Men's "terrible story" from school campaign (2 photos). Mysterious hike Fear in campaigns Scary stories

How I love to sit by the fire! I could look at him all night. I sat alone near the fire. All slept. Around dark, and only the fire illuminates a small piece of glade. Around a pile of tents, the owners of which are already sleeping.
Start over. At the end of the school year, our class decided to go hiking and spend the night in the forest for several days. Our teacher and her familiar went with us.
And here I am sitting in front of the fire. How much I sat so much, I don't know, but I decided to go to sleep in my tent when I realized that I was falling asleep. I'm leaving more, but sleep as if evaporated. I lay for a long time and could not sleep. I grumbled, tried to find the most comfortable position for sleep, but the dream did not go. I heard that something was moving close to my tent. I went out to see who was there, but I did not see anyone. I thought it was classmates.
"Let's go out, not ridiculous, and not scary all the more," I said.
But no one responded, the opposite arrived.
I stood and waited until someone came out. I stood so a minute and was already going to leave, how the girl's figure seemed from the bushes. She stared at me intently. The girl was very pale, with wet hair and white lips, and the eyes are very red. In some parts of the body there were cuts.
- Who are you? Do you need help? - I asked.
In response silence. I became terribly, and I rushed to my tent. I climbed into it and closed the entrance, took out my knife, put a flashlight and sat down next. In a moment I heard steps. Someone came to the tent. It was that girl. She stood near the entrance and began to slowly bypass the tent. Walking, she returned to the entrance and sat down. Sat down and just sat. I also just sat silently. Not moving.
How much I sat, I do not know. I'm so tired of the day that even fear did not prevent me from falling asleep.
I woke up very early. The entrance to the tent was open, although I remember exactly what closed it. I went to see if everything was fine in our camp. Yes, everything was in order. I returned and lean again.
When I woke up, I almost lost the gift of speech: she was lying around me. I stop, not knowing what to do. For some time, I didn't even breathe from fear. A couple of seconds passed, and she began to slowly turn his head into my side. I rushed out of the tent. Switching, I was very surprised: not a single tent was in the glade, only mine. And on the street it was dark, as if it was night, although the time was the day.
She came out of the tent, looked at me and went to my side. I grabbed the knife, which was in my case on my belt, made a couple of blows and ran a couple of meters. She slowly lowered her head and looked at what I did. On her face, as before, there was no emotion. It seemed to me that she was still on the cuts. She dramatically raised her head, waiting for a couple of seconds, began to shout loudly. This cry was simultaneously squeaky and very hoarse. I, depending on it, began to run away. She also began running after me.
I ran to the forest. Fight long. The girl did not lag behind me. I fled and did not look under my feet, and it was worth it. I got stuck and fell. Having looked back and looking back, I saw me no longer pursue me. The girl stood in meters 20 from me. I got up and went back, not taking a look with her, but she stood on the spot. I continued to go, and soon the girl disappeared from the view. Twenty minutes for two minutes, and I left the forest. Then I went on the road and went on it.
Soon on the way I went to the village. I was helped to contact your parents. I asked about this girl. I was immediately understood and told the story about the fact that the parents of this girl were sentenced to death. That her parents committed, no one remembers long ago it was. And the girl decided to kill too. People thought that since she was their daughter, then they would have problems too. So the child died for anything.
Now this girl walks in those places where her and her parents buried, and pursue all passersby.
All who walked with me hike did not find.

