaport of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich is fully modernized and repaired. The El Port Vell zone begins with a Columbus monument at the very end of the famous Rambla Street. You can make a maritime walk from there on the well-known "Golodrinas" (swallows). In the port area of \u200b\u200bVell there are parking spaces of pleasure vessels and a separate zone for cruise ships.

Puerto de Algeciras.

The largest port in the south of Spain with a cargo turnover of more than 50 million tons / year. It ranks first in the Mediterranean in terms of container shipping. The only port in his region capable of taking gigantic ships, on which twenty-three large-container containers can be placed in a row.

The container port is provided by two terminals: APM Terminals Algeciras (opened in 1986, provides 76% container turnout) and Total Terminal International Algeciras (launched in 2010).

For tourists, the port is also notable, since only here you can see all the beauty of Gibraltar: admire the migration of birds, look at the gigantic whales and get acquainted with the culture of Spain. This is one of the busiest ports of Europe and the best place for excursions or hiking.

Puerto De Alicante is a large and picturesque cruise port - more than 80,000 passengers and 30,000 members of the crews of cruise liners are held annually through it. Located in the very center of the city, across the road from the famous pedestrian boulevard Esplanada Paseo Maritimo.

Open and works all year round, but the schedule of ships depends on the time of year and the season.

The cargo part of the port is small and located away from the city. And the main part that along the embankment is to the main attraction of the port - Yachtan Marina (specially equipped parking for yachts, on which various services are provided to the crews).

For tourists on the marine marina, trips are organized in the open sea and for the nearest islands. The port provides a free shuttle service to the city center. Official website: www.puertoalicante.com.

Puerto de a-Coruña

One of the most important in the world to exercise foreign trade, but also one of the most comfortable cruise ports in all Spain. The main terminal is located in the center of La Coruna and offers tourists a convenient service, has spacious shopping areas.

The ports of the port long stretched 6 km. The transatlantic berth was built in 1991 and takes more than 90 cruise liners per year, in addition to warships and yachts. Pier Batería Y Calvo Sotelo was a symbol of the progress of the city in the 60-70s of the XX century. Sao Diego berth was built in the 60s and is mainly used to unload oil and petroleum products that come for the refineries of the city.

Valencian port

The most loaded cargo port in Spain on the volume of containers and turnover. An important transport hub and a landmark, which is proud of the locals.

So it has developed historically that the port is associated with the development of trade, primarily with the export of agricultural products that have united around themselves a huge number of logistics and transport companies. The area is more than 600 hectares, the length of the pier is more than 12 km.

Consists of the city port and adjacent to Hania and Sagunto. The cruise terminal is modern and located in Poniente Quay (4 km from the city center). There are free travel cards and provides detailed information, as where can be reached by public transport.

Since the port is large enough, then you can drive up the passenger terminal from distant berths on free buses. From the port you can go to Ibiza and Majorca on the ferry that go regularly.

Ports Vigo

One of the most important fishing points of the world. Many international companies are based here, the fish are supplied to the entire Spain, and also exported to Portugal, Italy, France and other countries, reaching even to the Asian market. The Vigo port has more than 20 km long and has a large number of berths.

Muelle de Transatlanticos is almost in the center of the city, has 3 berths for receiving cruise liners.

Puerto de Melilla.

Melilla is a city on the Mediterranean coast of Africa, on the border with Morocco. This is a trading port focused on import-export products. Cruise liners can also go, they mooring at the pier in the city center, near the promenade promenade.

One of the oldest cities on the Mediterranean coast, located to the south of the Pyrenean Peninsula Malaga was founded by the Phoenicians in the 9th century BC. e.

Puerto de Malaga has an area of \u200b\u200b7095 hectares for flotation and a land plot of 1150884 m². It works as a cargo port (mainly on import operations, export of olive oil, grain, etc.) and fishing.

In addition, it is a major passenger port (the cruise port of the Pyrenean Peninsula (second after Barcelona), where the largest cruise liners of the world can be found. It takes more than 0.6 million passengers annually, about half of them - with cruise ships.

The cruise port is located on the Mediterranean coast in the heart of the coastal strip of Malaga, 800 meters from the historic center of the city. A walking promenade traveled along the port - Alley Muelle Uno (Paseo del Muelle Uno) is a beautiful place for evening walks with museums and several architectural attractions.

