Carthage Tunisia Description. Carthage

Ancient Carthage was founded in 814 BC. Colonists from the Phoenician city of Fez. According to an ancient legend, Carthage founded the Queen Elissa (Didona), which was forced to flee from Fez after her brother Pygmalion - the king of Tira killed her husband's husband, in order to take possession of his wealth.

The name of his finicky "Card-Hadasht" means in the translation of the "new city", maybe, in contrast to the more ancient colony of the Tit.

According to another legend, the foundation of the city, Elissa, have made it possible to take so much land as the bullish skin takes. She did a rather tricky - captured a large plot of land, cutting the skin on narrow straps. Therefore, the citadel put on this place, began to be called Birs (which means "skin").

The Carthage was originally a small city, much more than different from other Phoenician colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in addition to the substantial fact that he was not part of the Tyr Power, although she kept spiritual ties with the metropolis.

The city's economy was founded mainly on intermediary trading. The craft was a little developed and in its main technical and aesthetic characteristics did not differ from the east. Agriculture was absent. The possessions behind the narrow space of the city of Carthagean then did not have, and for the land on which the city was standing should have paid tribute to the local population. The political system of the Carthage was originally a monarchy, and at the head of state stood the founder of the city. With her death disappeared, probably the only member of the royal kind, which was in Carthage. As a result, the Republic was established in Carthage, and the authorities moved to those ten "princems", which before that surrounded the Queen.

Territorial expansion of Carthagen

Terracotta mask. III-II centuries. BC. Carthage.

In the first half of the VII century. BC. The new stage of the history of the Carthage begins. It is possible that there are moved there because of the fear of the Assyrian invasion of many new migrants from the metropolis, and this led to the expansion of the city witnessed archaeology. It strengthened it and allowed to move to more active trading - in particular, the Carthage replaces his own chief in trade with Etruria. All this leads to significant changes in Carthage, the external expression of which is the change in the forms of ceramics, the revival of the old Canaan traditions already left in the east, the emergence of new, original forms of artistic and craft products.

Already at the beginning of the second stage of its history, Carthage becomes such a significant city that can begin its own colonization. The first colony was removed by Carthaginians around the middle of the VII century. BC. On the ebes of the East Coast of Spain. Apparently, the Carthaginians did not want to speak against the interests of the metropolis in southern Spain and were looking for bypass paths to Spanish silver and tin. However, the carfage activity in the area soon stumbled upon the rivalry of the Greeks, settled at the beginning of the VI century. BC. In the south of Gaul and East of Spain. The first round of the Carthage-Greek wars remained for the Greeks, which, although they did not push the Carthaginian from Ebez, managed to paralyze this important point.

Failure in the extreme West of the Mediterranean forced Carthagean to turn to his center. They founded a number of colonies to the east and west of their city and subjugated the old Phoenician colonies in Africa. Increased, Carthaginians could no longer tolerate such a position that they paid tribute to Libyans for their own territory. An attempt to get rid of Dani is associated with the name of the Maltian commander, who won in Africa, freed Carthage from Dani.

Somewhat later, in the 60-50s of the VI century. BC, the same small fought in Sicily, the result of which was, apparently, subordination of the Phoenician colonies on the island. And after the victories in Sicily, Malch crossed his sardinia, but there was defeated. This defeat was for the Carthaginian oligarchs, who were frightened too victorious commander, a reason to sentence him to exile. In response, Mallh returned to Carthage and captured power. However, he was defeated and executed. A marriage in the state took Magon.

Magon and his successors had to solve complex tasks. To the west of Italy, the Greeks, threatening in the interests of both Carthaginians and some Etruscan cities, were established. With one of these cities - Ceres, Carthage was in particularly close economic and cultural contacts. In the middle of V c. BC. Carthaginians and Tsenet entered into a union directed against the Greeks, settled on Corsica. About 535 BC. In the battle of Alalia, the Greeks broke the combined Carthage-Terentian fleet, but they suffered so heavy losses that they were forced to leave Corsica. The battle for Alalia contributed to a clearer distribution of spheres of influence in the center of the Mediterranean. Sardinia was included in the Carthaginian sphere, which was confirmed by the Carfagen Treaty with Rome in 509 BC. However, the Carthaginians could not completely capture Sardinia. The whole system of fortresses, shafts and regions separated from the territory of free sards of their ownership.

Carthagean, headed by rulers and commander from the Magonidov family, was a stubborn struggle at all fronts: in Africa, Spain and Sicily. In Africa, they subjugated all the Phoenician colonies there, including a long time did not want to enter into their power of the old duck, he won the war with the Greek colony of Kirenova, located between the Carthage and Egypt, was outspoke by the Spartan Tsarevich Doriya There were their cities west of the capital. They launched an offensive and local tribes. In the thrust struggle of the Magonids managed to subordinate them. Part of the conquered territory was directly subordinated to the Carthage, forming its agricultural territory - Khore. Another part was left to Libyans, but subordinated to the hard control of the Carthaginian, and the Libyans had to pay heavy petrocity to their gentlemen and serve in their army. Heavy Carthage IHO repeatedly caused the powerful uprisings of Libyans.

Phoenician ring with a ridge. Carthage. Gold. VI - V BB. BC.

In Spain at the end of the VI century. BC. Carthagean took advantage of the attack of Tartesis at Gades, so that under the pretext of protecting the only city city to intervene in the affairs of the Pyrenean Peninsula. They captured Gades, who did not want to peacefully obey their "Savior," for the decay of the Tartiassian Power. Carthaginian at the beginning of the V c. BC. Installed control over its remnants. However, an attempt to spread it to Southeast Spain caused the decisive resistance of the Greeks. In the marine battle of Artemisia, the Carthagean was defeated and were forced to abandon their attempts. But the shed at the poles of Hercules remained under their power.

At the end of the VI - the beginning of the V c. BC. Sicily became the arena of the fierce Carthage-Greek battle. The victim in Africa Doria decided to establish himself in the West of Sicily, but was broken by the Carthaginians and killed.

His death became for the Syracuse of Helone's Tirana, the reason for the war with the Carthage. In 480 BC. Carthagean, having entered into an alliance with Xerxes, who had advancing at this time to Balkan Greece, and taking advantage of the difficult political situation in Sicily, where part of the Greek cities opposed Syracuse and went to the Union with Carthagen, an offensive was taken to the Greek part of the island. But in a fierce battle, with a hymere, they were headed away, and their commander Hamilkar, the son of Magon, died. As a result, the Carthagean was hardly kept in the previously captured small part of Sicily.

Magonids attempted to establish themselves on the Atlantic shores of Africa and Europe. For this purpose, in the first half of the V c. BC. Two expeditions were taken:

  1. in the southern direction under the leadership of Gannon,
  2. in the northern chapter with Gymilcon.

So in the middle of V c. BC. Carthaginskaya Power has been formed, which has become the largest and one of the strongest states of the Western Mediterranean. It was included -

  • the North Coast of Africa to the west of Greek Kerenaici and a number of internal territories of this mainland, as well as a small part of the Atlantic coast directly to the south of the poles of Hercules;
  • southwestern part of Spain and a significant part of the Balearic Islands in the eastern shore of this country;
  • Sardinia (in fact only part of it);
  • phoenician cities in the west of Sicily;
  • islands between Sicily and Africa.

The inner position of the Carthaginian Power

The position of cities, allies and Carthage

The Supreme God of Carthaginian - Baal Hammont. Terracotta. I in. AD Carthage.

This power was a complicated phenomenon. Her kernel was the Carthage himself with the territory directly subordinate to him - Choir. The choir was located directly beyond the walls of the city and was divided into separate territorial districts managed by a special official, there were several communities as part of each district.

