Ilya cape Crimea. The rich history of the cape in Crimea

In this post I want to tellto you about the most little-known cape of the Feodosia region, the description of which is not even on the Internet, the cape which bears the same name - Feodosia.

Historical name Cape Feodosia - Kaboyar.

Cape Theodosia, like the Cape of St. Elijah, isone of the extremities of the spurs of the Main ridge of the Crimean Mountains.

This little-known landmark is located right behind the wild beach called "Chumka", which in turn lies in the southern outskirts of Feodosia called "Quarantine". This is the only promontory located almost within the city limits.

To the northeast, from Cape Feodosia begins Feodosiya Bay, and on the south side is the Cape of St. Elijah, followed by Dvuyakornaya Bay. These two capes form a small picturesque bay with a narrow, wild beach.

Bay beach,at the foot of Cape Theodosius and Cape St. Elijah, it is made of rocky and pebble rocks. Large boulders, gravel and pebbles are found along the narrow coastline.

Cape Feodosia has steep slopeslight gray in color, which are composed of clay and shale rocks. The slopes of Cape Feodosia majestically descend directly to the beach of the bay and completely cover it from the west and south-west from the winds.

The entrance to the sea on the beach of this bay is gentleand the shallow bottom is covered with pebbles and gravel.

The vegetation of the Cape of Feodosia is scarce the slopes and adjacent hills are covered with mountain grasses. There are practically no trees, but a rare plant called Turchaninov's bug grows in this place. The plant, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, is found only in the northeastern part of the coast from the Feodosia Quarantine Hill to the Cape of St. Elijah the Prophet. Also on the ravines in the surrounding areas of Cape Feodosia grows a bush of wild rose, blackthorn, blackberry, hawthorn.

Fauna of Cape Feodosiamore diverse than its vegetation. There are hares, foxes, various rodents, and many different insects. Here you can see such unique snakes as the Crimean viper, tiger snake, snakes, as well as a rare lizard - the yellow snake. You can find such interesting and rare spiders as tarantula, scorpion, black widow and others. The variety of birds is great. Owls, peregrine falcons, Crimean hawks, nightingales, gulls, cormorants, diving, ducks live in this area. And also many small birds, such as goldfinch, siskin, greenback, tit, etc.

Fauna of the coastal zone of Cape Feodosia
dolphins, katrans, stingrays, sea foxes and tongues, mullet, pilengas, striped mullet, sea ruff, sea bass, goby, green whale are made up. There are clams of mussels and rapana, shrimp, crabs, various algae and much more.

There used to be a post on Cape Feodosia missile range, a post of radio-technical troops and a helipad. The area was protected, and swimmers on the beach of the cape bay
Feodosia was often driven by a border guard outfit.

Currently these facilities have been eliminated. And the coastline now belongs to holidaymakers who can swim and sunbathe carefree on this marvelous beach. No one will even oppose the presence of divers who decided to get acquainted with the underwater beauty of these places, and there is something to see here, believe me. No one is outraged by the appearance in these places of sunbathers dressed as Adam and Eve.

Here's an informative story.
about the cape to which almost no one paid attention. I hope that this entry will encourage the desire of many tourists vacationing in Feodosia and in the southeastern Crimea to get acquainted with this natural landmark and enjoy its beauty, hospitality and generous gifts of the sea.

They occupy the first positions in their list. Today I want to tell you about one of them, the most beautiful and romantic, with a good name - Cape Ilya.

Location, differences

The cape is located in the vicinity of Feodosia, in the bay. It is part of the Tele-Oba mountain range. The hilly formation attracts not only with its unique view, but also with the so-called local landmark, a popular tourist attraction - "". The hill causes a storm of positive emotions, both while walking along it and when viewed from the sea. It even seems to me that from a pleasure boat he looks even more impressionable.

