Hydrography of Kamchatka: rivers, lakes, groundwater. Kuril Lake on Kamchatka: description, features, nature, vegetable and animal world Lake Kurilskoye

Lake Kurilsky is located in the last south of Kamchatka. It is located in wild rocky shores with impassable bushes.

The magnitude of the lake Kurilsky is the second (after Kronotsky) from the freshwater lakes of Kamchatka. The lake hollow is a volcanotectonic depression of 12.5 km long and a width of 8 km, formed 8300-8400 years ago as a result of a powerful eruption and the lowering of the earth's crust followed.

The lake is at 104 m above sea level. The maximum depth of it is 316 m, the average - 195 m. Since the coastal marine waters of the reserve shallow water (isobate within 50 m), then the bottom of the lake relative to the level of the world's ocean is much lower than in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk and in the Pacific Ocean.

On the lake there are folded from Lava Islands: Teachychy, Low, Heart of Alaid and Archeplag Samang. They are the dome, the relative height of which is 200-300 m.

The Kuril Lake gives rise to the lake river. The largest of the rivers flowing into the lake - Haksycin (24 km) and stakes (18 km).

In the historical times, the lake was well covered by the aborigines. The largest neolithic settlement-fortress Revealed at Cape Siushk. Aboriginal population has experienced an Einsky culture. In archaeological works found Aynian ceramics, Japanese bronze coins.

Many of the names used for natural objects in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Kurilsky are associated with the legends recorded by S.P. Kraschinnikov:
"Once at the place of the lake rummaged high mountain, so high that the sun closed for neighboring mountains, thereby causing their indignation and exciting frequent quarrels. Finally, they are tired so much that the "High Mountain" rose and went to the Okhotsk Sea, and the lake was formed in her place in which she left her heart. On the trail left the mountain and flowed to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe lake river. "

The heart of Alaid is now called a rocky island in the southern part of the island, very similar in shape on the heart.

4 km from the source of the river on the right side of its valley there is a unique in the beauty of PEMZ, called "Coolhines Bati".

About them S.P. Krasheninnikov writes like this: "... in 9 versts from the top of the lake river, and by which its side is unknown, it is worth a whitish ridge, which does not otherwise seem like the shuttles, delivered perpendicularly, which for the sake of the Cossacks they call it a battle stone, and the local pagans tell it that God and Creator Kamchatka Kutchu lived in front of their departure there a few times, in the stone shutouts or bahms on the sea and the lake went for the fishing of the fish, and on the output from there put the shuttles on the announced stone, and in such a reverence of them are contained That close to approach them fear. "

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuril Lake is generally characterized by a wide development of pumor sediments. Their formation is associated with a powerful outbreak of sour vulcanism in the earlyness time. Pumping capacity reaches 70-110 m.

On the shores of the lake there are hot springs. A group of water outlets with a temperature of up to 45 ° C - the sources of "Kuril" are located at the foot of the Ilyinsky volcano on the shore of the lake in the Bay of warm among lava locks, overgrown with birch gear and stabel.

The aqueous thickness is so great that, with stable winter winds, as a result of the mixing of the aquatic masses, the lake in some years is not covered with ice or ice cover loose and definitely.

In the Kuril lake spawn the largest flock of hosts in Eurasia. The optimal number of manufacturers providing extended reproduction of herds is estimated within 1.5-3.5 million individuals; Recently, the lake came to 6 million producers (1990). Spared of Narki is extremely stretched: it continues from July to March. 71% of spawning areas fall on lake, 26% - on river and 3% - to key spawns. On the source of the Lake River constantly there is a scientific hospital of Kamchatney.

The abundance of nurses for such a long time is an essential feature of the natural complex of the lake. At the end of summer, more than 200 brown bears are collected in the lake pool; they are trusting because they are under guard South Kamchatsky reserve. It is easier here than anywhere, it is possible to observe the life of these wonderful animals. Salmon willingly feed on the usual river otters and foxes here.