With the expansion of the Carthage Power in the chorus, non-African possessions sometimes included, as part of Sardinia captured by Carthageans. Another component of the Power was the Carthage colonies that survived the surrounding lands were in some cases trade and crafts, served as a reservoir for the absorption of the "surplus" of the population. They had certain rights, but were under the control of a special resident sent from the capital.

The composition of the Power included old colonies of the dira. Some of them (Gades, Titches, Cossrades) were officially considered equal with the capital, others legally occupied a lower position. But the official position and a true role in the powers of these cities did not always coincide. Thus, the Titism was practically in complete submission in the Carthagen (which led more than once to the fact that this city with a favorable conditions for him occupied an anticarfagenic position), and the legally standing below the city of Sicily, in the loyalty of which the Carthaginians were especially interested in the loyalty, enjoyed significant privileges.

The composition of the powers included tribes and cities that were in the citizenship in the Carthage. These were Libyans outside the choir and subordinate tribes of Sardinia and Spain. They were also in different positions. In their internal affairs, Carthaginians did not interfere without need, limited to taking hostages, involving military service and rather severe tax.

Missed the Carthaginian and over the Allies. Those managed independently, but were deprived of foreign policy initiative and had to supply contingents to the Carthaginian army. Their attempt to avoid subordination to Carthaginians was considered as a rebellion. On some of them, too, imposed, their loyalty was provided by hostages. But the farther from the borders of the power, the more the local king, dinas and tribes became the most independent. On the whole of this complex conglomerate of cities, peoples and tribes, a grid of territorial division was imposed.

Economy and Social Structure

The creation of powers led to significant changes in the economic and social structure of the Carthage. With the advent of land possessions, where aristocrats were located, a variety of agriculture began to develop in Carthage. It gave even more products to the Carthage merchants (however, the merchants themselves were rich landowners themselves), and it stimulated the further growth of the Carthaginian trade. Carthage becomes one of the largest shopping centers of the Mediterranean.

A large number of subordinate population appears in different steps of the social staircase. At the very top of this staircase, the Carthaginian slave-owned aristocracy was standing, which was the top of the Carthaginian citizenship, "the people of Carthagen", and at the very bottom there are slaves and groups of dependent population. There was a whole range of foreigners, "meters", the so-called "Sidonian husbands" and other categories of the incomplete, semi-dependent and dependent population, including residents of subordinate territories.

There was a procurement of carfage citizenship to the remaining population of power, including slaves. The civil team itself consisted of two groups -

  1. aristocrats, or "powerful" and
  2. "Small", i.e. Plebs.

Despite division into two groups, citizens performed together as a cohesive natural association of oppressors, interested in the operation of all other residents of the Power.

Property and power system in Carthage

The material basis of the civil group was community property, speaking in two hypostasses: the property of the entire community (for example, Arsenal, shipyard, etc.) and the property of individual citizens (land, workshops, shops, ships, except for state, especially military, etc. d.). Along with the community property of another sector did not exist. Even the ownership of the temples was delivered under the control of the community.

Sarcophagus priests. Marble. IV-III centuries. BC. Carthage.

The civil team in theory possessed the entire fullness of state power. We do not know exactly what posts occupied the captive power of Mallh and who came after him to manage the state of Magonids (sources in this respect are very contradictory). In fact, their position seems to resemble the position of Greek tyrants. Under the guidance of Magonids, the Carthaginian Power was actually created. But then the Carthaginian aristocrats seemed that this family was "hard to freedom of state", and the grandchildren of Magon were expelled. Exile of Magonides in the middle of V c. BC. He led to the approval of the republican form of government management.

The highest power in the republic is at least officially, and in critical moments, and in fact, belonged to the People's Assembly, embodying the sovereign will of the civil team. In fact, the leadership was carried out by oligarchic advice and elected from among the rich and noble citizens magistrates, first of all, two souffles, in the hands of which the executive power was held during the year.

The people could intervene in the affairs of the Office only in the case of disagreements among rulers, which arose during periods of political crises. The people belonged to the right of choice, although very limited, advisers and magistrates. In addition, the "Carthage people" in everywhere were tamed by the aristocrats who gave him the share of benefits from the existence of Power: not only "powerful", but "small" removed profits from the maritime and melting power of Carthage, from the "Plumbs" people were gained to supervise Above the subordinate communities and tribes, a certain benefit was involved in wars, because, in the presence of a significant hired army, citizens were still not completely separated from military service, they were also presented on various steps of the land army, from ordinary to the commander, and especially in the fleet.

Thus, a self-sufficient civil team has formed in Carthage, who has a sovereign authority and relying on community property, next to which neither the royal authorities facing citizenship, nor an unobieldy sector in socio-economic terms. Therefore, it can be said that the policy arose here, i.e. This form of the economic, social and political organization of citizens, which is characteristic of an ancient version of ancient society. By comparing the position in the Carthage with the position in the metropolis, it should be noted that the cities of the chief of the Phoeniya itself, with all the development of the commercial economy, remained within the framework of the eastern version of the development of ancient society, and Carthage became an ancient state.

The formation of the Carthaginian policy and the formation of Power was the main content of the second stage of the Carthage history. The Carthage Power originated during the fierce struggle of Carthaginian both with the local population and with the Greeks. Wars with the latter wore a pronounced imperialist character, because they were conducted for the seizure and exploitation of other people's territories and peoples.

Carthage flourishing

From the second half of the V c. BC. The third stage of the Carthaginian history begins. The power was already created, and now it was about its expansion and attempts to establish hegemony in the Western Mediterranean. The main obstacle to this was originally all the same Western Greeks. In 409 BC Carthaginian commander Hannibal landed in motion, and a new tour of the wars in Sicily began, which continued with the breaks of more than one and a half centuries.

Gold plated bronze kirase. III-II centuries. BC. Carthage.

Initially, success was leaning toward the side of Carthage. Carthaginians subordinate to Sicily and Sicanov lived in the west and began an offensive for Syracuse, the most powerful Greek city on the island and the most irreconcilable opponent of the Carthage. In 406, Carthaginians were besieged by Syracuse, and just started in the Carthaginsky camp of the plague saved Siraczian. World of 405 BC He secured the western part of Sicily behind the Carthage. True, this success turned out to be fragile, and the border between the Carthaginian and Greek Sicily always remained pulsating, moved to the east, then to the West as the success of one side or another.

The failures of the Carthaginian army almost immediately responded to the exacerbation of the internal contradictions in Carthage, including powerful uprisings of Libyans and slaves. End V is the first half of the IV century. BC. There were times of acute clashes within citizenship, both between individual groups of aristocrats, and, apparently, between the Plebs and aristocratic groups involved in these clashes. At the same time, slaves rose against the Lords, and subordinate peoples against Carthaginian. And only with calm inside the state, the Carthaginian government was able in the middle of IV century. BC. Resume external expansion.

Then the Carthagean established control over the south-east of Spain, that they unsuccessfully tried to make one and a half years ago. In Sicily, they began a new offensive on the Greeks and achieved a number of success, again being under the walls of Syracuse and even capturing their port. Siracupians were forced to seek help to their Metropolis Corinth, and from there arrived an army headed by a capable Timoleont. The commander of the Carthage troops in Sicily, Gannon failed to prevent the landing of Timoleont and was recalled into Africa, and his successor was defeated and cleaned the Syracuse of Harbor. Gannon, returning to Carthage, decided to use the situation in connection with this and seize power. After the failure of the coup, he fled from the city, armed 20 thousand slaves and called for the arms of Libyans and Moors. The rebellion was defeated, Gannon, along with all relatives, was executed, and only one of his son Gisgon managed to avoid death and was expelled from Carthage.