The first structure, illuminating the way for sailors, appeared here in the late 1890s. During the Great Patriotic War, it was practically destroyed, but the area was "decorated" with bunkers. They can still be seen today, in the process of studying the territory.

The lighthouse, in the form in which we observe it today, appeared in the late 50s of the last century. Naturally, the hilly formation is interesting not only by the lighthouse and bunkers. There are a lot of legends around it, many tourists are attracted by them.

Legends and reality

Locals love to tell a legend about a merchant who was shipwrecked several times. Moreover, this happened precisely on the day of the Prophet Elijah, and he was the namesake of the saint. The merchant each time turned to him for help, he managed to avoid serious losses. The merchant decided to build a chapel here as a thank you. According to legend, the famous coastal luminary now flaunts in its place.

It is difficult to say how true this story is, but the fact that stunning views of the Feodosiya Bay open up from here is true. Tourists mainly come here just to admire them. Some people prefer to relax on the wild beach at the foot.

Vacationers interested in the history of the peninsula as a whole. And the environs of Feodosia in particular, come here to see the Scythian hills. By the way, during one of the excavations, they found ancient earrings, very fine handmade. Today they are a unique exhibit of our Hermitage, signed "Feodosia earrings".

Remained on the territory and bunkers, the times of the Great Patriotic War, some, they are called "Ilyinsky batteries". True, no one bothered to preserve this historical one. So it is likely that in a few decades there will be nothing to look at.

Tip: Decide to spend time on the beach in the area, try not to leave evidence of your stay. There are no benefits of civilizations, cleaners on the shore. Therefore, cleanliness is completely up to you and me. By the way, there are excellent conditions for diving, if you are fond of this sport, be sure to take your equipment with you.

How to get to Cape Ilya

You can get here by public transport, but you will have to walk some part of the path, about 2 km. If this does not bother you, at the bus station in Feodosia take a fixed-route taxi # 1, 2 or 2 "a". Get off at the City Hospital stop. You can just inspect. Having decided to continue on the path, move to the southeast for about two kilometers.

You can try to get there by hitchhiking, but it is more convenient by your own car. If you are going by car - be guided by the map or GPS navigator. The exact location is marked below... For those who do not have their own car, there is no desire to walk at all, just like getting on a ride, I recommend using the excellent services.


In my opinion, Cape Ilya is one of the most beautiful, romantic places in Crimea. Especially in the evening, when the lighthouse lights up its lights. If you are not indifferent to virgin nature, gorgeous views, complete tranquility, be sure to visit this unique place. Have an amazing holiday, everyone!

Hthe closer to Ilyin's day, the lower the clouds hang, the more stuffy the air becomes and more often night thunderstorms.

And on Ilyin's day the clouds will darken, the serpents of lightning run in and the prophet will remind of himself with the crackle of thunderous peals.

The trouble is to get into the sea then. Well, if he only rips off the tackle, Sometimes he whirls the ship, throws it on a rock and throws it in chips at Cape Ilya.

Pray, sailor, to the church of the prophet - there would be no misfortune.

And that church is visible from a great distance, although it is not great. Such as was built in ancient times.

In those days when they believed in the Upper Power and knew their weakness before It. Although they were brave, perhaps bolder than they are now.

The people did not invent that Ilya, the son of Tamara, who built the church, went to the open sea on a plank.

And when he became rich and acquired his own ship, in the worst storm he was not afraid to leave the harbor and in the December storm he raised the sails.

But once it happened to go out under the prophet Elijah.

The sea became furious that day, the heavens were angry and people hid in their dwellings. And Ilya Tamara immediately picked up the flakos and trinesta and rushed off into the wave like a white gull.

Who would risk doing this now? Unless just crazy.

Tamara went far into the sea, the shores were not visible. He did not know the danger and did not believe in the fishing tale about Ilya.

And lightning and thunder from the clouds.

And when I thought so, the shaft rolled onto the ship much higher than the mast.