On the islands in the middle of the lake there is one of the largest colonies of the Pacific seagull with a number of more than 1.5 thousand couples in fresh reservoirs.

In winter, there is no equal cluster of large predatory birds to 300-700, up to 100-150 orlans-Belokhvostov, up to 50 Berkuts, are the cases of hikes of white-headed eagles. Most of all, they are kept on river and key spawns in Mezhdia Khakysyn - ethane and on the lake river. On open waters winter hundreds lebedema-Clikunov and up to 1.5-2 thousand ducks. All of them (even types of vegetarians), as well as small forest birds - a pukhlyak, a rapid, a small variegated woodpecker - to one way or another feed on the whole or her caviar. Winter ecosystem of Lake Kurilsky is unique.

Finally, the lake pool is part of a rather extensive area in the extreme south of the Kamchatka Peninsula, where the concentration of sparrows (especially forest) on autumn migrations is great. The fact is that this area is the site of a reparting stop of the sparrow, leaving Kamchatka through the cape of a shovel, since it is still no conditions for a long-lasting stop of forest birds.

TO northeast Parts of the lake is adjacent to the actual stratovan ilinsky with an impressively correct conical construction of 1578 m high. The youngest lava flows of this volcano are descending right into the lake, forming several bays. The West Coast of the Lake framed the volcanic extrusion - the rack crest with the highest mark of 1080 m. In quiet clear weather Volcanoes, as if reflected in the mirror on the surface of the lake, creating fantastic landscapes. Lake Kurilsky - one of the most beautiful corners of the Kamchatka at any time of the year.

The Lake Kuril is the second largest Lake of Russia, which is located in the Far East of Russia, on the territory. This lake was formed as a result of the most powerful eruption of the volcano and shear of tectonic plates. He is surrounded by incredible landscapes in their beauty: Flora and the fauna of the lake and the surrounding area causes admiration and surprise. The Kuril Lake has incredible natural beauty.

Kuril Lakethe second largest lake of Russia.

If we divide the Lake of Russia in magnitude, the Kuril Lake in Kamchatka deservedly ranks second after, its area is approximately 75 sq. M., And the maximum depth is about 300 m. The approximate age of the lake - 8 thousand years, to be more accurate - it refers To the era of Pleistocene. Since then, the surrounding nature of the lake remains practically not spoiled by the human factor.

Kuril Lake - description.

The Kuril Lake is surrounded by two large volcanoes - Ilyinskaya Nacca and Crab Cambal. Ilinskaya Sopka is currently an active volcano and has an almost perfect form. Also, the Kuril Lake has several fairly large islands, among them is a heart-shaped island called the heart of Alaid. With this island, as well as with the Kuril Lake himself, many different legends and mysterious stories are associated, the plausibility of which is not confirmed.

Spare fish on the lake Kuril.

Water Kuril Lake on Kamchatka We became the place of the largest cluster of such species of fish as salmon and society. It is on this lake that the spawning of these fish occurs.

The island of Alaid's heart became a refuge for a major accumulation of gulls, who do not want to share the island with anyone else, and the surrounding lake sushi sheltered a large number of brown bears.

Kamchatka In general, is the perfect place to habitit the bears. There is a large number of burgog parody created by the nature of the nature, in which bears live, as well as a large number of different types of fish, which are feeding predators. Such fauna attracts the crowd of tourists to the Kuril Lake, wishing to watch the bears catch fish. For this purpose on the island there are special towers, where people are safe and have a good review.

The Kuril Lake is the center of fisheries, which provides a lot of Russian cities in Russia.

The climate of Kamchatka does not particularly please guests hot days. The maximum temperature on the peninsula reaches 16 C. Nevertheless, the Kuril Lake warms up to 10 seconds. This is due to the fact that the lake regularly is heated by the Ilinskaya Sopka volcano. The Kuril Lake is a protected area and entered the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Cape is a blade.