However, soon the turn of affairs in Sicily forced the Carthaginian government to contact Gison. Carthagean suffered a cruel defeat from Timoleont, and then a new army led by Gisgon was sent there. Gisgon entered into an alliance with some tyrants of the Greek cities of the island and broke some detachments of the Timoleont Army. This allowed in 339 BC. To conclude a relatively profitable world for the Carthage, according to which he retained his possessions in Sicily. After these events, the Hannonid family became the most influential in Carthage, although there could be no talk about any tyranny in Carthage.

Wars with the Syracuse Greeks walked as a man and with varying success. At the end of the IV century. BC. The Greeks even landed in Africa, threatening directly to Carthage. Carthaginian commander Bomilkar decided to take advantage of the case and capture power. But there were citizens against him, suppress the rebellion. And soon and the Greeks were repulsed from the Carthage walls and returned to Sicily. An unsuccessful Trying of the Epirian Tsar Pyrrhr to oust Carthaginian from Sicily in the 70s. III century BC. All these endless and tedious wars have shown that neither the Carthaginians nor Greeks had the strength to take away Sicily from each other.

The appearance of a new opponent - Rome

The situation has changed in the 60s. III century BC, when a new predator was intervened in this struggle - Rome. In 264, the first war between Carthage and Rome began. In 241, it ended in full loss of Sicily.

Such an outcome of the war exacerbated contradictions in Carthage and gave rise to a sharp internal crisis there. The most bright manifestation was the powerful uprising, in which hired warriors took part, dissatisfied with the non-payment of money they accounted for them, the local population, who sought to relieve a heavy Carthaginsky oppression, slaves who hated their Lords. The uprising unfolded in close proximity to the Carthage, covering, probably also, Sardinia and Spain. The fate of Carthage hung on the balance. With great difficulty and price of incredible cruelty, Hamilkar, who became famous in Sicily, managed to suppress this uprising, and then go to Spain, continuing the "peace" of the Carthaginian possessions. With Sardinia, I had to say, giving it to Rome, threatening a new war.

The second aspect of the crisis was an increase in the role of citizenship. Private masses, which in theory belonged to sovereign power, now sought to turn the theory into practice. A democratic "party" led Hasdrubalom. The split occurred among the oligarchy, in which two groupings were separated.

  1. One headed Gannon from the influential family of Hannonides - they stood for a cautious and peaceful policy, excluding a new conflict with Rome;
  2. and the other - Hamilkar, who represented the Barkid family (nicknamed Hamilkar - Barka, letters, "zipper") - they were for the active, who had the goal to take Revenge from Romans.

Elevation of the Barkids and War with Rome

Presumably, Bust Hannibal Barki. Found in Kapuye in 1932

In revenge, wide ranges of citizenship were also interested, for which the influx of riches from subordinate lands and from the maritime trade monopoly was also interested. Therefore, a union arose between the barcians and the Democrats, bonded by Gasdrubal's marriage with the daughter of Hamilkar. Relying on the support of democracy, Hamilkar managed to defeat the goats of enemies and go to Spain. In Spain, Hamilkar and his successors from the Barkid family, including the son-in-law Gasudrubal, was much expanded by Carthage possessions.

After the overthrow of Magonides, the ruling circles of Carthage did not allow the unification of military and civil functions in some hands. However, during the period of the war with Rome, they began to practice the example of the Hellenistic states, but not on the national, as it was in magonids, but at the local level. Such was the power of the Barkids in Spain. But barkyids carried out their powers on the Pyrenean Peninsula on their own. Durable support for the army, close ties with democratic circles in the Carthage itself and the special relationship established by the barcides with the local population, contributed to the fact that the semi-dependent Power of the Barkids appeared in Spain, in essence of its Hellenistic type.

Already Hamilkar considered Spain as a bridgehead for a new war with Rome. His son Hannibal in 218 BC This war provoked this war. The second Punic war began. Hannibal himself went to Italy, leaving his brother in Spain. Military actions unfolded on several fronts, and the Carthage commander (especially Hannibal) won a number of victories. But the victory in the war remained for Rome.

World 201 BC deprived the Carthage of the Military Fleet, all off-African possessions and forced the Carthaginian to recognize the independence of Numidia in Africa, whose king of Carthaginians had to return all possessions of His ancestors (this article was entitled "Mina Slow Action" under Carthage), and the Carthaginians themselves did not have the right to wage war without permission Rome. This war not only deprived the Carthage of the position of the Great Power, but also significantly limited its sovereignty. The third stage of the Carthaginian history, which began with such a happy omen, ended with the bankruptcy of the Carthaginian aristocracy, so long by the Republic.

Internal position

At this stage of the radical transformation of the economic, social and political life of the Carthage did not occur. But certain changes still took place. In IV century BC. Carthage began to coach his own coin. There is a certain Hellenization of the carphaginic aristocracy, and in the Carthaginian society there are two cultures, as is characteristic of the Hellenistic world. As in the Hellenistic states, in some cases civil and military authorities are concentrated in one hands. In Spain, a semi-independent Power of the Barkids arises, the chapters of which felt their relationship with the then rulers of the Middle East and where the system of relations between conquerors and a local population, similar to the existing in Hellenistic states, appears.

Carthage has had significant land spaces suitable for processing. In contrast to other Phoenician state cities in Carthage, large agricultural plantations developed in a broad scale, where the work of numerous slaves was exploited. The plantational economy of Carthagena played a very major role in the economic history of the ancient world, since it affected the development of the same type of slave-ownership in Sicily, and then in Italy.

In the VI century BC. Or maybe in V c. BC. Carthage lived a writer-theorient of the plantation slave-owned farm Magon, the biggest work of which was such a fame that the Roman army, precipitated Carthage in the middle of the II century. BC, the order was given to preserve this work. And he was really saved. According to the Roman Senate, Magon's work was translated from the Phoenician to Latin, and then used by all theoretics of Rome agriculture. For his plantation economy, for handicraft workshops and for his gallery, Carthaginians needed a huge number of slaves that were confiscated from among prisoners of war and purchased.

Sunset Cartagen

The defeat in the second war with Rome opened the last stage of the Carthaginian history. Carthage lost his power, and his possessions were reduced to a small district near the city itself. Opportunities for the operation of the Narcarfagese population disappeared. Large groups of the dependent and semi-dependent population came out from under the control of the Carthaginian aristocracy. The agricultural territory has declined sharply, and the newly predominant value has acquired trade.

Glass vessels for ointments and balms. OK. 200 BC

If you used not only to know, but also "Plebs" received certain benefits from the existence of the power, now they have disappeared. This, naturally, caused a sharp social and political crisis, which now went beyond the existing establishments.

In 195 BC Hannibal, becoming souffined, conducted a reform of the state device, which caused the basis of the basics of the former building with his domination of the aristocracy and discovered the path to practical power, on the one hand, wide sections of the civilian population, and on the other - demagogues that could take advantage of these layers. Under these conditions, a fierce political struggle unfolded in Carthage, reflecting acute contradictions inside the civil team. First, the Carthaginian oligarchy managed to take revenge, with the help of Romans forcing Hannibal to run without completing the work began. But the oligarchs could not be preserved in the inviolability of the oligarchs.

By mid II century. BC. Three political groups fought in Carthage. In the course of this struggle, Gasdrubal became the leader, headed by the Anti-Grain Group, and his situation was led to the establishment of a regime of type of Greek younger tyranny. The exaltation of garbage was afraid of the Romans. In 149 BC Rome began the third war with Carthage. This time, for Carthaginian, it was not about dominance over those or other subjects and not about hegemony, but about his own life and death. The war was practically reduced to Carthage Siege. Despite the heroic resistance of citizens, in 146 BC The city fell and was destroyed. Most of the citizens died in the war, and the rest of the Romans took into slavery. The history of Phoenician Carthage ended.