Vasta temoni, put the steering wheel on, - Tamara shouted to the helmsman, but the steering wheel came off, and the ship rushed by the will of the wind towards the coastal cliff.

Ilya understood that death was near, and in his frightened soul doubts stirred whether the prophet was punishing him for unbelief.

And at that very moment a thunderous boom swept from north to south, and over the cape, where the church of Elijah is now, a chariot of fire descended in flames and thousands of sparks.

Ilya! - Tamara exclaimed, and thought in his soul: - In the place where I saw him, I will build a church for him, at least I had to sell the ship for that.

Matim bistin, I swear by my faith.

Before this thought had cooled down, the thunderstorm fell silent, and the wind from the shore drove the wave into the sea, and with it the Tamarin ship.

Vasta temoni, - someone sounded a formidable voice over Tamara, and Tamara saw himself standing at the helm, which, having swam to the ship, took its place.

By evening, Tamara Sugdei reached, handed over the goods and, loaded with new ones, returned to Kafa.

However, he did not tell anyone about what had happened, he regretted selling the ship and decided to earn more money first and then build a temple.

At first I decided so, but soon changed my mind.

It cannot be that all this has happened. I just dreamed. Kolokitya!

And, soothing himself so, he eventually forgot about his oath.

Everything was going well; for decades, not one of his ships was wrecked, and Ilya Tamara became the richest merchant of Kafa.

However, in my soul, against my will, there was something that reminded me of the incident in my younger years. Tamara did not like to look at the mountain where he had a vision, and avoided going out to sea under Ilyin's day.

But one day, not long before that day, he had to return from the Amastrid shores.

Blessed be the name of George, the patron of that country!

A fair wind carried the ship sharply and in the distance the Taurus Mountains were already turning blue.

And suddenly the wind immediately died down, as though it had swept it from the sea, and the ship fell into dead calm.

Most of all his sailors are afraid, but Ilyin's day came when the wind was blowing all over Pontus, and Tamara lay calmly in the stern.

He was counting the profits and, having finished the calculations, smiled at his trade luck.

You don't need to be noble, you don't need to be a scientist to live well. You just need to be smarter than others to take advantage of their stupidity. Alu pulunde gramata, alyu pour gnosis!

A nasty thought, - someone said in his soul, and Tamara shuddered.

He got up from the bed, looked at the shore. From there, clouds were slowly approaching, and the lightning flashed with an ominous eye.

A prewind ripple ran across the sea, after which the coastguard drove a wave.

The ship raised all sails and took the bow to the east, where Kafa was, but, having got into a strange current, could not go far.

And the wind quickly grew stronger, the fruit drink hummed with an unkind noise, the air hissed and whistled, howling.

The main mast could not withstand the gust and broke off.

That's bad!

And in the last twilight light they saw the mountain where the vision had once happened.

Tamara remembered him and was embarrassed in spirit. Darkness fell, you could not see your hand; a downpour flooded the deck with streams; the wave beat through the sides and a leak appeared in the holds. The storm sails were frayed to shreds; the ship did not obey the helm, like a rotten thread, the anchor chain broke when the ship overtook the shores and tried to drop anchor.

One miracle can save!

And people prayed for a miracle; begged Ilya to soften his anger; they promised to give the whole first catch for a candle to him.

And Tamara fell to his knees and in his heart vowed to fulfill what he had promised once in his youth.

Fiery lightning split the sky, scorched the air, illuminated the ship and the rocks, among which it rushed; in the last zigzag, she slid over the mast and lit up in a glow ahead of the ship.

Someone formidable and angry raised a hand over the ship. His eyes flashed with lightning; his beard was torn in a frenzied fit; the mouth was ready to be opened for the ruinous word.

Elison imas, Kyrie! Have mercy on us!

The hand of curse came down and showed the lost the way of salvation.

On the sidelines, the Kafa fires lit up and ... the radiance went out.