Part of the boulevard (Muelle 1) is a whole shopping and entertainment area with a variety of cafes and restaurants, shops and shopping malls (Muelle Uno), there is a boat tour agency. The second part of the boulevard (Muelle 2) is a picturesque walking boulevard with palm groves of surprises Palmeral de Las Sorpresas, interesting sculptures, shady areas for relaxing, small fountain and playgrounds for children's games.

In the harbor of the cargo-passenger port is the port of El Candado for sports vessels, where the oldest Royal Mediterranean Yacht-Club Spain is located (opened in 1873), and the jacket for yachts.

Puerto de Tarragona.

Tarragona is a city with a large seaport, which is divided into three zones: trading, fisheries, external passenger port. Every year more than 2,000 cargo ships come here.

Cruise direction began to develop 3 years ago and is now popular. It is mostly small ships and sailboats of premium companies. And large liners enter the port extremely rare due to significant remoteness from Barcelona (98 km). In 2016, there were 22 liners and more than 14,000 passengers.

Tourists will be interested in the historical and cultural heritage of the city, which is not numerous, but worthy of attention. Next to the port are well-kept clean beaches, which attract tourists from different countries.

Port saplay

A small town with colored houses along the canal looks very picturesque and is located 4 km from Valencia. Puerto de Saplaya is a harbor with streets for parking channels of small yachts, boats, boats. There is a beach with developed infrastructure on the waterfront.

Tourists can visit a large shopping area, to do any type of water sports and visit palm seams with bars, coffee shops, restaurants. This colorful place, "Little Spanish Venice", undoubtedly, is suitable for recreation and excellent pastime.

Puerto de Ceuta.

Seuti seaport, one of the largest on the Mediterranean, is an important link in cargo transportation from the Atlantic Ocean (Asia, Africa, America) inside the continent.

There are two container terminals, fixed cranes and two terminals for cruise ships. In recent years, more than 80 million tons of cargo in recent years in the port. Thanks to an excellent location - in the north of the African continent, right in the Gibraltar Strait with an entrance to the Mediterranean Sea - Ceuta is ideal for cruise ships passing through the Western Mediterranean, the Atlantic Peninsula and Morocco connecting routes with Madeira and Canary Islands. For tourists there is a transfer to the city, there is constant monitoring of security and control, excursions, organized tours are held, there is an opportunity to visit the nearby cities of Morocco - Tangier, Tetuan or Shefshauen.

Marina de Denia

Dear resort with beautiful beaches, excellent infrastructure, mountain climates attracted tourists from around the world.

Marina de Denia is a major and important port of the country. Here you can see hundreds of yachts and boats standing at the berths, moles, breakwaters, and in the southern port is a large fish market. There is a small pier for boats and yachts not more than 8 meters long and 2 sports ports for larger vessels (Club Náutico is taking ships to 20 m., Puerto Deportivo La Marina - up to 60m.). Each day with Marina de Denia, ferries go to the Balearic Islands. The sea walk to Ibiza takes 3.5 hours, until Majorca - 7.5 hours.

One of the largest cargo ports of the country. The length of the woofer is 15 km. Cruise liners moored at the Terminal in the seaside town of Getxo, which is 20 km away. from Bilbao.

In March 2017, a new passenger terminal Olatua was opened in Bilbao and 61 cruise liner with 83,674 passengers went to the port in the same year.

A total of 47 ports in Spain, which for clarity can be viewed on the map.

How to purchase or rent a yacht in Spain

This direction of maritime tourism as yachting is interesting and beneficial for investors. The confirmation is the fact that in Europe there are about 1.5 million anchor parking for yachts, and in the water area of \u200b\u200bEastern Mediterranean, the yacht transit per year is an average of 2 million ships. From a financial point of view, this is about 12 billion euros.

In Spain, marine borders occupy more than 90% of the territory, so it is not surprising that this country is home to yachting.

If you prefer to rent, today you can find both motor and sailing yachts.

Choosing a place to conquer water spaces, it is necessary to understand that you prefer to do on land: Ibiza, Menorca or Mallorca will fit out for active recreation; For privacy from the bustle, it is better to rent a ship to the most quiet from the Balearic Islands - Formentera. Not only professional knowledge in this area is needed for buying a yacht in this area, but also practical experience.


Naval ports have long been large intermediaries in the communication of peoples. Three of the five continents of the Earth are a giant islands, trade between which is possible only with the help of maritime courts.