Numbling near the shoulder blade, the climate of which is also quite cool, along with the lake is considered a protected area, is guarded and enjoys attractiveness among tourists. These places are extraordinary value for both Russia and the whole world.

Kuril's lake, Kamchatka, Cape of the blade - places possessing incredible nature. These are places that are not touched by a man's hand. In this area, clean air, clean water, the natural animal habitat and the magnificent beauty of the surrounding world are preserved. These lands have retained their magic and greatness, their beauty and naturalness. Interest in the Kuril Lake does not leave tourists of Russia and the whole world. Many people visit Kamchatka at different times of the year in order to admire the beauty of Russia and breathe a sip of fresh clean air on the shore of the Kuril Lake.

The lake, called Kurilsky, is third in the area in the list of lakes on the territory of Kamchatka and ranks second largest among lakes with fresh water (championship in Kronotsky Lake).

The lake is the largest spawning destination on Eurasian space. There is an assumption that the larger spawning of this fish is not worldwide. Salmon arriving here is taken into account by the staff of the TINRO observation station. Her workers pay attention also to the offspring of a hostility. There is a station in the western part of the coast of the reservoir. Among the frequent visitors of the priest terrain are brown bears.

The South Kamchatka Federal Reserve, to which the reservoir belongs, along with the State Kronotky Reserve, is the natural legacy of UNESCO together with the volcanicians of the Kamchatka Peninsula (1996).

Geographical features

Water reserves are fueled by rain and snow. The reservoir depth on average is 195 meters, and the maximum - 316. The fluctuations of the water level reach 1.3 meters, the greatest level is noted in May-June, the smallest is fixed in April.

The lake occupies about 77 km². The crater Kuril Lake in Kamchatka was formed in a large caldera in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, where the lands are under the jurisdiction of the South Kamchatka federal reserve.

Nearby, in the northeastern part, there is a volcano - Sopka Ilinskaya. With a reservoir there are some islands, including cahacy, heart, low, clay, samang. These are the largest, in particular the latter takes 0.66 square meters. km. The shores form two capes - Tugamnk (in the southern part) and Poosecuck (northwestern). In the eastern part of the reservoir, where the bay is warm, there are hot mineral springs.

Haksychin and stakes, squeezing and kirushtuk - so called streams and rivers, whose channels fall into the Curilian reservoir. And the river course of the lake takes out the beginning, and then in the West connects with the Okhotsk Sea.

Bears on the Kuril Lake

Many tourists are sent here in this way to watch the bears. Their number of water is 200-250 individuals. There are adult representatives and bearings. Brown bears on this lake are quite trusting and friendly. They have a lot of food - the fish is found in a huge amount, and they should not be wary of people, because the territory is guarded, like all its inhabitants. The biggest number of brown bears is observed in August. They catch fish, relax, play - the spectacle is incredible, considering that all this happens in the wild.

The Kuril Lake is the most bearish place in Kamchatka. Although in Russia these animals are found in almost all regions with the exception of southern regions. For the life of the bears can be observed literally in the top ten meters from them.

However, with wild animals should be careful. Usually groups of tourists accompany guards with weapons for the safety of movement.

Weather on Kuril Lake

Kamchatka is a cold region. Tourist months here are July and August. Even in May-June, it can be still cold, and in September cold days begin and sometimes freezing. The weather on the Kuril Lake is very unpredictable. Wind, rain and enjoyed cloudy often do not allow tourists here. Almost everyone gets at the helicopter, so solar and clear weather is the main condition for visiting the bear edge. Sometimes you can wait for weeks when the weather is good enough.

Swimming lake is too cold. The average values \u200b\u200bof water temperature are 7.6 ° C, a maximum of 10.8 ° C. Therefore, they come here to enjoy nature and wild animals, and hot springs choose for swimming.