The history of Carthage shows the process of turning the Eastern city to the ancient state, the formation of the policy. And becoming a policy, Carthage survived the crisis of this form of an ancient society. At the same time, it should be emphasized that, what could have been here to exit the crisis, we don't know how the natural course of events was interrupted by Rome, which applies to the Fatal blow to Carthage. The Phoenician cities of the metropolis, developed in other historical conditions, remained within the framework of the eastern version of the ancient world and, entering the Hellenistic states, already in their composition switched to a new historical path.

Carthage on the Tunisia map is 35 km from Tunisia, the capital of the Tunisian Republic. There is a huge number of attractions, among which the most interest among travelers from all over the world cause the ruins of ancient times, which remained from the old town. We definitely advise you to visit.

According to many portals, Carthage in Tunisia enters the top 1000 of the most interesting attractions of the planet for tourists, and in this list it is not in the last place.

Carthage on Tunisia map during his dawn

Also, Carthage attracts tourists from six continents of the Earth with its nature and opening picturesque views of the bay.

Why is it worth visiting Carthage

Traveler should be at least on one excursion on the picturesque ruins of this city to personally feel the former significance of this place and touch the history of the world with your own hands. The beauty of the beauty of Carthage was struck by her greatness and uniqueness. Until now, when looking at the balance of buildings, wonder how richly this capital was, which became one of the greatest monuments of history and architecture.

See all the most interesting places at once it will not work. Travelers are often returned to Carthage again to view a new attraction or an old relic.

Tourists get to the Carthage in the city railway on the branch of Tunisia Gulelet-Mars for just a quarter of an hour from the capital or taxi is twice as fast.

Carthage was founded in 814 BC. e. Colonists from the Phoenician city of Tir. After the fall of the Phoenician influence in the Western Mediterranean, Carthage redeems his former Phoenician colonies. By the III century BC e. He becomes the largest state in the west of the Mediterranean Sea, subdued to South Spain, North Africa, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica. After a series of wars against Rome lost its conquest and was destroyed in 146 BC. er, its territory is turned into a province of Africa. Julius Caesar offered to establish a colony in his place (was founded after his death). After the conquest of North Africa by Emperor Byzantia by Justinian, Carthage is the capital of the Carthaginian Exarchate. Finally lost its name after the conquest of the Arabs.


Carthage is located on Cape with the entrances to the sea in the north and south. The location of the city made him the leader of the Maritime Trade of the Mediterranean. All vessels crossing the sea inevitably passed between Sicily and the Tunisia coast.

Two large artificial harbor were died in the city: one for a military fleet, which can accommodate 220 warships, the other for commercial trading. A huge tower surrounded by a wall was built on the cage that separated the harbor.

The length of massive urban walls was 37 kilometers, and the height in some places reached 12 meters. Most walls were located on the shore, which made the city in impregnable by the sea.

The city had a huge cemetery, religious places, markets, municipality, towers, and theater. It was divided into four identical residential areas. In about the middle of the city, there was a high citadel, which was called Birs. It was one of the largest cities in Hellenistic times (according to some estimates, only Alexandria was more), and was among the greatest cities of antiquity.

State device

Carthagean has an aristocracy. The highest authority is the Council of Elders, at the head of which were 10 (later than 30) people. The People's Assembly formally also played a significant role, but in fact they were rarely treated. Approximately 450 BC e. In order to create a counterweight, the desire of certain kinds (especially the kind of muggers) to get full control over the Council was created by the Federation Council. He consisted of 104 people and initially had to judge the rest of the officials after their term expiration, but later focused in his hands all the completeness of power. Executive (and higher judicial) Power performed two soffeth, they, as well as the Council of Elders, were elected annually by opening the purchase of votes (most likely there were other officials, but it was not preserved about it). The Council of 104rs was not elected, but was appointed by special commissions - the pentarchy, which themselves were replenished on the basis of belonging to a particular aristocratic race. The Council of Elders also elected commander-in-chief - for an indefinite period and with the most broad powers. The fulfillment of duties of officials was not paid, moreover, there was a valuable value. The democratic opposition intensified only by the time of Punic Wars and did not have time to play in the history of almost no role. The whole system was highly corrupt, but the colossal government revenues allowed the country to develop quite successfully.

According to polybia (i.e., from the point of view of the Romans), the solutions in Carthage were taken by the people (plebs), and in Rome - the best people, that is, Senate. And this is despite that, in the opinion of many historians, Carthage Rules of the oligarchy.


Although the Phoenicians lived scattered throughout the Western Mediterranean, they were united by common beliefs. Carthaginians inherited the Canaan religion from their Phoenician ancestors. Every year, throughout the centuries, Carthage sent Messengers to the TIR to make sacrifices there in the Temple of Melcart. In Carthage, the main deities was a pair of Waal Hammon, whose name means "Master-Zharovik", and tanit, identified with Astarta.

The most sad-known feature of the religion of Carthage was a victim of children. According to Diodorus Sicilian, in 310 BC. E., During the attack of the city, to courage Waal Hammon, Carthaginians sacrificed more than 200 children from noble families. In the "Encyclopedia of Religion" it says: "The bringing an innocent child to the victim of the redemption was the greatest act of the context of the gods. Apparently, this act was designed to ensure the well-being of both families and societies. "

In 1921, archaeologists discovered a place where several rows of urns were found with charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and young children. The place was called Tofet. The burials were under the steles, on which requests were recorded, accompanying sacrifices. It is estimated that in this place are the remains of more than 20,000 children sacrificed for only 200 years. Today, some revisionists claim that the burial place was just a cemetery for children born dead or under the age, which allowed them to bury them in a necropolis. However, it is impossible to argue with complete confidence that the Carthage did not sacrifice people.

Social system

The entire population in their rights was divided into several groups of ethnic sign. Libyans were in the most difficult situation. The territory of Libya was divided into areas submitted to the strategists, taxes were very high, their collected was accompanied by all sorts of abuse. This led to frequent uprisings that were brutally suppressed. Libyans were forcibly recruited into the army - the reliability of such units, of course, was very low. Sicules - Sicilian Greeks - accounted for another part of the population; Their rights in the field of political governance were limited to Sidonian law (its content is unknown). Sikula, however, enjoyed freedom of trade. The immigrants from the Phoenician cities attached to the Carthage, enjoyed full civil rights, and the rest of the population (freedmen, immigrants - in a word, not the Phoenicians) similarly to Siculas - Sidonian right.

The richness of Carthagene

Built on the ground, which was laid by the ancestors - Phoenicians, Carthage created his trading network (mainly he was engaged in the import of metals) and developed it to unprecedented sizes. Karthagen supported his monopoly on trade through a powerful fleet and hired troops.

Carthage merchants constantly looking for new markets. Approximately 480 BC. e. The navigator Gimilkon landed in British Cornwall, rich in Tin. And after 30 years, Hannon, a leaving of an influential Carthaginian family, headed the expedition out of 60 ships, on which there were 30,000 men and women. People planted in different parts of the coast so that they base new colonies. It is possible that by sailing through the Gibraltar Strait and along the African coast, Gannon reached the Gulf of Guinea and even the coast of Cameroon.

Enterprise and business grip helped Carthage to become, according to the general recognition, the richest city of the ancient world. "At the beginning of the III century [BC. E.] Thanks to technology, fleet and trade ... The city has moved to the advanced positions, "the" Carthage "book says in the book" Carthage ". The Greek historian Appian wrote about the Cartheginians: "Their power in militarily became equal to Elllinsky, according to wealth, it was in second place after the Persian."