The ships' houses fell asleep like those killed. Only old man Tamara did not fall asleep. He stood at the city temple and whispered the words of the troparion:

Heal those who honor you, Ilya.

Stood all night and in the morning found him in the same place. They did not recognize him, so he has changed. The peace of greatness breathed him. the face and the closeness of Heaven shone in the eyes.

And when a year later the icon-maker painted the image of the prophet Elijah for the new temple, which he built on Mount Tamara, it was from him that he painted the face of the prophet.

That is why there is no anger in the prophetic eyes and there is no fear when you look at the icon.

Tamara died a deep old man and at the end of his days avoided talking about what he had experienced, but people read about it in his clear gaze.

For the gaze of the human soul often penetrates deeper than speech suggests.

Feodosia region is rich in sights. The ancient city is full of history, curious tourists will always find something to see. But it is far from always possible to combine inspection of man-made monuments with enjoying the beauties of nature, etc. This is possible on Cape Ilya, in Crimea this is a very beautiful place.

Where is the cape in Feodosia?

Actually, he is not in Feodosia. Cape Ilya is located near the city, it closes in the west and is the easternmost point of the Crimean Mountains. The cape is part of the Tele-Oba ridge. The name is translated from Tatar as "end of mountains", "edge of mountains". Thus, several interpretations are possible for the name - the protrusion is considered both the end of the array and its beginning.

Attraction on the map of Crimea

A ray of light in the sea kingdom of Crimea

Geologists understand the geological history, they are still not clear about the origin of the Crimean mountains. But the most notable structure on Cape Ilya, the lighthouse, has an interesting past. There are many pitfalls in the sea, and the wind can be unfavorable, so this area has seen many shipwrecks, including quite large ones. The sailors have repeatedly appealed to various authorities with a request to install a lighthouse complex, but the latter were in no hurry to respond. The matter got off the ground when E. Rukavishnikova took over its organization.

The woman's husband was the captain, as a result, she well understood the needs of the sailors. In addition, her son, a young boy with tuberculosis, recovered here, in Crimea. The young man took walks and breathed the sea air just near Cape Ilya. So the woman decided to thank others for the happy event and help others and finance the construction. The family was not too rich - they had to earn money and sell things. But the Theodosians and sailors supported the initiative, helped with funds, who could, so in 1899 he appeared here.

At first, it was of a very simple design, but nevertheless it signaled to mariners about imminent danger. Then it was rebuilt several times - today, instead of the original wooden structure, there is a solid stone structure, and modern optics and specific sound installations are used to ensure marine safety. The sailors offered to name the building after the generous donor, but she refused, so he became the namesake of the cape. And the whole story became known thanks to one of the daughters of Rukavishnikova.

Several legends: saving the drowning

There is also a truly fabulous story associated with shipwrecks. Once a merchant twice managed to get near a sea disaster, and it was on the day of Elijah the Prophet. Both times he asked him for salvation in misfortune. The saint did not disappoint - the merchant got out of both crashes with minimal losses.

The merchant's name was Ilya, therefore, he decided to commemorate his miraculous salvation by building a chapel on the cape. Traces of this particular structure have not been found, but it is known that in 1814 there was a chapel dedicated to the prophet Elijah on the cape. Such is the legendary story, which the locals will also kindly tell about.

What is interesting about the Cape of St. Elijah?

The fashionable resorts have not yet reached Cape Ilya in Crimea, although construction is pending. But now it is still a completely untouched corner where you can relax in silence, without a noisy crowd and intrusive advertising around. Tourists often come here to admire the lighthouse. It is impossible to come close to it, but even from a certain distance one can appreciate the peculiar beauty of such a useful structure. There are only four structures like this on the peninsula. Another attraction is the views. The reviews of many indicate that the Feodosiya Bay from the top of the cape looks simply amazing.
You can see from here for many kilometers into the distance.