The ports of Spain play an important role in providing residents of the whole world by goods, food, and annually adopt tens of millions of sea tourists.

Seaport in Spain: video

The port is the gates of any maritime city in Spain. A huge number of ships comes in them every day, there is life at any time, we can say that this is a completely special world. The ports of Spain can be viewed from different angles, but the article will be discussed about the biggest and most significant.

Port of Barcelona

Port of the Balearic Islands

This is a commercial, fishing, passenger and sports port of the capital of the Balearic Islands - Palma de Mallorca. A total of 5 ports on the Balearic Islands, but it is this one that is the biggest.

In the XIX century, Spain began to lose their colonies, and this did not best affect trade between Spain and America. However, Cadiz's port continued to actively function, although certain changes have undergone. Since 1870, the construction of a new port began, and in 1982, all ports in the region were combined into a single legal entity - the port of the Cadiz Bay, which made it one of the largest and most important ports in Spain.

Port of Valencia

Sea trade in this region began long before the foundation of the city itself. The first mention of the port of Valencia is dated March 17, 1491, and from this point on the city's economy began to grow rapidly. Throughout the history of Valencia, the port had a great importance for the city. In 1985, the Royal Decree of the ports of Valencia, Gandia and Sagunto were combined into the autonomous port of Valencia.

Your cruise liner will be moored to the port terminal, from where you can get to the center of Barcelona on the port bus for 1.5 euros. The bus will bring you to the entrance to the port, from where the Central Street Barcelona begins - Las Ramblas. 1.2 km it ends ...

Palma de Mallorca

In Palma, most cruise liners moored in the shopping and naval port, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Balever Castle, located in the western part of the city. The cruise Pier is located far enough (at 75-90 minutes walk) from the main tourist attractions, ...


The large loaded port of Valencia is located at a distance of about 4 kilometers from the city center. Some cruise companies organize their own buses from the port straight to Ayuntamiento Square, which is located in the center of Valencia. Also in the port you can ...


The cruise terminal in Malaga was built quite recently. East Pier is used by cruise ships. The city center of De La Constitucion Square and Puerta De Mar Street takes 15 minutes (about 2 km). Malaga Port Manual offers shuttle buses departing from ...

Las Palmas (Grand Canaria)

The Santa Catalina cruise terminal in Las Palmace is the main port for ferries and cruise ships, so it is always loaded. Located right in the center of the cruise terminal is able to take 2 large vessels. 100 meters from it stands Muelle - very modern shopping ...

Santa Cruz (Tenerife)

Cruise ships moored in the port of Santa Cruz. The city center is located about 800 meters away or a little further - it all depends on which part of the bay is your liner. Smaller ships usually stop closer to the city. Port Manual Tenerife ...


The busiest fishing port of Spain is a charming Vigo - located on the rugged West Coast of Galicia in the deep bay, similar to the fjord. Vigo definitely loves its guests arriving on cruise ships, because the entire port area ...


Cadiz appears from almost nothing when only the sea and an empty coast surround you from all sides. Cruise ships mooring in the city center, which makes it easy to go around it. Almost immediately behind the lively Avenida del Puerto is the main square of De San Juan de Dios with ...

Maon (Menorca)

During the approach to Mane (at the local MAO dialect), be sure to go to the deck. White houses clinging for a rocky coast, together with the old town, rising above the bay, create an amazing spectacle. Maon Bay is a natural 6-kilometer bay with ...


Cruise terminal Cartagena is located in the commercial part of the marine station for the new building of the yacht club. This cultural, leisure and shopping section of the embankment is very convenient, because the city center is very close. The terminal has a bus stop, parking ...

Argereife (Lanzarote)

The ships mooring at the cargoes in the port of Muelle de Los Marmoles, located 30 minutes walk from the center of Argerefe. Also in the heart of the city you can get on a free shuttle.


The port of Ibiza is within walking distance of historical attractions and entertainment that this lively island is famous for.


Tarragona is a small town located on the coast of Spain, the streets and some structures of which are preserved since the Roman Empire. Sunny and hospitable, like all the cities of Catalonia, it attracts tourists from all over the world by architectural monuments, delicious ...

Puerto del Rosario (Fuerteventura)

Puerto del Rosario is the capital of Fuerteventura. The city center is the port. Initially, it was a modest PUERTO Del Cabras (goat harbor). But over time, she turned into a loaded current port, continuing to develop now. Thanks to the latest improvements in ...