Flora and fauna

The Kuril Lake belongs to the sole reserve of the federal value in Kamchatka. Here the volunteers and workers are very strictly followed. The main task is to preserve the population of rare animals and birds, nature. Under the protection there are brown bears, snow rams, whitening Orlans, the motley nerves of Largi, Kamchatka beavers Kalans, Tweys of Antura, Gumenniks.

The Kamchatka Sable, the Northern Deer, the Greets, Stone Delf, Kamchatka, Wolve, Fox, Ermine, Lask, Wolverine, Otter, Hare, Ondatra, Triton, Siberian Angle, Berkut, Orlan-Belochvost, are also found here.

The vegetation world in Kamchatka is also rich - 380 types of herbs, shrubs and trees grow in the reserve. The most common forests are cedar and olhov, near the rivers - IVV.

Tours to the Kuril Lake on Kamchatka

Excursion groups are found on the lake almost always. Therefore, infrastructure has already been developed here. Here you can dine, get souvenir products. All excursions on the reservoir include boat riding and visiting the island.

Helicopter tours provide several landings in different places, so the traveler will be not only on the Kuril Lake. Hot springs are usually also included in the tour.

The helicopter tour will enjoy the unique landscaped and water monuments of Kamchatka, which are near the Kuril Lake:

  • Vulcan Ilinsky They call the hill, it is sleeping and has a height of 1577 meters above sea level, diameter of 8 kilometers. The last eruption occurred in 1901. Located next to the Kuril Lake. Nearby is the yolk hill.
  • Island "Heart of Alaid" - The most famous on the reservoir. Legends are connected with it. The island is located opposite the Ozerna River and has a cone-shaped form.
  • Khoditkino hot springs With fresh water, there are not far from the Volcano Walking in the Elizovsky district. They are located on the square of 0.3 km². In total there are 22 sources, and the hottest of them has a temperature of 88 ° C. Swimming in them is good for health and will give unforgettable emotions.
  • Caldera Volcano Xudach - Grand Basin of volcanic origin, resulting from crater walls after collapse. Consists of two steps with a drop of about 200 meters. Nearby is a similar volcano Ozerna.

The cost of helicopter excursion with the group is 30-40 thousand rubles. This type of tour takes only 6-8 hours in time, but it will be the most productive, since the most interesting places in the Kamchatka Peninsula are not available for a person.

How to get to Kuril Lake

The most optimal option is helicopter. There are several travel firms that organize such excursions. Their cost varies from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Jeep tours Also developed in Kamchatka. For example, car excursions on jeeps are organized on the Kuril Lake. The duration of the trip is about 5 days, the distance is large, you can see the valleys of rivers, forests, practically inadequate trails, enjoying nature, living in tents. The cost of such tours is also high due to the distance of the trip and is at least 80,000 rubles per person.

Alone on car You will not be able to get to the lake, it is too far from cities and tracks. However, excursion jeeps are sent here by off-road. Urals, KAMAZ, ZIL and gases also go there behind fresh fish, but because of their weight and frequent rains, the only asphalt road is very blurred. The second nuance - you need to overcome the full river. There are ferries here, but only in good weather. The route passes through Ust-Bolsheverk, the Valley of the River Podzhiet, the border of the South Kamchatka reserve from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Video about the Kuril Lake on Kamchatka

The Kamchatka Peninsula with their mining and volcanic relief must be a stormy geological past, when he was immersed in the ocean, he again raised over him. Activity did not disappear and so far: seismostations are registered to 800 earthquakes per year, and three dozen volcanoes (from three hundreds of total) from time to time remind themselves powerful (and not very) eruptions.

In the hollow of one of the long-dead Kamchatka volcanoes lies a picturesque Kuril Lake. This is the second area of \u200b\u200bthe freshwater pond of Kamchatka: 77 km². Its average depth is estimated at 195 m, and the maximum reaches 316 m. Kuril Lake is located on the territory of the South Kamchatka Reserve, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List at an altitude of 104 m above sea level. His smooth is decorated with islands of volcanic origin: Teachy, low, the heart of Alaid and the SAMANG archipelago, isolated from the dome lava with a height of up to 300 m.