edited news Sunbeam - 29-03-2015, 17:50

This story took place in the city of N with my friends, who, in fact, hung up for quite a long time on the dungeons and are very experienced in this. As is usually done, I will call them fictional names - Cyril and Sasha.
Please note that these dungeons are not just like that, but are bursting in the royal times, the age of yes more than the industrial abandoned Moscow metro stations.
Pro underground moves We have what stories only do not go - however, only in the circles of such "stalkers", but they say the guys about it with such an ordinary, everyday attitude. And they say the horrors of all sorts, to be honest.
I do not believe in everything, but I believe, although I didn't go to such "travels" and I am not going to, and not only because it is dangerous, but also because of its own laziness and topographic cretinism; Although curiosity was playing more than once, and I was even somehow going to sign up for newbies, but not happened, alas.
I myself like to listen to the bikes guys after their walk; They told them, as I mentioned, a lot, but this story, though not very impressed me, very fits you.
They gathered, Sasha and Kira with her friendships, in the next trip to the catacombs very carefully. Never noticed for them something missed in gear. In general, experienced guys who even such a woodpecker, as I, would not be a burden.
And so, after they returned, after, perhaps, the day, I, who promised to drink them from the way with the beer, kept the word, had already prepared for the arrival of the guys, scored chips and alcohol. Finally, waited, convened someone else from the company. But at the stories this time pierced the guys only already on a drunken head, when you want to sweat more.
So, retreating from the preface, I will start a description of the actions of the very hike.
Everything went well, no collaps, no harmful natural gases, even boring. There were no new ones, so everyone went smoothly, on familiar places all the same went. And, which is surprising, went into mold, shappers. Let's go back - the roads can not find, they lost only stronger. Frawing between them (still 5 people) did not happen, they began to think what to do next. It's on the spot - lanterns flashed, as if the batteries are sitting. Everyone at the same time, oddly enough, although everyone read, took the batteries of different firms, a different price, each, as they say, and also took the spare. Damn that, they thought, already to panic began to slowly, began to go back again - earned normal lanterns. Go, go, came to the same place, stand, flashlights. Let's go in a circle from there, where came from. As soon as you stop - flashlights flash begin. So they wandered an hour, if not more - and maybe they exaggerate - but the fact that finally smelled with fresh air, and not this earthly dampness. Further went then, and there - the arched arch, yes, so straight is well tastened, which is once or two - and outwards. They go to her, they almost approached, the lanterns began to blink, and he began to wash it to the lantern, he began to wind into different directions, to beat him about her hand, he was suddenly wrapped on him, looking out ofigel, and the flashlight flashes blinks.
Well, he did not immediately drew attention - only then calmed down when his Kira was siege. Moreover, he himself almost jumped when I realized that it was on the door, from under which the burnt hand sticks out.
The door of the team removed, and under her the girl's corpse - they say, three or two days, burnt all. Of course, the police did not call, they themselves, one might say, illegally penetrate the tunnels, and there remained the corpse there. The guys got out on the field small between different areas of the city, went to the road, and lanterns still a hundred migal meters, if included were.

Cyrus is not so impressionable, said that the coincidence, but by Sashka, then this girl died for a long time, he even stopped hiking, went to church a couple of times, but after washed, threw and flew from the fourth coupling university. Is this due to the fact that I don't know, but here Kirill went as she went, and continued to walk along the dungeons - fortunately, while nothing happened to him.

The story happened to my friend many years ago when he was a student. In the summer, during the holidays, he and his three friend decided to go hiking in Western Ukraine. Moreover, a certain distance was supposed to drive by train (to a certain settlement), PART to go on foot, part sailing along the river on an inflatable boat. Conceived - done.
I got to the village, caught up with the province, and went on foot through the forest to the river. They had a map, oh, probably not very high-quality, because they went for a long time, the evening was approaching, rivers, near which the halt was planned, there was no place in the specified location. And suddenly a grandmother appeared on the path, not in summer, warmly dressed. The tired guys asked her, far away to the river. Grandma carefully looked at them and said: "There is no river here. And it would be better if you were returned, the lines of home. Because there is a black cat here. She will take you and go, and go "(Babulka spelling). Deciding that the old woman survived from the mind, guys, laughing, went further and very soon came to the river, which was on the map. Here they put a tent, the boat inflated, prepared dinner, and, on the occasion of the long-awaited holiday, drank the Bottle of "Portwine".
Yes, skeptics, four healthy, sports guys drank a bottle of wine, and most of the bottle fell to the share of Genets Ya. (I will call it so!). As you understand, there was no total intoxication. The guys sat down near the fire, they got under the guitar of the song, and began to fit to sleep. The tent they had a double, and Genka volunteered to sleep in an open-air in an inflatable boat, so that (according to him) "no one snored in the ear!". Spent quickly, the physical exertion during the day. Further, according to my friend, it happened: in the middle of the nights of three friends in the tent woke a loud meowing. Even it was not meowing, but rather howl. Moreover, the sound walked around the increasing, with the modulation of which went goosebumps. There was a full moon in the sky, and the shadow of a large cat was moving along the tent. The cat not only rushed around the tent, but also made attempts to produce cloth with claws. The guys clearly saw from the inside of the claw tent when the cat, lever and howling, tried to get into the inside. My friend said that the only thought was in the tent was the thought of Genka, who slept outside.
The horror they experienced (remembered and the words of a strange grandmother) made them unable to do anything. The cat rode and scrambled into a tent almost until dawn, good, summer nights are short. Even after all silent, the guys did not immediately crawled out of the tent. And what did they see? Genka lay on the grass, absolutely undressed (things were already folded along with a handful), and the inflatable boat disappeared. When it was woken by the general efforts, it turned out that he did not hear anything, and absolutely does not understand what happened.
The boat was found in half an hour: she hung high on the tree. With great difficulty managed to remove it. That's all. There is no explanation.
R.S: Genka in the same year died of leukemia.

Like all the children we loved with friends to arrange summer trips. Then at sea, then go to the forest or on the river. It happened for the night or two. And this time we went to the forest for two days. And then I would like to move away from the topic of the campaign, because it is quite important and tell about the terrain where I live. We have a sea that surrounds our island, huge forests, rivers and mountains and this is Russia. If anyone did not guess, I'm talking about Sakhalin Island (find on the map please). And on our island, once there was a cattle. Therefore, we have a lot of legends about the cautious. And this story is partly about them.