The carfagen army was mainly hired. The basis of the infantry was Spanish, African, Greek, Gallean mercenaries, the Carthaginian aristocracy served in the "sacred detachment" - a heavy connoisy Connection. The hired cavalry consisted of numidians who were considered in the antiquity of the most beautiful warriors, and the Iberians. The Iberians were also considered good warriors - Balearic prashas and centraliums (Caetrati - correlated with Greek peltas) formed a lot of infantry, banties (armed with a spear, dart and bronze shell) - severe, Spanish heavy cavalry (armed with swords) was also very valued. The celtyber tribes used the arms of Galov - long double-chain swords. An important role was also played by elephants, which contained in the amount of about 300. High was also "technical" equipment of the army (catapults, balleys, etc.) as a whole, the Bulinian army was similar to the army of the Hellenistic states. At the head of the army was the commander-in-chief, elected by the Council of Elders, but by the end of the existence of the state, this election was carried out and the army, which indicates monarchical trends.


Carthage was founded by immigrants from the Phoenician city of Tira at the end of the IX century BC. e. According to legend, the city founded the widow of the Phoenician king named Didona. She promised the local tribe to pay a gem for a piece of land, limited to the skull of the bull, but provided that the selection of the place will remain behind it. After the transaction was concluded, the colonists chose a comfortable place for the city, sheltering it with narrow straps made from one bullish skins.

The reliability of the legend is unknown, but it seems unlikely that without a favorable relationship Aboriginal, the handful of presets could consolidate in the territory allotted and to establish the city there. In addition, there is reason to believe that immigrants were representatives of the political party, unrelated in their homeland, and to hope for support for the metropolis, they were unlikely to have accounted for. According to Herodota, Justina and Ovid, shortly after the founding of the city, relations between the Carthage and the local population deteriorated. The leader of the Tribe Merciana Hyarb under the threat of war demanded the hand of the Queen of the Alissa, but she chose death. War than, no less, began and was not in favor of Carthaginian. According to Ovid, Hyarb even captured the city and kept him for several years.

Judging by the subjects found during the archaeological excavations, at the beginning of its history, trading ties joined the Carthage with the metropolis, as well as Cyprus and Egypt.

In the VIII century BC e. The position in the Mediterranean has changed much. The china was captured by Assyria, and numerous colonies became independent. Assyrian dominion caused a massive outflow of the population from the ancient Phoenician cities in the colony. Probably, the population of Carthage was replenished with refugees to such an extent that Carthage was able, in turn, to form colonies. The first Carthaginian colony in the Western Mediterranean became the city of Ebess on the island of Pitius (the first half of the 6th century BC. Er).

At the turn of the VII and VI centuries. BC e. Greek colonization began. In order to confront the promotion of the Greeks, the Phoenician colonies began to be united in the state. In Sicily - Panam, Soluent, Moition in 580 BC. e. successfully opposed the Greeks. In Spain, the Union of Cities, headed by Gades, fought with a tartess. But the foundation of the Unified Phoenician state in the West was the Union of Carthage and Utica.

The favorable geographical position allowed the Carthage to become the largest city in the Western Mediterranean (the population reached 700,000 people), to unite the remaining Phoenician colonies around themselves in North Africa and Spain and conduct extensive conquests and colonization.

VI century BC e.

In the 6th century, the Greeks founded a colony mass and entered into an alliance with a tartess. Initially, the curiosities were defeated, but Magon conducted the army reform (now the base of the troops became mercenaries), the Union was concluded with Etrusca and in 537 BC. e. In the battle, Alalia Greeks were broken. Soon the Tartess was destroyed and all the Phoenician cities of Spain were attached.

The main source of welfare was trade - Carthage merchants traded in Egypt, Italy, Spain, in the Black and Red Seas - and agriculture based on the widespread use of slave labor. There was a rigid regulation of trade - Carthage sought to monopolize the turnover; To this end, all subjects were obliged to trade only through the mediation of the Carthaginian merchants. This brought huge revenues, but heavily slowed down the development of subjects under the territory and contributed to the growth of separatist sentiment. During the Greek-Persian wars, Carthage was in alliance with the Persia, together with Etruscia, an attempt was made by the complete seizure of Sicily. But after the defeat in the battle at Himer (480 BC.) From the coalition of the Greek city-states, the struggle was suspended for several decades. The main opponent of the Bunny residents were Syracuses (by 400 BC. E. This state was on top of power and sought to open trade in the West, fully captured by Carthagen), the war continued with intervals for almost a hundred years (394-306 BC. E.) and ended with almost the complete conquest of Sicily Banytar.

III century BC e.

In the third century BC e. The interests of Carthage became conflict with a strengthened Roman Republic. Relationships, first allied, began to deteriorate. For the first time, this was manifested at the final stage of the war of Rome with the Tarent. Finally in 264 BC. e. The first Punic war began. She was mainly in Sicily and the sea. Quite quickly, the Romans captured Sicily, but then the almost complete absence of Rome fleet affected. Only by 260 BC e. The Romans created the fleet and, using the boarding tactics, won the sea victory from Cape Mila. In 256 BC e. The Romans moved the fighting in Africa, breaking the fleet, and then the land army of Carthaginian. But Consul Attil Regult did not use the received advantage, and a year later, the Banking Army under the command of the Spartan mercenary of Xantippa inflicted the Romans a complete defeat. In this battle, as in many previous and subsequent, the victory was brought by elephants (even though the Romans had already come across them, fighting against Pierre, King Epirus). Only in 251 BC e. In the battle of Panormra (Sicily), the Romans won a big victory by capturing 120 elephants. Two years later, the Carthaginians won a big sea victory (almost the only one for the entire war) and the calm, due to the full exhaustion of both sides.

Hamilkar Barka

In 247 BC e. The commander-in-chief of the Carthagen was the Hamilkar Barka (zipper), thanks to his outstanding abilities, success in Sicily began to be inclined towards the Funaisians, but in 241 BC. e. Rome, gathering with the forces, was able to put a new fleet and the army. Carthage could no longer resist them and after the defeat was forced to conclude the world by losing to Sicily Rome, and pay the confinition of 3200 talents for 10 years.

After the defeat, Hamilkar resigned, the authorities moved to his political opponents whom Gannon was headed. The Carthaginian government made a highly unreasonable attempt to reduce the fee of mercenaries, which caused the strongest uprising - Libyans supported the army. So the rebellion of the mercenaries began, which almost ended the death of the country. Hamilkar was again called up to power. During the three-year war, he suppressed the uprising, but the garrison of Sardinia joined the rebel and, fearing the tribes living on the island, recognized Rome's power. Carthage demanded to return the island. Since Rome was looking for opportunities to destroy Carthage, then under an insignificant pretext in 237 BC. e. declared war. Only paying 1200 talents to compensation for military spending, the war managed to prevent.

The explicit inability of the aristocratic government to effective management led to the strengthening of the democratic opposition headed by Hamilkar. The People's Assembly belonged him to the authority of the commander-in-chief. In 236 BC e., conquering the entire African coast, he moved the fighting to Spain. 9 years he fought there until he fell in battle. After his death, the commander-in-chief of the army chose his son-in-law of Gouchrubala. For 16 years (236-220 BC. E.) Most of the Spain was conquered and firmly tied to the metropolis. Silver mines delivered very large incomes, a magnificent army was created in the battles. In general, Carthage became much stronger than he was even before Sicily's loss.