The current 1578-meter volcano Ilinsky is adjacent to the northeastern part of the reservoir with an ideal conical form. His lava flows are descending right into the lake, forming several bays. And the West Coast frames the ridge wild comb with the highest marker of 1080 m. In quiet clear weather, volcanoes, as if in the mirror, are reflected on the surface of the lake, creating fantastic landscapes.

In winter, there are no equal cluster of large birds of prey: 300-700 Bearing Orlanes, 100-150 Belochvostov, 50 Berkuts. Once on the lake, the arrival of Belogolovoy Orlana - the rarest bird, whose view is on the verge of extinction. And even such an ordinary bird, like the Pacific Seagull, is presented here in record quantities: more than 1500 pairs.

The Kuril Lake is the largest spestilla in Eurasia. Narki (Pacific salmon). A variety of rivers and streams fall into the lake, and only one river flows, lake. When the fish goes up against the flow of the river, water in it literally boils. The size of salmon varies from 2 to 6 million!

Another unique feature of the Kuril Lake is a long period of spawning of Narki: from June to March. Both of these factors attract many brown bears on the shores of the reservoir. Under normal conditions, Kosolapi avoid each other, but during the spawning of salmon they are going to the lake together. At the same time, it is possible to observe up to 20 individuals, while they are so passionate about fishing that they do not pay attention not only to relatives, but also on people.

Nevertheless, tourists are not close here, and you can admire the bears of fishermen from the territory of sightseeing camp and sights. Well, with the help of the airpano panorama!

The tourist season on Kamachhatka is very short: July-August-September. The most "tasty" - autumn paints at its very end. That is what time we dreamed of catching. Month of negotiations, phone calls and coordination ... Finally, tickets are bought, two days before departure!

The expedition to Kamchatka began with arrival in Yelizovo - a small Far Eastern town. On the walls of some houses - metal upholstery, in order to protect the structure from the riotiness of the elements.

In my head immediately slipped the thought, or rather, even hope: what if the weather is already preparing another surprise, which will find us surprise during filming? So that powerfully, so that cinematic.

Upon arrival of us, still sleepy, immediately taken to get acquainted with the director of the reserve Tikhon Igorevich Schilekom, explained the tasks, they signed the paper and immediately sent to a sightseeing trip to Petropavlovsk (only so you can enter the local time - not to sleep before their, Kamchatsky, evening). But in order not relax, appointed departure the next morning: to bears, on the Kuril Lake.

Our film crew was incredibly lucky - a happy opportunity to sleep on the Cordon "Herbal" has fallen out. There we willingly posed the brazier, silent foxes sophisticated in the form of human foods, and in the morning he duty at all at the doors of the kitchen, where I was preparing to feed our men.

Rivers surrounding "herbal" is literally the lair bears! From these, it would seem, dangerous and vast merdoms we separated only a small electric fence. But he performed his role: touching the wet nose of the stretched wire, the animal gets a sufficient rebuff.

Although there was a case when the precaution seemed a hindrance to a person. A few years ago, a famous Japanese photographer arrived at Cordon and decided not to argue himself and his communication with wildlife guest house on Cordon: put a tent outside. The bear did not miss his chance, and the case was tragic.

But in general, according to the inspector of Constantine accompanying us, more needs to be fencing animals from people than people from animals. Of course, for each shooting, we went out with a complete set of protection tools, but the main weapon of the inspector was the knowledge of the psychology of the bear, his habits, habits, tastes. It turns out if they do not provoke them - the bears are not aggressive. Four two-legged binding objects with an unknown flying and shooting object cannot compete for his attention with a juicy fish, behind which it is only worth stretching the paw. During spawning, millions of delicious spots, full caviar and desire to die. It sounds terribly, but this is true - Nerka after spawning dies, providing himself in a literal sense with all the necessary trace elements! Do not believe? Make sure yourself with the AIRPANO panoramas.