So, we will continue about the goal. We gathered for overnight. Put tents bowls and other hiking accessories. And now the day of the campaign. At 7.30 we stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus. It seems then we had a man nine. I will not call their names, because I can imagine anything and it is not true. But it is not important. We continue. After the bus drove up, we entered there and drove up to one stop. From there it was possible to get into the forest to our place. We walked around three hours and when they came, were already without strength and quickly laid the tents in order to relax. After the rest, it was necessary to prepare a place for a fire, bring firewood, well, and accomplish some jobs, such as bring water from an improvised well.

And so, by the end of the day everything was ready. The fire burned, Bashka was cooked, sang the birds and buzzed all sorts of insects. Grace! And it became a case to approach in the evening and became all boring and someone filed the idea of \u200b\u200bplaying hide and seek, traffic lights, cards, etc. After a few hours of "rampant" fun, everyone again bored. And I had the idea to retell the horror stories to each other. We sat about 15 minutes and everyone remembered several horror stories. You would see us sitting around the flourished fire in the night darkness and telling each other some nonsense. From the side it seemed that these were not tourists telling horns, but rather the Satanists, plotting something unkind. In general, by 1.30 we are all tired and decided to tell on the last story and sleep. And the last story read that at night in our forests you can see the cavalry that trees are lying. At night. With lanterns. Brad thought. And in vain.

After an hour of my insomnia and two awakened comrades, I was "thrown out" from the tent out. To do anything and I decided to sit at almost the campfire. True, after I put sticks there, he flared up and became light enough. But the light proceeded not only from the fire. He proceeded from the lanterns. Only not ordinary, but vintage, oil or kerosene. At first, I thought that these were other tourists on the motorcycles arrived (they had happened to us climbed onto the flames). But it was not tourists, but those keys in robes with chains. They poured trees. In my eyes, something unusual happened. The trees fell and immediately appeared in the same place. I hurried to wake up friends. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, I still raised several people from the bedrooms and showed them a miracle. And if you say that they were surprised, it means nothing to say. And when they realized that what, they began to simply consider the cortex. After some time, the carriages were dissolved in the air, and we went to sleep.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you.

To tell about myself too much knows the point. I think it will not be interesting for you. I will only say that my name is Eugene and I love to travel in my feet, and often I am in different places. Of course, constant travel around the world started me in different hidden corners. Traveling and funny, and sad, but never was lonely.
I have always been with friends or with people who too love to travel. I want to tell you the best of my stories and, of course, the most terrible of them. I will not torment a long entry and today I will tell about one of the campaigns in which we went with my friend. The funny thing is that he did not see anything, because he slept calmly, but at this time ... In general, the case was in the midst of summer.
My Maksima, then it was about thirty years old, it should be noted that we were with him one age, gathered for a weekend. In a serious relationship with the girls at that time were not seen, so no one delayed us, and we, gladly immersing the tents, moved towards the endless Russian expanses. The weather was wonderful: the sun was hot and the mood was excellent. We drove away far enough, more accurately deeply - in the wildest wilderness. Fortunately, our off-road car allowed it, and by unloading the backpacks and tents, having fun discussing our wonderful trip, we began to prepare the place near. A little beer with a fish, in the evening kebabs on fire and a crackle of dry branches and departing bright sparks from the fire, illuminating forest centers, we are already discussing life problems. In general, the campaign was a success! And with a pleasant warmth in the stomach and trepidation in the soul we went to bed.
On this background ended. Max has long slept, while I planned my life under singing of crickets and other forest livestock. A, yes, if you have not guess yet, we went to bed no open-air, but in fairly cozy tents. We decided to take one big, so Max screamed somewhere nearby. It was because of this that I immediately did not hear how someone's coating began to commemorate from the street. Somewhere there, behind the rag door tent, obviously someone was. At first it was even breathing, then snort, but when the sound heard quite close, I began to feel more and more clearly. My head was lying at the very wall of the tent, and I clearly heard in a centimeter from my face whose hot breathing. Of course, whether it was hot or cold, I could not know. It was all the game of my imagination adjusted with terrible fear. He fed the limbs, and I could not move, and when Maxim suddenly decided to roll over in a dream on the other side, I almost gave Dera, despite the fact that, it seems, and could not do this. But Adrenaline has already buried in blood, and it became difficult for me to cope with me. In the meantime, what walked on the other side of the tent, it came so closely that slightly sold the bumps on the rag wall, apparently, having a snacking slice, which I could well become. After snorting once again, someone began to be removed. Only now large goosebumps ran from his back all over the body, raising each of my hairs. I did not dare to leave the tent, but in the morning I looked at strange traces near our overnight chairs. These were prints of human hands and legs. Of course, Max and I decided that it was his and my traces left after we installed the tent during the day. It seems to be on this and agreed. But it was only the beginning of my travels and adventures, so then this version was the only one. And only now I realized that these were not our traces with Max.
In the following stories, you will understand that the world is not as simple as you see it.