It has a promontory and a rich historical past. There are several Scythian burial mounds here. During excavations of a similar one (back in tsarist times), unique earrings of very fine (miniature) work were discovered. Now they are a fairly well-known exhibit of the Hermitage and are called "Feodosia earrings." Here are the remains of bunkers from the times of the Great Patriotic War. They are sometimes referred to as "Cape Ilya battery". Unfortunately, until now no one has bothered to take care of the safety of these structures.

Many tourists also liked the beach at Cape Ilya. Feodosia is a popular resort, there are many people here all year round. This is not the case on the described object. Naturally, there are no other benefits of civilization (cleaning, shower, toilet). But there is clean water and pristine nature, and for many this is much more important. Bathers here are asked to show consciousness and not leave material evidence of their stay - there are no cleaners here, so the trash can remain for many years. In general, the conditions here are modest, but attractive: pebbles, in places and small patches of sand, a transparent sea. There are good conditions for scuba diving near the land ledge (good visibility in the water), divers are a dime a dozen here.

How to get there (get there)?

Getting to Cape Ilya from Feodosia is not difficult, and even city transport can be partially used. There are three minibuses in this direction from the bus station - №1, №2 and №2а. You will need to get off at the Gorbolnitsa stop, which is next to Further, on foot or by hitchhiking, it will be necessary to overcome 2 km in the southeast direction.

By car, you can get to this way:

Tourist notes

  • Address: Feodosia urban district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 45.012778, 35.421944.

Our guest house is located in a cozy bay, on the outskirts of Feodosia - Cape Ilya. A heady and rich sea breeze creates freshness in the rooms, which is perfect for a family vacation, when you are away from the noise of the city, you can organize your stay in Crimea at the proper level. If you need entertainment, then getting to the center of Feodosia is not difficult, namely, the center has everything you need for stunning memories.

Here you will find rooms for two people and for companies. Bright and spacious, they are designed for 2 or more people, and of course with a sea view. Coming ashore in the morning, you can enjoy the sunrise, plunge into the invigorating coolness of the sea, and in the evening gather and spend time in silence or at a stormy feast.

A clear sea, only 7 meters to the water's edge, a private beach and absolute freedom in clean sea water, what else is needed in order for a vacation in Crimea to be successful ...

You can relax in comfort under the awning located on the beach, or use the sun lounger, which is provided free of charge. And of course, your own boat, a necessary attribute of a boathouse, with this convenience you will have an unforgettable and comfortable rest. For all guests of our Guest House Alice in Feodosia - the first walk and fishing on a boat is free.

For an additional fee, you can order delicious 3 meals a day (home cooking), and in the minibar on the ground floor you can buy soft drinks, juices, water, beer, ice cream.
How to get there: 1. From the bus station of Feodosia we will meet you free of charge.
2. We organize a transfer for an additional fee from the airport of Simferopol.
Number of buildings: 1
Number of storeys: 4
Total rooms: 7
Parking: nearby (free)
Meals: - dining room: 3 meals a day à la carte
- self-catering in the rooms is not provided
Distances: - pebble beach - 0 minutes (beach access)
- embankment - 20 minutes
- city center - 20 minutes
- entertainment center - 20 minutes
- water park - 1 hour (by car)
- dolphinarium - 30 minutes (by car)
- market - 10 minutes
- grocery store - 1 minute
- minibus stop - 5 minutes
- pharmacy - 5 minutes
At your service (additionally): - transfer (paid)
- Wi-Fi internet
- washing machine
- grill
- playground
- gazebo
- ironing + iron
- microwave
- cable TV
Change of linen: after 5 days
Change of towels: after 5 days
Room cleaning: after 5 days
Restrictions: - we accept children from 3 years old
- we do not accept animals
- no smoking in the rooms
Discounts: possible individually
Reservation: - application by phone or by e-mail, prepayment for 2 days of stay
- if canceled less than 15 days before the date of arrival, the prepayment is not refundable