The Kuril Lake was formed more than 8 thousand years ago as a result of a powerful eruption and the lowering of the earth's crust followed. At that time, powerful eruptions took place in the region, the ashes of which are found in the thickness of the soil of the Magadan region and even in South America. Scientists believe that the Caldero-forming eruption of the Kuril Lake was the largest eruption in Kamchatka in the Epoch of Golocene. The eruptions have formed a gigantic lake hollow, the maximum depth of which is 316 meters, which is 200 meters below the world's level. A variety of rivers and streams fall into the Kuril Lake, and one river flows, lake.

There is a legend that tells that people who have ever been here have witnessed catastrophic eruptions. Once on the site of the lake rummaged high mountain, so high that the sun closed for neighboring mountains, thereby causing their indignation and exciting frequent quarrels. Finally, they are tired so much that the "High Mountain" rose and went to the Okhotsk Sea, and the lake was formed in her place in which she left her heart. On the trail left by the mountain, and flowed to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe river lake.

Over the cool stool of the lake, the water temperature of which in the entire history of observations did not exceed 10.8 ° C, the lava islands of volcanic origin rises - the tea, low, the heart of Alaid and the SAMANG archipelago.

Kuril Lake as a biosystem

The lake is a unique biosystem, and today it is one of the largest in Eurasia with the spawning of salmon - nurses.

Usually, young people from a year before three years arrived in the lakes, after which she catches the Pacific Ocean, where he lives for another 2-3 years and returns to his native spawning. Mass spawning of narki continues from July to March. When the fish goes up against the flow of the river, water in it literally boils. Narki varies from 2 to 6 million individuals, and it attracts predators, especially bears for which these places are a real paradise. At the end of the shores of the lake, more than 200 brown bears are going, salmon willingly feed river otter and fox.

The Kuril Lake is the largest place in wintering birds of prey, here there are up to 700 white-stacking orlans, up to 150 Belochvostov orlanes and about 50 Berkukhs, in addition, several thousand pairs of Pacific Choices live from the sea here. Both large birds, and ducks, and even small forest birds - a pukhlyak, a rapid, a small motley woodpecker - partially eaten by a society or her caviar.

The places around the Kuril Lake are abounded by pembias, which appeared as a result of powerful eruptions, in some places the thickness of the pumor formations reaches 70-110 m. 4 kilometers from the source of the river on the right side of its valley is a unique exposure of PEMZ, called "Coolhines Bata". On the shores of the lake, at the foot of the Ilyinsky volcano on the shore of the lake in the Bay of warm among the lava boulders, they beat thermal sources.

People settled the shores of the lake from a long time, there were numerous parking lots and ancient settlement. The indigenous population of Aina, they were also called the smokers ("smoke" translated as "a person who came nowhere"), and gave the name to the lake.

It is believed that the first of the Russians Kuril Lake visited, most likely, the Cossacks in 1703.

The first of the travelers who visited the Kuril Lake was Georg Wilhelm Steller. In his work "Description of the Earth Kamchatka" dedicated a very small passage to Kuril Lake. In detail described the lake of a well-known ichtiologist and hydrobiologist Alexander Derzhavin, a member of the complex Kamchatka expedition Ryabushinsky. In 1908-1909, Derzhavin studied the Valley of the Kamchatka River with its lakes, rivers and volcanoes. Having found a crustacean marine origin in them, the scientist concluded that all listed lakes are relic. The first and most detailed archaeological studies have spent here in 1911 Vladimir Iookhilson.

Kuril Lake today

The Kuril Lake is located on the territory of the South Kamchatka federal reserve, which in 1996 was included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List in the Nomination "Camchatka Volcanoes".