After the death of Gasdrubal, the army chose Hannibal - the son of Hamilkar - Commander-in-Chief. All their children - Magon, Gasdrubal and Hannibal - Hamilkar brought up to the spirit of hate to Rome, so, having received control over the army, Hannibal began to look for a reason to start the war. In 218 BC e. He captured the Sagunt - the Greek city and the ally of Rome - the war began. Suddenly, Hannibal had his army bypass through the Alps to Italy's territory. There he won a number of victories - with Ticino, Trebi and the Trazimen Lake. Rome appointed a dictator, but in 216 BC. e. The city of Cannes Hannibal won a crushing victory, the consequence of which there was a transition to its side of the considerable part of Italy, and the second in the significance of the city - Kapui. The fighting was carried out in Spain and in Sicily. Initially, the success was accompanied by Carthage, but then the Romans managed to defeat a number of important victories. With the death of Brother Hannibal - Gasdrubala, who led him significant reinforcements, - the position of Carthage very much complicated. Magon's landing in Italy was unsuccessful - he was defeated and was killed in battle. Soon Rome suffered the fighting in Africa. By enclosing the Union with the king of Numidians by Massinissa, Scipipion was a number of defeats. Hannibal was summoned to their homeland. In 202 BC e. In the battle of the Zama, commanding a poorly trained army, he was defeated, and Carthaginians decided to conclude the world. In his conditions, they were forced to give Rome Spain and all the islands, contain only 10 warships and pay 10,000 conference talents. In addition, they did not have the right to fight with someone without the permission of Rome.

After the end of the war, Hannon's hostile to Hannibal, Gisgon and Gasdrubal Gad - the heads of the aristocratic parties tried to see the condemnation of Hannibal, but, supported by the population, he managed to keep power. With his name, hopes for revenge were associated. In 196 BC e. Rome won the war Macedonia, who was the Allied Carthage. But another ally remained - the king of the Seleucid Empire Antioch. It was in the Union with him Hannibal expected to lead a new war, but before he shoulded to finish with the oligarchic power in the Carthage itself. Using his powers of Suffeta, he provoked a conflict with his political opponents and practically captured the sole power. His hard action against corruption in the medium of aristocratic officials caused opposition on their part. Rome made denunciations on the diplomatic relations of Hannibal with Antioch. Rome demanded his issuance. Understanding that the refusal will cause war, and the country is not ready, Hannibal was forced to escape from the country to Antihau. There he did not receive practically no authority, despite the greatest honors accompanying his arrival. After the defeat of Antioch, he was hiding in Crete, in Viphinia and, finally, constantly pursued by the Romans, was forced to end with him, not wanting to fall into the hands of the enemy.


Even losing two wars, Carthage managed to quickly recover and soon became one of the richest cities. In Rome, there has been a significant industry in Rome, Carthage's competition has greatly prevented its development. Big concern also caused his rapid recovery. Mark Caton, who was headed by one of the commissions investigating Carthage disputes, managed to convince most of the Senate that he was still dangerous. The question of the beginning of the war was solved, but it was necessary to find a comfortable occasion.

King Numidians Massiniss constantly attacked Carthage possessions; Realizing that Rome always supports the opponents of the Carthage, he moved to direct grips. All Carthaginian complaints were ignored and resolved in favor of Numidia. Finally, the curves were forced to give him a straight military rebuff. Rome immediately presented claims in connection with the start of hostilities without permission. Roman army arrived at Carthage. The frightened Carthagean asked the world, Consul Lucius Czanzorin demanded to give all the weapons, then demanded that Carthage was destroyed and that the new city was founded away from the sea. Asking the month for thinking, the Bunkers prepared for war. So began III PUNICAL WAR. The city was greatly reinforced, so it was possible to capture it only after 3 years of difficult siege and heavy fighting. Carthage was completely destroyed, only 50,000 remained out of 500,000 people alive. On its territory, the Roman province was created, which managed the governor from Utica.

Rome in Africa

Only 100 years later after the destruction of Carthage, Julius Caesar decided to establish on the site of the city colony. These plans were destined only after his death. In honor of the founder, the colony was called "Colonia Julia Carthago" or "Carthaginskaya Colony of Julia". Roman engineers removed about 100,000 cubic meters of land, destroying the vertex of the birs to align the surface and destroy the traces of the past. In this place, temples and beautiful public buildings were erected. After some time, Carthage became "one of the most luxurious cities of the Roman world", in magnitude, the second after Rome is the city of the West. To meet the needs of 300,000 residents of the city, there were built: Circus for 60,000 spectators, theater, amphitheater, thermal and 132-kilometer aqueduct.

Christianity reached the Carthage approximately in the middle of the II century n. e. And quickly spread in the city. Approximately 155 n. e. In Carthage, a famous theologian and Terertullian apologue was born. Thanks to his works, Latin became the official language of the Western Church. In the third century, the Bishop of Carthaginsky was Cyprian, who introduced a system of seven-step church hierarchy into everyday life and died with a martyrdom in 258 N. e. Another resident of North Africa, Augustine (354-430), the greatest Christian theologian antiquity, united the creeds of the Church with Greek philosophy.

By the beginning of the 5th century, N.E. Roman Empire experienced decline and the same happened with Carthage. In 439 n. e. The city was captured and looted by vandals. After a hundred years, the conquest of the city by Byzantine for a while suspended its final fall. In 698 n. e. The city was taken by Arabs, his stones served as a material for the construction of the city of Tunisia. In the following centuries, marble and granite, once adorned the Roman city, were looted and taken from the country. They were later used for the construction of cathedrals in Genoa, Pisa, as well as the Canterbury Cathedral in England. Today it is a suburb of Tunisia and an object for tourist pilgrimage.

Carthage of our days

Just 15 km from Tunisia, on the shore, the lounge marine foam, opposite the guarding of his peace of the mountain range of Butornina, there is an ancient Carthage.

Carthage was built 2 times. The first time - in 814 BC, the Phoenician Princess Elisa, and was called Carthage, which means the "new city" on the punic. Located at the intersection of the trade routes of the Mediterranean Sea, he rapidly grew, becoming the main rival of the Roman Empire.

After the destruction of Carthage Rome in 146 BC In the course of Punic Wars, he was rebuilt anew as the capital of the Roman colony of Africa and continued to flourish. But in the end, he was postgraded by the sad fate of Rome: a powerful cultural and shopping center was overwhelmed by the crowds of barbarians, then he was captured by Byzantines in 533. After Arabic conquest, Carthage gave way to Kairhan, who became the capital of the new Arab state. So many times destroyed Carthage, but every time he rose again. No wonder when it was found, a skull of a horse and bull was found - symbols of strength and wealth.

The city is interesting for archaeological excavations. When excavations in the so-called Bunior quarter under Roman structures, curls of which have shown the studies of which have shown in the so-called water supply, high (even six-storey) houses were carried out. At the beginning of our era, the Romans first crossed the place where the ruins were destroyed in 146 BC. Carthage, put expensive retaining strengthening around the hill and built a forum on its flat top.

According to information from ancient history in this place by the patron of the city of God Waal-Hammon and the goddess Tanit sacrifice the firstborn boys starting with V c. BC. The whole ritual is expressively described by Gustave Flaubert in the "Salambo" novel. Archaeologists during searches on the territory of Bunny burials were discovered about 50,000 urns with the remains of babies. On the restored tombstones, the symbols of the gods, a sickle of the moon or a stylized female figure with raised hands can be distinguished - the goddess symbol is tannit, as well as a solar disk - Waal Hammon symbol. Nearby are the harbor of Carthagen, who later served and Romans: a trade harbor in the south and military in the north.


Bourz Hill. Here is the Cathedral of St. Louis. Finds made during excavations are demonstrated in the Carthage National De Carthage Museum on the Birs Hill.

The most attention of tourists in Carthage is attracted to the terms of Emperor Antonina Kia in the archaeological park. They were the most largest in the Roman Empire after the Term Trayan in Rome. Carthage's aristocracy met here for recreation, bathing and business conversations. Only a few massive marble seats have been preserved from the building itself.

Next to the terms is the summer palace Beeev: Today it is a residence of President Tunisia.

And so, the second part of the recall: the excursion program.
As I have already written in the previous recall, we rested in Tunisia from September 11 to September 27, S.G. At home, we were planned six excursions, five of which managed to implement. I prepared a list of places that would like to visit, but no tourist directories can replace personal impression from what they saw. And do not believe those who claim that there is nothing to watch in Tunisia. It is said to people, all vacation without caressing from the beach. I will try to convince you. I will write about the most liked places.

Tunisian Carthage - Sidi Bu Said
During this excursion, we visited the three cities of Tunisia. The first city on our path was the capital of Tunisia, which carries the same name as the country. About an hour, a wonderful guide told us a glorious history of my country. According to the guide "Olive and Tourism" - these are two gods that local residents pray.
Tunisia is a very modern, noisy and energetic city. It is also called the country of "winning feminism." In other countries of the Arab world, women walk in Chadre, they are engaged in the kitchen, home and raise children. In Tunisia, thanks to the reforms of President Burgibiba, the woman has all the conditions for a full life. They, along with men, learn, work and having fun. Those. Live a full-fledged life than not boast, for example, our favorite Egypt. In Tunisia, polygamy is legally canceled, agree is a phenomenal phenomenon phenomenon. General legislation makes a lot of overlooking women.
In the capital of Tunisia, there are modern highways, a terrestrial subway, hotels, cafes, restaurants, stadiums and museums. In the city itself, the many French-style buildings, the memory of colonial times. As in other cities of the country, the Central Street of Tunisia is named after the first president - Avenue Habib Burbiba. This street begins from the gate of the Old Town - Medina. On the central street of the capital is the National Theater of Tunisia. His steps are a meeting place for young people and students. By the way, Tunisian University itself is not much younger than Oxford. On the same street there is a hotel "International", where there was our first stop. The group was given time to walk to the old town of Medina, which is known for its large baza carrier, with a maze of trading rows. Here it was possible to buy all sorts of memorable souvenirs and gifts. The guide immediately warned that the bazaar is so big that you can get lost, therefore it is not necessary to get involved and go deep into the trading rows. When you get to the old Medina, it seems that you are immersed in oriental life with all its flavor and spicy spice smells. We really were afraid to get lost and returned to Avenue Burbiba, to make memorable pictures. In general, the central street of the capital looks very European. I got the impression that Tunisia was a city where they naturally blended and intertwined "yesterday and today."
Museum "Bardo"
The National Museum of Mosaic "Bardo" is also located in the capital. The museum building is an ancient palace, which presents the largest collection of ancient Roman mosaic, as well as statues of gods and heroes. All the exhibits of the museum were found during excavations in various cities of Tunisia.
The entrance to the museum is guarded by two marble lions. In order to take photos, it is necessary to pay 1 dinar (22 rubles). The museum is simply a huge amount of wall and outdoor mosaic, all kinds of sizes and plots. There are wall mosaics in size in several floors, which hang on the stairs of the museum. In the festive hall there is the largest preserved mosaic fragment - as many as 56 square meters!
Very beautiful ceilings of the building of the Palace, many decorated with painting in Italian style or unusually fine, lace carvings. In general, the museum is very difficult to tell and write, it must be seen. Mosaics can be viewed by the clock, and the guide will tell in detail who created them for what occasion. Our guide throughout the entire excursion was not tired of repeating aphorism "Life of Cork, but art forever."
The next place to visit was famous, and familiar to everyone with school bench, city Cartage or Carthage. This, once mighty empire, founded by the Phoenician Princess Elissa, was destroyed several times and reborn again. To date, the remnants of the Roman buildings of the Capitol, the Carthaginian Amphitheater and the Term of Anthony have been preserved. Carthage ruins are located in several fragmented places, where to this day, excavations are carried out. We only visited the park of the complex of the Term (bath) of the emperor Anthony Fii, which are built on the seashore and are best preserved to our times. After the Term Trayan in Rome, these terms were the largest in the Roman Empire. Carthage's aristocracy was found here for recreation, bathing and business conversations. Of course, only ruins remained from all the magnificence, but they are impressive.
Near the Park is a fence of the summer residence of President Tunisia Ben Ali, which is strictly guarded (there are booths with automatic workers around the fence). On the territory placed plates with warnings that it is impossible to photograph in this direction. By the way, portraits of the president and state flags hang everywhere - in the halls of hotels, in stores, shops, in a cafe. Single patriotism on the show.
Modern Carthage is one of the most prestigious suburbs of Tunisia. There are many snow-white villas and lives to know, as well as the residences of the ambassadors of foreign states. Carthage carefully preserve from modern times. All telephone and electrical cables are removed underground, so, walking around the city, it is easy to imagine that the time turned to reverse and you got into another era. According to Guide: Local authorities are still fined homeowners if they do not update the color on their homes.
In general, we caught ourselves to think that somehow it is unusual to touch the ancient stones, keeping the memories of the first majesty of the whole empire ... Once in Soviet times, studying the history of Carthage in the school program, we could not even imagine that We will see all this in the middle ...
From Carthage, we went to the suburbs, to have lunch in one of the hotels in Caribbean. Further, our excursion followed the romantic town of artists, artists and poets ...
Syi bu Said
And finally, the last item of our journey is a picturesque white-blue town of Sidi Bu Said, which is located on Mount El Manar, and is located near Cartagen. In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful places that we had to see in Tunisia.
White and blue are the main colors of the houses of this town. Even at the beginning of the 20th town of Sidi Bu Said, on the initiative of the British Baron Erlanger, was taken protected as a historical monument.
We follow the guide past the blooming plantations of cacti, galleries and souvenir benches. Now and then we meet students with tablets in the hands of the sketches of local architectural "masterpieces" ... We literally with an open mouth turn 180 degrees and photographing, photographing and taking pictures ...
Cool rising up the main street finally leads us to the cafe "NATT". They say this is the most famous cafe of Tunisia, thanks to the painting of Auguste McCe "View of the Mosque". Here the guide interrupted his narration and let us go for an hour and a half in free swimming. It was the shortest one and a half hours in my life. From fatigue there is no trace. We have time to walk along the shopping street with many shopping beds, make many pictures and look into the famous cafe. Each house of this town, every door, seized by ivy or roses, real works of art. And what amazing look opens from the cafe terrace on the Tunisian Bay and Mount Bu-Cornin. I think that this wonderful, fabulous town will not leave any tourist indifferent. To penetrate the atmosphere of this amazingly beautiful place, you need to stay here at least one day, but, alas, we have too little time. We are forced to rush back to the bus. It is a pity that it was very, very little time to inspect.
This wonderful, cognitive excursion took all day. The cost of 1 person with dinner 65 dinar (1400-1450 rubles). We were brought back to the hotel, to a well-deserved holiday.
All the next day we peacefully arrived on the beach, and shared impressions from what they saw, with new familiar to rest. Resting and taking strength, ready for new impressions, we went on an excursion to the city of El Jam.

El Jem
First of all, the city of El Jam is famous for its Amphitheater, which in 1979 was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. As, almost all of the other Roman settlements in Tunisia, El Jam was built on the site of the former Phoenician settlement. The Romans called his Tisdrus (Fissidrus) and with them he was a place where many trading paths were converged, according to which food was delivered to Rome. Huge Colosseum and is a reminder of those times.
And so, about the main attraction of the city - Amphitheater or Colisees.
We have noticed this construction yet from afar, but they thought it was just a mountain. And only, approaching closer, understood that this is the creation of human hands. This is a huge building, 38 m high, can be seen from all points of the city. Building diameter is about 430 meters. Three floors of the structure can accommodate up to 40 thousand spectators. By the way, the Colosseum in Rome is slightly more than size and in terms of capacity, but has been preserved much worse. I have not seen the Roman Colosseum, but I assume that the Tunisian amphitheater looks no less majestically. The building in El Jem is very well preserved, including underground rooms where prisoners and animals were kept. In ancient times, the fights of gladiators were held here, and Christian martyrs were thrown on with wild beasts. Often the Colosseum became a defensive fortress. According to one of the legends, El Jam is connected with the city of Majdia underground tunnel, according to which an elephant can pass, and the other tunnel allegedly leads to the catacomb of the city of Sousse. On the territory of the amphitheater, excavations are still being carried out and underground rooms are restored. The locals of the city, which used his walls, like a quarry for new construction, did not make little destruction of the Caliza. But whatever the destruction was subjected to the Colosseum, he is now proudly and majestically towers over El Jem.
Currently, international festivals of classical music are held on the territory of the Colosseum. A modern scene is mounted on the territory of the former arena, the audience stands are also design. What else is remembered is the chic acoustics present in the amphitheater. By the way, it was in this colosue that the Oscarone film "Gladiator" was shot. In general, there is something to see what is impressed, and what to admire. Our group was given a little over an hour of free time for inspection and purchase of souvenirs. We independently wandered over the underground labyrinths of the Colosseum, made interesting pictures, climbed the highest points of the building, offering a good view of the modern city of El Jam.
From the Coliseum we are brought to an antique residence - Villa "Africa". This is once one of the most luxurious houses in Roman Africa with an area of \u200b\u200b3 thousand m2. To date, the villa has been restored and renovated by interest on 70. And the ancient mosaic is also restored with the image of the Goddess of Africa, in honor of which Villa is named. On the territory of the villa there are still excavations.
This interesting excursion takes only half the day. At 6 am, tourists are taken from the hotel, and by the middle of the lunch bring back. Cost per person 35 Dinar (770 rubles). Already after dinner, we rested on the beach of your hotel.
This is me all about the cognitive, now about the entertainment tour.

The entertainment presentation takes place in the evening in the territory of the Park "Medinat El Zahra", not far from Sousse. Park and his scenes are surrounded by mountains and occupy about 3 hectares of land. Preceded by a laser show Folklore representation, where the scenes of the walling and wedding from the life of Berber are played.
At first we were spent into an improvised Berber village, where they entertain invited guests before the wedding. Here it was possible to be photographed in the improvised bubber huts, listen to musicians and watch Tunisian dances, which are actively torn tourists. Then everyone moved to an improvised amphitheater, where the actual match was actually played and the wedding itself. The whole idea was accompanied by a beautiful Djigitovka in Arabic horses.
Next, all guests were invited to a restaurant where a classic Tunisian dinner took place. Guests served traditional dishes, the main of which, of course, was Couscous. Dining red wine, mineral water and other drinks are applied to dinner. All dinner is accompanied on the stage of the folklore show, where national costumes, dancing, customs and the wedding ceremony itself are shown.
By the way, in reality the wedding in Tunisia lasts 7 days and are a grandiose representation. And the bride and the bride celebrate the apartments, each with their relatives and loved ones, and do not see each other, but are found only on the last day of the wedding)))
In our opinion, the first part of the evening, although it was sufficiently rich and interesting, but a little tightened. People, having tried treats, began to actively leave the restaurant.
Next we were waiting for an even more amazing spectacle - the laser show "Sound and Light". All the shows are accompanied by the spacer text in several languages, incl. And in Russian. The action takes place in the amphitheater, where on the one hand are stone tribunes with wicker mats for the audience, and on the other hand, the scenery of the East Fortress, with teeth and braces. In the center of the amphitheater there is an improvised pond meter 80 in diameter, and in the middle - the fountains with illumination.
Once on the wall, as on the screen, the first three-dimensional laser projection was highlighted, applause rang out in the amphitheater. Indeed - spectacular! In addition to the laser show, in parallel, the theatrical action is happening and on the scene, telling 3000 years of the Tunisian history. The whole performance is so interesting that until the last minute holds in tension. And how it all complemented the dark night, the African starry sky and a slim face of the crescent ...
If you are going to Tunisia, I highly recommend turning on the Park "Medinat El Zahra" in the list of obligatory to visit places, of course - in addition to the Carthage.
On this I will finish my long story about our excursions in Tunisia. Of course, he turned out a mess and not complete, and we simply didn't see much. We did not see, for example, Bizerto, where the largest harbor is located on the whole Mediterranean. There were no many ancient cities, for example, the famous duck ... Yes, even Carthage looked at all ... I think that next time Tunisia, I still decide to a fascinating two-day tour of the sugar. And maybe, let and wave to the south of Tunisia, on the island of Djerba. Then we will be very close to the sugar)))
And I want to finish your opus, everything is the same:
If you are still tormented by doubts, is it worth visiting Tunisia, my answer you will "be sure"!

Hello everyone!

This review of the tours to Carthage (as part of the excursion Carthage-Sidi Bu Said Bordeaux), I finish my series of travel reviews to Tunisia! We are already a lot where you visited and everywhere everything was cool, interesting and informative! To begin with, I suggest you familiarize yourself with my other reviews related to such a wonderful country as TUNISIA!

So, in a new country always wants to learn something new and visit as much as possible. Well, and how not to acquire a tour of Carthage?! This is the story. Very interesting!

From the hotel we left at 7.30 am, 2 hours in the way on a comfortable bus and with a very good guide, which really loves his work and very interestingly tells, and we are in place.

Carthage was built a lot of many thousand years ago before our era. Can you imagine how it was a long time ago? From this one thought already goosebumps. In those days, several colonies for trade were formed on the Tunisian coast. By the 5th century BC, these settlements turned into one large marine power, which was called Carthage. This power was so strong that already at one mention of the name, the enemies had only one phrase on the mind " Carthage must be destroyed". To destroy such a powerful power dreamed of everything, and especially the Roman Empire. And it is clear that in the course of many wars, with time, Carthage turned into ruins.

For 19-20 centuries, the ruins of an ancient city ruins continue to this day, today, everyone who comes to Tunisia can visit, but it is not possible to inspect everything and immediately, work is underway, part has the status of a special regime , the rest is in a huge territory. Outdoor the whole area in one day is unrealistic, so tourists are better to choose the most significant objects and study them, or come here several times.

Now the residence of President Tunisia is located on the territory of Carthagen. The red flag is developing high above the trees, it can be seen almost everywhere. In our times, Carthage is a prestigious suburb of the capital of Tunisia. The police are on duty, they will not go through some roads, if the President is in his residence, you will need to go around. So our driver did. Many new, beautiful and huge, villas are built. There live and live influential and rich people. Everything is very common and clean.

So, at first we arrived in carthage Museum National Museum (Carthage Museum). This is such a small museum where various exhibits discovered during excavations - busts, mosaics, coins, there are halls with ceramic, pottery and much more. Very interesting, especially lovers and connoisseurs of history. All exhibits make it possible to touch the great times, about which we told us so much and we read about.

By the way, the biggest plus is that air conditioning worked in the museum. And we, after the heat of 36 degrees, it was cool to plunge into a cooler atmosphere. So the exhibits look better and more interesting, and the guide is listening careful, because there are no thoughts "as soon as possible.


After the museum, we were a little wagged on the ruins, picked up and went to watch Terms of Anthony.

The terms wear the name of the emperor Anthony Pia (138-161 R. H.) and were erected into memory of the pacification by this Roman emperor, local nomadic tribes in 145-149. H. These terms were the most largest in the Roman Empire outside Rome.

On the way to Term, there are many other remnants of facilities in the park. Unfortunately, only the foundation of the so-called term has been preserved to this day, which represents not a simple grocery of stones, but complex buildings and communications located below the "floor level". Carthage Terms Anthony Fii were decorated with gardens, there were palists for gymnastic exercises and recreation halls and conversations. Their terms included a huge terrace for sunbathing and an outdoor swimming pool in their territory.

The invasion of 439 to the North African shore of Vandalov, led to the fact that currently the residues of the Terms have a sad sight. For a long time, the term was used as sources of building material. From here, tons were exported by the famous numidia gem marble, columns, statues, busts of emperors and members of their families.